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$A8000:2014° AUDIT REPORT CLIENT NAME: Myoporum Di Michelangeli Stefano & Alongi Maria Cristina S.A.S. 1QC NUMBER 8582 Petes na | Nameot ce rac 12 | @lesdAudtor | FabmaioGatero 23 | Datedelofaude: | (28-19/06/2020) On ste ~ (20/06/2020) 14 | Typeot Audit: | trial Certification | Stage 1Audi | Sunellance Audet ‘Cortfication or Recertification 01 Stage 2AuditO | sv1m sv20 sv30 savers Transfer 0 sve svsO ] Sem-announced = ] | Unannounes ‘Additional Detail | 1s ‘Type of Audit: w n | speciat auc | | 16 “Type of Audit: sea ‘Additional Details: | Only temporally site Pe Multisite 0 4 sah | i out 1.7 | buraton of aut, in bays @}OnSte-(95) OF Ste | Timin/Time Out t it, in Days: col (0.5) w 0900 18:00 j shits re [Sts | oscoto 100 m | 2 oncotoonan c | 3 coaoiecnee | « eoeotoona0 ‘Management System Standards) '5A8000:2016 Payee Pent ae nee eee Name Tile Opening Mg? 24:1 | Fabrizio Galiero A x x 242 243, 244 215 Tite ‘Opening | Closing Mtg? | Mtg? 2.2.1 | Michelangeli stefano Management representative x x 2.2.2 | Maurus Vasile Bors ‘Worker representative SABOOO x Li 22.3 224 225 1N COMPANY DETAILS & LOCATION” 3a ‘Company Name: ‘Myoporum Di Michelangeli Stefano & Alongi Marla Gistna SAS. Page tof 22 1QE5A8000:2024 Aut report version 17* January 2017 $A8000:2014° AUDIT REPORT 32 | Number of Total Employees: 28 33 | Address: Registered Office ~ Angullara Sabazia (RM) Via Casal Sant'Angelo Km 15,40 Operational Headquarter - AngullaraSabazia (RM) Via Casal Sant'Angelo Km 1540 a4 | Contac: Phone: 059981113, Email: nyoporums9@malcom 35 | GPSCoordinates (latitude andlongitude) | n/a and/or Google Maps link: "(For other locations audited these are to be listed ot Annex 8) 41 'SA8000 Certificate No.: 119816 42 ‘Scope of Certificate indicate whether | installazione ci impiant dl irrigarioneesistemazione del terreno Seria dh multisite and describe processes siardinaggio. Erogszione di servi dl pula in ambito civil anche con trattamentl covered) chime dlsinfezione amblentale, Gestione impianto di compostaggio. Raccolta © ‘resporta rfl non percolsi presso ent pubbilce privat! Installation of irigation systems and arrangement ofthe land. Gerdening service. Provision of cleaning servicesin the cul sector also with chemical treatments and environmental disinfection, Composting plant management. Collection and transpor: of non-hazardous waste to public and private bodies 43 Date initial Certificate Issued: 33/02/2020 4a Date Last Certificate Isued: 13/02/2020 Expiry Date of Current Certificate: | 12/02/2023 5a Transfer Audit? Nia Ifyes have past audit reportsbeen | N/A submitted and reviewed? Indicate name offormer CB, reason | N/A for transfer audlt, date and result of last auctt, if availabe: 52 ave any other socal audits taken lace in the last two years? (SEDEK, | yyy SCI, code of conduct, ete). yes, report shall be provided and reviewed. Perec rne a Sea 6a Policy Documents; | Mod. 01 Politica Aziendale,Rv.0 of 4/02/2019 62 Procedures: PG 01 ~Gestione Personale,Av0 of 04/02/2029 PG 02 ~Gestione Reclami Rv.0 of 04/02/2019 G 03 ~Gestione Monitoraggio Foritor Partner, Rv.0 of 04/02/2019 PG 04 ~ Procedure di Rimedio, Rv.0 of 04/02/2019 Pago? of 22 Q€SAB0002014 Audit ceport version 17® January 2017 SA8000:2014* AUDIT REPORT ‘on the day ofthe aut it was possible to verify the system documentation its application within the ‘company, very the effectiveness and understanding the activities together, viewing the records and procedures on the training of the subjects. ‘Add brief comments the management system fil young and not very mature, but the wilingness ofthe company to ‘grow and improve is shown. the company has demonstrated awareness and knowledge of the Standard by engaging in the management, review, improvement and dissemination of the documentation. 2 minor NCS emerged during the survelance check Confidentiality, Non-Conflict of Interest Statement and Factory Integrity Acknowledgment Confidentiality and Non ~ Conflict of interest letter, etween the Company audited and the auditor {LI declare and pledge that all my actions with the company willbe free of any kind of pressures such as commercial firencal, personal benefits tc. The service will be given without ciserimination, according to the needs ard the Policy and procedures ofthe institute of Quality & Control acuta’ 2. {pledge to report immediately any conflict of Interest to the CEO/Conflct of interest Committee of IAC, which will take the necessary steps to change the ausitor/s forthe operation if so required. 13, _Alltypes of information that wil be handled or obtained by myself, rectly or incirecty, which have any direct or Indirect connection tothe company's services and/or products and/or rights, including but not only any information, facts, knowledge, technical & engineering date , ‘nancial, busines, fiscal, commercial, statisti, marketing, training programs and related presentations, theoretical & practical, related to the company & the company's customers or products, Including methods and work procedures, product RRO, techniques and technology, recines induding any document, module, dagrem, computer media, tapes, movies, formula, report, drawings, catalog, presentations of traning programs, reputation, somples, logos and trademarks, patents, records and any other materials, oiated or verbal wll be Kept in upmost confidentiality All the above will hold also for information that wl reach me which snot related rectly to my conduct with the company or the company's customers. 44. pledge not to reveal andor deliver, photograph, record, duplicate, copy anor transfer in any way or any sort of medium, to persons or any responsible body in jd authority, the information in whole or parts of 5. This agreements bound to loca law. 6. Never under any circumstances give into demands or requests for benefits of payment fr IQC auditors. If OC auditors! requests or slic for any direct orindiract benefits or payment, we expect you to contact IACoffceimmetlatey 7. Never under any circumstances offer bribe, eft or benefits to any [QC autor. Any benefits ven or offered to an 10¢ auitor wil be considered ‘as corrupt practice and wil be reported tothe QC head office within 24 hours an from there wl be reported to SAAS {8 Lunch: Autor may nt take lunch atan outéoor restaurant with dient company management. 9, Reporting unethical practices: Ifyou attempt to bribe aur autos, this willbe reported in detail to1QC hee office. 410. ifyou're in doubt about out professionalism or conduct of any IAC employee pls contact IQCimmestely and well objectively investigate your compliant, Pages of 22 T€SA80002014 Audit port version 17* January 2017 $A8000:2014° AUDIT REPORT ‘The agreement was signed on the day of audit by: Pe unl I declare that there sno conflict of interest between the auditor and the Auditeo. Fabrizio Galiero “Company representative Name: Michelangeli Stefano Semiens MNORORUMA SE Ee VIOUS NON-C For previous auelt dated & Job No. List ALL previously issued Non-Compliances Here cere Lorganizzazione non ha comunicate correttamente la i politica in modo efficace per siti operativt Poli dew lta Ms al hia the operating site “The organization didnot properly communicate the Pere n policy effectively forthe operational sites Corganiazazione non ha sluppato correttamente un piano di formasione de avorator efficace tae saa Min Closed ana “The organization has not correctly developed an effective worker training plan ToTALs: + | open critical: # 4 | Open Minors: | openor: | # + | closed critical: # 4 | Closed Minors: 2 | Cored on: | # Page dot 22 aeSA8000:2014 Aust report version 178 January 2017 SA8000:2014" AUDIT REPORT saso0o | sngooo.2014 Requirement Bab) 2] 2 | a2 Specific Areas to Element #3 2/2) 2 /8¢ ‘Address Next Visit 3a | 2tto25 | weed and Company abr ; n 33 Fata Sey cing era aamaa | edetyenevemeninacet | x 1 Ser ont tes 3 Besa keane oe (ene Z : 33 | saesa—[osrminon x 7 36 [et Dinar ae ‘i ; 37 [rawe7a [wera 5 i 3a aitss | Remuneration an Ba Neal We 7 i 39 [oa arene oy, ocd ands [= 7 sas Sob peermane tea % 7 sar 93 \erticor and assent oS : ci 3395 Wenalinekenarael omic —[ x z sata Congt anagenent adres [x z a oe Te Soran onsale aers | > 7 Sreeners ae Cort rd event z z saa —[ 5a Norzeerent of super ond iRES |x r 319-—| recta | aps and Conpan/s sponse x x a0 Girt eong wi wore women procedure 200 | te Stz00 ym nts noon x x nana oa Mae canal anaged aE eet of soppiesentnton and ompemer el waning reeds oro Sach docimertnon Eeaiston sn Procedure 200 | Conta of corrective ations, Including oot eee cauvorasand pve coe ongoment eters et ling sed evdunton sls S| Poca 20 | Ver of Loge x Fi 5a | rceare 200 | Soa np rat aed om ee ToTAs 2 10.1 | General comments or concerns During the surveillance vtifcation it emerged thatthe number of workers went from Including any changes: 2410.28, Therefore the number of people interviewed during the survellance phase ‘went from 3 to. but the days of verification, as reported Inthe Initial aut plan thes not been changed. “There arene variations regarding the location and purpose of carification 2 minor NCs emerged during the surveitance check ves | NO. 10.2 | Any concems in elation to internal audits and Management Review? x 10.3 | Any concems withthe review factions taken on non-conformities identified during last vist? x 10.4 | Any concerns over the treatment of complaints? x 10.5 | Any concerns over the effectiveness of the Management Systems? x Page of 22 1Q€SA8000:2014 Aust report vation 378 January 2017

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