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*Judy works for “City High Engineering.

” Apart from the regular compensation, the company

provides him with things such as tuition reimbursement, recreational opportunities, etc. Benefits is
the name given to these things of value

*Integrity is acting with honesty, ethics, and professionalism in all work-related activities. It
involves being truthful, keeping promises, and adhering to moral principles.

*Choose the best answer to the question “Why did you choose our company to work with?”
Your company's dedication to sustainability and social responsibility aligns with my values.

*Choose the best answer to the question “What is your edge over other applicants”?
"My edge over other applicants lies in my combination of exceptional skills, extensive experience,
and a genuine passion for what I do.

*Following should be the content of a portfolio:

Reflection Paper, Pictures of the work site, Updated Resume

*Following should be included in your weekly diary:

Achievement, Account of learnings, Issues faced

*After Work Immersion, we need to update our resume

*Statement 1: In school, students acquire foundational skills such as reading, writing, and basic
Statement 2: Work: The workplace requires employees to exhibit a range of attitudes and
behaviors that contribute to professional success.
Both Statements are True

*Parent’s birth certificate is not included in portfolios

*Statement 1: Reflecting on work immersion experiences can be a valuable exercise for personal
and professional growth.
Statement 2: It allows individuals to gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for
improvement, while also recognizing the impact of the experience on their overall development.
Both Statements are True

*A resume, also known as a curriculum vitae (CV), is a formal document that provides a summary
of an individuals. A well-crafted resume includes the following section.
Education, Contact Information, Work Experience

*Work Immersion portfolio is a collection of documents, artifacts, and reflections that showcases
a student's learning experiences during a work immersion program or internship.

*A portfolio for work immersion is important because of the following?

It shows your experiences gained during work immersion.
It documents your progress throughout the immersion period.
It provides tangible evidence of your work, highlighting your accomplishments and

* Claygo refers to the customers' practice to maintain cleanliness and

orderliness as soon as it’s needed and/or appropriate? This has been a simple but effective way
keeping the workplace clean.

*Following are some key elements that contribute to the nature of a business.
Legal Structure
Business Model
Vision, Mission, and Objectives

*Products and services are two distinct categories in the business world. Thus, following statement
are correct:
Products are tangible items that can be touched, seen, and possessed while services, on the
other hand, are intangible offerings.
Products are physical entities that are typically manufactured, produced, and sold while
services are processes/procedures provided to satisfy specific needs or solve problems.
Products- cars, smartphones, clothing, and furniture: Services - haircuts, legal advice,
consulting, and healthcare.

*Following are the different management processes.

Target Clientele, Organizational Structure, Nature of the Business

*Nature of the Business refers to the type or general category of business or commerce.

*Target Clientele refers to a specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and

*Verifying information provided by the done to make sure that the applicant has not
given false information about himself.

*Organizational Structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed to achieve the
goals of an organization.

*Here are some examples of positive company rules and regulations.

Equal opportunity policy, Workplace safety policy, Non-discrimination policy

*Following are examples of services offered by a business:

Offering cybersecurity, and other information technology solutions.
Assisting clients with financial planning, investment management, accounting, tax preparation,
or bookkeeping services.
Helping businesses with market research, branding, social media management, content creation,
digital advertising, and public relations.

*Discrimination is when two individuals are in the same risk and age class; yet, they are charged
different rates for their insurance policies due to an insignificant factor. What is this called?

*Analyze the following statement:

Statement 1: Wearing jewelry while on duty is a prohibited act
Statement 2: Long-side burns are allowed for male trainees
Statement 1 is True: Statement 2 is False

*The normal hours of work of any employee shall not exceed 8 hours a day.

*Proper housekeeping is essential for maintaining a clean, organized, and comfortable living
space. Following are helpful in housekeeping.
Keep your cleaning supplies well-stocked and easily accessible.
Create a schedule that outlines daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.
Set aside time to declutter your home by getting rid of items you no longer need or use.

*Managers must explain that the responsibility assigned to the selected subordinate is an
expectation for him or her to perform the assigned task well. Selecting the person who will be given
the task is the step of delegation this occurs.

* Customer Satisfaction is a measure of how happy customers feel when they do

business with a company.

*When employees don't work well together or fail to work effectively, it can hinder
productivity and the achievement of common goals. This is lack of collaboration.

* Every situation is unique, and it's essential to adopt some general guidance on how to address
communication issues in given circumstances. Use accusatory language is incorrect when
handling such concerns
*Inform the appropriate authority within the organization about unsafe work practices.
an employee do if they witness an unsafe work practice in the workplace.

*Posture refers to the position in which someone holds their body when standing and sitting.

*Attire is a good sign of professionalism that focuses on dressing clean and appropriately for the

*Before the interview, an applicant practice their interview technique.

*As an applicant, during the interview , you avoid any scents or jewelry that may be distracting to
the employer.

*Imagine, one day you were left alone by your Work Immersion supervisor; but you accidentally
and secretly break any equipment you are using. How would you solve this problem?
I will honestly inform my Immersion Supervisor and tell him I will replace or pay for it.

*Choose the best answer to this question “Why should we hire you?”
I’d love to bring my diverse skill set to your company.

*Choose the best answer to this question “What is your greatest weakness?”
I've learned to make my perfectionism work to my advantage.

*Choose the best answer to the question “Why have you left your job?”
My current job puts a lot of focus on individual achievements, but I'm looking forward to
in a collaborative environment.

*Following are true about Work immersion?

Work Immersion requires parental consent.
80 hours is the minimum hours for the Work Immersion
Partner Institutions and Work Immersion Venues shall be selected only after thorough study,
screening, and preparation to ensure that each venue is a safe, secure, and suitable place for

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