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faveo favere, favi, fautus + dative verb 2 favour, support

felix felicis adjective fortunate, happy
femina feminae, f noun 1 woman
fero ferre, tuli, latus verb irregular bring, carry, bear
ferox ferocis adjective fierce, ferocious
festino festinare, festinavi verb 1 hurry
fidelis fidele adjective faithful, loyal
filia filiae, f noun 1 daughter
filius filii, m noun 2 son
flumen fluminis, n noun 3 river
forte indeclinable adverb by chance
fortis forte adjective brave
forum fori, n noun 2 forum, market place
frater fratris, m noun 3 brother
frustra indeclinable adverb in vain
fugio fugere, fugi verb 3 run away, flee
gaudeo gaudere, gavisus sum verb 2 be pleased, rejoice
gaudium gaudii, n noun 2 joy, pleasure
gens gentis, f noun 3 family, tribe, race, people
gero gerere, gessi, gestus verb 3 wear (clothes), wage (war)
gladius gladii, m noun 2 sword
gravis grave adjective heavy, serious
habeo habere, habui, habitus verb 2 have
habito habitare, habitavi, habitatus verb 1 live
heri indeclinable adverb yesterday
hic haec, hoc pronoun this, he, she, it
hic indeclinable adverb here
hodie indeclinable adverb today
homo hominis, m noun 3 man, human being
hora horae, f noun 1 hour
hortor hortari, hortatus sum verb 1 deponent encourage, urge

hortus horti, m noun 2 garden

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