Activity in ANOVA

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Exercise in ANOVA

Statistical Analysis with Computer Applications

Instruction: Solve the following problems using ANOVA

1. The retailing manager of a supermarket chain wants to determine whether product location has any
effect on the sale of pet toys. The different aisle locations are considered: front, middle, and rear. A
random sample of 18 stores is selected with 6 stores randomly assigned to each aisle location. The
size of the display area and price of the product are constant for all stores. At the end of a 1-month
trial period, the sales volumes (in thousands of dollars) of the product in each store were as follows.

Aisle Location
Front Middle Rear
8.6 3.2 4.6
7.2 2.4 6.0
5.4 2.0 4.0
6.2 1.4 2.8
5.0 1.8 2.2
4.0 1.6 2.8

a. At 5% level of significance, is there evidence of a significant difference in mean sales among the
various aisle locations.
b. If appropriate, which aisle locations appear to differ significantly in mean sales?
c. What should the retailing manager conclude? Fully describe the retailing manager’s options with
respect to aisle locations.
2. Nine experts rated four brands of Columbian coffee in a taste-testing experiment. A rating on a 7-
point scale (1-extremely unpleasing, 7=extremely pleasing) is given for each of four characteristics:
taste, aroma, richness, and acidity. The following table displays the summated ratings –
accumulated over all four characteristics.

C.C. 24 26 25 22
S.E. 27 27 26 24
E.G. 19 22 20 16
B.L. 24 27 25 23
C.M. 22 25 22 21
C.N. 26 27 24 24
G.N. 27 26 22 23
R.M. 25 27 24 21
P.V 22 23 20 19

At 5% level of significance, completely analyze the data to determine whether there is evidence of a
difference in the summated ratings of the four brands of Columbian coffee and, if so, which of the
brands are rated highest. What can you conclude?

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