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Q1: How can you add a comment in a JavaScript??

a <!--This is a comment-->

b //This is a comment

c None

d None

e 'This is a comment

f None

Q2: Which of the following is an attribute related to font tag??

a face

b All the options are style tags

c color

d None

e size

f None

Q3: How do you create a new Docker image and store it on the local system??

a docker --commit <conatainer id> <username/imagename>

b docker add <conatainer id> <username/imagename>

c None

d None

e docker commit <conatainer id> <username/imagename>

f None

Q4: How can you find the status of a Docker container??

a The command “docker ps status” is used for identifying the status of a Docker

b The command “docker ps -p” is used for identifying the status of a Docker

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e The command “docker ps -a” is used for identifying the status of a Docker

The correct Answer is: None

Q5: What will be the effect of inserting 500 rows in a table with the following definition.
CREATE TABLE `categories` ( `category_id` tinyint(3) AUTO_INCREMENT, `category_name`
varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `remarks` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY?

a None

b 500 rows will be inserted into the table

c half the records will be inserted then an error will be generated

d None

e only 100 rows will be inserted

f a table with the above definition is not possible

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