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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:

A Book Review Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling has been became a very well-known series in the fiction world and has
huge fans all around the world. The last series which is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was first released in

It becomes one of my favorite books since the author successfully portrays the war between Harry and his enemy with
a very intriguing ways. This book tells us the journey of Harry and his friends on finding and destroying parts of
Voldemort souls, the Horcruxes.

This book is the kind of story that can brings us into a different world to see clearly what Harry felt, how he tried to
combat what he feared the most, and how the tensions between Harry and his best friends accompanied his adolescent.
Harry knew that he had to go through all the deathly hallows and there were times when he and his friends wanted to
give up. Even so, he chose to fight and sacrifice for the people he loved.

I think the most surprising part is when we finally knew who the master of Elder Wand was. The duel between Harry
and Voldemort is a well-written part and it feels like the book can pull the readers into the story.

For those who like fantasy, this book is a must-to-read since reading this book is like collecting puzzle pieces into a
complete picture.

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Penulis : Risky Guswindari
Editor : Nibras Nada Nailufar

Parasite (2019): Film Review

Parasite (2019) is a South Korean movie which tells about the difference of social class in society. The story is about
two different families whose social status are very different.

This film is considered as a great film that it wins Palme d’Or at Cannes film festival. Director Bong Joon-Ho takes us
to live the life of a poor Ki-Taek’s family, then asks us to see how luxury Mr. Park’s family is. At first, Parasite
presents social inequality with comedy. However, the climax will got us into a thrill.

The characters are well performed by the actors and actresses. Each of them has their unique role to make this film
worth to watch more than two hours. Ki-woo (Choi Woo-sik) and Ki-jung (Park So-dam), siblings who play a lot of
sense, give deep impression to the audiences and the innocent Mrs. Park (Jo Yeo-jeong) successfully portray the rich
lady in Korean society. The cinematography is also well-crafted to help the audiences see different conditions in
different perspectives. The sound and lighting are perfectly support each scene.

Moreover, the dialogues are well-written and manages to steal the audience's attention because there are many
philosophical lines that we can take the meaning of.

In the end, Parasite is a great Korean movie to enjoy since it describes something close to our lives, which is social
class, but it is made in different way and out of the box. No wonder this film got many awards after its release.

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul "Contoh Review Text", Klik untuk
Penulis : Risky Guswindari
Editor : Nibras Nada Nailufar

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