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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education

School Salay National High School Grade Level Grade 12

Teacher Gizellen G. Guibone Learning Area Physical Education and Health
Time and Dates October 8 – October 11 Quarter 2nd Quarter


1:00-2:00PM 8:32-9:32AM 1:00-2:00PM 8:32-9:32AM
2:02-3:02PM 2:02-3:02PM 1:00-2:00PM

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Demonstrates understanding of dance in optimizing one’s health; as requisite for physical
activity assessment performance, and as a career opportunity
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Dance as Competition
Reference: Internet, Physical Education and Health Volume II Page 23-43
Materials: laptop, speaker, Powerpoint presentation, video clips

III. Learning Activities/Procedure

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. Explore the nature and deal with dances that are considered as art form.
2. Learn and experience dances by studying and performing their fundamental dance
3. Create simple dance routine from the fundamental dance steps of each dance.

1.1 Motivation The teacher will post a quote
“A good cheerleader is not measured by the height of her jumps but by the span of
her spirit.”

The teacher will expound the quote further and asks the students of their insights.

1.2 Introduction The National Cheerleading Championships (NCC) conducts camps and competitions in
provinces and cities all across the Philippines, called the Regional Qualifiers. The top
teams then move on to compete against the best in the country's biggest
cheerleading competition, called the Nationals.

The NCC Season takes place annually from October-March. It is usually divided into
two parts: the Regional Qualifiers from October-December and the Nationals from
2. Lesson Proper Cheer dance is relatively new in the field of ports and dance as it has only emerged
during the early 1990s as part of the cheerleading events. It is one of the categories in
International Cheerleading Competition that focuses on dance techniques and
basic elements of cheerleading, excluding stunts and advance gymnastics skills. The
performers are cheerleaders and not just dancers per se.

To better understand the foundation of cheer dance, it is vital to first learn the
fundamental aspects of cheerleading.

What is cheerleading?

Cheerleading is an event that consists of cheers and organized routines for sports
team motivation, audience entertainment, or competition. The routines contain many
components of cheers, jumps, dance, gymnastics, and stunting. The purpose is to
encourage the spectators of events to cheer for sports teams at games. The yellers,
dancers, and athletes involved in cheerleading are called cheerleaders. When they
are grouped together as one, they are called a squad.

3. Generalization The teacher will ask the student to stand and teach them to perform the ELEMENTS
4. Application Divide the class into 3 groups and ask them to create a dance using the ELEMENTS OF
5. Evaluation Teacher will give instructions about the Activity to be done.

Prepared by:


Teacher II

Checked by:


Head Teacher III

Noted by:


Principal III

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