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11 Wish you were here?

Page 125 11.11 property (n) /ˈprɒpəti/
land and buildings ● Property is still very
11.1 dune (n) /dʒuːn/ cheap on the island. ❖ ‫ممتلكات‬
a hill of sand ● On a clear day, you can
11.12 launch (v) /lɔːntʃ/
see Africa from the top of that dune.
to begin or introduce a new plan, project, etc.
❖ ‫كُثبان رملية‬ ● The airline launched a number of new
services last month. ➣ launch (n)
❖ ‫يدشن‬
Reading Pages 126–127 11.13 stopover (n) /ˈstɒpˌəʊvə(r)/
a short stay in a place that you make on your
11.2 touristification (n) /ˌtʊərɪstɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ way to another place ● Our flight to Australia
the process of making a place suitable included a stopover in Singapore for a couple
for tourists without paying attention to the of days. ❖ ‫زيارة قصرية‬
needs of the locals ● Touristification leads
to increased housing prices and increased 11.14 split (v) /splɪt/
carbon emissions. ❖ ‫التسويح‬ divide into two or more parts ● Cockcroft and
Walton were the first to split the atom in an
11.3 overtourism (n) /ˌəʊvəˈtʊərɪzəm/ experiment in 1932. ❖ ‫يقسم‬
the state of having too many tourists ● Cheap
flights have contributed to the phenomenon of 11.15 spectacular (adj) /spekˈtækjələ(r)/
overtourism. ❖ ‫فرط السياحة‬ exciting to look at ● The view of the gorge was
11.4 banner (n) /ˈbænə(r)/
spectacular. ❖ ‫ مدهش‬،‫مذهل‬
a piece of cloth with words written on it that is 11.16 scenery (n) /ˈsiːnəri/
carried by people taking part in a protest the beautiful features of the natural environment
● They had hung a huge banner over the ● We stopped at the top of the hill and admired
street that said ‘No new taxes’. ❖ ‫ يافطة‬،‫الفتة‬ the scenery. ❖ ‫ مشهد‬،‫منظر‬
11.5 hotspot (n) /ˈhɒtspɒt/ 11.17 hit (n) /hɪt/
a place where there is a lot of activity ● Gran a thing or person that is very popular and/or
Canaria has long been a popular hotspot for successful ● Her last film was a major hit.
young tourists. ❖ ‫نقطة اتصال‬ More than a million people saw it on the first
11.6 fed up (adj) /fed ʌp/
weekend. ❖ ‫ محبوب‬،‫يلقى إقباالً كب ًريا‬
bored or annoyed, especially by sth that has 11.18 rental (adj) /ˈrentl/
continued for too long ● Fed up with city life, sth you pay to use for a period of time
she decided to move to the country. ● This is just a rental car I got for my holiday.
❖ ‫ مستاء‬،‫مغتاظ‬ ❖ ‫استئجار‬
11.7 rampant (adj) /ˈræmpənt/ 11.19 increase (v) /ɪnˈkriːs/
spreading everywhere in a way that you can’t make or become larger ● The cost of living has
control ● Crime was rampant in the inner city increased dramatically in the last 20 years.
areas and the police seemed unable to do ➣ increase (n) ❖ ‫ يزيد‬،‫يزداد‬
anything about it. ❖ ‫متفش‬
ّ ،‫مستفحل‬ 11.20 fragile (adj) /ˈfrædʒaɪl/
11.8 port city (n) /pɔːt ˈsɪti/ easy to damage, break or hurt ● Be careful
a city that has a harbour ● Venice is a port city not to drop that vase. Ιt’s very fragile.
with a huge artistic heritage. ❖ ‫مدينة مبيناء‬ ❖ ‫قابل للكرس‬
11.9 cruise ship (n) /ˈkruːz ˌʃɪp/ 11.21 wear and tear (expr) /ˌweər ən ˈteə(r)/
a large ship that people travel on for pleasure damage to an object that results from ordinary
● Most cruise ships are like hotels. They use over a period of time ● It is normal for
have swimming pools, hotels, clubs and even furniture to suffer wear and tear over the years.
cinemas. ❖ ‫سفينه سياحيه‬ ❖ ‫البىل والتلف لالستعامل‬
11.10 drop (sb) off (phr v) /drɒp (ˈsʌmbədi) ɒf/ 11.22 deliberate (adj) /dɪˈlɪbərət/
take sb to a particular place ● The taxi planned, not by accident ● I didn’t make a
dropped me off outside the main entrance. deliberate decision to lose weight – it just
❖ ‫إنزال‬ happened! ❖ ‫متعمد‬ ✎ Opp: accidental

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11.23 pile (n) /paɪl/ 11.30 steering wheel (n) /ˈstɪərɪŋ ˌwiːl/
a lot of things thrown together ● There was a a wheel that a driver turns to make their car go
pile of dirty clothes on the floor. ❖ ‫ركام‬ left or right ● When driving, you should keep
11.24 tourist trap (n) /ˈtʊərɪst ˌtræp/ both hands on the steering wheel at all times.
a crowded place where tourists do or buy ❖ ‫عجلة القيادة‬
things at prices higher than normal ● The 11.31 rush hour (n) /ˈrʌʃ ˌaʊə(r)/
island has become a tourist trap that’s no the busy time when streets are crowded in
longer worth visiting. ❖ ‫مصيدة سواح‬ the morning, when a lot of people are going to
11.25 official (n) /əˈfɪʃəl/ work, or in the evening, when they are going
a person that has a position of responsibility back home ● We left very early in the morning
in a large organisation ● Government officials to avoid the rush hour. ❖ ‫ساعة الذروة‬
admitted they were unable to solve the 11.32 run (v) /rʌn/
problem. ❖ ‫موظف‬ travel, cover a route ● The airport bus runs
every 20 minutes. ❖ ‫يسافر‬
11.33 head for (phr v) /hed fə(r)/
The nouns officer and official have a similar go towards ● He put on his swimming trunks and
meaning, but they're not the same. We use the headed for the beach. ❖ ‫يتوجه إىل‬
word officer to refer to somebody who has a rank, 11.34 schedule (v) /ˈʃedʒuːl/
such as an army officer, an officer in the air force, arrange for sth to happen at a particular time
the navy or the police force. ● They have scheduled another meeting for
➔ By the time she was 30, she was already an tomorrow morning. ➣ schedule (n) ❖ ‫جدول‬
officer in the French army. 11.35 lane (n) /leɪn/
The word officer can also be used as a title to refer a section of a road that a line of cars move
to somebody who's in a position of power or has along, separated from other sections by
certain duties. painted white lines ● In Europe, the slow lane
➔ The Environmental Health Officer will be meeting of the highway is on the right. ❖ ‫مسار‬
with the local council. 11.36 motorway (n) /ˈməʊtəweɪ/
The word official refers to anyone who's in a a wide road for fast-moving cars ● We
position of responsibility in an organisation or public decided to take the country road rather
service. As an adjective it can also mean 'formal'. than the motorway. ❖ ‫طريق رسيع‬
➔ Government officials said they expected the 11.37 block (v) /blɒk/
problem to be solved by tomorrow. prevent movement ● Snow sometimes blocks
➔ Both English and French are recognised as this road in winter. ❖ ‫يحظر‬
official languages in Canada. 11.38 deck (n) /dek/
a flat area on a ship, built between the sides
11.26 magical (adj) /ˈmædʒɪkl/ ● She stood on the deck and waved as the
extremely pleasant ● We spent a magical ship approached. ❖ ‫ظهر املركب‬
week on Santorini. ➣ magic (n) ❖ ‫سحري‬ 11.39 yacht (n) /jɒt/
11.27 peak (adj) /pi:k/ a large sailing boat that you can travel on for
busiest, when a lot of people are doing sth pleasure ● They sailed to Crete on their private
● All the hotels in the area are full during the yacht. ❖ ‫يخت‬
peak season. ❖ ‫ذروة‬ 11.40 sunbathe (v) /ˈsʌnbeɪð/
sit or lie in the sun to make your skin darker
● We spent the whole day on the beach,
Vocabulary Page 128 swimming and sunbathing.
❖ ‫حمم شمس‬
ّ ‫ يأخذ‬،‫يتشَ َّمس‬
11.28 overtake (v) /ˌəʊvəˈteɪk/ 11.41 rush (v) /rʌʃ/
come from behind another car and move in move or do sth very quickly ● As soon as
front of it ● I slowed down as the van was the bell rang, the pupils rushed out of the
overtaking me. classroom. ❖ ‫يندفع‬
❖ ‫شخصا‬/‫ا‬
ً ً‫ يتخطى شيئ‬،‫شخصا‬/‫ا‬
ً ً‫يتجاوز شيئ‬ 11.42 sights (n pl) /saɪts/
11.29 brake (v) /breɪk/ places of interest that tourists can visit ● We
make a vehicle go slower or stop ● He braked spent three days in Paris, seeing the sights.
sharply to avoid a pedestrian. ➣ brake (n) ❖ ‫معامل سياحية‬
❖ ‫ كَ َب َح‬،‫فَ ْر َم َل‬
11.43 wander (v) /ˈwɒndə(r)/
walk around slowly ● I spent the whole morning
wandering in the old town. ❖ ‫يتجول‬
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11.44 connection (n) /kəˈnekʃn/ 11.55 house swapping (n) /ˈhaʊsˌswɒpɪŋ/
a plane, bus or train that you take to continue the act of letting sb stay in your house while
your journey after getting off another plane, you stay in their house for a period of time
bus or train ● We arrived in Brussels early ● We tried house swapping last year to cut
enough for our connection to Paris. holiday costs. ➣ house swap (n), house
➣ connect (v) ❖ ‫توصيل‬ swapper (n) ❖ ‫تبادل املنازل‬
11.45 landing (n) /ˈlændɪŋ/ 11.56 membership (n) /ˈmembəʃɪp/
the act of piloting a plane onto the runway the state of belonging to an organisation ● You
● The aircraft made a perfect landing. can only enter the club if you have a membership
➣ land (v) ❖ ‫هبوط‬ card. ➣ member (n) ❖ ‫عضوية‬
11.46 voyage (n) /ˈvɔɪɪdʒ/ 11.57 dull (adj) /dʌl/
journey, especially by sea or into space not bright or not interesting ● My old flat was
● The Titanic sank on its first voyage. dull and old-fashioned. ➣ dullness (n) ❖ ‫باهت‬
❖ ‫رحلة بحرية‬
11.47 bustling (adj) /ˈbʌslɪŋ/
busy, full of activity ● The open-air market was
bustling with life. ❖ ‫ مزدحم‬،‫مكتظ‬
Speaking Page 131

11.48 subway (n) /ˈsʌbweɪ/ 11.58 turn (n) /tɜ:n/

(US Eng) underground train system a period of time when sb speaks without
● The subway is the cheapest and fastest way interruption ● It was quite a long turn. She
of travelling across town. spoke for seven minutes.
❖ ‫قطار كهربايئ تحت األرض‬ ❖ ‫يتحدث دون مقاطعة‬
✎ Br Eng: underground 11.59 luxury (adj) /ˈlʌkʃəri/
11.49 beneath (prep) /bɪˈniːθ/ expensive and of very high quality ● He bought
in a lower position than ● We saw the boat sink a luxury car not because he needed it but just
beneath the surface of the sea. ❖ ‫أسفل‬ to show off. ❖ ‫ ترف‬،‫رفاهية‬
✎ Opp: above 11.60 overview (n) /ˈəʊvəvjuː/
11.50 free of charge (expr) /ˌfriː əv ˈtʃɑːdʒ/ a short description that provides only general
without having to pay ● Hotel guests can park information but no details ● The first chapter
here free of charge. ❖ ‫مجانًا‬ of the book provides a general overview of the
11.51 fascinating (adj) /ˈfæsəneɪtɪŋ/
topic. ❖ ‫وجهة نظر‬
extremely interesting ● The museum houses a
fascinating collection of paintings. ➣ fascinate Tourism and holidays
(v), fascination (n) ❖ ‫مش ّوق‬ cruise ship overtourism sunbathe
deck package tour tourist trap

hotspot rental apartment touristification
Page 129 house swap / self-catering yacht
house swapping sights
11.52 self-catering (adj) /ˌselfˈkeɪtərɪŋ/ luxury hotel stopover
with cooking facilities, so that you can cook for
yourself ● Families usually prefer self-catering
accommodation. ❖ ‫موقع عطلة مج ّهز‬
11.53 package tour (n) /ˈpækɪdʒ ˌtʊə(r)/ Grammar Page 132
a holiday arranged by a travel agency that
11.61 stunning (adj) /ˈstʌnɪŋ/
includes travel, accommodation and meals at a
extremely beautiful ● She isn’t just beautiful,
fixed price ● I’d much rather travel on my own
than go on a package tour.
she’s absolutely stunning. ❖ ‫مذهل‬
❖ ‫رحالت سياحية شاملة‬ 11.62 boiling (adj) /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/
very hot ● You can’t go out in the boiling sun.
Wait until the evening! ❖ ‫يغيل‬
Listening Page 130 11.63 vary (v) /ˈveəri/
be different ● Prices of the same electronic
11.54 swap (v) /swɒp/ goods can vary from country to country.
give sth and take sth else in return ● Can we ➣ variety (n), variation (n), various (adj)
swap seats? I’d like to sit next to Darren. ❖ ‫يتنوع‬
❖ ‫ يقايض‬،‫يبادل‬
11.64 intensity (n) /ɪnˈtensəti/
the strength or degree of sth that you can
measure ● The intensity of the pain increased
when he tried to move. ➣ intensify (v),
intense (adj) ❖ ‫ شدة‬،‫قوة‬
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11.65 exceptionally (adv) /ɪkˈsepʃənəli/ 11.77 what the future holds (expr) /wɒt ðə ˈfjuːtʃə
much more than usual ● He’s an exceptionally həʊldz/
talented writer. I look forward to reading his what is likely to happen in the future ● Be
next book. ➣ exception (n), exceptional (adj) prepared! You don’t know what the future
❖ ‫بشكل استثنايئ‬ holds! ❖ ‫ما يخبئه املستقبل‬
11.66 utterly (adv) /ˈʌtəli/ 11.78 give (sb) an idea of (expr) /gɪv (ˈsʌmbədi) ən
completely ● The two boys were utterly different, aɪˈdɪə əv/
even though they were brothers. ❖ ‫بالكامل‬ tell sb a few things about sth ● He gave me an
11.67 starving (adj) /ˈstɑːvɪŋ/ idea of what happened, but he didn’t tell me
extremely hungry ● I’m starving because any details. ❖ ‫يفتح آفاقه‬
I haven’t eaten anything all day. ➣ starve (v) 11.79 epic (adj) /ˈepɪk/
❖ ‫ميوت جو ًعا‬ happening over a long period and involving a
11.68 gorgeous (adj) /ˈɡɔːdʒəs/ lot of difficulties ● One day, I’ll tell you the story
very beautiful or pleasant ● He’s such a of my epic journey in South America.
gorgeous young man everybody likes him. ❖ ‫ملحمة‬
❖ ‫فائق الجامل‬ 11.80 kayak (n) /ˈkaɪæk/
a light canoe with a covering over the top
11.69 freezing (adj) /ˈfri:zɪŋ/
● You can reach the island by boat or kayak.
extremely cold ● Put your coat on. It’s freezing
out there. ➣ freeze (v) ❖ ‫يتجمد‬ ❖ )‫كاياك (زورق جلدي‬
11.81 urge (n) /ɜːdʒ/
11.70 hardly (adv) /ˈhɑːdli/
a strong wish to do sth ● I had a sudden urge
almost not ● He spoke so softly I could hardly
to laugh during the lecture, but managed to
hear him. ❖ ‫بالكاد‬ control myself. ➣ urge (v)
❖ ‫ اندفاع شديد‬،‫رغبة شديدة‬
Positive adjectives
fascinating spectacular Phrasal verbs
gorgeous stunning
magical drop sb off let sb down stop over
head for sth run into sb turn up
head back stay over

Use your English Page 133

11.71 stay over (phr v) /steɪ ˈəʊvə(r)/
Writing Pages 134–135
sleep at sb else’s house for a night ● Why 11.82 prompt (n) /prɒmpt/
don’t you stay over tonight and go back home words that tell you what you should write or
in the morning? ❖ ‫ يبيت‬،‫مييض ليلته‬ talk about ● You can start talking when she
11.72 stop over (phr v) /stɒp ˈəʊvə(r)/ gives you the prompt. ❖ ‫شخصا إشارة‬
ً ‫يعطي‬
stay at a place for a short time before 11.83 suspense (n) /səˈspens/
continuing your journey ● We stopped over a feeling of worry or excitement that you get
in New York for six hours on our way to when you are expecting sth to happen ● Don’t
Vancouver. ❖ ‫يتوقف‬ tell me what happens at the end of the story.
11.73 run into (phr v) /rʌn ˈɪntə/ You’ll spoil the suspense! ❖ ‫تشويق‬
meet sb you know when you are not expecting 11.84 urgency (n) /ˈɜːdʒənsi/
to meet them ● I ran into my boss at the the feeling that sth is very important and must
theatre last night. be done immediately ● All the people running
❖ ‫شخصا بالصدفة‬
ً ‫ يقابل‬،‫شخصا‬
ً ‫يصادف‬ around increased the sense of urgency that we
11.74 let (sb) down (phr v) /let (ˈsʌmbədi) daʊn/ had right from the start. ❖ ‫ رضورة ملحة‬،‫إلحاح‬
disappoint sb by not doing what you agreed 11.85 roll (v) /rəʊl/
to do ● My brother had promised to come and move easily without sudden movements ● I sat
look after the children but he let me down. and watched the waves rolling in to the shore.
❖ ‫يخذل‬ ❖ ‫يسري‬
11.75 head back (phr v) /hed bæk/ 11.86 shake (v) /ʃeɪk/
go back (usually, to the place where you live move quickly with short, uncontrollable
or are staying) ● After spending the day on the movements usually because you are afraid
beach, we slowly headed back to the hotel. or nervous ● Ahmed was shaking like a leaf
❖ ‫ يرجع‬،‫يعود‬ before the surgery. ❖ ‫يهز‬
11.76 take a trip (expr) /teɪk ə trɪp/
go on a trip ● We took a trip to the north of
Spain to relax a little. ❖ ‫يخرج يف رحلة‬
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11.87 sore (adj) /sɔː(r)/ 11.98 my hair stands on end (expr) /maɪ heə
painful and uncomfortable ● My back is sore stændz ɒn end/
after all this exercise. ❖ ‫ مؤمل‬،‫موجع‬ feel very frightened or shocked ● The first
11.88 relieved (adj) /rɪˈliːvd/ scene of the horror film made my hair stand on
happy because sth unpleasant did not happen end. ❖ ‫خائف‬
or ended ● She was relieved to hear that her
son had arrived safely at his destination. Idioms related to feelings
➣ relieve (v), relief (n) ❖ ‫ مؤمل‬،‫موجع‬ It made my hair stand on end!
11.89 foolish (adj) /ˈfuːlɪʃ/ My heart sank!
stupid and embarrassed ● He’s afraid he I feel on top of the world!
would look foolish if he wore those clothes. I’m over the moon!
➣ fool (v, n) ❖ ‫أحمق‬ I jumped for joy.
11.90 over the moon (expr) /əʊvə ðə mu:n/
very happy and excited ● The boys were over
the moon when they won the game.
❖ ‫يطري من الفرح واإلثارة‬ Live well, study well
11.91 on top of the world (expr) /ɒn tɒp əv ðə Page 136
very happy and/or proud ● When he won the 11.99 resolve (v) /rɪˈzɒlv/
championship, he felt on top of the world. find a solution to a problem or difficulty
❖ ‫سعادة غلمرة‬ ● The differences between the two countries
are not easy to resolve. ➣ resolution (n)
11.92 disbelief (n) /ˌdɪsbɪˈliːf/
refusal to believe sth ● She shook her head in
❖ ‫يحل‬
disbelief as he told his story. 11.100 assertiveness (n) /əˈsɜːtɪvnəs/
❖ ‫ عدم تصديق‬،‫تشكيك‬ confidence and ability to say what you want
or need without being afraid ● Too much
11.93 speechless (adj) /ˈspiːtʃləs/
assertiveness can sometimes be seen as
unable to speak because you are angry or
arrogance. ➣ assert (v), assertive (adj)
shocked ● His rude comments left everyone
speechless. ❖ ‫عاجز عن الكالم‬ ❖ ‫ثقة بال َنفْس‬
11.101 self-centred (adj) /ˌselfˈsentəd/
11.94 panic-stricken (adj) /ˈpænɪkˌstrɪkən/
interested only in yourself ● He’s so self-
extremely worried and frightened so that you
centred, he doesn’t care what anyone else
can’t think clearly ● Panic-stricken passengers
rushed to the exits. ❖ ‫ فَزِع‬،‫خائِف‬ says or does. ❖ ‫ متمحور حول الذات‬،‫أناين‬
11.102 sort (sth) out (phr v) /sɔ:t (ˈsʌmθɪŋ) aʊt/
11.95 beat (v) /biːt/
deal with a problem in a satisfactory way
make a regular sound or movement ● The
● This is a problem we need to sort out
drums were beating loudly. ❖ ‫يهزم‬ ‫ينسق‬
11.96 furiously (adv) /ˈfjʊəriəsli/
together. ❖ ّ ،‫ يرتّب‬،‫ينظم‬
with a lot of energy ● Her mind worked
furiously as she tried to find a solution.
❖ ‫ باهتياج شديد‬،‫بغضب عارم‬
11.97 my heart sinks (expr) /maɪ hɑ:t sɪŋks/
suddenly feel very sad about sth ● Tom’s heart
sank when he found out he had failed the test.
❖ ‫إنخلع قلبي‬

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