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Atul's Bach Flower Remedies


By Atul Ramkrishna Sukhatankar on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 7:51am

This write-up on Olive should be read in conjunction with the one already posted by Amy Page (see Files
section) wherein she has talked about the Olive affirmations as well, besides sharing many other interesting
insights. However, I felt I needed to write my own stuff… with my peculiar, now- familiar idiosyncratic ways!

If one were to understand Olive from a present-day parlance, it is just this. It is a remedy for doing to the body
what we generally and quite so thoughtlessly do to our mobiles: RECHARGE.

Dr. Edward Bach has this to say about the people who require this remedy: “Those who have suffered much
mentally or physically and are so exhausted and weary that they feel they have no more strength to make an
effort. Daily life is hard work for them without pleasure.” –The Twelve Healers & Other Remedies

Therapists must necessarily keep in mind that Dr. Bach has classified this remedy in the group “Not Sufficient
interest in the Present Circumstances” and has , as such, clubbed it together with Clematis, Honeysuckle, Wild
Rose, White Chestnut, Mustard and Chestnut Bud.* (see footnote, below).

Olive is a remedy for regeneration of the body by restoring peace and balance in the mind and soul. And this I
consider as very important because though it is imperative that the healer must energetically be more joyous
while dispensing with the remedies, once dispensed, however, it must create peace in the mind and soul of the
patient, to enable him/her to heal rapidly. And Olive does just that.

Olive is ideal for people who have suffered for a long time from certain serious illnesses and feel their bodies
are sapped of all vitality, the mind badly bruised, wearied and exhausted. Dr. Vohra indicates the characteristic
Olive mind symptoms, with this statement : “I am finished. I am indeed very tired ..and I can’t do any more
So also, people who live a monotonous life…the clerical cadres in offices, the fitness trainers, gym and yoga
instructors, teachers, coal miners and all other such professions … require to be administered this remedy on a
regular basis. In such cases, Olive need necessarily be administered along with Cherry Plum and Oak for
excellent results.

Housewives (or homemakers) have tedious chores to attend to, day in day out. The tedium kills the zest for life
and the routine develops an apathy and disinterest in the household work. Occasionally, a few doses of Olive
and Centaury can reinstate them on the joyous path.

For those who have been ill for long and are recuperating, Olive together with Centaury gives the much
needed push to the patient to approach life afresh. Those who have been in hospitals for long, should also take
this remedy together with Crab Apple, to reduce the ash residues of allopathic drugs.

We need to look at Olive in conjunction with Hornbeam to understand the subtle differences that lie within
these two basically energy-imparting remedies. Hornbeam is chiefly prescribed for “thought tiredness” as
against Olive which is chiefly for “body tiredness”. Disinclination and lack of motivation to face the day or the
future is Hornbeam and as such is required before the tasks have begun; on the other hand, Olive is tiredness
that arises out of hard, gruelling work. If Hornbeam is required in the morning, Olive is most certainly
required in the evening or at night.

Children studying hard for their examinations require the combo of Cherry Plum, Oak and Hornbeam, while
those exerting themselves on the sports field would require, Olive , instead of Hornbeam, in the same combo.
However, such children who complain about their studies as being “boring” need to be administered Olive to
regain their zest in studies.

Here are a few others who require it:

1. Aged people who due to their advancing age, the complaints of the body, and social seclusion of sorts, tend to
retreat to their inner core. Olive together with Heather can pep up their sagging, burdensome bearings.

2. Parents totally engrossed in making arrangements for their sons/daughters weddings generally experience a
kind of burn-out syndrome and are in dire need of Olive and Oak.

3. Here’s what Dr. Cornelia has to say, and very aptly at that: “Sadness, depression, discouragement, a sense of
meaninglessness and apathy may accompany the exhaustion (of the Olive state). The inner spiritual core may
falter in faith and be devoid of seeing purpose and beauty in life….The creamy white flowers are abundant,
carrying the plant’s hidden healing power of regenerating the body, mind/emotions and inner spirit.”
Wherever, such emotional states are evident, they make a strong plea for being administered Olive.
The positive effects of Olive remedy truly shows off when people realize that they do not have to strain
themselves to achieve results. Slowly but surely, they begin to have more faith in the powers that be to guide
and take them effortlessly through all the vicissitudes of life.

(*All the remedies in this group represent an individual’s reaction to a situation wherein he/she has lost
interest: Clematis, by choosing dreams to hard realities; Honeysuckle, by withdrawing into the past; Wild Rose,
by embracing apathy ; White Chestnut by developing a deluge of thoughts; Mustard by taking refuge in
constant oscillations and Chestnut Bud, by developing inner restlessness. Olive opts to pull down the shutters,
saying “Sorry, just no energy reserves to handle the situation.”)

Stay blessed, everyone!


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