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l tuninVt)lll
h \Uf :-dl\~' I 1~ \\~,lnt$.tnf_ tlw Annu.,1 Sr\wts Oil\', \Vrih.' ll m1tkt.• to "I\.' pu ~ . '.
h t >iv, their nallll ~
I · t ,rn,u-h• th , t t
..,-h,"' u1 ' 'f' nt thl' t'Vt.•nt ~1nd inviting t em O ~ l
t. ~ th. {\f'lts the
tt'r I"'rttt"t~Jhng u, v~nou~ sports ~\'C!nts tu be held at the sl'hool grounds on c; I
,, ~.,~t"~n ,)t Aru,ulll Sports Da~· ot ,·our school. I-
\\ n tt:- JO t' mJil to ~1 t"m0us cncketer to bt• the Guest of Honour at thl' Annual Sports
· f\J' ,lt your s~hool. [SJ

l~:-t on -1
• !~' t1.,n,"l,,rmg p..l&._'1ge (\l~fully and dJls,ver the questions that follow :
,,,u ,,, _lon\?s,.. one of th~m said, "I shall n~,·er forget my first few yeJ rs in this
1t,. \ \ ht'n I nrst struck. this place, I hadn' t more than fifteen cents to my name, hadn' t
r,: _ t>,.:~pt l stood up in. and all the place I had to sleep was an empty tar barrel."
,...:-\ h"J?Jr Robinson,-a replied Jones, "if you imagine I've had no experience of hardship
·• ~,rt ., ou nen.:-r. made a bigger mistdke in .vour life. \Vhen I first walked into this
&,-~. -
,,- t J ~nt, ~tr, not a cent, and as for lodging, all the place I had for months and
~-·tit ,,-3s an old piano bo>. up a lane, behind a factory ."
, h· J~ar Jones,' Robinson broke in, ''You merely show that you don't know what a
,._~rrel is like. \\lly, on winter nights, when ~,ou'd be shut in there in your piano box
_:~:. snug as you please, I used to lie awake shivering, with the wind running in at the 10
":_..~~ 1te bad....
,,-mJ !,, snured Jones! "Don' t talk to me about winds. This piano box had a whole
-~ p~ank off it. I used to sit there studying in the evenings, and the snow would blow
a.r.x'!·deep. And yet, sir," he continued "I don't mind admitting that some of the happiest
, :. c: aw life were spent in that same old box. I'd wake up there in the mornings and
·..-.",th high spirits. Of course, you may not be able to stand that kind of life."
~-- \ v~stand it!" cried Robinson fiercely! "By God! I am made for it. I just wish I had
~--:-e t,f the old life again for a while. What a grand old life it was! I can remember
~.:::~ ''°hen I'd have two or three fellows in, and we would sit round and play cards
b\ a ca.; dle half the night." 20
'" } ,,·o or three!" laughed Jones; "why, my dear fellow, half dozen of used to sit down to
si;::"2: L'1 my piano box, and have a game of cards afterwards. Mighty good suppers they
1';:~ :oo'. By God, Robinson, you fellows have ruined your digestions with high living."
Then the waiter appeared with the question:
..Whar may I bring you for dinner, gentlemen?"
)inner)" said Jones. Oh, anything, nothing-I never care what I eat-give me a little
( : porridge, 1£you've got it,anything you like, it's all the same to me."
1ne ·sarter turned with an impassive face to Robinson.

C~3 61 ~
"You can brin g me som e of tha t cold pur ridg e toO, " he said , wit
h a de
The re, pau se. Jon es sat bac k in his cha ir and loo ked har d acr
oss ifi,,,,t /0o1,
Rob inso
uff 'th n turn ed slow ly rou nd in his s,,J I and bed .on ed to the wai t
er, at
Wh Roi,lhc• ~IJr~
w, the mut tere d ord er on his lips .
o 1y -ao'l •1 I ..,.
. re, ,..,·ciiter," he said, "1 guess 111 cha nge tha
"He . t ord er a littl e. 1nst as I)) ~~
. \,
por ndg e 111 take a che ese sand"vich- And you n11ght as wel
l bri·n gm ead w 1 '"'/•

a mou thfu l of sou p and per hap s you mig ht fetc h alo ng a dab
wal nut. " of fish e an O /i.i1 '
' anq a llUe~ t,,1
The wai ter turn ed to Jon es.
&taPt1 ' ' lqQ
"I guess 111 take the sam e, " he said .
. .. . • - - • ' "" .,.,
(b) Answe 1:,riefl}' i
n your
r the fo oWfl w o

l l o w i . f l g . J rds.
LeIs~c r i bf'i
op q ueStton had in
e t h eI t y f the piat
lo box.
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ortditto! rt he ar
l rived in
t~.. .h .. .~ i ,
the city.
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