(CIA) Work Paper On The Abolition of White Supremacy Worldwide (Shawn Dexter John Is The Sole Author)

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Title: The Death of White Supremacy, a Fundamental Policy of the Central Intelligence Agency

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John, Master of Arts

Institution of Affiliation: Howard University (located in the city of Washington)

Central Intelligence Agency (Work Paper)


The presented revocation of former policy, in removing the vestiges of supremacist

sentimentalism in the American government, isn't obstructive to the proper operation of a
customarily effective government. We, as an Agency, in leading the intelligence community of
global operatives, are not condemning the racial constitution of Europeans or their diaspora.
We simply communicate that an immoral condition, historical in its effect and well documented
as being effective in disenfranchising the cause of humanism, needs to be abolished
procedurally for progressing our modest cause as developmentalists. We are moving toward, at
an exponential rate, the constitution of a global society with political continents serving to
supplement its cause in training our sensibilities and governments for engaging competently
and being indoctrinated into the cause.

Operatives within the Black community, as this serves fundamental to our argument opposing
the force of Supremacy, do not deviate from the Agency's cause in emancipating the Black
community from an oppressive condition, one which the minimalism of class politics did not
address effectively. The upward mobility of only a segment of the Black community, highlighted
by a purported creme of the crop, isn't effective for removing the psychological, emotional, and
social vestiges of African misery and trauma, five hundred years of it. We support a
multicultural globe, in policy and politics, improved by the ascendancy of Blacks on a global
level with the African Union serving as an exceptional and affluent activist in the coming era,
with the United States being conditioned for captivating the world with a discreet but expressive
revolution in African-American economics and politics per concise plans of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), with the European Union being re-guided into global politics and
culture with the infusion of Black immigrants and their offspring performing prominently in their
European citizenship, with the Americas plan emancipating the potential of the Caribbean
Community as a seasoned and trained caucus protective of restitutive politics, with our project
to have mobilized in the Asia-Pacific aboriginal gains, security, and affluence for legitimizing
Australia as a social and political force in the future with the city of Sydney serving as the
intended capital of the Asia-Pacific, with our support of the Indu-Asia (West Asia) concept which
anticipates India's commendable relationship with the African Union and the United States (as
an appreciated bastion of Africanist philosophy).

The agenda requires the procedural enactment of legislation which inoffensively provides
security and resources for conducting our related work as an internationalist Agency, an organ
of the U.S. government now becoming socially astute in its evolution, requires the abolishment
of the policies of international banks and other financial institutions which demonstrate little or
no social literacy in having actively or unconsciously supported maintaining the status quo of
egregious Eurocentrism (now dissolving) - minimalism in supporting the security, stewardship,
and development of Black-majority countries is no longer condonable. Our diplomats, legalists,
and Civil Society activists are working diligently to help reform the conduct, protocols, customs,
and, situationally exhibited, stubborn attitude of these customary actors now ready to give room
to [new age] central banks and funds affiliated with the integrationist situation of Black

We as an Agency of Black and White operatives re-conciliatory in our related conviction will
support, as the leading managerial benefactor of the United States government and system in
its reformation, without equivocation or minimalism, the Equality Doctrine. This doctrine
provides that we support and protect racial, ethnic, gender, and cultural equality throughout the
globe without denying the emotional plight of justice as stated in revealing the constitution of our
related argument. The movement provides that all of humanity shall experience the protocol
development, appreciation, recreations, and productivity of our variated but standardized
conditions. We have imagined and now reveal an emerging cosmopolitan and abundantly
colorful world, one which will only evolve within the humanist standard being presented to and
incorporated into our global governance culture of nations, supranational continents, and the
United Nations.

We will surrender to the cause of unabated diplomacy. The intelligence community will coalesce
around the detailed issue in conversing with the European Union, the Commonwealth of Nations
(as a social but non-political organization), the Organization of American States, a revised
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Civil Society Organizations, and the United Nations
for helping conduct our operations with fear mongering, hate, misadjustment, or unrest. We
stand committed to our cause without disastrous practices or effect.

Name of Series Writer: Shawn John

Highest Level of Degree Earned: Master of Arts
Institution Issuing Degree: Howard University
Degree being prepared: Juris Doctorate (J.D)
Institution Preparing New Degree: Yale School of Law
Position Being Prepared: [Inaugural] President of Yale Law Journal
Agency of Contracting: Central Intelligence Agency
Institution of Agency Affiliation: Howard University
New Agency Identity Being Assumed: Khaled Hassan
Agency Position: Chief Manager of the CIA and INTERPOL
Last four digits of [U.S.] Social Security Number: 6640
Religion of Shawn Dexter John: Roman Catholicism (Christianity)
Purpose of Publication: Public Briefing

Race/ethnicity: Black/African-American
Citizenship and Nationality: the United States of America (USA)
Sole country of Residence and Location: the United States of America (USA)

Re-incorporating and Revised Organization: ARSI International Research Policy Institute

President: Shawn Dexter John (also known as "Khaled Hassan" for lawful Agency purposes)

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