The Institutionalized Nature of German Strategic Complacency

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The Institutionalized Nature of

German Strategic Complacency

■ By Alex Williams

(left to right) A U.S., West German, and NATO flag c. 1989 colleagues, instead pursued nearly unconditional
Credit: SSGT. F. Lee Corkran integration with revisionist authoritarian powers.
Introduction With the explicit failure of this approach
The Russian invasion of Ukraine initially last year, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
seemed sufficient to destroy the illusions of pronounced a Zeitenwende, a turning-point, which
German strategic orthodoxy. Since reunification, obligated Germany to increase its military
the German state interpreted the downfall of the expenditure and replace authoritarian engagement
Soviet empire as having ratified a permanent and with deterrence. The West received this as a
inviolable democratic security architecture, landmark in German strategic policy, and by
whereby Germany, newly restored to a reunited extension NATO's combined efficacy.I Yet over a
Berlin, could prosper with minimum defensive year later, Germany struggles to transition.
arrangements. No intervening event, including the Habitual unabridged authoritarian engagement
annexation of Crimea, that indicated an and endemic military neglect confirms the
increasingly irreconcilable relationship between continuance of Germany's strategic incapacity to
the democratic and antidemocratic worlds could accomplish the demands of its own self-professed
relieve Berlin of its denialist moorings. The turning-point, even as its neighbors' military
solidification of expansionist intent by posture concretely shifted. The Zeitenwende
authoritarian actors fell on deaf ears; Berlin, suffers not from insufficient breadth in support,
resisting all dissuasive efforts by democratic but a limited depth in commitment sustained by
an overriding structural tradition.


Putin.V Germans, in acknowledging their
Background of German Strategic Policy misjudgment of the Kremlin, affirmed the failure
The story of post-reunification German of prior methodologies to correspond with new
strategic policy is one in which West German international realities. Even when the
defensive prioritization during the Cold War three-quarters of Germans who initially predicted
evolved into a systemic neglect of national security a total occupation of Ukraine were proven wrong,
afterwards. The vanishment of East Germany and 74% in September, despite increased energy
the Soviet Union removed the strategic urgency prices, still professed an obligation to actively
for Germany to continue interoperating under an assist Ukraine.VI
American strategic umbrella. West German These conclusions, though ubiquitous in
defense spending, which had dropped from 3% of the democratic world in 2022, nonetheless
GDP in 1980 to 2.5% in 1990, plunged one year obligated those countries that traditionally
after reunification to 2% in 1991 (reflective also of marginalized their defense sectors, such as
new financial challenges in integrating East Germany and Japan, to most heavily modify their
Germany). Yet such reductions continued, from post-Cold War security assumptions. German
2% of GDP to a historic nadir of 1.07% in 2005, accommodationists long accustomed to armament
under the auspices of a transformed post-Cold export controls suddenly resolved in early 2022 to
War security environment. Annual percentages furnish Ukraine with missiles and artillery.VII
thereafter stagnated, before climbing from 1.14% While the shock of the invasion set its
in 2015 to 1.4% in 2020II (which still remained initial tone, Germany increasingly failed to match
below the figure for 1997). By comparison, French the other rearming democracies in converting
defense expenditures per capita, which remained rhetoric into action.VIII Within weeks, coalitional
level with the West Germans' throughout the Cold wrangling engulfed the question of arms transfers
War, never declined to lower than two-thirds of its to Ukraine. Growing concerns dogged the
1990 total (compared to under 50% in Germany), ambiguity of Scholz's twin promises, particularly
with a nadir of 1.85% of GDP.III Western over the relationship between the €100 billion
European public opinion generally agreed, fund and the 2% defense target.IX If the
particularly before 2014, with the political government intended for the fund to subsidize the
rationale for decreased military expenditures. target, Germany could only afford to maintain the
The invasion of Ukraine seemingly 2% level (equalling $75 billion annually) for a few
precipitated a regeneration of German defensive years, without any of the modernization,
posture. On the same day he proclaimed a procurement, or recruitment initiatives for which
'turning-point' in the twenty-first century security the fund was intended. By December, amid a
order, Scholz introduced to the Bundestag a projected failure to meet the target in 2023 and
special fund of €100 billion ($112.7 billion), by again from 2026,X Germany effectively retracted
which to modernize, expand, reequip, and prepare its 2% objective.XI Berlin concurrently witnessed
the German armed forces for the new era. The the technical failure of its Puma tanks,XII delays in
government also resolved to reach the annual the procurement of American F-35s,XIII increasing
NATO defense target of 2% of GDP.IV Public volatility in public opinion, and state backsliding
attitudes likewise shifted, from consistent on authoritarian deterrence. In March 2023, the
majorities before 2022 favoring static or decreased German defense minister pronounced that Berlin
military expenditures to 65% favoring the €100 could not bridge its military gaps until 2030.XIV
billion fund. 61% of center-right CDU/CSU Non-NATO Japan, by contrast,
supporters, 60% of center-left SPD supporters, committed to a 26.3% increase in defense
and 50% of Greens supporters supported the spending for 2023, elevating its defense budget
expansion of German defense spending to 2% of from 0.96% to 1.19% of GDP, with the intent to
GDP. Further polls indicated majorities of 68% annually increase it toward 2% of GDP.XV France,
and 61%, representing all parties, for the having already exceeded 2% of GDP since 2020,
deployment of Bundeswehr reinforcements to resolved to increase its seven-year defense budget
Eastern Europe and transfer of German arms to further from €295 billion to €413 billion from
Ukraine, respectively. 68% of Germans believed 2024-30.XVI The contrasting trajectory for German
Berlin had been too lenient toward Vladimir security investments, despite a consensus of the


state and people, suggests a deeper
institutionalization of military neglect. Various On the left, a pacific interpretation took
structural elements conspired to dissuade, distort, hold and 'never again war' became the
relegate, and impede the drive for rearmament. rallying cry . . . On the right . . . '[n]ever
Official policy thus remained complacent long again alone' was the precept for
after democratic opinion broadly ceased to be. Germany's democratization,
rehabilitation, and reconstruction . . .
Original Factors of German Complacency [T]he political mainstream converged on a
German strategic neglect draws from a set of assumptions and policies that
postwar socio-political consensus forged by honoured [sic] both precepts: a strong
ideological motivations and reinforced by practical urge to seek partnership and cooperation,
realities. These factors have institutionalized a emphasis on creating trust between
tradition of strategic deference that undermines Germany and her partners and neighbors,
immediate policy shifts toward proactivity. Even if renunciation of national nuclear weapons,
the breadth of German public favorability toward an emphasis on the need to demilitarize
increased military spending resembles that of international affairs, and a defensive
other countries, the shallower depth of such military posture, with the role of the
approval reflects the moderating influence of Bundeswehr circumscribed to territorial
unique structural determinants. For instance, while defense of Germany and its NATO
72% of Germans polled in 2022 considered Russia partners.XIX
a military threat, only 22% labeled it a strong
military threat while 50% considered it a minor This consensus is vital in understanding
threat.XVII This distinction indicates subsurface the willingness of postwar German politics to
factors that consolidated in Cold War-era abide by Allied-imposed strategic constraints.
Germany and dominated the strategic policy of Germany, fatigued by endless geopolitical conflict,
reunited Germany. readily cemented a tradition of strategic deference
When its fate was suspended between which absolved it of responsibility for proactive
opposite blocs, Germany's strategic agency lay geostrategy. Once Soviet-American strategic
beyond its control. The unique frontline status of interests withdrew from their positions along the
West Germany, reinforced by hundreds of intra-German Iron Curtain, the postwar
thousands of U.S. troops, positioned Washington consensus ascended to become the default
to call the military shots so Bonn wouldn't have to. geopolitical blueprint of reunified Germany. The
Upon the dissolution of the Soviet bloc, this end of Cold War-era incentives for military
guarantee became an institutional blank check for spending elevated the persuasiveness of this
the domestic neglect of strategic affairs, facilitating consensus as a practicable doctrine.
strategic isolationism. The implicit conflation in Germany of
The de facto disbandment of postwar military investment with militarist posture parallels
German strategic agency worked because it postwar conclusions of fellow defeated power
received the full cooperation of the Japan. In 2015, 68% of JapaneseXX and 69% of
Vergangenheitsbewältigung, Germany's process of Germans desired to limit their countries' military
"overcoming the past."XVIII Just as the Japanese roles in world affairs.XXI In 2022, 68% of Germans
stance against nuclear weapons logically developed still opposed a military role on the Continent and
from experiences in 1945, the psychological favored restraint over engagement.XXII German
memory of wartime devastation in Europe military policy observes a very high threshold for
influenced not only the social and educational armed operations, for which highly specialized
sensitivities of postwar German society, but the conditions, set both by the left and right, must be
orientation of political thought in the German satisfied.XXIII Yet unlike Japan, which exercises its
governing class. The political scientist Anja preferences for restraint under a U.S.-imposed
Dalgaard-Nielsen detailed two competing constitution and without multilateral security
interpretations of the war, which formed a obligations, Germany fully regulates its terms of
baseline cross-party consensus rejecting military restraint (like rules limiting arms shipments)XXIV. A
proactiveness: postwar aversion to strategic initiative distances it


from any stakes worth risking escalation. The dog whistle which readily reconfigured itself in
compulsions of geopolitical context, however, accordance with the principles of whichever
enforce only part of this political consensus. imperial, National Socialist, Communist, and even
Berlin also disavows military unilateralism democratic polity contemporarily existed.
for the sake of its rehabilitated image.
The cultural ubiquity of Eurocentric
World War Two triumphalism in the
West serves to perpetuate these concerns
by uniquely associating Germany with
the conquered evil, thus rendering it a
ceremonial object of fixed villainous
connotations. In 2015, 51% of young
Americans associated Germany first with
the Holocaust.XXV Unlike Japan, which succeeded East Germans especially, but also West
(at the U.S.'s initial behest) in controversially Germans, adapted prewar American caricatures to
concentrating wartime culpability in the hands of the military situation of the Cold War. While
militarist elites, Germany must continually wage a fanning the usual insinuations of capitalist cultural
reputational battle against historical associations rot, these elements reconceived America as an
that easily drown out its modern allies' rather occupier and aggressor state. This anti-American
technocratic insistences today that Berlin must construct outlasted the Cold War, feeding into the
proactively defend the global security architecture. Vergangenheitsbewältigung by offering a nationalist
The Kremlin is itself adroit at leveraging narrative to counter that of the Western Allies and
German culpability in Operation Barbarossa to thereby relativize German war guilt. A subliminal
insist upon modern-day "atonement," meaning nationalist resentment could account for a rather
German deference to Russian strategic wishes. A Gaullist German discomfort in conforming to a
halt to such deference amounts to a "betrayal of westward, "Anglo-Saxon" bloc (vilified either for
history"XXVI – notwithstanding Moscow's own its military basis or liberal-atlanticist principles), by
unpunished rampage through Germany. Historical which it considers Russia a counterbalance to
sensitivity underlies fears of Russian retaliation ensure German strategic independence.
and encourages Berlin to hide behind an ally's Ideological radicalism positively correlates
precedent, such as last January when it refused to with this degree of dissociation with America.
supply Ukraine with Leopard tanks unless This form of right-left alignment manifested
America first delivered its M1 Abrams tanksXXVII recently when the far-right Alternativ für
(the latter's conservatism stemmed partly from an Deutschland and far-left Die Linke jointly
awareness of its threat factor to other states). attended an event marking Victory Day at the
Here, the overlap of "never again alone" and Russian embassy, which mainstream parties had
"never again war" is visible as a deeply-ingrained, shunned.XXIX Yet whether in the chauvinist interest
multi-generational consensus. Entrenched of relativizing German war guilt or leftist interest
reputational concerns perpetuate Germany's of diabolizing the anticommunist orientation of
discomfort with the military responsibilities of a the United States, the postwar environment made
more interested strategic stakeholder. such analogies between American security policy
The sprawling mechanics of the and Prussian militarism highly opportune and
Vergangenheitsbewältigung closely implicate America. influential, particularly during periods of American
A distrust, far-flung among European intellectuals, military reinforcement in Western Europe.XXX
has traditionally pervaded German impressions of Not even a reduced post-Cold War
America and later its military force. Anti-American American military presence could clip the wings of
feeling, disproportionate within nationalist and "Ami Go Home" sloganeering. In 2019, 55% of
leftist circles, led sizable components of the state, Germans believed that European NATO defense
public, and intelligentsia to attribute a degeneracy from collective attack should exclude American
to any ripple that emanated from the emerging help.XXXI Nearly half of Germans supported a
American Century. The feared drift toward withdrawal of US troops.XXXII In polls from 2020,
"American modernity"XXVIII became an ideological 60% of PolesXXXIII and only 4% of GermansXXXIV


wanted to increase American troop numbers on Franco-Italian desires to "normalize" Russia as a
their home soil. Despite the fact that Poland and stakeholder in the European ecosystem, Berlin
Germany share equal security guarantees, Berlin abused such bases to justify its habitual military
differs from Warsaw in its moral appraisal of the neglect, long after NATO trends reversed in 2014;
American military establishment and trust in U.S. they became a distinctive ideological framework
foreign policy.XXXV Historical prejudices absent whose wreckage littered the road to Ukraine.
among Poles have led the Germans to entertain, In representing autocratic engagement as
to some extent, a moral equivalence between an antidote to strategic adventurism, Germany
American and Russian motivations. This exposes a exposed itself to unwelcome practical realities.
conundrum expected of a people aloof from Asymmetric economic interdependence had left
strategic pressures, who disfavor both increasing Germany reliant upon Russia for 55% of its coal,
responsibility for their own national security as 45% of its natural gas, and 35% of its petroleum
well as strategically associating with the principal by 2022.XXXVIII The breadth of Russian leverage,
allied force which guarantees it. extending quite beyond its nuclear blackmail,
Whether such morally relativistic attitudes contributes in practical terms to Berlin's fears of
reflect more a genuine postwar disillusionment rendering itself a target for Russian retaliation.
with idealist claims to righteousness, or a cynical The failure to recognize the dead ends of
effort to deny anyone "the right side of history," Ostpolitik, and properly anticipate the possibility of
this reductionism situated Berlin, without its own irredentist wars in the twenty-first century, belongs
Munich cautionary tale, to ignore a psychological not only to Franco-German intelligence, but
distinction between increasingly decoupled free institutionalized patterns of German behavior.
and unfree worlds. In misattributing Realpolitik for Berlin proved loath to revisit the assumptions of
ideological conviction, Berlin tactically disregarded its postwar ideological template. Its geographic
Russian and Chinese political dissatisfaction with a position afforded it some undeniable distance
liberally-oriented global order. Such states share a from revisionist actors in Moscow and Beijing.
commanding motivation to revise a Western-based The American nuclear and conventional military
order which Germany currently enjoys and from umbrella, within a multinational transatlantic
which America has no incentive to retreat. security alliance, continued to effectively nullify
the gravity of German national security by
Self-Reinforcing Factors of German delegating defense into multilateral hands.
Complacency The accumulation of military neglect over
The Cold-War-era Wirtschaftswunder and decades generated a cyclical malaise, impeding
Ostpolitik became adaptive foreign policy tools of future drives for reform, expansion, and
the Vergangenheitsbewältigung. The rapid recovery of deployment. In 2015, underequipped troops used
postwar German industry, followed by the broomsticks instead of machine guns during
political ascendance of the SPD in the 1960s, with exercises. In 2018, a parliamentary commissioner
its conciliatory approach to intra-German lambasted Germany's state of military
relations,XXXVI enabled a new, pragmatic model of preparedness ahead of its turn leading NATO's
foreign policy, tailored to the postwar political Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF),
consensus, whereby authoritarian engagement reporting inoperable submarine and air fleets, as
could substitute for military preparedness. During well as shortages in tanks, mobile accommodation
the Cold War, the intractability of the military units, and basic equipment, including winter
situation facing divided Germany obliged the garments and protective vests.XXXIX
Bonn Republic to recognize East Germany and Murkier governmental factors inform the
navigate the status quo by diplomatic means. practical basis for German strategic complacency.
Reunified Germany later strove under Gerhard Parliamentary infighting and coalitional rivalries
Schröder and Angela Merkel to synchronize its reliably delay the implementation of consequential
economic and political interests with those of changes; the greater their consequentiality, the
Moscow and Beijing.XXXVII Though its rationales greater the caution of democratic operatives –
for this corresponded with American idealist especially those accustomed for decades to an
expectations that economic integration could opposite orthodoxy. The unease of breaking
inspire political reform in closed societies, and tradition, regardless of necessity, reflects in the


unelected institutional machinery. Since its their interoperability. Revisionist autocracies might
inception last spring, a parliamentary body endeavor to penetrate NATO's armor through a
established for the allocation of the €100 billion German chink, to which the present extent of
fund for modernization met only once by early Russian infiltration lends credence. German
2023.XL The defense ministry, under pretenses of cultural distrust of the North Atlantic purpose
caution and prudence, has declined to adapt or sustains three pathways for damaging the integrity
intensify its operations to fulfill procurement of inter-democratic relations: German dissociation
initiatives. A languid bureaucracy disbelieves the with fellow democratic regimes; allied anger over
military urgency of its obligations, while its poor compensating German military neglect; and
coordination hampers efficiency. The practical opportunities for antiliberal powers to divide and
headwind of internal reticence reinforces the conquer their systemic rivals, for instance by
structural permanence of strategic policy. promoting "European sovereignty".XLVII The
One must even question intent, given the German question thus presents a formidable
susceptibility of long-neglected defensive and danger to its allies. In Ukraine complacency
intelligence infrastructure to foreign infiltration. already has costed: in the time the West spent to
Among NATO states, the unique permissiveness dither, Moscow flooded Ukrainian soil with mines.
of German engagement with authoritarian powers
disproportionately elevated its vulnerability at all Solutions
levels to Russian spy networks. In October, the The approval of rearmament resembled
German government purged its cybersecurity acquiescence more than endorsement by the
chief over his alleged ties to Moscow;XLI that German public. Germany must undertake efforts
December it arrested one of its own intelligence to increase its intensity of willingness to override a
officers.XLII The unknown level of Russian self-imposed conditional threshold for military
presence, cultivated throughout decades of projection. Contradicting enthusiasms for strategic
commercial Ostpolitik, tangibly affects the proactiveness engender deadlock and constantly
implementation of German security policy. downgrade the prioritization of decisive strategic
reform. Time has drained both the relevance of
Counterarguments and Implications German military restraint (maintained largely out
The failure of the Zeitenwende, and even of reputational interest, despite its moral framing)
its manner of failure, is disputed. To some, and the patience of its neighbors (including those
Germany justified its Zeitenwende merely by traditionally wary of German power) for its
publicly overturning the theoretical basis of its continuation in the changing world.
foreign policy;XLIII to others, it fell short for While an incrementalist policy in Ukraine
various reasons. One argument posits that the might gradually shift German feet to uncharted
origins of German complacency are largely not territory, the cessation of that conflict risks
structural, but attitudinal;XLIV if Germany merely defaulting such policy to its accustomed position;
overcame its historical discomfort with military Russian defeat would revitalize complacent
power, its strategic maladaptation would resolve instincts. This question of threat perception, with
itself. The argument is undermined, however, by its existential stakes, influences the efficacy of
the already broad approval among the German Germany's commitment to strategic readjustment.
population of military increases; it would seem Though 86% and 83% of Germans regarded
that Germans already "changed their mind" and Russia and China as global threat factors,
reconciled with this moral quandary, which hardly respectively, such threat factors invariably register
affected Germany in the Cold War: West as indirect. German fears principally concerned
Germany devoted significantly more to defense in the prospect of further Russian invasions targeting
1985XLV than even modern-day France.XLVI Eastern Europe, which 61% feared in November,
A democratic great power with such a despite recent Ukrainian counteroffensives.XLVIII
liability exposes the position of all democracies. Such geographically influenced threat perceptions
Multilateral efforts depend upon unilateral labors; likewise underlay Sweden's application to NATO
German abstinence has colossal stakes for allies and Ireland's lack of one. Germans would register
which rely upon Berlin. Any discrepancy in the potentiality of a Russian invasion of Moldova
German-NATO strategic readiness compromises quite differently from that of an expansionist


thrust into Germany itself, indicating the contrast unilateral strategic interests, as a democratic
between a broadly and deeply felt security threat. stakeholder in the global security architecture.
The German strategic psychology must At stake is the faithfulness of Germany to
affix the stakes of Germany's immediate national the defense of nations beyond its immediate
security to the world beyond its front door. This vicinity. From being just the depository of its
process obliges Berlin to promote and invest in national security obligations, Berlin must reassess
the defensive and diplomatic bonds of all parties NATO as an instrument of multiregionally
interested in the maintenance of the Westphalian reciprocated security guarantees, in which its own
order. The more ably Berlin associates with such a expectation of allied military protection relies
community of nations, the likelier it is to regard it upon the credibility of its military capacity to
as an extension of its own foundational security, satisfy its allies' expectations.
and therefore eschew strategic deference in favor This consummation of German strategic
of newfound initiative on their behalf. obligations as a great power must derive from
This obliges Germany to internationalize deeper incentivization to care. If diplomatic and
its values-based perspective. No more must it economic engagement were complemented by
associate the liberal order with Cold War-era U.S. more strategic coordination with other free states,
custodianship of geostrategy; it must recognize the Germans would better appreciate the stakes of
interregional connectivity of democratic security such global solidarity. The democratic world has
amid the rising coordination of authoritarian already extended an invitation: Romania, in fact,
designs. Grasping the contiguity of Sino-Russian has demanded that Germany station troops in its
aims in Eurasia, for instance, would predispose territory;LV Taiwan has inquired for Germany to
Berlin to more actively cultivate such an affinity. A invest in a Pacific role,LVI as have Japan and South
more developed emotional attachment would Korea, who have strengthened their mutual
furnish the necessary urgency to override security ties.LVII The passage of a German warship
complacency and overhaul geostrategy. through the South China Sea in late 2021,LVIII
The road to restoring German confidence followed by the planned deployment of two
in its strategic agency, such that Berlin becomes an warships to the Indo-Pacific in 2024,LVIX alongside
active arbiter of its own destiny, requires proactive new measures to curb trade dependence on China,
participatory outreach. Rather than attempt to embody welcome signs of a long-term correction,
re-engineer deep-worn sentiments and trigger especially so under an SPD-led coalition. As Berlin
conscious resistance, such outreach would expose layers such strategic connections, it gradually
their obsolescence and facilitate their subliminal restructures its mission as a concerned democratic
abandonment. The task is difficult given the role power, "alone behind friends" no longer.
of such sentiments in shaping strategic mentality. As for reputational concerns, we must
In 1956, two-thirds demanded strategic neutrality acknowledge the inevitability that our era should
during the Hungarian Revolution.XLIX Modern base its origin story upon the defeated power of
Germany defies the democratic consensus on 1945, just as the nineteenth century defined itself
China, having provoked U.S. and E.U. fury in by the French stand at Waterloo. Yet although
October when it decided to grant China a stake in young Americans were the likeliest to recall the
Hamburg port.L Credible German pluralities have Holocaust when thinking of Germany, this same
opposed American partnership on Pacific affairs.LI age cohort was also likeliest, at 64%, to say that
Of course, while the French have expressed Berlin had apologized sufficiently for the War.LX
similar reservations regarding American The turnover of generations confirms a rising
domination of strategic policyLII and NATO's consensus that however vast the Nazi past may
involvement in the Pacific,LIII the former is loom, it presents no reason for Berlin to ignore
motivated by concerns over organizational focus the summons of a changing present to step into
and the marginalization of French strategic power, the future. The past is only overcome by starting
rather than by Franco-American partnership; Paris rather than suppressing a new chapter, through a
and Washington, in fact, conducted Pacific naval restored self-confidence. Whether Germany quells
drills in June 2023.LIV Unlike Berlin, Paris long its ancient reservations willingly in the present
grasped its strategic duties, subsuming even peace or forcibly in a future crisis, the passage of
time will reshape its historical reputation. It is


within Berlin's powers to choose whether the found itself with no structural tradition by which
character of this evolution is positive or negative. to prepare for the trials of the present century.
It is notable that within the governing The strategic reassessment among
coalition, the foremost proponent for militarily Germans must add a depth of resolve to its
reinforcing Ukraine, foreign minister Annalena present breadth by overthrowing the lingering
Baerbock, a Green,LXI is part of a new generation, prejudices which continue to encourage their
less predisposed to antiquated Ami caricatures or dissociation from the urgency of Germany's
hamstrung by reductive and outdated postwar unilateral strategic obligations toward the liberal
conclusions. Fearlessly emphasizing the perils of order. Such prejudices structurally limit the depths
passivity,LXII she views European and Indo-Pacific of both public and political conviction. They have
security soberly and, quite frankly, trailblazes the had a cumulative effect upon the latter by
future of German foreign policy. Younger inspiring and maintaining a now outdated postwar
Germans more freely discern a global democratic consensus of strategic negligence, exercised by the
community of intertwined fates, committed to a ossified structures of an uncooperative, and
worthy strategic purpose which obliges a new possibly compromised, internal machinery. The
Germany to act, with a greater impetus of inability to structurally accommodate changes in
historical duty than others, in defense of it. public attitudes could mean, amid accelerating
international rearmament, that Germany ceases to
Conclusion function within NATO. We can expect no
The German strategic tradition remains in Zeitenwende until Germany addresses the
limbo as it transitions from a prewar revisionist structural basis underlying its complacency. If
mindset to a twenty-first century mindset Germany actualized its individual stake in
defensive of the existing order. The postwar interregional security, it would be incentivized to
German political class, in fashioning a consensus avert the perils of strategic indecision. The
reflective of intersectional social opinions both responsibilities of global projection would advance
ancient and recent, externalized and renounced the interest of Berlin in the strategic fate of
German strategic responsibilities such that remoter regions, to the benefit of its military
complacency became the sole strategic tradition to preparedness against antiliberal revanchism. If a
which it was accustomed. While the end of the predetermined cycle of strategic complacency
Cold War resolved the territorial aspect of the were broken, a true Zeitenwende could elevate
German question, the consequent peace enabled Germany to its responsibilities in the new world.
Berlin to ignore the aspect of reclaiming its
strategic responsibility. Modern-day Germany

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