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Current Diagnostic Pathology (2006) 12, 239–247


Drug-induced pathology in the large intestine

Karel Geboes, Gert De Hertogh, Nadine Ectors

Department of Pathology, University Hospital, K.U. Leuven, Minderbroedersstraat 12, 3000 Leuven,

KEYWORDS Summary Many drugs can cause pathology in the large intestine. Major classes
Colitis; include antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, laxatives, anticancer
Drugs; drugs and immunosuppressive agents. The pathogenesis of the lesions caused by
Antibiotics; drugs is highly variable. Toxic injury and vascular insufficiency are probably the most
Non-steroidal anti- important mechanisms. The microscopic pattern of such lesions is generally non-
inflammatory drugs; specific. They may produce histological patterns that resemble acute infectious-type
Chemotherapy colitis, microscopic colitis, ischaemic colitis and even chronic idiopathic inflamma-
tory bowel disease. Specific features, such as the presence of crystals (Kayexalate),
pigment and diaphragms, indicating a specific diagnosis are less common. The
precise incidence of drug-induced damage to the large intestine is not known, but
the importance of the phenomenon is probably underestimated. A correct
histopathological diagnosis is difficult and requires a careful clinical history and
the consideration of the possibility of a drug-related aetiology.
& 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction indeed a frequent side effect of drugs, accounting

for about 7% of all drug-related adverse effects.3 In
Diarrhoea (three or more bowel movements per a series of 5669 patients treated with lansoprazole,
day, liquid stools for longer than 1 month) is a the prevalence of diarrhoea was 4.1%.4 In a series
common symptom. In adults, its prevalence is of 11 541 patients treated with pantoprazole, the
approximately 5%, making it a major cause of major adverse advent and reason for stopping was
disability.1 A small number of patients (approxi- diarrhoea (106 patients).5 More than 700 drugs
mately 1%) need specialized investigations or have been implicated. Those most frequently
hospitalization.2 The aetiology is highly variable involved are antimicrobials, laxatives, magne-
and includes, among other things, infections, sium-containing antacids, lactose- or sorbitol-con-
endocrine diseases, chronic inflammatory bowel taining products, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
disorders, food intolerance and drugs. Diarrhoea is drugs (NSAIDs), prostaglandins, colchicine, anti-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 16 33 65 84; neoplastic agents, antiarrhythmic drugs and choli-
fax: +32 16 33 65 48.
nergic agents.
E-mail address: The incidence of drug-induced colitis is not
(K. Geboes). precisely known. In France, 80 cases were reported

0968-6053/$ - see front matter & 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
240 K. Geboes et al.

to the Centre de Pharmacovigilance over the period ciency. Oxygen is of central importance in the
1984–1994. Reports in the literature are usually mechanisms of cell injury. Lack of oxygen causes
limited to cases or small series. These data injury by reducing oxidative phosphorylation (de-
probably underestimate the size of the problem. creased ATP levels). An excess of unused cellular
In clinical practice, drug-induced pathology of the oxygen can be rendered toxic by the generation of
large intestine has two major clinical presenta- free radicals. This can induce lipid peroxidation,
tions: acute diarrhoea that appears during the first leading to membrane injury and increased perme-
few days of treatment, and chronic diarrhoea ability. Some free radicals contribute to tissue
lasting more than 3 or 4 weeks that can appear a damage indirectly by causing vascular smooth
long time after the start of drug therapy. Both can muscle contraction and influencing mucosal blood
be severe and poorly tolerated. flow. Following membrane injury, the influx of
The microscopic spectrum ranges from benign calcium from outside and mobilization of calcium
diarrhoea without microscopic lesions on haema- within the cell can accelerate membrane damage
toxylin and eosin-stained sections through mild by activating enzymes. Proteases derived from
oedema, to fulminant colitis with severe lesions lysosomes may attack intracellular and extracellu-
including extensive necrosis. Most features are non- lar structural proteins and cell adhesion molecules,
specific and therefore do not define a particular and may also activate procollagenase, leading to
aetiology. further cell and tissue injury. Toxic injuries are
characterized by the ability to achieve reproduci-
ble lesions in animals, by a dose-related effect and
Pathogenesis by the development of a standard lesion. In
contrast, immunological injury is typically not
Several mechanisms are involved in the pathogen- regular and not reproducible. Evidence is mounting
esis of drug-induced diarrhoea and drug-induced that most drug lesions are attributable to direct
colitis (Table 1). Furthermore, some drugs may cytotoxicity. Some drugs cause injury by a physical
increase or decrease the effect of other drugs. event: simple entrapment of a pill in the mucosa.
Ciclosporin A can influence P-glycoprotein- This is a rare event in the colon, but it has been
mediated multidrug resistance and, by this me- observed in the presence of strictures.
chanism, increase the cytotoxicity of some drugs Vascular lesions include haemorrhages related to
such as the anticancer drug etoposide. Two or more treatment with anticoagulants or drug-induced
mechanisms are often present simultaneously. In thrombocytopenia and ischaemia because of drug-
many situations, the exact mechanism is not clearly induced (hypersensitivity) vasculitis (usually gen-
established for drugs initiating colitis, because they eralized) or toxic vascular injury, vascular throm-
can act either as toxic agents or as mediators of an boses due to oestrogens and progesterones, NSAIDs
immunological reaction. Predisposing factors are or other drugs and reduced splanchnic flow caused
local lesions such as strictures and combinations of by cardiovascular drugs.
certain drugs (e.g. drugs that delay peristalsis such Many antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents and
as neuroleptics and NSAIDs). immunosuppressive therapies promote infections.
Most of the deleterious effects of drugs are
initiated by damage to the mucosal epithelial cells,
either directly or mediated by vascular insuffi-
Type and distribution of lesions
Table 1 Mechanisms involved in drug-induced Clinical presentation
diarrhoea and colitis.

Diarrhoea Secretory diarrhoea The same drug can be responsible for different
Shortened transit time clinical presentations, varying from mild, benign
Osmotic diarrhoea diarrhoea without microscopic lesions to severe
disease with macroscopic lesions. Lansoprazole can
Colitis Toxic injury
induce diarrhoea through bacterial overgrowth, as
Immunological injury
Allergic reactions
a result of impaired gastric acid secretion or
Impairment of cell proliferation through microscopic colitis, and in some cases no
Vascular impairment clear lesion is found. The lesions can also be
Promotion of infections variable in their characteristics and distribution.
Bacterial overgrowth They can affect the upper gastrointestinal tract
and colon, they can be limited to the small
Drug-induced pathology in the large intestine 241

intestine, or they can involve the small intestine Table 2 Microscopic patterns of drug-induced
and colon or the colon alone.6–9 In the colon, the damage in the large intestine.
lesions can be limited to the rectum or the left
colon, involve the whole colon or occur preferen- Acute colitis
tially in the right colon. The distribution of the Ischaemic-type colitis
lesions depends partly on administration and drug Pseudomembranous colitis
delivery. NSAIDs with slow-release delivery, for Focal active colitis
Eosinophilic colitis
instance, can preferentially affect the colon rather
Microscopic colitis
than the small intestine or upper gastrointestinal Collagenous colitis
tract. Suppositories and enemas will induce distal Lymphocytic colitis
Inflammatory bowel disease-like colitis
Graft-versus-host-like disease
Pathology Non-specific ulceration
Specific patterns
The same drug or group of drugs can also be Diaphragm disease
responsible for a variety of microscopic lesions. Melanosis (pseudomelanosis) coli
Some drugs can induce an ischaemic-type disease, Necrosis (Kayexalate)
a Crohn’s disease-like pattern or eosinophilic or Fibrosis (pancreatic enzyme supplements)
microscopic colitis. In other words, the pathology Opportunistic infections
induced by a specific drug can be variable.
These factors explain why diagnosis and differ-
ential diagnosis can be extremely difficult. A proper
knowledge of the clinical history of the patient, dysplasia.11 De novo disease can show a variety of
including the drugs that he or she has been taking, microscopic patterns (Table 2).
is essential. Establishing a relationship between
drug consumption and diarrhoea or colitis is, Non-specific pattern
however, difficult. When the time that has elapsed
between the start of the drug and the onset of The pathology of drug-induced damage in the colon
symptoms is long, sometimes up to several months is usually non-specific. Specific patterns are rare.
or years, it may be difficult to prove the relation- Non-specific lesions include solitary haemorrhages
ship. The relationship can be suggested when there in the mucosa and submucosa, erosions and ulcers,
is a relationship in time with the start of the drug often with normal adjacent mucosa, epithelial cell
and the onset of symptoms, and when the lesions apoptosis and inflammation. An increase in the
and symptoms regress rapidly after stopping the number of apoptotic bodies in the cryptal epithe-
drug. A challenge can prove the relationship but is lium has been observed with 5-fluorouracil, irino-
not always possible or indicated. Most lesions tecan, ciclosporin, colchicine, diclofenac sodium,
induced by drugs undergo complete resolution mefenamic acid NSAID, ticlopidine and ranitidine.2
after elimination of the offending agent. Repeated Apoptosis of the surface epithelial cells is noted
exposure can, however, lead to persistent lesions with some laxatives (anthranoids). The inflamma-
such as ulcers or chronic inflammatory conditions. tory infiltrate in drug-induced damage is usually
focal or patchy in distribution and less likely to be
diffuse. It is composed of neutrophils and/or
Microscopic patterns eosinophils. The intensity is often mild, especially
following NSAIDs, which are designed to limit the
Drug-induced damage in the colon includes effects inflammatory reaction. A chronic inflammatory
on pre-existing disease as well as de novo disease. infiltrate is rarely observed, possibly because the
With regard to pre-existing disease, NSAIDs have major cellular injury is toxic and not followed by an
been associated with complications of diverticular immunological reaction unless there is, for in-
disease, such as haemorrhage, perforation and stance, an additional event like an infection.
fistulous tract formation. NSAIDs have also been
linked to flares of chronic idiopathic inflammatory Acute colitis
bowel diseases, as well as to triggering a first
episode. Ciclosporin can promote villous transfor- Acute colitis is a common pattern. In a prospective
mation and epithelial regeneration in ulcerative study of 58 patients presenting with acute inflam-
colitis. These histological changes may mimic mation, drug-induced colitis was diagnosed in 35
242 K. Geboes et al.

cases. The main drugs implicated were antibiotics coxib, meloxicam), the migraine headache medica-
and NSAIDs.12 Antimicrobials are responsible for tion sumatriptan succinate, a serotonin-1 (5-
25% of all cases of drug-induced diarrhoea. The hydroxytryptamine1) receptor agonist alosetron
disease spectrum ranges from normal to pseudo- hydrochloride, a potent selective 5-hydroxytrypta-
membranous colitis or haemorraghic colitis. A mine3 receptor antagonist (used for the treatment
pattern of acute colitis has also been described of diarrhoea-predominant irritable bowel syn-
following mefenamic acid, diclofenac, naproxen drome) and some hormonal drugs such as flutamide
and pirprofen NSAIDs, carbamazepine, oral contra- (anti-androgenic).20–26
ceptive steroids, laxatives such as biphosphonate Ergot compounds are generally safe, but in some
enemas and bisacodyl and oral bowel prepara- instances colitis with rare perforations and stric-
tion.13–17 Laxatives can induce flattening and tures have been recorded. The frequency of colitis
sloughing of the surface epithelium and the occa- induced by neuroleptics is estimated to be 1 case in
sional presence of neutrophils in the lamina every 2000 patients. Involved classes of drug
propria. These changes typically resolve in 1 week include tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazides
and do not induce an increase in plasma cells (as and barbiturates. The relationship between the
infections and IBD can do). drug and ischaemia is not, however, always clear.
Saline enemas and other solutions often cause The marketing of alosetron has been suspended
oedema of the lamina propria but rarely damage to after reports of colonic ischaemia. Subsequent
the epithelium. Oral sodium phosphate can induce studies have shown that rates of colon ischaemia
aphthoid ulcers and focal active colitis in a small among patients carrying a diagnosis of irritable
number of patients. In a series of 687 consecutive bowel syndrome are higher than in the general
patients, aphthoid ulcers unexplained by other population. Colon ischaemia may therefore consti-
diagnoses were found in 18. Focal active colitis tute a distinct part of the natural history of
was present in 11 (3.5%) of 316 patients who had irritable bowel or alternatively be a consequence
biopsies but were endoscopically normal. In addi- of therapy.26
tion, increased cell proliferation (determined by The mechanism of the ischaemia induced by
the MIB-1 labelling index) and increased apoptosis drugs is also not always precisely known. Suma-
are observed.18 Animal experiments show no major triptan may induce vasopressor responses that are
difference between sodium phosphate and poly- distinct from the cranial circulation. For non-
ethylene glycol-electrolyte bowel preparation.19 selective NSAIDs, an effect upon the isozymes
Haemorrhagic (ulcerative) colitis can be the result COX-1 and COX-2 has been proposed. These
of a direct toxic effect of antiseptics used for isozymes catalyse the conversion of arachidonic
disinfecting endoscopes (glutaraldehyde). The acid to eicosanoids, which play a role in the
characteristic feature is the occurrence of lesions platelet–vessel wall interaction. Thromboxane,
during withdrawal of the endoscope. the major COX-1 product of arachidonic acid
metabolism in platelets, causes platelet aggrega-
tion and vasoconstriction. Biopsies from individuals
Ischaemic-type colitis with drug-induced ischaemic colitis show a pattern
characterized by erosions, small shrunken abortive
Colon ischaemia is a clinicopathological condition crypts (microcrypts), hyaline stroma, little inflam-
that comprises a spectrum of disorders from mation and lamina propria haemorrhage that is
reversible and transient colitis to fulminant colitis. indistinguishable from other ischaemic condi-
The majority of patients are elderly. In this group, tions.27
predisposing factors such as aortic surgery may be
recognized. In younger (and elderly) people,
medication must seriously be considered as a Eosinophilic/allergic pattern
predisposing cause. Drug-induced ischaemia can
result from vasoconstriction, hypercoagulation, low In isolated reports, drug-induced colitis has been
blood flow or vasculitis. noted in association with fever, rashes and eosino-
Drugs that can mimic ischaemic disease include philia, and has been considered to be of allergic
oral contraceptive steroids, cocaine, ergot alka- origin (isotretinoin, penicillamine, clofazimine,
loids, vasopressin and other vasoconstrictors, car- aciclovir, sulfasalazine). These manifestations are
diovascular drugs (alpha-adrenergic blockers, generally reversible, although severe cases with
antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, digoxin), peni- toxic megacolon have been observed. Active colitis
cillin, neuroleptics, non-selective NSAIDs and with a clear increase in the number of eosinophils
selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors (rofe- in the mucosa is also observed after the use of
Drug-induced pathology in the large intestine 243

psychotropic drugs (carbamazepine), aspirin, chlor-

propamide, methyldopa and ticlopidine.28,29

Microscopic colitis

The lymphocytic type of microscopic colitis has

been described following treatment with several
types of drug, including proton pump inhibitors
(lansoprazole), H2 receptor antagonists (ranitidine,
cimetidine), ticlopidine, NSAIDs, veinotonics (Cyclo
3 Fort) and others (carbamazepine, levodopa-
benserazide, ferrous sulphate, simvastatin, vinbu-
mine).3 Some drugs such as ticlopidine and Cyclo 3
Fort can even induce lymphocytic colitis and villous Figure 1 Microphotograph showing a colonic biopsy from
atrophy in the ileum or small intestine.30–34 The a renal transplant patient presenting with chronic
collagenous type of microscopic colitis has been diarrhoea. The crypt architecture is markedly disturbed
(variability in diameter), and the lamina propria cellu-
observed with the proton pump inhibitor lansopra-
larity is mildly increased. The patient was treated with
zole.35 A relationship with NSAIDs has also been
mycophenolate mofetil. The pattern has been called
proposed. Crohn’s-like because of the focal nature of the abnorm-
alities (H&E 250  ).
Inflammatory bowel disease-like pattern

An ulcerative colitis-like pattern has been reported well as strictures can be observed with supposi-
with gold salts, diclofenac NSAID and aminoglu- tories containing analgesics (dextropropoxyphene,
tethimide (antineoplastic agent).36–38 A Crohn’s paracetamol).
disease-like pattern with granulomas has been
reported with diclofenac and clofazimine (a drug
used in the treatment of leprosy). A Crohn’s Infective colitis
disease-like pattern without granulomas has been
observed with other NSAIDs and immunosuppressive Steroids and other immunosuppressive agents
treatment (mycophenolate mofetil).39–41 Mycophe- might unleash opportunistic infections such as
nolate mofetil inhibits inositol-monophosphate CMV in immunodeficient patients (transplants) and
dehydrogenase, which is needed for guanine in predisposed patients (inflammatory bowel dis-
synthesis in B- and T-lymphocytes. Experimentally, ease). Gold salts might have a similar effect in
it has been shown to impair colonic healing.42 predisposing to CMV infection.45 Neutropenic colitis
In a series of 26 renal transplant patients treated or enterocolitis, ileocaecal syndrome and typhlitis
with mycophenolate mofetil and presenting with are all labels for a syndrome with bowel wall
chronic afebrile diarrhoea, we observed two necrosis that occurs during the treatment of
patterns. Thirteen patients had an infection (10 haematological malignancies as well as during
bacterial, 3 cytomegalovirus (CMV)). In the remain- aplastic anaemia and cyclic neutropenia. It is in
ing patients, colonic biopsies showed focal archi- fact usually an infection occurring in a patient with
tectural changes and focal active cryptitis with a neutropenia.46,47
loss of Ki67 epithelial staining (Fig 1).43 A graft-
versus-host like pattern has also been described
with mycophenolate mofetil.44
Specific patterns
Non-specific ulceration
It is generally very difficult to recognize with
Extensive non-specific colonic ulceration can be certainty drug-induced colitis. Increased crypt
observed following NSAIDs, as well as with anti- epithelial apoptosis may be a marker that is
neoplastic agents (methotrexate). The use of ergot common for different types of drug-induced coli-
drugs in suppositories can cause localized ulcers of tis.2 A challenge with the drug might induce or
the rectum and anal canal that resemble those seen reinduce the typical apoptotic lesions.48 Some
in solitary ulcer syndrome, but the lesions heal lesions can, however, be highly suggestive of a
promptly after stopping the drug. Similar ulcers as specific drug-related aetiology, as described below.
244 K. Geboes et al.

Melanosis coli

Melanosis coli or pseudolipofuscinosis coli is the

result of the long-term use and abuse of anthro-
quinone-containing laxatives. This is a common
asymptomatic condition that is characterized by
the presence of a lipofuscin-type pigment in the
macrophages of the lamina propria of the large
bowel. The laxative drugs belong to the contact
laxatives. The active compound is released in the
caecum by bacteria. Therefore, the small intestine
is never involved, and the accumulation of pig-
mented macrophages starts in the right colon.
When the intake of the drug is prolonged, the Figure 2 Microphotograph showing the mucosa from the
whole colon will gradually be involved. The colon from a patient with renal insufficiency treated with
pigmentation is reversible. Kayexalate. The surface is covered with characteristic
The active drug binds to surface epithelial cells crystals (H&E 250  ).
and promotes the apoptosis of these cells, in
contrast to many other drugs, which affect the
crypt epithelium. The cell remnants (with the drug
metabolites) are engulfed by the macrophages, and With acid-fast stains, Kayexalate crystals are more
this produces the typical colour. The epithelial cell maroon, whereas Questran is more pink.50
damage is usually associated with mild mucosal

Kayexalate-sorbitol Diaphragm disease is believed to be a pathology

that is pathognomonic of damage by NSAIDs. It was
Kayexalate-sorbitol (sodium polystyrene sulpho- documented first in the small intestine but has
nate) is given as an enema or orally for the been identified mainly in the right colon, especially
treatment of hyperkalaemia. It has been reported in patients taking sustained-release preparations of
to induce intestinal necrosis in uraemic patients. NSAIDs. Biopsy pathology is usually non-specific.
Necrosis is the common lesion observed in endo- The diagnosis relies mainly on gross examination.
scopic and surgical specimens of the stomach, small The pathophysiology of the lesion is probably
intestine and colon. The mechanism of the mucosal related to the healing of a drug-induced annular
damage is unclear. Experimental evidence suggests ulcer, resulting in a purse-string effect. The lesion
that the sorbitol component of the drug, rather represents a striking picture but is, overall, a rare
than Kayexalate itself, is involved in the pathogen- complication for NSAIDs users.51
esis underlying the necrosis. Sorbitol is metabolized
by colonic bacteria to short-chain fatty acids. If the Colchicine
concentration of these acids exceeds the patient’s
absorption capacity, there is an osmotic entrance of Colchicine is an alkaloid with antimitotic activity.
fluid into the gastrointestinal lumen, with subse- Pathology results from a loss of cellular renewal
quent necrosis. It has indeed been shown that rats coupled with a selective depression of intestinal
receiving enemas of Kayexalate in water developed enzyme activity. Metaphase mitoses, epithelial
no lesions, whereas 6 of 10 rats receiving sorbitol pseudostratification and loss of polarity have been
enemas showed transmural colonic necrosis. Never- described in colchicine toxicity.7 Lesions are more
theless, the lesions induced by Kayexalate can be common in patients with renal failure and are
recognized through the presence of characteristic usually not limited to the gastrointestinal tract.
Kayexalate crystals (Fig. 2).9,49
It must be remembered that other resins besides
Kayexalate are used clinically. For instance, Ques- Pancreatic enzyme supplements
tran (cholestyramine) is an orally administered
resin that binds to bile acids. The histology induced Fibrosing colonopathy, strictures and increased
by Questran is very similar to that of Kayexalate, colonic wall thickness are observed in children
except that Questran tends to be more opaque. with cystic fibrosis and adults exposed to large
Drug-induced pathology in the large intestine 245

doses of high-strength pancreatic enzyme supple-



Clofazimine can induce crystal-storing histiocyto-

sis. The crystals are red in frozen sections and
appear as clear spaces in routinely processed

Major classes of aetiological agents

Antimicrobial drugs and antibiotics

Some products can be directly toxic and induce

ulcerative enteritis or colitis (flucytosine) or
haemorrhagic colitis (no major necrosis). Colitis is
also described with ampicillin, tetracycline, iso-
niazid and chloramphenicol. Other agents are
occasionally responsible for diarrhoea through
interference with the enteric nervous system or
the smooth muscle (erythromycin being a motilin
agonist). The major injurious effect is Clostridium
difficile-associated colitis.
Figure 3 (a) Higher magnification from an NSAID-induced
NSAIDs colitis: the mucosa shows marked architectural abnorm-
alities, mucin preservation and only mild inflammation
NSAID-induced colitis is a significant clinical pro- (H&E 250  ). (b) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
blem. Patients are usually elderly. Symptoms can (NSAID)-induced transmural necrosis of the colon. The
develop after 2 months up to 5 years. Patients muscularis propria is severely involved (H&E 100  ).
present with abdominal cramps, diarrhoea and
blood loss. The mechanism of action is related to
a decreased production of COX-2, leading to a types of diarrhoea: an early secretory diarrhoea
decrease in mucosal prostaglandins. Lesions are that is cholinergic in nature, and a delayed
characterized by epithelial injury, minimal inflam- diarrhoea. In animal studies, it has been shown
mation and often loss of the muscularis mucosae that irinotecan causes increased apoptosis and
(Fig. 3). crypt hypoplasia in the small and large intestine,
most probably responsible for the delayed diar-
Enemas, laxatives and oral bowel rhoea.53
preparations Many other chemotherapeutic agents have a
direct toxic effect on actively replicating gastro-
Several laxatives can induce a reversible deposition intestinal epithelial cells. As a result, apoptosis and
of pigmented macrophages in the lamina propria. A marked reactive epithelial changes with cellular
mild and reversible proctitis has been noted after atypia, erosions and ulcerations can occur. The
enemas containing Fleet’s solution and bisacodyl. occurrence of similar changes in the stromal cells
Most preparatory solutions induce only oedema. may be a helpful clue to the aetiology of such
Oral bowel preparations can induce focal active lesions. The small intestine is the most sensitive
colitis. region, but colitis is not uncommon. Toxic mega-
colon has been reported following methotrexate,
Chemotherapy and colonic perforation has been noted with
paclitaxel. In terminally ill patients, intestinal
Irinotecan hydrochloride (CPT-11), a drug used for pathology may be the result of a combination of
the treatment of solid tumours because of its factors including ischaemia and shock, radiation
inhibition of DNA topoisomerase I, may cause two therapy, infections and drugs.
246 K. Geboes et al.

Immunosuppressive agents Research agenda

Opportunistic infections as well as ischaemic injury,  The influence of drugs upon the small and
diffuse ulceration and mucosal architectural dis- large intestine needs more investigation.
tortion with inflammatory pseudopolyps can be  The pathogenesis of drug-induced pathology
observed. Two cases of colitis in patients receiving in the large intestine needs clarification.
ciclosporin have been published, with a positive  The incidence of drug-induced pathology in
rechallenge in one case.3 the large intestine needs clarification.

Steroid hormones

Oestrogens and progesterone compounds can cause

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