VBA For Beginners - Script

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VBA for beginners

Task 1: Hello World

- Create an Excel file with Macro-Enabled

- Setup the environment (Trust Center, Developer Tab)
- Insert a button
- Create a Macro Function SayHello (inside a module)
- Call function from a button (assign macro from a button)

Sub SayHello()

MsgBox (“Hello world”)

‘MsgBox(“Hello”) this is a comment

End Sub

Note: Hot key: Ctrl + Space for suggesting

Task 2: Increasing & Decreasing button

- Create 2 buttons (Higher and Lower)

- Define a new function

Sub higher_value()

Selection.Value = Selection.Value +1

End Sub

Sub lower_value()

Selection.Value = Selection.Value -1

End Sub

- Assign 2 functions to 2 buttons that were created in last step

- Test your results

Task 3: Change active cell

- Create 5 buttons (Up, Down, Left, Right, Home), click there to move the active cell.

Sub Home()
Worksheets (“Sheet2”).Range(“H8”).Select

End Sub

Sub Up()


End Sub

Selection.offset(-1,0).Select = UP

Selection.offset(1,0).Select = DOWN

Selection.offset(0,1).Select = RIGHT

Selection.offset(0,-1).Select = LEFT

Task 4: Simple Loop and variables

Sub SimpleLoop()

Dim i As Interger

For i=1 To 10



End Sub

Task 5: Create Sheet/Copy Sheet

Test these statements:

Sheets(“Du Lieu”).Copy Before:=Sheet(2)

Sheets(“Du Lieu”).Copy After:=Sheet(1)

MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count


Application.DisplayAlerts = False //ignore delete warning

Sheet(“Du lieu”).delete

Task 6: Delete

Test these statements

Get specific value and rename worksheet

ActiveSheet.Name = Sheet(1). Range(“B8”)

Delete many worksheets using loop

Sub DeleteManyWorksheets()

Dim ws as Worksheet

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets

If ws.Index >2 Then


End if

Next ws

End Sub

Case study: Provide a list of staffs; for each staff, create a worksheet that contains
his/her personal information.

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