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Welcome to an School Year!

Dear Students,

I hope this le<er finds you well and brimming with excitement for the upcoming school year at Smithson Valley
High School! My name is Mr. Thornton, and I am thrilled to join the SVHS family as your instructor for Personal
Financial Literacy and Economics and the JV Boys Basketball Coach.

Being new to the school brings its own set of challenges and excitement, but I am confident that together, we
can make this academic year truly memorable. My goal is not only to impart knowledge but also to foster an
environment where each one of you can thrive and reach your full

Throughout the year, we will embark on a journey of learning, growth, and discovery. My commitment to you
is to provide a and engaging learning experience that encourages curiosity and thinking. If
you ever have ques.ons, concerns, or just want to chat, my door is always open. Let's work together to make
this school year extraordinary.

I am genuinely excited to get to know each one of you and to contribute to the vibrant and dynamic
community at Smithson Valley High School. Here's to a fantas.c academic year filled with achievements,
camaraderie, and, of course, some slam dunks on the basketball court!

Wishing you all the best,

Isaac Thornton
Smithson Valley High School
Instructor: Isaac Thornton
Room: B208
Conference Period: 2nd Period
Phone: (830) 885-1000

PFL and Economics

About the class: This is a semester-long course in which we will explore basic economic and personal finance
concepts in accordance with the Texas Essen9al Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) appropriate for this subject.

Expecta1ons: I expect all students to adhere to the Comal ISD Student Code of Conduct as well as these items
1. Respect everyone and choose words that are respec^ul and appropriate.
2. Do your own work.
3. Arrive on .me and be prepared for class every day.
4. Store anything that disrupts learning.

1. Check Google Classroom for assignments and heed due dates.
2. Campus grading guidelines and discipline policies will be strictly enforced.
3. An assignment submi<ed without a name will be counted late.
4. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penal9es on
assignments or tests and disciplinary penal9es in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
Academic dishonesty includes chea9ng or copying the work of another student, plagiarism of any kind,
including the use of electronic media, and unauthorized communica9on between students during an
Cell Phones:
1. All cell phones or electronic devices should be placed in the wall phone holder in your assigned
2. No cell phones are allowed during class .me. This includes when you are done with your assigned work
or when you are going into the restroom or leaving class for any reason. (As per SVHS policy)
3. This also applies to any ear-based listening devices.
4. Failure to comply results in the device being taken to the office per school/district policy.

Grading: Major (tests, projects): 45%, Quizzes & Common Assessments: 35%, Daily & Homework: 20%
Make-up tests: You are required to take any test that you miss the NEXT DAY that you return to school unless
you have made other arrangements with me.

Projects: Guidelines for projects will be given well in advance of the project’s due date with ample 9me
provided for comple9on. Projects are not accepted late unless discussed with Mr. Thornton. “My printer broke”
is not an excuse. If unexpectedly absent, you may e-mail me the project at
Re-Assessments (CISD grading guidelines, p.29-30):

• TESTS - Can be “redone” for the maximum grade of a 70. You must come in THREE TIMES. Twice to study and once to
retake the test. Reassessment must occur within the same nine-week grading period.

• QUIZZES - May “redo” two grades per nine-weeks for the maximum grade of a 70. You must come in TWO TIMES WITHIN
Late Work (CISD grading guidelines, p.32):
● All late work will be deducted 15 points per day up to 2 days late. ALL others will be accepted at the discreRon of Mr.

Units Covered
You can expect to learn about the following topics over the course of this semester:
● Unit 1: Basic Economic Concepts & Free Enterprise
● Unit 2: Government & Economics
● Unit 3: EducaRon and Entrepreneurship
● Unit 4: Earning & Spending
● Unit 5: Credit, Debit, Saving, & InvesRng
● Unit 6: ProtecRng & Insuring

Class Materials:
1. Class notebook (1” or more binder with loose-leaf paper, spiral notebook, composi.on notebook, etc.---
your choice). You will be taking notes and needing a repository for your notes and worksheets to
prepare for quizzes and tests.
2. Blue or black ink pen and a pencil with eraser.
3. Highlighter, colored pencils, markers for periodic projects and/or presenta.ons.
*Addi.onal supplies may be required for specific assignments or projects as needed
Parental Contacts
● I may be contacted by phone at 830-885-1000 during school hours Monday-Friday. The best way to
reach me is email at:

_________________________________ _________________________________
Student Signature Parent Signature

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