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Title: Indo-Caribbeans, an integral segment of our globe in its worldwide illumination

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John, Master of Arts

Date of Updated Transcription: 10/24/2023

Universities of Affiliation: Howard University (Washington, DC) and Saint Thomas University
College of Law (Miami Gardens, Florida)

Location of Shawn Dexter John's related employment: Florida, United States

Central Intelligence Agency (Work Paper)


Though I am of African descent and of some indigenous lineage (and American per citizenship),
I do realize that the Indo-Caribbean population, Caribbeans of Indian (South Asian) descent,
serve to voucher for our plans of political pluralism, continentalism, social and cultural
intersections, and a World Government respectful of the diasporic relations of the planet, all
sectors. I will communicate the peculiarity of their activism, potential, and value in our pursuit of
global society, one utopianist in definition.

The following communicates the population's empirical value, cultural potential, and social and
political activism in the Caribbean region and via diplomatic expositions unique to their [caucus]

1. In both Trinidad and Tobago and the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, the Indian
population serves as half of the electorate, is represented popularly in all segments of
society, and is becoming politically and indelibly active, meaning of great and indefinite
significance, in Caribbean and international politics,
2. As a social group, demographic and political in nature, they are becoming invested in
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), trade unions, niche political parties, and
enterprises maintaining intersections between the Afro-Caribbean and Indo-Caribbean
communities of the region, their diaspora in North America, and the Indian sub-continent
via cultural mechanisms not inhibitive of global citizenship; therefore, we provide no
communication of inhibition with regard to their related activism as once suggested by
National Security Agency (NSA) operatives made privy to certain related deliberations,
3. As political advocates, logical and licensed in nature, community activists of relation
have documented that the Caribbean Community, per their honest assessment, is
worthy of the attention and partnership being gifted by the federal government of the
United States in having respected, acknowledged, motivated, cultivated, and
appreciated the [human] development, civility, intellectualism, politics, and culturalism of
the region reflective of its genuine nature and in correspondence with our plan for the
Americas, an economic and political Union not deprived of a co-operative composition
with refined multiculturalism in mind,
4. We are in the process, per requests from professionals affiliated with the intelligence
community of Indian heritage, of negotiating diplomatic agreements, cultural and social
in complexion, with the Republic of India in anticipation of economic agreements to be
gained at later periods with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) (non-breaching of
Union sovereign terms), the encompassing Union of the Americas, and the United
States, a perpetual Member State within and leading State activist within the
hemisphere, of the variated sanctionable kinds, meaning bilateral and multilateral,
5. The community did commend the Jamaican artist known as Sean Paul, Indo-Caribbean,
for indiscriminately covering for me, an African-American operative and manager of
Caribbean heritage, in serving as a Caribbean operative of the Central Intelligence
Agency toward helping develop and evolve an appropriate complexion of our social,
economic, cultural, and political directives with the Caribbean Community with respectful
and discreet assimilation in mind (as needed for protecting our stewardship in the
6. The community has been adamant in demanding that the Republic of India begin the
process of edifying a West Asia economic and political Union (including it as a
permanent and full Member State), that India withdraw from all membership status(es)
and pursuit(s) affiliated with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and that the
Republic of India be accepted by the global community as a future superpower
respected and benefactoral within the West Asia continental scheme being formalized by
our Agency and INTERPOL discreetly with respective countries,
7. The community has consistently communicated their support (and their lobby in having
India assent to the terms) of early protocols protecting the City of New York as the
permanent capital city of the United Nations (into the future) as a World Government (to
be formalized in half a century),
8. Political activists in Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, and Guyana, those of Indian descent,
are accepting of the restitutive action issued by the Central Intelligence Agency and
INTERPOL for emancipating the [universal] Black population from deemed inadequacy,
impoverishment, disenfranchisement, outcasting, sabotage, and [discriminatory]
institutional opposition in having endured such conditions miserably (as a community) for
five centuries in requesting and in being affirmed the operable directive to help develop
India into a regional superpower and a leading globalist in outlook within decades, and
9. The community has, as recruited professionals, received our commendation in having
provided propositions which always commit to protecting a progressive, multi-racial,
multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and cosmopolitan region governed uniquely by CARICOM
within the hemispheric scheme of constraints and regulatory [continental] laws and
policies being nurtured.


*(10) The community has assented to the creation of the [Free Trade and] Economic Area of the
Americas and, subsequently, the political Union of the Americas and (1) to serving within and (2)
enjoying full citizenship of the impending Union (as with all other residents of the Union) and
*(11) The community has assented to the terms of final protocols selecting the city of Miami,
Florida as the sole and permanent capital city of the Union of the Americas upon its founding,
meaning upon its inception in two decades.

Name of Series Writer: Shawn John

Highest Level of Degree Earned: Master of Arts
Institution Issuing Degree: Howard University
Degree being prepared: Juris Doctorate (J.D)
Institution Preparing New Degree: Yale School of Law
Position Being Prepared: [Inaugural] President of Yale Law Journal
Agency of Contracting: Central Intelligence Agency
Institution of Agency Affiliation: Howard University
New Agency Identity Being Assumed: Khaled Hassan
Agency Position: Chief Manager of the CIA and INTERPOL
Last four digits of [U.S.] Social Security Number: 6640
Religion of Shawn Dexter John: Roman Catholicism (Christianity)
Purpose of Publication: Public Briefing

Race/ethnicity: Black/African-American of Caribbean heritage

Citizenship and Nationality: the United States of America (USA)
Sole country of Residence and Location: the United States of America (USA)
Country of Allegiance and Loyalty: the United States of America (USA)

Re-incorporating and Revised Organization: ARSI International Research Policy Institute

President: Shawn Dexter John (also known as "Khaled Hassan" for lawful Agency purposes)

Nature of the Series of Publications: Non-fictional

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