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Bicol University

Bicol University
College of Engineering
Legazpi City
AY 2022 – 2023


Experiment 3 in Chemistry for Engineers


BOLANTE, Charenz M.


OROSCO, Ela Marie B.

QUITASOL, Yamila Ashley N.

RAMOS, Christian Jay B.

SANDIA, Gian Carlo M.


Engr. Junjun A. Pajara

Chem 11 – Chemistry for Engineers
Experiment 3: Thermochemistry


An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is a type of chemical reaction that

involves a transfer of electrons between two species. An oxidation-reduction
reaction is any chemical reaction in which the oxidation number of a molecule,
atom, or ion changes by gaining or losing an electron.
Redox reactions cover a large and diverse body of processes. Many
oxidation-reduction reactions are as common and familiar as fire, the rusting and
dissolution of metals, the browning of fruit, and respiration and photosynthesis—
basic life functions.

The majority of oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions involve the transfer of

oxygen, hydrogen, or electrons. These three processes share two common
important characteristics: they are coupled, meaning that every oxidation reaction
results in a subsequent reduction; and they involve a typical net chemical change,
which may happen when an atom or electron moves from one unit of matter to

To further understand the concept of redox reactions, it is imperative to

discuss them separately. Reduction occurs when an atom gains one or more
electrons during a chemical reaction. As a result, its oxidation number decreases.
Since an electron has a negative charge, adding one to an atom also adds a
negative charge, thus decreasing the oxidation number. On the other hand,
oxidation occurs when it loses one or more electrons during a chemical reaction,
increasing the oxidation number of the atom. This is due to the atom losing its
electron's negative charge, which is analogous to receiving a positive charge and
raising the oxidation number. Since the earliest redox processes to be observed
involved oxygen, the term "oxidation" was employed.

In this experiment, the concept of redox reaction is being visualized through

observing iron nails as they were exposed to different substances and
environments to see how they would react. Observations were made in a span of
four (4) weeks, taking note of every remarkably significant change that happened
in each set up.

This experiment helped the students in understanding the process of redox

reactions especially those examples that occur in our everyday life. This provides
a further conception on how chemical reactions may occur when electrons and
atoms move between reacting chemicals.

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Chem 11 – Chemistry for Engineers
Experiment 3: Thermochemistry


Redox reactions are oxidation-reduction chemical reactions in which the

oxidation states of the reactants change. The term "redox" is an abbreviation for
reduction-oxidation. Oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions are significant because
they are the primary sources of energy on Earth, both natural and artificial.
Normally, oxidation of molecules by removal of hydrogen or in combination with
oxygen liberates a large amount of energy (Singh, 2022).

The rusting of iron is an example of redox, or oxidation-reduction, reaction.

Iron oxide is also known as rust. Rust is most commonly associated with the
reddish coating that forms flakes on iron and steel, but it also comes in other colors
such as yellow, brown, orange, and green. The various colors reflect the chemical
composition of rust. Rust is defined as oxides on iron or iron alloys such as steel
(Helmenstine, 2020). When a metal is exposed to oxygen, it rusts. The "rust" is
actually iron oxide, which is formed when the iron in the nail reacts with oxygen in
the air or liquids. The iron molecules on the nail's surface exchange atoms with the
oxygen in the air, creating a new substance known as reddish-brown ferrous oxide,
or simply rust (Kozlowski, 2020). When a nail is immersed in certain liquids, the
rusting process accelerates significantly. Water depletes iron's electrons, leaving
it positively charged. After that, the oxygen reacts with the positively charged iron
to produce ferrous oxide (Lee, 2007). Salt water is an electrolyte with charged
atoms. Charged atoms cause iron to lose electrons more readily and oxygen to
bind with the iron more freely, hastening rusting (Gillespie, 2018).

Metals are very important in our lives. Almost everything you see around
you is either entirely made of metal or contains metal in some form or another. This
makes us more concerned about protecting them and, more importantly,
preventing rust from forming. This is why it is important to take the necessary rust
treatment steps in order to keep your equipment from wearing out (Ferns, 2019).
Steel is used to make a wide variety of products, including vehicles, machinery,
pipelines, bridges, reinforcing rods, and girders for construction. Rusting causes
flaky and weak iron, reducing its strength, appearance, and permeability. Rusted
iron lacks the desirable properties of iron. Rusting iron can cause damage to
automobiles, railings, grills, and a variety of other iron structures. Rusting causes
economic problems due to its negative effects, which is why extensive rusting and
corrosion prevention measures must be developed. Corrosion of the bridge's steel
and iron components is blamed for the collapses of the Silver Bridge in 1967 and
the Mianus River bridge in 1983. Many buildings made up of reinforced concrete
also undergo structural failures over long periods of time due to rusting
(Sabhadiya, 2022). Rust can quickly become a major issue, which is why it is

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Chem 11 – Chemistry for Engineers
Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

important to understand how to prevent rusting, particularly when using materials

that are easily affected by these types of reactions, in order to prevent further
damage, particularly in infrastructures built with metal alloys. It degrades the
functionality and stability of critical machinery and can cost your company
thousands of dollars. As with many things, taking a few precautions now can save
you a lot of money, time, and frustration later.


The experiment was conducted to meet the following objectives:

● Examine the physical state of the nails after being exposed to various liquids
(tap water, oil, vinegar, soda, alcohol, saltwater, and muriatic acid) and the
● Observe and analyze the electrochemical changes that occur in an iron nail
when it corrodes; and
● Determine what influences the reaction/oxidation rate of the nails when
exposed to various substances.


Material/Equipment Description Specification Quantity

Nails A slender metal shaft that is Length:

pointed at one end and 10.3 mm
flattened at the other end and long
is used for fastening one or
more objects to each other Made of:
Water A substance composed of
the chemical elements Type of
hydrogen and oxygen and Water: 300 mL
existing in gaseous, liquid, Tap water
and solid states.
Oil A nonpolar chemical
substance that is composed
primarily of hydrocarbons
and is hydrophobic & Type of Oil:
lipophilic. Vegetable 300 mL

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

Vinegar Vinegar is an aqueous

Nature of
solution of acetic acid and
trace compounds that may
based on 300 mL
include flavorings. Vinegar
typically contains 5–8%
acetic acid by volume.
Sprite A drink that usually contains
Type of
water, a sweetener, and a
Drink: 200 mL
natural and/or artificial
Alcohol A colorless, flammable Type of
organic compound with a Alcohol: 200 mL
pungent alcoholic odor. Isopropyl
Saltwater A water that contains salt. It Type of
is the type of water that is Water Used:
found in seas and oceans. Distilled
300 mL
Type of Salt
Rock Salt
Muriatic Acid An aqueous solution of Nature of
hydrogen chloride. It is a substance
250 m
colorless solution with a based on
distinctive pungent smell. It is pH:
classified as a strong acid. Acidic



STEP 1: The idea of the experiment was presented to the group members. The goals,
objectives, and aims of the experiment were determined.

STEP 2: The materials needed for the experiment were mentioned.

STEP 3: The experiment's direction was discussed with the group.

STEP 4: Every member was tasked to prepare a set up with the assigned type/s of

Experiment Proper:

STEP 1: Every container was filled by their following designated liquids (sprite, alcohol,
oil, muriatic acid, saltwater,vinegar, water).

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

STEP 2: 3 nails were soaked in every liquids (sprite, alcohol, oil, muriatic acid,
saltwater, vinegar, water)

STEP 3: The remaining nails (3) were set aside in a place that is exposed to sun, rain
and air.

STEP 4: The nails were observed for 30 days.


STEP 1: The results of the experiment were checked.

STEP 2: The nails were weighed through the use of the weighing scale after 30 days.

STEP 3: The observed outcomes were discussed with the group and were tabulated.



Color Change
Liquid Earliest Sign of Rust Formation Weight
In Liquid

Not Applicable
Muriatic Acid - Formed iron (II) 25 g Dark Green
chloride after 28 days

Salt Water 1 day 36.5 g Orange-Brown

Tap Water 1 day 30 g Gray

Exposed to
3 days 32 g Not Applicable

Oil Not Applicable 34 g Not Applicable

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

Alcohol Not Applicable 34 g Not Applicable

Vinegar 1 day 25 g Not Applicable

Sprite 7 days 37 g Black


1. Tabulate your observations.



Water - The water - The color of the - The water - The rust’ color
becomes water becomes becomes stained the
yellowish in brown/ dark gray clearer than in container.
color. and also week 2 and the
becomes blurry. color becomes- The rust particles
- Small amount gray/ at the bottom of
of rust is seen at - There is a small transparent. the container
the bottom part amount of rust become darker
of the container. on the nails. - The nails are than in week 3.
covered with
- Rust particles rust. - The nails are fully
are observed at covered with rust.
the bottom part - The color of
of the mixture. the rust at the
bottom part of
the container is
darkish brown.

Air - The nails rust - The nails rust - The nails - The rust covered
as early as the even more in the continued to the nails almost
second day. second week. rust in the third entirely.
- There were no - The rust - The brownish
other covered almost - The and orangey color
remarkably half the surface appearance of became more

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

significant of the nails. the nails evident.

observations on became more
this setup since brownish and
it was only orangey as
exposed to air. compared to its
original silver

Oil - There is no - There are still - No change - No change

change in color no changes that
can be seen in
- The nails still the mixture as
look the same well as in the
- There are no
other significant
events that
happened such
as forming of
bubbles or
visible rust at the
bottom of the

Vinegar - The nail began -The vinegar - The rust that - The rust that
to rust as early became much mixed with the mixed with the
as the first day. darker. vinegar began vinegar
to settle down completely settled
- The rust from - Rust marks at the bottom of at the bottom of
the nail started became more the container. the container.
to mix with the evident.
vinegar, making - The vinegar - Sediments are
the liquid have a - There is a began to return evident at the
hazy subtle decrease to its original bottom of the
appearance. in the amount of color. container.
- Rust marks can - The nails soaked
already be seen - Parts of the in the vinegar are
at the sides of nails that are already smooth
the container. rusting are but still has rusts
noticeably around it.
bulging and are
ready to detach
from the nail.

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

Sprite - Shows some - The rust in the - No changes - No changes

small amount of nails is fading
rust in the nails.

Alcohol - The alcohol -The alcohol -The alcohol -The alcohol is

becomes becomes more becomes more very dark yellow in
yellowish in yellowish in dark yellow color to the point
color. color and more than the first 2 that the nail is not
rust from the nail weeks, more so visible
-Small amount is at the bottom rust can be anymore.
of rust is seen at of the container found at the
the bottom part bottom of the -More rust can be
of the container. -No change on container. seen at the bottom
the nail. of the container.
-No change on -No change on
the nail. the nail. -No change on the

Saltwater - The water - The water turns- Appearance of - The same

transforms into a more orange, the water appearance from
somewhat and the overall becomes more the third week, but
orange colored appearance hazy. Orange a lot stronger.
pigment, but the begins to haze. pigment from
overall the rust - More rust covers
appearance is - Rust has continuously the entirety of the
still clear. already covers the nails and
developed on bottle. surroundings of
- Little to no rust the nails. the bottle.
can be observed - The nails were
on the nails. already
covered in rust.

Muriatic - The water’s - The - The water's - The appearance

Acid pigment appearance of appearance of the water is still
changes from the water remains dark dark green, but the
clear to green. appears to green, but a production of a
darken in cloud-like cloud-like orange-
- No rust can be pigment. orange-colored colored material
observed, but a substance on top of the liquid
reaction is taking - Still no rust is forms on top of has intensified.
place visible on the the liquid.
nails, but - No rust can be
observable - Still no rust. observed on the
changes in its Size of the nails nails. Size
size are seen. were

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

Reactions are observably becomes smaller.

still taking place. smaller than the
first two weeks.

2. Write the most probable reactions (balanced chemical equations) that happened in
each case, if any.
● Water - 2Fe+3H2O → Fe2O3 + 3H2
● Muriatic Acid - Fe+2HCl → FeCl2+H2
● Alcohol - 2Fe+2C2H6O → 2C2H5OFe+H2
● Saltwater - Fe+2NaCl+H2O → 2NaOH+FeCl+H2
● Air - 4Fe+3O2 → 2Fe2O3
● Vinegar - Fe+2CH3COOH → Fe(CH3COOH)2+H2

3. From your answers in Q2, determine if a redox reaction occurred. Write the half
reaction. Identify the reducing/ oxidizing agents/ Identify which substances are
reduced/ oxidized.

● Water - 2Fe+3H2O → Fe2O3 + 3H2

○ 2Fe → Fe2+ + 2e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 3H+ + 3e– → 3H2 (reduction reaction)
○ O2 + 4H+ + 4e– → H2O (reduction reaction)
■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: H2O

● Muriatic Acid - Fe+2HCl → FeCl2+H2

○ Fe → Fe2+ + 2e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 2H+ + 2e– → H2 (reduction reaction)
■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: HCl

● Alcohol - 2Fe+2C2H6O → 2C2H5OFe+H2

○ Fe → Fe2+ + 2e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 12H+ + 2e– → 10H+ (reduction reaction)
■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: C2H6O

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

● Saltwater - Fe+2NaCl+H2O → 2NaOH+FeCl+H2

○ Fe → Fe2+ + 2e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 2H+ + 2e– → 2H2 (reduction reaction)
■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: H2O

● Air - 4Fe+3O2 → 2Fe2O3

○ 4Fe → 2Fe23+ + 12e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 6O2 + 12e– → 6O2– (reduction reaction)
■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: O2

● Vinegar - Fe+2CH3COOH → Fe(CH3COOH)2+H2

○ Fe → Fe2+ + 2e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 2H+ + 2e– → H2 (reduction reaction)
■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: CH3COOH

4. Calculate the mass loss/ gain of each nail in each case.

● Initial mass - 34g
● Nail in Alcohol = 34 g
● Nail in water - 30 g = loss 4 g
● Nail in Salt water + 2.5 g = gains 2.5g
● Nail in Sprite + 3 g= gains 3 g
● Nail in Vinegar - 25 g = loss 9 g
● Nail in Oil = 34 g
● Nail exposed to Air/soil/environment - 30 g = 4 g

a. What do you think is the reason for this gain/loss?

- According to the data collected, the mass of all the nails exposed to various
solutions and/or the environment lost mass. Corrosion, a process by which
metals in manufactured states return to their natural oxidation states, is the cause
of the mass loss. This is a reduction-oxidation reaction in which the metal is
oxidized by its surroundings, most commonly the oxygen in the air.

b. Where did the gained mass come from?

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

- The mass of the nail must increase as new atoms are incorporated into it without
causing the loss of existing atoms, according to the law of conservation of mass.
This causes the nails to increase mass.

c. What happened to the mass lost or where did it go? Apply the Law of
Conservation of Mass in your answer.
- Rust in metals indicates that there is a reaction between oxygen and iron. In
some cases where substances are present, metal reacts with oxygen, causing
the metal to become brittle and lose mass. It obeys the law of conservation of
mass, which transfers the mass of the iron to the substance, but if we only
measure the mass of the nail, we can conclude that the mass of the nail was lost.

5. From your observation, in which condition did the nails rusted first? Last? What do
you think is the reason for this difference in oxidation rate?
● The nails rusted first in saltwater, it aids in the chemical acceleration of metal
oxidation, which leads to the formation of rust. And last in oil, actually it didn’t rust
in oil. The explanation for the variation in the oxidation rate of the nail is provided
when the nails are exposed to different elements. For example, if it is exposed to
the elements for an extended period of time. This is the well-known beginning of
rusting. Rusting is caused by chemical reactions involving water and oxygen.
Because the nails in this experiment are exposed to various liquids and soil,
which liquids and soil contain elements that may or may not cause the nails to
rust, the oxidation rate varies.

6. From your perspective, without looking it up on the internet, recommend what should
be done on the metal to avoid rusting (if possible) or at least minimize the oxidation.
● Metal rust can be avoided by coating or painting it. Roofs and gates are painted
whenever it rains in the country, according to the researchers. After all, it is
thought to help maintain the roof and gates by preventing rusting. Also, in motor
parts or even bicycles, we noticed that they put oil or grease in their metal
engines, and for bikes and any two-wheeled vehicle that has these chains
attached to it. According to the researcher, it aids in the prevention of rusting and
the smooth flow of the chains. Furthermore, because water and oxygen are the
primary causes of rusting, the least one can do to prevent rusting or reduce
oxidation is to keep them away from water and humid areas.

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry


The interaction of iron with oxygen results in the formation of iron oxides,
which are referred to collectively as "rust." Rust may take on a variety of distinct
appearances and shapes depending on the conditions under which it develops.
The corrosion of iron and its alloys, such as steel, is more often referred to by the
name "rusting." Even while the oxidation of other metals results in comparable
oxides, we do not often refer to these oxides as rust. Electrochemical reactions are
the source of the most frequent kind of corrosion. When most or all of the atoms
on the surface of the same metal are oxidized, a process known as general
corrosion takes place, which damages the whole surface. The majority of metals
are readily oxidized, which means that they have a tendency to give up electrons
to oxygen (and maybe other compounds) when exposed to air or water. Oxygen
will create an oxide with the metal while it undergoes reduction, which means it will
acquire electrons.

During the course of the experiment, three sets of nails were weighed
before being submerged in a variety of liquids (water, soda, oil, vinegar, alcohol,
salt water, and muriatic acid), and in soil and air. The rusting progress of the nails
was monitored on a weekly basis over the course of four weeks so that the effects
of the substances on the rusting process could be evaluated. After the allotted
amount of time had ended, the nails were taken out of their respective containers
and given a second round of weighing to establish whether or not there was a
discernible difference between them. The group discovered, specifically as a result
of the experiment, that various types of liquids had varying effects on the rate at
which rust forms on a nail. As shown in the results, it was discovered that saltwater
causes the nails to corrode more quickly, in contrast to the assertion, the ones
soaked in oil and sprite did not undergo any obvious alterations. In terms of the
mass, the nail soaked in oil comparatively didn't alter (deteriorate/increase),
however the nails that were soaked in the vinegar abruptly decreased in size.

With the help of this simple experiment, it is possible to draw the conclusion
that the rate at which a nail will rust is significantly increased when it is submerged
in certain kinds of liquids. Iron is left in a positively charged state after having its
electrons removed by water. After that, oxygen has a chemical reaction with the
positively charged iron to produce ferrous oxide. An electrolyte is any substance
that includes charged atoms, such as salt water. As a result of charged atoms, iron
is more likely to lose its electrons, which in turn makes it easier for oxygen to
connect with the iron and speed up the rusting process.

There are several different techniques to stop harmful corrosion from

occurring. Electrical currents have the ability to form passive coatings on metals

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

that ordinarily do not have them. Some metals are better able to withstand the
circumstances of certain settings than others. Because of this, scientists have
developed alloys such as stainless steel to increase a metal's performance in these
kinds of situations. Lasers may be used to treat some metals, giving them a non-
crystalline structure that is more resistant to corrosion than crystalline structures.
In the process of galvanization, iron or steel is coated with zinc, which is the more
active element. This creates a galvanic cell, in which the zinc corrodes instead of
the iron. Electroplating with a metal that is either inert or passivated provides
protection for other metals. Plastics, paints, and oils are all examples of non-
metallic coatings that have the ability to inhibit corrosion.


Gillespie, C. (2019, March 2). Science project on nails that rust. Sciencing.
Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

Helmenstine, A. M. (2020, January 22). How rust and corrosion work. ThoughtCo.
Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

Kozlowski, R. (2020, March 26). What causes a nail to rust? Sciencing. Retrieved
December 9, 2022, from

Lee, M. (2007). Growth & Development. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

Libretexts. (2021, April 1). Oxidation-reduction reactions. Chemistry LibreTexts.

Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

Rusting types: How to prevent oxidation?: CWST Blog. CURTISS-WRIGHT

SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES |. (2020, June 23). Retrieved December 9, 2022,

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

Sabhadiya, J. (2022, August 13). What is rusting and how to prevent rust? A full
guide. Engineering Choice. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

Singh. (2022, May 11). Rusting of iron - explanation, chemical reaction, prevention.
BYJUS. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

What is corrosion? (2016, February 26). ECS. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

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Chem 11 – Chemistry for Engineers
Experiment 3: Thermochemistry


● Water - 2Fe+3H2O → Fe2O3 + 3H2

○ 2Fe → Fe2+ + 2e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 3H+ + 3e– → 3H2 (reduction reaction)
○ O2 + 4H+ + 4e– → H2O (reduction reaction)
■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: H2O

● Muriatic Acid - Fe+2HCl → FeCl2+H2

○ Fe → Fe2+ + 2e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 2H+ + 2e– → H2 (reduction reaction)
■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: HCl

● Alcohol - 2Fe+2C2H6O → 2C2H5OFe+H2

○ Fe → Fe2+ + 2e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 12H+ + 2e– → 10H+ (reduction reaction)
■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: C2H6O

● Saltwater - Fe+2NaCl+H2O → 2NaOH+FeCl+H2

○ Fe → Fe2+ + 2e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 2H+ + 2e– → 2H2 (reduction reaction)
■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: H2O

● Air - 4Fe+3O2 → 2Fe2O3

○ 4Fe → 2Fe23+ + 12e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 6O2 + 12e– → 6O2– (reduction reaction)
■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: O2

● Vinegar - Fe+2CH3COOH → Fe(CH3COOH)2+H2

○ Fe → Fe2+ + 2e– (oxidation reaction)
○ 2H+ + 2e– → H2 (reduction reaction)

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry

■ Reducing Agent: Fe
■ Oxidizing Agent: CH3COOH

Initial mass = 34g

Nail in Alcohol = 34 g
Nail in water: 34 g - 4 g = 30 g ; loss 4 g
Nail in Salt water 34 g + 2.5 g = 36.5 g ; gains 2.5g
Nail in Sprite 34 g + 3 g = 37 g ; gains 3 g
Nail in Vinegar 34 g - 9 g = 25 g ; loss 9 g
Nail in Oil = 34 g
Nail exposed to Air/soil/environment 34 g - 4 g = 30 g ; loss 4 g

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry


Ramos, Christian Jay

-crafted the introduction
-helped in answering the
questions in the data gathering
and post lab questions
-organized the lab report

Bolante, Charenz Montecastro, Kshelou Orosco, Ela Marie

-co-author of the -Crafted and organized the -made the
procedure part materials/ equipment part Summary/Conclusion Part
-contributed in answering -documented the experiment -contributed in answerin the
the questions in the data and organized the images post lab questions and also
gathering and post lab -helped in organizing the helped in the data gathering
questions references part
-helped in organizing the -helped in organizing the
references references

Quitasol, Yamila Ashley Sandia, Gian Carlo

- made the Practical Application -co-author of the procedure part
-contributed in answering the -took lead in answering the
questions in the data gathering and questions in the data gathering
post lab questions and post lab questions
-helped in organizing the references -helped in organizing the
used references

*note: All members provided materials except from the chemicals, helped in doing the experiment, and in
the recording of data.

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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry



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Experiment 3: Thermochemistry


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