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Exercise 1: Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D

to indicate the answer to each of the following questions.

My name’s Tom and yesterday it was my birthday. I was nine and I got a
lot of presents. Mum took pictures when I opened my presents. I got a
red football and a blue sweater, my favorite colour! But my favorite
present was a new bike. It’s great. My old bike was small so I didn’t like
it. After school I went to the swimming pool with three friends. When
we were there, we didn’t want to swim at first because the water was
very cold, but when we did we had great fun. Then Mum shouted “Time
to go home!” so we had a shower and got dressed quickly.
1. What was Tom’s favorite present?

A. a red football

B. a blue sweater

C. a new bike

D. pictures

2. Which of the following words has the same meaning as “presents” in

the passage?

A. now
B. gifts

C. moment

D. Wishes

3. What is NOT TRUE, according to the passage?

A. Tom’s old bike was not large so he disliked it.

B. Tom and his friends swam and they had a good time.

C. Mum took pictures when Tom opened his presents.

D. One of Tom’s presents was a red sweater.

4. How old was Tom?

A. 9 years old

B. 8 years old

C. 19 years old
D. 10 years old
Exercise 2: Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D
to indicate the answer to each of the following questions.

David wanted to buy a Christmas present for a very special person, his
mother. David’s father gave him $5 a week as pocket money and David
put $2 a week into his bank account. After three months David took $20
out of his bank account and went to the shopping mall. He looked for a
perfect gift.
Suddenly he saw a beautiíul brooch in the shape of his favourite animal.
He said to himself “My mother loves jewelry, and the brooch costs only
$17.” He bought the brooch and took it home. He wrapped the present in
Christmas paper and placed it under the tree. He was excited and he was
looking forward to Christmas morning to see the joy on his mother’s
face. But when his mother opened the present she shouted with fright
because she saw a spider.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. David’s money

B. David’s father’s money

C. Disadvantages of buying presents

D. David’s present for mother at Christmas

2. What did David buy for his mother?

A. a perfect gift

B. a beautiful brooch

C. a spider

D. an animal

3. Who is “a special person”?

A. his father

B. his mother

C. his favourite animal

D. his friend

4. According to the author, his mother likes….

A. jewelry

B. nothing

C. a long coat

D. a handbag

5. What did his mother see when she opened her present?

A. a spider

B. a brooch

C. a Christmas tree

D. an animal
Exericse 3: Read the text, and then answer the questions

Recycling is a great idea, but before you throw your garbage into a
recycling bin, top and think. There are lots of other things you can do
with your garbage
How about giving your old books, toys, or clothes to a charity? The
charity will sell your old things to make money.

Why not take old boxes, wrapping paper, greeting cards, and ribbons to
a local school? Teacher will use them for art classes.

What about talking old boxes and newspaper to pet shops? They will use
them to make beds for the animals.

Why not take old magazines to a local doctors offices? They will put
them in waiting room for patients to read.

Some supermarkets recycle plastic bags, so you can return your bags to

Your garbage is useful to other people. Fine a new home for your old
things and help your town.

1. Where can you take your old toys?


2. Where can you take your old boxes, wrapping paper, and greeting

3. Where can you take your old newspapers?

4. Where can you take your old magazines?


5. Where can you take your plastic bags?


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