Anusha - LOR3-Arun

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It is a genuine pleasure for me to recommend Ms.

Anusha Samala to the graduate program at an

institution of your repute. I have been acquainted with Anusha for the past 1 year as a Senior Functional
Designer for the product Oracle Primavera Unifier. She joined our team as a software developer and
quickly adapted herself to the team’s environment and has become a great asset to the team.

Anusha joined as a campus recruit fresh out of college in Oracle and since then, she has been one of the
most promising associates in the batch. She is a highly motivated individual, driven by her passion to
succeed. She is now one of the key resources in our Core Development Team and possesses strong
technical expertise in computer science systems and applications, analysis and programming. She is
punctual and typically exceeds expectations. She handles pressure well, and has often voluntarily worked
overtime to assist the project in the completion of critical tasks. In her work, Anusha has proven to be a
very bright and diligent young software engineer, one who is able to grasp new concepts with good pace.
Her inputs have always been creative, insightful and I am confident she can do well in more challenging

Anusha has been excellent in discharging her duties and has been an asset to Oracle during her stint. She
is extremely organized, can work independently, and is able to effectively multi-task to ensure that all
tasks are completed in a timely manner. Apart from her technical skills, she has shown adept
communication and people skills and thereby impacted the team’s performance in a constructive way.
She is amiable and a lively person, who mingles very quickly and hence, will serve as an effective team
player in any team that she joins.

While Anusha leaving our company to attend graduate school is a loss to us, I have full confidence that
she will thrive in the setup of a graduate school. She is an intelligent, committed, and inquisitive
individual always on the lookout for avenues to improve. I predict that under the able guidance of your
esteemed university, she will go places in her academic career and she has the potential to develop into
one of the best in her field.

Arun Dhar,
Senior Functional Designer, Oracle Primavera Unifier
Oracle India Pvt. Ltd
Phone: - +91 8099057558
Email: -

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