4 Verb

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Lecture- 4 BCS 46 Zg wcÖwjwgbvwi

Teacher's Content
 Verb
 Finite: Transitive, Intransitive, Causative Verb
 Non-finite: Participles, infinitives, Gerund  Linking Verb
 Phrasal Verb  Subjunctive

Content Discussion
Verb 1. Finite Verb (mgvwcKv wµqv):
Number, Person I Tense Abymv‡i hvi iƒ‡ci cwieZ©b nq,
Verb: ‡h Word ev‡K¨ †Kvb KvR cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Verb e‡j| (A Zv‡K finite Verb e‡j| Finite Verb Øviv ev‡K¨i A_©
verb is a word that express some action) Example: I play m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c cÖKvk Kiv hvq| Verb-Gi Present form I
football. He writes a letter. Verb-Gi Past form g~jZ finite Verb iƒ‡c KvR K‡i|
Dc‡ii evK¨ `ywU‡Z Play A_© †Ljv Kiv Ges Write A_© †jLv Ex:
GKBfv‡e †Kvb wKQz Kiv, LvIqv, aiv, gviv, †evSv, fvev, †Ljv ev fv½v i. Birds fly
cÖf…wZ nj KvR| †h Word w`‡q GB KvR ev Action eySvq Zv‡K ii. Nasima is writing a letter
Verb e‡j| Verb nj ev‡K¨i Acwinvh© Ask| cÖwZwU English Finite Verb-Gi iƒc :
Sentence G Aek¨B GKwU Verb _vK‡Z n‡e| i. Verb-Gi Base form → Be, Have, Do, Go etc.
To Be Verb be, am is, are, was, were, been, being
ii. Verb-Gi present form → am, is, are, have, has, do,
To Have Verb Have, has, had, having
To Do Verb Do, Does, Done, doing does, go, goes etc.
 Be, Have, Do nj Verb-Gi Base form. iii. Verb Gi past form → was, were, did, went etc.

 Classification :Verb cÖavbZ `yB cÖKvi: 2. Non Finite Verb (AmgvwcKv wµqv):
1. Finite Verb †h Verb-Gi Dci Subject-Gi Number I Person-Gi
†Kv‡bv cÖfve c‡o bv Ges Tense Abymv‡i hvi iƒ‡c †Kvb
2. Non Finite Verb
cwieZ©b nq bv, Zv‡K Non-finite Verb e‡j| Non-finite
Classification of verb at a glance: Verb Øviv ev‡K¨i A_© m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c cÖKvk Kiv hvq bv|
Verb Ex:
Mizan likes to draw a picture
Finite Non-finite
Non Finite Verb-Gi iƒc :
Principal Auxiliary Infinitive Participle Gerund i. To + Verb ev Infinitive → To do, To go etc.
ii. Verb + ing ev Gerund ev Present Participle
Transitive Primary Present → Doing, Going
iii. Verb Gi Past Participle → Done, Gone
Intransitive Modal Past
 Finite verb-†K `yBfv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v:
Linking Periphrastic Perfect 1. Principal Verb
2. Auxiliary Verb

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Lecture- 4 BCS 46 Zg wcÖwjwgbvwi

1. Principal Verb:
†h Verb Ab¨ †Kvb Verb Gi mvnvh¨ Qvov ¯^vaxbfv‡e m¤ú~Y© A_© What is mood?
cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡K Principal Verb e‡j| †hgb : Mood means the attitude of the speaker.
i. We play cricket. Ex:
ii. Man makes fire.
GLv‡b play, makes, G¸wj g~j verb KviY GB¸wj wb‡RivB i. The patriots might win the super bowl this year.
¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i| GLv‡b might w`‡q possiblity eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q|
2. Auxiliary Verb: ii. My sister can play the guiter GLv‡b can w`‡q ability
†h Verb Ab¨ Verb †K Tense, mood, voice MV‡b mnvqZv eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q|
K‡i Zv‡K Auxiliary Verb e‡j| G me Verb †K iii. You mustn't smoke here GLv‡b mustn't w`‡q bv †evaK
operation verb, helping verb wKsev Anomalous Verb
bv‡gI AwfwnZ Kiv nq| eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q|
i. I am reading a novel. Modal Auxiliary :
ii. Students are making a noise. can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must,
iii. We should respect our parents. need, dare, had, better, would rather.
GLv‡b am, are I should GB ¸wj Auxiliary Verb KviY †hgb : we ought to help others.
GB¸wj Zv‡`i Principal Verb †K mvnvh¨ K‡i‡Q|
Kinds of Auxiliary Verb : Auxiliary Verb †K wZb fv‡M Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary:
†h verb ¸wji mv‡_ me©`vB to e‡m Zv‡K Periphrastic Modal
fvM Kiv hvq| h_v :
Auxiliary e‡j|
Primary Auxiliary
be to, be going to, used to, ought to, be about to, have to.
Modal Auxiliary
Periphrastic Modal Auxiliary  Principal Verb-†K Avevi `yBfv‡M fvM Kiv hvq:
 Transitive Verb
Primary Auxiliary:  Intransitive Verb
†h verb Ae¯’vbyhvqx mvnvh¨Kvix Avevi Ae¯’vbyhvqx Principal verb Transitive Verb:
wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq ZvnvB primary Auxiliary verb. †h mKj Verb GKvKx Sentence-Gi A_© m¤ú~Y© Ki‡Z cv‡i bv
G‡`i msL¨v 3wU| h_v : Ges Sentence-Gi A_©‡K m¤ú~Y© Ki‡Z Ab¨ †Kvb Word-Gi
 To be verb : am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been. mvnvh¨ MÖnY Ki‡Z nq Zv‡`i‡K Transitive Verb e‡j| A_©vr
Ex : I am a student. †h Verb-Gi object _v‡K Zv‡K Transitive Verb e‡j| A
Transitive Verb always takes and objects*.
 to do verb : do does, did.
Ex. He does not do it. *Objects: Sentence-Gi A_©‡K m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c cÖKvk Ki‡Z
Transitive Verb †K Ab¨ †h Word Gi mvnvh¨ MÖnY
 to have verb : have, has I had.
Ki‡Z nq Zv‡K Object e‡j| A_©vr Verb-†K wK ev Kv‡K
Ex. I have a pen. Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j Object cvIqv hvq|

Modal Auxiliary:  Object-†K Avevi `yB fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq :

i. Direct Object = e¯‘ ev cÖvYx RvZxq Object
†h verb ¸wji ci base form of main verb e‡m, to e‡m bv Ges ii. Indirect Object = gvbyl RvZxq Object
ing I hy³ nq bv Zv‡K Modal Auxiliary e‡j| i. He gave me a flower.
†hgb : He can do it. [Here me → indirect object and a flower direct
Modal Auxiliary helps us to express mood in sentence.
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Lecture- 4 BCS 46 Zg wcÖwjwgbvwi

ii. She gifted me a pen. suck ¯Íb¨ cvb Kiv suckle ¯Íb¨ cvb Kiv‡bv
[Here me → indirect object and a pen direct remember ¯§iY Kiv remind ¯§iY Kwi‡q †`qv
object] lie ï‡q _vKv, cov lay (ïB‡q) ivLv
Ex : ii. Make, have, get- cÖf…wZ verb †hv‡M A‡bK verb †K
i He helped Bela. [Here helped transitive verb] causative verb G cwiYZ Kiv hvq| †hgb-
ii. She likes me. [Here likes transitive verb] I do- Avwg Kwi; Non-causative
Intransitive Verb: I make him do- Avwg Zv‡K w`‡q KivB; causative
†h mKj verb Ab¨ †Kvb Word Gi mvnvh¨ Qvov GKvKx I water the garden- Avwg evMv‡b cvwb †`B;
Sentence Gi A_©‡K m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i Zv‡`i‡K I have my sister water the garden- Avwg Avgvi †evb‡K
Intransitive Verb e‡j| Intransitive Verb Gi ci †Kv‡bv w`‡q evMv‡b cvwb †`qvB;
Object e‡m bv| Z‡e cÖ‡qvRb Abymv‡i Intransitive Verb
Gi ci Prepositional Phrase, Adverb ev Adverbial Rule- 1 : :
e¨envi Kiv hvq| A_©vr †h Verb Gi Object _v‡K bv Zv‡K Let, make Gi ci e¨w³ / e¯‘ + verb Gi Base form n‡e|
Intransitive Verb e‡j| †hgb :
1. Fire burns. [Here burns Intransitive Verb] i. I made him do the work.
2. He walks in the morning. [Here walks ii. Let him go
Intransitive Verb] iii. I made my car wash.
Causative Verb-mgavZzR wµqv Rule- 2: Help-Gi ci e¨w³ / e¯‘ + verb Base form ev to +
verb. †hgb :
Subject hLb wb‡R KvR bv K‡i Ab¨‡K w`‡q KvR Kwi‡q †bq G A‡_© i. He helped me do the work.
ii. He helped me to do the work.
Causative Verb e¨eüZ nq| G‡Z mvaviYZ 5wU Verb (Make,
Help, Get, Have, Let) †ewk e¨eüZ nq| Rule- 3: Have Gi ci e¨w³ _vK‡j Zvi ci verb Gi Base
i. She eats rice- †m fvZ Lvq| form. wKš‘ Have Gi ci e¯‘ _vK‡j Gi ci verb Gi
ii. She feeds the baby. †m wkïwU‡K LvIqvq| Past Participle form nq|
†hgb : He had Rahman do the work.
cÖ_g ev‡K¨ eat gv‡b ÔLvqÕ- wb‡R Lvq| wØZxq ev‡K¨ feed gv‡b
He had his car washed.
ÔLvIqvqÕ- Ac‡ii LvIqvi KviY nq, wb‡R Lvq bv| †h verb Øviv
Aci KvD‡K KvR Kivi KviY NUv‡bv eySvq Zv‡K causative Rule- 4 :
i. Get Gi ci e¨w³ _vK‡j Zvi ci to + v n‡e|
verb e‡j (cause = KviY)|
†hgb : I got him to do the work.
Causative verb me mgq GKiKgfv‡e MwVZ nq bv| wb‡P
ii. Get Gi ci e¯‘ _vK‡j Gi ci verb Gi PP nq| †hgb : I got
Causative verb Gi K‡qK cÖKvi iƒc †`Lv‡bv nj|
my car washed.
i. wKQz wKQz causative verb Zvi non-causative iƒc †_‡K
Factitive verb
wfbœiƒ‡ci n‡q _v‡K| †hgb-
†h me Transitive verb Gi object QvovI Ab¨ †Kvb Avi
Non- Meaning Causative Meaning GKwU word Gi mvnvh¨ wb‡q ev‡K¨i A_© cwic~Y© Ki‡Z nq,
causative verb Zv‡K Factitive verb e‡j| Avi bZzb word wU‡K
eat LvIqv feed LvIqv‡bv
Factitive object e‡j|
learn †kLv teach †kLv‡bv
know Rvbv inform Rvbv‡bv Ex: We elected him chairman. Allah made him great.
dive Wze †`qv dip Wzev‡bv GLv‡b Dc‡ii ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ elected, made cÖf…wZ verb ¸wji
fall c‡o hvIqv fell †d‡j †`qv expression ïay him Øviv c~Y© n‡”Q bv ZvB h_vµ‡g chairman Ges
see †`Lv show †`Lv‡bv great Øviv c~Y© Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB Giv factitive verb.
rise DVv raise DVv‡bv

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Quassi-Passive verb GLv‡b cÖ‡qvRbxq Ges ¸iæZ¡c~Y© KZ¸‡jv Linking Verb †K list
†h mKj Verb wU †`L‡Z Active Sentence n‡jI g~jZ: wn‡m‡e †`qv n‡jv :
Passive aviYv cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Quassi-Passive verb e‡j| Be Become Feel Appear
Ex: Smell Stay Sound Taste
i. Rice sells cheap. Look Seem Remain
ii. Honey tastes sweet.
Note: Z‡e gRvi e¨vcvi n‡”Q GB verb ¸wji me¸‡jvi cwie‡Z©
Perception verb be verb e¨envi Ki‡jI †gŠwjK A_© wVK _v‡K|
Ex : He became mad.
†h me verb Bw›`ªq MÖvn¨, Abyf‚wZi aviYv †`q Zv‡`i
He is mad.
Perception Verb e‡j|
†hgb : see, hear, smell, feel, notice, observe, recognize Linking Verb Gi e¨envi :
etc. GB verb ¸wj Øviv †¯^”Qvaxb wµqv †evSvq bv, ZvB wewfbœ i. mvaviYZ verb †K modify Ki‡Z verb-Gi ci adverb e‡m
A‡_© e¨envi bv Ki‡j, wbqwgZ A‡_© G‡`i Continuous Tense wKš‘ Linking verb Gi ci Adjective e‡m|
e¨envi Kiv hvq bv| GB me Perception-Verb ¸wj‡K Avevi ii. wKš‘ Linking verb Gici Noun / Pronoun ev Preposition
Non-Conclusive verb I ejv n‡q _v‡K| Avm‡j Zv‡`i ci Adverb e‡m|
Ex: I see a dog. ms‡ÿ‡c :
See Øviv †`Lv †evSv‡”Q hv gvbwmK Abyf‚wZ ev Av¯’v †evSv‡”Q| gvbwmK Linking Verb + Adjective
Abyf‚wZ‡K B‡”QgZ ïiæ wKsev †kl Kiv hvq bv weavq G‡`i Linking Verb + Adverb + Adjective
continuous tense nq bv| Linking Verb + N/P/Preposition + Adverb
Reflexive Verb Ex:
He works careful / carefully.
†h mKj Verb Gi Subject I Object GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘ nq Zv‡KB e¨vL¨v: DËi n‡e carefully. KviY mvaviY Verb Gi ci
Reflexive Verb e‡j| Adverb e‡m|
Ex: He looks careful / carefully.
i. He murdered himself. e¨vL¨v: DËi n‡e careful. KviY GLv‡b looks- Linking verb.
ii. She fanned herself. mvaviYZ Linking verb Gi ci Adjective e‡m|
Dc‡ii evK¨¸wj‡Z Subject I Object GKB e¨w³ nIqv G‡`i Verb
¸wj‡K Reflexive Verb e‡j| He looks after careful / carefully.
e¨vL¨v: DËi n‡e carefully. KviY GLv‡b looks- Linking
Prepositional Group Verb verb Gici preposition after Av‡Q| He looks
Intransitive Verb Gi c‡i Preposition †hvM K‡i Transitive very smart.
Verb Kiv n‡j G‡`i‡K Prepositional ev group Verb e‡j| He behaves friendly / in a friendly way. KviY
behaves – mvaviYZ verb. mvaviY verb Gici
Ex: i. He gave up his bad habits.
adverb em‡e Avi friend Gi adverb nj in a
ii. He laughed at the poor.
friendly way. Adjective n‡”Q friendly.
Linking Verb
Phrasal Verb
†h Verb Gi Subject I Complement GKB welq‡K eySvq †m
Verb †K Linking Verb ev Copulative verb e‡j| Structure: Verb + Preposition / Adverb = hw` Zv
I am a student I = student Sentence-G we‡kl †Kvb A_© †`q| Phrasal Verb ‡K Group
Zerin looks beautiful Zerin = beautiful Verb ejv nq|
looks = linking verb

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i. The patient will come round soon. Here, come Present Participle-Gi e¨envi
round is Phrasal Verb. i. Bw›`ªq Abyf‚wZm~PK verb (verb of sensation) see, feel,
ii. The enemy did not give in. Here, give in is Phrasal hear, smell, find, notice, watch, catch, find BZ¨vw`
Verb ¸‡jvi Object-Gi c‡i Present Participle e‡m|
iii. Helal gave up his bad habits. Here, gave up is
i. I saw him passing that shop.
Phrasal Verb. ii. We found the baby sleeping on the floor.
iv. We should not look down upon the poor. Here, look iii. I smelt the curry burning.
down is Phrasal Verb. Note: D³ verb ¸‡jvi Object Gi c‡i Bare Infinitive I
em‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e Bare infinitive e¨eüZ n‡j Verb
Participle Gi KvR mgvß n‡q‡Q GgbwU eySv‡e| Avi Present
Participle em‡j KvRwU Pjgvb Av‡Q GgbwU eySv‡e|
†h mKj Word ‘Noun ev Pronoun’-‡K Qualify K‡i Verb Ges i. I heard her sing. (Mvb †kl n‡q‡Q)
Adjective / Adverb-Gi gZ KvR K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Participle e‡j| ii. I heard her singing (Mvb †kl nqwb PjwQj)
 Come, go-G Verb `y‡Uvi c‡i kvixwiK KvR eySvq Gic‡i
Participle Avevi wZb cÖKvi: †hgb- Verb-Gi Present Participle nq|
i. Present participle (Verb + ing) i. We will go riding.
ii. He came jumping (jvwd‡q jvwd‡q)
ii. Past participial
iii. We will go swimming.
iii. Perfect Participle iv. They will go biking.
Present Participle:  hLb GKB KZ©v KZ…K © GKB mg‡q `y‡Uv KvR m¤úv`b Kiv nq
Verb Gi Present form Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡q hLb Zv GKB m‡½ ZLb †k‡li KvRwUi †ejvq Present Participle nq|
Adjective / Adverb Gi KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡`i‡K Present i. The old sailor went away leaving the marriage
Participle e‡j| Present Participle ¸‡jv‡K Non-finite Verb guest alone.
wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq|
ii. The girl went away laughing.
Structure :
 GKB KZ©v KZ…©K ÒKiv n‡qwQjÓ Ggb GKwU Kv‡Ri ci ÒAb¨wU
Verb + ing → hw` Zv Adjective / Adverb-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i|
i. (Adjective Gi g‡Zv → hw` Zv Sentence G Subject / n‡e ev n‡qwQjÓ eySv‡Z Av‡Mi KvRwUi †ejvq Present
Object Gi c‡i e‡m Zv‡`i m¤^‡Ü Z_¨ †`q) Participle nq|
ii. (Adverb-Gi g‡Zv → hw` Zv Sentence-G Verb-Gi c~‡e©
He opened the bag and took out some books.
e‡m Zv‡`i m¤^‡Ü Z_¨ †`q)
→ Opening the bag, he took out some books.
i. I saw a boy playing football.  As / since / because + subject + verb-B structure-Gi
ii. Lina studying in RU, is my sister RvqMvq Present Participle Kiv hvq|
Note: Present Participle †K Sentence-Gi g‡a¨ †_‡K ev` w`‡j i. Because he knew that his relations were
Sentence-Gi Construction-Gi †Kvbiƒc ÿwZ nq bv| coming, he cooked some special food.
iv. I saw some birds flying in the sky. → knowing that his relations were coming,
v. I saw him walking in the field.
he cooked some special food.
vi. Dancing, the girl went away.
Past Participle
e¨vL¨v: Dc‡ii evK¨¸‡jv‡Z flying I walking w`‡q Adjective-Gi
 Verb-Gi mv‡_ ed, d, t, ne, en cÖf…wZ hy³ n‡q hLb Zv
KvR wb®úbœ n‡q‡Q| 6 bs D`vni‡Y Dancing wU Adverb
wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| ZvB Dfq †ÿ‡Î GB Present Participle Adverb ev Adjective-Gi gZ KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Past
¸‡jv Non-finite Verb Participle e‡j|

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→ Accompanied by her mother, the little girl

Structure :
Verb-Gi Past Participle → hw` Zv Adjective / Adverb-Gi
gZ KvR K‡i| Perfect Participle
 Adjective Gi g‡Zv → hw` Zv Subject / Object-Gi c‡i Verb Gi Past Participle-Gi Av‡M Having hy³ n‡q Zv hw` GKB
mgq Non-finite Verb Ges Adjective / Adverb-Gi KvR K‡i
e‡m Zv‡`i m¤^‡Ü Z_¨ †`q|
Zv‡K Perfect Participle e‡j|
 Adverb Gi g‡Zv → hw` Zv Subject Gi c~‡e© e‡m Zv‡`i
m¤^‡Ü Z_¨ †`q| Structure :
Ex: Having + Past Participle of verb → hw` Zv Adjective /
i. I saw road blocked by mobs. Adverb-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i|
 Adjective-Gi g‡Zv → hw` Zv Subject / Object Gi c‡i
ii. Driven by madness, the boy did not appear at the
e‡m Zv‡`i m¤^‡Ü Z_¨ †`q|
 Adverb Gi g‡Zv → hw` Zv Subject-Gi c~‡e© e‡m Zv‡`i
iii. The man, worked in Bangladesh railway, is my father.
m¤^‡Ü Z_¨ †`q|
iv. I saw the glass broken into pieces.
v. Drunken heavily at night, is the man is seriously ill.
i. Having forgotten the boy, the writer went out of the
Dc‡ii 4 Ges 5 bs evK¨¸‡jv‡Z broken, drunken k㸇jv cabin.
Adjective Ges Adverb-Gi gZ KvR Ki‡Q| ii. The other sailors were angry with the old man
 Past Participle Gi e¨envi
having shot the albatross.
 Perfect tense MVb Ki‡Z Past Participle iii. Having heard a noise, the thief went away.
iv. Having learnt the lesson, I went to bed.
i. He has made a kite. v. Having gone to school. I discussed the matter in the
ii. The train had left before I reached the station. Headmaster.
ii. She will have finished the work by 5.30 P.M.
 Perfect Participle-Gi e¨envi
 Passive voice MVb Ki‡Z Past Participle e¨eüZ nq|  Perfect Participle-Gi Active form n‡jv- Having +
Ex: Past Participle of Verb
i. The boy has been beaten severely by his master. Ex: Having closed the door, he left the house.
ii. The brave are favoured by fortune.  Perfect Participle-Gi Passive form n‡jv- Having +
iii. A snake was killed by the boy. been + Past Participle of Verb
Ex: Having been wounded in the Liberation War, the
iv. The house will be painted white. freedom fighter could not live a normal life.

 GKB Subject Gi hLb `y‡Uv KvvR eySvq Ges GKwU KvR hLb Infinitive
Passive Verb Øviv cÖKvwkZ nq ZLb Subject + Passive
Verb-Gi Base form1-Gi c~‡e© to e¨envi K‡i Infinitive MVb
verb Gi RvqMvq Past Participle e¨envi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| Kiv nq| Infinitive G to KLbI Dn¨I _vK‡Z cv‡i| hLb to Dn¨
Ex: _v‡K ZLb Zv‡K Bare infinitive e‡j| Number, Person I
Tense †f‡` Infinitive Gi AvKv‡ii †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv| AZGe
She as accompanied by her mother.
ejv hvq, Verb Gi Base-form Gi c~‡e© to em‡j Ges Number,
→ The little girl entered accompanied by her mother. Person I Tense †f‡` hw` D³ to-Gi c‡i e¨eüZ VerbGi
AvKv‡ii †Kvb cwieZ©b bv nq ZLb Zv‡K Infinitive e‡j|

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Structure: i. We eat foods to live.

To + Base form of verb. ii. He went to the station to buy a ticket.
i. To swim is a good exercise.  †Kvb Noun †K modify Ki‡Z :
ii. He refused to go. Ex:
iii. I have some work to do. This is a house to let;
iv. We eat to live.
 †Kvb Adverb †K modify Ki‡Z :
Infinitive mvaviYZ `yB cÖKvi : h_v-
i Simple / Noun Infinitive
i. I walked fast to avail the bus.
ii. Gerundial Infinitive
ii. He worked hard to do well in the examination.
wb‡P G¸‡jv Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡jv:  †Kvb Sentence †K qualify Ki‡Z :
i. Simple Infinitive ev Noun Infinitive: Ex:
†h Infinitive wU Noun-Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡K Simple ev i. To speak the truth, he is a good man.
Noun infinitive e‡j| ii. To help the poor, I am ready to do anything.
Noun infinitive-Gi e¨envi :
 Verb Gi Subject iƒ‡c : Use of Infinitive

1. Infinitive hLb ev‡K¨i Subject wn‡m‡e e‡m ZLb wµqvi

†k‡l ÔAvÕ iƒ‡c cwijwÿZ nq|
i. To rise early is good for health.
ii. To make a decision. Quickly is not so easy. Ex:
iii. To err is human. i. To err is human. {fzj Kiv (Av)}
ii. To find faults with others is easy. {†LvuR (Av)}
 Verb-Gi Object iƒ‡c : 2. Infinitive hLb Verb Gi Object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq ZLb
Ex: Zv‡K wµqvi †k‡l Ô†ZÕ wPý D‡jøL _v‡K|
i. I like to read good books.
ii. He wished to be a doctor. Ex:
iii. He decided to leave the job. i. Children like to play. (†Lj‡Z)
ii. They wanted to vote. (†fvU w`‡Z)
 Preposition-Gi Object iƒ‡c :
Ex: 3. Know, discover, wonder, explain BZ¨vw`|
i. The old man is now about to die. Ex:
ii. He is about to feel down from the tree. i. I wondered how to behave in the party.
ii. He knows how to swim.
 Be Verb-Gi Complement iƒ‡c:
Ex: 4. kZ©, KZ©e¨, cwiKíbv BZ¨vw` †ÿ‡Î be + infinitive e‡m Ges
i. He is to go there. eva¨evaKZv eySv‡Z ‘have’ Gi c‡i Infinitive e‡m| h_v-
ii. The girl was to do well in the examination. Ex:
i. I am to finish the work. (cwiKíbv)
Gerundial Infinitive-Gi e¨envi :
ii. He is to look after his old parents. (KZ©e¨)
 †Kvb Adjective †K modify Ki‡Z :
iii. He has to do it. (eva¨evaKZv)
i. I was happy to hear the news of his getting joy. iv. I had to leave early. (AZxZ eva¨evaKZv)
ii. He is too weak to walk.
iii. I am glad to receive your letter. 5. †Kvb KvR Kv‡Q D`¨Z ev mwbœK‡U eySv‡Z Infinitive-Gi c~‡e©
about e‡m|
 †Kvb Verb-†K modify Ki‡Z: Ex:
Ex: i. The old man is about to die.
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ii. He was about to start. Ex: He seems to have seen happy days.
i. Say I report ‘verb’ Gi Passive Gi c‡i to have e¨eüZ nq|
6. KZ©vi D‡Ïk¨ eySv‡Z Infinitive nq| ZLb wµqvi †k‡l Ô†Z ev Ex:
Rb¨Õ A_© cÖKvk cvq| i. They are reported to have fought well
Ex: ii. He is said to have lived more than a hundred years.
i. He went to New market to buy a shirt. Split Infinitive
ii. I went to see the National Memorial. i. †h mKj kã‡K Infinitive (to) Ges Verb-Gi g‡a¨ †Kvb
Adverb ev Adverb phrase wn‡m‡e e¨envi Kiv nq Zv‡`i‡K
7. wµqvi c‡i ÔeviÕ ev Ôwbwg‡ËÕ A‡_© e¨eüZ infinitive ¸‡jvi
Split Infinitive e‡j| Z‡e G ai‡bi e¨envi AvRKvj mwVK
c‡i Preposition e‡m|
e‡j we‡ewPZ nq bv|
Ex : Ex:
i. This is a chair to sit on. i. He told me to quickly write a letter. (Aï×)
ii. He told me to write a letter quickly. (ï×)
8. Be + Adjective + to dg~j © v Abymv‡i hLb evK¨ MVb Ki‡Z nq
ZLb ÔBqvÕ, Ô†ZÕ †h-†ZÕ BZ¨vw` iƒ‡c _vK‡Z cv‡i| About + Infinitive
Ex : ➢ About + to + verb Øviv †Kvb KvR n‡e n‡e Ae¯’v eySvq ev
i. I am glad to see you. (Bqv) †Kvb KvR evwK _vKv eySvq| †hgb-
ii. They are eager to learn. (R‡b¨) ➢ Zvi gigi Ae¯’v- He is about to die.
iii. The mango is sweet to eat. (†Z) ➢ dzjwU dzwU dzwU KwiqvI dzwUj bv- The flower was about to
iv. He is too weak to walk. (†h-†Z) bloom but did not bloom.
➢ mܨvKv‡j Pvu`wU DwV DwV Kwi‡Z‡Q- The moon is about to
rise in the eveing sky.
Av‡iv wKQz Infinitive ➢ †m cÖvq gviv †h‡Z P‡j‡Q- He is about to die.
Zvnviv hvB‡Z D`¨Z nBj- They are about to go.
Present Infinitive ➢ Avwg cÖvq b`x‡Z Wz‡e hvw”Qjvg- I was about to drown in
i. Principal Verb-Gi †h †Kvb Tense-Gi mv‡_ Present the river.
➢ kxZ hvB- hvB KwiqvI hvBj bv- The cold weather was
Infinitive e¨envi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|
about to disappear but did not.
Ex :-I want to go there.
G RvZxq Infinitive †Kvb B‡”Q ev D‡Ï‡k¨I m¤ú~Y©Zvi wel‡q †Kvb Bare Infinitive [Infinitive without ‘to’]
Avfvm †`q bv|
 Infinitive-Gi m‡½ cÖvqkB to e¨eüZ nq| wKš‘ bid, let,
Perfect Infinitive make, need, dare, see, hear verb-Gi ci Infinitive
i. Principle Verb-Gi KvR †h mg‡q mgvav nq, Zvi Av‡M †Kvb Ki‡Z n‡j to e¨eüZ nq bv|
m¤ú~Y© KvR cÖKvk Ki‡Z Perfect Infinitive nq| ➢ Avwg Zv‡K †h‡Z Av‡`k Kijvg- I bade him go.
Ex: He appears to have been rich. ➢ Av‡K †mLv‡b em‡Z `vI- Let him sit there.
➢ Avwg †Zvgv‡K †h‡Z †`e bv- I will not let you go.
Uses of Perfect Infinitive
➢ Avwg Zv‡K QzU‡Z eva¨ Kijvg- I made him run
i. Principal Verb-Gi Av‡M to have ewm‡q Perfect ➢ †Zvgvi AvR hvIqAi cÖ‡qvRb †bB- You need not go today.
Infinitive MVb Ki‡Z nq| ➢ Avgiv Zv‡K KvRwU Ki‡Z †`Ljvg- We saw him do the work.
ii. ÒAvkv wQj ev B‡”Q wQj wKš‘ †Kvb KviYekZ nqwbÓ Giƒ‡c eySv‡Z ➢ Awg Zv‡K Kvu`‡Z ïbjvg- I heard him / her cry.
wish, desire, hope, intend, command BZ¨vw` Verb-Gi ➢ Zvgvi GwU Ki‡Z mvnm Kiv DwPZ bq- You dare not do it.
Past tense Gi ci Perfect Infinitive e¨eüZ nq| wKQz verb Av‡Q †h¸‡jvi c‡i hw` Verb e¨envi Ki‡Z nq, Zvn‡j
Ex: I wished to have gone there. infinitive (to + verb + word) e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|
i. Principal Verb Gi KvR †h mg‡q m¤ú~Y© n‡e Zvi Av‡M †Kvb wb‡P Gme verb Gi VERB GKwU list †`Iqv n‡jv :
KvR n‡q‡Q GgbwU eyRv‡Z seem I appear Gi ci to have agree m¤§Z nIqv
e¨eüZ nq| arrange Av‡qvRb Kiv

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allow MÖnY  She finally consented to answer our questions.

bother mn¨ Kiv
condensed msKzwPZ Kiv  I’ve been trying to convince him to see a doctor.
declined ÿq nIqv  We’ve decided not to go away after all.
determine msKíe× nIqv  I demand to see the manager.
hesitate BZ¯ÍZ Kiv
 Fewer people desire to live in the north of the country.
intend B”Qv Kiv
mean eySv‡bv  They determined to start early.
resemble mv`„k nIqv  I will endeavor to do my best for my country.
seem g‡b nIqv
 You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a
wait A‡cÿv Kiv
decide wm×všÍ †bIqv few months.
deserve Dchy³ nIqv  She failed to get into art college.
require cÖ‡qvRb nIqv
threaten ûgwK †`Iqv wb‡Pi verb ¸‡jvi infinitive / gerund DfqB e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i
want PvIqv i. Attempt (D‡`¨vM †bqv), begin (Avi¤¢ Kiv), fear (fq Kiv),
demand Pvwn`v / `vwe Kiv hate (N„Yv Kiv), like (cQ›` Kiv), try (‡Póv Kiv), start (ïiæ
expect cÖZ¨vkv Kiv
forget fz‡j hvIqv Kiv), continue (Pvwj‡q hvIqv, Ki‡Z _vKv), forget (fz‡j
offer cÖ¯vÍ e Kiv hvIqv), learn (wkÿv Kiv), omit (ev` †`qv), neglect
plan cwiKíbv Kiv (Ae‡njv Kiv) BZ¨vw` verb ¸‡jvi infinitive gerund DfqB
promise kc_ Kiv
e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i|
tend †SvK _vKv
try †Póv Kiv
fail e¨_© nIqv Ex:
need `iKvi ➢ He continued reading the book.
prepare cÖ¯‘Z Kiv ➢ He continued to read the book. (†m eBwU c‡oB Pjj|-
pretend fvb / Qj Kiv _vgj bv)|
manage cwiPvjbv Kiv
➢ He shall begin working
teach †kLv‡bv
appear g‡b nIqv ➢ We shall begin to work. (Avgiv KvR Kiv ïiæ Kie)|
ask wRÁvmv Kiv ➢ I shall try doing the sum.
attempt †Póv ➢ I shall try to do the sum.
choose †bqv ➢ I hate living with him.
claim `vwe Kiv
consent of gZ †`Iqv ➢ I hate to live with him.
bow gv_v bZ Kiv ➢ She fears going out alone
hope Avkv Kiv ➢ She fears to go out alone (†m GKvKx evB‡i †h‡Z fq cvq)
learn †kLv
refuse cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv Gerund
Ex :
Verb-Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡q †h Word MwVZ nq Zv hw` Noun-Gi
 We can’t afford to go abroad this summer. gZ KvR K‡i Z‡e Zv‡K Gerund e‡j| MV‡bi w`K w`‡q Present
 We agreed to meet on Thursday. Participle I Gerund-Gi g‡a¨ †Zgb cv_©K¨ †bB| wKš‘ e¨env‡ii
 Have you arranged to meet him? w`K w`‡q e¨vcK cv_©K¨ aiv c‡o|
 She’s asked him to come to the party. †hgb : Verb-Gi ing form hLb Adjective / Adverb-Gi g‡Zv
 She begged him not to go. KvR K‡i ZLb Zv Participle wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| Avi Verb Gi ing
 The poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply. form hLb Noun-Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i ZLb Gerund wnmv‡e we‡ePbv
Kiv nq|
 I don’t claim to be an expert.
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i. Smoking is dangerous for health. (D³ evK¨¸‡jv‡Z ‘is’ Be verb wKš‘ is wU Sentence A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z
ii. I like boating. cvi‡Q bv| Gi mv‡_ Complement e¨envi K‡i A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z n‡”Q|
D³ evK¨¸‡jv‡Z smoking, boating BZ¨vw` ‘Noun’ wn‡m‡e ZvB believing, reading, painting ¸‡jv ‘complement’ wn‡m‡e
e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q Ges ZvB Giv Gerund; Gerund I Participle-Gi e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q|)
form GK n‡jI G‡`i e¨envi wfbœ| v. Compound Noun Gi Ask wn‡m‡e Gerund †K e¨envi
Gerund cÖavbZ Noun iƒ‡c Ges Participle cÖavbZ Adjective Kiv nq|
/ Adverb Gi g‡Zv e¨eüZ nq| Ex:
i. Sleeping during day time is not good for health i. He has a stick of walking
ii. Playing is a good exercise. ii. He has taken a dish of cooking.
iii. We should know the rules of driving.
Gerund-Gi e¨envi
i. Sentence Gi Subject wn‡m‡e Gerund e¨envi Kiv nq| Ggb wKQz verb Av‡Q †h¸‡jvi c‡i complement G verb Gi mv‡_
ing †hvM Ki‡Z nq| wb‡P Gme verb Gi GKwU list †`Iqv nj :
Ex : 01. admit (¯^xKviv Kiv) 15. avoid (Gwo‡q Pjv)
i. Learning English is necessary for us. 02. consider (we‡ePbv Kiv) 16. deny (A¯^xKvi Kiv)
ii. Running in the sun is harmful. 03. dislike (AcQ›` Kiv) 17. excuse (ARynvZ †`Lv‡bv)
iii. Smoking is a bad habit. 04. enjoy (Dc‡fvM Kiv) 18. imagine (Kíbv Kiv)
(Dc‡ii Sentence G learning’s, running, smoking ev‡K¨i 05. keep (ivLv) 19. delay (‡`wi Kiv)
Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q Ges Giv mK‡jB GLv‡b Noun 06. discuss (Av‡jvPbv Kiv) 20. escape (jyKv‡bv)
wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Q|) 07. forgive (ÿgv Kiv) 21. finish (‡kl Kiv)
08. involve (RwoZ nIqv) 22. mention (D‡jøL Kiv)
ii. Transitive Verb Gi Objective iƒ‡c Gerund e¨eüZ nq| 09. Prefer (cQ›` Kiv) 23. Practice (PP©v Kiv)
i. He began writing a book. 10. Quit (ciZ¨vM Kiv) 24. regret (AbyZvc Kiv)
ii. Sabina likes eating fruits. 11. stop (eÜ Kiv) 25. tolerate (mn¨ Kiv)
iii. Nila likes gardening. 12. miss (cÖksmv Kiv) 26. appreciate (m¤úbœ Kiv)
iv. I enjoy boating. 13. complete (m¤úbœ Kiv) 27. Postpone (¯’wMZ Kiv)
(D³ Sentence ¸‡jv‡Z writing, eating, gardening, boating 14. recollect (cybivq msMÖn Kiv) 28. recall (g‡b Kiv)
cÖ‡Z¨KwU Gerund Ges Giv mK‡j Verb-Gi Object wn‡m‡e e‡m‡Q Ex:
Ges Noun wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i‡Q|) i. I don’t appreciate being treated like a second-class
iii. Preposition-Gi Object iƒ‡c Gerund em‡Z cv‡i| citizen.
Ex: ii. You should avoid mentioning his divorce.
i. He does not think of going at Sonargaon Hotel. iii. He complete writing the report.
ii. She is fond of painting. iv. I dislike being away from my family.
iii. By studying hard, you will prosper in your life. v. I detest copying from others.
iv. I must not condemn her without knowing. vi. I enjoy playing tennis.
(Dc‡ii evK¨¸‡jv‡Z of Ges by I without Preposition-Gi vii. Be quiet! He hasn’t finished speaking.
Object wn‡m‡e going, painting, styling, knowing e‡m‡Q| viii. In the lecture, the professor mentioned traveling to
Giv D³ Sentence ¸‡jv‡Z Noun wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Q|) Africa to collect a rare species of butterfly
ix. Would you mind explaining that again?
iv. Be- Verb Gi Complement iƒ‡c Gerund e‡m| x. I miss going to school.
Ex: xi. It was an unpopular decision to postpone building
i. Seeing is believing. the new hospital.
ii. My hobby is reading.
iii. My hobby is painting.

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Verbal Noun : Advise Dc‡`k †`Iqv

Verb Gi Present Participle hw` ing hy³ n‡q Word wU Noun Insist wR` Kiv
Important ¸iæZ¡c~Y©
wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i Ges hw` Zvi mvg‡b The I c‡i of _v‡K Z‡e D³
Imperative Riæwi
kã‡K Verbal Noun e‡j| Suggest mycvwik
Ex: Essential cÖ‡qvRbxq / Acwinvh©
i. The smoking of cigarettes is harmful. Recommend mycvwik Kiv
ii. He always enjoys the reading of novels. Necessary cÖ‡qvRbxq
Command Av‡`k Kiv
e¨vL¨v: Dc‡ii Sentence G smoking Ges reading-Verbal
Move miv‡bv
Noun ¸‡jv mvaviYZ Noun Gi KvR K‡i| G‡`i c~‡e© the Insisted †Rvi w`‡q ejv
Ges c‡i of e‡m‡Q| ZvQvov Gerund Gi c~‡e© †Kvb Article Stipulate k‡Z© †Rvi Kiv / †`Iqv
Ges c‡i †Kvb Preposition e‡m bv| Requirement cÖ‡qvRb
Preference we‡kl AbyivM / AwfiæwP
Comparative Examples : civgk©
i. I saw the boy doing the sum (Present Participle) Decree Aa¨v‡`k
ii. This doing the sum is useless. (Gerund) Necessity Riæwi cÖ‡qvRb
iii. The reading of novel is interesting. (Verbal Noun)
 It is necessary (cÖ‡qvRbxq) that he find the books.
iv. Running water is pure. (Present Participle-
 My advice (civgk©) is that John invest in new
Adjective / Adjective)
v. Writing letter is pleasant. (Gerund)  The doctor insisted (Bbwm÷-‡Rvi w`‡q ejv) that his
vi. The killing of tigers in Sundarbans is a severe patient take it easy for 4 months.
offence. (Verbal Noun)  I insist that she come alone. (Avwg †Rvi w`‡q ejwQ †h
vii. A rolling stone gathers no moss. (Present Participle †m GKvKx AvmyK)
Adjective / Adjective)  It is mandatory (g¨vb&‡WUwi- eva¨Zvg~jK) that he be on time.
Subjunctive  President Regan’s doctor suggested that he take a
short rest of Camp David.
English Grammar G wKQz Subjunctive verbs, nouns Ges Negative n‡j verb-Gi simple form-Gi c~‡e© ïay not
impersonal Adjective i‡q‡Q| G‡`i ci hw` that + subject e¨eüZ e¨eüZ nq|
nq Zvn‡j that + subject Gi ci verb-Gi base from nq| †Kvb s / a. The manager requested (wi‡Kv‡q÷- Aby‡iva Rvbv‡bv)
es †hvM nq bv| †Kvb modal auxiliary e¨eüZ nq bv| past tense ev
that everyone not put their requests in writing.
present tense nq bv| b. It was urgent (Avi‡R›U- Riæix) that she not leave at
†Pbvi mnR Dcvq : Sub1 + (Av‡`k, Dc‡`k, Aby‡iva, †Rvi, `vwe,
Pvwn`v, cÖZ¨vkv, cÖ‡qvRb, civgk©, ¸iæZ¡) + that + sub2 + verb Gi
base form Subject + Subjunctive + words + that + sub + Incorrect : The doctor suggested that she will not smoke.
verb Gi base form. Correct : The doctor suggested that she not smoke.
Subjunctive words Incorrect : She ignored the suggestion that she gets
Words Meaning
more exercise.
Require `iKvi cov / nIqv Correct : She ignored the suggestion that she get
Request Aby‡iva Kiv more exercise.
Urge fvov †`Iqv Incorrect : The doctor suggested that her not smoke.
Urgent Riæix Correct : The doctor suggested that her not to smoke.
Propose cÖ¯vÍ e Kiv / †`Iqv
Prefer cQ›` Kiv
 wb‡¤œv³ Verb phrase Gi ci Av‡iKwU Verb Avm‡j Zvi mv‡_ ing
Mandatory eva¨Zvg~jK
Obligatory eva¨Zvg~jK
demand Pvwn`v approve of can’t
Ask wRÁvmv Kiv be better of can’t mind
forget about get ghrough
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confess to object to Ex: It is to be (finish) in time. →It is to be finished in

look forward to with a view to time.
count on design of
insist on think of  No sooner ... than, scarcely ... when, hardly ...
think about accustomed to when/before Øviv `ywU Clause-hy³ n‡j, cÖ_g Clause-wUi (No
adjunct to give up sooner, scarcely, hardly-hy³ sentence-wUi) Verb, Past
capable of be used to Perfect Tense-G n‡e Ges wØZxq Clause-wUi Verb, Past
get used to Go on Indefinite Tense-G n‡e|
Ex: he gave up (to smoke) → He gave up smoking. Note: D‡jøL¨, Gme †ÿ‡Î inversion-Gi wbqgvbyhvqx had memgq
Ex: Are you looking forward ---- your friend again? subject-Gi c~‡e© e‡m, †hgb:
A. seeing b. to see C. to seeing D. to saw E. to seen 1. No sooner had the teacher(come) than the students
stood up.
 It is no good, it is no use, it is not worth, waste of → No sooner had the teacher come than the students
time/money BZ¨vw`i ci V+ing e¨envi Kiv nq| stood up.
Ex: It is no good waiting for him. 2. Scarcely we (reach) the station when the train left.
→ Scarcely we (reach) the station when the train left.
 Mind, worth, would you mind, without Ges 3. Hardly had we reached the hall when the examination
preposition-Gi ci Verb _vK‡j, Verb-Gi ing form n‡e| (begin)
Ex: I don’t mind (to have) a cup of tea. → I don’t mind →Hardly had we reached the hall when the examination
having a cup of tea. began.
Ex: Without (read), you cannot pass in the examination.
→ Without reading, you cannot pass in the examination.  Lest Gi ci subject + should + verb-Gi †Kej base form
Ex: I don’t know about (compute). → I don’t know n‡e|
about computing. Ex: Walk fast lest you should miss the train.
Ex: Would you mind --- the door, please?
A. to open B. opening c. opened D. if open  ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i 1g Ask Øviv AZxZ †evSv‡j Ges c‡ii Ask Øviv
fwel¨Z †evSv‡j c‡ii As‡k would+verb e‡m|
 It is time, it is high time, wish, fancy cÖf…wZ Gi c‡i Verb Ex: He had hoped that I (go) there. → He had hoped that
_vK‡j to + verb nq, wKšÍy subject _vK‡j verb Gi Past form would go there. (‡m Avkv K‡iwQ‡jv †h Avwg †mLv‡b hv‡ev)
Ex: 1. It is high time he (change) his behavior.
→ It is high time he changed his behavior.
2. I wish I (be) a child again. → I wish I were a child again.
3. I fancy (meet) her. → I fancy to meet her.
Ex: It is high time we ---- the people conscious about our
national interest.
A. sould make B. made c. must make D. will make
E. have to
Note: D‡jøL¨, unreal conditional-Gi †ÿ‡Î wish-Gi ci be
berb wn‡m‡e memgq were e‡m: If I were you, I would not do
such work.

 To be, being, to have, having-Gi ci Verb-wUi Past

Participle nq:
Ex: having (finish) her meals, she went to school. →
Having finished her meals, she went to school.

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Teacher Student Work

01. I look forward--- you. 15. I mentioned that he --- in my room the
a) to see b) meeting previous day.
c) to hearing form d) to come a) will lie b) would lie
02. The old man cannot help--- a cup of tea. c) had lain d) had laid
a) take b) drink 16. I (help) you if I could.
c) to drink d) having a) I would help b) I would be helped
03. It was long since--- c) I helped d) I would have helped
a) we had been meeting b) we were meeting last 17. It is many years since----.
c) we had met last d) we last met a) I meet you b) I met you
04. Educating all people--- a mammoth task. c) I help you d) I have met you
a) are b) is 18. Would you mind --- the window?
c) be d) have a) open b) to open
05. I water the garden. The underlined word is--- c) to opening d) opening
a) Noun b) Verb 19. You had better--- a doctor.
c) Pronoun d) Adverb a) to see b) see
06. he writes a letter. In this sentence, ‘write’ is a-- c) saw d) seen
a) Transitive verb b) Intransitive verb 20. I would rather die---.
c) Principal verb d) jAuxiliary verb a) to beg b) than beg
07. Cricket enjoys a huge – in Bangladehs. c) than begging d) than would have begged
a) follow on b) fall out 21. A bad workman—with his tools.
c) follow d) following a) fights b) quarrels
08. Would you mind (sing) a song? c) plays d) revolts
a) to sing b) sang 22. You had better—him at once.
c) sung d) singing a) to ring b) ring
09. Two and two – four. c) ringing d) rung
a) make b) make 23. We are committed to – our troops.
c) made d) a) withdrawn b) withdraw
10. Arif --- before I came. c) withdrawing d) withdrawal
a) left b) will leave 24. Walking in the morning is good for health. This
c) had left d) would leave is---
11. The underlined word in the sentence ‘It has a) Gerund b) Infinitive
stopped raining’ is-- c) Participle d) Verbal noun
a) gerund b) participle 25. A (roll) stone gather no moss.
c) infinitive d) present continuous a) rolled b) roll
12. A drowning man --- a straw. c) rolling d) me¸‡jvB
a) catches b) catches at
c) catches for d) catches after
13. It is high time he (change) his dbad habits.
a) changing b) has changed
c) changed d) has been changing
14. They made Karim the captain.
a) subject + veb + object
b) subject + verb + object + object
c) subject + verb + object + complement
d) subject + verb + complement + adverb

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BCS Previous Questions

01. Reading is an excellent habit. Here, the [24th BCS]
underlined word is a --- [44 th BCS] a) has shone b) shine c) shines d) was shining
a) Verbal noun b) Participle 16. Do not make a noise while your father---?
c) Verb d) Gerund [26th BCS]
02. Fill in the blank: [24th BCS]
Tourists --- their reservations well in advance a)issleeping b)hasslept c)asleep d)isbeingasleep
if they want to fly to Cox’s Bazar. [43th BCS] 17. He gave up___ football when he got married.
a) better to had get b) had better to get [26th BCS]
c) had better got d) had better get [24th BCS]
03. A retired officer lives next door. Here, the a) of playing b) to play
underlined word is used as a/an: [41 th BCS] c) playing d) play
a) Gerund b) adverb 18. He advised me --- smoking. [25th BCS]
c) preposition d) participle a) giving up b) to give up
04. I couldn’t mend the computer myself, so I ___ at c) in giving up d) from giving up
a shop. [37th BCS] 19. I opened the door as soon as I --- the bell.
a) had it mended b) had it mend [25th BCS]
c) did it mend d) had mended a) have heard b) was hearing
05. I have been living in Dhaka-2000 [42 th BCS] c) am heard d) heard
a) since b) from c) after d) till 20. Just now he --- his dinner but he says he will
06. Fill in the blank with the right form of verb. If I see you when he’s finished. [24th BCS]
___ a king! [34th BCS] a) is having b) has had c) was having d) had
a) am b) was c) were d) shall be 21. I don’t mind—with the cooking but I am not
07. Fill in the blank with the appropriate part: going to wash the dishes. [24th BCS]
[33rd BCS] a) to help b) help c) helping d) for helping
a) to receiving b) to receive 22. My uncle arrived while I --- the dinner.
c) in receiving d) for receiving [24th BCS]
08. In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to- a) would cook b) had cooked
[33rd BCS] c) was cooking d) was cooking
a) driving a car b) when one drives a car 23. We waited until the plane- [23th BCS]
c) the driving of a car d) when we drive a car a) did not take off b) took off
09. Rishan walks as if he ___ lame. c) had not taken off d) had taken off
[31th BCS] 24. The parthenon is said—erected in the Age of
a) is b) had been c) has d) were Pericles. [21th BCS]
10. He watched the boat ___ down the river. a) to have become b) to have begun
[29th BCS] c) to have been d) to have had begun
a) to float b) floating 25. As they waited Rahim argued against war-
c) was floating d) had floated [21th BCS]
11. I took a map with me, as I didn’t want to ___ my a) while his brother discusses the effects of pollution.
way on the journey. [27th BCS] b) while his brother discussed the effects of pollution
a) loose b) lose c) lost d) loss c) whilehisbrotherwas discussingthe effectsof pollution
12. Fill in the blank with right option. I am looking d) while his brother had discussed the effects op pollution
forward ___ you. [26th BCS] 26. A reward has been announced for the
a) to seeing b) seeing c) to see d) to have seen employees who --- hard. [21th BCS]
13. He ran fast lest he ___ miss the train.[26th BCS]
a) can b) should c) could d) has a) have worked b) has worked
14. ‘Neela ___ her hand when she was cooking c) will be work d) have had worked
dinner. [26th BCS]
a) is burning b) burnt c) will burn d) was burning
15. As the sun ___, I decided to go out. [26th BCS]
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Lecture- 4 BCS 46 Zg wcÖwjwgbvwi

27. An intensive search was conductd by the Practice Question

detective to locate those criminals who ---.
[21th BCS] 1. One of the boys---present.
a) have had escaped b) had escaped a) was b) were c) have been d) are
c) are escaping d) have been escaping 2. He talks as if he—everything-
28. Almost everyone fails --- on the first try. a) had known b) knows c) is knowing d) knew
[18th BCS] 3. What is the past participle form of ‘put’?
a) in passing his driver’s test a) Putted b) putter c) had putter d) put
b) to his driver’s test 4. The patient will – soon.
c) to have passed his driver’s test a) Come in b) Come round c) Come off d) Come by
d) passing his driver’s test 5. Everybody should --- their old parents?
29. The speaker failed to make the audience-to a) look after b) Look up c) Look of c) Look into
him patiently. 6. Fill in the blank: He ran fast lest he --- miss the train.
--which of the following is the correct verb a) should b) may c) could d) did not
form in the blank above? [15th BCS] 7. Category One storm – have some coastal road
a) to listen b) listening c) listened d) listen flooding and minor pier damage.
30. how many eggs have your hens—this month? a) will b) don’t c) shouldn’t d) never
--which of the following words best completes 8. Will you mind--- the accounts one more time?
the above sentence? [14th BCS] a) checking b) to check c) checked d) check
a) lain b) laid c) lay d) lied 9. Ten years a long time to wait.
31. We (not have) a holiday since the beginning of a) have been b) are c) is d) were
the year. ---which of the following verb forms 10. Each learner of English a good dictionary.
best completes the above sentence? [13th BCS] a) need b) is c) are d) needs
a) did not have b) have not had 11.) Then thousand dollars d) a lot of money.
c) are not having d) had not had a) are b) is c) will d) were
32. It’s time (you realize) your mistakes. Which of 12. Fill in the gap with an appropriate
the following clause best fits inthe above word/phrase:
sentence? [13th BCS] a) eat b) to eat c) eating d) being eaten
a) you realized b) that you realize 13. The are said—a dynamic new play.
c) you would realize d) you have realized a) to have wrote b) to have written
c) to have writing d) have written
Answer Sheet 14. Try hard lest you – fail.
a) may b) might c) should d) would
1 d 2 d 3 d 4 a 5 a 15. The river has – its banks.
a) overflown b) overflowed c) overflew d) overloaded
6 c 7 a 8 a 9 d 10 b 16. I shall—the sum before the teacher comes.
a) have done b) done c) be doing d) do
17. Having—me he has married again.
11 b 12 a 13 b 14 b 15 d
a) forget b) forgetting c) forgotten d) been forgot
18. He—home last monday.
16 a 17 c 18 b 19 d 20 b a) has left b) had left c) has leave d) left
19. Rahim walks as if he—lame.
21 c 22 d 23 b 24 c 25 c a) is b) had been c) has d) were
20. The patient will—soon.
26 a 27 b 28 a 29 d 30 b a) come in b) come round c) come off d) come by
21. Everybody should—their old parents.
31 b 32 a a) look at b) look after c) look over d) none
22. Every one should—the truth.
a) to speak b) speak c) spoken d) speaking
23. Choose the correct word/words to fill in the gap:
I saw a girl --- in the pool.
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Lecture- 4 BCS 46 Zg wcÖwjwgbvwi

a) to swim b) swim c) swimming d) to bathe 42. He and I – well.

24. ‘Reading is a good habit.’—Here ‘reading’ is a – a) are b) is c) was d) am
a) verb b) present participle 43. Three-fourths of the work--- finished.
c) verbal noun d) gerund a) have been b) had
25. He talked as if he—everything. c) has been d) were
a) has known b) had known c) knows d) knew 44. he came here with a view to.
26. While he – along the road, a snake bit him. a) give us a surprise
a) walked b) had walked b) giving us a surprise
c) was walking d) had been walking. c) he gave us a surprise
27. It is you who—to blame. d) be given us a surprise
a) is b) was c) are d) were 45. One of the crucial---traffic jam.
28. I wish if I – cricketer. a) problems is b) problems are
a) was b) am c) is d) were c) problems ware d) problem is
29. I am looking forward—you. 46. I can’t help---
a) to seeing b) Seeing c) To see d) To have seen a) to smoke b) smoking c) for smoking d) but smoke
30. he advised me—smoking. 47. he promised that he – come next Monday.
a) Giving up b) To give up a) will b) should c) can d) would
c) In giving up d) From giving up 48. It’s time you--- your mistakes.
31. Fortane—the orave. a) realised b) realise c) had realised d) have realised
a) will favour b) favoured 49. Three-fourths of the books—sold.
c) had favoured d) favours a) have been b) has been c) had d) was
32. The price of rice is— 50. The hen has--- ten eggs.
a) raising b) risen c) raised d) rising a) laid b) lied c) lain d) given
33. Her half-sister told me that---.
a) she had done the assignment the previous day Answer Sheet
b) she had do the assignment the previous day
c) she did the task yesterday 1 a 2 d 3 d 4 b 5 a
d) she had done the assinment
34. he had written this book before-
6 a 7 a 8 a 9 c 10 d
a) he retired b) he has retired
c) he will be retired d) he had retired
35. My father—home last night. 11 b 12 a 13 b 14 c 15 b
a) had returned b) has returned
c) returned d) was returned 16 a 17 c 18 d 19 d 20 b
36. Have you—the letter?
a) written b) write c) wrote d) to write 21 b 22 b 23 c 24 d 25 b
37. I--- here since 1980.
a) live b) am living c) have been living d) lived 26 c 27 c 28 d 29 a 30 b
38. Twenty years—since my mother died.
a) has passed b) have passed c) pass d) passed 31 d 32 d 33 a 34 a 35 c
39. The example of present progressive is-
a)walking is a good exercise 36 a 37 c 38 b 39 d 40 d
b) He was reading a novel
c) you have had your meal 41 a 42 a 43 c 44 b 45 a
d) They are gossiping
40. We shall return before the sun---. 46 b 47 d 48 a 49 a 50 a
a) set b) will set c) is set d) sets
41. Rahis---to school regularly.
a) goes b) go c) going d) gone

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