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‫قطــــــــــــع إستــــــــيعابـــــــــية‬

‫المتـــــــــحان الشفــــــــــــــــوي‬
‫مع القصاصات‬

‫وتنفيذ‪:‬‬ ‫تصميم‬
‫األستاذ مروان كاظم ‪07813195962‬‬
‫اضغط هنا للدخول الى قناتي للتواصل او متابعة الجديد والمهم في اللغة االنكليزية‬
Text passages for the listening test

Q1\ Read the following passage carefully (10 M)

Once upon a time, there was a brave little ant named Andy. Andy lived in an anthill with his ant
friends. One day, a big rainstorm flooded their home, and all the ants got scared. But Andy found a
leaf and used it as a boat to save his friends. They were grateful to Andy for his bravery.
Now answer the sentence by choose or (T) \ (F) (10M)
1) Is Andy a brave ant?
2) How did Andy save his ant friends? (Using a leaf \ Swimming \ Climbing a tree \Hiding in a hole)
3) Did Andy save his ant friends using a leaf?
4) Did a rainstorm flood their home?
5) Where did Andy and his friends live? (In a tree \ In an anthill \ In a flower \ In a cave)

Q1\ Read the following passage carefully (10 M)

Sarah lost her key while playing in the park. She searched everywhere but couldn't find it. A kind
stranger found the key and returned it to Sarah. She was relieved and thanked the stranger. They both
smiled and went their separate ways.
Now write (T) if the sentence true or (F) if it is not (choose 5) (10M)
1. Did Sarah lose her key?
2. Did she find it while playing in the park?
3. Did the stranger find the key?
4. Did the stranger return the key to Sarah?
5. Was Sarah relieved when she got her key back?
6. Did Sarah and the stranger become friends?

Q1\ Read the following passage carefully (10 M)

Once there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy had a favorite toy, a teddy bear named Teddy.
One day, Timmy couldn't find Teddy anywhere. He looked under the bed, in the toy box, and even
asked his parents if they had seen Teddy. Finally, he found Teddy hiding in the laundry basket.
Now answer the sentence by (choose) or (T) \ (F) (10M)
1) What is the name of Timmy's favorite toy? (Timmy \Teddy \ Toy Bear \ Teddy Bear)
2) Is Teddy Timmy's favorite toy?
3) Did Timmy find Teddy hiding in the laundry basket?
4) Where did Timmy find Teddy? (Under the bed \ In the toy box \ In the laundry basket )

Q1\ Read the following passage carefully (10 M)
A hungry rabbit was searching for food in the forest. It found a carrot and started eating it. Suddenly,
a fox appeared and chased the rabbit. The rabbit ran quickly and escaped into its burrow. The fox
gave up and went away.
Now write (T) if the sentence true or (F) if it is not (choose 5) (10M)
1. Was the rabbit hungry?
2. Did the rabbit find a carrot?
3. Did the fox chase the rabbit?
4. Did the rabbit run into its burrow?
5. Did the fox catch the rabbit?
6. Did the fox give up and leave?

Q1\ Read the following passage carefully (10 M)

Sarah lost her key while playing in the park. She searched everywhere but couldn't find it. A kind
stranger found the key and returned it to Sarah. She was relieved and thanked the stranger. They both
smiled and went their separate ways.
Now write (T) if the sentence true or (F) if it is not (choose 5) (10M)
1. Did Sarah lose her key?
2. Did she find it while playing in the park?
3. Did the stranger find the key?
4. Did the stranger return the key to Sarah?
5. Was Sarah relieved when she got her key back?
6. Did Sarah and the stranger become friends?

Q1\ Read the following passage carefully (10 M)

A brave mouse saw a big cat in the house. It didn't run away but stood tall. The cat tried to catch the
mouse, but it dodged and escaped. The mouse felt proud of its bravery and continued exploring the
Now write (T) if the sentence true or (F) if it is not (choose 5) (10M)
1. Did the mouse see a big cat?
2. Did the mouse run away?
3. Did the cat catch the mouse?
4. Did the mouse escape from the cat?
5. How did the mouse feel about its bravery?
6. Did the mouse continue exploring the house?

Q1\ Read the following passage carefully (10 M)
Tom was struggling to carry his heavy bags. A kind stranger noticed and offered to help. They
carried the bags together and reached Tom's house. Tom thanked the stranger for their help and
smiled. The stranger waved goodbye and walked away.
Now write (T) if the sentence true or (F) if it is not (choose 5) (10M)
1. Was Tom struggling to carry his bags?
2. Did a stranger offer to help?
3. Did Tom accept the stranger's help?
4. Did they carry the bags together?
5. Did Tom thank the stranger?
6. Did the stranger stay with Tom at his house?

Q1\ Read the following passage carefully (10 M)

Emily lost her favorite teddy bear at the park. She felt sad and started crying. Another little girl found
the teddy bear and gave it back to Emily. Emily hugged her teddy bear tightly and thanked the kind
girl. They played together and became friends.
Now write (T) if the sentence true or (F) if it is not (choose 5) (10M)
1. Did Emily lose her teddy bear?
2. Did Emily cry because of the lost teddy bear?
3. Did another girl find the teddy bear?
4. Did the girl give the teddy bear back to Emily?
5. How did Emily feel when she got her teddy bear back?
6. Did Emily and the girl become friends?

Q1\ Read the following passage carefully (10 M)

In a little garden, there lived a helpful spider named Spidey. Spidey liked making beautiful webs and
catching mosquitoes. One day, a butterfly got caught in Spidey's web. Instead of eating it, Spidey set the
butterfly free, receiving gratitude in return. Spidey was happy to help others.
Now answer the sentence by (choose) or (T) \ (F) (10M)
1) Is Spidey a helpful spider?
2) What did Spidey catch in the web? (Mosquito \ Butterfly \ Ant \ Bee)
3) Did a butterfly get caught in Spidey's web?
4) Did Spidey set the butterfly free?
5) How did Spidey feel after helping the butterfly? (Angry \ Sad \ Grateful \ Happy)

‫تصميم وتنفيذ‪:‬‬
‫األستاذ مروان كاظم ‪07813195962‬‬
‫اضغط هنا للدخول الى قناتي للتواصل او متابعة الجديد والمهم في اللغة االنكليزية‬


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