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Embrace the Future: Unfolding a New Chapter with a Fresh Vision

Vol. X, No. 279, 11 th Waxing of Pyatho 1385 ME Sunday, 21 January 2024


New monsoon paddy price

climbs in January

BUSINESS PAGE-7 State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing pays observation tours at the university library in
Pathein yesterday.

Faculty members need to emphasize

national causes rather than politics
enior General Min Aung Hlaing beautification tasks of the university and A government takes State responsi-
said faculty members have to serve environs. bilities on a temporary term, but faculty
Corn price dips as demand their duties for the national cause Speaking on the occasion, the Senior members always serve state duties. A
cools down rather than the politics. General stressed that 65-year Pathein government must implement its policies
Chairman of the State Administra- University must be capable of shouldering for the development of the country, where-
tion Council Prime Minister Senior Gen- Yangon and Mandalay universities in aca- as state service personnel have to duti-
NATIONAL PAGE-11 eral Min Aung Hlaing inspected Pathein demic matters, adding that it is necessary fully serve their assigned responsibilities
University in Pathein of Ayeyawady Re- to teach students to have correct attitude for the sake of the nation, he noted. The
gion yesterday. and knowledge on relevant subjects. Senior General also urged all to turn out
Union Minister for Education Dr He noted that faculty members need qualified human resources for the State.
Nyunt Pe, the Region chief minister and to uplift their capacity with continuous The Senior General viewed round
officials reported on functions of Pathein studies. He added that only when they the university library and the university
University and construction of the library are well-versed in relevant subjects can campus and left necessary instructions.
and buildings for academic matters, aca- they teach students to have a wider scope — MNA/TTA
demic and management measures, and of knowledge to be outstanding.

PutaO icy mountain visitors Prawn exports bag FROM 1 April to 31 December 2023, prawn exports gen-
erated US$32 million, leading the chart among marine

US$32 mln last year

exports, according to the Fisheries Department (Nay
get time-optimized tour Pyi Taw).
packages SEE PAGE-2
21 JANUARY 2024

Military disciplines, a must-do for Tatmadaw members

Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing holds the meeting with Tatmadaw members and families from
Pathein Station of the South-West Command in Ayeyawady Region yesterday.

atmadaw members have to follow ble for State defence duty, organizations relevant assignments and orders duti- commander's wife.
military disciplines and avoid acts and individual Tatmadaw members must fully. Leaders need to create suitable Later, the Senior General and party
harmful to individuals and the or- be ready to serve the defence duty. They environments for Tatmadaw members cordially greeted Tatmadaw members
ganization, said Senior General Min Aung must undergo training to be healthy and and families with a fair administration. and families.
Hlaing. fit and always be prepared to fight. They Tatmadaw members and families have to Also present at the meeting were
In a meeting with Tatmadaw mem- have to skillfully handle their arms and live in unison and dutifully serve the du- Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior
bers and families from Pathein Station of take training for health and fitness. ties assigned by the State and Tatmadaw. General, Commander-in-Chief (Navy)
South-West Command yesterday after- Tatmadaw members and families He then asked about the needs of Vice-Admiral Zwe Win Myint and wife,
noon, Chairman of the State Administra- need to read for the accumulation of families. The Senior General presented Commander-in-Chief (Air) General
tion Council Commander-in-Chief of De- knowledge to benefit their lives and to give foodstuffs for Tatmadaw members and Tun Aung and wife, senior military of-
fence Services Senior General Min Aung guidelines to their families and society. families through the commander, and ficers from the Office of the Command-
Hlaing highlighted duties and disciplines They have to encourage the education of the wife of the Senior General gave a er-in-Chief and their wives, Commander
for Tatmadaw members and families. families in line with Tatmadaw's activities. cash award to the station maternal and of the South-West Command Brig-Gen
As Tatmadaw is primarily responsi- Tatmadaw members have to serve child welfare association through the Wai Lin and officials. — MNA/TTA

Prawn exports bag US$32 mln last year

National Objectives of
77th Union Day 2024 FROM PAGE-1
Myanmar exports marine
products to more than 40 coun-
- To protect the perpetuity of the Union by the entire ethnic tries, including Japan, Malaysia,
people through the Union spirit Chinese Taipei, Australia, and
nations in the Middle East and
- To join hands in harmony with the government, Tatmad-
Europe. The department is work-
aw, and the entire people to ensure the State stability ing together with the Myanmar
and rule of law Fisheries Federation to boost
- To promote all-inclusive livestock breeding-based man-
Director U Nyunt Win of
ufacturing industries and MSMEs, ensuring the socio- the department said, “Between
economic development of the entire ethnic people 1 April and 31 December last
year, our country exported 8,432
- To make collaborative efforts of all ethnic nationals to
tonnes of prawn, earning $32 mil-
ensure the prosperity of the nation and food security lion. About 7,731 tonnes were
which are the two national visions shipped via the sea lane, with
the remaining quantity passing Freshwater prawns from Myanmar.
- To strive to emerge a modern and developing country,
through border gates.”
as well as a Union based on democratic and federal The department collabo- prioritize ensuring that the ex- tion, such as COVID-19, to meet
systems, by all ethnic nationals rates closely with exporters to ported products comply with the standards set by countries
fulfil the specific demands of stringent regulations, particular- with strict health measures like
each country. Additionally, they ly those related to virus preven- China. — ASH/NT
21 JANUARY 2024

t is necessary to efficient-
ly manage rail transporta-
tion, which can transport a
large volume of commodities
and passengers at least cost in
a short time, said Senior Gen-
eral Min Aung Hlaing.
At a meeting with depart-
mental officials and town elders
yesterday morning, Chairman
of the State Administration
Council Prime Minister Sen-
ior General Min Aung Hlaing
highlighted the essential roles
of rail transport and aviation
SAC Member Union Minis-
ter for Transport and Commu-
nications General Mya Tun Oo
reported on the implementa-
tion of the project to upgrade
Pathein Airport and the runway
in accordance with the guid-
ance of the Head of State.
On arrival at Pathein Air-
port, the Senior General said
Pathein Airport was upgraded SAC Chair Premier Senior General Min Aung Hlaing cordially greets departmental officials and town elders in Pathein yesterday.
with the aim of developing in-
bound and outbound tourism
services, adding an emphasis
must be placed on the long-
Ayeyawady Region needs to manage ciency. Hence, he noted that if
domestic manufacturing indus-

rail transport for passengers and

term existence and safety of tries are encouraged, import
improving the airport and run- volume can be reduced, and
way. He continued that in addi- spending on foreign currency
tion to Pathein Airport, roads in
the region must be improved.
commodities efficiently can be cut. Thus, he urged all
to strive to succeed in manufac-
turing for the interests of the
in the region. region and the country.
He underscored that He highlighted that the
among various types of trans- Ayeyawady Region can suc-
port facilities, as rail transport cessfully manufacture indus-
can transport a large volume of trial products based on wood,
commodities and passengers bamboo and rattan. He gave
at least cost in a short time, guidance that, conversely, it is
it is necessary to deploy rail necessary to conduct reforest-
transport efficiently. ation to extract forest products.
The Senior General urged He disclosed that the gov-
all to achieve greater agricul- ernment assigns health staff
ture and livestock farming pro- for the region as much as pos-
duction, which are developing sible. Only when individuals
in Ayeyawady Region. are healthy and fit will they
Local farmers need to work for socioeconomic devel-
apply modern agricultural opment measures.
techniques to succeed in their Also present at the meet-
farms. He pledged to provide ing were Council Joint Secre-
necessary assistance for busi- tary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Council
nesspersons; they have actu- members General Mya Tun Oo,
ally to work hard on farming Lt-Gen Nyo Saw, Mahn Nyein
The Senior General looks into the upgrade of runway and airport in Pathein yesterday.
tasks. Maung and Dr Ba Shwe, Union
In the Ayeyawady Region, ministers, the chief minister
The Senior General also tion, supply of electricity, up- cussed matters related to the he stressed the need to en- of Ayeyawady Region and the
met regional-level departmen- grading of transport, transport report. courage fish farming tasks in commander of South-West
tal officials and town elders at and tourism industries, and the Speaking on the occasion, addition to breeding poultry, Command and officials.
the Ayeyawady Region govern- need to upgrade two bailey the Senior General said that pigs, goats, and cattle to meet The Senior General viewed
ment office hall. bridges on Pathein-Chaung- upgrading Pathein Airport the country’s demand for meat round transport facilities, in-
The region chief minister tha and Pathein-Ngwehsaung aims to admit aeroplanes land- and fish. cluding bridges in Pathein
and town elders reported on roads, construction of an ad- ing from international airlines. The Senior General high- Township, urban development,
the operation of agriculture vanced cargo terminal at the The Senior General stressed lighted that because local man- Ayeyawady International In-
and livestock production with entrance to Pathein and up- the need to upgrade communi- ufacturing industries were not dustrial Port and industrial
the State economic promotion grading of Yangon-Pathein cation routes for the develop- encouraged, products were zones. — MNA/TTA
fund, environmental conserva- road. Union ministers dis- ment of the tourism industry imported, causing trade defi-
21 JANUARY 2024

SAC member, MoCRD UM visit Counter-argument to
cooperative accounting school false information
in Pathein, Ayeyawady Region Malicious Khit Thit and DVB
media intentionally spread
fake news
THE Khit Thit and DVB media the Tatmadaw’s reputation, as
outlets are intentionally dissem- stated by an officer from the local
inating false information, claim- security forces. — MNA/TKO
ing that the Tatmadaw launched
artillery attacks on Painpyit vil-
lage in Mogok Township, Man-
dalay Region, resulting in the
death of two civilians, including
a six-year-old child, as reported
by TNLA insurgents.
Contrary to these unfound-
ed claims, the Tatmadaw has not
engaged in artillery shelling at
State Administration Council Member Mahn Nyein Maung and Union Minister U Hla Moe meet students
from the Cooperative Bookkeeping and Accounting Training School in Pathein, Ayeyawady Region, Painpyit village. The malicious
yesterday. media outlets are spreading
fake information to instil fear
Screenshot of misinformation.
STATE Administration Council tance of timely procurement Subsequently, the prin- amongst the people and damage
member Mahn Nyein Maung of agricultural inputs, such cipal provided a briefing on
and Union Minister for Coop- as seeds and fertilizers, and the school's needs. The Union
eratives and Rural Develop- reiterated support for the One minister assured the students
ment U Hla Moe convened a Village One Product (OVOP) that those who completed Malicious media spreads
meeting with regional, district, mission to advance micro, the two-year training course
and township-level staff at the small, and medium enter- would have the opportunity falsehoods: Allegations of
Cooperative Bookkeeping and
Accounting Training School in
prises. He also highlighted the
commitment to the welfare of
to pursue further education
at cooperative colleges and
Tatmadaw air bombardment
Pathein, Ayeyawady Region, civil servants. Following this, universities. Additionally, he debunked
yesterday. the minister addressed the promised necessary assis-
In his address, the Union requirements outlined by the tance for those seeking em- THE malicious media outlets intentionally disseminating
minister stressed the impor- staff. ployment. — MNA/NT are orchestrating the spread of misinformation on social media
fake news on social media plat- platforms and misguiding the
forms, alleging that Tatmadaw’s public regarding the Tatmadaw.
air bombardment resulted in the — MNA/TKO
NSP Dept needs deputy staff officer positions destruction of over three hun-
dred shops at Myoma Market in
THE Department of National the position of lower division sent to the Director General Mongmeik on 19 January.
Solidarity and Peacemaking clerk, and they need to be of the Department of Nation- The actual incident unfolded
is recruiting for vacant depu- graduates from any univer- al Solidarity and Peacemak- when KIA insurgents and PDF
ty staff officer positions. sity. ing at Bala Theikdhi Ward, terrorists initiated attacks on the
A total of five persons Applicants must be 18 Zeyathiri Township, Nay Pyi security forces camps responsi-
will be appointed for the po- years of age on 17 January Taw by 8 February. ble for maintaining local security
sition of deputy staff officer. and must not exceed 27 years The written exam for and stability in Mongmeik. They
Preference will be given to of age. If they meet the re- these positions will be held deployed heavy weapons and
those with degrees in Eng- quirements, they can apply on 20 February, and the suc- indiscriminately fired, causing
lish, Computer Science, In- for both positions. cessful candidates will be an- explosions at Myoma Market
ternational Relations and In addition, applications nounced on the NSPNC web- around 7 pm on 19 January.
Economics. should be downloaded from site page. Those who passed These malicious media out-
Similarly, about five per- the NSPNC website page the exam will be interviewed lets are attempting to obscure
sons will be appointed for ( and on 22 February. — TWA/KZL the actions of the terrorists by Screenshot of misinformation.


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21 JANUARY 2024

Yangon exhibition
showcases fusion
of Diorama and
Miniature Art

The exhibitions of the previous Union Day celebrations.

People’s Square in Yangon

prepares for 77th Union Some of the hand
icrafts seen at th
e Dioram

Miniature Art Ex
Day celebrations one to come and appreciate our
THE Diorama and Miniature Art three months to each. artworks at the exhibition”.
PEOPLE’S Square in Yangon Region’s Dagon Township Exhibition took place at The Mo- Sourcing raw materials for The art creations of artists
will host exhibitions to commemorate the 77th Union Day ment Art Gallery in Kyauktada these artworks was challenging; Soe San, Aung Myo Oo, and Zin
from 10 to 12 February, as announced by the Yangon Region township, Yangon, on 19 January, we had to order some from for- Linn are displayed at the exhi-
government. as shared by Artist Soe San, who eign countries. bition. — ASH/TRKM
During the event days, the exhibition and market fair will participated in the exhibition. This marks our
feature booths from various ministries, regions, and states, The exhibition was sched- first exhibition, and vis-
including the Nay Pyi Taw Council. Booths will also showcase uled to run from 19 to 21 Janu- itors can enjoy three
traditional ethnic culture, clothing, utensils, and foods. ary and featured sixty combined different kinds of art
An official from the Yangon Region government stated, artworks, including drawings, in one place. I
“There will also be stalls displaying and selling products from sculptures, and portraits by invite every-
29 industrial zones in Yangon region, and shops exhibiting three artists.
and selling MSME products in the region.” Artist Soe San ex-
Additionally, on Union Day, ethnic dances and perfor- pressed, “This Diorama and
mances by modern music groups will entertain nightly from Miniature Art display is a
6 pm to 10 pm, and fireworks will illuminate the night sky. unique showcase that com-
The 77th Union Day commemoration exhibition will in- bines drawings, sculptures, and
clude stalls selling various goods such as medicine, food, portraits, which is rare in our
cosmetics, consumer goods, electronics, and kitchen appli- country. I meticulously created
ances from 29 industrial zones in Yangon Region. These items my Diorama models, dedicating
will be displayed and sold from 9 am to 5 pm. — ASH/TKO

Myanmar’s Consul-General attends Myanmar Cultural Exchange

Event at Guangxi Minzu University
ACCORDING to the Ministry of gave their opening remarks at
Foreign Affairs, the Consul-Gen- the event. Daw Wati Thwin, a
eral of Myanmar in Nanning at- visiting professor from the De-
tended the Myanmar Cultural partment of Myanmar Language
Exchange Event held at Guangxi of the university, presented My-
Minzu University in Nanning, anmar language books trans-
China, on 17 January. lated by the department to the
The Consul-General of My- Consul-General. Head of the
anmar in Nanning U Kyaw Soe International Relations Depart-
Thein attended the event, organ- ment Mr Feng Guanghuo, dep-
ized by Guangxi Minzu Universi- uty head of the Department Mr
ty’s Myanmar Language Depart- Zhang Yuzhen, Southeast Asian
ment for first- and second-year Language and Culture College
students majoring in Myanmar Party Secretary Mr He Bo and 30 Attendees of the Myanmar Cultural Exchange Event took a commemorative photo.
at the university, and discussed students also attended the event.
Myanmar cultural topics. The Consul-General of Myanmar musical instruments also presented topics on Myan- sulate-General Nanning served
Party Committee Deputy Myanmar also presented Thar such as harps and xylophones, mar culture with slides before the attendees with Myanmar tra-
Secretary Ms Wei Xuefang and Kaung Taman magazine and oth- and videos on Myanmar tourism answering the questions raised ditional foods of Mohinga and
the Consul-General of Myanmar er books, miniature replicas of promotion to the department. He by the students. Myanmar Con- sticky oil-rice. — ASH/TH
21 JANUARY 2024

Pigeon pea price on upward trend News in Brief
THE price of pigeon peas con- black gram (FAQ) on 20 Jan-
tinued an upward trajectory uary 2024 from $960-980 per Producers invited to Lancang-Mekong
in the domestic market. The tonne at the end of December joint film project
price jumped to K3.655 mil- 2023. The pigeon pea price hit
lion per tonne on 20 January a record high of K4.15 mil- THE Myanmar Motion Pictures Organization has invited My-
2024 from K3.57 million on 19 lion per tonne on 8 September anmar film producers to participate in "The Great Oriental
January and K3.496 million 2023. The price surged from River", a joint film project primarily supported by China. Each
per tonne on 18 January. The K1.815 million per tonne in the film produced under this initiative will depict a 20-minute story
pulse prices stood at K3.008 year’s corresponding period. representing one of the Lancang-Mekong region countries,
million per tonne of black The figure reflected a sharp including Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
gram (Fair Average Quality) increase of K1.755 million per The cost of filming and production for each 20-minute segment
and K3.298 million per tonne tonne. — TWA/ KK will be determined and supported. While the storyline is open
of black gram (Special Qual- to creativity, it must incorporate a specific theme and scenes
ity) on 20 January. Mean- portraying friendship with China.
A handful of pigeon peas is
while, the FOB price rose to shown for quality.
US$1,040-1,060 per tonne of
Consult newspapers & websites for
accurate news

New monsoon paddy price climbs UNION Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn urged the
public to read newspapers and websites published by the Minis-

in January try of Information to acquire authentic news. He highlighted the

prevalence of fake news and misinformation on certain media
platforms, particularly Facebook pages, aimed at misleading
FARMERS from delta regions the public and undermining peace and stability in the country.
said the actual market price This call was made during a discussion on State-building and
of monsoon paddy produced the role of the media, held at the convocation hall of the Yezin
in 2023 is higher than the ref- Agricultural University in Nay Pyi Taw.
erence price released by the
institution concerned. The pad-
dy-related non-governmental Six out of 18 solar power projects already
organization issued the refer- signed
ence prices on 9 September
2023, with K1.3-K1.5 million THE Ministry of Electricity has successfully signed contracts
per 100 baskets of monsoon for six of the 18 proposed solar power projects. These projects
paddy, K1.6 to K1.8 million for A farmer is seen showing paddy quality from his farm. aim to enhance electricity production and distribution by incor-
Ayeyawady Pawsan paddy, Ay- porating LNG and solar power in specific regions and states.
eya Padaytha and Ayeyamin, ka), K2.5 million for Pawkywe January 2024. At present, ex-
K1.8 to K2 million for Shwebo and K2.8-K3 million for Pawsan cept for the monsoon paddy
Pawsan paddy. paddy in mid-January 2024, U farmers who handle a large Action against unauthorized farmland
The floor price for summer Soe Tint, a farmer who owns 20 number of acres, there is a low construction
paddy issued by the leading acres of land in Bogale Town- stock in farmers’ hands. Those
body protecting farmers’ rights ship told The Global New Light who keep the paddy stocks in DURING a coordination meeting on 19 January, Union Min-
was K750,000 per 100 baskets (a of Myanmar (GNLM). their hands expect a high price.​ ister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, U Min Naung,
basket equals 46 pounds). Yet, Following the surge in rice Paddy and rice prices will likely emphasized that action will be taken against unauthorized
the market value was way high- prices, reasonable rice prices go up in H1 2024. Consumers construction on agricultural land, which violates existing ag-
er than that price. The paddy for January were higher than call for law enforcement on ricultural land laws.
fetches K1.8 mill per 100 bas- that of December. Subsequent- those manipulators who raised
kets of low-grade paddy (Nan- ly, paddy prices increased in the prices too high. — TWA/KK Registration required for retail rice
stores exceeding 50 tonnes

Extended term for COVID loans lent by the State’s fund.

The meeting also dis-
MYANMAR Rice Federation (MRF) announced on 12 January
that retail rice stores, shopping centres, rice shops, and super-
granted when used as planned cussed the principal recovery markets storing more than 50 tonnes or 5,000 baskets of rice
process conducted by region must register with Myanmar Rice Online-MyRO.
ACCORDING to the meeting by one year from when the loan and state inspection and su-
1/2024 of the Working Com- term expires. pervision groups. A total of 879
mittee addressing the impact The committee also dis- businesses, including film and Normal border trade in Shan (North),
of COVID-19 on the national cussed the status of the con- media sectors, paid the COV- and Myawady
economy, the loan term will ditions of correctness in the ID-19 loan on the due date. The
be extended by one year if the repayment of principal and COVID loans have been provid- THE transport of goods from Shan State (East) and Shan State
COVID-19 loans are utilized as interest, including the ability ed to entrepreneurs at a low-in- (South) to Thailand and China remains unaffected, ensuring
planned. to extend the term of the loan, terest rate since the 2019-2020 regular border trade in Shan (North), and Myawady. Howev-
If it is confirmed that the loan repayment conditions of financial year, so some business er, accessibility to the Myanmar-China border trade route in
government loan is used effec- entrepreneurs who have com- sectors cannot repay the loans Shan State (North) and the Myanmar-Thailand border trade in
tively for the intended purpose, pleted three years of the loan even after the specified period. Myawady is still pending. — Htun Htun/MKKS
the loan period will be extended term, and repayment of loans — TWA/MKKS
21 JANUARY 2024


Corn price dips as demand cools down

WITH domestic and foreign de- permitted for corn exports.
mand slowing down, the corn Myanmar shipped 934,883
prices declined to K1,180 per viss tonnes of corn worldwide as of
on 19 January from K1,200 on 13 29 December in the current fi-
January. nancial year 2023-2024 beginning
Myanmar exports corn to 1 April, bagging US$279.042 mil-
China and Thailand through lion, the Ministry of Commerce’s
the border. Also, it delivers it to statistics indicated.
China, India, Viet Nam, and the Myanmar exported more
Philippines by sea at the present than 2 million tonnes of corn
time, according to the Myanmar to foreign trade partners in the
Corn Industrial Association. 2022 corn season. Most of them
Thailand nodded corn im- were sent to Thailand, and the
ports under zero tariff (with remaining went to China, India,
Form-D) between 1 February the Philippines and Viet Nam.
and 31 August. However, Thai- The corn is cultivated in
land imposes a maximum tax Shan, Kachin, Kayah and Kayin
rate of 73 per cent on corn im- states and Mandalay, Sagaing
ports to protect the rights of their and Magway regions. Myanmar
growers if the corn is imported has three corn seasons- winter,
A thriving corn plantation. Myanmar exports corn to China and Thailand through the border.
during the corn season of Thai- summer and monsoon. The
land. country produces 2.5-3 million
China has been purchas- cross-border trade under the opi- gitimate corn trade between My- at the end of 2022. A total of 112 tonnes of corn every year. — NN/
ing Myanmar’s corn through um substitution programme. Le- anmar and China commenced Myanmar companies have been EM

Iran Beauty Sugar price on upward movement

& Clean 2024
attracts Myanmar THE high price of sugar persists because
businesspersons of the lack of imports and low stocks in
the market.
Additionally, the upward spiral of the
IRAN Beauty & Clean 2024: global sugar price is another contributing
the 31st Exhibition of Deter- factor to the price rise. The sugar fetched
gent, Cosmetics, Hygienic, US$590 per tonne in early January, and
Cellulose Products and Re- the price jumped to $630 per tonne. The
lated Machinery that will take local sugar price stands at K3,930 per viss
place in Tehran, the capital of at present.
Iran, from 17 to 20 April, in- The sugarcane harvest season ar-
vites Myanmar businessper- rives. The sugar mills notified sugarcane
sons with common interest growers that they raised the price of sugar-
to feature their products, cane to K150,000 per tonne for the 2023-2024
services, technologies and sugarcane season.
business ideas, according to The company set the sugarcane floor
Myanmar Trade Promotion price at K90,000-K100,000 per tonne last
Organization. season. Sugarcane and sugar traders
The exhibition will cover emphasized that the rise in the offering The photo depicts two types of sugar that are sold in the market.
accommodation for a three- price is aimed at covering the high input
night stay and domestic trav- cost of the growers amid the increase in earlier sent sugar to China and Vietnam the western and eastern Bago, Yangon,
el costs to those government sugar prices. beyond self-sufficiency. At present, it is de- and Mandalay regions.
officials and businesspersons Additionally, sugar mills encouraged livered to Viet Nam only, Myanmar Sugar The sugarcane is grown in Decem-
who submit the list through the growers to ramp up per-acre yield and and Cane Related Association stated. ber-January. It can be harvested from No-
the Embassy of Iran. For expo expand the cultivation acres. Sugarcane is commonly found in vember to February of the following years.
information, please visit spn- Myanmar’s annual sugar production is the upper Sagaing Region, followed by The sugarcane growing rotation cycle lasts estimated at 450,000 tonnes. Myanmar had northern Shan State. It is also found in four years in Myanmar. — NN/EM
Those enthusiastic can
contact the Myanmar Trade
Promotion Organization by FOR those who would like to read the Myanma Alinn, the Kyemon and the Global New Light of Myanmar,
phone at 067 408622-23 by the
end of January or via email at newspapers published daily by the Ministry of Information, please visit,, available and

com. — NN/EM online News and Periodicals Enterprise
21 JANUARY 2024


Address waste issue: A

T is an undeniable fact that
there are found profession- Professional Ethics Every government.
By the second precept,
By the third precept, the
teaching profession occupies a

call for environmental

al ethics in any job. A pro- the members of the teaching position of public trust involving

Teacher Should Have Known

fession has three characteris- profession share with parents not only the individual teacher’s
tics: extended training before the task of shaping each stu- personal conduct but also the

responsibility admission to practice, a strong

organization which is recog-
dent’s purposes and acting
towards socially acceptable
interaction between the school
and the community because ed-
nized as being able to speak
By Hu Wo (Cuckoo’s Song) ends, such that the effective- ucation is most effective when
for itself as a whole or which ness of many teaching meth- these relationships operate

HE global accumulation of waste continues to surge at an emphasizes ideals of service ods depends upon cooperative in a friendly, cooperative and
alarming rate, posing a significant threat to our planet’s above personal gain, and a sors, curriculum ers, and researchers. Also, at moral rather than the legal of its citizens. In fulfilling this relationships with the home. constructive manner. In fulfill-
health. However, this waste is not merely a problem; it code of ethics or standards develop- each level of education, there sense. After all, educators precept, the teacher shall deal In fulfilling this precept, the ing this precept, the teacher A True-Blue Friend
holds potential as a valuable resource for reuse, recycling, and of conduct set up should be a subject-wise need to be thoroughly famil- justly and impartially with stu- teacher shall respect the basic shall adhere to any reasonable By Chit Ko Pe
reproduction, playing a crucial role in reducing environmental by practitioners organization for the task iar with their codes of ethics. dents regardless of their phys- responsibilities of parents for pattern of behaviour accept-
pollution and bolstering conservation efforts. and enforced of modernizing the teach- Professional ethics will likely ical, mental, emotional, polit- their children; seek to estab- ed by the community for a To shield from the summer heat, high
Scientists advocate for repurposing waste into new raw mate- by their ing of that subject. They comprise five precepts of ed- ical, economic, social, racial, lish friendly relationships with professional person; perform a leafy twig assists with its shade.
rials, emphasizing the potential to save energy, money, and natural represent- must all have ucation, duties and responsi- or religious characteristics; the home; help to improve stu- civic duties and participate in
resources. By embracing waste reuse, we can significantly diminish atives. their code of bilities of the teacher. encourage students to work dents’ confidence in their own community activities with due To blow away the rain-water wet
air pollution stemming from fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural Hence, ethics to be By the first precept, the for high goals in the develop- homes and avoid disparaging consideration to the obligation a leafy twig is put on the head.
gas. Despite a staggering annual disposal of over two billion tonnes teach- obser ved absolute obligation of the ment of their physical, intel- remarks which might under- to his students, family and
of waste by the global population, a disconcerting 33 per cent is ers must in the teaching profession is to guide lectual, creative, and spiritual mine that confidence; provide himself; discuss controversial To resist the winter coldness with fire-
not safely discarded, leading be well- concepts students in pursuit of knowl- endowments; aid students parents with the information issues from an objective point warmth
to hazardous waste disposal trained, of right edge or skills to prepare them to develop an understanding that should serve the best in- of view; recognize that schools a leafy twig is dried and burnt.
That is why and subsequent soil and air including a n d in line with the needs of society and appreciation not only of terest of their children and be belong to the working people,
pollution. adminis- wrong, and help them become happy, the opportunities and benefits discreet with the information encourage lay participation Like a twig that sets a noble instance,
Myanmar, like Recognizing the need for trators, primar- useful, self-supporting citizens from their freedom but also received from the parents; and in school purposes, and strive altruism shall be instilled in us.
many other nations, systematic waste manage- supervi- ily in the now that the ultimate strength of their obligation to it; and keep parents informed about to keep the public informed of
ment, individuals must active- of a nation lies in the social accept no remuneration for the progress of their children the educational programme A person with such empathy is worth
must learn from ly contribute by minimizing
The foundation of professional ethics in education may encompass
responsibility, economic com- tutoring except in accordance as interpreted in terms of which is being provided; calling a true-blue friend on this earth!
five precepts, outlining the duties and responsibilities of
the dangers of waste generation at home teachers. ILLUSTRATION: REPRESENTATIVE IMAGE/ PIKBEST petence and moral strength with approved policies of the school purposes. SEE PAGE-12
and embracing reuse and re-
improper waste cycling practices. Plastic bags,
disposal, aligning its for instance, take hundreds of
years to decompose, and inno- Bwe Gyi; Bagyi Yayyar Keiksa; famous poet laureate Dr Ra-
efforts with national vative solutions like China’s Pyadaik Yaung Khan Hnit Bagyi Book Title – Bagyi Aung Soe Sar Baung Zu bindranath Tagore, a Benga-
strategic plans anti-plastic virus showcase Book Title – Bagyiyayyar Keiksa Kyar Pyatthana; Bamar BIm- li poet,” He writes about the
(Published in commemoration
the potential for mitigating Writer – Yangon Ba Swe pression Bagyi Thit. agyi Dwe paintings drawn by Tagore.
to swiftly create the dangers of plastic waste. Bai Lo Yay Gya Ma Lai; Ahnauk- of the 100th Anniversary He believes the paintings are
environments free Improper waste manage- Publishing House – Seikku Cho Cho tai Impression Bagyi Sanit; and drawn from a mind bent more
ment contributes to water Neo-impression Khaw Khit Thit
Birthday of Bagyi Aung Soe) on philosophical thoughts than
from pollution’s Publication Date – January 2024
pollution in oceans and seas, Bagyi Sanit. Writer – Bagyi Aung Soe the artist’s ideas. As a matter
perils. It is imperative resulting in blocked drains, (1st Edition) Concerning Thayoke Hman of fact, his paintings are not of
flooding, communicable dis- Bagyi article, he deals with the Publishing House – Text River a high standard of art because
for everyone to Price – K8,000
eases, social issues, respira- movement of painting system: Publication Date – December 2023 [1st Edition] Tagore just made sketches in
prioritize the health tory problems due to waste Hsan Thit Lar Thaw San Htaik
Price – K9,000
all directions. From the point
incineration, and harm to ani- Bagyi Sanit [Neo-classicism]; of view of art, his paintings are
of our planet and take mals ingesting waste inadvert- Dazar Hsin Yay Swe Thaw of no artistic value. Still, those
collective action to ently. Furthermore, emissions Ahlinkar Bagyi Sanit [Roman- who have love and admiration

ensure a sustainable
from landfill waste contribute
Bagyiyayyar Keiksa ticism]; Ahsit Ah-hman Bagyi Bagyi Aung Soe Sar Baung Zu for Dr Rabindranath Tagore can
to air pollution, releasing gas- Sanit [Realism]; Yoke Chee Ah- accept his paintings from a dif-
and pollution-free es such as carbon dioxide into myin Yay Bagi Sanit (Impres- Published in commemoration of the 100th Anniversary Birthday of Bagyi Aung Soe ferent perspective, i.e. from the
the atmosphere. ALTHOUGH thousands upon title Bagyiyayyar Keiksa. The Sanay Nagani, Sar Pan Chi, sionism); and Hnahsai Yarzu aspect of philosophy, not using
future. With many nations heav- thousands of books have been writer of this book is Yangon Son Htauk, Nagani, Nawaday, Khit Thit Bagyi [Twentieth-Cen- the yardstick of art. Neverthe-
ily reliant on fossil fuels, the published in Myanmar literary Ba Swe, who is widely known Pay Phoo Hlwar, Bagyi, Mee- tury Modern Painting]. WITH the advancement of tech- a handwritten letter that men- niversary Birthday of Sayagyi less, his paintings are dramati-
global atmosphere is saturat- world, books dealing with the across Myanmar. He is well doke, Myawady, Yokeshin Chit He provided example paint- nology, artificial intelligence (AI) tions this prediction. In this let- Bagyi Aung Soe, who would have cally interesting because of his
ed with carbon and some other gases and dioxide, contributing to art of painting are rarely pub- known not only in literature Thu, Shwe Wut Hmon, Shu- ings for the five categories has emerged. Thanks to this new ter, he said, “When you become turned 100 on 9th December of different tastes.
the emission of 1,700 tonnes of greenhouse gases per second. Global lished. As books on painting but also in the arts, theatre and mawa, Wuthmon, Thutaythi, mentioned above: the Mona technology called AI, people no the artist, your ability to draw a 2023 if he were alive now. This At this juncture, it is worth
countries must urgently seek alternative solutions to fossil fuels do not sell well, the publishers film industry. Furthermore, he Thek Saunt and Thway Thauk Lisa painting drawn by artist longer need to produce short painting is not enough. At that book includes 40 Sayagyi Bagyi mentioning cleverness in hand
to escape the clutches of air, water, and soil pollution and different would naturally not be willing is famous among the politi- among other things. Leonardo for Neo-classicism; stories, novels, articles, poems, time, the people produced the Aung Soe articles published in versus cleverness in mind.
situations based on unsystematic waste disposal. to print such books. Nonethe- cians. He is engaged in politics This book under review is a a painting by artist William movie scripts, songs, paintings, paintings with technology. The newspapers, journals, and mag- Learning how to draw a paint-
Pollution, mainly from fossil fuel particles, exacerbates climate less, Seikku Cho Cho is an ex- having close contact with army collection of articles published Hugart, which is quite popular designs, etc., to everybody’s robots will draw the paintings. azines. ing is not difficult because it is
change and global warming, hindering progress due to the busi- ception. This publisher has al- officials. Saya Yangon Ba Swe in Yoke Shin Chit Thu Magazine in England for Romanticism; surprise. Nonetheless, what is So, you need to learn not only the In the article “Myanmar a matter of practice. The more
ness-oriented activities of certain developed nations. Millions of ready published many books on was the publisher of Dee Doke between 1971 and 1972. These the painting called Pearl and more surprising is the predic- art of drawing and painting but Bagyi”, Sayagyi emphasizes you practice, the better painting
lives are claimed annually due to air pollution, costing the global the art of painting. Additionally, Newspapers. articles are all concerned with the Woman for Realism, etc. tion made decades ago by Saya also the advanced science and the importance of maintaining you can draw. You will definitely
economy a staggering $8 billion daily. they sell their books at a lower Besides, he was the chair- the art of painting. There are In the article “Ah Hsai Khan Bagyi Aung Soe, who said that technology. That’s why I have the Myanmar painting style irre- have a clever hand if you prac-
That is why Myanmar, like many other nations, must learn price when compared to the man of the Myanmar Ngan eight articles in toto: Thay- Bagyi Pyapwe,” the writer men- people will be able to draw paint- sent you to school. Try hard, spective of the painting category. tice hard. But your paintings
from the dangers of improper waste disposal, aligning its efforts prices fixed by other publishing Writers’ Association. As a writ- oke Hman Bagyi; Khit Haung tioned the painting Boulevard ings with the aid of technology my boys.” Sayagyi Bagyi Aung He also writes that localization may not attract people if you do
with national strategic plans to swiftly create environments free houses. This year again, Seikku er, he has contributed articles Ahmyin Htai Thoe Khit Thit des Capucines and the Impres- someday. You may not believe Soe is writing the book under of foreign culture cannot be said not have an innovative mind,
from pollution’s perils. It is imperative for everyone to prioritize Cho Cho published a book on to Kay Thi Pan, Kawza Thit, Ahmyin Ga Toe Wun Ya Thaw sion Sunrise painting. it, but we have proof of this pre- review. This book is published to be the act of true patriots. i.e. if you have no talent for art.
the health of our planet and take collective action to ensure a painting in January under the Journal Bya, Ngwe Taryee, Ahkhar; Ah-shaikh Bagyi Pya diction. One of his disciples has to commemorate the 100th An- In the article titled “World
sustainable and pollution-free future.
21 JANUARY 2024

Kyi Thar (Pwe Kyite Khin)

ACTOR and singer Kyi Thar (Pwe “York Kyar Kaung
Ataung Hnasal” movie
Kyite Khin), son of the great
musician Sayagyi Saung (harp) U
Ba Than, talked about the release
of “morning relaxing songs” of
the late singer Daw Mar Mar Aye.
to be screened in Jan
He recorded four tracks at May THE movie “York Kyar Kaung Ataung Hnasal” of
studio with the music perfor- Bhone Yaung Hlan Production will be screened
mance of Saing Sein Bo Tint and nationwide in January, according to the produc-
Sandaya Htate Tin Win. He also tion.
mentioned the efforts of Daw Mar Mar Aye regarding her passion for The movie reflects social living styles and
music. The “Morning Relaxing Songs” album grabbed better sales the loving-kindness of people from the Zat (the-
than Pwe Kyite Khin and Gandawin Chitthumyar albums. atrical) field, including new faces.
“We filmed the scene of Ko Gyi Kyaw dance Artistes who performed in the film “York
Thazin Htoo Myint at Bo Bo Gyi Nat shrine while celebrating Nat Kyar Kaung Ataung Hnasal”.
Pwe. At that time, the actor was likely to fall
COLLEGUES of comedian (aka) ar- into a trance and embody the character of Ko well-being and fans,” producer Ko Aung Kyaw
tiste Khin Hlaing want him to win Gyi Kyaw Nat. The movements were also alive. Zaw (Ko Jet) said.
an Academy Award. His daughter, According to our tradition, if the event proceeds Academy Zaw Myint Oo scripted the novel
Thazin Htoo Myint, expressed her well, the film will gain success. All the processes of writer Tin Than Oo and directed by director
willingness for her father to grab proceed well since the start of the movie. All Shu Mawa Maung Tin Nyein. The new artistes
the people from production, acting, director Min Set, Honey, Thet Myat Noe, Nan Pyo Wat-
the Academy Award as his milestone.
and mechanic members tried hard in it. I hope it than Oo, Zu Zu Htet Myat and other supporting
Moreover, Khin Hlaing also talked about characters participate in it. — ASH/KTZH
will succeed due to the support of supernatural
the academy that he could not expect,
the strange fact of presenting acad-
emy awards, especially for
drama, and the need to Aung Ye Lin
set specific rules WITH 20 years of experience
to give academy in the film industry, the actor is
awards to out- now leading the nominations
standing artistes to win an Academy Award for
2023. “The Alphabet I Hate”
regardless of their
film, in which he took the lead-
ing role, is shortlisted in the
academy list. Director Nyunt
Myanmar Nyi Nyi Aung direct-
ed it, and many well-known
May Khalar artistes joined him. The actor
THE great singer urged the also won fashion awards with
media to make interviews that Yan Aung, Soe Myat Thuzar
convey positive effects to the and Moe Hay Ko at previous
people. academy events.

Paing Takhon
The actor strangely nominated an animal that
should win an Academy Award. It is none other
Makeup than the pet that starred in “The Lucky”, screened
Lone Lone, ToneTone in 2023, with him. There is no movie similar to
Dress “The Lucky” in the Myanmar movie industry, and
Designer Nolan the pet also tried for his role. — Htun Htun/KTZH
N-Your Designer
Ko Nhoung
(Bliss Studio Rental)

Brief Aung Thu
MYANMAR football player Aung Thu and actress
Poe Ei Ei Khant, who celebrated a wedding
reception at Western Park RUBY in Yangon on 26
March 2019, will soon mark their fifth marriage
anniversary. Player Aung Thu currently plays for
Uthai Thani FC of the Thai league club and has
lived happily with his family after the league’s
first season.
21 JANUARY 2024

PutaO icy mountain visitors get
time-optimized tour packages
FOR the convenience of the trav- Yangon, there is a problem of
ellers to PutaO, Kachin State, flight availability, and the actual
with its snow-capped moun- arrivals are not as many as ex-
tains, tour packages are being pected despite the growing inter-
arranged to suit their available est among travellers,” he said.
time, said Ko Moe Min Thein Therefore, they must organize
(PutaO), a tour operator for the icy mountain climbing trips just
trips, including snow-capped in time with the flight departure
mountain climbing journeys. date for travellers’ convenience.
“We have to rely on airlines to vis- “We plan the trip based on the
it PutaO. Now, there is only one flight departure date. If the
flight from Yangon on Saturday. guests arrive on Saturday, they
The Yangon-Mandalay-Myitkyi- can climb from PutaO on Sunday Adventurous travellers scaling the snow-capped peaks of PutaO.
na-PutaO flight only runs once and return to PutaO on Friday to
a week. There is another flight catch the Saturday flight. If it is a flight, which is inconvenient. So, Despite many enquiries from that the number of actual visitors
from Mandalay on Wednesday. day late, they will have to wait the we have to make tight sched- people interested in PutaO’s icy is moderate due to the flight dif-
As the visitors are mostly from whole week for the next Saturday ules within a week,” he said. mountain climbing trip, he added ficulty. — MT/ZN

Yangon-Don Mueang flight for convenient Phoe Chit Thabin troupe

MoU worker transport introduces 3D hologram for
YANGON-DON Mueang flight
will be used to send MoU work-
roads can’t be used, and air
ticket fees cost from K150,000
istry of Transport and Commu-
nications via the Ministry of
stage performance
ers to Thailand for the conven- to 450,000. That is why MOEAF Labour is necessary if charter
ience of the workers, according suggested that the Ministry of flights are used. MYO Shwe Manthar Phoe Chit “Now, we have tested hol-
to the Myanmar Overseas Em- Labour consider using Yan- When workers arrive at Zat Ahla Thabin troupe has ogram technology in installing
ployment Agencies Federation gon-Don Mueang airport be- Don Mueang airport, the Thai- planned to use 3D hologram 3D light bulbs for stage front
(MOEAF). cause it is still cheap. The two land immigration authority technology for its stage perfor- lighting,” said the official.
The director-level video countries’ officials discussed it, grants a two-year residence mance of Myanmar’s tradition- Using this technology and
conferencing meeting between and both sides accepted," said permit. The employer or em- al dramatic art (theatrical art), LED lighting, they will give a
Thailand and Myanmar on 3 an MOEAF official. ployer’s agent picks them up and it is the first time for the beautiful spectacle of the stage
January 2024 agreed to use Yangon-Don Mueang flight at Don Mueang airport, and theatrical industry, according with 3D images.
Yangon and Don Mueang air- is expected to begin sending they undergo medical check- to an official from the group. “We will make the stage
ports when they dispatch work- workers in February, and all ups in their work areas. After Myanmar Zat Thabin or lighting with an LED that we
ers under the MoU. necessary arrangements are the checkup, reporting to the theatrical art has been devel- have previously used and now
"Yes, workers are going nearly complete. employment department is oping its performance stage added hologram,” he said.
to be sent from Don Mueang Agencies can also send necessary. by stage, starting with Myay Phoe Chit Thabin has re-
airport. There are only two op- workers through commercial Certification of medical Wine Thabin (performance on ceived nationwide support in
tions for sending MoU work- or charter flights. They don’t checkups and visa completion the ground), and now it has tak- Myanmar and is also planning
ers: Myawady and Kawthoung need to report to the Thailand would be issued at respective en the first step to using a 3D to entertain audiences online
routes. Myawady route has Aviation Authority if commer- working avenues, and work hologram. and on stage. — Thit Taw/ZS
been blocked, so our workers cial flights send them. However, permits would be given when
are in trouble. Kawthoung a written notice to the Thailand they complete training. — MT/
route has been unblocked, but Aviation Authority and the Min- ZS

Rising demand and prices boost ginger

FARMERS have chosen to is high. We can’t say about the again in early 2023, and more
grow more ginger due to price. It varies from year to farmers opted to grow ginger.
the rising demand and the year. We mainly grow ginger. Myanmar exports ginger to
excellent price, according We expect the price of ginger China, Thailand, India, Bang-
to the ginger trade market. to rise in the next three or four ladesh, Yemen, Indonesia,
They said that with high- months,” said a ginger farm- Pakistan, Singapore and the
er demand, the local er from Aungban township. United Arab Emirates, ac-
price of ginger can go up. Farmers suffered losses when cording to the records from
“The price of Myayni brand the ginger price was just the Department of Trade,
ginger is K 2,800, K 2,900 or around K 500 a viss in 2022 under the Ministry of Com-
K3,000 per viss. The demand summer, but the price rose merce. — Thit Taw/ZN
21 JANUARY 2024


Professional Ethics Every Teacher Should Have Known

FROM PAGE-9 all recommendations that are and attendance at professional what is needed for the school. the subject committee to be fully
respect the community where given concerning the work of meetings; and make the teach- What is more, a teacher’s acquainted with the syllabus. If
he is employed and be loyal to other teachers; and engage in ing profession so attractive in responsibilities concerning he is given the assignment to
the school, the community and no gainful employment outside ideals and practices that sincere school plants, facilities, class serve as a substitute teacher, he
the nation; and work to improve of his main duty in which the and able young people will want management, instructional ac- ought to teach students efficient-
education in the community and employment affects adversely to enter it. tivities, examination, financial ly. He should keep examination
strengthen the moral, spiritual his professional status or im- To a teacher, there are still matters, school council, PTA matters strictly confidential. As
and intellectual life of the com- pairs his standing with students, some other duties left towards (Parent-Teacher Association), per financial matters, the teach-
munity. associates and the community. the State, the education depart- and auxiliary services may be er must adhere to them strictly.
By the fourth precept, the By the fifth precept, seeing ment, the school, the headmas- varied and many. The teacher It is too unethical for a teacher
members of the teaching pro- that the teaching profession is ter, the inspectors, students, is responsible for maintaining to borrow money from parents
fession have inescapable obli- distinguished from many oth- fellow teachers, parents, local school plants and facilities and or guardians. Finally, teachers
gations with respect to employ- er occupations by the unique- administrative authorities and making the best use of school in charge of educational organi-
ment. In fulfilling this precept, ness and quality of profes- other departments. The teacher properties. Only when permis- zations must actively participate
the teacher shall conduct pro- sional relationships among all must devote his time and crea- sion from the headmaster is in successfully performing the
fessional business through prop- teachers, community support tive power to the course of edu- obtained may the school com- prescribed function.
er channels; refrain from dis- and respect are influenced by cational progress, be enthusias- pound, school building, and The above-mentioned pro-
cussing confidential and official teachers’ standards and their tic about correcting the defects school furniture be used outside fessional ethics are applicable
information with unauthorized attitudes towards teaching and according to the instruction, school hours. One attendance as a guide for the teaching pro-
persons; apply for employment other teachings. In fulfilling this train his students to be able to register is to be kept by every fession. Of course, composing
on the basis of competence only precept, the teacher shall deal appreciate the aesthetic value class teacher, being properly a code of ethics is not quite an
and avoid asking for a specific with other members of the pro- of literature, music, or art and marked on the spot. It is best easy task. A code should cover
position known to be filled by fession in the same member as use their leisure time profita- if the teacher attends his duty all the essentials and also guide
another teacher; professionally he himself wishes to be treat- bly in educational, health and punctually and regularly, re- all phases of professional con-
seek employment, avoiding such ed; stand by other teachers who social affairs; try to improve in- porting the absentee list to the duct. Educators must be the eth-
practices as the indiscriminate have acted on his behalf and at struction effectively by studying school office without fail. Smok- ical ones who practice patience,
distribution of applications; re- his request; speak constructive- educational literature and be ing in the classroom or drunken courage, and sincerity and ac-
fuse to accept a position when ly of other teachers but report helpful in block teaching and attending is strictly prohibited. cept constructive criticism gra-
the vacancy has been created honestly to a responsible person research work; know intimately Regular checking is necessary ciously. Obviously enough, every
through unprofessional activ- in matters involving the welfare the parents who are capable of for cleanliness, student welfare, one of them ought to attempt
ity or the application of unjust of students, the education sys- contributing to the development and ordered classroom mainte- to maintain high professional
professional practices and pro- tem and the profession; seek to of the school; and give local ad- nance. The teacher has to make and ethical standards to make a
cedures; give and expect due make professional growth con- ministrative authorities and oth- wider use of teaching aids pro- more positive contribution to im-
notice before a change of po- tinuous with such procedures er departments as much help as duced through concerted efforts proving education in the school.
sition is to be made; be fair in as study, research, conferences he can as well as take from them as well. He must be a member of

UN chief calls for urgent action on climate change and AI

Despite attention, Guterres highlights a lack of effective global strategies due to geopolitical divides, emphasiz-
ing the urgency of addressing record-breaking climate impacts.

UNITED Nations Secre- countries and communities, and

tary-General Antonio Guterres that the planet is heading for a
urged leaders to tackle the exis- scorching 3°C increase in global
tential threats posed by climate temperatures.
change, the unchecked devel- “Let me be very clear,” he
opment of artificial intelligence stressed, “the phase-out of fossil
(AI) and international govern- fuels is essential and inevitable.
ance reforms. We must act now to ensure a
“Despite climate change just and equitable transition to
and AI garnering significant renewable energy.”
attention, we have no effective Guterres also went on to
global strategy to deal with ei- mention the Israel-Hamas crisis
ther, geopolitical divides are pre- and reiterated his call for an im-
venting us from coming together mediate humanitarian ceasefire
around global solutions” he said. in Gaza.
In a special address at the He said, “The world is
World Economic Forum An- standing by as civilians, mostly
nual Meeting 2024, Guterres women and children, are killed,
sounded the alarm that 2023 maimed, bombarded, forced
was the hottest year on record, from their homes and denied
with droughts, storms, fires access to humanitarian aid.” Guterres asserts the essential and inevitable need to phase out fossil fuels, urging immediate action for a just
and floods wreaking havoc on — ANI transition to renewable energy. PHOTO: ANI
21 JANUARY 2024


China’s Shanghai reports foreign trade BASF earnings

growth in 2023 disappoint in 2023
BASF, the German chemicals giant, reported
The city’s exports rose by 1.6 per cent to 1.74 trillion yuan, while imports increased
lower-than-expected 2023 earnings on Friday,
by 0.1 per cent to 2.47 trillion yuan. with a net profit of 225 million euros, signifi-
SHANGHAI’S imports in 2023, up 0.7 per cent exports rose 1.6 per cent trillion yuan, data shows. cantly below analysts’ forecasts of 2.25 billion
and exports climbed to year on year, according year on year to 1.74 trillion Shanghai’s trade euros.
4.21 trillion yuan (about to Shanghai Customs. yuan, and its imports in- with the European Union
591.57 billion US dollars) Last year, Shanghai’s creased 0.1 per cent to 2.47 amounted to 844.57 billion GERMANY’S beleaguered — said the disappointing
yuan, up 2.7 per cent year chemicals giant BASF re- performance was “due to
on year and accounting for ported worse-than-expect- sales-related lower mar-
20.1 per cent of the city’s ed 2023 earnings on Fri- gins, which could not be
total foreign trade volume day, as cost-cutting efforts offset by the achieved fixed
during the period. In 2023, failed to compensate for a cost reduction”.
Shanghai exported 167.79 slump in sales. Earnings were also
billion yuan of emerging The Ludwigshafen- hurt by impairments to-
products such as electric based group booked a net talling 1.1 billion euros that
passenger cars, lithi- profit of 225 million euros mainly affected the surface
um-ion batteries and so- ($245 million) last year, technologies, agricultural
lar cells, a year-on-year according to preliminary solutions and materials
increase of 42.2 per cent figures, well below analyst segments, BASF added.
and accounting for 9.7 per forecasts of 2.25 billion eu- Like other compa-
Trade with the European Union amounted to 844.57 billion yuan, contributing 20.1 per cent of the city’s total ex- ros. nies in energy-intensive
cent to the city’s total foreign trade volume. PHOTO: XINHUA port value. — Xinhua Sales came in at 68.9 sectors, BASF has been
billion euros, a more than hit hard by surging energy
20-per-cent drop on the costs in the wake of Rus-
year before and short of sia’s invasion of Ukraine
S&P 500 reaches new GM China joint venture the group’s targeted range in 2022. An industrial
of 73 to 76 billion euros. slowdown in Germany,
record as US stocks surge posts soaring NEV export BASF — which sup- Europe’s biggest econo-

WALL Street stocks ral- heights, while the tech-

in 2023 plies chemicals for the
automobile, agriculture
my, and weaker foreign
demand have added to the
lied Friday, boosted by heavy Nasdaq Compos- S A I C - G M -W U L I N G units last year, up nine per and construction sectors group’s woes. — AFP
the tech sector, with the ite Index surged 1.7 per (SGMW), a joint venture cent year on year, said the
S&P 500 and Dow hitting cent to end at 15,310.97. between SAIC Motor, company. During the peri-
fresh records. “The tech stocks General Motors and Liu- od, the company raked in
The broad-based are continuing to lead zhou Wuling Motors, saw more than 10 billion yuan
S&P 500 advanced 1.2 the market higher,” said its exports of new energy (about 1.4 billion US dol-
per cent to close at Adam Sarhan of 50 Park vehicle (NEV) in 2023 ex- lars) in export revenue, up
4,839.81, surpassing its Investments. “You have ceed 24,000 units, up 165 five per cent year on year.
last all-time high set in explosive action in SMCI, per cent year on year. SGMW now produc-
2022. in Nvidia, in Broadcom, SGMW, based in es several NEV models
The Dow Jones In- in semiconductors in south China’s Guangxi including the Hongguang
dustrial Average gained general, and that re- Zhuang Autonomous Re- MINI EV, the Baojun KiWi
1.1 per cent at 37,863.80, mains bullish for the gion, registered a total EV, and the Wuling Nano
also reaching new market,” he said. — AFP vehicle export of 211,500 EV. — Xinhua File photo of a BASF plant in Germany. PHOTO: AFP



Consignees of cargo carried on M.V SITC Consignees of cargo carried on M.V ISEACO
CHUNMING VOY.NO. (2322S) are hereby notified that GENESIS VOY.NO. (214N/S) are hereby notified that
the vessel will be arriving on 21-1-2024 and cargo will the vessel will be arriving on 21-1-2024 and cargo will
be discharged into the premises of AWPT where it will be discharged into the premises of AWPT where it will
lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to
the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel. from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day. the Claims Day.
Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185
Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department
Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority
09251022355, Agent For: Agent For:

21 JANUARY 2024

Shenzhou-16 taikonauts meet Marching contingent, band
from France participate in
press after return from space Republic Day parade rehearsal
Commander Jing highlighted the diversity of their crew, with mem- Preparations for the Republic Day pa-
bers from varied career backgrounds such as aircraft pilot, flight engi- rade in India saw the participation of a
neer, and payload specialist, adorned with four badges of honour from 95-member marching contingent and
successful spaceflights. a 33-member band contingent from
France at Vijay Chowk.
A 95-member marching con- including Squadron Leader
tingent and a 33-member band Sumita Yadav, who took part in
contingent from France par- France’s Bastille Day parade
ticipated in the Republic Day this year with Prime Minister
parade rehearsal at Vijay Narendra Modi as the chief
Chowk on Saturday as prepa- guest there, are also taking
rations continue in full swing. part in the Republic Day pa-
According to defence offi- rade here.
cials, French Air Force Rafale French President Emma-
fighter jets and multirole tank- nuel Macron will be the chief
er transport aircraft will par- guest on 26 January this year
ticipate in the Republic Day at the invitation of PM Modi. It
parade, where President of will be the 6th occasion when
France Emmanuel Macron is a French leader will be the
the chief guest this year. chief guest at Republic Day
Some Indian personnel, celebrations. — ANI
Taikonauts from China’s Shenzhou-16 crewed mission meet the press in Beijing, capital of China, 19 January

THE three taikonauts from May 2023, carrying three crew Wearing four badges of hon-
China’s Shenzhou-16 crewed members: Jing Haipeng, Zhu our from his successful space-
mission made their first public Yangzhu, and Gui Haichao. flights on his chest, commander
appearance in Beijing on Fri- They stayed in orbit for 154 Jing said his crew, for the first
day, 80 days subsequent to their days, during which they con- time, comprised a diverse trio of
return from space. ducted one extravehicular ac- taikonauts from different career
The Shenzhou-16 spaceship tivity and delivered the fourth backgrounds, including aircraft
was launched from the Jiuquan live class from the Tiangong pilot, flight engineer, and pay-
Satellite Launch Centre on 30 space station. load specialist. — Xinhua
Rehearsals were underway at the national capital’s Kartavya Path early
in the morning on Friday for the 75th Republic Day parade. Armed

Japan PM Kishida vows to disband

forces contingents were seen marching to drumbeats during the dress
rehearsals. PHOTO: ANI

LDP faction amid funds scandal TOP NEWS

JAPANESE Prime Minister
Fumio Kishida pledged Friday Biden signs stopgap measure to extend
to disband the ruling Liberal government funding until March
Democratic Party’s fourth-larg-
est faction that he led until last US President Joe Biden on Friday signed a stopgap funding bill that
month, in order to restore public will keep the government open into early March, avoiding a partial
trust amid a deepening political shutdown that would have taken effect in just a few hours.
funds scandal. The bill, which was approved by Congress on Thursday, buys
In a sign of a possible larger lawmakers more time to finish the formal appropriations process
impending shake-up of the par- for fiscal year 2024, which began on 1 October 2023.
ty’s system of factions, former The stopgap bill cleared the Senate by a tally of 77 to 18. The
LDP Secretary General Toshihi- House passed the measure by a vote of 314-108 amid opposition
ro Nikai, who heads the fifth-big- from hard-line House Republicans, who had attempted to cut federal
gest intraparty force, said shortly Ryu Shionoya (L) bows in apology at a news conference held at the spending and add border security provisions in the “clean” stopgap
afterwards at a press conference headquarters of the Liberal Democratic Party on 19 January 2024. PHOTO: measure. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Democrats
that he intends to dissolve his KYODO are not willing to pass a border security bill before passing funding
group and that the proposal was for Ukraine. “We have to do both together,” he said.
accepted by its members. who is the de facto head, that the in decision-making processes Some conservative Republicans, however, don’t want to pro-
In the party’s largest faction group with nearly 100 members within the party, including the vide further aid for the war-torn country. Texas Congressman Keith
formerly led by the late Prime should be disbanded as soon as selection of the party’s leader, Self said his constituents have made it clear that “our own border
Minister Shinzo Abe, several jun- possible. The faction once led who typically becomes prime must be secured first before even talking about further funding to
ior members told Ryu Shionoya, by Abe has played a crucial role minister. — Kyodo Ukraine.” — Xinhua
21 JANUARY 2024

AFC Asian Cup: Iraq upsets Japan,
Indonesia revives hope
IRAQ beat the tournament fa- Group D after two rounds with the knockout stage.
vorite Japan 2-1 on Friday to six points. Backed by a majority of
book their place in the last 16 Asnawi Mangkualam’s 38,663 fans at the Education
at the AFC Asian Cup. first half penalty helped Indo- City stadium, Iraq, the 2007
In front of the thunderous nesia edge Viet Nam 1-0 late champion of the continental
cheering crowds at the Edu- on Friday. football tournament, started
cation City Stadium, Aymen Indonesia, level on three the match stronger with in-
Hussein’s two first-half goals points with Japan ahead of tensity and pace. Japan was
stunned the four-time cham- their meeting on Wednesday, pressed back and took time to
pions and propelled Iraq to top keeps hope alive to qualify for find their rhythm. — Xinhua

Thway Thit Win Hlaing to

take on Kyaw Swar Win in
TGL-6 Lethwei Fight
MYANMAR champion Thway Myanmar Traditional Lethwei
Thit Win Hlaing will fight against Challenge, while Kyaw Swar
Team Iraq celebrate with supporters after winning the Group D match between Japan and Iraq at AFC first class Lethwei fighter Kyaw Min beat Thai Lethwei fighter
Asian Cup Qatar 2023 in Doha, Qatar, 19 January 2024. PHOTO : XINHUA/JIANG HAN Swar Win in The Great Lethwei Fon Siri in the second round of
(TGL) tournament as an inter- the Independence Day Thai-My-
national level Myanmar tradi- anmar Lethwei Challenge Fight
Germany’s Pietschmann wins first gold of tional Lethwei challenge. The held on 4 January 2024.
Great Lethwei (TGL) tourna- Next, bouts of Sein Lon-
Winter Youth Olympics in S Korea ment will be held at 3:30 pm on chaw vs Moe Htet Aung, Saw
28 January and will be broadcast John versus Min Kyaw Za, Saw
GERMAN luger Antonia Pi- pensia Sliding Center that also an overall time of one minute live on Canal+ Sports 1 channel Ba Hein versus Asian Tiger, Saw
etschmann won the first gold hosted the luge event at the and 35.774 seconds, making it and Canal+ App. Kedo versus Saw Than Soe, Nyo
medal of the 2024 Winter Youth PyeongChang Winter Olympics to the 10th luge medal at the The two of them met for Hlaing Win versus Thura, Salei
Olympic Games on Saturday in in 2018. Winter Youth Olympics for Ger- the first time in November 2023, Htan Kwee Shein versus Thaing
South Korea’s eastern Gang- Pietschmann went faster many. Alexandra Oberstolz of and they fought to a draw in five Kyaw and Kyat Yine versus Soe
won province. in the second run with 47.789 Italy secured the silver with a rounds. Lin Aung will continue during
The 17-year-old finished seconds, becoming the only total time of one minute and Thway Thit Win Hlaing the TGL-6 Lethwei Tourna-
her opening run with 47.985 athlete to cross the finish line 36.326 seconds, and the bronze knocked out Shu Kalein Min ment. — Bala Soe/KZL
seconds, leading the women’s under 48 seconds. medal went to Marie Riedl of in the first round of the TGL-5
singles luge event at the Al- She claimed the gold with Austria. — Xinhua

4th Winter Youth Olympic Games open in S Korea

THE fourth Winter Youth Olympic Games officially opened on Friday night with a
grand opening ceremony in South Korea’s eastern Gangwon Province. The opening
ceremony was held concurrently in the Gangneung Oval and the PyeongChang Dome
under the theme of “The Universe.” The theme symbolized the infinite possibility of
youth by describing an imaginative journey of Woori, the ceremony’s heroine and a high
school girl growing up in the province, to discover a forgotten dream and create her
own universe. Woori in Korean can be translated into “being together”, representing
those who have turned their dream into reality.
Athletes paraded into the venue in alphabetical order of their national or regional
names in the Korean language, with China’s national flag carried by ice hockey player
Zhang Jingyue. It marked the first time that China had formed a delegation to take part
in an international multi-sport winter event since the Beijing Winter Olympics. “You
Lee Jeong-min of South Korea lights the cauldron during the opening ceremony of the are following in the footsteps of sporting icons who made Olympic history right here at
2024 Gangwon Winter Youth Olympic Games in Gangneung, South Korea, 19 January the Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang 2018,” International Olympic Committee
2024. PHOTO: XINHUA/LI MING (IOC) President Thomas Bach said at the ceremony. — Xinhua
21 JANUARY 2024


Intl tourism to reach pre-pandemic

levels in 2024: UNWTO

I The first UNWTO World Tourism Barome-

NTERNATIONAL tourism numbers
are set to recover to pre-pandemic lev-
els in 2024, according to data published ter of the year shows there were an estimat-
by the United Nations World Tourism Or-
ganization (UNWTO) on Friday. ed 1.3 billion international travellers in 2023,
The first UNWTO World Tourism Ba-
rometer of the year shows there were an representing 88 per cent of pre-pandemic Julia Evelyn Morley CBE with Current
Miss World Karolina Bielawska of
estimated 1.3 billion international travel-
lers in 2023, representing 88 per cent of
levels. Poland. PHOTO: X

India to host
pre-pandemic levels.
The report explains that a “stronger
recovery of Asian markets” and a cor-
responding rise in the number of airline
connections are “expected to underpin a
Miss World
pageant after
full recovery by the end of 2024”.
“The latest UNWTO data underscores
tourism’s resilience and rapid recovery,
with pre-pandemic numbers expected by
the end of 2024,” said UNWTO Secretary
28 years
General Zurab Pololikashvili.
“The rebound is already having a sig- Miss World, chaired by
nificant impact on economies, jobs, growth Julia Morley, announced
and opportunities for communities every-
where. These numbers also recall the crit- India as the host for its
ical task of progressing sustainability and 71st pageant, highlight-
inclusion in tourism development,” he said.
The Madrid-based organization ex-
ing it as a celebration of
plained that “Chinese outbound and in- beauty, diversity, and em-
bound tourism is expected to accelerate in
2024, due to visa facilitation and improved
powerment, with global
This photo taken on 10 December 2023 shows people walking on a street in Zermatt,
air capacity.”— Xinhua Switzerland. PHOTO: LIAN YI/XINHUA streaming and telecast.
INDIA is set to host the 71st Miss World
pageant after a gap of 28 years, ac-
Eiffel Tower topped pre-Covid visitor numbers in 2023 cording to the organizers of the event,
which will be streamed and telecast
THE Eiffel Tower in Paris welcomed added new offerings such as again from October 2020 to July 2021. The official page of Miss World
6.3 million visitors last year, its man- guided tours and celebrity chef- The largest contingent of Eiffel took to X and wrote, “Chairman of
agement company said Friday, more cooked meals in its luxury Tower visitors, at 18.9 per cent of the Miss World, Julia Morley CBE stated,
than came in 2019 before the Covid-19 res- taurant. total, came from France, followed by “Excitement fills the air as we proudly
pandemic. France’s “Iron Lady” North Americans at 18 per cent — with announce India as the host country for
Last year’s visitor numbers — up boasted up to seven million 13.2 per cent coming from the United Miss World. A celebration of beauty,
eight per cent year-on-year — were visits in 2014 and 6.2 million States alone. diversity, and empowerment awaits.
juiced by events to honour its designer five years later. Non-French Europeans accounted Chairman of Miss World, Julia
Gustave Eiffel 100 years after his death, It was closed during for 44 per cent, with the largest num- Morley CBE stated “Excitement fills
the SETE operating compa- the country’s first pan- bers coming from Germany, Britain and the air as we proudly announce India
ny said in a statement. demic lockdown from Spain. — AFP as the host country for Miss World. A
The tower also March to June 2020 and celebration of beauty, diversity, and
empowerment awaits.
Reita Faria Powell became the first
Indian woman to win the Miss World
crown in the year 1966.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan brought
home the Miss World crown in 1994
while Diana Hayden was crowned the
title in 1997. Yukta Mookhey became
India’s fourth Miss World in 1999 and
Priyanka Chopra Jonas won the Miss
World title in the year 2000. Manushi
The Eiffel Tower in Paris welcomed 6.3 million visitors last year, its management company Chhillar was crowned Miss World
said Friday, more than came in 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic. PHOTO: AFP crown in 2017. — ANI

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