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The Seven Cs of effective communication are:

I. Completeness
II. Conciseness
III. Consideration
IV. Concreteness
V. Clarity
VI. Courtesy
VII. Correctness
A. True
B. False
2. The seven c’s are seven key principles that underpin effective communication. They
can be applied to both oral and written communication.

A. The above statement is false

B. The above statement is true
3. To help ensure the message is complete one should use the 5 W’s checklist. The W’s
I. Who?
II. What?
III. When?
IV. Where?
V. Why?

A. The above is correct

B. The above is incorrect
4. A complete communication will demonstrate the following features:
I. It provides all the necessary information to ensure that the receiver can
interpret the message accurately.
II. Complete communication develops and enhances the reputation of an
organisation and helps build goodwill.
III. It addresses all the questions previously raised and attempts to pre-empt
and address subsequent questions that may arise as a result of this
IV. Costs are minimized as a complete communication reduces (if not
V. A complete message is more likely to persuade the recipient.
VI. The more complete the communication the more capable it is of assisting
better decision- making.
A. All of the above
B. (II) and (III) only
C. (III) and (VI) only
D. None
5. Conciseness – For business communications, conciseness means communicating
what you want to convey in the least possible words without forgoing the other 7 C’s
of communication. The message only contains information relating to the topic and
excludes irrelevant information.
A. The above statement is incorrect
B. The above statement is correct
6. Concise communication should demonstrate the following:
I. Wordy expressions are removed
II. Only relevant information should be included
III. Put the action in the verb
IV. Unnecessary repetition should be avoided
V. Avoid long introductions, unnecessary explanations and over-politeness.
VI. Limit the use of the passive voice.
A. (I) and (IV) only
B. (I) (II) and (V) only
C. All of the above
D. None
7. Identify the examples of concise words that could be used as an alternative to a
‘wordy’ expression.
A. Soon, Few, Although
B. Meet, Because, Now
C. In due course, Few in number, At this time
D. A&B only
8. Consideration – In business communications, consideration involves empathizing
with others and taking into account such factors as the message recipient’s view
point, mind-set, education level, mood, desires and needs.
A. The above statement is correct
B. The above statement is incorrect
9. Considerate communication adopting the ‘you’ approach will demonstrate which of
the following characteristics:
A. Focuses on ‘you’ instead of ‘I’ or ‘we’
B. Empathize with the audience and exhibit interest in them.
C. Emphasize the positive. Show optimism towards your audience.
D. All of the above
10. Concreteness – Concrete business communication means being particular, clear,
vivid, explicit and specific. General, vague and obscure messages tend to be met with
either no response or equally vague and general responses.
A. The above statement is correct
B. The above statement is incorrect
11. Identify the Concrete messages demonstrate which of the following:
I. Concrete messages are supported with specific facts and figures.
II. Concrete messages tend not to be misinterpreted as they are so specific
and clear.
III. Concreteness strengthens the confidence of both the sender and receiver.
IV. Concrete messages convey professionalism and help towards building the
reputation of the sender and the organisation they represent.
V. Using vivid and image-building words can help make the message more
compelling and impactful.
A. All of the above
B. (I) and (V) only
C. (V) only
D. None
12. Clarity – Clarity in business communication requires emphasis on a particular
message or goal rather than trying to achieve too much all at once.
A. False
B. True
13. Identify the Clear messages demonstrate which of the following:
I. Total clarity of thought and ideas enhance the meaning of messages.
II. Choose exact, concrete, familiar and appropriate words
III. Construct effective sentences and paragraph
IV. Clear messages make interpretation and understanding easier
V. Clear messages stimulate the recipient into action
A. (IV) and (V) only
B. (I) (IV) and (V) only
C. All of the above
D. None
14. Core rules for using Clarity in business communication include:
A. When there is a choice between longer words and equivalent shorter ones always
use the shorter version.
B. Use synonyms instead of Latin terms.
C. Use English rather than foreign equivalents.
D. All of the above
15. Courtesy – In business messages implies that the message should show the sender’s
expression as well as respecting the receiver and being considerate to their
personality. The sender should be sincerely enthusiastic, polite, judicious and
A. The above statement is correct
B. The above statement is incorrect
16. Courteous messages will demonstrate which of the following:
I. Be sincere and tactful, thoughtful and appreciative.
II. Use expressions and terminology that show respect.
III. Use non-discriminatory expressions and ensure the message is unbiased.
IV. Courteous messages take into consideration both viewpoints as well as
feelings of the receiver.
V. Courteous messages are positive and focused on the audience.
VI. Avoid communicating an assertion that the sender is right and the receiver
is wrong.
A. (III) and (VI) only
B. (III) (IV) and (VI) only
C. None
D. All of the above
17. Correctness – In business communication ultimately implies there are no
grammatical, punctuation, spelling or other language errors in communication.
Correctness also implies that the message is exact and well-timed.
A. The above statement is correct
B. The above statement is incorrect
18. Correctness of messages will demonstrate which of the following:
A. Use appropriate and correct language
B. Check the precision and accuracy of figures, facts and language
C. If the communication is correct it boosts the confidence level of the recipient
D. Correct messages are more impactful on the recipient
E. All of the above
19. For a message to be effective it needs to be:
A. Complete, polite, authentic, error free, clear, short, curt
B. Complete, considerate, accurate, definite, clear, polite, comprehensive
C. Relevant, considerate, truthful, general, clear, concise, emphatic
D. Complete, brief, clear, gracious, concrete, correct, considerate

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