Gay 2010

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The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 25 No.

8 2010

Sciatic Nerve Injury in Total Hip Resurfacing

A Biomechanical Analysis
Dustin P. Gay, MD, Dana R. Desser, MD, Brent G. Parks, MSc, and
Henry R. Boucher, MD

Abstract: The condition of the gluteal sling was a significant factor in determining the pressure
experienced by the sciatic nerve during acetabular exposure in total hip resurfacing via a posterior
approach. The position of the knee did not play a significant role at this stage of the procedure.
Average pressures were not elevated above a predefined injury level during positioning for
femoral preparation. During hip reduction, knee positioning seemed to play a significant role in
pressures placed on the sciatic nerve. These findings suggest that releasing the gluteal sling during
a posterior approach for total hip resurfacing may help to prevent postoperative sciatic nerve
palsies. Consideration should also be given to at least partially flexing the knee during hip
reduction in this procedure. Keywords: biomechanical, hip, total hip resurfacing, sciatic nerve.
© 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Nerve palsies are a relatively uncommon but catastroph- may become increasingly important as total hip resurfa-
ic complication of total hip arthroplasty [1-3]. Only cing gains in popularity. The problem may be further
approximately 40% [2] of patients have complete exacerbated by use of this procedure in a younger, more
recovery of nerve palsies that result from total hip active population in whom nerve palsies will likely result
arthroplasty. Despite research and intraoperative neu- in even greater loss of function. Younger patients'
romonitoring, approximately 50% of these nerve palsies heightened sense of dissatisfaction will result from
are due to unknown causes [1,3]. Therefore, any their desired and expected increased activity level
intraoperative factors felt to contribute to potential when compared with older patients.
nerve palsies remain important. It is important to discover what aspects of the hip
The first new-generation metal-on-metal total hip resurfacing technique might be associated with risk of
resurfacing was recently approved for use in the United nerve injury. Some investigators have suggested that the
States after use outside the United States for more than gluteal sling plays a role in sciatic nerve palsies in total
10 years [4,5]. Early US results suggest concern with hip arthroplasty. The gluteus maximus has a broad
complications, including nerve palsy, as compared with insertion. The upper fibers insert into and blend with the
traditional hip arthroplasty. One US study of total hip iliotibial band. The lower fibers, referred to as the gluteal
resurfacing found a 1.7% incidence of postoperative sling, insert into the gluteal tuberosity of the femur and
nerve palsies at 1-year follow-up [6] as compared with the lateral intermuscular septum. This occurs just distal
an incidence of 1% in traditional total hip arthroplasty the insertion of the quadratus femoris. At this level, the
[2]. An Australian study found a 2.1% incidence of sciatic nerve lies medial and deep to the gluteal sling and
postoperative nerve palsies with modern total hip lateral to the ischial tuberosity. Hip flexion and internal
resurfacing [7]. This higher incidence of nerve palsies rotation, which occur during hip arthroplasty proce-
dures, result in tightening of the gluteal sling and
potential entrapment of the nerve against the ischial
From the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Union Memorial tuberosity. Hurd et al [8] have stated that an intact
Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland.
Submitted April 16, 2009; accepted August 26, 2009. gluteal sling can lead to sciatic nerve compression during
Departmental research funds were received in support of this study. positioning for femoral preparation during hip arthro-
Financial disclosure: The authors state no potential conflict of plasty. The position of the knee may also play a role as a
interest with regard to the subject of this study.
Reprint requests: Henry R. Boucher, MD, c/o Lyn Camire, Editor, result of its effects on tensioning of the sciatic nerve.
Union Memorial Orthopaedics, The Johnston Professional Building, Although the exact pressure required to injure a
#400, 3333 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21218. peripheral nerve in humans is not known, investigators
© 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0883-5403/2508-0019$36.00/0 have found endoneural edema indicating nerve injury
doi:10.1016/j.arth.2009.08.017 with compressive pressures as low as 400 mm Hg in as

1296 The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 25 No. 8 December 2010

little as 15 minutes using a rabbit tibial nerve model [9]. A standard posterior hip incision was made in a
Although some portions of the total hip resurfacing curvilinear fashion over the posterior tip of the greater
procedure are transient, such as hip reduction, other trochanter. Dissection was carried down through the
portions of the procedure, such as acetabular exposure tensor fascia lata and gluteus maximus in a standard
and preparation and femoral preparation, can take fashion. The greater trochanteric bursa was then
longer than 15 minutes. Using a pressure of 400 mm resected, and the sciatic nerve was identified.
Hg or greater as an indicator of nerve injury could The sciatic nerve was then carefully exposed both
provide preliminary understanding of potential causes of proximally and distally (Fig. 1) while leaving the short
sciatic nerve injury in humans. external rotators intact. The dissection was carried
We hypothesized that an intact gluteal sling and an distally to just below the level of the gluteal sling
extended knee position would result in higher pressures insertion. Next, a 3- to 4-cm incision was made proximal
on the sciatic nerve during acetabular exposure, and perpendicular to the previous incision. This incision
positioning for femoral preparation, and hip reduction was used to pass a calibrated 6-panel 6900 I-Scan sensor
in total hip resurfacing in a cadaver model. Our purpose (Tekscan, Inc, South Boston, Mass). The final sensor was
was to compare pressure in the sciatic nerve at these constructed by using 6 sensor panels, each measuring 1
technique stages with the gluteal sling in intact and × 1 cm, from two 4-panel 6900 I-Scan sensors. Each
released condition and with the knee in both full 6900 I-Scan sensor has 4 fingers with a 1 × 1-cm sensor
extension and 90 degrees of flexion, with the posterior panel on the end. These 4-sensor panels and 2-sensor
approach used in total hip resurfacing. panels from a second 6900 I-Scan Sensor were glued
together to construct a 6-panel sensor. The 6-panel
Materials and Methods sensor covered the nerve from the ischial tuberosity to
Ten hips from 5 fresh cadaveric lower torso specimens below the gluteal sling insertion. This includes the area
harvested through the thoracolumbar spine were used. of sciatic nerve compression injury described by Hurd et
There were 4 male and 1 female specimens aged 71.6 al [8] from magnetic resonance imaging evaluations.
years (range, 63-85 years). Each specimen was checked The sciatic nerve was instrumented (Fig. 2) with the I-
for previous surgical scars around the hip to ensure that Scan sensor. The sensor was attached to the sciatic nerve
no prior hip procedures had been performed. Each with a thin layer of glue, and secure fixation was
specimen was positioned on a peg board in a standard confirmed. The interval between the abductors and
lateral position, and stability of the setup was confirmed external rotators was identified. The external rotators
by placing the operative leg through a range of motion. were released, and a capsulotomy was performed while

Fig. 1. Illustration shows anatomic detail including the gluteal sling and ischial tuberosity.
Total Hip Resurfacing Sciatic Nerve Injury  Gay et al 1297

degree of flexion using traction and external rotation.

The reduction was performed in a standard fashion
with gentle posterior soft-tissue retraction to prevent
entrapment within the acetabulum. Again, pressure
experienced by the sciatic nerve was recorded as was
done previously by the coinvestigator maintaining
blinding of the primary investigator.
The gluteal sling insertion was then sharply released,
and the hip was again posteriorly dislocated. Then the
entire process of acetabular exposure, positioning for
femoral preparation, and reduction was repeated as
described above with consistent retractor placement.
Pressure recordings were again obtained in a blinded
fashion. After completion of data collection, the
Fig. 2. Photograph shows placement of sensor on sciatic nerve. pressure sensor was examined to ensure that its
The ischial tuberosity is located beneath the sciatic nerve and position had remained unchanged throughout the
is covered by soft tissue in the cephalad portion of the wound. data collection process.
Statistical Analysis
Power analysis of the first 4 specimens determined that
leaving the gluteal sling insertion intact. The I-Scan
10 hips were needed to obtain a 75% ability to detect a
sensor was then attached to its base unit, which was
significant pressure difference on the sciatic nerve
connected to a computer with Tekscan software to
during acetabular exposure at a significance level of
collect pressure data.
.05. Two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance
The hip was then dislocated posteriorly with traction and
testing was used to compare the data. Significance was
internal rotation. A pocket was created anterior and
set at P ≤ .05.
superior to the acetabulum to allow translation of the
femoral head for acetabular exposure. A retractor was Results
placed anterior to the acetabulum and used to translate the During acetabular exposure with the gluteal sling
femur and femoral head anteriorly to expose the intact, the average pressure experienced by the sciatic
acetabulum. A second retractor was placed posteriorly. nerve was 851.7 ± 275.5 mm Hg (mean ± SD) when the
Whereas gentle retraction was performed, a small episiot- 2 knee position groups were combined. The average
omy was made inferiorly just through the capsule to allow pressure with the sling intact and knee fully extended
better exposure. Completion of the acetabular exposure was 926.9 ± 310.6 mm Hg, compared with 776.4 ± 226.3
including labral resection was performed. All exposures mm Hg with the knee in 90 degrees of flexion. This
were performed by the first author, who was blinded to difference was not significant (P = .29). The average
pressure recordings throughout each procedure. pressure in both groups exceeded the established critical
Recordings were taken of the pressure experienced by value of 400 mm Hg. During acetabular exposure with
the sciatic nerve with the described standard acetabular the gluteal sling released, the average pressure exerted
exposure necessary to prepare for acetabular reaming. on the sciatic nerve, when combining the 2 knee
Data were collected first with the knee at 90 degrees of position groups, was 263.9 ± 392.4 mm Hg. The average
flexion and then with the knee at 0 degree of flexion. pressure with the knee fully extended was 314.3 ± 412.5
Each position was held for approximately 5 seconds, mm Hg, compared with 213.5 ± 386.5 mm Hg with the
whereas a pressure recording was taken by another knee flexed 90 degrees (P = .44; Fig. 3).
investigator and the primary investigator holding the When the entire sling intact group including the knee
leg remained blinded to the pressure readings. The at 0- and at 90-degree flexion was compared with the
retractors were then removed. The leg was positioned entire sling released group, the difference was significant
for femoral preparation with hip flexion and internal (P = .001). When the sling intact knee at 0-degree group
rotation to center the femoral head within the wound, was compared with the sling released knee at 0-degree
followed by application of axial femoral loading to group, the difference was significant (P = .002). When
deliver the femoral head out of the wound. Pressures the sling intact knee at 90-degree group was compared
placed on the sciatic nerve were again recorded with with the sling released knee at 90-degree group, the
the knee at both 90 and 0 degrees of flexion. Pressure difference was significant (P = .003). Thus, the condition
data were again collected by the coinvestigator, main- of the gluteal sling was a significant factor in determining
taining blinding of the primary investigator. The hip the pressure experienced by the sciatic nerve during
was then reduced with the knee in 90 degrees of acetabular exposure. The position of the knee did not
flexion, followed by reduction with the knee in 0 play a significant role.
1298 The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 25 No. 8 December 2010

Fig. 3. Graph showing comparisons during acetabular expo- Fig. 4. Graph showing comparisons during femoral position-
sure. Horizontal line at 400 mm Hg shows predetermined ing. Horizontal line at 400 mm Hg shows predetermined
pressure level at which nerve injury was considered possible. pressure level at which nerve injury was considered possible.
AE indicates acetabular exposure; SI, sling intact; SR, sling FP indicates femoral positioning; SI, sling intact; SR, sling
reduced; 0, knee at 0 degree of flexion; 90, knee at 90 degrees reduced; 0, knee at 0 degree of flexion; 90, knee at 90 degrees
of flexion. Error bars show SD. of flexion. Error bars show SD.

The average pressure during positioning for femoral degree flexed group. The average pressures experienced
preparation with the gluteal sling intact, when the 0- by the sciatic nerve in each group were as follows: sling
and 90-degree flexion groups were combined was intact knee 0 degree flexed, 610.4 ± 412.5 mm Hg; sling
263.4 ± 450.7 mm Hg, compared with 0.0 ± 0 mm Hg intact knee 90 degrees flexed, 223.9 ± 347.8 mm Hg;
with the gluteal sling released (P = .09). The average sling released knee 0 degree flexed, 569.4 ± 439.0 mm
pressure for the sling intact group was 321.4 ± 480.1 Hg; and sling released knee 90 degrees flexed, 55.3 ±
mm Hg with the knee at 0 degree of flexion, compared 157.4 mm Hg (Fig. 5). A significant difference in the
with 205.4 ± 437.0 mm Hg with the knee 90 degrees pressure experienced by the sciatic nerve during hip
flexed (P = .07). The average pressure for the sling reduction was present when isolating the variable of
released group was 0.0 ± 0 mm Hg with the knee at 0 knee positioning (0 degree versus 90 degrees flexed; P =
degree of flexion and 0.0 ± 0 mm Hg with the knee 90 .002), with the higher pressure occurring when the
degrees flexed (P = 1.0). There was a significant knee was 0 degree flexed. Knee positioning was also
difference in pressure placed on the sciatic nerve found to be a significant variable in determining pressure
during positioning for femoral preparation between
the sling intact knee 0-degree flexed group and the
sling released knee 0-degree flexed group (P = .05).
There was no significant difference when the same
comparison was made with the knee 90-degree flexed
groups (P = .19). Therefore, during positioning for
femoral preparation, only a combination of knee
positioning and condition of the gluteal sling made a
significant difference in the pressure experienced by
the sciatic nerve. The pressures during positioning for
femoral preparation did not reach the predefined
critical level of 400 mm Hg (Fig. 4).
Pressures experienced by the sciatic nerve during hip
reduction were also recorded with the gluteal sling intact
and released with the knee in 0 and 90 degrees of
flexion. The average pressure in the combined (knee 0
and 90 degrees flexed) sling intact group was 417.2 ±
Fig. 5. Graph showing comparisons during reduction with
420.2 mm Hg, compared with 312.4 ± 426.8 mm Hg in gentle retraction of the nerve. Horizontal line at 400 mm Hg
the combined (knee 0 and 90 degrees flexed) sling shows predetermined pressure level at which nerve injury was
released group (P = .29). Although the pressure in the considered possible. RED indicates hip reduction; SI, sling
combined sling intact group did exceed the predefined intact; SR, sling reduced; 0, knee at 0 degree of flexion; 90,
critical value, this is due to the inclusion of the knee 0- knee at 90 degrees of flexion. Error bars show SD.
Total Hip Resurfacing Sciatic Nerve Injury  Gay et al 1299

experienced by the sciatic nerve within both the sling exposure may help to prevent postoperative sciatic
intact (P = .05) and the sling released (P = .01) groups. nerve palsies.
When the condition of the sling (intact versus released) During positioning for femoral preparation, no
was isolated at both knee positions, it was not found to be variable resulted in a significant difference in the
a significant variable in determining pressure experi- pressure placed on the sciatic nerve. Pressure on the
enced by the sciatic nerve (P = .81 and P = .34). Thus, nerve was significantly increased with the gluteal sling
knee positioning and not the condition of the gluteal intact and the knee fully extended, but pressure did
sling seems to play a significant role in pressures placed not exceed the predefined critical value. In contrast,
on the sciatic nerve during hip reduction. position of the knee was a significant factor affecting
pressure on the nerve during hip reduction. With the
Discussion gluteal sling intact or released, a fully extended knee
Since the approval for use in the United States in 2006, significantly increased the pressure placed on the
new-generation metal-on-metal total hip resurfacing sciatic nerve to raise the defined critical level during
has been an alternative to total hip arthroplasty. Recent hip reduction, whereas pressure fell below the critical
early data have shown that the rate of nerve injury in level when the knee was flexed 90 degrees. Although
modern total hip resurfacing is between 1.7% and 2.1% reduction of the hip with an extended knee alone
[6,7], compared with an incidence of approximately 1% probably does not cause a postoperative nerve palsy
in conventional total hip arthroplasty [2]. Modern total due to the transient nature of the pressure placed on
hip resurfacing has been indicated for use in a younger the nerve, it may play a role if the nerve has been
more active population, which means the dramatic stressed in some manner earlier in the procedure. This
impact of nerve injuries will be further increased as potential for additional injury may be further exacer-
younger patients face the loss of function associated with bated by multiple reductions if trailing is performed.
nerve injury. These findings suggest the possible benefit of at
Early US results suggest concerns about risk of nerve least partially flexing the knee during hip reduction
palsies in total hip resurfacing as compared with in this technique.
traditional hip arthroplasty. In a US study of 537 initial There are several limitations within our study. There
patients undergoing this procedure, Della Valle et al [6] were large SDs in the pressure readings in several
reported a 1.7% incidence of postoperative nerve palsies instances. Although the SDs shown in the graphs at
at 1-year follow-up as compared with an incidence of times cross over the described critical pressure level,
1% in traditional total hip arthroplasty [2]. An Austra- we believe the trends seen in the average pressures
lian study of 230 hips and mean 5-year follow-up found remain important. All procedures and all retractor
a 2.1% incidence of postoperative nerve palsies with positioning were done by the primary investigator,
modern total hip resurfacing [7]. Our findings suggest and blinding of this investigator with regard to
areas of potential risk of sciatic nerve injury in the pressure readings was maintained. We speculate that
standard total hip resurfacing technique done through a subtle differences in retractor positioning and varied
posterior approach. patient anatomy may have played a role in the wide
The highest pressures experienced by the sciatic nerve variations observed. In future studies with this model,
occurred during acetabular exposure, which is required the primary investigator could be notified of unusually
for reaming and cup placement in total hip resurfacing. high pressures allowing for a through examination of
Of potential concern, in terms of the predefined pressure the relationship of the retractor to the nerve. We were
and duration representing nerve injury, is that reaming also limited by a lack of information on the amount of
and inserting the acetabular cup clinically may require pressure needed to cause a sciatic nerve injury, which
15 minutes or more. The condition of the gluteal sling required the use of presumed pressure levels and
was the most significant variable in determining the pressure duration based on an animal model [9].
pressure experienced by the sciatic nerve during Pressure level and duration associated with injury in
acetabular exposure and preparation. Regardless of the humans may be higher or lower than that assumed in
position of the knee (0 or 90 degrees flexed), an intact the current study, but the findings provide a useful
gluteal sling resulted in pressures exceeding the critical relative comparison. Furthermore, cadaveric specimens
value. Although fully extending the knee with the sling may differ in their tissue compliance and nerve
intact further increased the pressure placed on the sciatic excursion with respect to living tissue. By using fresh
nerve, it did not make a significant difference. Once the (not frozen or embalmed) specimens, we feel that we
gluteal sling was released, the average pressures during have set up the best possible model to accurately
acetabular exposure dropped below the critical value. reflect healthy living tissue. Finally, pressures during
Fully extending the knee raised the pressure placed on hip reduction were recorded with the native head and
the nerve, but the difference was not significant. These acetabulum with no implants inserted. The implants
findings suggest that releasing the gluteal sling during used in this technique clinically may change the
1300 The Journal of Arthroplasty Vol. 25 No. 8 December 2010

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