Healthcare Facilities Under Disturbances and Hardships Unbeneficial For People

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Embrace the Future: Unfolding a New Chapter with a Fresh Vision

Vol. X, No. 280, 12 th Waxing of Pyatho 1385 ME Monday, 22 January 2024

State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects new seven-storey medical building at Yangon General Hospital yesterday.

Healthcare facilities under disturbances and

hardships unbeneficial for people
o matter what the government provides, health- medical ward into service took place at Yangon General Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.
care services to the people will not be beneficial Hospital of the Ministry of Health on Anawrahta Road of In his speech, the Senior General underlined that
if people face disturbances and hardships to Latha Township in Yangon Region as a gesture of hailing all persons concerned need to consider how to shape a
enjoy such rights, said Senior General Min Aung Hlaing. the 77th Anniversary of Union Day, with an address by better State for the people.
A ceremony to commission the new seven-storey State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister SEE PAGE-2

Yangon’s gold embroidery sales revive,
attracting foreign buyers
gifts. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, there
were 40 different designs available for this
size. However, during the Covid-19 period
Myanmar generates over in 2021, sales completely stopped. Only in
US$264M from exports of late 2022, on arrival of some foreign trav-
commoditiesin Jan’s second ellers, did the market for gold embroidery
week items begin to show slight activity. In 2024,
the industry is operating, although sales
volumes have not yet reached pre-pan-
NATIONAL PAGE-10 demic levels. Currently, we offer only 200
paintings with seven designs. Since most
travellers are Thai, gold embroideries fea-
turing the Shwedagon Pagoda and the
Kyaiktiyo Pagoda are popular,” explained
Daw Yamin Thu. The designs predomi-
nantly showcase Myanmar traditions, in-
Women creating gold embroidery artworks and Myanmar traditional gold embroidery
paintings. cluding the Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar
traditional music orchestras, peacocks,
THE sale of gold embroideries has re- gon. Gold embroideries from Myanmar Myanmar bullock carts, Karaweik, pairs of
gained momentum in Yangon, a key mar- primarily attract foreign buyers, and since Myanmar mythical birds, Buddhist monks
Yangon Zoo’s 118th
ket for such items, according to Daw Yamin early 2023, demand has been resurging. on alms rounds, traditional drums, and
Anniversary Festival: Four Thu, Managing Director of Shwe Gon Thu “The 14 square inches gold embroi- related musical instruments, a flock of
days of fun activities Souvenir Shop in Bahan Township, Yan- dery paintings are popular, especially as deer, and puppets. — ASH/ TMT
22 JANUARY 2024

Healthcare facilities under disturbances and
hardships unbeneficial for people
Salient points in the
speech of the Senior
General in opening
the seven-storey
medical ward
• Health care facilities under
disturbances cannot be ben-
eficial for patients.
• Yangon General Hospital
plays a pivotal role in teach-
ing medical education to stu-
dents in successive eras.
• All were urged to create a
qualified healthcare service
system with cheap patient
SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivers a speech at the ceremony to commission the new seven-storey medical ward costs and to ensure longevity
into service at Yangon General Hospital yesterday. for the people.
• SAC built rural health cen-
FROM PAGE-1 tres and staff housings start-
He recounted that General ing in February 2021 and
Hospital is the largest one not established new medical
only in Yangon an economic hub wards at general hospitals
but across the nation and is re- in Magway, Monywa, Pyay,
liable for all people, playing a Hpa-an, Pathein and Sao San
pivotal role in teaching medical Tun Hospital, as well as pub-
education to students in succes- lic hospitals in regions and
sive eras. states.
In retrospect, he continued
that YGH was established with
483 beds in 1873 and then grad- State Administration Council
ually upgraded to a 2,000-bed has built rural health centres
hospital in 2016. and staff housings starting from
The Senior General noted February 2021 and established
that the newly-opened medical new medical wards at general
ward built with a large sum of hospitals in Magway, Monywa,
funds has been facilitated with Pyay, Hpa-an and Pathein and
modern medical and hospital Sao San Tun Hospital, as well
equipment and experienced An opening ceremony to commission the new seven-storey medical ward into service in progress at Yangon as public hospitals in regions
professionals to provide hi-tech General Hospital in Yangon Region yesterday. and states. Moreover, annexes
medical treatment to the pa- were built at Waibagi Special-
tients’ people. medical ward of YGH into ser- the newly-opened seven-storey memorate the opening of the ty Hospital and Orthopaedic
He urged all to develop a vice. building presented by officials. seven-storey medical ward. Hospital (Yangon), two-storey
qualified healthcare service sys- On occasion, the Senior The Union Minister for Con- Also present at the ceremo- medical wards at 50-bed town-
tem with cheap patient costs General sprinkled scented wa- struction handed over the docu- ny were Joint Secretary Lt-Gen ship hospitals, teaching build-
and to ensure longevity for the ter on the plaque of the building ments related to the building to Ye Win Oo, Council members ings at Medical University and
people. and heard reports on functions the Union Minister for Health. and Union ministers, the Yan- Nursing University, and opened
At the ceremony, the Senior of x-ray and radiography, labo- After the ceremonies, the gon Region chief minister and branches for raising awareness
General pressed the button to ratories, haematological wards Senior General joined a tea senior military officers. of foods and drugs for the peo-
commission the seven-storey and other medical wards from party with attendees to com- Since its establishment, the ple. — MNA/TTA

National Objectives of 77th Union Day 2024

- To protect the perpetuity of the Union by the entire ethnic people through the MSMEs, ensuring the socioeconomic development of the entire ethnic people
Union spirit - To make collaborative efforts of all ethnic nationals to ensure the prosperity of
- To join hands in harmony with the government, Tatmadaw, and the entire people the nation and food security which are the two national visions
to ensure the State stability and rule of law - To strive to emerge a modern and developing country, as well as a Union based
- To promote all-inclusive livestock breeding-based manufacturing industries and on democratic and federal systems, by all ethnic nationals
22 JANUARY 2024

ice-Senior General Soe man resources for workplaces.
Win said that engineer- The Vice-Senior General
ing and information explained that the inter-techno-
technology play a key role in the logical and computer university
country’s nation-building tasks sports competitions aim to im-
and development undertakings. plement a comprehensive ed-
Vice-Chairman of the State ucation system, uplift youths’
Administration Council Depu- physical and mental health and
ty Prime Minister Vice-Senior fitness and nurture youths to
General Soe Win delivered an ad- have five capacity strengths.
dress at the launching of the In- He recounted that the histo-
ter-Technological and Computer ry of the sports sector mentioned
University Sports Competitions that engineering student-ath-
for the 2023-24 academic year un- letes became university-selected
der the Ministry of Science and and nationally selected-players
Technology, which took place at as their fine traditions.
Wunna Theikdhi Gymnasium-B As such, he quoted the guid-
in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday after- ance of the Senior General as
noon. saying that sports activities must
Speaking on the occasion, be done not only in sports season
the Vice-Senior General said Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win but in all seasons.
that the government arranges warmly greets athletes from relevant sports contingents bound for the competitions yesterday. The Vice-Senior General
technological universities and expressed his pleasure that the
universities of computer stud-
ies to teach engineering and IT Polytechnic University to emerge Ministry of Science and Tech-
nology held just a football tour-

for turning out qualified human

subjects to students, and these nament last academic year but
extend more subjects suitable football, Sepak Takraw, badmin-
for the demand of relevant areas. ton and table tennis events this
He disclosed that Nay Pyi
Taw Technological University resources for workplaces academic year.
The Vice-Senior General
extends agricultural engineer- cordially greeted those from rel-
ing subject to students for the Salient points in speech of Vice-Senior General Soe Win in evant sports contingents bound
improvement of modern tech- for the competitions.
niques in agriculture and live- launching the Inter-University Sports Competitions for 2023-24 AY The competition will take
stock farms. place at Wunna Theikdhi Stadi-
• Polytechnique University will be established to turn out qualified human resources.
Moreover, he continued that um and gymnasiums as well as
the Polytechnique University, • Engineering student-athletes had become university- and national-selected players as their fine football training grounds in Nay
combined with technological traditions. Pyi Taw from 21 January to 2
universities and universities of • Senior General has given guidance that sports activities must be done not only in sports season February with the participation
computer studies, will be estab- but in all seasons. of 14 sports contingents. — MNA/
lished to turn out qualified hu- TTA

MoI UM pays tours to steel, pharmaceutical, textile factories in India

production of Square Steel Billet and egation, visited Intas Pharmaceuticals
Rectangular Bloom through Liquid Steel Ltd in Ahmedabad City. Upon arrival, the
Converter, the output of train iron wheels officials explained the implementation of
and other wheels, the production of Struc- the work. When the Union minister and
tural Steel for construction at the Section the delegation members asked what they
Mill. In the evening, the Union minister wanted to know, the officials answered in
attended a dinner hosted by West Bengal detail. In the evening, the Union minister
business people in Kolkata and explained met Gujarat’s Chambers of Commerce and
in detail the information that the business- Industry officials and exchanged views, in-
men asked. cluding negotiation for bilateral trade with
On the morning of 18 January, the Indian industrialists investing in Myanmar.
Union minister met officials from the On the morning of 20 January, the
Bengal State Chambers of Commerce Myanmar delegation led by Union Minis-
and Industry in Kolkata and exchanged ter Dr Charlie Than arrived at the Arvind
Union Minister Dr Charlie Than (2R) seen during his observation tours in India.
views on issues such as joint ventures textile factory in Gujarat State, where the

O n 17 January, the Myanmar delegation

led by Union Minister for Industry Dr
Charlie Than visited the Durgapur Steel
100 million tonnes of steel per year and
is the second largest producer of steel
in the world. When the Union minister
in medical treatment, solar installation,
sending scholars, maintenance services
for automatic control systems, transport,
person in charge of the factory explained
the implementation of the business. Then,
the Union minister and the delegation
Plant by car from Kolkata. enquired about the availability of raw ma- and assistance in steel production. In the toured and observed the stages of the
Director Mr BP Singh explained the terials (scrap) needed for the factory and afternoon, the Myanmar delegation led by textile manufacturing process, followed
information about the Durgapur steel plant, the training and development of human the Union minister arrived on a flight from by an explanation from the officials.
the construction of the Durgapur plant and resources, Mr BP Singh answered in detail. Kolkata to Ahmedabad and was greeted In the afternoon, the delegation left
its annual growth, the fact that as the plant Then, the Union minister exchanged by the state security chief. Ahmedabad, Gujarat State, Republic of
produces more than two million tonnes of souvenirs after touring the interior of Blast On the morning of 19 January, the India, and arrived back in Yangon yester-
steel per year, India produces more than Furnaces that produce Liquid Steel, the Union minister, with his Myanmar del- day morning. — MNA/TKO
22 JANUARY 2024

News Release

Publication of Year II Action Plan (2024)

of the Judicial Strategic Plan 2023-2027
Nay Pyi Taw 22 January 2024

THE Supreme Court of the Union has been implementing the Third Judicial Strategic Plan
(2023-2027) with the motto “Providing Justice by All”. The yearly Action Plans have been drawn
and implemented in order to achieve the objectives of the Strategic Plan. The Year II Action Plan
(2024) of the Judicial Strategic Plan (2023-2027) is published today in Myanmar-English versions.
The Judicial Strategic Plan for five years (2023-2027) has been set up to implement the
Action Plans yearly as the strategic initiatives as per priorities in order to achieve the vision,
mission and values of the judiciary with the five Strategic Action Areas; Facilitate and Expand
Photos show the pagoda before and after destruction.
Public Access to Court Services; Promote Public Awareness; Enhance Judicial Independence
and Administrative Capacity; Promote and Ensure the Professionalism, Accountability and
Integrity of the Judiciary;Promote Efficient Case Management and Court Specializations.
Therefore, Priority One initiatives of the Action Plan have been implemented in 2023, and
TNLA terrorists demolish
incomplete actions from the previous year will be carried out this year. And then, the new ini-
tiatives will be targeted in the 2024 Action Plan.
pagoda using backhoe in
The Year II Action Plan 2024 of the Judicial Strategic Plan is available on the Supreme Court
of the Union website:
northern Shan State
THE TNLA terrorists reportedly
dismantled a pagoda, which was
meticulously built by Buddhists,
Counter-argument to using a backhoe. The destruction

false information
began on 10 January and was
completed by 20 January, during
which terrorists also plundered
False claims of conscription for military in treasure housed inside the pa-
Ayeyawady Region The pagoda itself was initial-
ly constructed a long time ago by
IN certain townships within the Ayeyawady Palaung Sawbwagyi Maha Thray
Region, misinformation is being spread by Sithu Sao Khun Pan Sein.
malicious news media, alleging that specific The intentional and disre- A map shows the location of the
heads of a hundred households have re- spectful act of destroying the
signed as they are forced to undergo military Buddhist pagoda by TNLA ter- monks and citizens find these
training. This false news is being circulated rorists is considered a grave in- disrespectful actions unaccept-
on social media platforms. sult to Buddhism. Consequently, able and strongly condemn
In response to these claims, a relevant reports indicate that Buddhist them. — MNA/TRKM
administrative official has clarified that the
reports stating that heads of a hundred
households must attend military training are
unfounded. The assertion that some heads of The people are urged to receive vaccination of
a hundred households have tendered their Covid-19 without fail as full-time vaccination
resignations is also untrue.
The spread of fake news by malicious of Covid-19 and receiving booster shots can
news media on social networking sites aims effectively mitigate infection of the virus,
to disrupt the peace and stability of towns
and villages. It seeks to undermine the soci- severe suffering from the disease and increase
oeconomic well-being of the public and instil of death rate due to the disease.
fear within the community. — MNA/KZW Screenshot of misinformation.


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22 JANUARY 2024

DPM MoFA Union Minister attends 19th Summit of Non-
Aligned Movement in Kampala, Uganda
AT the official invitation of the global issues and challenges. In
Republic of Uganda, the host his statement, the Deputy Prime
of the 19th Summit of the Non- Minister and Union Minister for
Aligned Movement (NAM), Dep- Foreign Affairs also apprised the
uty Prime Minister and Union meeting of the Myanmar Govern-
Minister for Foreign Affairs U ment's efforts to ensure peace,
Than Swe participated in the 19th development and democracy in
Summit of the NAM, which was the country and the latest devel-
held on 19-20 January 2024, in opments in Myanmar.
Kampala, Uganda. On the evening of 19 January
The Opening Ceremony of 2024, the President and the First
the 19th Summit of the NAM was Lady of Uganda hosted a State
held at the Rwenzori Convention Dinner in honour of the heads
Centre on 19 January 2024, and a of delegation of NAM Member
Welcome Remark was delivered Countries. The Third South
by Mr Jeyhun Bayramov, Minis- Summit of the Group of 77 and
ter of Foreign Affairs and head China is being held in Kampala
of delegation of Azerbaijan and Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe delivers his statement at the 19th from 21 January 2024, and the
current Chair of the NAM. Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement. Myanmar delegation led by U
Then, Mr Yoweri Kaguta Myint Lwin, Myanmar Ambas-
Museveni, President of Uganda, The heads of delegation of sincere thanks to the Govern- NAM members can overcome sador to Egypt, is attending the
was elected by acclamation by all more than 80 countries attend- ment and the people of Ugan- today's challenges and complex- said Summit.
NAM Member Countries as the ed the 19th Summit of the NAM, da for hosting this important ities. Having witnessed that our The Non-Aligned Move-
Chair of the 19th Summit of the which was held on 19-20 January Summit, and he congratulated world is facing unprecedented ment (NAM) is a forum that was
NAM, and Azerbaijan handed 2024, and delivered their country Azerbaijan for the successful challenges, he stressed the need founded in 1961 with the view to
over the Chairmanship of NAM statements. Chairmanship for the past four for NAM to be more united to advancing the interests of devel-
to Uganda. On the afternoon of 20 Jan- years. The Deputy Prime Minis- practically address the global oping countries.
The Vice-President of Cuba uary, Deputy Prime Minister ter added that the theme of this issues of concern, conflicts and At the 19th Summit of the
and the Current Chair of the G-77 and Union Minister for Foreign Summit, "Deepening Coopera- competition between great pow- Non-Aligned Movement (NAM),
and China, the President of the Affairs U Than Swe delivered a tion for Shared Global Affluence", ers. The Deputy Prime Minister South Sudan was admitted as
78th Session of the UN General statement at the Plenary Session is timely and most relevant to also highlighted that as a found- the newest member of the NAM.
Assembly and the Chair of the of the 19th Summit of the NAM. In current global situations. He ing member of NAM, Myanmar Therefore, 121 countries are now
African Union Commission also his statement, the Deputy Prime mentioned Myanmar's convic- wishes NAM to remain the most members of the NAM. Myanmar
delivered their Remarks, respec- Minister and Union Minister for tion that cooperation, engage- relevant platform for developing is a founding member of the Non-
tively. Foreign Affairs expressed his ment and solidarity among the countries to address numerous Aligned Movement. — MNA

DPM MoFA Union Minister meets

ministers of UAE, Bangladesh and Uganda
at NAM’s 19th Summit
ON the sidelines of the 19th Sum- the Rwenzori Convention Centre. opments of Myanmar. Further-
mit of the Non-Aligned Movement During the separate meet- more, they cordially exchanged
(NAM) held in Kampala, Ugan- ings with the United Arab Emir- views and discussed matters
da, U Than Swe, Deputy Prime ates (UAE), Bangladesh and pertaining to further strengthen-
Minister and Union Minister for Uganda, Myanmar’s Deputy ing of friendly relations between
Foreign Affairs, met Mr Khalifa Prime Minister and Union Min- Myanmar-UAE, Myanmar-Bang-
Shaheen Almarar, Minister of ister for Foreign Affairs apprised ladesh and Myanmar-Uganda,
State for Foreign Affairs and head them of the Myanmar Govern- as well as closer collaboration
of delegation of the United Arab ment’s efforts to ensure peace, in the regional and international
Emirates on 19 January 2024, development and democracy in fora, including cooperation in the
Dr Hasan Mahmud, MP, Foreign the country and the latest devel- NAM. — MNA
Minister of Bangladesh and Hon
John Mulimba, Minister of State Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U
Than Swe shakes hands with the State Minister for Foreign Affairs
for Foreign Affairs of Uganda on of Uganda.
20 January 2024 respectively at

A d v e r t i s e w it h u s / Ho t L i n e : 09974424848
22 JANUARY 2024

MoE UM inspects Aphyauk Natural Gas Field to boost
natural gas production
exploration in other oil fields Natural Gas Field to the Union
to achieve results similar to minister.
those of the Aphyauk Natural Discovered in 1991, the
Gas Field. The Union minister, Aphyauk Natural Gas Field
mentioned that oil field No 60, saw a decline in production,
currently undergoing explora- almost ceasing since 2019. Ef-
tion, is also expected to yield forts are now underway to re-
positive results. Relevant de- vitalize production. The natural
partments are making neces- gas produced by the Aphyauk
sary arrangements to increase Natural Gas Field is supplied
productivity in oil and gas fields to urea fertilizer factories, liq-
with reduced output. uefied petroleum gas plants,
There is a need to study and vehicles using Compressed
the required skills to leverage Natural Gas (CNG).
advanced technologies, and ef- While the required natu-
forts are underway to integrate ral gas for CNG vehicles was
recent research and AI technol- previously combined with
ogies for effective utilization in high-valued natural gases from
oil and natural gas exploration Yadana, Zawtika, and Shwe off-
Union Minister for Energy U Ko Ko Lwin hears the report by an official of the Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise and production. This approach shore sites due to decreasing
(MOGE) at Aphyauk Natural Gas Field on 20 January 2024. aims to calculate the trapped production from onshore sites,
amounts of oil and natural gas the increased productivity from
UNION Minister for Energy U ral gas production, ultimately Aphyauk Natural Gas Field. in sedimentary rocks and thin the Aphyauk Natural Gas Field
Ko Ko Lwin visited the Aphyauk leading to a genuine increase The Union minister re- layers of sand, leading to in- allows for a reduction in mixing
Natural Gas Field under the in production. marked that reviving the opera- creased productivity. with offshore gases.
Myanma Oil and Gas Enter- The Union minister-led tions of old natural gas fields af- Subsequently, the manag- Increasing natural gas pro-
prise (MOGE) on 20 Januray team initially visited oil field ter conducting proper research ing director of the MOGE cor- duction from the thin layers of
2024 and observed oil fields No 60 of the Aphyauk Natural and development is considered dially presented record photos sand in the Aphyauk Natural
Nos 50 and 54, where thin lay- Gas Field, where oil exploration a positive achievement for the honouring the renewal and in- Gas Field is considered a signif-
ers of sand were studied and is ongoing. Officials explained country’s oil and gas explora- creased productivity of oil fields icant milestone for the MOGE.
researched to enhance natu- the working processes of the tion efforts. He also encouraged Nos 50 and 54 of the Aphyauk — MNA/TMT

Mon Empress Enhancing agri & livestock activities in Yangon

Shin Saw Pu’s
Buddha statues Region through fieldwork
temporarily DEPUTY Minister for Agri- fish hatchery production tar-
housed at Yangon culture, Livestock, and Irri-
gation Dr Aung Gyi inspected
gets, conducting continuous
fish injection clinical cours-
City Hall goods storage facilities at the es, ensuring surplus fish food,
central depot in Nwekhwe, and conserving rare local fish
ACCORDING to the Yangon City Mingaladon Township. Kau- species. Emphasis was placed
Development Committee, the ngkin Company, Gon Hein on government management
Buddha statues donated by Mon Thit Company, Hexagon Com- strategies for the sustainable
Empress Shin Saw Pu will be pany, Farm Power Company exploitation of fish resources,
kept at the Yangon City Hall for Ltd, and Golden Key Company including releasing fingerling
two days. Buddha images named Ltd lease the depots. These into natural waters and com-
Aung Theikdi Thitsar Shin, Aung companies hold leases for the mercial breeding.
Theikdi Sekkyashin, Aung Theik- Nwekhwe central storage sta- Subsequently, the deputy
di Myittashin, and Aung Sekkya tion in Mingaladon Township. minister visited First Golden
Muni, donated by the Mon Em- The deputy minister Dragon Construction Compa- Deputy Minister Dr Aung Gyi looks into conditions of fish hatcheries,
press at Sutaungpyae Pagoda, proceeded to Hlawga and ny Limited, which operates and methods of fish farming in Yangon Region.
Kyaikmaraw Township, Mon assessed the experimental on land owned by the Depart-
State, will be placed in the City hatching of new domestic ment of Fisheries in Insein was held with regional agricul- summer paddy, diversifying
Hall on 21 and 22 January. and foreign fish varieties at Township. He examined the ture authorities at the meeting the cultivation of various peas
Officials from YCDC consult- the fish farm. He also evalu- ongoing project, assessed hall of the Irrigation and Wa- to achieve target yields, en-
ed about issues related to the of- ated research on rare region- plans, and inspected the are- ter Utilization Management suring an adequate supply of
fering of food, the offering of flow- al fish species, conditions of as designated for constructing Department. Discussions oils for local consumption, and
ers, the offerings of the Buddha fish hatcheries, and methods a fishing trawler port and the centred around local surplus expanding the cultivation of
statues, and the preservation of of fish farming. Discussions road. food security, expanding the sesame and winter peanuts.
the Buddha statues. — TWA/KZL focused on surpassing annual In the evening, a meeting cultivation of monsoon and — MNA/TRKM
22 JANUARY 2024


Hinthada chillies arrive in market at high price

ACCORDING to chilli traders, tics of old information.
Moehtaung new chilli and red Chilli prices are expected
long new chilli from Hinthada to decline since the production
have arrived in the Yangon mar- of chillies from Delta regions
ket since 18 January. is getting high, a trader of chil-
Prices of Moehtaung new li and turmeric from Seinpan
chilli and Hinthada red long Street of Bayintnaung Depot
chilli are K13,000 per viss and told the Global New Light of
K13,500 per viss, respectively. Myanmar.
However, demand is relatively On 24 November 2022, Sin-
low due to the high prices. phyukyun new bell pepper ar-
The report states that pric- rived in the Yangon market with
es of other chillies within these K29,000 per viss, and one month
days are Thazi long new chilli at later, on 24 December, the prices
K13,000 per viss and pinky red declined to K12,000/13,000 per
long fresh chilli from Salin at viss. On 19 December 2023, it
K13,000 per viss. Turning to the arrived in the Yangon market
detailed features of the chillies, with K19,000 per viss. On 20 Jan-
the Thazi long chilli is observed uary 2024, the price was K15,000
to have a dulled colour with a per viss.
thin exocarp (pepper wall), Moehtaung chillies and some chillies thriving in the farm bearing fruits. Fresh chillies from Hintha-
while the Hinthada long chilli da have reportedly arrived in the
is curved in shape. Only pinky at K13,000 per viss. Chillies those regions last year remain in viss within these days. Pinky Yangon market a few months
red long chilli has high demand. whose pedicels are removed some warehouses. Although the red long chilli from Salin has earlier than chillies from other
Moehtaung chilli with a and monsoon chilli are mostly prices range between K6,000 and dropped from K13,500 per viss regions of the Delta area. There-
cold storage process is priced transported to border cities. K7,000 per viss, only the chillies to K13,000 per viss. fore, the prices of Hinthada chil-
at K10,800 per viss, Moehtaung The report further states should be used for roasting since Prices on 19 January 2023 lies are pretty high.
from Pyawbwe, Yamethin, and that chillies from the Wakema, the colour changes brown. were red long new chilli from However, sale turnovers in
Thedaw townships is priced at Einme, Shwelaung, and Pan- Chilli prices are declining Hinthada at K13,000 per viss; Yangon’s Bayintnaung market
K10,500 per viss, Moehtaung tanaw regions are expected to these days, and therefore, pric- pinky red new chilli was K12,000; are relatively low, with few trans-
from Shan State is priced at arrive in the Yangon market dur- es of the new bell pepper from Moehtaung at K12,000; and fresh actions and few trucks entering,
K10,000 per viss, whereas Moe- ing the Thingyan period. Left- Sinphyukyun have reduced from bell pepper from Sinphyukyun the traders told The Global New
htaung from Hinthada is priced over long chillies produced by K18,000 to K14,500/K15,000 per K16,000, according to the statis- Light of Myanmar. — TWA/TMT

Myanmar generates over US$264M from exports of

commodities in Jan’s second week
ACCORDING to statistics re- Malaysia, Japan, Viet Nam, In- Goals — ‘promoting inclusive
leased by the Ministry of Com- donesia, and South Korea, while and sustainable economic
merce (MoC), exports exceed- rubbers were delivered to Chi- growth, employment, and de-
ed US$264 million from 6 to 12 na and Thailand via the border cent work for all.’ According to
January. The major exported trade route. the Agriculture Department’s
items included rice, broken rice, The ministry urges the ex- statistics, Myanmar produces
beans and pulses, fruits, rubber, tension of cultivation and pro- 300,000-400,000 tonnes of rubber
and sesame. ductivity of seasonal agricultur- annually.
The Myanmar Rice Online al produce and tree crops such The ministry also states
— MyRo system, an online reg- as rubber to increase agricul- that promoting rubber exports
istration system for warehous- ture and livestock item exports. and producing import-substi-
ing rice, has been implemented Latex can be collected from tute goods are expected to be
by the MoC and the Myanmar seven or eight-year-old trees, fundamental factors for the
Rice Federation to supervise and the country has already country’s economic growth. The
rice exports, prioritizing suffi- secured a reasonable global ministry urges relevant depart-
cient domestic stock and price market share. The Myanmar ments, technicians, experts, and
stability. Indonesia, the Philip- Rubber Planters and Produc- stakeholders to collaborate on
pines, Malaysia, Belgium, Cam- ers Association and relevant producing creative, innovative,
eroon, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, departments continuously col- and quality products and raw
Bags of rice being loaded onto the vessel for export.
Bulgaria, and the Ivory Coast laborate on arrangements to materials, increasing manu-
were the primary purchasers produce rubber. facturing items, and boosting
of rice from Myanmar during rubber were exported during Smoked Sheet Rubber (RSS Rubber production is di- investments in manufacturing,
the week. the week, generating approxi- Rubber) and mixture rubbers rectly linked to Goal 8 of the production, agriculture, and ex-
A total of 326 tonnes of mately US$10 million. Ribbed were mainly shipped to China, Sustainable Development port sectors. — MNA/ TMT
22 JANUARY 2024

Set plans for the storage of

water for consumption and C
hina is building a deep un-
derground laboratory in a
hard and integrity gran-
At present, the method to
dispose of HLW that has been
widely accepted by the interna-
Potential site search for high- A “three-step” strategy
China has formulated a
“three-step” strategy for the dis-
experiments. “We need to detect
deep groundwater precisely,
which is of great importance to

level radioactive waste disposal

ite in northwestern China’s Gobi tional community is to bury HLW posal of HLW, from site selection the permanent safety of HLW

Desert to facilitate experiments in a stable geological -formation to building an underground labo- repository.”
for the final disposal of high-level about 500 to 1,000 metres deep ratory, and then to the construc-
radioactive waste (HLW). underground to achieve isolation tion of a final repository. The ulti- Green energy solution

yanmar predominantly relies on rainwater in many The Beishan Underground of it for more than 10,000 years. mate goal is to build a repository Ji who is a father of a son
regions, accumulating over 200 inches of rainfall annu- Research Laboratory, with a total When Wang started to look around 2050. The construction of and a daughter said: “We need to
ally, particularly during the monsoon season. The delta investment of over 2.7 billion yuan for the site for China’s HLW re- Underground Research Laboratory, in the Gobi Desert’s northwestern region to con- the Beishan Underground Re- provide a complete green energy
region receives around 100 inches, while coastal areas experience
approximately 200 inches annually.
(about 379 million US dollars) and
a depth of 560 metres, is being
pository in the 1990s, he had no
idea the search would last for
duct experiments on the final disposal of high-level radioactive waste. The project, search Laboratory was started
in June 2021.
solution without radioactive risk
for our next generation”.
The collected rainwater is stored in various natural reservoirs, constructed in the northwestern nearly three decades. overseen by the China Atomic Energy Authority, involves an investment exceeding In order to construct this The depth of the Beishan lab
including lakes, rivers, creeks, and hilly areas. Additionally, man-
made structures such as lakes, reservoirs, and dams contribute
part of China’s Gansu Province,
according to the China Atomic
The site selection has very
strict requirements. Wang and
2.7 billion yuan and reaches a depth of 560 metres in Gansu Province. grand project, Wang’s team
brought together talent from dif-
will exceed the height of Beijing’s
tallest building. It is the first pro-
to routine water supply. Earthen lakes, meticulously dredged by Energy Authority (CAEA). his team have travelled all over ferent professional backgrounds ject in the world to excavate a spi-
residents, are vital drinking water sources. However, water from About 99 per cent of the ra- the potential sites in northwest such as geology, rock mechanics, ral tunnel in the deep, extremely
other natural sources undergoes treatment in dedicated plants to dioactive waste produced by the China. They drilled about 100 deep underground engineering, hydro- hard rock by using a tunnel boring
meet the required standards for public consumption. nuclear industry is classified as boreholes in more than 20 years, geology and geochemistry. machine.
Authorities in different regions and states emphasize the impor- low- and intermediate-level radio- with the drill cores they obtained Chen Liang, an underground “The traditional method of
tance of water supply for both public use and agriculture. Irrigation active waste, whose radioactivity adding up to 60 kilometres long. engineering expert, gave up his drilling and blasting will cause
facilities, crucial for crop cul- decays to a harmless level after The team found Beishan as tenured position at the Centrale greater damage to the surround-
tivation, are as significant as a few decades or a few hundred the ideal site. Located in north- Nantes in France, and joined ing rock. To minimize the damage
That is why not only meeting the water needs of the years, according to Wang Ju, west China’s Gobi Desert, Beis- Wang’s team in the Gobi Desert. to the rock and ensure the stabil-
the governments at general population. Exploring the chief scientist in radioactive han covers an area as large as “The project for the disposal ity and safety of the underground
different levels but water sources and utilizing waste disposal of China National south China’s Hainan Province, of HLW could give full play to what tunnels, we plan to grind down the
treated water for the people Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). with a dry climate and scarce I have learned. Solving this prob- rock by mechanical excavation,”
also residents have to are key components of these groundwater. It sits on granites lem is of great importance to the said Chen Liang, now in charge
widen their scopes of efforts. Potential threat to the envi- aged about 260 million years, country, and my life will become of a geological research institute
knowledge to sustain While rain-fed areas in ronment which forms an area with low more meaningful in contributing under the CNNC and deputy chief
the climatic conditions the country generally do not Only about one per cent of the chance of crustal movement. to this cause,” Chen said. designer of the laboratory.
face severe water shortages remaining waste is HLW, which In Beishan, Wang led the Working in the uninhabited The laboratory, expected to
with extraction and
throughout the year, certain poses greater potential threat team to find a granite mass with areas with the biting wind in win- be completed in 2028, will become
reforestation measures dry regions, particularly in to the environment and should integrity with an area equivalent ter, scorching heat in summer, the largest underground lab with
in equal balance and the central part of Myanmar, be disposed of safely for tens of to half of Beijing city. as well as frequent sandstorms, the most functions in the field of
emphasize storage of encounter water scarcity, es- thousands or even hundreds of “I’ve never seen a rock mass Chen and his teammates conduct- HLW disposal in the world, provid-
water by all means for pecially during the open sea- thousands of years. with such excellent integrity. The ed a large number of experiments ing an experimental platform and
son and summer. Residents “After more than half a cen- more integrity the rock mass is, on the characteristics of the rocks support for the final safe disposal
local consumption and This file photo taken on 5 December 2021 shows a part of the Beishan Underground Research Laboratory in northwest China’s Gansu Province. PHOTO:
in these arid zones not only tury of development of atomic en- the better natural barrier can be WANG JU/XINHUA to verify the safety of the under- of HLW in China, and contributing
agricultural purposes grapple with water shortages ergy technology, the safe disposal formed for HLW.” ground engineering construction. Chinese wisdom to solving this
so as to change but also contend with higher of HLW is becoming a common Experts at home and abroad for HLW repository with the best In 2011, Beishan was identi- Wang proposed to build the feasibility for HLW disposal, Ji Ruili, who has worked in challenge facing the world.
socioeconomic life of temperatures compared to challenge to all countries in the who had visited Beishan believed comprehensive conditions in the fied as the preferred candidate an underground laboratory in which was also approved by the Beishan for more than 20 years,
residents from arid other areas. nuclear industry,” Wang said. that it is one of the candidates world. site for China’s HLW repository. Beishan’s granites to evaluate authorities later. conducted borehole hydrological SOURCE: Xinhua
Addressing these chal-
zones of Myanmar in the lenges is imperative to alle-
future. viate the suffering of the af-
fected population. Relevant
government departments are New study on water molecules contradicts Laser radiation technique
With this laser radiation tech-
actively sinking tube wells and dredging earthen lakes to store nique, it is possible to measure
and supply water in these regions. Ongoing efforts aim to provide
essential water supply facilities to mitigate the hardships the local
textbook models molecular vibrations directly at
these key interfaces.
communities face. However, although the
Furthermore, improving the climatic conditions in arid zones Researchers have found that the organization of water molecules on the surface of strength of the signals can be
hinges on strategic reforestation and forest conservation efforts. A measured, the technique does
systematic approach to timber extraction, coupled with regrowth
saltwater differs from previous assumptions. Various crucial reactions related to climate not measure whether the signals
initiatives, ensures a balance that does not harm the climate of the and environmental processes, such as ocean water evaporation, are influenced by the are positive or negative, which
relevant regions. Moreover, such actions contribute positively to has made it difficult to interpret
water storage in these areas. interaction of water molecules with the air. findings in the past.
Concerted efforts at various levels are crucial to solving wa- Additionally, using experi-

ter shortage problems and mitigating the impacts of dry zones in team of researchers dis- research. Understanding these contested. understood. mental data alone can give am-
Myanmar. The government’s initiatives in sinking tube wells and covered that water mol- responses is critical to attempts In a paper published in the This could lead to better at- biguous results.
dredging earthen lakes, coupled with reforestation measures, col- ecules on the top of salt- to reduce human impact on our journal Nature Chemistry, re- mospheric chemistry models and The team overcame these
lectively aim to transform the water supply scenario and enhance water are organized differently world. searchers from the University of other applications. challenges by utilizing a more so-
the overall climatic conditions in arid regions. than previously assumed. Cambridge and the Max Planck The researchers set out to phisticated form of VSFG, called
That is why not only the governments at different levels but Many key reactions linked Distribution of ions Institute for Polymer Research study how water molecules are heterodyne-detected (HD)-VS-
An artist’s depiction of the liquid-like layer of molecules repelling water droplets. CREDIT: PIX FOR VISUAL
also residents have to widen their scopes of knowledge to sustain to climatic and environmental The distribution of ions at the in Germany show that ions and affected by the distribution of ions FG, to study different electrolyte PURPOSE/ EKATERINA OSMEKHINA/AALTO UNIVERSITY
the climatic conditions with extraction and reforestation measures processes occur when water air-water interface can influence water molecules at the surface at the exact point where air and solutions. They then developed
in equal balance and emphasize storage of water by all means for molecules interact with air. For atmospheric processes. However, of most saltwater solutions, water meet. Traditionally, this has advanced computer models to
local consumption and agricultural purposes so as to change socio- example, the evaporation of a clear understanding of the mi- known as electrolyte solutions, been done with a technique called simulate the interfaces in differ- showed that both positively anions, are depleted from the orient water molecules in both
economic life of residents from arid zones of Myanmar in the future. ocean water is significant in at- croscopic events at these critical are organized in a completely vibrational sum-frequency gener- ent scenarios charged ions, called cations, and water/air interface. The cations up- and down-orientation.
mospheric chemistry and climate surfaces has thus far been hotly different way than traditionally ation (VSFG). The combined results negatively charged ions, called and anions of simple electrolytes SOURCE: ANI
22 JANUARY 2024

YPS QR code introduced Yangon Zoo’s 118th Anniversary
on five YBS lines Festival: Four days of fun activities
YANGON Payment Service Version), which is available for
(YPS) has announced the ap- download on Google Play Store. THE 118th Anniversary Festi-
plicability of the YPS QR code QR code stickers have also val of Yangon Zoo, the long-
on five YBS bus lines. As of 19 been placed on the two lines for est-running establishment in
January, YBS-43 and YBS-65 easy access, enabling users to Southeast Asia, is scheduled
have been operational, and download and use the MPyps+ to take place over four days,
YBS bus line YBS-131 started application conveniently. starting on 25 January. The fes-
accepting the YPS QR code on YPS QR code top-up servic- tivities from 25 to 28 January
11 January. Additionally, YBS- es are accessible at YPS card will feature various enjoyable
55 and YBS-57 now support the sales counters, YPS sales staff, activities.
YPS QR Code. G & G convenience stores, Min- The event promises a
To use the YPS QR code, gala movie theatres, Capital diverse lineup, including mu-
users must download the department stores, and Wel- sic and dance shows, magic
MPyps+ Application (Android lington pharmacy. — TWA/KZW performances, opportunities
for taking photos with tame
animals, game programmes
for children, quiz shows, and
market fairs. The Yangon Zoo
invites people to join fun festiv-
ities while remembering joyful
past events in the Yangon Zoo-
logical Gardens.
Yangon Zoo currently The poster bears images of the 118th anniversary of the Yangon Zoo
houses a collection of 1,065 Festival. PHOTO: YANGON ZOO
animals across 135 species,
comprising 49 species of 465 Upper Pansodan Road to the da, Kandawgyi Hotel, Aung San
mammals, 68 species of 427 east, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road Stadium, and Yangon Railway
birds, and 18 species of 183 to the west, Bo Min Khaung Station.
reptiles. Road to the south, and Kanyeik- Officials expect a more
Situated in Mingala Taung- tha Road to the north. Notable significant number of visitors
Smooth rides made easy: Use the YPS QR code when approaching nyunt Township, Yangon Zoo landmarks near Yangon Zoo to join the festival this year. —
YBS 57 vehicles. spans 58.16 acres, bordered by include the Shwedagon Pago- MT/TWA/TRKM

Sustaining biodiversity, glacial ecosystems in

Phonkanrazi Wildlife Sanctuary: Conservation efforts
IN the ongoing efforts to en- April before heading towards
sure biodiversity sustainability, the North Pole. The sanctuary,
crucial to the global ecosystem, known for attracting birdwatch-
wildlife conservation initiatives ers and alpinists, is covered by
are actively taking place in the pines, deciduous forests, alpine
Phonkanrazi Wildlife Sanctu- shrubs, and mountainous tem-
ary, as reported by the Nature perate forests, creating a haven
and Wildlife Conservation Divi- for 370 bird species, 360 varie-
sion of the Forest Department. ties of butterflies, and 82 rep-
Situated within the ASEAN tiles and amphibians. Notable
region, this sanctuary holds sig- inhabitants include muntjac,
nificance as a vital glacial area. eastern hoolock gibbon, red
It is a habitat for diverse wild- goral, small Asian mongoose,
life, including glacial animals, and jackal.
indigenous birds, ice fishes, Visitors to the sanctuary
medicinal herbs and tubers, engage in various activities
orchids, and wintering birds. such as sightseeing in the
An official from the division snowy terrain, trekking, rafting,
stated, “The Phonkanrazi Wild- research, and flower observa-
life Sanctuary is connected to Some natural sceneries at the Phonkanrazi Wildlife Sanctuary. tion. Established in 2003, the
the Phonkanrazi National Park. sanctuary spans the townships
Black-necked cranes, a rare a month around October before Moeyungyi Wetland. The Forest scape and its biodiversity.” of Machanbaw, PutaO, and Nag-
wintering bird species, used to migrating to Hukawng Valley, Department is committed to These migratory birds typ- mon, covering an area of 2,703.9
inhabit this sanctuary for over Indawgyi Lake, Inlay Lake, and preserving this natural land- ically return around March and square kilometres. — ASH/NT
22 JANUARY 2024


Tokyo bus operator banks on foreign drivers as

shortage looms
A Tokyo bus operator has de- “We want to do everything
clared its desire to hire foreign at our disposal. Hiring foreign
drivers, hoping the move will drivers is one of them,” Furuka-
prompt Japan to open up the wa said in a recent interview.
job to people from abroad as the “It’s obvious that the shortage of
country grapples with a grow- drivers will become even more
ing labour shortage in the public severe. The plan is to start off
transport sector. with a few drivers from over-
Tokyu Bus Corp. President seas.”
Takashi Furukawa wants to set “Safe driving comes before
a precedent for fellow bus op- anything else. But bus driv-
erators that are in desperate ers should be able to respond
need of drivers, drawing on his to emergency situations, and
experience working in Viet Nam hospitality or the ability to com-
where he once helped introduce municate with customers, with
Japanese know-how in running smiles, is also required of them,”
transport services. Furukawa said.
Furukawa acknowledges Long known for its strict im-
a host of challenges may lie migration policy, Japan has been
ahead before the day finally gradually opening its doors to Tokyu Bus Corp President Takashi Furukawa speaks during an interview in Tokyo on 21 December
comes when a foreign national foreign workers in recent years. 2023. PHOTO: PIX FOR VISUAL PURPOSE/ TOKYUBUS
can drive a bus for his roughly In 2019, it begun to accept work-
2,000-employee company. It may ers with specialized skills in such to five years, and for an unlimited ered by the specialized skilled ment is considering adding bus,
not be an easy road but it’s worth sectors as nursing care. Those period if their status is upgraded. worker status has since in- taxi and truck drivers to the list.
paving, he said. workers can stay in Japan for up The number of sectors cov- creased to 12 and the govern- — Kyodo

Blue pullover with grey trousers to Social media firms bolster

become France’s school fashion monitoring of Japan quake
President Emmanuel Macron has expressed his support for the im- misinformation
plementation of school uniforms in 2026. About 100 schools will
Social media platforms, including Line and Twit-
experiment with the new dress code.
ter (now X), are intensifying their efforts to mon-
IF the French government has itor and prevent the spread of misinformation
its way, children could soon be regarding the recent powerful earthquake in
going to school in uniform blue
pullovers and grey trousers as
central Japan.
part of President Emmanuel SOCIAL media platforms are the Line messaging app and
Macron’s campaign to make strengthening their monitor- the portal site Yahoo Japan,
education more equal and ing of misinformation on their and X, formerly known as Twit-
orderly. platforms concerning a recent ter, have implemented steps
A government source on powerful earthquake that hit to keep misinformation about
Friday confirmed to AFP the central Japan, as the govern- the quake that struck the Noto
typical uniform that authorities The French government is proposing a standard school uniform for ment asks them to take specif- Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefec-
want to see used in a new exper- children. PHOTO: FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP ic measures to prevent such ture on New Year’s Day from
iment that Macron announced far-right. United States and other coun- posts from hampering rescue spreading, according to a pan-
this week as part of his effort to Uniforms have long been tries. But they have long been efforts, the communications el at the Ministry of Internal
instill national pride and coun- a par of daily life for children resisted in France and other ministry said Friday. Affairs and Communications.
ter the growing popularity of the in Britain, Japan, much of the European countries. — AFP LY Corp, the operator of — Kyodo

94-year-old star channels Tom Cruise in ‘Thelma’

PACKED full of nail-biting takes matters into her own the action-comedy, which pre-
chases, hi-tech gadgets and an hands after she is swindled into miered at the Sundance festival
armed standoff, “Thelma” could sending $10,000 to a scammer, on Thursday, is the first leading
be the next “Mission: Impossi- racing across Los Angeles on a film role for the veteran stage
ble” movie — except its star, souped-up mobility scooter with actor, who earned an Oscar nom-
June Squibb, is 94. a dusty old gun, determined to ination for “Nebraska” a decade A collapsed building caused by the New Year’s Day earthquake is seen in
In the film, Squibb’s hero confront the villain. Remarkably, ago. — AFP Wajima, Ishikawa prefecture, in Japan on 2 January 2024. PHOTO: KYODO
22 JANUARY 2024


China’s industrial economy makes solid progress in 2023

China’s industrial one percentage point compared
economy showed sig- with 2022, Xin said.
By the end of November last
nificant advancement year, the number of large indus-
in 2023, particularly trial enterprises in the country
had reached 483,000, up by 32,000
in areas like the auto- from the number recorded at the
motive sector and 5G end of 2022, he added.
technology Specifically, the electrical
machinery and equipment and
CHINA’S industrial economy automotive industries managed
made sound progress last year, double-digit growth last year,
with multiple areas including while sectors such as iron and
the automotive sector and 5G steel, non-ferrous metal ores
technology recording notable mining and petrochemicals saw
development. accelerated recovery.
In 2023, China remained China’s booming automo-
the world’s top manufacturing tive sector, one of the country’s
hub, achieving this feat for a 14th A worker is seen at a workshop of a new energy cell material company in Qinzhou port area of the China important pillar industries,
consecutive year, the Ministry of (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 29 November logged massive growth, set
Industry and Information Tech- multiple historic records and
nology (MIIT) said Friday. business turnover of at least 20 five per cent year on year in 2023, The total value-added in- made great contributions to the
The country’s large man- million yuan (about 2.8 million said Xin Guobin, vice- minister dustrial output of large enter- steady development momentum
ufacturing enterprises, each US dollars), saw their combined of the MIIT, at a press confer- prises went up 4.6 per cent year of China’s economy last year. —
of which has an annual main value-added output increasing ence. on year in 2023, an increase of Xinhua

Africa in debt spiral as Australian nickel giants struggle against

restructuring efforts drag on Indonesia’s supply dominance
WHILE the explosion of debt is banks in industrialized coun- Australia’s high-priced nickel mining sector, dominated by the firm
throwing a shadow over global tries have generally kept in- BHP, faces constraints due to Indonesia’s dominance in the supply
economic growth, experts warn terest rates low and countries
that sub-Saharan Africa, where from the Global South, which arena. Additionally, transformative developments moving away from
several countries are already had mostly been borrowing bi- nickel use in batteries have triggered a substantial 40 per cent price
in default, is experiencing its laterally or from international
worst-ever crisis. financial institutions, gained un-
decrease over the past year, stabilizing around $16,000 per tonne.
The rise in interest rates precedented access to financial
and over-indebtedness is al- markets. ulatory policies.
ready crimping the ability of “Many developing countries Indonesia’s emergence
countries to finance their devel- in a desperate need for cash as a supply heavyweight has
opment, as a number of African injection in their economies put a chokehold on Australian
leaders emphasized at appear- rushed to these low-cost loans, miners, coupled with inno-
ances at the World Economic in markets with no rules or reg- vations shifting from nickel
Forum in Davos. ulation,” said Kenyan economist usage in batteries, which has
The origins of the crisis Attiya Waris, who also serves as caused a 40 per cent price fall
Following the 2007-2009 an independent expert for the over the last year, settling at
global economic crisis central United Nations. — AFP approximately $16,000 per
“The challenges facing
many nickel producers are
unlikely to ease near term. We
are bearish on the commodity
and quite cautious on assets
Indonesia’s growing dominance and reduced demand for nickel in
and producers,” UBS analyst
batteries contributed to a 40 per cent price decline over the past year,
reaching around $16,000 per tonne. PHOTO: AFP Lachlan Shaw told reporters.
BHP has invested sig-
AN uptick in nickel supply from BHP Group, according to a Reu- nificantly in nickel sulfide
Indonesian producers has trig- ters report. deposits in countries with
gered their Australian counter- BHP brokered a supply minimal risk, anticipating a
parts to succumb to low prices deal with Tesla in 2021, pitching premium for the extraction
A number of African leaders appearing at the World Economic
that analysts anticipate will in- Australia’s endowed geological process compared to later-
Forum in Davos have emphazized that the rise in interest rates and
over-indebtedness is already crimping the ability of countries on the fluence the market strategy of resources alongside its robust ite deposits in Indonesia.
continent to finance their development. PHOTO: AFP/FILE the world’s leading nickel miner, financial and environmental reg- — SPUTNIK
22 JANUARY 2024


Ford to cut production Japan’s 2023 core inflation hits

of electric pickup on
lower demand 41-year high
US auto giant Ford said Friday that it is reducing JAPAN’S core consumer national news agency Kyo-
production of its F-150 Lightning electric pickup, as prices rose 3.1 per cent in do reported on Friday.
it anticipates weaker demand for electric vehicles 2023 from the previous year, Food prices saw the
this year. marking the fastest growth sharpest hike in 48 years
The automaker plans to cut production at the in 41 years, the government by rising 8.2 per cent in
Rouge Electric Vehicle Centre to one shift from 1 has said in a report. 2023. In December alone,
April, impacting about 1,400 workers, with some to The core consumer the core CPI saw a 2.3 per
transfer to other roles and others expected to take price index (CPI) for the cent increase from the pre-
retirement packages. year, excluding fresh food vious month, slowed from
“Ford expects continued growth in global EV prices because of their 2.5 per cent in November
sales in 2024, though less than anticipated,” the volatility, came in at 105.2 but remained above the
company said in a statement. It is lowering produc- against the 2020 base of 100, Bank of Japan’s two per-
tion as it aims “to achieve the optimal balance of with its pace of increase The core consumer price index (CPI) for the year, excluding cent inflation target for the
production, sales growth and profitability”. fastening from 2.3 per fresh food prices, reached 105.2 against the 2020 base of 21st consecutive month.
Sales of the F-150 Lightning jumped 55 per cent cent in 2022, according to The core-core CPI,
in 2023, with further growth forecast this year, ac- the Ministry of Internal Af- cent inflation target for the household utility bills, un- which strips away both
cording to Ford. But the company earlier lowered the fairs and Communications second consecutive year, derscoring higher import energy and food prices,
listed price by almost $10,000 for entry-level models. on Friday. marked the highest level costs that were inflated by rose 3.7 per cent, under-
With expectations for slower EV growth in the The yearly increase, since 1983. a sharp drop of the yen, a scoring persistent infla-
coming years, the auto industry has been pulling which remained above the It came despite gov- byproduct of the Bank of tionary pressures, the data
back from earlier targets. US consumers remain Bank of Japan’s two per ernment subsidies to lower Japan’s monetary easing, showed. — Xinhua
cautious about the vehicles, partly due to costs,
as well as concerns about recharging on longer
trips, with the slow pace of programmes to expand
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
national recharging facilities. On Friday, the White
house announced $325 million in new investments
CLAIMS DAY NOTICE Ministry of Transport and Communications
this week, in part to help repair and replace EV INVITATION TO SUBMIT THE
chargers across the United States. — AFP Consignees of cargo carried on M.V LUDWIG PRE-QUALIFICATION APPLICATIONS FOR
SCHULTE VOY.NO. (352W) are hereby notified that THE DEVELOPMENT, CONSTRUCTION,
the vessel will be arriving on 22-1-2024 and cargo will OPERATION, AND MANAGEMENT OF A
be discharged into the premises of MITT/MIP where it VEHICLE REGISTRATION SYSTEM USING
will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (RFID)
to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am 1. Road Transport Administration Department (RTAD) of
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC)
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
is planning to implement the Development, Construction,
from the Vessel.
Operation, and Management of a Vehicle Registration
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
System using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) by
the Claims Day.
Phone No: 2301185 inviting Local/International Public-Private Partnership
Shipping Agency Department (PPP) Developers.
Myanma Port Authority
Agent For: 2. The Interested PPP Developers (Myanmar-owned
Ford is scaling back production of its F-150 Lightning Companies and/or Joint Ventures of Myanmar and
electric pickup due to anticipated weaker demand for M/S SEALAND MAERSK AISA PTE LTD. Foreign Companies) are invited to submit the Pre-
electric vehicles this year. PHOTO: AFP/FILE Qualification Application for the RFID Project.

3. The complete set of Pre-Qualification Documents can be

purchased at the following address during the working
CLAIMS DAY NOTICE CLAIMS DAY NOTICE hours from 22 January 2024 to 5 February 2024:
M.V BLPL FAITH VOY.NO. (3402S) M.V SINAR BAJO VOY.NO. (015N) Director, Computer Division
Office Building No. 29
Consignees of cargo carried on M.V BLPL Consignees of cargo carried on M.V SINAR Road Transport Administration Department
FAITH VOY.NO. (3402S) are hereby notified that the BAJO VOY.NO. (015N) are hereby notified that the Ministry of Transport and Communications
vessel will be arriving on 22-1-2024 and cargo will be vessel will be arriving on 22-1-2024 and cargo will be Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
discharged into the premises of AWPT where it will lie discharged into the premises of AWPT where it will lie
at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the 4. Further information may be obtained at Tel.
byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. +95(67)3405359 and + 95(67) 3405099 during working
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
hours or visit the websites of, www.
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now and
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel. from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after TENDER COMMITTEE FOR THE
the Claims Day. the Claims Day. IMPLEMENTATION OF RFID SYSTEM
Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Ministry of Transport and Communications
Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department
Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority
Agent For: Agent For:


22 JANUARY 2024

EU ports urged to team up TOP NEWS

to fight 'very creative' drug Air ambulance en route from Thailand to

Moscow crashes in Afghanistan
smugglers CONFIRMING the plane crash in Afghanistan’s Badakhshan
province in the early morning hours on Sunday, the Ministry
Verlinden, in partnership with the European Commission, plans of Civil Aviation said the aircraft was an air ambulance flying
to launch the European Ports Alliance, bringing together around from Thailand to Moscow.
The Civil Aviation Ministry stated further that the crashed
20 EU ports, Europol officials, interior ministers, and sea trans- aircraft was a DF-10 (Dassault Falcon). It was a small aircraft
port executives. registered in Morocco.
“The crashed aircraft is a DF-10 (Dassault Falcon) small
aircraft registered in Morocco. It is not an aircraft of Indian
DRUG smugglers in the EU carriers,” the Ministry of Civil Aviation noted in a report of
have become so "very creative" aircraft crashed in Afghanistan. The Morocco-registered plane
that the bloc's seaports should refuelled at Gaya airport in Bihar, the Union ministry stated.
join forces to combat their ev- “The aircraft was an air ambulance, was flying from Thai-
er-changing tactics, Belgian land to Moscow, and did refuelling at Gaya Airport,” the Ministry
Interior Minister Annelies of Civil Aviation added. — ANI
Verlinden told AFP.
That idea is to be promoted
Wednesday when Verlinden,
along with the European Com- US records about 11,000 deaths from flu
mission, meets top representa- this season: CDC
tives from around 20 EU ports,
Europol officials, other inte- THERE have been at least 16 million flu illnesses, 180,000 hos-
rior ministers and sea trans- The Belgian port city of Antwerp is the main gateway for cocaine pitalizations, and 11,000 deaths from flu so far this season in
port executives to launch the trafficked into Europe. PHOTO: AFP the United States, according to the latest data released Friday
European Ports Alliance. The by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
inauguration will take place in linked to gangs fighting over combat organized crime." Seasonal influenza activity remains elevated in most parts
Antwerp, the Belgian port city the hugely lucrative smuggling. The port alliance aims to of the country.
that is the main gateway for The traffickers "are always crack down on both the smug- A total of 47 flu-associated pediatric deaths have been
cocaine trafficked into Europe. very creative and that is our gling and the infiltration of the reported in the United States this season, according to CDC.
Despite stepped-up challenge — they pay no heed ports by criminal networks. After several weeks of increases in key flu indicators
screening, cocaine seizures to laws on working time, right Private sector buy-in is through the end of 2023, two weeks of decreasing or stable
at the vast Antwerp port each to privacy, borders," Verlinden needed because the steps to trends nationally have been noted, said CDC.
year breaks records. Last year, said. be taken could impact legal The agency will continue to monitor for a second period of
116 tonnes of the drug were in- "So we need to cooperate trading, so a good "balance" increased influenza activity that often occurs after the winter
tercepted there. And Antwerp to be effective," she said. "We needs to be found, the Belgian holidays. — Xinhua
is frequently rocked by violence need to create this network to minister said. — AFP

NASA regains contact with Uruguayan capital celebrates

mini-helicopter on Mars disputed 300-year anniversary
NASA has re-established con- denly lost during a test flight
tact with its tiny helicopter on on Thursday, Ingenuity's 72nd URUGUAY’S capital Montevideo celebrates its
Mars, the US space agency lift-off on Mars. 300th birthday starting with a music concert this
said Saturday, after an unex- "Good news today," NA- weekend, even as the actual date of the city’s
pected outage prompted fears SA's Jet Propulsion Laborato- founding has become the subject of political
that the hard-working craft ry (JPL) wrote on X, formerly disagreement.
had finally met its end. Twitter, late Saturday. For the leftist government of the city that
Ingenuity, a drone about The agency said that con- is home to half of Uruguay’s 3.4 million peo-
1.6 feet (0.5 metres) tall, ar- tact had finally been made with ple, there is no doubt Montevideo was officially
rived on Mars in 2021 aboard the helicopter by command- founded on 20 January, 1724. On that date, an
the rover Perseverance and ing Perseverance to "perform expedition of Spanish settlers crossed by boat Montevideo is home to half of Uruguay's 3.4
became the first motorized long-duration listening ses- from Buenos Aires to defend the eastern bank million people. PHOTO: PABLO PORCIUNCULA
craft to fly autonomously on sions for Ingenuity's signal”. — under threat of Portuguese incursions — of
another planet. "The team is reviewing what was then the Spanish Governorate of the “The evidence for the start of the process (of
Data from the helicopter the new data to better under- Rio de la Plata (River Plate). settlement) in 1724 is undeniable,” the Montevi-
are transmitted via Perse- stand the unexpected comms That group was led by soldier and admin- deo city council insists on its website. However,
verance back to Earth, but dropout during Flight 72," it istrator Bruno Mauricio de Zabala, whose some in the center-right coalition in charge of the
communications were sud- added. — AFP horse-mounted statue today adorns a small national government say the 300th anniversary
square named after him in Montevideo. will only be on 24 December 2026. — AFP
22 JANUARY 2024

Youth Chess
Championship held
in Yangon
THE Myanmar National Age- in international tournaments.
wise Chess Championship, or- The second and third-placed will
ganized by the Myanmar Chess be kept as a reserve,” said IM
Federation, was held at KBTC Win Zaw Tun from Master Brain
Private Smart School in Yangon Chess Academy, who is in charge
at 2 pm on 21 January 2024. of organizing the tournament.
An awarding ceremony was The tourney was run from 18
held after the championship, and to 21 January, and youth chess
officials presented awards to the players from Yangon Region
youth winners aged between 8 and students from KBTC Pri-
and 20. vate Smart School, totalling 100,
“This tournament is held participated in it. According to
once a year and selects young this term, the Youth Chess Age-
elite players. The tournament wise Championship will be held
is the highest. The first-placed in Mandalay Region in March. Myanmar youth chess players participate in the Myanmar National Chess Championship held in Yangon on 21
players will be sent to compete — Bala Soe/KZL January 2024. PHOTO: BALA SOE

China adds 2 golds in short track

speed skating at Gangwon 2024
Following the gold in the women's 1,500 metres on Saturday,
Chinese skaters Yang Jingru and Li Jinzi excelled in the women's
1,000metres on Sunday, overcoming challenges, including a col-
lision that led to a rematch.
CHINA continued to shine Tomas Machac and Zhang Zhizhen in action on Sunday in
in short track speed skating Melbourne. PHOTO: ATP
at the 2024 Gangwon Winter
Youth Olympic Games, reg- Zhang-Machac reach men's
istering another two gold
medals and one silver here doubles quarterfinals at
on Sunday.
China got off to a good
Australian Open after shock win
start at the Gangneung Ice
Arena on Saturday, as Yang CHINA'S Zhang Zhizhen and bourne Park since 2020.
Jingru claimed the Chinese Tomas Machac of the Czech Re- Zhang and Machac ap-
delegation's first gold medal public stunned third seeds and peared to have a mountain to
in the women's 1,500 metres former champions Rajeev Ram climb after losing the opening
and her teammate Li Jinzi and Joe Salisbury in a men's set, but raised their level to force
came in second, while Zhang doubles thriller on Sunday to a decider. The momentum con-
Xinzhe clinched a silver in the China's Li Jinzi (R) and Yang Jingru compete in the short track reach the quarterfinals at the tinued when they broke Salis-
men's 1,500m. speed skating women's 1,000m final at the 2024 Gangwon Winter Australian Open. bury's serve in the third game
Youth Olympic Games in Gangneung, South Korea, 21 January
Yang and Li rode on the The unseeded pairing of as Zhang and Machac held their
momentum in Sunday's wom- Zhang and Machac came from nerve to claim the best doubles
en's 1,000m race in dramatic behind to win 3-6, 6-3, 6-2 in one win of their careers.
fashion. Li tumbled following seconds, followed by Yang at through," she said. hour and 36 minutes. It's a boost for Zhang, Chi-
a collision with Dutch athlete 1:40.996. Zhang Bohao and Zhang Zhang, who is ranked world na's highest-ranked men's sin-
Angel Daleman at the start of Li noted that she was not Xinzhe had initially completed No 625 in doubles, combined with gles player, who fell in the men's
the final, before the referee affected by the incident at the a one-two finish in the men's Machac to produce a considera- singles second round to 21st seed
sent off Daleman and ruled beginning. "I was not injured 1,000m event, but Zhang Bo- ble third-round upset. Ugo Humbert in four sets.
a rematch. and recovered quickly to ad- hao was later penalized, thus Doubles specialists Ram of Zhang also became the first
The Chinese duo were un- just well. Tomorrow I have moving Zhang Xinzhe up to the US and Britain's Salisbury player from the Chinese main-
stoppable after the restart, the 500m race to compete. As the highest podium with one had won the last three US Open land to reach the quarterfinals of
with Li winning the race my ability at the start is not minute and 26.257 seconds. men's doubles titles and were the men's doubles at any Grand
with one minute and 40.803 good, I want to make a break- — Xinhua eyeing their first triumph at Mel- Slam in the Open Era. — Xinhua

EU ports urged to team up
to fight ‘very creative’ drug

PM Modi congratulates Japan on soft

landing on Moon
Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Japan for achieving its first soft moon landing, making
Japan the fifth nation to accomplish this feat.
PRIME Minister Narendra Modi on Sat-
urday congratulated Japan for achieving
its first soft landing on the moon and
said that India is looking forward to the
cooperation between the space organi-
zations of the two countries.
Japan became only the fifth nation
to successfully complete the soft land-
ing on the moon in the late hours of
Talking to social media platform X,
PM Modi said, “Congratulations Prime
Minister Kishida and everyone at JAXA
on achieving Japan’s first soft Moon
landing. India looks forward to our co-
operation in space exploration between
PM Modi shared the post of his Jap-
anese counterpart Fumio Kishida who
had congratulated everyone involved in
An image of Japan’s lunar lander SLIM. PHOTO: JAXA
the mission for the successful landing of
the ‘SLIM’ on the moon. hicle “Slim” has successfully landed on generating electricity. thus far, and we will continue to support
“It is very welcome news that the the moon, although detailed analysis We would like to express our respect them as they take on further challeng-
small lunar landing demonstration ve- is required as the solar cells are not to everyone involved for their efforts es,” PM Kishida posted on X. — ANI

Slower solar industry growth may INJURY AND MATERIAL DAMAGE

dampen US renewable power expansion US airbase in Iraq

hit by massive
The US Energy Information Administration anticipates the addition of 36 gigawatts missile attack
(GW) of new solar capacity in 2024 and 43 GW in 2025, but foresees a slowdown
in solar growth in 2023 due to economic and policy challenges impacting both US airbase Ain al-Asad in Iraq’s west-
residential and utility-scale segments. ern Anbar Province has been target-
ed by at least 15 missiles, Iraqi news
agency Shafaq reported on Saturday,
FACING economic and policy headwinds, citing a security source.
the US solar industry is expected to slow The missiles were launched from
down for both residential and utility-scale the Iraqi city of Albaghdadi, the source
segments, dimming the industry’s pros- said, without giving further informa-
pects for leading the country’s power tion.
generation charge in the next two years. Yahya Rasool, a spokesman for the
In its latest Short-Term Energy Out- commander-in-chief of the Iraqi armed
look report, the US Energy Information forces, told the Iraq News Agency that
Administration (EIA) forecast early this the bombing injured an Iraqi soldier
week that solar will lead the nation’s elec- and caused material damage.
tricity generation growth for the next “A number of missiles fell near the
two years. headquarters of the 29th Brigade, 7th
The agency made its estimate based Division, affiliated with the Al-Jazeera
People view a solar vehicle during the Cal Day event at the University of California,
on the anticipated addition of 36 gigawatts Operations Command, within the Iraqi
Berkeley Campus in Berkeley, California. PHOTO: WUXIAOLING/XINHUA/FILE
(GW) of new solar capacity in 2024 and 43 Ain Al-Assad base, wounding a soldier
GW in 2025. However, US solar growth is installations and utility-scale projects. three quarters of 2023, California led and causing damage to the headquar-
predicted to slow this year amid economic California is the biggest solar mar- the country with 3,216 megawatts (MW) ters,” he said. — SPUTNIK
challenges facing both residential solar ket in the United States. In the first of new solar power installed. — Xinhua

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