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Bulacan State University

COLLEGE OF SCIENCE The work done by the following forces are:

(a) The work would be positive if the force component acts in the same direction
City of Malolos, Bulacan
as the displacement as cos 0o = +1.
The journey to excellence starts here.
WFx= Fx cos 0o d= Fx d
(b) If the force or a force component, acts in the opposite direction of the
COE105 – PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS displacement, the work is negative as cos 180 = -1.
Chapter 4.0 Wf = f cos 180o d= - f d
(c) No work is done if the force is perpendicular to the direction of motion as
cos90o = 0 or cos 270 = 0
When we hear about work, we always associate it with something that calls for energy. WFN=FN cos 90o d= 0
We also think of feeling tired after doing it. These are all true, for work is our care in WFN=FN cos 270o d= 0
actually doing something by exerting our energy, and how fast the work is done has
something to do with power. Consider the figure below:
Work is a measure of energy expended in moving an object; most commonly, force
times displacement. No work is done if the object does not move.

Work Done by a Constant Force

The work done on a system by an agent exerting a
constant force in moving an object is equal to the product
of the magnitudes of the displacement and the
component of the force parallel to the displacement. (a) Positive work is done when a box is lifted because the applied force in the same
Suppose a constant force F acts in the x-direction and direction as the displacement. WFy = Fy d = mgh
causes an object to move a distance of d. Work W is (b) However, when the box is lowered to the floor, the work done is negative because
represented as: W= Fd the applied force is still directed upward but the displacement is directed
If the force F makes an angle,  with the direction
downward. WFy = Fy d = - mgh
of motion, the work done by F is given by:
W= Fx d = Fcos d
In SI units, work is measured in Newton –meter (Nm) called Joule (J). Other units used
to express work are dyne-cm or erg in the cgs system and foot-pounds (ft lb) in the
Consider the figure below:
English system.

Work is a scalar quantity because it has magnitude but no direction and may have a
positive and negative value.
The net work done on the system is the sum of all the work done on it by the individual
forces acting on it. Work is scalar so we can simply add work up.
Example 4.4: What is the minimum work needed to push a 1000.0 kg car 300.0 m up a
Consider the figure below:
17.5o incline? (a) Ignore friction. (b) Assume the effective coefficient of friction is 0.25.
Fy= 0; FN–Fgy=0; ; FN = Fgy = mgcos
Fx= 0; F – fS - Fgx = 0; F = fS + Fgx = µmgcos + mg sin Solution:
Wfs = fs d = µFN d = µmgcos x d (a) Fy= 0; FN – Fgy =0; FN =Fgy = mg cos
WFgx= Fgxd = mg sin x d Fx= 0; Fx – f - Fgx =0
Fx = f + Fgx = 0 + mgsin
WFgy = Fgy d = mg cos x d
W = Fx d = mgsin d
WFN = FN d = mg cos x d = 1000.0 kg x 9.8 m/s2 sin 17.5o x 300.0 m
WF = mg d (µ cos d + sin ) = 8.84x 105 J
Wnet = WFx + WFgy + WFgx + Wf+ WFN (b) Fy= 0; FN – Fgy =0; FN =Fgy = mg cos
= µ mgcos d + mgd sin -mgd cos - mgd sin - µ mg d cos + mgd cos Fx= 0; Fx – f -Fgx =0; Fx =f +Fgx
f = µFN = µmg cos
Example 4.1: A 75.0 kg firefighter climbs a flight of stairs 10.0 m high. How much work
is required? Fx = µmg cos + mg sin
Solution: W = Fgh = mgh = 75.0 kg x 9.8 m/s2 x 10.0 m = 7350 J WFx = Fx d = mgd (µcos + sin)
= 1000.0 kg x 9.8 m/s2x 300.0 m (0.25 cos 17.5o x + sin 17.5o) = 1.59x 106 J
Example 4.2: How much work did the movers do (horizontally)
pushing a 150.0 kg crate 12.3 m across a rough floor without Work Done by a Varying Force.
acceleration? The effective coefficient of friction is 0.70. Work was limited to work done by a constant force. In
Solution: Fy= 0; FN – Fg =0; FN = Fg = mg general, forces are variable that is they change with
Fx= 0; Fx – f =0; Fx =f = µFN =µmg time and/or position. For example, a force F(x) that is a
W = Fx d = µmgd = 0.70 x 150.0 kg x 9.8 m/s2 x 12.3 m function of position acts on an object that moves from
= 12657 J = 1.27 x 105 J position x1, to position x2 and so on. The total work
Example 4.3: How high will a 0.325 kg rock go if thrown straight up by done to make each little step is
someone who does 115 J of work on it? Neglect air resistance. W=  F(x)xi= F1x1 + F2x2 + F3x3 + …….. + Fnxn
Solution: W = Fyh In the limit that x  0, then work may be written as
Fy = 0; Fy – Fg =0; Fy = Fg = mg the area bounded by the curve F(x) and the x-axis

W 115 J
h = Fy = 0.325 x 9.8 = 36.1 m Example 4.5: A force of (4x2-3x) N acts on a particle which displaces it
m/s2 from x =2m to x =3m. What is the work done by the force?
Solution: W = F(x) dx = (4x2-3x) dx
W= 4x - 3x
3 2
3 2 The spring force can be calculated using the average force. The average force can be
expressed as:
4 3
W= [33- 23] - [32- 22] = 17.83 J
3 2
F + Fo
Example 4.6: A force acting on a particle varies with x as 2
shown below. Calculate the work done by the force as the if Fo= 0 then
particle moves from x= 0 to x = 6.0 m. F
Solution: W = 4 x 5 + ½ (5 x 2) = 25 J 2
Thus the work done
The force used in stretching a spring is an example of a Fd Kx2
W= =
variable force doing work. According to the Hooke’s Law 2 2
the restoring force (or spring force) of a perfectly elastic spring is proportional to its Example 4.7: A 0.200 kg mass is suspended from a vertical spring and descends a
extension (or compression), but opposite to the direction of extension (or distance of 5.30 cm, after which it hangs at rest. An additional 0.450 kg mass is then
compression). suspend from the first, what is the total extension of the spring?
F=−kx; or with xi = 0, F=−kx
mg 0.200kg x 9.8 m/s2
F =kx ; k= = = 37.0 N/m
x 0.0530m
(m1+m2)g (0.200+0.450) kg (9.8 m/s2)
x= = =0.170 m= 17.0 cm
k 37.0 N/m
Example 4.8: If a 50.0 N force is used to compress a spring with a
spring constant of 4.0 x 102 N/m, what is the resulting spring
F 50.0 N
F =kx ; x = = = 0.125 m
k 4.0x102 N/m

Example 4.9: If it takes 450.0 J of works to stretch a spring 8.0 cm,

what is the spring constant?

kx2 2W 2 x 450 J
W= ; k= = = 1.4 x 105 N/m
2 x2 (0.080 m)2
Example 4.10: A student suspends a 0.450 kg mass on a spring, which stretches a
distance of 8.00 cm. The student then removes the mass and pulls down the spring,
stretching it and doing 10.0 J of work. How far is the spring stretched as a result of the Example 4.13: An automobile is traveling along a highway at 90 kph. If it travels instead
work done by the student? at 100 kph, what is the percent increase in the automobile’s kinetic energy?
mg 0.450 kg x 9.8 m/s2
F =kx ; k= = = 49.0 N/m
x 0.0800m ½ mvf2 -½ mvi2 ½ m(100)2 - ½ m(90)2
2 % increase= x 100 = X 100 = 23
kx 2W 2 x 10.0 J ½ mvi2 ½ m(90)2
W= ; x2= = ; x = 0.64 m = 64 cm
2 k 49 N/m
Example 4.14: A baseball (m = 140.0 g) traveling 35.0 m/s moves a fielder glove
Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Principle backward 25.0 cm when the ball is caught. What was the average force exerted by the
ball on the glove?
Energy is defined as the ability of the body to do work. It is a scalar quantity just like
Solution: W= Fd = KE = ½ mv2
work. Energy is related to work because energy is measured in terms of the numbers of
mv2 0.140kg x (35.0 m/s2)2
work it can do and therefore it has the same units as work. F= = = 343 N
2d 2 x 0.250 m
An object in motion has the ability to do work and thus we can say that it has energy.
Example 4.15: An accident scene on a level road, investigators measure a car’s kid mark
The energy of motion is called kinetic energy.
to be 88.0 m long. It was a rainy day and the coefficient of friction was estimated to be
In relation to motion, the force causes the object to accelerate, thus substituting 0.42. Use these data to determine the speed of the car when the driver slammed on
F=ma and a= (vf2 –vi2)/2d in work equation will give, (and locked) the brakes.
md(vf2 –vi2) m(vf2 –vi2) Solution: W= Fd = KE = ½ mv2
W= Fx d = mad = =
2d 2 2µmg
The above equation is called the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem that states that the net v= d
= 2 x 0.42 x 9.8 x 88.0 ; v = 26.91 m/s
work done on an object equals the change in kinetic energy of the object. The W-KE m
theorem indicates that the speed of a particle will increase if the net work done on it is Potential Energy
positive because the final KE will be greater than the initial KE. The speed will decrease Potential Energy is the energy of a body at rest. Its potential to do work is derived from
if the net work is negative because the final KE will be less than the initial KE. its position or configuration. The two classification of potential energy are:
Example 4.11: At room temperature, an oxygen molecule, with mass 5.31 x 10 -26 kg,  Gravitational Potential Energy, PEg, of a body is its ability to do work because of its
typically has a KE of about 6.21 x 10-21 J. How fast is it moving? position in a gravitational field. Position refers to the height of the body above the
Solution: KE = ½ mv2 reference point. Example a work is done against the force of gravity as when an
2KE 2 x 6.21 x 10-21 J object is about to lift.
v2= ; v2= ; v =484 m/s
m 5.31 x 10-26 kg W = F h = mg(hf-hi) = PEf -PEi
Example 4.12: How much work is required to stop an electron (9.11 x 10 -21 kg) which is Commonly, hi = 0 therefore PEi = 0 and gravitational potential Energy can be
moving with a speed of 1.9 x 106 m/s? written as PEg = mgh
Solution: W = KE = KEf – KEi ; KEf = 0
 Elastic Potential Energyis potential energy stored as a result of deformation of
2 -21 6 2 -18
= 0 -½ mv = -½ (9.11 x 10 kg)(1.9 x 10 m/s) = 1.64x 10 J
i an elastic object, such as the stretching of a spring. It is equal to the work done to
stretch the spring, which depends upon the spring constant k as well as the distance PE1 = KE2
stretched. mgh = ½ mv2
W = PEe = ½ k [xf2 – xi2] v = (2gh) ½ = (2 x 9.8 x 6.04) ½ = 10.9 m/s
Example 4.16: A spring has a spring constant, k, of 440.0 N/m. How much must this
(b) PE1 + KE1= KE2
spring be stretched to store 25.0 J of potential energy?
mgh + ½ mv12 = ½ mv22
Solution: PE = ½ kx2
2gh = v22 - v12
v2 = (v12 + 2gh) ½ = (4.002 + 2 x 9.8 x 6.04)½ = 11.6 m/s
2PE 2 x 25.0 J
x2= = ; x = 0.337 m
k 440.0 N/m
Example 4.17: How much does the gravitational potential energy of a 64.0 kg pole Conservation of Total Mechanical Energy
vaulter change if his center of mass rises about 4.0 m during the jump? The sum of all types of the kinetic and potential energy is called the Total Mechanical
Solution: PE = mgh = 64.0 kg x 9.8 m/s2 x 4.0 m = 2500 J Energy, TME.
The Law of Conservation of Energy states
For a conservative system (one in which conservative forces do work, the Total
that the total amount of energy in the
Mechanical Energy is constant or conserved, that is
Universe is fixed that is energy cannot be
TMEf = TMEi ; KEf + PEf = KEi + PEi
created nor destroyed. It means that
This equation is the Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy. This state that in
energy can only change from one form to
conservative system, the sum of all types of kinetic and potential energy is constant and
another. The motion of the pendulum
equal to the Total Mechanical Energy of the system.
bob demonstrates how energy is
This equation can also be written as where the TME of the system sum up to zero.
KE + PE = 0
12: TMEf = TMEi
PE2 + KE2 = PE1 + KE1 Example 4.19: A body with a mass m = 4.00 kg sits on a frictionless horizontal plane,
KE2 = PE1 connected to a spring with a force constant k = 24.0 N/m. We pull on the body,
23: TMEf = TMEi stretching the spring 0.500 m, and release body with no initial velocity. The body begins
PE3 + KE3= PE2 + KE2 to move back toward its equilibrium position (x=0). What is its velocity when x = 0.300
PE3 + KE3= KE2 m?
34: TMEf = TMEi Solution:
PE4 + KE4= PE3 + KE3 KE + PE = 0; ½ m(vf2 - vi2 ) + ½ k(x f2 – x i2)= 0; mvf2 = - k(xf2 – xi2)
PE4 = PE3 + KE3
Example 4.18: Tarzan swings on a 30.0 m inclined at an angle of 37.0 o with the vertical. k(xf2 – xi2) 24.0 N/m(0.32 – 0.52)m2
vf2 = - =- ; vf = 0.98 m/s
What is his speed at the bottom of the swing if (a) he starts from rest? (b) he pushes off m 4.00 kg
with a speed of 4.00 m/s Example 4.20: A can paint of mass 2.0 kg was dropped from a height of 14.0 m. What is
Solution: the KE of the can when it is at the height of 10.0 m from the ground? With what
(a) y = 30 cos 37.0o = 23.96 m velocity will it hit the ground?
h = y’ = 30.0 – 23.96 = 6.04 m (a) KE = - PE = - mg(hf – hi) = mg(hi – hf)
KE = 2.0 kg x 9.8 m/s2 (14 – 10) m = 78.4 J W W
P= =
(tf- ti) t
(b) KE + PE = 0; ½ m(vf2 - vi2 ) + mg(hi – hf) = 0; vi = 0 and hf = 0
vf2 = 2ghi = 2 x 9.8 m/s2 x 14.0 m = 274; vf= 16.57 m/s Velocity is related to Power that is,
P= = Fv
When other forces (non-conservative forces) act on the system, the work-energy
theorem becomes: Common units of Power: J/s, watt, ft-lb/s, horsepower
Wother = KE + PE Note: 1 hp = 550 ft-lb/s = 746 watt; 1J/s = 1 watt
Example 4.21. A 5.0 kg block is pushed up an Example 4.22: A crane lifts a 300.0 kg load at constant speed at a vertical distance of
inclined plane of an angle of 30.0 o at a distant of 30.0 m in 10.0 s. Calculate the rate at which the crane is doing work on the load.
20.0 m by a constant horizontal force of 100.0 N.
The rough surface has a coefficient of kinetic Solution:
friction of 0.20. Determine the following (a) the W mgh (300.0 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(30.0 m)
work done by each force; (b) kinetic energy; (c) P= = = = 8. 80 x 103 watt
t t 10.0 s
potential energy

Example 4.23. A certain 1300.0 kg car can accelerate from rest to a velocity of 35.0 m/s
Solution: Fy = 0 = FN – Fgy = 0; FN = Fgy = 5.0 x 9.8 cos 30.0 = 42.435 N
o in 12.0 s. What is the average power in Hp must the motor produce in order to cause
this acceleration?
f = µ FN = 0.20 x 42.435 N = 8.49 N
WF = F x d = 100.0 N x 20.0 m = 2000. J
W ½ mv2 ½ (1300.0 kg)(35.0 m/s)
Wf = f x d = 8.49 N x (-20.0 m) = - 169. 8 J P= = = = 66, 354 W = 89.0 Hp
t t 12.0 s
hf = 20.0 sin 30.0 o = 10.0m
Supplementary Problem:
PE = mg(hf – hi) = 5.0 x 9.8 x (10.0 -0) = 490.0 N 4.1 A 1.5 kg book is dropped from a height of 15.0 m from the ground. Find its
WF + Wf =PE + KE potential energy and kinetic energy when it is 6.0 m from the ground. Answer:
132.3 J
KE = WF + Wf - PE = 2000. J - 169. 8 J - 490.0 N = 1340. J 4.2 A 8.0 kg stone resting on a vertical spring. The spring is compressed 10.0 cm by the
Power and Velocity stone. (a) What is the spring constant? (b) The stone is pushed down an additional
Work maybe done over different length of time. For example, you have to clean your 30.0 cm and released. What is the potential energy of the compressed spring just
room. This requires you to do work but you can do it for hour or two. Usually it is not before that released? (c) How high above the released position will the stone rise?
only the amount of work which is considered but how fast you have done that specific Answers: (a) k = 784 N/m (b) PE = 62.7 J (c) h =x= 0.80 m
amount of work. The rate of doing work is called Power. Average power is the work 4.3 A 2.50 kg bowling ball rolls into a wall travelling and 6.00 m/s. It crashes into the
done over the time it takes to do work. wall and is brought to rest by the forces acting from the wall. (a) How much work
done by the wall in bringing the object to rest? (b) If the ball comes to rest in 0.4 s, 8. __A block of mass m = 50.0 kg moves on a rough horizontal surface with a coefficient of
then calculate the power used in stopping the ball. Answers: (a) W = 45.0 J (b) P = kinetic friction µ = 0.50. The traveled distance is 20.0 m. How much work is done by the
113 W friction force? [A] 9800 J [B] 500 J [C] -4900 J [D] 4900 J
9. __An object I with a mass of 4.0 kg is lifted vertically 3.0 m from the ground level.
Another object II with a mass of 2.0 kg is lifted 6.0 m up. Which of the following
statements is true? [A] Object I has greater potential energy since it is heavier [B]
Object II has greater potential energy since it is lifted to a higher position [C] Two
Score objects have the same potential energy
9. __A 4.0 kg block is attached to a vertical spring with a spring constant 8.0 x 10 2 N/m.
Course: Seat No.
The spring stretches 5.0 cm down. How much elastic potential energy is stored in the
Instructor: Date: system? [A] 1.0 J [B] 0.50 J [C] 1.5 J [D] 2.0 J
10.__A car travels with a constant speed of 15 m/s. The car’s engine produces a 4000 N
pushing force in order to keep the speed constant. How much power is developed by
Exercise No. 3 the engine? [A] 60 W [B] 600 W [C] 6000 W [D] 60000 W
Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the best answer. Use capital letter. 11.__A block with a mass of m crosses a rough horizontal surface at a constant speed of v.
The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is µ. How much
1. __When a body falls freely under gravity, then the work done by the gravity is [A] power must be produced in order to overcome the friction force? [A] mg [B.] µmg [C]
Positive [B] Negative [C] Zero [D] Infinity µg [D] µmgv
2. __When a body slides against a rough horizontal surface, the work done by friction is 12.__ A motorbike engine can develop a power of 90000 W in order to keep a constant
[A] Positive [B] Zero [C] Negative [D] Constant velocity of 30 m/s. What is the pushing force? [A] 3000 N [B] 30000 N [C] 300000 N
3. __A person is holding a bucket by applying a force of 10.0 N. He moves a horizontal [D] 300 N
distance of 5.0 m and then climbs up a vertical distance of 10.0 m. Find the total work 13.__A construction worker holds a heavy tool box. How much work is done by the
done by him [A] 50 J [B] 148 J [C] 100 J [D] 198 J worker? [A] Fgd [B] ½ mv2 [C] mgh [D] zero
4. __A bullet fired from a gun can pierce a target due to its [A] Mechanical energy [B] 14.__A container with a mass of 5.0 kg is lifted to a height of 8.0 m. How much work is
5. Heat energy [C] Kinetic energy [D] Acceleration done by the gravitational force? [A] 400 J [B] -400 J [C] zero [D] 50 J.
6. __An object is thrown straight up. Which of the following is true about the sign of work 15.__xxxxxxxxx
done by the gravitational force while the object moves up and then down? [A] Work is 16.__The transfer of energy to a body by the application of a force that causes the body to
positive on the way up, work is positive on the way down [B] Work is negative on the move in the direction of the force is called [A] distance [B] work [C] power [D]
way up, work is negative on the way down [C] Work is negative on the way up, work is mechanical advantage
positive on the way down [D] Work is positive on the way up, work is negative on the 17.__Which of the following processes requires the most work? [A] A person holds a 1kg
way down weight stationary with outstretched arms. [B] A 10kg weight rests on a table. [C] A
7. __What happens to the kinetic energy of a moving object if the net work done is person lifts a 10kg weight 1m off the floor. [D] A person lifts a 1kg weight 1m off the
positive? [A] The kinetic energy increases [B] The kinetic energy decreases [C] The floor.
kinetic energy remains the same [D] The kinetic energy is zero 18. __How much power is required to lift a 30.0 N chair 0.20m in 2.0 s? [A] 12 W [B] 15 W
[C] 1.0 W [D] 3.0 W.
19.__As a dropped penny falls toward the ground, ____ energy is converted to ____
energy. [A] kinetic, heat [B] potential, kinetic [C] kinetic, potential [D] mechanical,
20.__How much power is required to do 180.0 J of work in 2.4s? [A] 75 W [B] 7.5 [C] 430
[D] 178

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