COA Alkohol

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ffieHtuft,ruj PffiWffiK&dflAM ffiffiffigdA&ffi$$ fr&ffififiUT m$'h$ P{fB[$T.&jl &$sffiM$Tm[fi

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ffiAffi"HST'ANM $F{ffi USTRH SUffiAffi AYA
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Kmdelfrfienk Tekmds

}dm. p&m&MffiT'ffiffi &"$J$ $AT'UEBS Ffl&$lL &J.$! ffiHT'ffiME UJ$

Kae{ar ethane{ pada SS*S % v/v q6 i$. $Nt ss-s565-'!994
ffiahan yens dapat cll*ksldasi$cart
ft ffienit sfl{{ 06-3565-"tS94
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G $WetharioB sN[s$-3s6s-1Ss4
Caiatan : Fai"arneter uji sesuai penn:imtaan

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m ffiis"*frm

FT. Mr.rlia Artha Sekawan
Jl. Slompretan no 2 &.!
iB {{}!i Lr } wrr r
Surabaya - iawa Timur f r, tfu.ll:fimxtHA $I|[]lw&t{
Telephone :+62 (31i 3532999
Fax: +62 (31) 3532996
Snrcry Dnrn Surrr
Email : etanol.
Dnff or ISS{,it : January 6'n 2016

Product Name : Ethanol ''1"'grade

Other : Ethanol, Ethylalcohol, Prime alcohol
Formula : H H
Molecularweight :46.07
UN l\umber :1170
: Generai purpose organic solvent, aerosols, cosnietics, pharr*aceuiicals, alcohoiic breverages,
vinegar production, etc.

Forrn Liquid Colour

: Colourless Odour
Boiling point: 78 0C
Melting point: -l 17 0c
Vapour pressure 59 mbar i20 oC)
Vapour density 1 C.O

Flashpoint (Open Cup): 120C

Upper fl ammability limit ., )J \/^lo/-
1tr VVI tU

Lower flammability iimit : 3.5 Vol%

lgnition temperature 425 0C
Log P(o/w) Itlot relevant
Specific gravity Not relevant
Density 0.7ggg2 g/cm3 (20 oC)
Solubility in Water Soluble (20 oC)
Other information Highlyflammable
Stability & reactivity Stable

CAS N{JMBER Proportion TLV,ppm LC50.ppm/4h LD50,mglkg LD50,mg/kg

ingredients iis{r c) (Rat intrai) (Rat oral) (Rabir skin)
Ethanol 64-17-s > 96.3 % (v/v) 1000 31,623 20,000

ii;lr,r,ririij/.j,' ;ii;l tiii

- May cause dizziness, faintness, drowsiness, decreased awarenes$ and responsiveness, euphoria abdominal
discomfort, narrsea, vomiting, staggering gait, lack of coordination and coma.

Page 1 of 8
FT futullia Antha SeBqa\Man ,*l.",
i1 ^
Jl. Slornpretan n0 2 "li r
$urabaya - Jawa Timur
i{, ${fi}it{ Afi](${,& $$f;A$r*i\i
Telephone :+62 (31) 3S329SS
Fax ; +62 (31) 353299S Snrrry Dnrn Surrr
E mai| etanol. muliaafi ha$

Dnrc or trssuE : January 6'n 2016

- h'lo adverse effects with normal skin. However, potentially harmful amounts
of rnaterial may tre absorbed across
rnarkedly abraded skin rruhen contact is sustained, particularly in children.
- High vapour concentrations may cause a burning sensation in the throat and nose, stinging and watering
in the- eyes.
At concenirations which cause irritation, dizzineds, faintness, drowsiness, nausea anO iorn'iting
rnay occlr.
Irlo evidence of adverse effects fronr available information.

- Severe eye irritant.
* Vapours can irritate eyes.
- Eye damage from contact with iiqilid is reversible and proper treatment will result in heaiing within
a few days.
- Damage is usually mild to moderate conjunctivitis, seen mainly as redness of the conjunctiva.
- Long term repeated oral exposure to ethanol may result in the development of progressive liver
injury with fibrosis.
* ftepeated exposure to ethafiol ntay exacerbate liver in3',ary produced from other causes.
- [lepeated ingestion of ethanol by pregnant nnothers has been shown to adversely affea the central
nervous systern
of the fetus, producing a collection of bffects which together constitute the fetal aLohol
syndromd. These include
mental and physicai retardation, disturbances of learning, rnotor and language deficiencies,
behavioral disorders,
and small size head.

- lrlever give anything by mouth if victim is rapidly Iosing consciousness or is unconscious
or convulsing.
- Have vactim drink about 2s0ml i8fl, oz.) of water to dilute material in stomach.
- lf vomiting occurs naturalfy, have victim lean forward to reduce risk of aspiration.
- Seek medical assistance.
- Flush contaminated area with water for at least 20 minutes.
- Remove contaminated clothing under running water.
- Completely decontaminate clothing before re-use, or discard.
- lf irritation occurs seek medical attention.
- Remove victim to fresh air.
* Artificial respiration shotlld be given if breathing has stopped and cardiopulmonary resuscitation if heart
has stopped.
- Oxygen nray be gi';en if necessary.
- Seek rnedical attention imr"nediately.
- Irnmediately flush eyes with water for at least 20 minutes, holding the eyelids
- Seek rnedical afiention immediately.
- Symptoms of ethanol iljtoxicstion vary wlth the alcohol levol of the blood. Mild
alcohol intoxicati+n occlrrs at blood
levels between 0.05-0.15% an! approximately 25o/o of individuals will show
slgns ;rintoni.ation at these levels.
Above 0-15o/o the person is definitely under the influence of ethanol and 50-g5%
of indiviiluals at this level are

Page 2 of 8
FT flifiu{ia Artha Sekawar"l ,,t '
.il. Slompretan no 2 tJ.-

$urabaya -..lawa Tirnur f i,llt.ibirq ri*l{tr$ }Ii*,1HtAlq

Telephone :+62 (31i 35329gg
Fax : +62 (31) 3532996
Snrrry Dnrn Snrrr
E mail : etanol. muliaarthasekawan@grnaii-conn
Darc or ISS{.JE : January 6'n 2016

clinically intoxicated. Severe poisoning occurs when the blood ethanol levei is 0.3-0.5%. Above 0.5o/o the individual
wil! be comatose and death can occur.
- The unabsorbed ethanol should be rernoved by gastric lavage after intubating the patient to prevenl aspiration.
- Avoid the use of depressant drugs or the excessive adminisiration of fluids.

r+ ll,1i:iiiiiri.1i.,,:lirf

- Highly flammable liquid. May form flammable mixtures with air. Burns with a colouriess flame. The vapour is heavier
than air and may travel along the ground; distiant ignition and flash back are possible.
* Hun off to sewers and drains may cause explosions. lsoiate for at least 800 metres in ali directions if tanks or tankers
are involved. The use of compressed air for filling, discharging, mixing or handling is prohibited due to the vapour
- All vessels must be eanhed to avoid generation of static charges when agitfiting or transferring salvents. Avoid all
ignition sources. lntrinsically safe equipment is necessary in areas where this chemical is being used
- Alcohol-resistant foarn is the preferred fire fighting mecjium but, if it is not avaiiable, fine water spray can be used.
- Water fog, fine water spray, dry chemical or carbon dioxide may also be used
- BurninE can produce carbon monoxide and/or carbon dioxide.
- Highly flamrnable iiquici. Contain spiit. Fuli "[ire kit and breathing apparatus is required
- Use water to cool exposed crintainers. Heating can cause expansion or decomposition leading to violent rupture of
containers. lf safe to do so, remove conlainersfrom path of fire.
- Spills and leaks may be washed away with copious volunnes of water, fog or spray. Frevent run-off from entering
drains and watercourses

- ln the event of a spill eliminate all sources of ignition and take measures to prevent static discharge. No smoking.
Use water spray to disperse vapour.
- Clear area of aii personnei noi direciiy invoiveci in the ciean up.
- All persannel involved in the containment and disposal procedures to wear protective equipment as described in
'EXPOSURE CONTROLS I PERSONAL PHOTECTIONS" to prevent skin and eye contamination and inhalation of
- Ventilate area well and ensure the atrnosphere is safe before personnel return to the work area
- Stop and contain the spill for saivage or absorb in inert absorbent rnaterial (e.g. Soil, sand, vern'liculite) for disposal
by an approved method.
- Prevent run-off into drains and waterways.
- lf contamination of sewers or waterways has occurred, advise the local emergency services.

- Wash the cleaned-up arca with copious volurnes of water to remove any trace amounts of product. $pilts can be
converted to non-flammable rnixtures by ditution with water.
- Non-returnable containers should be de-gassed prior to disposal. Dispose of all waste containers and used drums In
accordance with local authority guidelines.

Page 3 of I

PT Mulia Artha Sekawan ,n F(

'JI" /
Jl. Slompretan no 2 ' ii?, ffi(riuAuS?.tA $[ffiewA${
Surabaya - Jawa Timur
Telephone :+6? i31) 3532999
Fax: +62 (31) 35329S6
Snrurv Dnrtr Surrr
Email etanol. m
DarE or isst-,lE : january g $ zoro

- Narional Occupational Exposure Standard (NES), Safe Work Austr"alia (formerly ASCC/NOHSC)
=>TWA - 1000 PPM {1800 mginr3)
- MAK Germany (max. workplace conc.) Eihanol
=> 1000 ml/m3 (1900 mg/rn3)
All occupational exposures to atmospheric contaminants should be kept to as low a level as is rarorkable (practicable)
and in all cases to below the National Standard.
These exposure standards are guides to be used irr the control af occupational health hazards. These exposure
standards should not be used as fine dividing lines Lretween safe and dengerous concentrations of chemicals. They
are nol a measure of relative toxicity"
TWA (Time Weighted Average): the time-weighted average airborne concentration over an eight'hour working day, for
a five-day working week cver an entire working life. According to current knowledge this concent!'ation should neither
impair the health ol nor cause undue discomfort to, nearly all workers.
- No biological Iimit allocated

- Ventilation
l-ocal exhaust ventilation and/or mechanical (general) exhaust is recommended where vapours are likely to be generated.
,Allsuch equipment must be intr-insically safe.
- Speclal Consideration for Repair &lor Maintenance of Contaminated Equipment
Empty containers retain residue {liquid and / or vapour) and are dangerous. Do not pressure cut, weld, braze, solder, drill,
grind or expose such containers to heat, flame, sparks, static electricity, or other sources of ignition.
Vapour is heavier than air - prevent concentration in hollows or sumps. Do not enter confined spaces where vapour may
have ccllected. Keep containers closed when not in use.
- Personal hygiene
Protective clothing (gloves, coveralls, boots, etc.) should be worn Lo prevent skin contact. Always "wash hands before
smoking, eating, drinking or using the toilet.
Wash contaminated clothing and other protective equiprnent before storing or re-using
- $kin protection
Avoid skrn contact by the use of appr-oved chemical resistant gloves and aprons - FVC or Neoprene {AS 2161).
- Eye Proteciion
Avoid eye contact by wearing chemicai goEgles with side-shields or face-shield (ASihiZS 1336) whenever exposed to
vapour or mist or if there is a risk of splashing liquid in the eyes^
Safety showers with eye-wash should be provided in all areas where product is handled.
- Respiratiory protection
None should be needed if engineering, storage and handling controls are adequate to ensure that atmospheric
contamination is kept below the National Standard.
Where vapour concentratiofls are likely to tspproach or exceed the Standards, an approved organic vapour respirator-
(AS/NZS 1715 and 1716) must be worn.
ln high vapo{.ir concentrations, or in suspectecl oxygen-deficient atmospheres such as ennpty vessels or confined spaces,
use air-supplied hood.
-Thermal protection
Ncne shoulC be needed under n*rmel circumstances

-Smoking & other dust

Smoking must be prohibited in all areas where this product is used. See safety information on flamrnability above

Page 4 of I
PT hfrtilia Artha Sekawan +1;i
Jl. Slornpretan no 2 fli, e{{}t }A Afi Tl{e $E$,&\*JAf{
Surabaya - Jawa Timur
TeleBhone :+62 (31) 3532999 Sarmv Dnrn SHrnr
Fax : +62 (31) 3532996
Email etano{. muliaarthasekawan@gmail-com
: Dnm or ESUE: january 6'n 2016

Condition to avoid
:"Oiiir"n*iii,ifi, irimes, Sources of ignition or static alectricity, oxidizlnq agents, vapour / air mixtures are explosive
lncompatible materials
air at normal room
Ethanol is a flammable liquid whose vapours can form ignitable and explosive mixture with
produce flammabl-e mixture of vapour anf air
- temperatures.Thus, an aqueous minure containing 307o ethanol can a
produce a flammable mixture at 62oC. Ethanol react vigorously
at 2g C, and even one co-ntiining only 5% alcohol"can
and orher chemicals, e.g. Disulphuryl Diflouride, Silver Nitrate, Bromine penta
*itn u *iOe range of o*iOi"ing rnJteriats
perchloride, urany{ perchloride, Chromium
Flouride, potassium perchlor?te, Nitrosylperchlorate, chromyichloride, chloryl
TriOxide, Fluorine Nitrate, Dioxygen Difluoride, Uranium hexaffuoride, iodine Heptailuoride, Tetrachlorosilane,
pernranganic acid, Nitric acid, XyCrogen peroxide, Percxodisuiphuric ecid, Potassiurn Dioxide. Sodium Peroxide'
potassium perr*anganate, Rr"rtheniufr lvilt; Oxloe, Platinurn, Potsssiun'), Potassiurn tert-Bl,toxide, Silver Oxide and
Hazardous decomposition products: lncomplete combustion can generate carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

Acute toxicity Short-term hazard

Acute oral toxicityethanol : LDso r3t: 7,060 mg/tr(g; literature value Acute
inhalation toxicity ethanol : LCs rat : 66,000 nng/l; literature value; 4 h Acute
dermai ioxicity etharrol ; LDLo rabbii : 20,000 mg/kg; literature value

NOAEL - 2400 mg/kg (2%) - for rats

LOAEL - 3600 mg/kg (3%) - for rats
Sl<in and eye contsct redness, pain and irritation

I Carcinogenicity Long-term consumption of alcoholic beverage demonstrates an increase in the
occurrence of breasi cancer and colorectal Cancer. Mdlignant tumours Of the
oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, oeshopagus and liver is also casually related to the
Consumption of alcoholic beverages. SOme studies have shown an excess
lncidence of laryngeal cancer over the axpected from exposure to synthetic
Alcohol, with Diethylsulphate probably being the causative agent

Mutagenicity Fthanol has been found to be non - mutagenic in &e salmonella microsome test,
but some transient mutagenic changes have been obserued in male, but not
female, mice treated with rather large doses. Ethanol is mutagenic in man via its
first metabolite, Acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde induces chromosomal aberrations,
sister-chromatid exchanges and cross-links between DNA. strands.

Neurotoxicity Over exposure rnay cause Central Nervous Systern {CI\,,S) depression.

Aquatic toxicity - fish : ln high concentration it harms fish and plankton; LCuo (fish, 96 hours) - 15'3 rng/L
{Pimephales promelas)

Aqrratic toxicity - daphi{1a : Threshold for deleterious effect in srnall crtjstaceans upwards of 7.800m9/l ECuo

{Daphina, 48 hours) - 5012 mgll (Ceriodaphina dubia)

Aquatic toxicity - atgae : Toxic threshold concentration: Pseudomonas putida uplrvards 6.500m9/l
$cenedesmus qudricauda upwards of 5.000mg/1, Microsystis aeruginosa
upwards of 1.450m1/L lCro (al$ae, 72 hours) - 275 rng/L

Page 5 of 8
FT Mulla Artha Sekawan ld ts.
Ji. Slompretan no 2
flr, ffi t}tffi sffi'$ts $$K&wr&s
Surabaya - Jawa Timur
Telephone :+62 (31) 3532999 SnrETY DATA SHEET
Fax: +62 (31) 3532SS
Email : etanol.muliaarthasekawan@gmail.corn
DllY i::T t1Try-o'n zoto

Biodegradability This product is readiiy biodegradable. Ethanol is widely recognized as being

readity biodegradabtb ;n fre environment as it is both a nretabolite of and '
nutrient for microbes. There are no persistent

Bio - accumulations This product in not expected to bio accumulate through the food chains in the
enviroment. The very iow log KOW of -0.31 is indicative of a low bioaccumulation

Mobility This productis likely to volatize rapidly in10 the air because of its high vapour
pre$sure. This product is poorly absorbed onto soils or sediment. Adsorption
coefficient (Koci solid phaselliquid phase = 1 ( highly mobile)

Gerrnan wgk 1 {low hazard to water)

Disposalmethods Only under conditions approved by local authorization. See also section Accidental release

Disposal of packaging Empty containers may contain flammable and hazardous residues" Always obey hazard

UN No. 117n

Substance identity No. uhl 117CI

ADRIRID class 3

ADR/RID item No. 3(b)

ADR/RID hazard identity No. 3

IMDG - shipping name Ethanol

IMDG - Class 3,2

IMDG - packaging group il

IMDG - Marine pollutant Not a marine Pollutant


IMEG- MFAG table N0. 3074

IATA - shipping Ethanolsolution

IATA - Class

IATA - Subsidiary risk(s) Flamrnable liquid

ADNR -Class UN-No. : 1170; class 3, packaging group ll

UK- description Not available

Page 6 of 8
Fl-" Mualia Artha Seiqa,,ruam 'rrt Fr

Jl. Slompretan no 2 ffi";

$irrabaya - jawa Timur . $Y, ffitliiA nftr"fi & $$tr&$f$,lri
Telephone :+62 (31) 3532$SS
Fax : +62 (31) 3532996
Snrrry Dnrn Snrrr
Email :etanol.muliaarthasekawan@gmail.eorn
Dnrn cr usgue : mmumy a* zmrm

UK- Emergency action class : Not available

UK -Classification : Not avaialable

Tremcard lrlo. : 1174

EEC h azar d cla ssifi cati on 200-578-6

Risk phases R11

Safety phases s2, $7, S9, 516, S33

National legislation Hazardous substances Act 15 of '1973 and regulations

Occupational Health and Safuty Aet 85 of 1993 ( Hazardous Cheniical Substances


lnternational Legislation I,ATA Dangerous Goods Regulation (DGR) 55'' Edition 2014

f:ftL:ilJ\.tJ 1*1{iA{ii l"* BgTiii'iH"hi t$j l"i,qNill*lldfi.ef,im ST#$qlhlf;

- Packaging group : ll
o Temperature : +15 to +25 oC

- Protective clothing (glove)

- Keep away frorn heat, sparks and flames
- Keep container closed when not in use.
- L.lse with adequate ventilation.
- Avoid breathing vapours.
- Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
- Wash exposed skin thoroughly after handling.
- Take precautions to prevent stailc electricity build-up when transferring contents
*-r ii H{t r}ffi ffi ilA{_rfl 'trt"*s
- Good personal hygiene practices are suggested, such as abstaining from eating, drinking and smoking in the

Page 7 of 8
FT. Mutrla Artha Sekawan I'rlr
t ..-rI
Jl. $lompretan no 2
Surabaya - Jawa Timur :"t, $ulili rEllff,q g[t[]lxsAN
Telephone :+62 (31) 353299S
Fax : +62 (31) 3532996
Snrrrv Dnrn SHrrr
Email' dErdtrgdMHir@ilq&rrr@'8ri& Dnm on ISSUE : January 6'n mx6

1. The product may denaturecJ upon request with small quantities {< 5% v/v) of one or more of the following
denaturants : Menthol (CAS No: 2216-51-5), Denatonium Benzoat (Bitrix) (CAS No : 3734-33-6), Propylene
Glycol (CAS No:57-55-6), lso-propylalcohol (CAS No: 67-63-0), Methanol(CAS No:67-56-1), Wood Naphtha
(CAS No: 67-56-1), Di-ethyl Phthalate (DEP) (CAS No: 84-66-2), Hibitane (CAS No: 82432-16-4) or Butanol
{CAS No: 71-36-3} or formulations as per the Specialised Denaturants list in the Industrial

- Authorised by : Ouality & Laboratory Manager

- Date of issue : January6h 2016
- Review date : January 2018

This Safety Data Sheet (SDS) summarises our best knowledge of the health and safety hazard information of
the product and how to safely handle and use the product in the workplace.
Each user should read this SD$ and consider the information in the context of how the product will be handled and used
rn the workplace. The use shoulC be considered also in conjunction with other products.
lf clarification or furtl",er inforrnation is needed to ensure that an appropiate risk assessrnerrt can be made, the user should
contact this company.
Our responsibility for products sold is subject to our standard terms and conditions - a copy of which is sent to our
customers, and is also available upon request.


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