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Blood & Cardiovascular system

Heart: The muscular heart pumps all the blood around the body once every minute.its
is a pumping engine, powering the transport of life giving blood around the body. Blood
carries oxygen, nutrients and immune cells to every part of the body via arterial vessels
and carries away waste via the veins.

Arteries: Blood vessels that carry the blood away from the heart have thick,
muscular, elastic walls that cope with the high pressures generated by heartbeat.

Veins: Blood vessels that bring the blood back to the heart have thinner expandable
walls and one-way valves that prevent back-flow.

Capillaries: Oxygen diffuses out of these thin walled vessels to supply body cells,
while waste carbon dioxide diffuses in.

BLOOD: It consists of specialized cells suspended in plasma. It supplies cell with

nutrients, oxygen and removes their waste. Blood also transport hormones, antibodies
and cells that fight infection.

Components of blood:
Plasma: 54% which contains 92% of water but also contains glucose, enzymes,
minerals, hormones and waste products, which includes carbon dioxide(dissolves in
plasma), urea, lactic acid. It also contains, antibodies which fight infections.

WBCs: 1% ( Leukocytes) play vital role in immunity, fight infection and trigger allergic
reactions and removes foreign bodies.

RBCs: 45% (Erythrocytes) Vital for transporting Oxygen contains hemoglobin a

protein that binds to oxygen molecules. It also creates cells’ red pigmentation. Carry
Biconcave disk shape increase their surface area to carry oxygen absorption and also
increase flexibility.

Cholesterol Micelle: Balls of fatty molecules, grouped with water-loving (hydrophilic)

part on the outside and water repellent (hydrophobic) parts inside

Blood Clotting: When a blood vessel is damaged, platelets rush to the site to
release a chemical and plug the gap. Which is called clotting or coagulation, cascade.
Chemical name Fibrin Strands, which mesh the platelets and red blood cells.

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