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pp 1 Freedom Democrats
■ 91 D
n p«·
bu t m
any state pa<ty m ade. ?
tense o w h'ites · The " «gu1"" ions. When M1ss1ss1ppi
b. iac f hold ing open, local convent meet-
ks att precin · ct and county
1ngs of empted to attend the ften impossible fo, .them
the" gu ,'' pa<ty, it was o .
h precincts in SL"<
�•n to loea;� thc meeting pl ace. In eight ent to polling
ffcre nt r.1 entativ e
stat1·011 count1 c�, M 1 DP repres , the meeting but wcrn
s at tl c mc designated fo
n b . Some o fficials
: a\Je to fi�cl any ev1clcnce of a m eeting cIa1· med th e
en1ed k ·
h enng; o
Illeeti·n iiowlecl ge of such a gat In six different counties
g 1ia 1 already been held.
c e>c ,cfu ed en·
IVherc ni eet m gs , h dd. � IF DP people w people were
rg, the black howing poll
w e e
l In ti e tow n of Hattiesbu
i s
01d t
hat tl cy ould not participate without nt
tax r ece·iptsi, c
Co ns titutio
nal amendme
despite a re ce nt d 'f

0u t
lawin g · n te n p,c cm · ds of five d
sucl a ,cqunem cn t l a tt e
allow to
b "'' counti. es,' black tfississipJJians were re not allowed
lit the . d: so11lC e· te deI egatc s
t0 o ·Ir p·i' rfie 1pat1
. 011 was restricte to nomm a
V te itted pen
frorn ti ' others were not penn e other hand, held o w
c0nv 1·e Aoor. The MFDP' on t They ab,· ded by the I
ent 10ns and n e .
le minded no o itically .
/!<>Uy; t he.Y d i d not control the Jaw pol our c,
,, 'lne 11ati t e M F DP wa s' of c th e
onal partv' 's answer to h
ear n o
d 1J 0. '' Intcn rou ght to b
e pre sure had b een b le< ,· t the
''c cgatcs f · s f]ou s c its elf, and unc ,neckly
om the White FDP's ,Hies ing the
Coaiition"• d,ssolved. Most of the M
ght to b,
d�PPed a a and joined thos e who ,o u delegate told
11 "Dr w y ,,. 1
dele gates to th efr knees. 5,, o, rd to buck the
S Ncc aff
could not
lohnso worker that t hey
n-H umphrcy team .
se .delegates
en in th i s n1 anner, thea 1g m'fi ca nt
11·otild pushed to the wall tood to reap sue ' v1
I1 .
1 ency
fra 1 kly admit thcv, s mp hrey
c e-p
Politi l 1 -I m J]u ting the
that ca anc mate rial gain fro »C C of s»ppo, the
t c k t he e h, ,ice·
�IFDph could » ot ta etho deny to llumph<ey upporters
y ing it win an d hp rey s
''"ide;ta'• l ation. . .
. these 1 Ju111
i n o m in

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