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Reference Code FM-GRAD-041.

Revision Number 0
Date Effective July 1, 2019

Saint Louis College

Beacon of Wisdom in the North
City of San Fernando (La Union)


(Qualitative Paper)


Surname Given Name Middle Name



Background of the Study: (flow of ideas from macro to micro; include
justification to conduct the study/analysis of local situation; in bulleted form)

 English language learning is the center of significance in the present

scenario due to the fact that it has emerged as the lingua franca in the
world. Everyone needs to learn the language to communicate at the
international level. It is the main language of printed and non-printed
media and more newspapers and books are written in English than any
other languages. In the education sector, English is essential in the field
even in countries where it is not a major language. It is the most
dominant language in science, technology, and math. Most of the
research and studies in any given scientific field is written in English
(Naved, 2019). The need for English as a lingua franca of the global
community becomes more critical in both developing and developed

 When the Americans introduced English to the Philippines, Filipinos

embraced it. They made English the medium of teaching in schools,
spreading the language throughout the country. The Philippines was
unchained from the US, but the effect of English is still evident. English
is currently used as a medium of teaching in primary, secondary, and
university education. Since English is not a native language in the
country, the educational system must prepare students to develop skills
in hearing, speaking, reading, and writing in foreign languages,
especially English. Given that it's impossible to compete in the global
marketplace without a certain degree of English ability, English is
regarded as not a foreign language to be learned, but a qualification an
individual should possess (Domingo, 2020).
Reference Code FM-GRAD-041.3
Revision Number 0
Date Effective July 1, 2019

 The state of English competence in the Philippines can be reflected in

English language teaching and learning. Developing a specific degree of
English proficiency has been emphasized in several articles and
publications around the world. The Philippines is known for having a
huge percentage of Filipinos who can communicate in English to some
degree (Domingo, 2020). Some studies, however, reveal that the country's
English language competency is deteriorating.

 For a better learning of English, there is a need for learners to develop a

positive attitude towards English language learning. In this regard,
numerous researchers investigated the factors of motivation to further
improve the learning of the target language. Whereas, the dark side of
motivation: demotivation has been the under-researched area. As far as
demotivation is concerned, it has recently been the focus of attention in
the area of second language learning and teaching (Ali, 2017).

 Motivation is essential for attaining certain goals and the key to

achieving success in the learning process. As mentioned by Purmama (2019), motivation is regarded as an important component to make
students success in their English learning. Motivation can also be
defined as one's direction to behavior or what causes a person to want to
repeat a behavior and vice versa.

 Motivation is a concept that could be described as a driving force that

energizes human’s behavior. Research on second language motivation is
concerned with what makes a person want to learn a second language
and what keeps him or her interested in learning it. However, as language
is always socially and culturally connected, motivation to learn the
second language is a complex construct (Vakilifard, 2020).

 Motivation can be divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is characterized as the natural, inherent drive to seek
out challenges and new possibilities which are associated with cognitive
and social development. Intrinsic motivation includes the desire of
students themselves to learn, without the need for external inducements.
Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation comes from external sources. Extrinsic
motivation includes those rewards and inducements external to students.

 According to intrinsic and extrinsic motivational theories, if a student is

intrinsically motivated, he or she would cheerfully complete a task since it
will be enjoyable for him or her. And if a student is extrinsically
motivated, students perform better because they believe that by
participating activities, they will receive recognition or incentives (Niazi &
Zahid, 2019).
Reference Code FM-GRAD-041.3
Revision Number 0
Date Effective July 1, 2019

 Demotivation, on the other hand, is thought to have a negative effect on

learning, causing a decline in motivating level (Niazi & Zahid, 2019). Those
with better skills, in this perspective, would struggle to achieve their goals
without a strong level of enthusiasm. Demotivation, directly or indirectly
brings about a negative influence as it reduces and slows down the
learning process of the learner resulting in a negative effect on the learning
process. Demotivation relates to those particular external forces that are
responsible to capitulate the ongoing action, which takes place to achieve
some purpose.

 To explore deeper into the issue will reveal the challenges that teachers
experience when teaching English at the secondary level. Issues
encountered by English teachers at the primary or tertiary levels may
differ from those encountered at the secondary level. The issue is
significant because recognizing the fundamental cause is required to
provide an appropriate solution and prevent wasting the government's
work, time, and resources. The findings are beneficial to personnel,
teachers, and students. Secondary English teaching issues will be
addressed to raise knowledge among secondary teachers and personnel at
San Fernando City National Vocational High School.

 The vast of research studies undertaken both internationally and in the

Philippines focus more on instrumental and integrative motivation for
learning English as a second language. The majority of these studies
agreed with Gardner's Socio-educational Model of Motivation.
Nonetheless, few studies have been conducted on the intrinsic and
extrinsic motivations for learning English as a second language. As a
result, this study seeks to fill the gap by investigating the intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation of junior high school students to learn English.

Literature Survey:
Research Variables: No. of References Read:
1. Motivation in Learning the English Language 2
2. Demotivation in Learning the English Language 2
3. Problems Encountered in Teaching the English Language 4

1. Motivation Theory
2. Contrast Theory
3. Second Language Acquisition Theory

Gap Analysis on the Literature:

Reference Code FM-GRAD-041.3
Revision Number 0
Date Effective July 1, 2019

Although there are plenty of studies conducted in relation to the topic of

English motivation and demotivation factors, there are limited studies
published in the context of junior high school students. Therefore, this study
proposes to fill the gap to explore and analyze motivation and demotivation
factors among San Fernando City National Vocational High School students
from their teachers’ perspectives to enrich and broaden research horizons in
the context of English teaching and learning process.

Definition of Terms:

 DEMOTIVATION – has been defined as lack of interest in and

enthusiasm about your work or the things you do.

 ENGLISH LANGUAGE – considered to be the world's lingua franca since

English being used as the major language in many countries worldwide.

 EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION – defined as a motivation to participate in an

activity based on meeting an external goal, garnering praise and
approval, winning a competition, or receiving an award or payment.

 INTRINSIC MOTIVATION – defined as the doing of an activity for its

inherent satisfaction rather than for some separable consequence.

 LINGUA FRANCA – a language that is adopted as a common language

between speakers whose native languages are different.

 MOTIVATION – has been defined as the process whereby goal‐directed

activities are initiated and sustained.

Problem Area:

This study aims to explore the factors in the motivation of the junior high
school learners in learning the English language through teachers’ perspective.

Research Question:

With the problem stated, this study seeks to provide an answer to this
research question:

 How do the teachers motivate their students in teaching the English

Reference Code FM-GRAD-041.3
Revision Number 0
Date Effective July 1, 2019


This study will employ a qualitative approach with a descriptive design to

investigate the factors that influence junior high school students' motivation to
learn English. Academically, a qualitative method is used to inform a thorough
grasp of study concerns. According to Creswell [1994], qualitative research was
conducted in a natural context without data manipulation. This study will
concentrate on the perspectives of the participants, investigate their
experiences, and finally present rich narrative descriptions.

Research Design:

Site of the Study:

This study will be conducted among the Junior high school teachers of
San Fernando City National Vocational High School.

Selection of Participants:
This study will utilize individual semi-structured interviews as the main
instrument to collect the data. The researcher will use a semi-structured
interview in order to get in-depth data and information from the participants.
The researcher will adopt and adapt some interview as well as interview
questions from some related studies combine, and edit them to make it more
suitable and relevant with the purpose of this research. The interview session
will be carried out in local language to give the participants a free room to
argue and explore their opinions and share their experiences.

Data Measure: Interview guide (semi- structured). Open-ended questions

to help the participants in focusing to the subject. The researcher will use
semi-structured interview because of its flexibility.

Data Gathering Procedure:

The data gathering will be conducted through an online interview via the
Microsoft Teams platform and a face-to-face interview, strictly complying with
the minimum public health standards set by the Department of Health (DOH)
and the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF).

Mode of Data Analysis:

Thematic analysis will be used in this study to interpret the patterns in
the data gathered during interviews.

Ethical Considerations:
To establish and safeguard ethics in conducting this research, the
researcher will strictly follow and obey the following:
Reference Code FM-GRAD-041.3
Revision Number 0
Date Effective July 1, 2019

 The researcher will ask approval from the Schools Division

Superintendent to conduct research to the City Schools Division of San
Fernando teachers.
 The purpose of the study will be fully discussed to respondents prior to
data gathering.
 The respondents will not be forced to answer the question and of free will
to withdraw their answers anytime as requested.
 The respondents’ names will not be mentioned in any part of this
 Proper document sourcing or referencing of materials will be done to
ensure copyright.


Prepared by: JUSAEL ROSE M. BUGAYONG Date: March 4, 2023

Proponent’s Signature over printed name


Thesis I /Dissertation I Professor Dean, School of Advanced
Date: ___________ Date: ________________

Schedule of Title Defense: _____________________


A. C. Aquino et al., “Demotivating factors in learning the English language,”

DLSU Research Congress 2016, De La Salle University, Manila,
Philippines, vol. 4, 2016.

D. A. Cook and A. R. Artino, “Motivation to learn: an overview of contemporary

theories,” Medical Education, vol. 50, no. 10, pp. 997–1014, Oct. 2016,
doi: 10.1111/medu.13074.

Z. Maruf et al., “Undiscovered voices: Motivation and demotivation factors in

learning English among Indonesian orphan students,” International
Reference Code FM-GRAD-041.3
Revision Number 0
Date Effective July 1, 2019

Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol. 11, No.

1, pp. 441~448, March 2022

P. Çankaya, “Demotivation factors in foreign language learning,” Journal of

Foreign Language Education and Technology, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-17,
Sato M. (2022). “Mixed methods research in ISLA,” in Instructed Second
Language Acquisition Research Methods, eds Gurzynski-Weiss L., Kim
Y. (Amsterdam: John Benjamins;)

Ryan R. M., Deci E. L. (2020). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation from a self-
determination theory perspective: definitions, theory, practices, and
future directions. Contemp. Educ. Psychol. 61:101860.
Niazi, T., Zahid, M. (2019). Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation for Learning
English as a Second Language (ESL) Among Pre-University Students of
Pakistan. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social
Science, vol. 11, 2019.

Purmama, N. A., Rahayu, N. S., Yugafiati, R. (2019). Students’ Motivation in

Learning English. Professional Journal of English Education, vol 2, no.
4, July 2019

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