Leadership and Management in The Workplace

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Unit No: 04

Unit Name: Leadership and Management

Leadership & Management

In The Workplace
Leadership & Management

Shriya Paul
Pearson BTEC Level 4 HND in Business
Reg No: RF94987
Table of Contents
Who is a Leader?......................................................................................................................2
What is a Manager?.................................................................................................................3
Hard vs Soft skills.....................................................................................................................4
Introduction to the Organisations..........................................................................................6
Various Theories of Leadership at Microsoft........................................................................6
Various Theories of Management at Microsoft.....................................................................8
Various Theories of Leadership at Google............................................................................9
Various Theories of Management at Google.......................................................................11
Different Leadership & Management Styles at Microsoft.................................................12
The Factors That Influence the Development of the Culture at Microsoft......................13
Different Leadership & Management Styles at Google......................................................15
The Factors That Influence the Development of the Culture at Google...........................17
Introduction to the large Organisation................................................................................18
An Analysis on the Impact of the Application of Leadership & Management Theories
on the Effectiveness of Apple................................................................................................19
Comparison of the Impacts on Leadership & Management Styles on Decision Making at
Comparison of the Impacts on Leadership & Management Styles on Decision Making at
Comparison of the Impacts on Leadership & Management Styles on Decision Making at
Evaluation behind the Importance of Organisational Culture on the Performance of
Evaluation behind the Importance of Organisational Culture on the Performance of
Evaluation behind the Importance of Organisational Culture on the Performance of
Critical Evaluation of the Impact of Different Approaches to Leadership &
Management of Microsoft, Google & Apple........................................................................23
Personal Recommendations & Solutions.............................................................................26
References List.......................................................................................................................28
Who is a Leader?

A set of actions referred to as leadership is used to assist people in setting and completing
goals, executing strategic plans, and consistently revitalising an organisation.

Since leadership can take on several forms, there is no universally applicable definition of
what it means to be a leader. But at its foundation, leadership is about encouraging and
inspiring people to accomplish a shared objective. It all comes down to having the ability to
recognise the possibilities and conveying those possibilities to others in a way that motivates
them to act. In addition, leaders are able to forge close bonds with their team members and
encourage cooperation and trust. A leader influences and motivates people to take action by
inspiring and guiding them towards a common objective. They are a valuable asset to any
organisation because they have vision, strong communication skills, empathy, excellent
decision-making abilities, flexibility in the face of change, and effective problem

Effective leaders, regardless of their leadership style, share common characteristics such as:
 Vision: Leaders possess a clear vision of their desired outcomes and effectively
communicate this vision to others.

 Communication: Effective leaders communicate effectively with their followers,

providing clear instructions, explaining complex issues, and motivating them to act.

 Empathy: Leaders possess empathy, enabling them to comprehend and comprehend

the emotions and experiences of others, thereby fostering a positive and empathetic
work environment.

 Decision-making: Leaders are adept at making sound decisions, even in uncertain

situations, by gathering information, considering various options, and making choices
that benefit their followers.

 Adaptability: Leaders possess the ability to adapt to change, effectively manage

challenges, and think creatively, generating innovative solutions to problems.

What is a Manager?

In order for a business to succeed overall, managers are crucial. They are in charge of
motivating a group of workers to accomplish objectives and meet performance standards.
A manager is a professional who plans, directs, and coordinates the work of employees to
achieve organizational goals, overseeing daily operations of a department or team, and
ensuring effective and efficient employee work. Managers are crucial in any organization as
they translate the organization's vision and strategy into actionable plans, provide guidance
and support to employees, and help them develop their skills and knowledge.
Various types of managers share common responsibilities, such as:

 Planning & Organizing: Managers are responsible for planning and organizing to
achieve organizational goals, efficiently and effectively allocating resources to ensure
the successful completion of work.

 Directing & Controlling: Managers provide guidance and supervision to their

employees, ensuring their work meets expectations and guiding them towards
achieving their goals.

 Staffing: Managers are responsible for hiring, training, and developing employees,
managing performance, and conducting performance reviews.

 Leading: Managers inspire and motivate employees to reach their full potential,
building relationships and creating a positive work environment.

Hard vs Soft skills

Hard skills are job-specific skills acquired through education, training, or experience, often
quantifiable and measurable, and are often required for specific roles or jobs. Soft skills are
personal qualities and traits that are crucial for effective teamwork and goal achievement,
often challenging to quantify or measure, and can be applied to any job.
Here's a table portraying the comparison of Hard skills vs Soft skills:

Feature Hard Skills Soft skills

Definition This refers to job-specific This discusses personal
skills that can be acquired qualities and traits that can
through education, training, be applied to any job.
or experience.
Examples This includes programming The key skills include
languages, software effective communication,
applications, accounting, problem-solving, teamwork,
and engineering. leadership, and adaptability.
Measurement Quantifiable and measurable The statement is difficult to
quantify or measure.
Importance This is crucial for This is crucial for effective
performing specific tasks. collaboration and goal

Demand From The company is actively Consistently in high

Employers seeking individuals with a demand.
robust blend of technical and
non-technical skills.
Introduction to the Organisations

Established in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Microsoft Corporation is a multinational
technology behemoth offering a wide array of goods and services. With its global operations
and Redmond, Washington headquarters, the corporation has had a tremendous impact on the
modern computing scene.

Google is a global technology company that specialises in goods and services for the internet.
In 1998, Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded it. As a major player in the technology
industry, its mission is to gather all of the knowledge on the planet and make it accessible to


Various Theories of Leadership at Microsoft

 Transformational Leadership: Visionary individuals who can effectively communicate

an inspiring future for their company are frequently regarded as transformational
leaders. They have a thorough awareness of the demands of their clients, the
competitive environment, and their industry. Differentiating them from other leaders
is their ability to translate this understanding into a compelling and inspirational
vision. A feeling of common direction and purpose is established by transformational
leaders through the communication of a vision that connects with staff members at all
levels. Microsoft's leadership style is characterized by transformational leadership,
fostering innovation, customer centricity, and employee empowerment, inspiring
ambitious goals and embracing change.

 Transactional Leadership: A leader and their subordinates have an exchange

relationship, which is the hallmark of transactional leadership. In this interaction,
superiors give incentives or penalties based on how well their subordinates perform.
This leadership style is predicated on the idea that people are largely driven by outside
forces, such money, status, and opportunities for advancement. Microsoft effectively
employs transactional leadership principles, focusing on clear expectations,
performance-based rewards, and contingent outcomes, ensuring measurable results
and accountability.

 Situational Leadership: Situational leadership has a significant influence on how

decisions are made in organisations. Leaders may make better decisions about how to
involve team members in decision-making by having a better grasp of their
Performance Readiness levels. This methodology cultivates a feeling of accountability
and involvement among group constituents, culminating in more knowledgeable and
efficient choices. Microsoft employs situational leadership principles, adjusting
leadership styles based on team maturity, experience, and task nature, fostering
effective problem-solving and decision-making within the organization.

 Servant Leadership: The organisation promotes a collaborative approach wherein staff

from all levels participate in the decision-making process, as opposed to top-down
commands. Employee empowerment and sense of ownership are fostered by this
inclusive approach, which results in more informed and thoughtful decisions.
Microsoft's leadership philosophy embodies servant leadership, prioritizing employee
well-being, providing support, encouragement, and growth opportunities to create a
positive and productive work environment.
Various Theories of Management at Microsoft

 Human Relations Theory: Frederick Winslow Taylor promoted scientific

management, which was the dominant management theory in the early 20th century.
In this approach, workers were seen as replaceable parts in a machine, and efficiency,
standardisation, and worker specialisation were prioritised. But when the
shortcomings of scientific management were shown, a fresh viewpoint called human
relations theory came into being. The human relations theory, which was developed in
the 1920s by Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne Studies, moved the emphasis from
efficiency to the needs and motivations of people. These research showed that social
connections and job happiness had a big impact on output. Employees were complex
people with emotional and social demands, not just mechanical parts. Microsoft, in
line with this theory, values and respects its employees, fostering a positive and
supportive work environment where they feel valued and respected, thereby
enhancing their productivity and satisfaction.

 Theory X and Theory Y: The multinational technology giant Google has made a name
for itself as a pioneer in organisational excellence and innovation worldwide. Its
distinctive management and leadership styles, which are firmly based in the ideas of
long-term value creation and employee empowerment, are partly responsible for its
success. The purpose of this case study is to assess Google's organisational culture,
decision-making processes, and leadership and management theories critically.
Theory X, created by Douglas McGregor, is predicated on the idea that workers are
innately lazy, despise their jobs, and lack motivation. According to this notion, in
order for employees to accomplish organisational goals, they must be strictly
monitored and regulated. On the other hand, Theory Y contends that workers are
naturally driven, take pleasure in their jobs, and possess self-direction. According to
this notion, it's critical to provide workers a sense of purpose, autonomy, and growth
chances at work. Microsoft's leadership style combines Theory X and Theory Y,
promoting high performance and accountability while fostering employee autonomy
and decision-making involvement. This balances the directive aspects of Theory X
with the participative elements of Theory Y.

 Empowerment Theory: The ideas of management and leadership have advanced

beyond conventional hierarchical and control structures in the dynamic environment
of contemporary organisations. One notable progressive strategy that highlights the
need of empowering people and encouraging a sense of ownership inside the
company is empowerment theory. According to this hypothesis, people are more
likely to be engaged, motivated, and dedicated to the objectives of an organisation
when they feel empowered. Microsoft's Empowerment Theory, which emphasizes
giving employees control and responsibility, has been instrumental in fostering
innovation and agility within the company, as it allows employees to take ownership
of their work and make decisions within their areas of expertise.

 Situational Leadership: Situational leadership is a flexible type of leadership that

places emphasis on tailoring a leader's approach to the unique requirements and
readiness levels of groups of people or individuals. This paradigm, which was created
by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard in the late 1960s, acknowledges that there is
no one-size-fits-all method of leadership and that competent and mature leaders must
be able to modify their style of behaviour accordingly. Microsoft's leadership
approach, based on Situational Leadership principles, is adaptable and adapted to
different situations, allowing the company to effectively manage a diverse workforce
across various departments and projects, based on employee maturity and experience.

Various Theories of Leadership at Google

 Empowerment: Leadership empowerment theory places a strong emphasis on giving

staff members the freedom to own their work, take initiative, and contribute to the
objectives of the company. The idea is that workers are more engaged, motivated, and
productive when they feel empowered. Google's flat organizational structure fosters
employee empowerment, allowing them to make decisions and take ownership of
their work.

 Innovation: The international technology giant Google has long been known for its
creative workplace environment and profitable business strategy. Google's leadership
and management styles, which have promoted a culture of innovation, teamwork, and
risk-taking, have been crucial to the company's success. We will assess Google's
leadership and management theories, their influence on decision-making, and the
elements influencing their organisational culture critically in this case study. For the
purpose of our study and assessment, we will also take into account other business
cases. Google is a highly innovative company that encourages employees to think
creatively and generate new ideas through its "20% time" policy, allowing 20% of
their work time to be dedicated to personal projects.
 Collaboration: Google is a shining example of creativity and teamwork in the rapidly
changing and dynamic technology sector. Its leadership philosophy, which promotes a
climate of cooperation, candid communication, and shared ownership, is fundamental
to its success. The foundation of Google's leadership style is the conviction that
teamwork is an essential value that fosters innovation, problem-solving, and
organisational development rather than just a tactic. Google values collaboration for
success and encourages its employees to work together towards common goals,
exemplified by its open-source culture and the use of collaborative tools like Google
Docs and Google Sheets.

 Data-driven decision-making: The international technology corporation Google has

made a name for itself as a pioneer in innovation and technical development
worldwide. The company's culture and decision-making procedures have been shaped
by a special fusion of leadership and management philosophies, which is responsible
for its success. The objective of this case study is to assess Google's management and
leadership style critically, looking at how it affects choices and what influences the
company's culture. Google, a data-driven company, utilizes analytics tools like
Google Analytics and Google Data Studio to inform its decisions.

 Agility: The world's largest technology company, Google, is known for its cutting-
edge technologies, exciting workplace environment, and strong leadership. A number
of things contribute to its success, such as its adoption of agile management and
leadership techniques. The purpose of this case study is to assess Google's
organisational culture, decision-making processes, and leadership and management
theories critically. Google, an agile company, swiftly adapts to changes using agile
development methodologies like Scrum and Kanban.
Various Theories of Management at Google

 The theory of self-management: The core of Google's management philosophy is the

conviction that its workforce is its most important resource. The organisation
encourages individuals to take responsibility for their work and make decisions on
their own by fostering an environment of empowerment and autonomy. Google's flat
organisational structure, which reduces hierarchical bureaucracy and fosters open
communication, is an example of this strategy in action. Google's self-management
theory promotes employees to manage their time and work, fostering a more
productive and efficient work environment.

 The theory of Collaboration: The way that Google makes decisions has been greatly
impacted by its dedication to teamwork. Early on in the company's history, a small
number of executives frequently made decisions. But as it has expanded, Google has
moved to a more decentralised model of decision-making. This strategy, which
solicits feedback from staff members across the board, has assisted Google in
reaching more creative and well-informed judgements. Google's leadership and
management philosophies also influence the company culture. The company's culture
is defined by trust, openness, and transparency. Employee collaboration, idea sharing,
and risk-taking are all encouraged in this culture. It has also played a significant role
in Google's achievements. Google's collaboration theory encourages employees to
work together and share ideas, fostering a more innovative and creative culture.

 The theory of continuous improvement: The well-known search engine behemoth

Google is well-known for its creative work environment, quick decision-making, and
unwavering commitment to quality. Google's success can be attributed to its steadfast
dedication to ongoing enhancement, a management concept that has penetrated every
facet of the company. Kaizen, another name for continuous improvement, is a
Japanese management concept that promotes small, continuous improvements to
every part of a company. This strategy is defined by an iterative, data-driven process
that includes finding and getting rid of waste, simplifying procedures, and giving staff
members the tools they need to make a positive difference. Google's commitment to
continuous improvement has enabled the company to stay ahead of the competition by
continuously seeking ways to enhance its products, services, and processes.
Different Leadership & Management Styles at Microsoft

 Autocratic leadership: Is a centralised decision-making approach in which team

members are expected to accept commands without question and choices are made
without their input. While this approach works well in short-term scenarios, it can
also cause employee alienation and animosity.

 Democratic leadership: Involves team members in decision-making, seeking input and

considering suggestions. This style fosters ownership and engagement among
employees, but can be slow and inefficient in situations requiring quick decisions,
making it a less effective approach in certain situations.

 Laissez-faire leadership: Is a laissez-faire strategy that gives team members freedom

and authority to make decisions. Although this approach gives workers more freedom
and encourages innovation, it may also lead to a lack of accountability and direction.

 Transformational leadership: Is a kind of leadership that encourages and inspires

people to realise a common goal. It entails putting forth an inspiring future vision and
inspiring team members to strive towards it. This approach promotes a happy and
effective work atmosphere, but it calls for excellent interpersonal and communication
Leadership & Decision Implementation Problem Solving
Management Making & Execution
Autocratic The leader makes The leader keeps a A leader works
every choice. careful eye on alone or with a
execution and select group of
implementation. reliable advisors to
address issues.
Democratic Before making Team members are Team members are
choices, the team assigned engaged in problem
leader confers with responsibilities by solving by the
the members. the leader, who also leader.
supervises their

Laissez-faire The team leader Leader offers little Each member of the
grants members supervision and team is in charge of
significant assistance. handling their own
autonomy in terms difficulties.
of decision-making,
implementation, and
task execution.

Transformational A leader encourages The team's leader Team members

and inspires their establishes a clear collaborate with the
group to strive vision and strategy leader to find
towards a common and gives the team solutions to issues
objective. members the and seize new
authority to carry it possibilities.

The Factors That Influence the Development of the Culture at Microsoft

 Leadership & Management Practices: Over the years, Microsoft has adopted a number
of leadership ideas. The company's early years were marked by a more autocratic
leadership style, with Paul Allen and Bill Gates jointly making the majority of the
important choices. This strategy worked well in the early phases of the business's
development since it provided quick decision-making and a defined course for the
enterprise. But Microsoft adopted a more democratic leadership model as it grew
older. This change was brought about by an awareness of the need for more employee
participation and teamwork in decision-making. Under the direction of CEOs like
Satya Nadella and Steve Ballmer, Microsoft has placed a strong emphasis on
employee empowerment and fostering an environment of open communication. This
strategy has promoted creativity and innovation. Microsoft's leadership, led by CEO
Satya Nadella, has fostered a unique culture that is empowering, inclusive, and
focused on continuous learning and development. This is evident in initiatives like the
"One Microsoft" program, which aims to break down silos and create a unified culture
across the company.

 Employee Values & Beliefs: Microsoft has a lengthy history of adopting various
management and leadership philosophies. Bill Gates was a forceful, dictatorial leader
of Microsoft throughout its early years. Gates was renowned for his foresight,
tenacity, and decision-making speed. His management approach was successful in
enabling Microsoft to expand quickly and take the lead in the software market.
Microsoft developed a more democratic leadership style as it grew older. The current
CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, is renowned for emphasising employee
empowerment and taking a collaborative approach. Nadella's management approach
has made Microsoft a more inventive and customer-focused organisation. Microsoft's
culture is shaped by shared values and beliefs among its employees, emphasizing
customer obsession, diversity, inclusion, and growth mindset. These values are
reinforced through employee training, performance evaluations, and company-wide

 Industry & Market Forces: Over its many years as a pioneer in technology, Microsoft
has experienced substantial changes. Its success has been shaped by its leadership and
management strategies, which have been essential in navigating changing market and
industry dynamics. The leadership and management philosophies of Microsoft, their
influence on decision-making, and the elements affecting its organisational culture are
all subject to a critical evaluation in this research. Microsoft's culture, known for its
adaptability and willingness to embrace new ideas and technologies, is shaped by the
dynamic environment of the technology industry.

 Organisational Structure & Processes: Over time, Microsoft's leadership style has
changed to match the company's expansion and shifting requirements. Bill Gates,
Microsoft's co-founder, exercised greater authoritarian control over the company's
early years, making many of the company's major decisions. Early on in the
company's life, this approach worked well because it allowed for prompt and decisive
action. But as Microsoft expanded, this strategy lost its effectiveness, and the business
moved towards a more democratic leadership style. This democratic method is shown
by current CEO Satya Nadella, who promotes cooperation and consults with others
before making choices. This approach has been linked to increased customer focus,
workforce morale, and creativity. This change is now reflected in Microsoft's
decision-making process, which includes more input from staff members across the
board. Microsoft's organizational structure and processes significantly influence its
culture. Its decentralized structure, allowing employees to make decisions at their own
pace, fosters autonomy and ownership.
Different Leadership & Management Styles at Google

 Self Management: Google encourages employees to self-manage their work and set
their own goals through the use of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), a framework
for tracking progress on these goals.

 Teamwork: Google prioritizes teamwork and collaboration through various methods

like cross-functional teams, shared workspaces, and collaborative tools.

 Empowerment: Google fosters employee empowerment through its flat organizational

structure, empowered teams, and emphasis on employee ownership, providing
significant autonomy and decision-making power.

 Transformational Leadership: Google's transformational leadership style,

characterized by charisma and inspiration, motivates employees towards a shared
vision through mission statements, innovation, and employee growth and
development, exemplified by the company's emphasis on employee development.

Leadership and Decision- Implementation Problem Solving

Management Making and Execution
Democratic Promotes candid Assigns duties to Engages team
communication and team members while members in the
consults team offering assistance process of solving
members before and direction problems,
making decisions encouraging a
cooperative mindset

Laissez-faire Gives team Gives team members Empowers team

members a great little direction or members to
deal of autonomy in interference so they recognise issues on
decision-making can take their own and find
and task execution responsibility for solutions, building
their task self-reliance

Transformational Encourages and Clearly defines the Works together with

inspires group goal and plan, teammates to find
members to enabling team new possibilities
embrace innovation members to offer and solve
and accomplish their specialties. challenging
shared objectives problems

The Factors That Influence the Development of the Culture at Google

 Management Approach: Google's management style promotes employee autonomy

and self-management, with managers providing guidance and support while
encouraging employees to take ownership of their work and make decisions, fostering
a sense of empowerment and responsibility. The foundation of Google's management
strategy for cultural growth is a thorough comprehension of the elements that go into
creating a positive work environment. An internationally acclaimed culture has been
established by the organisation through its emphasis on core values, employee
empowerment, innovation, collaboration, and employee well-being. This culture has
played a significant role in Google's success and will likely continue to do so in the

 Behaviours & Norms: Google employees are renowned for their collaborative spirit,
risk-taking ability, and commitment to excellence, which are bolstered by the
company's leadership and management practices, fostering a positive and productive
culture. The goal of Google's organisational culture is to cultivate a work environment
that values creativity, teamwork, and employee well-being. This has been done on
purpose and continuously. Decision-making is greatly influenced by the norms and
behaviours that are prevalent throughout the organisation, which helps explain
Google's long-term success. Businesses can take a cue from Google's strategy and
foster innovative and growth-oriented cultures inside their own organisations by
comprehending these norms and behaviours.

 Processes & Practices: Google's processes and practices aim to foster transparency,
agility, and innovation by utilizing tools like OKRs to set clear goals and track
progress and encouraging experimentation and risk-taking in pursuit of new ideas. A
major contributing reason to Google's success has been its commitment to developing
organisational culture. Google has established an environment where employees feel
respected, empowered, and inspired to contribute to the company's goals by
encouraging a culture of creativity, cooperation, risk-taking, and employee well-
being. Organisations can create distinctive cultures that support their beliefs and
contribute to long-term success by studying the tactics used by Google and other
prosperous businesses.

 Social & Cultural Trends: Google adapts to social and cultural trends by creating an
inclusive, equitable, and respectful workplace, which attracts and retains top talent
while maintaining a positive and motivating work environment, thereby fostering a
positive work environment. Strong and positive organisational culture has developed
at Google as a result of its commitment to diversity and inclusion, emphasis on
employee well-being, and leadership and management theories. The company's
success has been largely attributed to its culture, which has also attracted many
outstanding employees. Google is probably going to change its culture in order to be
at the top of its field and as an employer as social and cultural trends continue to
Introduction to the large Organisation

Among the most valuable and recognisable brands in the world, Apple Inc. was founded in
1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. It is a multinational technology
company renowned for its cutting-edge products, elegant designs, and user-centric

An Analysis on the Impact of the Application of Leadership &

Management Theories on the Effectiveness of Apple
Apple's leadership style combines autocratic, democratic, and transformational approaches,
under Steve Jobs. The company prioritizes secrecy and innovation, but also empowers
employees to take ownership of their work and challenge the status quo, fostering a strong
central control.
Apple has transitioned to a more democratic leadership style under Tim Cook, fostering an
open and collaborative environment where employees feel empowered to share ideas and
contribute to the company's success, while emphasizing innovation and creativity, a hallmark
of Jobs' leadership. Apple's leadership and management theories have significantly influenced
its effectiveness, leading to the development of ground-breaking products like iPhone, iPad,
and MacBook. Apple's commitment to employee empowerment has created a motivated
workforce that continuously improves its products and services, demonstrating its
commitment to innovation. Apple's leadership and management style have faced criticism for
stifling innovation and collaboration and creating a culture of fear among employees. Despite
these criticisms, Apple's leadership and management theories have been successful in driving
the company's success. It remains to be seen how Apple's leadership evolves in the future and
its impact on the company's effectiveness.

Comparison of the Impacts on Leadership & Management Styles on

Decision Making at Microsoft

Microsoft's leadership style is traditionally autocratic, focusing on the leader's vision and
quick decision-making. This has been effective in achieving goals but has been criticized for
being rigid and stifling innovation. The company's management style is directive, focusing on
clear instructions and closely monitoring employee performance. This has been effective in
ensuring employees meet their goals but has also been seen as controlling and
micromanaging. Under Satya Nadella, Microsoft has started shifting towards a more
democratic leadership style, aiming to create an inclusive and collaborative culture. However,
the company still maintains some autocratic roots, with decision-making still being largely
Comparison of the Impacts on Leadership & Management Styles on
Decision Making at Google

Google's leadership style is democratic, involving employees in decision-making to foster

ownership and engagement. This style is effective in quick decision-making situations but
can be slow and inefficient. Google's management style is collaborative, emphasizing
teamwork and open communication, creating a culture of innovation and creativity. However,
managing in a large, complex organization can be challenging.

Comparison of the Impacts on Leadership & Management Styles on

Decision Making at Apple

Apple's leadership style is transformational, inspiring employees to achieve a shared vision.

This approach fosters innovation and excellence but can be demanding and challenging to
manage. Apple's management style is empowering, focusing on giving employees autonomy,
fostering a culture of ownership and risk-taking. However, managing in a company focused
on secrecy can be challenging.

In conclusion, the success of Microsoft, Google, and Apple can be attributed to their
leadership and management styles, but each company's style has its unique strengths and
weaknesses, and the optimal approach depends on the specific circumstances
Here’s a table portraying all the comparisons we discussed so far:

Company Leadership Style Management Impact on Decision

Style Making
Microsoft Autocratic Directive Top-down, with a strong
focus on the leader’s vision.

Google Democratic Collaborative Consensus-driven, with a

strong emphasis on employee

Apple Transformational Empowering Visionary and inspiring with a

focus on empowering
employees to take ownership
of decisions.

Evaluation behind the Importance of Organisational Culture on the

Performance of Microsoft

Microsoft's organizational culture, characterized by innovation, collaboration, and customer

obsession, has contributed to its success as a globally influential technology company.

 Innovation: Microsoft's culture fosters innovation, encouraging employees to think

creatively and generate new ideas. This approach has resulted in ground-breaking
products like the Windows operating system, Office suite, and Xbox gaming console,
showcasing Microsoft's long history of success.

 Collaboration: Microsoft's culture fosters collaboration among employees, fostering a

collaborative approach to achieve common goals, enabling the development of
complex products and services requiring multiple teams' input.

 Customer Obsession: Microsoft's culture prioritizes customer satisfaction,

emphasizing understanding customer needs and providing exceptional service.
Evaluation behind the Importance of Organisational Culture on the
Performance of Google

Google's organizational culture, centred on democracy, empowerment, and growth, has been
instrumental in attracting and retaining top talent, fostering a culture of innovation and

 Growth Mindset: Google's culture fosters a growth mindset, encouraging employees

to learn, grow, and embrace new challenges, which has helped the company stay
competitive and innovate, ensuring continuous success.

 Democracy: Google's culture values democracy, encouraging employees to share

ideas and contribute to decision-making, leading to the development of innovative
products and services.

 Empowerment: Google's culture fosters empowerment by providing employees with

autonomy and encouraging ownership of their work, fostering a culture of innovation
and risk-taking.

Evaluation behind the Importance of Organisational Culture on the

Performance of Apple

The design, invention, and secrecy of Apple's organisational culture have helped to create
some of the most well-known and profitable consumer electronics items in the world.

 Secrecy: Apple has been able to preserve its competitive advantage and protect its
intellectual property thanks to its culture of secrecy.

 Innovation: Apple's commitment to innovation has led to the development of ground-

breaking products and services, ensuring its position as a leader in the consumer
electronics industry.

 Design: Apple's focus on design, characterized by sleek and innovative products, has
made it appealing to a diverse consumer base.
In conclusion, a company's organisational culture is critical to its success. Microsoft, Google,
and Apple, for example, have effectively developed a strong set of shared values that
influence employee conduct and decision-making. These principles foster a great work
atmosphere, draw and keep top talent, and have resulted in excellent performance and the
ascent of these businesses to among the most prestigious and powerful in the world.

Critical Evaluation of the Impact of Different Approaches to Leadership &

Management of Microsoft, Google & Apple

Microsoft's leadership style has evolved over time, with a focus on secrecy and innovation.
Under Steve Jobs, the company was known for its autocratic leadership, effective in driving
decision-making but criticized for being rigid and stifling innovation. However, under Satya
Nadella, the company has shifted to a more democratic leadership style, fostering an open
and collaborative environment. This approach has led to significant progress in cloud
computing and artificial intelligence, but still faces challenges in mobile computing and
social networking.

Google's leadership and management approach emphasizes employee empowerment and
collaboration, using techniques like self-management, teamwork, and empowerment. The
company's democratic leadership style involves employees in decision-making, fostering a
culture of innovation and creativity. However, this approach can be slow and inefficient for
quick decisions. Google's collaborative decision-making process involves employees from
different teams and departments, generating new ideas and solutions but also being time-
consuming and bureaucratic. Overall, Google's approach is effective in generating new ideas
and solutions.
The company that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded, Apple Inc., has grown from a
small, garage-based start-up to a multinational technology giant, changing how people
engage with technology and reshaping the contemporary digital landscape. The intricate
interactions between management and leadership philosophies, which have developed over
time and shaped the company's decision-making procedures, organisational culture, and,
ultimately, global influence, are at the heart of Apple's success. Steve Jobs, the brilliant CEO
and co-founder of Apple, personified authoritarian management. Apple's early success was
greatly attributed to his exacting work approach and unyielding conviction in excellence.
From product design to marketing tactics, Jobs' hands-on style fostered an innovative and
superior culture that became closely associated with the Apple brand. Apple's leadership is
characterized by a strong focus on vision and control, led by Tim Cook. Known for his
commitment to quality and secrecy, Apple has consistently been a leader in innovation,
releasing products like the iPhone X and iPad Pro. However, criticisms have been made for
its lack of transparency and closed-off ecosystem. Apple's top-down decision-making
process, with the leader making final decisions after input from key executives, has been
effective in aligning products with the company's vision.
Microsoft, Google, and Apple have implemented various leadership styles, each with varying
success rates. Microsoft's autocratic approach was effective in decision-making but hindered
innovation. Google's democratic approach fostered creativity but was slow and inefficient.
Apple's vision-focused approach was effective in product development but led to secrecy and
lack of transparency. The best leadership style depends on the company's circumstances and
industry. However, a combination of autocratic, democratic, and transformational leadership
styles can be effective for success.
Board Meeting at Apple

Personal Recommendations & Solutions

For Microsoft:

Recommendations & Solutions Area of Focus

Maintain the promotion of an innovative In the rapidly evolving field of technology,
and daring culture. Microsoft must continue to innovate and
take calculated risks to stay competitive.
Make training and development investments Microsoft needs a staff that is
for staff members at all levels. knowledgeable and talented to keep
creating innovative goods and services.
Accept inclusion and diversity in the In addition to encouraging creativity and
workplace. innovation, a diverse and inclusive staff
may improve Microsoft's customer
understanding and service.
Maintain your attention on client pleasure. A key factor in Microsoft's long-term
success is customer satisfaction.
Consider the social impact of the company. Microsoft has an obligation to be a good
corporate citizen and to use its technology
for good.
For Google:

Recommendations & Solutions Area of Focus

Strike a balance between the needs of the While employee autonomy is vital, Google
entire organisation and employee must also make sure that staff members are
autonomy. collaborating to achieve shared objectives.
Keep funding research and development. To stay at the forefront of innovation,
Google needs to invest in research and
Utilise analytics and data to make wise All organisational levels can benefit from
choices. using data and analytics as a potent tool for
improved decision-making.
Consider the company's privacy Google has an obligation to safeguard its
implications. users' privacy.
Keep trying out different company models. To discover fresh approaches to bring in
money and expand the firm, Google had to
keep trying out different business methods.

For Apple:

Recommendations & Solutions Area of Focus

Keep design and creativity front and centre. Innovation and design are the cornerstones
of Apple's success.

Don't stop making great product Apple should keep making investments to
investments. uphold the reputation that its products have
for being of the highest calibre.
Safeguard the intellectual property of the Given the value of Apple's intellectual
business. property, the corporation need to keep
preventing infringement.
Consider the environmental impact of the Apple has an obligation to reduce its
company. environmental effect and operate as a
sustainable business.
Maintain your attention on the client Apple should keep concentrating on
experience. delivering an amazing customer experience
since it is a major differentiation in the
References List

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