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Camella Homes 4 Poblacion, Muntinlupa City

School Year 2022 – 2023


Quarter: FOURTH LP # 3 Date : April 11 – 24, 2023

I. Objective:
In this lesson, the pupils will learn to:
a. cite ways of demonstrating calmness;
b. explain the importance of calmness in developing character and;
c. express themselves on how to demonstrate calmness in times of challenges in life.
A. Topic : Developing Calmness
B. References: Becoming Character Education 6 pages 61-76
C. Instructional Materials: PowerPoint presentation, laptop, pictures of a teacher and pupils
D. Values Integration: Wise decision and Uprightness

III. Learning Experiences

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Review
“Show Me Board”
The teacher will give students 5 seconds to write on their show me board, YES if the
statement is correct and NO if not.

a. Prayer ease our mind whenever we feel anxious.
b. We pray to connect with God for our needs.
c. Prayer is a way of communication to God.
d. There is a supreme being that loves us no matter what.
e. We should not take prayer seriously for it’s not that important to our lives.

4. Motivation (MS Teams/PPT)

The teacher shows pictures of students in a different classroom. Then, she asks
the students to describe or share something about each person they see.

 What are the pictures all about?

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Discussion
1.1 Activity 1
-The teacher show a video clip about how to manage anger and anxiety.

Instructions: Watch the video and answer the questions that follow.

Guide questions:
 What does the video clip tell you?
 What are the things that make you mad or angry?
 Why is calmness important in managing your anger?

1.2 Activity 2: Discussion

a. Discuss developing calmness.
Elicit opinions from the students about these questions:
- What is calmness or grace under pressure?
- What are the things that upset you or make you angry?
- What are the ways by which you can manage your anger with calmness?
b. Point out the following:
1. Inner calmness is a key to a happy and contented life. If you know yourself
well enough, you should not be bothered by what people say about you
when they are angry.
2. When you are the one angry, you must “tame” your anger with the virtues
of patience and goodness.
3. Doing so will bring about calmness. Good communication and good
decisions are made possible when we are in a state of calmness.
c. Discuss the ways on how to manage anger with calmness.

2. Generalization
The teacher will ask the following questions:
• Why is calmness important in developing good character?
 Why is a prayer important in giving you inner peace and calmness?

3. Application
Activity #3
a. List down five things that upset you or make you angry.
b. What are the ways that you do to be able to keep your temper?

IV. Evaluation:
Seatwork #3
I. How will you face these situation as a calm person? Choose the letter of the correct answer.

________1. Your father promised to come home early on your birthday. However, your party has
started and your father is not yet around. What will you do?
a. I will sulk, make face and retreat to my room until he comes.
b. I will enjoy the party and entertain my guests. I will later have a heart-to-heart talk with my father.
c. I will not talk to my father.
_______2. Your parents brought you a new model of cellphone. However, you saw your three-year-
old sister playing with it without your permission.
a. I will spank my sister.
b. I will grab the cellphone from my sister. It is mine anyway.
c. I will tell my parents about what happened and ask help from them.
_______3. One of your classmates forgot to bring his scissors for the art class. He borrowed yours but
he broke it.
a. I will tell him. “You are irresponsible”.
b. I will ignore him.
c. I will gently ask him what happened. I will politely ask him to replace it.

_______4. A senior schoolmate has been asking money from you in the past three days. Today he
got your lunch bag. What will you do?
a. I will ignore him.
b. I will run away crying.
c. I will report him to my teacher immediately.
_______5. Your classmate Liza is spreading rumors about you. She even posted some on the
internet. You felt so bad and embarrassed. What will you do?
a. You will confront Liza and argue with her.
b. You will also spread rumors about her. You will get even.
c. You will report the incident to your teacher and parents immediately.
_______6. You want to join the camping. However, your parents sad that your family does not have
enough money to pay for the camping fee.
a. You will pressure your parents to give you money.
b. You will save money from your allowance early so you can join the camping.
c. You will shout at them and tell them it is their responsibility.
______7. Your wish is to become a basketball player. However, your doctor recommended that
you change your athletic interest because you have asthma and your lungs are weak.
a. You will not do anything because your body is weak.
b. You will follow the doctor’s advice and change sports.
c. You will enroll in an excellent basketball training camp.
______8. Your younger brother told you that he is being bullied by one of his classmates. As a
caring and responsible brother, how will you help your younger brother?
a. You will coach your younger brother to fight back and be strong.
b. You will threaten and scare off your brother’s classmates.
c. You will help your brother report the incident to the teacher and to your parents.
______9. Ramon, one of your classmates, is a bully and loves to tease you. He calls you names and
is provoking you to tease or fight him back. What will you do?
a. Get back at him by also teasing him.
b. Tell your older brother and friends to protect you.
c. Report his bullying incidents to the teacher and to your parents.
______10. Your cousin is very talkative. She talks all the time and monopolizes the discussion at
dinner time. You are excited to share your experience about camping. What will you
a. Shout at her to stop so that you may share your experience.
b. You will cut in and tell her that it is now your turn.
c. You will patiently wait for her to finish and tell the family that you have something to share, too.

II. Explain the importance of managing your anger. Cite your example experience. (5pts)

Quiz #3

I. Choose the letter of the correct answer as a calm person.

________1. You are in the school canteen. There is a long queue of students. You want to finish
your lunch early because you need time to consult with your teacher about your
project. What will you do?
a. Ask your friend who is near the front line to buy you lunch.
b. Cut in by pretending that you just went out of line to pee for a while.
c. Fall in line patiently and wait for your turn.
_______2. Your classmate keeps kicking the back of your chair when he sways his legs back and
forth. It disrupts your writing and annoys you. He does not stop doing so even after you
have told him to stop swaying his legs.
a. Explain nicely to him that his kicking is disrupting your writing. Repeat your request for him to stop
swaying his legs and kicking your chair.
b. Angrily shout at him so that he will know that you are really annoyed.
c. Kick the back of his chair also.
_______3. One of your older schoolmates is picking on you. He starts calling you names and is
provoking you to engage in a fight after classes. What will you do?
a. Wait for him /her after classes and give him/her what he/she wants.
b. Report it to your friends and older brother so that they will protect you.
c. Report it to your teacher and /or guidance counselor and ask for intervention.
_______4. Your house helper went to their province for the weekend. Your mother requested you to
take care of your younger brother, sweep the floor, and wash the dishes. After lunch
that Sunday, you washed the dishes, swept the floor, and put your brother to sleep. You
then thought that you had time for a short round of computer games, but your father
asked you to help him in cleaning the car. What will you do?
a. You will happily help without complaints because it is your duty to obey your parents.
b. You will complain about being given more chores.
c. You will ignore your father and continue playing computer games.
_______5. You have a scheduled basketball game with your friends on a Saturday afternoon, but
your mother requested you to accompany her to do the marketing. There is a long line
of shoppers at the cashier’s lane and it is already late. What will you do?
a. Cut in the line and explain that you have an emergency. Plead with the other shoppers to be allowed
to go first.
b. Show your annoyance to your mother for bringing you with her to do the marketing which will make
you late for your game.
c. Patiently wait for your turn. Try to communicate your situation to your friends and apologize for the
possibility of being late.

II. Write check (/) if it helps you manage your anger with calmness and (X) if not.

________6. Finding something to eat and to relax.

________7. Excuse yourself and walk around for few minutes.
________8. Think of something that makes you happy or gives you joy.
________9. Think of a beautiful and calm place and picture it clearly in your mind.
________10. Think about the smallest details of whatever surrounds you.
________11. Keep still and empty your mind for a few moments.
________12. Tell yourself to relax and hold back from reacting.
________13. Shout to a stranger whenever you’re angry.
________14. Walk out.
________15. Get drunk.

C. Assignment: Choose TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

_________1. Movement and physical activity reduce anger.
_________2. Calmness helps us maintain good relationship.
_________3. Shouting at someone can easily release anger.
_________4. The decisions you make when you are angry are often the right ones.
_________5. When someone or a difficult situation is the one that triggers you and make you
angry, you should tell yourself to relax and hold back from reacting.
_________6. Calmness means having composure and serenity in the midst of obstacles or
severe stress.
_________7. Calmness is achieved with having a firm understanding of one’s self.
_________8. Anger, anxiety, excitement, frustration, and fear are some of the threats to
_________9. When things do not happen according to our plans and expectations, we need to
keep calm and think things through.
_________10. We need to keep calm and think things through because the decisions we make
when we are angry are often the wrong ones.

Prepared by: Date Submitted: Checked by:

Ms. Christel Joy M. Tolibas March 27, 2023 Ms. Jocelyn A. Abao
Subject Teacher Subject Area Team Leader - GMRC
Noted by:

Ms. Ma. Lourdes H. Rigonan

Coordinator, Elementary Dept.
Camella Homes 4, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City

Fourth Quarter
Grade 6 -GMRC
SY 2022 – 2023

Notes #3
Developing Calmness

 Calmness means having composure and serenity in the midst of obstacles or severe stress. It is demonstrating
“grace under pressure”. Calmness is achieved with having a firm understanding of one’s self. This brings about a
quiet but strong confidence that results in calmness.
 Calmness described as inner peace or peace of mind, is synonymous to tranquility.
 Anger, anxiety, excitement, frustration, and fear are some of the threats to calmness.
 Anger and anxiety are what we feed when we are disappointed or when faced with trials and difficulties or
something extremely annoying.
 When we are angry, we sometimes say and do things that we later regret. When things do not happen according to
our plans and expectations, we need to keep calm and think things through because the decisions we make when
we are angry are often the wrong ones.
 Calmness helps us maintain good relationships. It is also a trait that people look for in a leader.

Here are few ways by which you can manage your anger with calmness.
1. Pray to God and ask for calmness and guidance. Lift up your concerns to Him.
2. Count from 1 to 20 before speaking again.
3. Retreat or go away from the situation for a few minutes. Breathe in some fresh air.
4. Find something to eat and relax.
5. Excuse yourself and walk around for few minutes. Movement and physical activity reduce anger.
6. Think of something that makes you happy or gives you joy.
7. Think of a beautiful and calm place and picture it clearly in your mind. Think about the smallest details of
whatever surrounds you.
8. Keep still and empty your mind for a few moments.
9. Tell yourself to relax and hold back from reacting.
10. Read an inspirational story. Better yet, read the Bible.

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