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Engineering in productive systems

· Students

o Leslie Gabriela Castañeda Guzmán

o Cecilia García Aguilar

o Salvador Montañez Mares

o Jonathan Diosdado Santillán

o Diana Jacqueline Carrillo Castañeda

Christian Eduardo Flores Tafoya

· Grade and group: 7°A

· Teacher: Carmen Karely Espino Cortez.

· Subject: Time management

Partial 3

We are a company founded in March 2015 and located in Aguascalientes dedicated

to the automation of processes in automotive and food companies mainly, offering
practical and innovative solutions of the best quality.

Voltohm Technologies emerged to provide the community and the industry with
technological solutions that help the performance of their activities, from a basic
application to a sophisticated control system, we offer the electronic development of
any controller system, where you can count on power stages, communications,
sensors among other features according to their needs, these projects can be
complemented by software to interact with the user and provide greater comfort.

We are a new company with a different vision inspired by the satisfaction of our
clients and the technological innovation that surrounds us. All clients are welcome
whether they are from a large industry, a small business or a home, our services are
available to everyone and it is a pleasure to serve you.

Line of business
● programming
● design
● machined
● Assembly equipment
● inspection equipment
● Installation Service

The problem of the company

**An electronics manufacturing plant has experienced continuous delays in the
delivery of assembly and inspection jigs. These jigs are essential for assembly and
quality verification of final products. The delay in delivery of the jigs has caused
significant disruptions in the production line, resulting in decreased productivity and
delays in delivering orders to customers.

RAC method

Analyze Change
(minutes) (minutes)
Board to designate activities 15 15
Quote raw materials 20 15
Check installation 40 20
Calibrate measuring equipment 35 30
Meeting with customs 100 40
Machining delivery 120 0
Pilot tests (Testing with equipment) 60 40
Program equipment 15 15
Modifications to old designs. 40 35
Start designs 20 10
Production supervision 22 20
Go for a lunch 60 60
Talk with colleagues 20 5
Review requisition lists 10 10
Meetings with the engineer (Owner) 15 15
Review manuals 20 10
Write manuals 150 120
check emails 10 5
See tick tock 25 2
Time management matrix


I Board to designate activities Check installation

P Quote raw materials Calibrate measuring equipment
O Machining delivery Meeting with customs
T Program equipment Pilot tests (Testing with equipment)
N Meetings with the engineer Modifications to old designs
T (Owner)
Production supervision
Write manuals Go for a lunch
Review requisition lists
Review manuals
check emails

N Start designs Talk with colleagues

See tik tok

Productivity cycle

Production Planning:

Establishment of goals and quantities to be manufactured.

Elaboration of the production plan with jig requirements.

Procurement of jigs:

Ordering to suppliers considering deadlines and specifications.

Reception and Verification:

Inspection of jigs for quality and conformity.

Production Integration:

Incorporation of jigs into the assembly and inspection line.

Assembly and Inspection:

Use of jigs to assemble and verify products.

Delivery to Customers:

Preparation and shipment according to delivery agreements.

Feedback and Improvement:

Collection of performance and timeliness data.

Identification of improvement opportunities in the supply chain to optimize times

and reduce delays.


Some of the key characteristics of the Voltom business leader are:

1. Clear Vision: Their ability to envision the future of the company and
communicate that vision in an inspiring manner provides the team with a
sense of purpose and direction. They are always focused on long-term
goals and the strategy to achieve them.
2. Effective Communication: Their skill in expressing ideas clearly and
actively listening to employees is fundamental. They promote open and
transparent communication within the team to ensure everyone is aligned
with objectives and feels valued.
3. Informed Decision-Making: As a leader, they take responsibility for making
informed and prompt decisions. They carefully evaluate available options,
considering decision-making that benefits the company and the team as a
4. Empathy: They recognize the importance of understanding the needs and
concerns of the entire team. Their ability to empathize creates a work
environment where employees feel supported and valued, contributing to
cohesion and productivity.
5. Ability to Inspire and Motivate: Their role goes beyond management; they
seek to inspire and motivate their team. They acknowledge achievements,
provide support, and foster a positive environment that drives employees to
reach their full potential.
6. Delegation Skills: They understand the importance of delegating
responsibilities fairly. They trust in the individual skills and strengths of their
team, allowing them to take on key roles and contribute to the overall
success of the company.
7. Integrity and Ethics: Their leadership is based on solid principles of
integrity and ethics. They make ethical decisions that reflect the
fundamental values of the company, creating a solid and trustworthy
corporate culture.
8. Adaptability: In a dynamic business environment, they are flexible and
capable of adapting to rapid changes. They seek new opportunities and
creative solutions to face challenges, ensuring resilience and continuous
growth for the company.
9. Problem-Solving Skills: They face challenges with determination and
address problems systematically. They seek effective solutions, learn from
experiences, and guide the entire team toward the successful resolution of
any obstacles.
10. Team Development: They care about the professional development of
each team member. They provide growth opportunities, encourage training,
and support the advancement of skills, recognizing that individual growth
contributes to collective success.

Emotional intelligent test

The leader obtained 3 points out of a total of 45 points: Which means that based on
the emotional intelligence test it is low. It is difficult for the leader to identify both your
own emotions and the emotions of others, and respond accordingly.

You probably often feel misunderstood or don't understand why certain people react
the way they do. The emotions are intense but uncontrolled, and instead of
understanding them you try to fight them.

Socially you experience difficulties due to a lack of empathy, and it is possible that
people do not feel particularly good in your company.

With the following steps we will make our leader improve in the area of emotional


· Recognize and understand your own emotions.

· Reflect on how your emotions affect your behavior.


· Learn to manage and control your emotions.

· Develop the ability to manage stress and stay calm in difficult situations.


· Find and set goals that inspire you.

· Cultivate a positive attitude and seek personal growth.


· Understand and share the feelings of others.

· Practice active listening to understand other people's perspectives.

Social skills:

· Develop good communication skills.

· Build strong, healthy relationships.


· Believe in your skills and abilities.

· Face challenges with a positive mindset.

Relationship management:

· Resolve conflicts constructively.

· Learn to work effectively as a team.


· Adjust your approach depending on the situation.

· Learn to accept changes and face new circumstances.


· Cultivate a positive mindset.

· Focus on solutions instead of problems.

Frustration tolerance:

· Learn to handle frustrating situations calmly.

· Develop resilience in the face of setbacks.

Improving emotional intelligence is an ongoing process that involves practice and

self-reflection. Consider working in these areas to strengthen your emotional
intelligence and improve your personal and professional relationships.

In conclusion, the project focused on time management in an automation company

dedicated to the manufacture of inspection equipment has been essential to address
the persistent problem of late deliveries. The implementation of a time management
matrix, supported by the RAC (Responsible, Approver, Collaborator) method, has
proven to be an effective strategy to optimize processes and improve efficiency in
the production chain.

Through a detailed analysis of the activities and tasks related to equipment

manufacturing, areas for improvement were identified and clear responsibilities were
assigned to each team member. The definition of roles through the RAC method has
facilitated communication and decision making, eliminating ambiguities and
minimizing the risks of delays.

The time management matrix has allowed for more effective planning, setting
realistic deadlines and prioritizing critical activities. In addition, an organizational
culture focused on punctuality and compliance with commitments has been fostered,
which has contributed significantly to the improvement of delivery times.

In summary, the implementation of the time management matrix with the RAC
method has been a valuable tool for the company, generating tangible results in
terms of operational efficiency and meeting deadlines. This approach has not only
addressed the initial problem of late deliveries, but has also laid the foundation for
continuous and proactive time management in all phases of the production process.

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