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DATE: 92/06/29 E.XPERIMENT- 4 * Rim + To delesmine the ~esiskance per_cm Jor a gwen wire by plating a gre pb fos potential difference Vewsus covsent. | Bppasolos And “Maternal Reqursed +B long wire Col about 100m Length) unknown vesistance, a batten eliminele ow an accumulator Coto 3V), a -sebeasta}, one woy plug hey, a D¢ milliommmeter (600 mf), thick Conneching wire, lo meter scale poovicled with teaminals ond o piece of Sand poper. Th Nciple. "Ohm's Law stoles thot "The coment} Flowing -Hrrough a conductor is divectly prenorhonal to the potenal cliffexence behaesrs any two points of the conductor proves! the physical conditions. namely + etaseniare pressure ele. ‘remain _constan}”” ° I) V be the potential cliffevence_acwoss the ends of the conductor ane_I -the comesponcing trent, then according to_obms low val | V= RI Teacher’s Sign.: _ J * the Cincuit Diagram € k o] Se—_(+ }— VA | Pe L AWWW L | 2 nel R Circuit diogaorn to verify the ohms la® and to deleamine the -resistance of o wire. PAGENO.: O When, R= Constont of proportionally called wesistance f the conductor: Resistance * Resistance of a given conductor or wise is the opposifion to Flow of a charges ox _cussent io it. Fox the given conductor of uniform crass - sechon the sesistance depends upon the conductow. + The resishance of o wise Is gen by Ree L A where, @ = sesistivity of the material of wire L= length dl wir A = cxoss_sechonal_avea of wir * The 81 ont of resistance is _obm C2). Is Note t The resishvily is p2op' ty of a_molevial. Tis si onit is obm-meler, (Q-~). Teacher’s Sign.: #Observalens And i . 1. Bange of 2sleast Count of 3 Zero evor of Calculations commeler = Oto... 29. ammeler = 005 “ommeter= 0 4 Ronge of vollmeles = o 10 40 v 5 least Count of vollmeler = 6: Zeno evar 0.2 Vv yollmeler 0 Vv 7 Least count rt meler gcale = O4 an & Measured length 4| the wire Q= 0-16 m Caduolabons 4 Rye 2 Rg « Ye 3 Ry = 2 Ay = vy aoe SRe ANS “xa Mean Resishance R= — OS , 429-2 “4 213 bee 1 ~ de 219 0 Os aah 2 0430 re 2 Oneal Rit Rots +Ry \26 413415403 4 A A A R= ¥% ye _ = a4 ———————“—OST | (orn) C_ +| Procedure A J.Now slide the sheostat contact +o one of its extreme ends, go that the 4 [lemall coment is passed thsough the vesistonce wires > 2 Note the vollmeler ond_milliommeles readings to get the yolve potential 5 difference across the sesistance wise _and cusent Flowing Hosough ik. “4 3, Pall_ovt the key kand allow the wire to cool if it gels heotec| . ad 4 Insext the hey b agoin and shift the sheostat_contact slightly to increase ~ ‘he applied voltage. if 5+ Note, again the milliommele ane voltage meter. u Note £ This, time we will get ineseasedl volve of cowent asthe applied volfoge — has been increaced- 4 | Repoot slope (3) fol for Jew mae dime fox diflexent -sellngs of aheoslat and _— no} the aespective readings. uy LNole the thedavahions ig the tabslax Fosm i (le Pla Abe epoch bebueer Vane! | by tuhing them along X and Y-axus 4 t aciped hs andl with the help of slope of the gxaeb Fdetermine the valve of || zeackance by using the folowing selation. ~ Resistance, A= 4 =... 0 ul Slope ZS ‘Teacher's Sign: —————— eee —_— > Vollmeter reading MillitBelex -reading Real oy . So Vv (vol) I (mA) = SS 1. oe Vv On dos | > 2 Av 0s 430 3 4.2N OR he fo ee og ogg & 6. ON 2A 02 = 6 Rmeansh}08 s = Stop = NM ; lop 4 paph Teno= SRY) > reaidance perv Legh + tke we = 8 i. * = 3.62 Im =0-8 © £ Pesishance,® aa “gop aaaeie 4 (=r) CC ‘(ut the wise at the points where it leaves the one tesmine| 4 the. yollmeter | and the olhew. Nole# Th is 4o_be a "7 a — of wise wound around the a af voltmeter shoul acco’ ||. Now semove inds in the wise (ifany) and 4 tretch it against || the _meles scale. Is Measure the sesistunce pescm of the wire.=R I AN > Here, R is the value ef resistance which is determined ia Atep (2). i | Pesul [+ The polenta) difRaence across 9 given wire 1s_civectly proporliona) tothe current through Ht. Hence there 13a linea rela bionship bebiveer polenta) difference [2. The resistance pexontt | across a qiven wie and cvnent Flowing through iJ Teacher's Sign ae DATE :04) 07) 22 \ EXPERIMENT 2 Aim To find =the vesislance of a ven wie using o mely bridge. Apparatus and Material Requined i = _ A _metes brid long cons}- lantan ox manganin wine of _unifowm cross - section of matevial whose vesistivily is to be delearmined a resistance box, a jockey a_bolley eliminates, a one- way hey, 4 galvanomeder scaew gauge chick connecling . } WIT, high aeaistance_hox , sand papes_and o rreler_gcale. “Theory / Principle J 7 A_meler bridge works onthe princi heal stones bridge. A Wheatstone’s beidge is an elechical_nehaowk in_yhich =P NNec e gunchialend ABCD as shown in fig. al | Thus Pt =the moment ushen the glovano- meke chows zex deflection ; 4hen_no_cuavent flows thaowgh the galveno-. ||melew_and —the nile is€aid to be halanced.It happens when jockey 1s. |Ise- af the point oiled pull point in the meks boiclge j dnt t QS | > 4 Teacher’s Sign.: ____ ff C+) @ RB of F i to wo ye enema Retiree trait R 4 Goes a re cS Sam @) A f#—-—— ken Ll esl Rp 2) ow ey Chroit Dingvors of meter boidge J: eam) { DATE ed I ar ine) esistan: Sine, the sesistance FD a, ye en. b lo concuclos ts disect! ional +o Ras Pesistonce ahio = Length raho Th the _meler midge at pull deflechon i in the gahvanomeler cr when the bu de ge Ig balance: pe £ —Leng!h AD of bridge wine Q Length DC dv bridge wire =R= t S$ = “ Unhnown vesistane,x- @[t leaf 4] (00-2 | (too-4 | ‘whee, B= resistance introduce l_faom fhe vesislance_box Q. | A= Sength AD callec)_balsncing length. [Hence by bnowing the balancing length of the wize, one can Jind its ‘Hen. by Hoang gle 4 | Teacher's Sign.: a L | Wheaisione?s. bridge (Brine) C_) Delesmination of Resistivily ol the Malerial. ms as Now with the hel; || unknown re: ce, one_can_Find the value of resistivity ov specific —_Thhesiskance of tho! wire: cific_resishan resighivity (p) of th material ch given wine and is sesistance (x) ove velabed as p= Xm? ' c Lwheve , b= fen, iven wre whose aesislivity is to be mea: ured. Hence, by knowing the yesistance and length 4 the wise one can fine its | cif Madence! ‘Procedure ° Selling up the Meter Bridge + Toke a sand paper and clean the insulation ab the ends of the cometh wie! (>-Tighlen al) the vg sistance_hox (Ae) by_pressing each plu j downwards and then scuewing them. 8. Drrsange mponenls-dé“pex the ciscvi} chagwam of meter bridge ani connect the _componenlé with the help of connecting wire. \ Connect the -resistance wire whose resistance 1s to he cletermined in the tek gop hve Aond 8. Take care thal no pant of the wire forms a loop. 5: Tntroduce_a resistance B_Jxom the resishance box in the civet and insert He plug. into che one-way hey K, 60.48 to complete the cinwit. Teacher’s Sign; Obsewalions And Cakulalions Delewinalion of Unknaun Resistance Resistarce__Ams _Lenata | Unknown 3 |e Prom tre Balaring Length | Tesislan ce No.) Tesishant€ lengthy | Oc=loo-€ | y= | das bors RED) A= Lend! Cem eleeesiee > \B 82. 0.24, [om 2 | o| 2% | BH | B66 03 1 | g| 3 | 88 oh 2 julia 93 3 2 | Is 5 6-5 1 93S 0:34 2 | Mean ‘esishence,X mean> Ra t%e Hat ky the = © 5 2 O-D140 340-4 40-30-34 _ s / ff 2cigoga Un 3t fal EEE Note f Gomelimes ,a sheostat is puovided 40 you instead 4 rmesickance box. {| Actual “xesistance device acle tb 4 wrapping a Jong congtantan wire sound a_non- condueling ceramic cylinder. The slides of 4 ne sheoslat can he glowly glided Fsorm minimom ecislance pos iio towards maximum resistance posilion-to get he. cequired cvesistonce: Measurement of Bo encing Length of the wise | «Now, glide the jock ey along the wise nearly in the midelle , so as to gel a j || pear_pull point in “he galvanomeler. “The point where the galvanomeles shows the zero cle leehion (Soy point D D) on athe wire_js called poll orhalaned point. 1 #. When “the noll point is achweyed on the we note down the balenang lenglh Ap. ? i [je By repealing the sleps take atleast Pour els of obseralons inthe simiea, way, by inbre veing diferent resistance from the gesisance_box Cincseasing |lovder) into fhe one way ivevit. i Tnteschange the positions of, resistance box Banc) wire of unknown esistance, X and repeat the _zkeps forthe same five valves oR [Nolet While inleschanaing the unknown resistance X and resistance hor ib shoold_ be ened leith of, wie <4 unknown ‘resistance gbovld he ame ight as_in Teacher's Sign.:__ — 4 ______ a RE * Caleolations © Unknown Resishance X Yor Redo 2 gx th 2 0.28.0 \oo-& 82 Yo= RA —- Aa aerion ee port Ree = 03-2 Wa> Re k = 8x\2 = O42 org ONY = OM %y =Reto 2 yxhxo3 2 loo a3 Xe Red asxbS = 0.342 (oo~k qs (erie) Th onder to find the Apecific, resistance of the woe of resistance X cot the ie at the points phere tt \eaves the piodng tena 3. Stretchy it to -semove -the bi measure thy meter scale. 7 i 4 ast cou' Om e given scsew 2. Measure the comected everage diomeler (ox average sowie alter ze~wo_comreclion wise al Ihe diffevent places ale lenalh in. two sovboally peependiculere dizechions at each place. 13. Find the mean diameks of diffrent valves. bis Note yours cbsewationg inthe tabular form. “Precavlions 2-Ploga ‘nthe aesistance box shovld_be pressecl and -\ scewin: hem a little inthe clockwise _clivection.. 2. The badge wre shal not be passed with jhe jockeys too hard othewwise we ent cions in the wire. Fey 40_obloin the_nvll paint neqs the middle o} the wire (Ho fo 60 om) o thot the bvidge can be used in most sensilve 004. Teacher's Sign.: EEE PAGENO.: 10 | | [To _psolect the gelvomometer from damage due bo_excessive __ th i. leument, vse a high aesistance iD sevies wr | 5. At one place diameter ct, sthe wire chovld be mneasvred fp two mulually parpenclicw lax_disections. | Sources of Exsor 1. The screws of me: ex bridlge and _of haltesy may be looser. 2. The wire qf meler bielge may be ¢ of non uniform cross - sechon -troughout “is length «12 The wire dv coment which thorease is werishance- [The screw gouge may have wong, pitch and_backfladh enor. 5. The pplogs_may not_be cleaned. Result © + The valve of, unksows, qesishance 1% found Jo he 0-34. EER Teacher's a: a 7 - ——— EXPT.NO.| PAGENO.: \\ DATE: 13/09 122 U Aim 0 ves! e_laws ol combination of series an pavallel) using “a meter brielge. © Apparalu ateria) Requir A_tnelew bridge wo clifferent ___ resistances 0 resistar sensitive _qalv tera hatter elimina: one-wa hick connechi ines AN | piece El sand paper. + Theory | Principle | | Pesistance i Series | i Pesistances ave said to he connected) in serie: Lik Yh onne endl a inthe fi ee fox , [number omnected th sevie wolen} ~re io || given by | Bs =Pyt Rot Bg tt Ro LE, | 7 Teacher's Sign.: — ~~. Mi ——, > |;+—— a Combination of wesigtances in Sewies Combination of vesistantes in parallel — PAGENO.: 2. Restskances arse saicl +o be connected! in para Mel | * Resistances i a Pawalle) | when one end of each vesis ted atone common point heir otha ends ane connected to ofhes common paint as shown in fig. T resistance is given by Bas ae hh yg gd Bp Ma OR Fo for n number of tesistances connected in parallel ithe equivalent | ° | Procedure * Determination of too Resiskances st 4. Take two wires cl resistances (soy Xyand Xs) 2 Follow the same steps Lxpeviment 2 +0 clebewmine the Ht Valves of, Xq_and X» one by one 1 _sevieg inthe | a gop of meles imide. a sheen. < Hind +the ‘equiva lent wesishance “of sesies combinalion of nesis- Honces by following -the same procedure asin Expesiment 9. 5. “Take S sels o| obsewalions for series combinolion. © Find the mean valve ch-the. Hve_cbsewvalions for seme: combination ¢} sesistances Xs and X.. Teacher’s Sign.: io ew ee ee weet esque suite 5 ait eee a & P Jockey PIS k sem * (100-0) on Maes badge for veapyin’ laa of Seaies! Covtibiméon of cy istant¢s *Caleulation Resistance re ay. R Mean of Resicshance Me Sexo pee | poeeetcest) = 64RD | Ot Xt ARyo = HI 7-46 ty = 2h = | ey * Sk? 019 260 29%) _ = 7 = ip sede So2= y 06a pe | Resistance | feos Rasithance frorn i Reriskance | Mean used i the Ghee” engl etdo-2 x= (is x -R (A) residlance! Wap AD= 2 (er) ADAlws) em) “a La x(.2) 2 42 a2 58 Aad Xe 4 S8 ss u2, 552 6-98 | 6 70 30 30 2 uy Qt 52 Xe 4 6O 60 4O | 3.4662 6 aL an AL.aa Hy and Ky 2 P49 bob 2d dg 5% 0 4 ay wa | 5 3.6. weretes 6 $2 52 4g X ard % 2 6 fe 33 f in 4 R80 a0 || 20 7b Samy, 6 ay a4 \6 ene T Eger ETT EET ITT EE S20 TESTES TESS EE STITT SEES CETTE EET ESET SOOT SOTTTESEEESzOTESTEES#TE SOOT SITITETT SS CIEE TTETEEIEET TEE eTEETTESETaCETIESEEEEE TEE EXPT.NO. PAGENO.: 13 | | elesmidahion of 4 1. Drow a neat crvcuit clagram, showing two resistances Xy and Y \ | connected in pavalle) combination. ®. Now, conneck the wines of resistance X4and Xp in_pavallel ip “the Neh gop. |, meter fridge as shown in the e quae 5 Find the mesighance of the combinahion and take five ccs of obsewalions and find the mean of these Five valves game ag calivlatecl | |li) tkeps for _sevies combinabion of resistances. ‘s Tn the place of E in the above figure ,soch the combination clvesishor a: ¢!| Result “Table for Veifying the Laws , Aaries and Perallel_ (om binalions of Retishancet _Combinalion_¢ | Theoretically Expenmenlall | reistances > eapect ed yaloe obtained valve | Sevier | BtRe= Ig | xXeeaxss FAR Pat Po = 4 | Revell RyRy Xptayp: &6 | ihin the limi «| expesimental er, the experimental and theoretical valvet of wivalent vesiskances orse_neasly equal. $0, the laws mbinaone oh” ~resislances Cacriet | pavallel) are_yerified. Teacher’s Sign.: : a | | | een) DATE :04 / 08) 22 EXPERIMENT=4 Lond -to Find ls Figure 4 erik. | Ty delermine the resistance 4 o galvonomeler bby holf. de} ection method + | Apparalus ot and |_Metenal Rec Reaired = A moving_cail golvonomeler ( (atebndape) ___la (o-6v ance by range_0-10 K.2 and 0-200.0, one-woy Keus, 0 rheo vo cling wares and _sond | ~{Thesy [Painciple |e Galvanometer | A golvonorne lew 0 seneilive device used fear delectin |Lelechic curent. It” ‘ons reclangulay cil _pivolecl helwe | Ge Nonds) Se ernanent net. The ail’ iD — nthe wa is made op o ‘a —— coppes_ wire. “he dane The ugh i (colled rea fre pel * Determination Resislane Of Golonomelee “The woking pring | anomekr is that "When on eclectic everent posses tho gh ow! plaid i unifosm nelic field then the coil 3 a. whith I e coil." The de} eution e coil is dh ne he_movement _ | o-poinls attaches) “to the’ scale ol _qalvonomeles | ZR | 2 a Teacher's Sign.: | I d High ‘Resistonce Rox. # k 4 é rer] CY x AL G 1 4 (A> 14 I. Is AI-Iy | L_ — RED {+ }— Low Resistance Box Ko Gacvit chagrom for Frc te zesiskance gelvenor Cu). 4 | | | | | [When a coll in is pl ino Boda) mognelic field it | o defile il TaQ | | T= ke whee, K = constant o proporticnalily colled Figure of mesit. | I|* The Ligue ghows the cixuit aaa xeqined Fos Ending the | |e islance_o} _galvonameles_by half deflection method | |e When onl , ke. Ky is closed, w sesh Tp =the cwient ‘Tq prodoces deFlectian © in the qdvonomeles then I, = k® 2 E_=ke | R+G ° “hen the ey 1s also closed . Now the is also clo: sed and oma | nce ig inheduced From the resishance box R82 05 choot yexclonee, The volve oh shun} resistonce_$ i: adjusted 1a sucha way.-thol the defledion in the gpbonereler needle becomes holP. (ie. & ) As © ond § ase 1 pavalle) combinolion ond ‘BR is tt i nthe tola)_aeristonce a, the crit 1s Ris B+ GS @rs + There} ove he ola) cumen| J due-o the EME £ ol the cell in the diva is qnen by Ts Eu e. FE Q —(i) R Rr 4S as Teacher’s Sign.: . essen | Obsewahong And _ Cal lations 7 T | |. i ww) @= RS lylay- ea cue [oie gee” aide (ates) Sek ISLS | Foe Gly) RBS St) Ole) | 4 \o000 28 | ahs Wo AS: 56 Wn Pad | ; \ooro 2h a \D qo 84 | & 2x10 tad 3 200 | gg | ae | 22816 ra | i oro 0G | 8 = TM FL A nei | ow | lag 85 | 509 | 9m Si 4. The em? ch the ballay,E = 29 2 Nomber of divisions on the gelvanemeler seale- 5 3. Mean valve of galvonomeler (> G4 + Got Gy + &, +l = 90.49 bs. Mean value 4 figure of ment = kyr Ko tha thy t he pe = 3-36x19° P [div PAGENO. Th LJ DATE: 1 1 lete Ty is the coment Bowing Aresough she gol vanomeler then Ty = 15 —il) t @t5 From Eqs -lii) andéii), we get v SS Ww Ty = ES RCG+5)+G5 * Fox _aol gl cP lechion, che _galvanoneler duced to i}e_invha) volo e Ty = k(o) ——) 2 [Using Ege .0i3 fin and WV) we get | Golvonomeler tesiclance,= PS ——WD Rrs, Hence, by knowing the volves of Rand 5, one can Find the gelvanomeler I[rexishonce @. As 75 i very smaller thon A 0 $ con be neglecled in | denominalor past o} Eq. G&S ° Figure cf Mev! Of o Golvanomeler * By using ure } Wwanomeler can b : given 05, Figure of, ment = 4 { Ee Hence, by knowing che valves_of_ 6,8, fond @ ,one can find the Agyre of eerily a. qchanomeler. Teacher’s Sign. PAGENO! 13 DATE: ff Note - Bi ra ola the Procedvxe | emP ofthe cell Eis Foond by using Q bah “yeaishonce ie *Seting up the Elemen! ot Circuit 1. Make neal _ond Hight_connections_ag per she dacvit diagram used for in i ce wonomeler. Open both k, bi pal ing oul she Wg Fram thera. — Delennpshon a Resiclonce B [tte te iene Ens thndace_o bigh-aeishnee lay and close the | bile the key ko sho \d_be ept_open 3 Adjust the existance B with The. help dxesislance box Rat Hill te || full Scale defleclion (ox the maxmur de flection Jon the galvanomeler Sia is achieved. he When the Full scale _deFlechion is achieved note the comesponding Lae fy Reuishance Band deflection © Delemnoten ch Pesistance S No Keeping 4 4 xed) , inbodue sor all_Rexis! | q (say S0-2) From the spall resistance box RB2.JInsext the sigals Keun ky to close i+ ow , adj volve with | esighance box Hill the deflection 4| oplvoromeles reduces _exacily half the valve yo obtained in skp (. : 3 When the deflechon Sis obsesved then pole down the valved, schor} Tesislance $- Take ovt the plug from key k to cose jf atte nol the Yalve | shunt xesichonce, & Teacher’s Sign.: * Celelationst |e Aa) pant Smaee G = e000, arson \oooo" 3S z_l00S0 - 4o8l A G \0060 -A 0 G, = 102080 = 60.350 10200-60 Mean valve of galvanormeler resishance = Guthe t Gathy #45 5 ei = 0.4 tap Eafe] ee ag [act EY av 7 = 2 i Hy -—S— [pas 00%] Alay ie 2 + 60-36 i; Ka + [samt 3°) Mean value 4 gelvanornelen fs sventh > bat Ry tks Hy the 5 = POSE+ GOB 460: 35470469 SSDY Se 5 = 3.264106 A lav EXPT.NO. PAGE NO. 18 C_ Is alvoni isto 9. Colevlale the valve of gplvanometer rresistonce_G@ by puting the obs vol | Rand Sin-the Fowrnulo, = Bs. to. With “he hep of high “zegislonce_udllmeler, measure the valve ef en E -the cell. Ww For ea bseava i lo exit Kb pulling the obsesved valoes of, ERG aes © are Fell lowing Reno. Aste] || 12. "Toke the mean. ce all volves 4, & ond h. + ‘Precaulions |[2. To me e value always se high aateistonce voltmeter. [2 The emf _E of cell or battery mus} be constan} AFrvoughout the expevimen! Ae Adjust The sesislance Bin such o way that deflechion jp the galvano- | should e equal to. ber OF divisions. Teacher's Sign. gg EXPT.NO. PAGENO.: 19 5:\se high valoex 6 6 s possible in order to ! gel the conse Wanpmeles resistance lr. ‘Result \l4. iven_aalvoneretes by half deFlechon method | Teacher’s sign: SE RR oa tC} DATE : 18 / 03/.2022| L-ypeR IMENT 5 | Dir To Find the Poca) ength oo convex lens by plotting grep 5, betwee een 4 and 4 u V Apparatus And Matevial Requirec| * An optical bench , 4wo shovp edged needlee (pins) ,comex ei ith clamps), mittin | Jens , thee up needle (ov index needle), o meter scale and spivit level They [Princ + Determination of focal Length oh (Convex Lene Consider an object placed ata distonce_u from the oplica) cenbse of o thin convex leng whose Real . . Bese || ea) inves} ir 1 e_olber side | ba chs from the al cenhe (0). | |: The_velohion belween_v,v_and Fig given by 4a i POW +; | Tbie_is_called_leng_equalion ox Gayssian Fos of lens equation. “This Lens fosrmvla is volid_in ol) silvalions For any spherical Lens Teacher's Sign: ll — ; EXPT.NO. PAGENO.: 94 DATE: =f / * To chow Linear Relahonship bs Obje Diston * The fora) length a lens can also be debeamined by plotins props. belween a and V orobelween 4lu and aiv. “Prom Eq.(i).1t is understood that the graph behoeen 4. and dist mi ight line wit ative rTP 4 20, then 1 =4 and if 4-0, then d= 4 Hence, the tnderepls lathe” graph on © F both the axis are fe, *Therefore,-the_greph_belween and vwill he a hyperbola, id ii 4 volue inter ecb, Hf Abbot when an cbjec is placed ato ‘islonce af from the ene then a real_and invested image _is formed at distance of from the cplica) centre on the other side of the lens. * Tf an deck is placed behueen diskonce 2° and distance £, then ike teal and _imesled image is foomed be ait cthe 9° from the oplical cenhe Lon the other side. Thi proves the linear aeelionship beboeen wand ve Teacher's Sign; DATE: 1 PAGENO.: 92 “Procedure + Delesmination Bough Focal_Leagth of Convex: Lens 1. Hiss} of all clelesmine Fhe rreogh Poca) Leng f the given _conyex lens hy focussi eh dis objed- 2: To deleorine the sough, Foca) Length ablain a shasp image of dhe diskint objet such os tree bulhing , eke. e ew h Boek Ta [dslenee” will give_you 10 he ough fel | Leng . Selling yp the_Apparales 4s Now, place the nee pighls ag, athe _comnex Leng LL’, objed e. le Di el the woo needles ie oth the bens 1 holding the L eg Needler 9 eedle ion dhe rade ie sete © “spat ny ophica needles (i.e 5. Ensuve. Thy she ke, bens and image needle shovld be. se n che oplicd bench otha) prin cpa) axis is arnallel to the of ca)_bench. Teacher's Sign.: 6. Ad s_haldn ject needle and image needle a> that the apheal cenbe df thé Leng and the lips of these two needles lie on the game hoaizontal line. Note- 0) St Q wh eo OF eect|e_ fo ens 3h fyorn he object needle. ; ALE » De Ho ( Ay ances 3. Ned abjus} the postion neeclle 9B -H)) i} hes needle AB, areal, invested a image _is frsmed ato pain Oo} to bekoeen f ond 2 -c),the Lens. D} this position a the objed if beyond 2 fron -Hhe pica) cenlee “on -the other side of the Lens. & Now adjy 1 fhe mage needle cp Hl) ids \ip fouches, 7 hip oh be sinage Ap! ed ensure there uo ue e i Ss Now move your eye Left on ) righ} and dbsewve the meehng he ips of the image needle ch and image AB aj object needle. on mnovind the eyei these +i09 awe seen par Front eath other ther J One heeds to“remmave she paralles. No. ‘Remove dhe pavallex_behveen the i i le Don pe! of she abjed needle by Following dhe “step (io) and oy) ip iment 1. Hi gn cap Teacher's Sign.: Il [RE “* Obsewvahon & Cohalehions * 3+ Leas! wont 4 meler seale = 0.3 un a Approximate Frowyh fora) Length 4, come lens = 146 ory aS - +—teq No. Of Position of Obsewed Valve of ba : bservalions jens. | Emaye [Image | object Image w | v | (w) needle [needle | distance | distance of) |i Cem) UT Cam) |v! Con) | | Pet A | | ‘ WoO) S|) KO PALS 0-02- 024! I a. fo fg Pea | 2a Rae °F ade ° 0234. 3. | WO 2 | 82? 2 33 42-3 |0-026 .,.,|,.0.023y |[ he | HO) 3 se 2 asd 0.023 | 6.022)" s. [4 Ho gpd 36 | 49-4 | 9.029 | 0-02) ‘I Mean valve oH = tht atlytite = Hotah492433434, 6 1996 aur it aw vole ef Ve NDE Hye = bn peur 42-9¢ 4S OHI Y } Se 5 k eRe ata cn [ —s 74 “ | / Pav _ 284434 _ 1660-6 _ 20.32 UM, uty 38+43-4 gl C_) : | 4. When the parollex gels semeved note the pasion of the bjoc) i needle ap rac Lana! the inaye nelle CO an abe aphel beh - d we ie edle. comes_Li Z' wil | give i ce (i) and the disha e_ image - needle cd and convex 1’ wil gWve_yoo jhe image distance (wv). 32 Repeat the expesimne ct fon_five_rse Aicenl chsnichsme = oplical enhre fi lens. . Applying the index Cosechon PP '3.Tn_slep (13 ave_noted i my i distomcea so . apply Ahe_index _cGaseclion ip “these tuo xeadings |" Te _detewnine the adval lengths take an index needle and adj ik_howizonlall y such thal Hs one end touches ane ofthe curved needle in_beleen these 00 poinks Jo find the ache) Length belween the len and the especie needle : Note- The aclual e_diskons the 4 ee ‘land_ophe the lens) is_delearsined easy of index needle“ plys_hall of, the thickness 4, athe Lens because | cen a on" convex lens with eurfaces” a} equal cwovolovels ad s_geametrica) cenbe. But if one ts using a Abi cower Lens, Shen she thucknes: of tbe Leng can be ignored. EE Teacher's Sign.:_—_ lt EXPT.NO. PAGENO.: 25° C_) 45. fo <_< boehween the chsenved distance (or distance nole _ocha) distance (ov cliekan din slep le). This Meta at give yoo dhe index comechion For the diclonce behween Lens and nespeclie needle. Nole- Index comsechon for [beh the diskonces ie simage and obj ct distances 18 40 be Round. 46 After applyin 4 the index comeclion , find the comsecled distonce fers each set af obsewations v andy *Delesrminalion oF focal Length Th Find the fo th of the given convex i 3. q_adakon. f= _w TV ole ses ectec] ob pstonces || __srespechvely | \&e a ons fin ca) Length and Teacher’s Sign.: DATE: J} EXPT. NO. PAGENO.: 26 Obsewalions And Calculations «|| Precautions 4. The apes be smol)_otheswise the im: ed will_nol be dishnct. de Eye bi a Abe leas} distance dishinel vision 12.95" en from the a oe “The image_ane obec needles choold not be inteschonged fox_diFfexent chs, ch ol he Powallax chald be 7x ing one eue- the eye ‘al the some height as the dips of needles and the centsec| the 5. Th invested ir f he object need eh fhe fi e_imoge needle ond shou) nel overlap. This helps in creroving the lax. [6 Index cowrechon fos u andy should tre _apsliecd and +o Find the focal || Length corre ced velugs“of and_y should be used | l y J 1 ‘ |: Sousces of envy |[1. The cpmahle may not be vertical 2: “The parallax _moy not be semoyed proper CEI Teacher's Sign.: ll BE *Obsewalions. And Colevlalions 4 Least count a} the. meker scale. = 0-3 em * Delewmination of, ‘Rough Face) Length 2+ Approximate Irough Fecal Length of come lars = 19-60 / J. EXPT.NO. PAGENO.: QF C_) 30 TP Ye index needle is not show shen ike Leng maynot be measvitec| accurately on_scale. 4s The table may not be hesizontal Hing sh versys alu qvaph iP scales for both the two ous one not game, then the eyaight line graph may Cather wil!) pol be 7 OS Hat ye to negalve Xaxjg This ray exo in confusions and eeor i drawing the cpap | Result “The Rial Lengo heuer conve lene —__ CD Fron lelotions ft aP = 18 en where fis the mean valve oh the differen} valves of Peal Lenath and AP {s moximom of sia values clekesmined for ever. Gi) frorm_u-v gpaph = 90-8249 |_ Git) From 2 4 asad Fs ua.20° ov | HN lI | | Teacher's Sign. a —E EXPT.NO PAGENO.: 28 Co) DATE : 07 / 09/2022] + ane To find she focal Length cho concave lens,using a convex Lens. Ophea) bench a thin foe gmollea = + {concave Lens idee needk a meler scale anda sport level. Theory / Principle * Foomali doe As concave Lens diverge the rau: the image faacned) by @ concave Leng alone will not be-ea) and cannot doken aia eceen, To converge these diving ways and hence to fom a crea) _image ,conver_lens is ‘seal “Therefixre in oxces to delewmine the foca) ‘Length of a concave Lens, a convex Len is placed in pbelween objed and concave Lens. This resulls in sang veal ond inverted inage the object. I. Delesminohon ef foca) Length of concave Lens Bos Tn fig. the_light il com she objet atse_heing convetae: h the _comex L, 80 thab the real and an inverted ‘nage Alps Romed a! position J PAGENO.: 2.9 When o concave lens Ly is inserted in behween convex Lens Ly and the image an for concave Lens Ly , image pip) behoves as a vishia) cbied ond this diverain and ibvente Aa! af an i, .Thws, O'T, and OL, be the dslenees ward sept fox concave lens L [Nole~ The fecal convex Leng Ly 18 smaller thon the Hh the concave lens 1, Alo, the second iinage "p! 1s Fosmed only when the dislonce behweer the Lens ly and Fs} image fi less Thon the Poca) Length of be. | I Using Leng Frmvla, we can calevlate the focal Length of concave lens 1, a 4-1. | a | 2 1s w | Fo | ils Decoding fo sign o} convention 4 and v ave positive fox concave lens. Since [you. so-u-v is negolive and’ iil always be negolive + Thus_by using convex Lens one can find the Poca) Length o} concave Jens Teacher’s Sign.: — er || | EXPT.NO.! PAGENO.: 320 C_) Procedsse + Delermnination r thc convex. Lens 4s Eshmate +H conver Lens (if it 0 b following sthe_sleps (3) 4 @) quent expenmen! (3) 2+ Confer that the Foca) Leng El convex Lens is Loss thoh thal of cncove * Setting up the Ppparols Sel up the apparaly by following the sleps 4) 40.8) given ih Expesiment (3 7 mination of objed and Image 1 ex lens Ihe Find the distance sh objech (u) ond 5 image distance lv) for a conver Lens efter aemeving the parallon ond “applying the inde correction «fll the some ckps @) 4008) given io Experiment @ i 2 Tntroducing che mmelia 2 = = 5+ Now place a Poll upiahh holding a concave Lens ‘L, ‘in belween conver Lens IL, ond imag needle B Now the"ligh! usil be xre}racted Busther by onave Lens Ly and then Finally wil) be converged ab point Jp. Teacher’s Sign: a ; a a”. EXPT.NO. PAGENO.: 31 iu ah 1 the position ch the concave lens so Abst the peink 15 is away For int J. Here, ob poin} L, the ima: vob) abject o¥ point I, will be framed). IP the image formed al point J, Dol dichinelhy visible, then hy 4o adsl fhe concave Lens lightly name do the point Jy. One can ta The image by la pencil held in_hand and eeting the "image needle nh yokes guide jo decide whisk sou. 4o~ shif} the “concave Lens i R- When the image at pint Ty qels cleared and ables ensoaing thal ib aly lies_within the range a, the _op'ca) bench star} 1 removing the parallax . loeluseen she image formed ab point I, ond the image “needle 2. To remove the pavollay fallow the sep (0) and_() given_in Experiment (4). t Delearnina' abjed ond Image ‘Distances fer conver lens 8s Mlhen the penal als med noe the ie 4, opsight holding oo) need’. The dh q behweer these ‘loo eadinas sl) “aive you bSeaved distance seul — a Dal gue ge hive ison qe a |}. Now repeal the slips (D 30 09 ond Aube al asl fe moesel oh ol 10} ight} ‘ : > x | 0) ig “fhe, shi ee 2 em BY ea ° VO 110) EEE Teacher's Sign: __ Image Shaight neecl Py _| Delesminalion , objed and rinage distances for © convex Lens | | 1 | | | | | - eter | — eal mean \on) Sh | OY {Ok \EX0 St] SR lio (2-39 : ey | Sk PS | yy | 18.1% em 42 | gy 134 Wye | 63.1) &3 (2.3 W149 12794 G5 EXPT.NO. PAGENO.: 32. C_) Iho. Noe your chsewvabene in tebolr foom. ‘Apply the Index Comsechon 43. Toke an index = and ad ek at hove y oth that js one end tovches eS ev. touch the The of the_needle. — she Leg oh the i needle _in pehaen there two “pan! and_add hal? ch the th ickness of the Lens ab ids he - i wil] gine you she _aclval Length behveen the Lens and the re4peclive needle. Nole- IP one is using a thin concave _lens,then its thickness at the centre can be ignored h. The difference between obsewed Lenglh delewmined in cep (ve) and_aclva) |Lenglh detewmined in Akp (3) will give ‘pte index_comseclion fox image. distance. *Deleaminahon df focal length I) fad the Beal Leng je gen comes lens by ising the flleving relahn f: uv av | =< I | Nole~ Here ad slinole the comecled cbjech and image dislances setpeli {fom the concave’ Lens - [hs fos each obsewalions, fin al and toke the mee = || differen} values Teacher’s Sign.: Delerminahon Tmoge needle Py 4 foca) Length 4 concave Lens wilh help 4, convex ens EXPT.NO. PAGENO.: 33 | C3 “Precaulions | Th adelien to grecalon men} (B,come are discussed belous * 1:"The ea) lengih af the corwex Lens ahold be less thonthe fac) Leng a | conicove_Lan |b. AN tre fur .psighh mvel_be vealical. [3. The conca e plated near the « Th foc! the seco | formed only when "he distance bebween concove Lens ly ond firs} iim i the Hh ad hal cel cso is es athe ego Be concave lens he ime. ot I, és it mou b : few in_and shaxp “objec! pin and shine th with li Is. i ct on imoge ed « corwex_and concave Lens. | |.The convex lens andthe objec! needle % mus! not be disturbed dveing the Second par} (or when dhe concave lens 1s insevled the expen men} | A Index cowechonthench coveeclion Re u andy chokl be taken inko_accourl & Use sharply pointed shyed_needle For grealer occunaty. Teacher's Sign. “Calelohon for face) Lang Fe uve UV Le Fre 64 x18 Lis g0un GH-10-8 Fy = S818. 19.99 > SRI 7 Vy= Saxe V4 wo SRW Mean focal LangliiP= Gs FoR ry > Fe 5 5 = 13194 wn ' PAGENO.: 34 DATE: / J Result | | Soures Of Exvor The fecal Length af the given concave lens is ft oP = 12-144 um | of >: The pins may not be fixed properly Ps Pin pricks may fi. Be ol) Hu Hore > raven} poise Fares are nob equa) 89 AsxSF Se | Teacher’s Sign. ¥ EXPT.NO. PAGE NO, 3s DATE: 04/1) 12020) ‘| Bim- | To determine the angle ch minimum deviation fx a Given _pxisn by plating o ggsaph between the angle of inddence and +he angle 4) eevigdion= Appasolis And Moleial Required __|| 1 =) boord while popes sheet, bing ow Z | glass_prism meter al bins Owing pin oe anda a | Aso df light enleang Arroygh abe Bask sohve oh the guise uPfeos weftachon Ghidy on re oh. Abeovgh the utile -secand awsface gulters iol Teacher's Sign; | EXPT.NO. PAGENO.: 36 ( | DATE: / 7 «Theory | Principle “Deleminahon gf Angle 4 Minroom Deviotion * Consid stincipa) ceclion 4 250 ight From civ to glass) incident on th wrface_ AY a le iis + ai angle clog final a1 lo 1s Showh ip she figure = The dobed liner is ri es Moen. {The an agle af incidence _o} the _ second aoe AC Cox Soom gloss to ci ise! lond the ate of efrachon or a oki belaeen the Anection ch, \ncident way PQ produced fesword “ond the direction ot, emexgant = Bs godued badkund. * From ggomeh al considerations we have Az vrs! = Ma R+emRg=(i-v)ele-+') S=ite- A For minimum deviation Sn the Night yoy ay pase Abmvgh the qrism yoo rically je. paral) to the base so thal S= Sy feeders! D> [Nole- 3) the _minimnury“deviolion of pasihion sf the prism we ged the brightest image? on abjed From £).(i),ib ts understood Ahad n e and A, one aguTe ond hence can_find the _minimure on these poinl: : 4s Drow chiagbt Nansie'h Oren Ps seeel 21 pene comes ponding Ao the in ciden! Ikibo, “angle of Ingidence_at 30°, 35°, yo", HS", co", SS ecliv probeoutes “These lines seeprecent the mesden} Toys 5: Note the volves 4, the sheet 1 paper on Lh 0, Ny 4% ON, P.O, Ne on while os we 6 ie i such a way Fo ok ibys Is Tn the nat 4 AB. Drow. the. ode 4 dhe prism with a chanp pend. Teacher’s Sign.: ——_—_— °° PAGENO.: 39 (race (owes) 3 Fix two dpins_%, and erhicall st, on the _incident “oy Nine Py Qq such hot pin Qi is dose to point 0; & Close your cond looking through 4h ism bring your aight _eye in the line with thei mage ath e pins & and ee 4 Now Ay al pins Ry and $5 choot 49m apaat_veshically em Ane white shel 4ipe fy ine_with the 4 she _iroa Dy ond 6 Ga “Thus, pins and $1 are collinear with the images 1 in lo: Remove the pins Ry and &4 and enerrJe Jherr pin pricks on the or i ehh qe e, = Qy and encine the = —a Ws Join the pin pricks Ry and <4 with th help #4, 3 hoyp penal ond Lscale -to obtain the emereent ray ceapeclvely © Minimum Angle of Deviahon a. Keep on crrawiing she emergent ay BaSq backwards ond meidend oy Bg »_ferward_so > that the ran meet at! paint A 1% Tyraw oo F, od to ghous izection : incident and gen) rays neapectvely. [lo With the vi 2 le evialion tne ZRAC 6} the osisto- Teacher’s Sign.: Angle af inelence iGeyree) Angle 4, devielion , 8 (desred) | 30 49? 2° uae 4D ae" ur ust iJ ak : * Cdl ade Si (ars) Sib BT = +3 = S = Ato 4m (40r33-5) Sip 604810 39.5 2 Zonm 3 din Sip 607 a1 S925) 2o OVROM ST Hd, od} pips - Aig fe (racenos 39) C_] (ome: 1) IS "Repeat the sleps (6) +o (14) ly_changing ‘he val e Incidence _1-€, aS, HO ue, sv. S5* and “meagure the comesponding angles oh, deviation Sy $5. 45y¢45—ith_prohoiler * Noke upur cheewelons in tobvlar Ram witb proper valle and Sigm Ficand figores.- Une Plot h_hel cidene ar le eviation b in. m_aloni and Y oxis wes pecively es Choose 0 yn of the come Hed b to obtaid cthe rminimom angle 4 deviation. Precashons: 2+ To locate the incident and emergent ays, with quakes accurauy the diskance *Q ond RS shovld be chev! 42 on. 2. “To take various sels sf abserualions the angle of inddence Should le behween 30 to 6°, & While flung the alpine Hh hoold he ensined thal their fips must bein \ine. |The pasilion sf the gate Ghoild nol he dishbed ee a given cel of, _obseavalions: Cc] PasENO: Hp ) DATE: / i 5 The angle c} incidence on, acconalely way poobaclor. shoyle_be measved _ Result * ° The angle o} minim deviahon—Sm = 32.5" Negrees Teacher’s Sins PAGENO.: = 44 DATE: 19/ 1) 1207 Dir - To draw the I-V charoclerishe ave ofa_p-n pouion in Fosward bias and reverse _bias- | Appovals Ane Matesial Requised - | A_p-n jpnchon sade (or semnicondod| iode) 0 Tesh Yolue 3.2.0. yoxioble woes wpply (O-|2V melew (0-12) a milliammeles (0- a ; microommeles (0-200 uP), 4 one-way key connechna wiret_and 4 piece ct, and paper: Theory [Principle — p-n Tunchon Diode - \When_o - uclow i 5 5 = type _semconduclos, the com a fewms_a device _called p-o jynchon aliode forward and Reverse Bigsivig of When on external poestial I || difference 18 opplied too on | then blosiin | mou take place. i) A one 18 said +o be fomerd biased Pils pregion is cone of, the bolle. 0 t Teacher’s Sign. (rmeeno: 49) tC) DATE: / 1) B diode is said to be reverse biosed,if ifs pedegion vs connected to the neqahve boesy and n- region to the pottlive Jeumioal the batler. : 2: CGrevit Diagram +o Draws Forward Bias Choraclerishe * The crit diagra wa p-A junclion diode in fe d | mode is qiven_in the figure. Ils With i if Voge sth Foowar. is till the applied voltege cuoses a certain valve. After rracleri voltage Cobovl_0.3V Srv Gi and 0 4 V fer Ge), the diode coment J increases suddenly exponentially even fox_smal) inevease in bias vollay b The valve o} bios volloae of whidh the forward coment increases aepidly is cAlleel tineshald voltage on cot in_valtage (ud 2 Crrevit diagram Jo Draw Beverse Bios Characlevishe * The ciscvj} diacram foro pn yunchion dhode im veverse_ bias mode is given_in toe Bg * Bs the cis increased in reese nition ,inibioll lgrrol)_ reverse tnest (a. nen: in the oder rt verges) Flows A} ome! areverse i incve svFfi ciently thigh valve the everse_curvent exddealy increases Joa lage valve and becomes conils (This constant! cument (in qanoe. + pB) i alled -ieverse saloralon went Teacher’s Sign.: aan [> : WWW rp} i (-)- 2 k € “ Oy; E R I NWI, et EXPT.NO.| PAGENO.: 43 ‘Procedure ) To Drqw forward Bias Chasacerishes 4+ Drow 4 crvcuit am word as choraclerishic os shown tn Aig. 2 Nole the “ronge and _least count ¢, civen_\ollmelex WW) and _milliom- meles (wR) 8: Remove the jpsvlaling layers from the leads of diode ond connecting J {yore by sing 9 sond popes. he Cony 2 _\orioble vo S Vm eer suncbion iode , millio \slow on: Nua key os per the urcvit dik cs foward bias chorackeviske of diode. ® Give _@ small yollage. jo fine _cinevil by gently luening dhe nob a, power supply & Nole dein Ahe vollmeler cread ing across Abe diode and Contes p\ ing milliaromeles: creating . 3 Now _ineveace th lhe Hage gradvally in slep wise | mannes_and note the corresponding vollmeles ancl millianmete: Teacher’s Sign.: PAGENO.: 1yh DATE: / J = Once the tresheld voltage iS reached increase the voltage across the di ex Iy_Cin cleps_of OAV) Then nok “the comrespondin coment flowing -trodgh the diode. a Keep on inczeasing she voltage till the cumnent reaches the a maximum valve ot miliammeler and noe the read ings 4 alllionm mek and vollmeler Nofe-'0- Noe the absewalions in tabular fem. a. Pickh_o graph bebween Nand rm along X ond Y axis nespedtvely’ This geoph twil]_give you -the feted bias | chara clevistic sf diode. ii) To draw reverse bias characterishies (2. Drow _o neat ciscvit diagram of yevesse bio: charactevishye as shown in Ag. 3+ Disconnect the circuit connections and make the connechions o IIper the etre it dia Rex veverse_bi hhorrackeisHe Ws Connect: the_psethn junchon diode t n e_tevmind oh, power pply_ar aeplace_the_rmilhommeler uith_o microammeles \S: Note the ssange and leag} count cl _vollmeter (vyand microammeler tA). 2 Teacher’s Sign.: 4) Sno.) Fenward ) | fonoaed 2) fi) | 80] Reverse (v) | Reverse (2) | 4. 0. 0 cia 4 fa.] 0.05 © 2. 4 6 | a] Oo) | oo 3, 6 | h, os | ° otal q 44 & | 02 0 [Ls 2 y 6. | 6.38 O03 if; @ be iF oy LO a JR | a pe | ews | yo 20 2s | qa | One | obs 4 24 au | og LBs; “i 23 | HO | Ne 0-6 42 4] Ie 30 a | 0.9, Soi y 12. 33 x6 ‘13, 0.8 Wy 12, 36 4 4, : | Vb, 34 — 7 a | at Ah ay | JA) Forward Biasing 4. Range q vollmeler = (0 yors)v 2-Leasd curt of vollmelr aole = Dos 3.Range o}, milammeder = (0412) mA h Peas Cound re} milliammeler scale = 0.3 in A 7 Ji) for Reverse Giaging 4 Range 4, vollmeder =~ ©toxsdv 2 Least cova 4 vollrnclen seale= 2 3 Range ch micsoarmmels > (O+te 100) aA H. beak tovn} sh mer ammeln scale = yp EXPT.NO, PAGE NO. 4s C_) (owes 1) 6 (onlinve increasing -the vollage Hl the cumenl creaches the maximum valve of rmcsoaromeler. 1. Plok g gpoph behueen \i ond \by aking thern along cegalive X-ons and) Negalive Ye ‘axis aespectively his graph wil) give a ake yevetse bios _choauclesi lic diode. . "Plotting Groph U- Plot _o gra bel ard yo Hhoge (ve). al itive X-axis Soword curren! e jive W- axis. Locak the knee and Lf || deleseoine ~the Hhrsecho\d_~olloge: “the point where the cuwent gharls increasing suddenly is calle e_poink in the forward bias chavatberiche 2 Plot voltage (Ve) alo liye X-axis and the Hecxsapaning- cs along the negative Y-axis. Locale the breakdown volhage (yx) and belamine the-veverse salvation correo} (1a) Precauhons \a 7 ; : . ‘ancl_paper to ‘nsualion. 2- Pil cbonéclions in_clatutt chosld be neat ard clean 3. The vo Hmeker, miliammeles and micrometer chould be of suitable on jhe curren! and voltage chos\d not be exceeded beyond therr lim ts. Teacher’s Sign.: EXPT.NO. PAGENO.: 46 The ol hen the cizcuit {8 not being tr use and it chev be opencel onl, ab the time 4 staking observations ee t 's_epecificalion for ma waren} wah the diode i ferware) bias voltage. Never exceed this hint else the diode may get damaged. Find out manvfaclvres's cpecificohsn fer maxitoom -yeveue voltage fo be applied +o the diode in severse bios. Never exceed this limi}. 2 The polential difference \) across the diode should Ibe intveased_qradvall in_small gleps [0AV) “Toke cave that the cwrient ghovlel_nol be exceecled | beyona) the specified firnid Sources Of Enver + The p-n junclion diode bit may he Faully 2 The forward vollage may be applied beyond the tolerance limit (org limit speufied ona diode la che diode. 2 The_connechons tp crwit_mby be_loosen Bewwlt 1 The va co Abrechold _yolloge fox given chinele, Vy, = 0-32-V 2 The J-V charatloy ceave of pnchode was drown soccesthules €ZD | Teacher’s Sin: 2

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