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H00321089 Chong Khai Tze




Name: Chong Khai Tze

HWU ID: H00321089

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H00321089 Chong Khai Tze

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 Results ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Convergence curves ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Cross-sections Stress Distributions ..................................................................................................... 6
3.0 1D Formulation ....................................................................................................................................... 7
4.0 Variation in Boundary Conditions ........................................................................................................... 8
Appendix: ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Appendix 1.0 – 3 X 30 Mesh Abaqus Model ............................................................................................. 9
Appendix 1.1 – 3 X 30 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model ................................................................................ 10
Appendix 1.1.1 – Bending Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model ............................................ 10
Appendix 1.1.2 – Shear Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model ................................................ 11
Appendix 1.1.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 3 X 30 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model .......................... 12
Appendix 1.2 – 3 X 30 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model .......................................................................... 13
Appendix 1.2.1 – Bending Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model ...................................... 13
Appendix 1.2.2 – Shear Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model .......................................... 14
Appendix 1.2.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 3 X 30 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model .................... 15
Appendix 2.0 – 4 X 40 Mesh Abaqus Model ........................................................................................... 16
Appendix 2.1 – 4 X 40 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model ................................................................................ 16
Appendix 2.1.1 – Bending Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model ............................................ 16
Appendix 2.1.2 – Shear Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model ................................................ 17
Appendix 2.1.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 4 X 40 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model .......................... 19
Appendix 2.2 – 4 X 40 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model .......................................................................... 19
Appendix 2.2.1 – Bending Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model ...................................... 19
Appendix 2.2.2 – Shear Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model .......................................... 21
Appendix 2.2.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 4 X 40 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model .................... 22
Appendix 3.0 – 5 X 50 Mesh Abaqus Model ........................................................................................... 22
Appendix 3.1 – 5 X 50 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model ................................................................................ 23
Appendix 3.1.1 – Bending Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model ............................................ 23
Appendix 3.1.2 – Shear Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model ................................................ 24
Appendix 3.1.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 5 X 50 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model .......................... 25
Appendix 3.2 – 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model .......................................................................... 26
Appendix 3.2.1 – Bending Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model ...................................... 26

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Appendix 3.2.2 – Shear Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model .......................................... 28

Appendix 3.2.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model .................... 29
Appendix 4.0 – Calculation Steps ............................................................................................................ 29
Appendix 5.0 – Convergence Curve ........................................................................................................ 34
Appendix 5.1 – Data Extraction from Abaqus ......................................................................................... 34
Appendix 5.2– Plotting the Convergence Curves ................................................................................... 36
Appendix 5.2.1 – Convergence in Bending Stress ............................................................................... 36
Appendix 5.2.2 – Convergence in Shear Stress ................................................................................... 39
Appendix 5.2.3 – Convergence in Vertical Deflection (y-axis) ............................................................ 42
Appendix 6.0 – 1D Formulation Calculation ........................................................................................... 45
Appendix 7.0 – Abaqus Model with different Boundary Condition ....................................................... 49
Appendix 7.1 – Bending Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model ......................................... 50
Appendix 7.2 – Shear Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model ............................................. 51
Appendix 7.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model ....................... 53
Appendix 7.4 – Comparison between Abaqus Models under Different Boundary Conditions .......... 53
Appendix 8.0 – Theoretical Bending Stress and Shear Stress Distribution in Cross-Sections (y-axis along
the beam) ................................................................................................................................................ 54
References .................................................................................................................................................. 55

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1.0 Introduction
FEM as a numerical technique to perform finite element analysis is adapted to meet the
requirements on results accuracy (IEEE Inovation, no date). Finite Element Software such as
Abaqus allows the meshing of beams into certain number of elements to meet the accuracy
requirement on results. To compare the results obtained from different meshes, 3 different meshes
for both linear and quadratic elements are modelled. 3 X 30 meshes beam, 4 X 40 meshes beam,
and 5 X 50 meshes beam are modelled accordingly as shown as Figure 1.0, Figure 2.0, and Figure

2.0 Results
According to Appendix 4.0,
Load applying on beam = 5.4 kN/m Span of beam = 8 m
2.1 Convergence curves
According to Appendix 4.0, calculations on theoretical values for maximum bending stress,
maximum shear stress, and maximum vertical deflection on y-axis are done.

Besides from that, Abaqus model of 3 X 30 Linear Mesh, 3 X 30 Quadratic Mesh, 4 X 40 Linear
Mesh, 4 X 40 Quadratic Mesh, 5 X 50 Linear Mesh, and 5 X 50 Quadratic Mesh are modelled.
The outcomes are shown as:

3 X 30 4 X 40 5 X 50 3 X 30 4 X 40 5 X 50
Linear Linear Linear Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic
Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix
1.1 2.1 3.1 1.2 2.2 3.2
Table 2.11 – Abaqus Modelling with Different Mesh

The bending stress distributions along the x-axis of the beam are plotted. The distributions are
shown in parabolic curve. However, there are some outliers around the edges of the beam leading
to the slight deformation in parabolic curve. The same situation occurs on the shear stress
distribution along the x-axis as well.

This is due to according to Figure 1.0 in Appendix 1.0, both of the supports are modelled only on
a point of the beam. This is will lead to the formation of sharp corner at the edges of the beam and
resulting in stress concentration. Stress concentration is formed by the assemble of stress in a body
due to geometry issues such as sharp corners, decrease in cross-sectional area, and crack (Mishra,

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P., no date). The single point of supports at both edges leading to the formation of sharp edges and
decrease in cross-sectional area at the small area around the edge. Henceforth, the outcome of the
bending stress distribution is slightly disrupted.

However, the stress concentration does not affect the vertical deflection (y-axis). It is shown that
the maximum vertical deflection occurs at the midspan of the beam, forming a parabolic curve.

In a bid to compare the results of theoretical outcomes and the Abaqus outcomes, convergence
curves for bending stress, shear stress, and vertical displacement are plotted.

Convergence Curve Convergence Curve Convergence Curve

of Bending Stress of Shear Stress of Vertical Deflection
Appendix 5.2.1, Appendix 5.2.2, Appendix 5.2.3,
Appendix & Figure
Figure 5.2.18 Figure 5.2.28 Figure 5.2.38
Table 2.12 – Convergence Curves of Bending Stress, Shear Stress, and Vertical Deflection
Convergence curve can be defined as the graph indicating relationship between the grid intervals
and the accuracy of analysis (Melosh, R.J., 1990). According to the convergence curves plotted, it
can be seen that the convergence curves tend to move towards the theoretical line as the number
of mesh increases. It proves that the density of mesh is closely relating to the accuracy of finite
element models. The models with fine mesh will tend to provide results with higher accuracy but
as well take longer computation time before obtaining the outcomes (Yucheng, L., Gary, G., 2013).
The effect of mesh density is particularly obvious shown on the Bending Stress Convergence
Curve. In Figure 5.2.18, the convergence curve of quadratic mesh is closely sticking on the
theoretical line which is around 0.996 but the convergence curve of the linear mesh is relatively
far away from the theoretical line which is around 0.745. However, the linear convergence curve
tends to approach the theoretical line as the number of mesh increases which finally reaches
convergence of 0.830 at the 5 X 50 linear mesh.

For the shear stress convergence curve shown in Figure 5.2.28, it shows an unusual situation which
is the Abaqus results tend to move towards a shear stress level slightly higher compared to the
theoretical maximum shear stress. This may be due to the presence of stress concentration at the
edges of the beam. The concentration of stress leading to the presence of unexpected stress level.
In reality, the design of sharp edges will be avoided to avoid the presence of stress concentration.
Henceforth, the theoretical maximum shear stress calculated is acceptable.

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For the vertical deflection convergence curve, the curves tend to approach to a larger vertical
deflection. However, the difference between the Abaqus outcomes compared to the theoretical
results are around 0.03E-03m only. This may be due to the theoretical equation is not capable to
undergo detailed calculation as Abaqus does. Besides, it may also due to the reason of the boundary
condition modelled in Abaqus is not as wide covered as the reality buildings, forming sharp edge
that allows more deflection. Henceforth, a slight difference between the outcomes occurs.

In summary, the presence of stress concentration and limitation of theoretical equations in

calculating detailed results lead to the difference in outcomes as shown as the convergence curves.
However, the convergence is tended to be approximate to the theoretical results. Henceforth, it is
considered as accurate results.

2.2 Cross-sections Stress Distributions

The bending stress and shear stress across the cross-sections (y-axis) in each Abaqus model with
different mesh are plotted.

3 X 30 4 X 40 5 X 50 3 X 30 4 X 40 5 X 50
Linear Linear Linear Quadratic Quadratic Quadratic
Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix
1.1, Figure 2.1, Figure 3.1, Figure 1.2, Figure 2.2, Figure 3.2, Figure
1.1.13 & 2.1.13 & 3.1.13 & 1.2.13 & 2.2.13 & 3.2.13 &
& Figure
Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure
1.1.23 2.1.23 3.1.23 1.2.23 2.2.23 3.2.23
Table 2.21 – Bending Stress and Shear Stress Distribution along Cross-Sections
For the bending stress distribution along cross-sections, it should be presented in a perfect straight
line with gradient as shown as Figure 8.0 in Appendix 8.0. For the linear mesh beam models, it
can be seen that the graph plotted is not in a perfect straight line. This is due to the reason of lacking
in mesh for Abaqus to plot an accurate outcome. For the quadratic mesh beam models, it can be
seen that the bending stress distribution is plotted in a perfect straight line similar as Figure 8.0.
Therefore, it can be said that the pattern of bending stress distribution along the cross-sections is

For the shear stress distribution along cross-sections, it should be presented in a parabolic shape
as shown as Figure 8.1 in Appendix 8.0. According to the figures in appendices as mentioned in
Table 2.21, it can be seen that none of the shear stress distribution along the cross-sections is
plotted in a perfect parabolic shape. However, the shear stress distribution obtained tend to form

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the parabolic shape as shown in Figure 8.1. Every shear stress distribution tends to have a
maximum point around the midspan of the beam and tends to reach 0 kN/m2 at both edges.
Henceforth, it can be concluded that the shear stress distribution along the cross-sections is not
plotted in perfect parabolic due to the reason of lacking in mesh density in y-axis. With sufficient
number of mesh, a perfect parabolic shear stress distribution can be plotted as shown as Figure
2.2.23 and Figure 2.2.24 with 4 X 40 and 5 X 50 Quadratic Mesh which tends to form a parabolic

3.0 1D Formulation
Besides from beam theory equations, the vertical deflection of the beam can as well be calculated
through modelling a 1D formulation. Unlike 2D modelling, 1D modelling method is applied on
modelling the line-type members. Meanwhile, 2D modelling is commonly applied on modelling
the plate-type members (Comino, P., no date). The detailed 1D formulation calculations are done
in Appendix 6.0.

Formula of 1D formulation used: [F] = [K][u]

According to Figure 6.1, D1, D3, and D5 represent the vertical deflection accordingly at each
position. Meanwhile D2, D4, and D6 represent the rotation accordingly at each position. Since
we are looking for the maximum displacement, value for D3 will be the maximum vertical
deflection occurring at the midspan of the beam. Besides from that, D1 and D5 are assumed to be
0 because they are located at the pinned support and roller support accordingly. The vertical
deflection on D1 and D5 will be resisted by the supports.


[ 7.2 ]
38994.14 155976.56 −38994.14 155976.56 0 0 𝐷1
155976.56 831875.00 −155976.56 415937.50 0 0 𝐷2
−38994.14 −155976.56 77988.28 0 −38994.14 155976.56 𝐷3
155976.56 415937.50 0 1663750.00 −155976.56 415937.50 𝐷4
0 0 −38994.14 155976.56 38994.14 −155976.56 𝐷5
[ 0 0 155976.56 415937.50 −155976.56 831875.00 ] [𝐷6]

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As results, the maximum vertical deflection, D3 = 0.00125m downwards.

Beam Theory Abaqus Model 1D Formulation

Vertical Deflection
-0.00138 -0.00141 -0.00125
Table 3.31 – Comparison in Vertical Deflection under Different Method
By comparison, we can see that the vertical deflection obtained from 1D formulation is lower
compared to the 2D Abaqus Model and Beam Theory. This is due to 1D formulation is not suitable
to model the flow of load. 2D models with more complex calculation can obtain higher accuracy
results compared to 1D formulation (Ghostine, R., 2015).

4.0 Variation in Boundary Conditions

To observe the variation caused in the changing of boundary condition, 5 X 50 Quadratic Mesh
with the highest accuracy is implemented to model a new beam with same loading condition but
both edges are fixed as shown as Figure 7.0 and Figure 7.1 in Appendix 7.0.

The bending stress, shear stress, and vertical deflection are compared between both Abaqus models
under different boundary conditions as shown as Figure 7.41 in Appendix 7.4.

According to Figure 7.41, it is shown that the maximum bending stress and shear stress at midspan
of the Abaqus model with fixed supports is lower compared to Abaqus model under simply
supported condition. This is due to the reason of fixed support resists bending moment unlike
pinned and fixed support (MachineDesign, 2016). Henceforth, partial of the bending stress and
shear stress are resisted by the fixed support.

However, it can be seen that the Abaqus model with fixed supports is having higher maximum
vertical deflection compared to simply supported Abaqus model. This is because partial of the
bending moment is converted to the edges which is further away from the maximum deflection
point compared to the midspan. According to the law of conversation of momentum, ∑M=0, ∑V=0,
and ∑H=0 under equilibrium condition (Britannica, no date), the resultant deflection will be higher
compared to the simply supported condition.

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Appendix 1.0 – 3 X 30 Mesh Abaqus Model

Figure 1.0 – Abaqus Model

Figure 1.1 – 3 X 30 Mesh Abaqus Model

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Appendix 1.1 – 3 X 30 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Appendix 1.1.1 – Bending Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 1.1.11 – Bending Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 1.1.12 – Bending Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Figure 1.1.13 – Bending Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

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Appendix 1.1.2 – Shear Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 1.1.21 – Shear Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 1.1.22 – Shear Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

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Figure 1.1.23 – Shear Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

Appendix 1.1.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 3 X 30 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 1.1.31 – Vertical Deflection of 3 X 30 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 1.1.32 – Vertical Deflection along Linear Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

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Appendix 1.2 – 3 X 30 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Appendix 1.2.1 – Bending Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 1.2.11 - Bending Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 1.2.12 – Bending Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis

Figure 1.2.13 – Bending Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

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Appendix 1.2.2 – Shear Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 1.2.21 – Shear Stress of 3 X 30 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 1.2.22 – Shear Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Figure 1.2.23 – Shear Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

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Appendix 1.2.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 3 X 30 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 1.2.31 – Vertical Deflection of 3 X 30 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 1.2.32 – Vertical Deflection along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

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Appendix 2.0 – 4 X 40 Mesh Abaqus Model

Figure 2.0 – 4 X 40 Mesh Abaqus Model

Appendix 2.1 – 4 X 40 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Appendix 2.1.1 – Bending Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 2.1.11 – Bending Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

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Figure 2.1.12 – Bending Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Figure 2.1.13 – Bending Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

Appendix 2.1.2 – Shear Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

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Figure 2.1.21 – Shear Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 2.1.22 – Shear Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Figure 2.1.23 – Shear Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

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Appendix 2.1.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 4 X 40 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 2.1.31 – Vertical Deflection of 4 X 40 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 2.1.32 – Vertical Deflection along Linear Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Appendix 2.2 – 4 X 40 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Appendix 2.2.1 – Bending Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

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Figure 2.2.11 - Bending Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 2.2.12 – Bending Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis

Figure 2.2.13 – Bending Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

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Appendix 2.2.2 – Shear Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 2.2.21 – Shear Stress of 4 X 40 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 2.2.22 – Shear Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Figure 2.2.23 – Shear Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

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Appendix 2.2.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 4 X 40 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 2.2.31 – Vertical Deflection of 4 X 40 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 2.2.32 – Vertical Deflection along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Appendix 3.0 – 5 X 50 Mesh Abaqus Model

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Figure 3.0 – 5 X 50 Mesh Abaqus Model

Appendix 3.1 – 5 X 50 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Appendix 3.1.1 – Bending Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 3.1.11 – Bending Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 3.1.12 – Bending Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

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Figure 3.1.13 – Bending Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

Appendix 3.1.2 – Shear Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 3.1.21 – Shear Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

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Figure 3.1.22 – Shear Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Figure 3.1.23 – Shear Stress Distribution along Linear Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

Appendix 3.1.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 5 X 50 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

Figure 3.1.31 – Vertical Deflection of 5 X 50 Mesh Linear Abaqus Model

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Figure 3.1.32 – Vertical Deflection along Linear Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Appendix 3.2 – 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Appendix 3.2.1 – Bending Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 3.2.11 - Bending Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

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Figure 3.2.12 – Bending Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis

Figure 3.2.13 – Bending Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

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Appendix 3.2.2 – Shear Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 3.2.21 – Shear Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 3.2.22 – Shear Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

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Figure 3.2.23 – Shear Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

Appendix 3.2.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 3.2.31 – Vertical Deflection of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 3.2.32 – Vertical Deflection along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Appendix 4.0 – Calculation Steps

Beam conditions:

Depth, d = 0.55m

Thickness, b = 0.5m

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Elasticity modulus, E = 30kN/mm2

= 3 * 107 kN/m2

Poisson’s ratio, v = 0.15

Span = (6 + 3) m

= 8m

Load = (4 + 15) kN/m

= 5.4kN/m

The beam is assumed to be simply supported as shown as Figure 4.1 below.

Figure 4.1 – Beam Conditions

To obtain the maximum bending moment, shear force and vertical displacement acting on the
beam, theoretical calculations and LinPro modelling are applied.

LinPro modelling and the outcomes are shown below.

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Figure 4.2 – LinPro modelling

Figure 4.3 – Bending Moment Diagram

Figure 4.4 – Shear Force Diagram

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Figure 4.5 – Deformed Shape of Beam

According to Figures 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5, the outcomes obtained from LinPro are:

Maximum bending moment = 43.2kNm

Maximum shear force = 21.6kN

Maximum deflection = 0.00139m downwards

By theoretical calculations:

Maximum bending moment, M = 8

(5.4)(82 )
= 8

= 43.2kNm

Maximum shear force, V = 2

= 2

= 21.6kN

I= 12

0.5(0.553 )
= 12

= 6.932*10-3 m4

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Maximum deflection = 384𝐸𝐼

(5)(5.4)(84 )
= (384)(3𝐸7)(6.932𝐸−3)

= 0.00138m downwards

Since the results obtained are same, it is proven that the theoretical calculations are accurate.

To obtain the maximum bending stress, σx,

y = 2 (Since it is symmetrical rectangle section)

= 2

= 0.275m

σx = 𝐼

= (6.932𝐸−3)

= 1713.79 kN/m2

To obtain the maximum shear stress, τmax,

Qmax = [For symmetric rectangular section]

(0.5)(0.552 )

= 0.0189 m3

τmax = (𝐼)(𝑏)

= (6.932𝐸−3)(0.5)

= 117.82 kN/m2

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Appendix 5.0 – Convergence Curve

Appendix 5.1 – Data Extraction from Abaqus
The data generated by Abaqus model for the bending stress, shear stress, and vertical (y-axis)
deflection are extracted to an excel file to spot the maximum value of each outcome.

Figure 5.11 – Partial of Extracted Data for Bending Stress

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Figure 5.12 – Partial of Extracted Data for Shear Stress

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Figure 5.13 – Partial of Extracted Data for Vertical Deflection

Appendix 5.2– Plotting the Convergence Curves

Appendix 5.2.1 – Convergence in Bending Stress
The convergence point in bending stress can be obtained through formula:

𝑀𝑎𝑥. 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝐴𝑏𝑎𝑞𝑢𝑠

Convergence = 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑥.𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠

The theoretical maximum bending stress can be obtained from Appendix 4.0.

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Figure 5.2.11 – Bending Stress Convergence of 3 X 30 Linear Mesh

Figure 5.2.12 - Bending Stress Convergence of 4 X 40 Linear Mesh

Figure 5.2.13 - Bending Stress Convergence of 5 X 50 Linear Mesh

Figure 5.2.14 – Bending Stress Convergence of 3 X 30 Quadratic Mesh

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Figure 5.2.15 – Bending Stress Convergence of 4 X 40 Quadratic Mesh

Figure 5.2.16 – Bending Stress Convergence of 5 X 50 Quadratic Mesh

The Bending Stress Convergence of both linear and quadratic models are summarized as shown

Figure 5.2.17 – Summary of Linear and Quadratic Bending Stress Convergence

Convergence curve of bending stress is plotted:

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Figure 5.2.18 – Convergence Curve of Bending Stress

Appendix 5.2.2 – Convergence in Shear Stress

The convergence point in shear stress can be obtained through formula:

𝑀𝑎𝑥. 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝐴𝑏𝑎𝑞𝑢𝑠

Convergence = 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑥.𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠

The theoretical maximum shear stress can be obtained from Appendix 4.0.

Figure 5.2.21 – Shear Stress Convergence of 3 X 30 Linear Mesh

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Figure 5.2.22 - Shear Stress Convergence of 4 X 40 Linear Mesh

Figure 5.2.23 - Shear Stress Convergence of 5 X 50 Linear Mesh

Figure 5.2.24 – Shear Stress Convergence of 3 X 30 Quadratic Mesh

Figure 5.2.25 – Shear Stress Convergence of 4 X 40 Quadratic Mesh

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Figure 5.2.26 – Shear Stress Convergence of 5 X 50 Quadratic Mesh

The Shear Stress Convergence of both linear and quadratic models are summarized as shown

Figure 5.2.27 – Summary of Linear and Quadratic Shear Stress Convergence

Convergence curve of shear stress is plotted:

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Figure 5.2.28 – Convergence Curve of Shear Stress

Appendix 5.2.3 – Convergence in Vertical Deflection (y-axis)

The convergence point in vertical deflection can be obtained through formula:

𝑀𝑎𝑥. 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝐴𝑏𝑎𝑞𝑢𝑠

Convergence = 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑥. 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

The theoretical maximum vertical deflection can be obtained from Appendix 4.0.

Figure 5.2.31 – Vertical Deflection Convergence of 3 X 30 Linear Mesh

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Figure 5.2.32 – Vertical Deflection Convergence of 4 X 40 Linear Mesh

Figure 5.2.33 – Vertical Deflection Convergence of 5 X 50 Linear Mesh

Figure 5.2.34 – Vertical Deflection Convergence of 3 X 30 Quadratic Mesh

Figure 5.2.35 – Vertical Deflection Convergence of 4 X 40 Quadratic Mesh

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Figure 5.2.36 – Vertical Deflection Convergence of 5 X 50 Quadratic Mesh

The Vertical Deflection Convergence of both linear and quadratic models are summarized as
shown below:

Figure 5.2.37 – Summary of Linear and Quadratic Vertical Deflection Convergence

Convergence curve of vertical deflection is plotted:

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Convergence Curve of Vertical Deflection






50 100 150 200 250 300
Number of Elements
Theoretical Line Vertical Deflection (Linear)
Vertical Deflection (Quad)

Figure 5.2.38 – Convergence Curve of Vertical Deflection

Appendix 6.0 – 1D Formulation Calculation

1D formulation as a method to calculate the deflection of beam under loading conditions is applied
to calculate the vertical displacement at y-axis to compare the results obtained from Abaqus 2D

To obtain the maximum deflection, an extra node is added to the midspan of the beam as shown

Figure 6.1 – 1D Formulation Beam Model

According to Figure 6.1,

D1, D3, and D5 represent the vertical deflection accordingly at each position.

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Meanwhile D2, D4, and D6 represent the rotation accordingly at each position.

Since we are looking for the maximum displacement, value for D3 will be the maximum vertical
deflection occurring at the midspan of the beam.

Besides from that, D1 and D5 are assumed to be 0 because they are located at the pinned support
and roller support accordingly. The vertical deflection on D1 and D5 will be resisted by the

According to Appendix 4.0,

E = 3 * 107 kN/m2

I = 6.932*10-3 m4

w = 5.4 kN/m2

Since the beam is parted at the midspan,



According to 1D formulation,

[𝐹 ] = [𝐾 ][𝑢]


12 6𝐿 −12 6𝐿
𝐸𝐼 6𝐿 4𝐿 −6𝐿 2𝐿2
[𝐾 ] = 3 [ ]
𝐿 −12 −6𝐿 12 −6𝐿
6𝐿 2𝐿2 −6𝐿 4𝐿2

38994.14 155976.56 −38994.14 155976.56

[𝐾 ] = [ 155976.56 831875.00 −155976.56 415937.50
−38994.14 −155976.56 38994.14 −155976.56
155976.56 415937.50 −155976.56 831875.00

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Since L1 = L2 = 4m,

[K1] = [K2]

To assemble both [K1] and [K2] into a global matrix,

[𝐾 ] =
38994.14 155976.56 −38994.14 155976.56 0 0
155976.56 831875.00 −155976.56 415937.50 0 0
−38994.14 −155976.56 77988.28 0 −38994.14 155976.56
155976.56 415937.50 0 1663750.00 −155976.56 415937.50
0 0 −38994.14 155976.56 38994.14 −155976.56
[ 0 0 155976.56 415937.50 −155976.56 831875.00 ]

To convert the distributed load into equivalent nodal load,

[𝐹 ] = 𝑤𝐿
[ 12 ]

[𝐹1 ] =[ −7.2 ]

[F1] = [F2]

To assemble both [F1] and [F2] into a global matrix,

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[𝐹 ] =
[ 7.2 ]

By assembling the matrices into [F] = [K][u],

[ 7.2 ]
38994.14 155976.56 −38994.14 155976.56 0 0 𝐷1
155976.56 831875.00 −155976.56 415937.50 0 0 𝐷2
−38994.14 −155976.56 77988.28 0 −38994.14 155976.56 𝐷3
155976.56 415937.50 0 1663750.00 −155976.56 415937.50 𝐷4
0 0 −38994.14 155976.56 38994.14 −155976.56 𝐷5
[ 0 0 155976.56 415937.50 −155976.56 831875.00 ] [𝐷6]

Since D1 and D5 = 0 as mentioned,

[ 7.2 ]
38994.14 155976.56 −38994.14 155976.56 0 0 0
155976.56 831875.00 −155976.56 415937.50 0 0 𝐷2
−38994.14 −155976.56 77988.28 0 −38994.14 155976.56 𝐷3
155976.56 415937.50 0 1663750.00 −155976.56 415937.50 𝐷4
0 0 −38994.14 155976.56 38994.14 −155976.56 0
[ 0 0 155976.56 415937.50 −155976.56 831875.00 ] [𝐷6]

By eliminating the columns and rows with 0,

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−7.2 831875.00 −155976.56 415937.50 0 𝐷2

−21.6 −155976.56 77988.28 0 155976.56 𝐷3
[ ]= [ ][ ]
0 415937.50 0 1663750.00 415937.50 𝐷4
7.2 0 155976.56 415937.50 831875.00 𝐷6

By inversing the matrix [K], we can obtain:

[u] = [K]-1[F]

𝐷2 3.21𝐸 − 6 9.62𝐸 − 6 −4.01𝐸 − 7 0 −7.2

𝐷3 9.62𝐸 − 6 5.13𝐸 − 5 0 −9.62𝐸 − 6 −21.6
[ ]= [ ][ ]
𝐷4 −4.01𝐸 − 7 0 8.01𝐸 − 7 −4.01𝐸 − 7 0
𝐷6 −1.60𝐸 − 6 −9.62𝐸 − 6 −4.01𝐸 − 7 3.21𝐸 − 6 7.2

D2 = -0.000242

D3 = -0.00125

D4 = 0

D6 = 0.000242

According to 1D formulation, the maximum vertical deflection is 0.00125m downwards.

Appendix 7.0 – Abaqus Model with different Boundary Condition

A beam model with same loading condition but different boundary condition is modelled. For this
model, both side of the beam are fixed instead of pinned and roller support.

Figure 7.1 – Beam with both edges fixed

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Figure 7.2 – Abaqus model

Since 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus model provides the most accurate results, the beam model
is modelled under 5 X 50 Quadratic Mesh.

Appendix 7.1 – Bending Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 7.11 – Bending Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 7.12 – Bending Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

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Figure 7.13 – Bending Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

Figure 7.14 – Maximum Bending Stress

Appendix 7.2 – Shear Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 7.21 – Shear Stress of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

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Figure 7.22 – Shear Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Figure 7.23 – Shear Stress Distribution along Quadratic Beam Distance in y-axis (vertical)

Figure 7.24 – Maximum Shear Stress

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Appendix 7.3 – Vertical (y-axis) Deflection of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 7.31 – Vertical Deflection of 5 X 50 Mesh Quadratic Abaqus Model

Figure 7.32 – Vertical Deflection along Quadratic Beam Distance in x-axis (horizontal)

Figure 7.33 – Maximum Vertical Deflection

Appendix 7.4 – Comparison between Abaqus Models under Different Boundary Conditions

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Figure 7.41 - Comparison between Abaqus models under different Boundary Conditions

Appendix 8.0 – Theoretical Bending Stress and Shear Stress Distribution in Cross-Sections
(y-axis along the beam)

Figure 8.0 – Theoretical Bending Stress Distribution in Cross-Sections

(ReviewCivilPE, no date)

Figure 8.1 – Theoretical Shear Stress Distribution in Cross-Sections

(ReviewCivilPE, no date)

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