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DEFINITION Whether that knowledge is stored in a

searchable, digital knowledge base or is a

Franchising is a form of marketing and phone number to reach the franchisor
distribution in which the owner of a directly, the franchisee has access to a deep
business system (the franchisor) grants to reservoir of business assistance to guide
an individual or group of individuals (the them through the process of owning and
franchisee) the right to run a business operating a business. This knowledge can
selling a product or providing a service be essential to running a successful
using the franchisor's business system. business and makes it much easier than
Franchisees are also given permission to use starting a business from scratch.
the franchisor's branding, trademarks, and 2. Brand recognition
identifying marks under specified
guidelines. It is important for anyone A big benefit that franchisees receive when
deciding to start a business by becoming a opening a franchise is brand recognition. If
franchisee to remember that in franchising you start a business from scratch, you
the franchisee is bound to a partnership would have to build your brand and
agreement with the franchisor for a defined customer base from the ground up, which
period of time (some exceptions do exist). would take time.

BENEFITS Franchises, on the other hand, are already

well-known businesses with established
When considering if you want to get customer bases built in. So when you open
involved with a franchise, you need to a franchise with this recognizable branding,
weigh all the benefits of franchising, but people will automatically know what your
also all the potential risks you might face. In business is, what you provide, and what
this guide, we’ll outline these pros and cons they can expect.
so you can decide if franchising is the right
move for you. 3. Lower failure rate

The franchisee is the third-party buyer who In general, franchises have a lower failure
purchases the brand rights from the rate than solo businesses. When a
franchisor (the owner of the brand). The franchisee buys into a franchise, they’re
franchisee pays an initial franchise fee to joining a successful brand, as well as a
the franchisor for the rights to use their network that will offer them support and
brand in addition to ongoing franchise fees advice, making it less likely they’ll go out of
for marketing, royalties, and more. business.

There are several advantages of franchising As well, franchises have already proven
for the franchisee, including: their business concept, so you have
reassurance that the products or services
1. Business assistance you’ll be offering are in demand.
One of the benefits of franchising for the 4. Buying power
franchisee is the business assistance they
receive from the franchisor. Another benefit of franchising is the sheer
size of the network. If you’re operating a
Depending on the terms of the franchise standalone business and need to order
agreement and the structure of the products or supplies to make your products,
business, the franchisee might reqceive you’re paying more money per item
essentially a turnkey business operation. because your order is relatively small.
They may be provided with the brand, the
equipment, supplies, and the advertising However, a network of franchises has the
plan—essentially everything they need to opportunity to purchase goods at a deep
operate the business. discount by buying in bulk. The parent
company can use the size of the network to
Other franchises may not provide negotiate deals that every franchisee
everything, but all franchises provide the benefits from. A lower cost of goods lowers
knowledge and wisdom of the franchisor. the overall operation costs of the franchise.
5. Profits A franchise gives you the benefit of being
your own boss without the risk of starting
In general, franchises see higher profits your own independent business.
than independently established businesses.
Most franchises have recognizable brands Disadvantages of franchising for the
that bring customers in droves. This franchisee
popularity results in higher profits. Even
franchises that require a high initial While there are many advantages of
investment for the franchise fee see high franchising, it would be remiss to think
return on investment. there aren’t also disadvantages. Let us
explain further.
6. Lower risk
1. Restricting regulations
Starting a business is risky. This is true
whether a business owner is opening an While a franchise allows the franchisee to
independent business or purchasing a be their own boss, they’re not entirely in
franchise. That being said, the risk is lower control of their business, nor can they make
when opening a franchise. decisions without taking into account the
opinion of the franchisor.
One of the reasons franchise owners face
lower risk than independent business For most franchisees, the most frustrating
owners is the franchise network. Most disadvantage that they face is that they
franchises are owned by established must follow the restrictions laid out in the
corporations that have tested and proven franchise agreement. The franchisor can
the business model of the franchise in exert a degree of control over the majority
multiple markets. of the franchise business and decisions
made by the franchisee.
This lower risk may also make it easier to
access loans, including the best SBA Depending on the franchise agreement, the
franchise loans, to help you launch your franchisor can control any of these aspects
business. of the business:

7. Built-in customer base Business location

One of the biggest struggles of any new Hours of operation

business is finding customers. Franchises, Holidays
on the other hand, come with instant brand
recognition and a loyal customer base. Even Pricing
if you’re opening the first branch of a
franchise in a small town, the likelihood is
that potential customers are already Layout
familiar with the brand from exposure to TV
commercials or travel to other cities. Decor

8. Be your own boss Products

One of the biggest benefits of owning a Advertising and marketing

business is being your own boss. When
Resale conditions
starting a franchise business, you get to be
your own boss with the added benefit of These restrictions are put into place to
receiving support from the franchise’s maintain uniformity between the different
knowledge base. franchises and the overall brand, but they
can also be frustrating and feel limiting for
Owning a business is hard work, but when
the franchisee.
you’re your own boss, you get to create
your own schedule, have autonomy over 2. Initial cost
your career, and potentially work from
home. While the initial investment of the franchise
fee buys a lot of benefits for the franchisee,
it can also be costly—especially if you’re Another disadvantage of franchising is a
joining a very well-known and profitable lack of privacy. The franchise agreement
franchise. While this often translates to will likely stipulate that the franchisor can
larger profits, coming up with this initial oversee the entire financial ecosystem of
money can put a strain on any small the franchise. This lack of financial privacy
business owner. can be seen by franchisee as a disadvantage
of owning a franchise; however, it may be
Even if you opt for a low-cost franchise, less of an issue if you welcome financial
you’ll likely still have to front a few guidance.
thousand dollars. While this can be seen as
a disadvantage of franchises, it’s important Advantages of franchising for the
to weigh the opportunity against the initial franchisor
investment and find the right balance for
your business. And keep in mind, there are The advantages and disadvantages of
also franchise financing options to help you franchising don’t solely apply to the
come up with this initial cost. franchisee, of course. The franchisor should
also weigh the pros and cons before
3. Ongoing investment deciding to enter into this business model.
First, let’s explore the benefits of
In addition to the initial investment you’ll franchising that the franchisor can enjoy.
have to provide to start your franchise,
there are additional, ongoing costs that are 1. Access to capital
unique to franchises. Within the franchise
agreement, the ongoing costs of the One of the biggest barriers to expansion for
franchise should be enumerated. These small business is the money it costs to
costs might include royalty fees, advertising expand. And while there are several
costs, and a charge for training services. business loan options, they don’t always
pan out. Franchising your business will take
You’ll want to keep these ongoing fees in some time and money on your end, but it
mind when you’re deciding whether to start also has the potential to make you a lot of
a franchise. money in the form of franchise fees.

4. Potential for conflict Expanding your business as a franchise

While one of the benefits of owning a allows you to expand with little debt. The
franchise is the network of support you business expands as capital becomes
receive, it also has the potential for conflict. available from franchisees instead of taking
Any close business relationship, especially
on debt through loans. The franchisor also
when there’s an imbalance of power, comes
with a risk that the parties won’t get along. shares minimal risk with the franchisee
because the franchisee puts their name on
While a franchise agreement states the
expectations of both the franchisee and the deed for the physical location of the
franchisor, the franchisee has minimal business and lowers the franchises overall
power to enforce the franchise agreement
without a costly legal battle. Whether it’s
lack of support or simply a clash of
2. Efficient growth
personalities, the closeness of the business
relationship between franchisor and Opening the first unit of a business is costly
franchisee is rife for conflict. A franchisor
should screen all potential franchisees and time consuming. Opening a second unit
before entering into business with them, can be almost as difficult. When that
and as the franchisor, you should also use burden is shared with another business
this opportunity to get a feel for the
owner, it makes the process more efficient
franchisor’s personality and management
style. and takes the onus off the initial business
5. Lack of financial privacy
When trying to grow your small business, Additionally, the franchisor is often further
starting a franchise can make opening insulated because the franchise is
multiple locations a much simpler process. incorporated as a new business entity,
leaving the original business owned by the
3. Minimal employee supervision
franchisor as a separate entity from the
One of the big stresses as a business owner franchise. A franchise lawyer can help to set
is hiring and managing employees. As a up the terms for this type of protection
franchisor, the only support that you have within the franchise agreement.
to provide to the franchisee is training and
The final word
business knowledge. In general, the
franchisor has no hand in the management, Like most other business decisions, starting
hiring, and firing of employees. or buying into a franchise has its pros and
cons. And not all franchises or franchise
This minimal employee supervision allows
relationships are created equally. It’s
the franchisor to focus on the growth of the
important to do research before choosing
business instead of day-to-day operations.
the franchise that’s right for you and to
Instead of worrying about whether an
understand all the advantages and
employee shows up for their shift or not,
disadvantages of franchising that you may
the franchisor is focused on the big picture
come across as either the franchisee or
for business success.
4. Increased brand awareness
How to create a successful franchise
One of the many benefits of franchising is marketing plan
increased brand awareness. The more
Focus on social media marketing
locations the brand has, the more people
who are aware of the brand. And the more Drive traffic with search engine
these customers come to know and love the optimization
brand, the more profitable and successful
Stay connected through email marketing
the brand can be. This increased brand
awareness of a multi-location franchise can Increase brand awareness with public
be highly beneficial to the franchisor and relations campaigns
their franchisees—a win-win.
Create a content marketing plan
5. Reduced risk
Use influencer marketing
One of the biggest benefits to the
Manage online reputation
franchisor in a franchise agreement is the
ability to expand without an increase in risk. Enable franchisees to execute local and
Because the franchisee takes on the debt personalized franchise marketing
and liability of opening a unit under the campaigns
name of the franchise, the franchisor gets
Franchise marketing examples to inspire
all the benefit of an additional location
your strategy
without taking on the risk themselves.
Creating an effective franchise marketing single franchise marketing strategy for all
strategy is an obstacle every franchise outlets.
business faces.
Franchise marketing is a multifaceted
Whether you're the franchise owner of a activity. It includes PR campaigns, social
Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) franchise media marketing, newspaper adverts, and
like McDonald’s or a multi-location business reputation management.
like the Hertz car rental dealership brand, or
Remember, these tactics cannot work in
have bought into the Gold’s Gym
isolation. They must be brought together as
enterprise, you’ll know that streamlining
cohesive franchise marketing strategies.
your franchise marketing efforts is a
challenging process. How to create a successful franchise
marketing plan
There are two main types of franchise
marketing: operational and franchise If you’re creating a franchise marketing
development marketing. strategy from scratch or looking to revamp
your existing one, we’ve got you covered.
Operational franchise marketing aims to
Here’s a list of eight franchise marketing
acquire and retain customers. It also aims
strategies to get you started.
to increase brand awareness and
strengthen the organization’s reputation. 1. Focus on social media marketing

Franchise development marketing helps A person holding up a phone and making a

reach out to prospective franchisees and video testimonial for social media.
educate them about the business. The goal
Thanks for its growing popularity among
is to project the franchisor as a credible
nearly everyone with an internet
organization, attract more franchisees and
connection, franchise owners need to
boost revenue.
consider social media when it comes to
The franchise marketing strategy can also digital marketing channels.
vary depending on the type of franchise
Over half the active users on Facebook and
business model. A large global chain, like
Instagram use the platforms to follow or
KFC, would have strict brand guidelines
research brands and products. This makes
about brand colors and logo usage.
social media an effective part of a franchise
Yet, they would have to offer space for marketing plan because it allows franchise
regional variations in the marketing owners to reach out to new and prospective
strategy. For example, KFC stores in China customers.
could run special campaigns around Chinese
Many social media platforms offer digital
New Year.
advertising options. You can run paid ads
Similarly, American outlets can offer and narrow the demographics on various
promotions and giveaways during factors like franchise location, age, and
Independence Day or Thanksgiving. In gender. You can also encourage the use of
contrast, an LA-based company that only brand hashtags to boost online visibility.
has Californian franchisees can create a
Social media helps you go beyond Search engine optimization (SEO) is a
disseminating information. It allows local valuable tool to increase the visibility of
franchises to have a two-way conversations your local business' website and drive
with consumers. You can respond to traffic.
feedback and queries and let customers
As a local business, SEO is also a great
know that you value their opinion.
franchise marketing tool for people with
Social media is also a great addition to any limited marketing dollars.
franchise marketing strategy that enables
The ultimate goal of these franchise
businesses to show their personality and be
marketing efforts is to help you generate
more authentic.
leads that convert to sales. Approximately
Popular brands like Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and 50% of shoppers use Google to discover or
Chipotle often lever channels like Twitter to find new products. So you want to make
engage with their customer base in a light- sure you have strong SEO in place as part of
hearted way as part of their franchise your franchise marketing strategy.
marketing plan.
A franchise SEO strategy can help Google
While they maintain brand consistency, Business Profile listings become top-rated
their franchise marketers engage with their and rank higher on search engines.
audience (and even competitors) through
This makes users more likely to choose your
threads and memes. These back-and-forth
website over other ones. It also improves
interactions have historically brought a
your credibility and helps increase your
smile to their consumers' faces and boosted
brand identity.
brand awareness.
Here are some good practices to improve
When a franchise location opens, you
your search engine rankings while keeping
should create a structured social media plan
marketing spend to a minimum:
that combines organic and paid franchise
marketing strategies. Publish relevant content — Google will
consider your content high-quality if it’s
Examples of organic strategies include
updated, well-written, and unique. Make
posting regular content and replying
sure to include targeted keywords that your
directly to comments. Paid strategies such
users are likely to use.
as YouTube or Meta ads can also be
effective. Optimize your website for mobile use —
Almost 59% of global web traffic comes
Together, they help capture the digital
from mobile devices. This makes it essential
space and convert online followers into
for a multi-location business to have
mobile-friendly websites. By optimizing
2. Drive traffic with search engine your website for mobile use, you give users
optimization the convenience of interacting with your
brand across devices. This added
Franchise SEO locations and a mobile map
accessibility helps improve customer
retention and drives sales.
Improve your domain authority — This is a should provide you with all relevant
two pronged-strategy. First, you must performance analytics.
remove dead or irrelevant links from your
Identify your target audience for the email
website. Second, you should create
marketing campaign. Try to be as specific as
authoritative content that other websites
possible and narrow down on their personal
link back to.
traits, shopping habits, etc.
Quicken your website’s loading speed — If
Build a list of subscribers. You can offer
your website takes too long to load, your
discounts in exchange for an email address
potential customers won't stick around.
or place an opt-in form on your website.
Even worse, they might buy the product or
service from your competitors. Multi- Create engaging and visually-appealing
location businesses must test their websites emails that follow brand guidelines and
often to make sure they’re loading quickly. send them to your audience. Don’t forget to
track how the emails perform and keep
3. Stay connected through email marketing
working to improve your open and click
Three people creating an email marketing rates.
4. Increase brand awareness with public
You can include email as another one of relations campaigns
your franchise marketing channels to
deepen your relationships with existing Person using a megaphone to reach four
customers and reach out to prospective different types of people.
ones. Email marketing is an effective way to
educate your target audience about your A franchise business can use a PR strategy
to gain exposure and win its customers’
In fact, 87% of marketers use emails to trust. PR campaigns show long-term results.
distribute content organically. Moreover, They strengthen brand identity over time
using email as part of a franchise marketing and use influential figures or themes to
strategy allows you to personalize brand- promote company offerings.
consistent messaging, which helps make
At a broader brand level, public relations as
your audience feel more connected to it.
part of a franchise marketing strategy
Organizations use email marketing as one of benefits the franchisor and franchisee by
the top metrics to determine how improving national brand identity while
successful a piece of content is. 86% of increasing local marketing awareness for
marketers use open and click rates to individual outlets.
measure content performance. This is a
To create a successful PR strategy, you must
higher percentage than that of social media
start by identifying your goals. Depending
analytics of website traffic.
on your marketing budget, they could be to
To create a successful email plan, you’ll create hype around a new launch or
need to follow these steps: improve community relationships.

Pick an email service provider that will help Next, you can research the different PR
you create, organize and send out emails. It channels available to figure out the right
one for you. Popular online marketing believe that it helps generate more leads
channels include press releases, guest and demand while 83% marketers attribute
better brand awareness to content
blogging, and influencer collaborations;
traditional marketing channels could
This means franchises should conduct
include supporting local events, sponsoring
thorough market research to define their
local businesses, and leveraging direct mail. target audience, find relevant topics and
keywords to talk about, and find a niche
No matter which franchise marketing that isn’t oversaturated saturated with the
strategy you’re using, brand consistency is same types of content.

crucial. All your franchise marketing efforts Based on these factors, you can get your
must present unified brand messaging. This target audience excited about your brand
by developing marketing materials like
lets consumers know they can expect the
behind-the-scenes visuals, educational
same experience across franchise locations. blogs that cover underrated or overlooked
areas of your niche or industry, helpful
That said, individual franchisees should be eBooks, informative webinars, in-depth
able to contribute to the franchisor's white papers, and infographics to share on
marketing strategies, too. your company website.

6. Use influencer marketing

Even if people aren't franchise marketers by
trade, it could be awesome to create A person creating digital content as part of
an influencer marketing campaign.
communication channels to help
franchisees share local marketing campaign Influencers have become a marketing tool
to command the attention of millions of
people, young and old, around the world.

This includes them in the decision-making An established brand would likely have easy
process and encourages innovation and access to highly influential social media
personalities who can popularize your
fresh thinking. It also makes franchisees less
brand among your target audience.
likely to deviate from corporate marketing
Influencer marketing can not only help you
improve brand awareness, but it can also
5. Create a content marketing plan take your products or services to new
customers who might otherwise have not
A laptop surrounded by different forms of known about you.
content marketing materials like images,
video, messages, and mail. All you have to do is to identify influencers
who fit your brand values and ideals and
Before the television and the internet,
brands around the world used content as an will be able to represent your brand with
offline marketing tool! Over the years, it has finesse.
been largely adapted for online marketing
channels. One popular example of what this can look
like is, you send your brand products to
Content marketing is the process of creating
digital content like blog articles, videos, influencers for free and they use and
podcasts, and photos that don’t directly market your product on their social media
advertise a product but help educate and
channels in exchange for videos and photos.
create interest in the product or service
among the target market.
And of course, you'll want to make sure the
It's a highly successful digital marketing influencers you work with follow your brand
strategy where 67% of online marketers
guidelines and don't become the bulk of 8. Enable franchisees to execute local and
your marketing expenses. personalized franchise marketing
7. Manage online reputation
Two shoppers being pulled with a magnet
Three people each carrying a heart, star,
toward a shop.
and thumbs up toward an open franchise
location. While it is important to maintain brand
consistency and marketing uniformity
Nine out of ten customers read online
across your brand, it is also crucial to
reviews before buying a product. This
localize and personalize marketing
means that a brand’s online reputation
campaigns so as to appeal to local target
plays a massive role in determining
audiences in all your locations.
potential customers’ purchase decisions.
Within the franchise model, a parent
To make sure that your franchise locations'
company with multiple locations can do this
brand image is (and remains) spotless, you
by educating prospective franchisees on
need to monitor and manage your online
how to create a successful franchise
and social media presence.
marketing plan and equipping them with
But not ever franchise necessarily has a the tools and know-how needed to execute
marketing team that's entirely dedicated to such campaigns successfully.
reputation management.
Franchisees could use local data to create
Now more than ever, online marketing is personalized outreach campaigns using
just as important — if not more important emails or direct calls. They can also create
— than offline marketing. locally relevant franchise marketing
material to use in digital marketing efforts.
As a franchise owner, here are a few things
you should do for all your business As part of your franchise marketing plan,
locations: you could utilize local cultural themes,
social issues, or even language that's native
Respond to all reviews, negative and
to franchise locations to make the ad
content more appealing and easily
Encourage customers to leave you a review consumable for local audiences.
For example, global sporting giant Nike
Ensure that all your franchise locations are often creates local franchise marketing
listed on major business listing websites like campaigns targeting specific locations.
Yelp and Google Business Profile listings
Its ‘Nothing Beats a Londoner’ local
Work on improving customer relationships marketing campaign is a great illustration of
how franchise marketers tailored content
Respond to reviews, complaints, and
for a specific locale.
testimonials on social media platforms
Franchise marketing examples to inspire
Use customer feedback to improve
your strategy
operations and avoid negative reviews.
Sometimes it can be challenging to come up Franchises Should Make Money
with strategies in a silo. There’s no harm in When it comes to building a new franchise,
looking for inspiration to improve your it must be structured so that the business
franchise marketing strategy. can be profitable. After all, the point of
owning a business is to make money. In
There are thousands of franchise businesses addition to offering proper training, a
franchisor should be responsible for
in the market. You can spend some time
ensuring their franchisee has all the tools
researching their strategies and identifying they need to succeed. These tools can come
what works best. in many forms, including informing them
about all of the expenses they’re required to pay and keeping said expenses
reasonable. A franchisor should not be the
reason why their franchisee falls flat upon
your-franchise-business/ launch.

5 Principles of Franchising That Never Franchisors Must Offer Proper Training and
Change Support

To be successful, you must first be set up

Since the beginning of franchising, there
for success. One of the reasons
have been principles that ensure that a entrepreneurs prefer franchising over
franchise system grows and prospers. These starting their own business from scratch is
the amount of training and support they
principles of franchising have never
receive from their franchisor. Having this
changed. They represent a foundation in comprehensive training is a must to prepare
which every successful franchise is built. It’s them for running their new franchise
business and boost their confidence.
also believed that those who understand
and adopt these principles of franchising Some franchisors may not be able to
dedicate the time to provide you with
will undoubtedly find success..
proper training. This can be because of low
Franchisors Should Disclose All Information capital or not enough resources. If this is
the case, it’s best to hold off on the
Upfront onboarding process or investing at all until
they can.
First up on our list of principles of
franchising that never change is franchisors Focus on the Long-Term Gain, Not Short-
disclosing information to potential Term Benefits
franchisees upfront. Honesty though, this is
not only essential for having a long-lasting Franchises aren’t for entrepreneurs looking
relationship with your franchisee, but it also to make some quick revenue. You’ve got to
plays a significant role in your franchise’s be in it for the long haul. This franchising
overall success. It helps avoid creating false principle warns that although franchising
expectations, such as saying that finding often comes with a proven business model
success is easier than it actually is, and and tons of brand recognition, it doesn’t
being honest is a building block in your guarantee immediate success. You need to
franchisees trusting and confiding in you. ensure that you have the capital to keep
your franchise afloat as you wait for it to
Potential franchisees should also have start making money.
access to the company’s franchise
disclosure document (FDD). This document It’s also important to remember that not
contains information about the franchise, every franchisee reaches the same level of
ownership, brand, operations, and past success. Some franchisees find success
legal trouble. All of which equip franchisees later, whereas others may not find success
for a career with your franchise. at all. The reasons for the failure, of course,
vary. In some cases, it’s the franchisor’s
failings, but in others, it’s the individual Be sure to schedule a time to review your
franchisee’s missteps. No matter the business’ overall performance, including
struggles, be prepared for the ride. financially. Employing this practice ensures
that you’ll always have the necessary
Evaluate Your Franchise Performance information to make an important strategic
Another one of the principles of franchising decision and can bring it to your
is to evaluate your franchise. The ability to franchisor’s attention.
self-reflect and assess is a vital part of
running a healthy and successful business.

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