CharacterAnalysisHandmaid Stale

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THE HIERARCHY IN THE HANDMAD's TALE Commanders @ = Righ Lard f Rave ux Re Wondmaid's Vole notes : Qaracters : aes |Offred ss : + The nawator ond protagonist of The Handmascl 's Tale. Offre. | beGongs athe class of tha Wandimaids (fertile women Srced le en Rfthien Sor ebiike _banen couples) “|Hondmaids chow whicR commander uns Hem lay. od Commanders names in this case Fred. Ponce “ of € Offreh's ceed cRasaster embodies Aa_en Strugpfe Sor curtonomay cmd inc d ropa. tg Her ee ol L, Hee interned moretagea reves as astark cont acterne® compeance sha Peigns, chowcesi 18 | arth datermicakion te sowvive and not at “thom "sled & | Identity. > Peat in Rue Saim of nobsSion , cho 's gcipp | Mana Ming nobody cam Range aboot Cae = The Qaoth of Me Roureath uBace Offrect serves as the tb land a Guseond bo Serena Toy. a “Veis one Halts canard ae in cresting Ma freakeroud Pagina of Gitood. Compler Raracke, ~somula Jironc_as a reais Yee tuloa of tha eiy nagine. Pa, Raps ae Se dafibaiote omission otha Commander's ra x 5: 4h | “in the nov a Ba is refered to as “tha commander” @ Rio _idonke $ccotion Selaly os "Fred" Hrrough QPpred's Name under score tha daQumenising, arch chiechifying nahn. 2 Gitad's cocily (Bre bergs kefred. bet) acing z dnd to Asc din. meping om of hair (ecasemad identity, Ls Thin contrasts vik Ris Wife oRe is Dreffecech Ato by pul —— ame Serena Jay", this Omphasizea Kha power dynamics al Gikead, uNsee mom _tnitec authority. ond _ulons J “Beene. Toys x ‘S_ Wife, Serena wothock = Gi as x 7 than _a0_osn andi = Sormumiat ackivish andh| —Goasador Pec traditional valuco”, In |____ +! Her umRappiness cows tak Rar rsertnicte ~ Socieky cannot bring Ragpinati 4 is oppcessive to even tHe} Woman. |, Chocackr seed as a fot to Aigl0ght cfPred's comps * Strona. teaQseeky guaida Ror cama 40 chaise ama bedavea | crusty hewods the Hancmoids in or houe Roe yp rm _® “Noi SSE ae + Offred's bert friend fiom., Moira is a benim ond | as pee sk embadieo Pale nsncuacejuSnoss) anh iahapeentonce co _ sl © Mee dapat native contrasts sharky ith Ha beRawioe woman in Ha novel. Rather than passively occeptieg Ror = a Red + Nick iso Gaordion a Cou =¢ CY GiLead ossignoh te Be Commandors? hema, Race Re wks a a gaidense and — - He ond_O Rare wociiad chomial oth counter behweon ui din an Bork be gok Oftred pregnank Ate (gk fe Dasiapay Meee err enc 8 Ha >, Cikrad's Recrek pehv3e, ar 00a rmomioer of | Ea anya "Hagan once = Ae er of Ha _mavel, Nich orcRontrates Bred's eoccrpe from | Ans Commander's Soma, loud we cto nat Know ukator ho pods Rar imko tha Roma ch the Eyer or Ye nomrbernca bo sispia AY owgor feu Anacdar Analysis => Nidk 5 cBaracker_in tha Homchmaid's Tile nerves ad o clio nok. pa ee E Cee ee a otter Shan foe torlinn nck Aovead Ma names a8 fo = Conspirahes nthe dawg bere Cited, Lula Rod om ofhase Pe samathor wanon, thon gat civorce Rs Sa woo rnaanisch jo. ook 2 ine ee Offred amok Hee upt_nunr se cack ts ees oh Lots condvachs silk, He noprno a __poarrionsselor® afte og mate. i as _roQations ia fle pesinanteseccdby Ete a ot +] Ore Knaus Sanina Grom @or ime ak Mo Rosh Condon Afton - [Sonne become a Handenaicd she thon Ate mame “QPuiaccon” | — [sha Roo a baby ,.mahso Rar ke onary ofall Ha otter Honclmadcta.! fin the re. => the balay Zunad ouk lee clapecrnad cox “Unloobys” Thee ore \umas Aatfue doctor Pathoces Aha of ich eaoriee 4 Ofer’ Maly. foech's maar tpmbctingar the. femunit Renistoce Ao Gibaad’ —ppromiie negra, rervity a0 a reminder af Ha unis © | _____ pre = Goad omod_pre - draocracy. Her Pusricrota octvigmn , Ses pin the amki-rape amonch, Rigrbegids Ma tack A Martha, or cemestic: xeon, ‘ iin Mra Comanomdac's Rauaiat| —____| Marfa. ong there es : wi

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