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To be late is better than never, that is the general saying. The attention of Moses
OrimoladeTunolaseis dawn to the mis-understanding in Cherubim and Seraphim generally in the
whole world. The issue continue to give the family a great concern ,,,,,,,,, the C&S with other
dominection throughout the world. For the above reasons, the family have decide to take steps
through the recommendation in this memo to find lasting solution to the teething problems in the
C&S throughout the world.

If eventually by name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the great allegiance the C&S have for Saint Moses
Orimolade Tunolase thememo will save the situation to become one in the world, we shall thank
God together in progress and tranquillity. We support of every different branch of C&S undermine
any branch, we shall become one and continue to talk on a voice forever like other dominations of
Christian in the world.

Moses Orimolade brother and sister we are going to start somewhere – else , nobody is an eclopedia
of knowledge, if we have come together we are going to reason to the ger objectively “two
reasonable heads are better than one “ we wanted to classify the memo into three categories as its
comes to our mind, for easy administration we take Nigeria as case study i.e the administration of
Nigeria since Orimolade was born and bred in Nigeria i.e the presidential system of government. But,
wanted to give Moses Orimolade Tunolase role to place in the administration or what we can call
recognition within the system.

Before we go further, we wish to make it clear that the problem of C&S is ”imaginaries ability” we
behave as if there are no educated people in the system. It’s our common saying that “Emi lohun
dari wa” is God that is directing us through spirit. This is not rule out in the C&S, but at this computer
age we must implore Education with the spirit to control C&S throughout the world. The spirit with
Moses Orimolade Tunolase is from God let us add Education to thissince human being are born to
develop their moral everyday.

Therefore the system will go as follows :-

1. Administrative cadre
2. Spiritual cadre
3. Moses Orimolade Tunolase family in Ikare.
And each of the cadres will be based on:
a) Local Government throughout the federation
b) State Government throughout the federation
c) Multinational Government
d) International community throughout the world
The following officers are recommended for administration cadres in the Local Government
1) Chairman
2) Vice Chairman
3) Secretary
4) Ass. Secretary
5) Treasury
6) Financial Secretary
7) Public Relation Officer
8) Auditor I
9) Auditor II
10) Store Keeper
11) Chief CO (Brigade) or police


1) State President
2) State Vice President (1)
3) State Vice President (2)
4) State Secretary
5) Ass. State Secretary
6) State Treasurer
7) Financial Secretary
8) P. R.O I
9) P. R. O II
10) Auditor I
11) Auditor II
12) Store Keeper
13) Brigade or Police

National Officers
(1) National president
(2) National Vice president Western Zone
(3) National Vice president Northern Zone
(4) National Vice President Eastern Zone
(5) National Secretary
(6) National Vice Secretary
(7) National Treasurer
(8) Ass. National Treasurer I
(9) Ass. National Treasurer II
(10) Ass. National Treasurer III
(11) National Financial Secretary
(12) Ass. National Financial Secretary I
(13)Ass. National Financial Secretary II
(14)Ass. National Financial Secretary III
(15)National P. R. O
(16)Ass. National P. R. O I
(17)Ass. National P.R. O II
(18)Ass. National P. R. O III
(19)National Auditor I
(20)Ass. National Auditor II
(21)Ass. National Auditor III
(22)National Store Keeper I
(23)National Store keeper II
(24)National Store Keeper III
(25)National Brigade I
(26)National Brigade II
(27)National Brigade III

International community since C&S has spread throughout the world.

International Officers

(1) International President

(2) International Vice President
(3) International Secretary
(4) International Ass. Secretary
(5) International Treasurer
(6) International Ass. Treasurer as stated in the National level.

Moses Orimolade Tunolase Family Officers

(1) Baba Aladura Arole Moses Orimolade Tunolase

(2) President of Moses Orimolade Tunolase.
(3) Vice president of Moses Orimolade Tunolase.
(4) Mother Captain of Moses Orimolade Tunolase.
(5) Legal adviser to Moses Orimolade Tunolase.
Those officers are ….. members of every international, National, State, Local government
level at any communities which may set up for the development of C&S in future.
After we have come together other things will be followed i.e necessary committees from
time to time. The functions of these committees will be our togetherness reason , if they
have been together, in the name of Moses Orimolade Tunolase your togetherness will not
be regrettable i.e God be on ur side (Amen)

Apostle Adalumo Bola Olorundare

Descendant of Moses Orimolade Tunolase
International head quarter Okeigbala,
Ikare. 08155243480

To make clear, the president, secretary, treasurer, may be member of state excos form local
government at the state at the same time , state president, state secretary, and treasurer
may also be members of national excos, while the national excos , president, secretary, and
treasurer can take the same suite to international exco, and Orimolade family will also be
represented by Arole Moses Orimolade president of the family, secretary, and the Legal
Adviser of the family at state , National and international levels s the sole founder of C&S in
the world.


Governing of the ILE AANU (MERCY LAND) is going to be responsibility of the multinational
level together with the family of Moses Orimolade Tunolase family as they may agree within
themselves from time to time. There should be no Sunday service in Ile Aanu (Mercy Land).
Every service should take place in Okeigbala international head quarter being the first
church of C&S established by Moses Orimolade himself , it needs to be developed.
At local level any officer in the local government level, should obtain the following
qualifications in the following post.
(1) Chairman ------Graduate
(2) Vice chairman---Graduate
(3) Secretary --------Graduate
(4) Others ---- School leaving certificates

(1) President ------------- Graduate
(2) Vice President--------Graduate
(3) Secretary--------------Graduate
(4) Asst. Secretary-------Graduate
(5) Treasurer------------- Graduate
(6) P.R.O------------------ Graduate
(7) Others ---------- must have post Secondary education

(1) President……………………… Graduate
(2) Vice President I……….…… Graduate
(3) Vice President II………….. Graduate
(4) Vice President III…………. Graduate
(5) Secretary ……………………. Graduate
(6) Asst. Secretary…………… Graduate
(7) Treasurer………………….. Graduate
(8) Asst. Tresurer…………… Graduate
(9) P.R.O………………………... Graduate
(10)Asst. P.R.O……………….. Graduate
(11) Others …………. Most have post Secondary education

As applicable in the national level. This this faction of education consideration is as a
result of language communication since C&S is throughout the world i.e Able to speak
According to our general believe in the C&S, that, God spirit is directing C&S. In every of
our day to day activities, so is remain. When God wanted to use any body He doesn’t ask
for his or her qualification so it remain.
There is still hierarchy in the heaven, for the above reason, the following
qualification is therefore recommended for the ……………….. of Spiritual Cadres before
they can move from one position to another. As formerly arranged with PREDETIAL
system of government in Nigeria, right from
(1) Local Government
(2) State Government
(3) National
(4) And International
The memo have cleared the family of Moses Orimolade Tunolase, the founder of
C&S from this level, but the Arole Moses Orimolade Tunolase will be in position to
swear in the National Spiritual leader of C&S, when even they are nominated or
affected by any former arrangement which the body concerned may agree upon.
The position of spiritual leaders is as follows

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