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446 NATURE OcT. 5, 1940, VoL.


Static and Dynamic Electricity The reviewer has used this book in connexio:t
By Prof. William R. Smythe. (International with a variety of practical problems since its pub-
Series in Physics.) Pp. xviii+560. (New York and lication last November and has never met with
London: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1939.) 40s. disappointment. Every possible aid to the research
worker has been given by the author, even to the
FOR some time there has been a crying need for detail of noting at the foot of each page the system
a standard text-book on electromagnetic of units employed thereon. The results are always
theory, which should give a concise summary of given in the most practical form. Thus, for ex-
its fundamental principles, and should illustrate ample, the magnetic field due to a circular loop
them by abundant reference to problems of prac- is not expressed as a useless, slowly convergent
tical physics and technical engineering. The series of zonal harmonics but as elliptic integrals
classical treatises by Jeans and Livens give admir- which can be rapidly evaluated from tables.
able accounts of the basic laws of electro- There is a twenty-page index and a careful
magnetism, of the mathematical analysis required appendix comparing in detail the standard systems
in problems and of the semi-philosophical problems of units . Vector notation is employed throughout.
which lie at the root of the speculative parts of There is a good introduction to the special theory
the theory. But it was not their aim to deal of relativity and also to wave mechanics. The
in any detail with practical applications or to requisite mathematical analysis is as
present the results of the theory in a form required, but space is saved by · referring the
adapted for use in research. This magnificent student to standard tables of integrals for the
text-book by Prof. W. R. Smythe has as its more elementary results. This treatise should take
express object to exhibit the theory of electricity its place with those of Jeans and Livens as an
and magnetism in direct relation to problems of indispensable help to every research worker in
research. electromagnetic theory. G. TEMPLE.

A History of Indian Philosophy which are not orthodox for the most part with
By Dr. Surendranath Dasgupta. VoL 3. Pp. regard to official Brahmin thought. The Paii-
xiii+614. (Cambridge : At the University Press, cavatras, for example, are considered of a lower
1940.) 35s. net. caste and value by the orthodox Brahmins. This
volume deals in turn with the Bhaskara school,

A LL those who are interested in Indian

philosophy, and especially the readers of the
first two volumes of this excellent standard and
the Paficavatras and the Arvars, the Visistadvaita,
Yamunacarya, the important Ramanuja school
and the Nimbarka doctrines, and the Vijnana
scholarly work, will welcome the publication of Bhiksu. The book ends with a detailed exposition
the third volume as well as the news that the of selected Puranas and the usual bibliographies
manuscript of the fourth volume is ready. Prof. and indexes.
Dasgupta's remarkable exposition of Indian The analysis of these teachings shows the alert-
thought brings home to philosophers that the ness and depth of Iridian thought at its best, what-
history of their subject is incompletely assessed ever be their orthodoxy. Problems of knowledge,
and understood without a general knowledge at of religious psychology, of moral experience are
least of Eastern thought. The difficulty of perusing well illustrated. The discussion of the nature of
manuscripts in Sanskrit and other old tongues of time according to Venkatanatha, to take one
the Dekkan Peninsula is minimized by the pains- instance, is very illuminating, and exhibits the
taking and judicious study carried out by Prof. closeness of the Indian views with some Western
Dasgupta, and the results of which arc given in his doctrines . In fact, the comparative value of Indian
great work. philosophy is one of the characteristics that should
The present volume deals more specifically with induce European scholars to give more time and
the religious philosophy of southern Indian schools, thought to it. T. GREENWOOD.

© 1940 Nature Publishing Group

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