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RIICWD501E- Prepare detailed design of foundations

Unit Assessment (Theory)
Unit Name
Unit Code
Student Name
Student Id Number
Unit Summary

Pre-requisite units

Assessment evidence must be attached to this form Result

S = Satisfactory
US = Unsatisfactory
NA = Not Assessed
Assessment -1: Activities r attached S US NA

Assessment -2: Assignment r attached S US NA

Assessment -3: Written test r attached S US NA

In order to be deemed “Competent” in this unit you must attain a “S” in this assessment
you need to answer all the questions
Student feedback

Assessor Declaration Student Declaration

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, I declare that I have been assessed in this unit,
reliable and flexible assessment with this and I have been advised of my result. I also
student, and I have provided appropriate am aware of my appeal rights.
Student Name:
Assessor Name: ____________________________

Signature: ________________________

Date: ____/_____/_____
Date: ____/_____/_____

These instructions must be followed when doing the assessment in this unit.
This competency is to be assessed using standard and authorised work practices, safety
requirements and environmental constraints.
Assessment of essential underpinning knowledge will usually be conducted in an off-site
Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or Australian standards' requirements.
Resource implications for assessment include:
• an induction procedure and requirement
• realistic tasks or simulated tasks covering the mandatory task requirements
• relevant specifications and work instructions
• tools and equipment appropriate to applying safe work practices
• support materials appropriate to activity
• workplace instructions relating to safe work practices and addressing hazards and
• material safety data sheets
• research resources, including industry-related systems information.
Reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities must be made to assessment processes
where required. This could include access to modified equipment and other physical
resources and the provision of appropriate assessment support.

What happens if your result is ‘Not Yet Competent’ for one or more assessment tasks?

The assessment process is designed to answer the question “has the participant satisfactorily
demonstrated competence yet?” If the answer is “Not yet”, then we work with you to see how
we can get there.
In the case that one or more of your assessments has been marked ‘NYC’, your Trainer will
provide you with the necessary feedback and guidance, in order for you to resubmit/redo your
assessment task(s).

What if you disagree on the assessment outcome?

You can appeal against a decision made in regards to an assessment of your competency. An
appeal should only be made if you have been assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent’ against
specific competency standards and you feel you have sufficient grounds to believe that you
are entitled to be assessed as competent.
You must be able to adequately demonstrate that you have the skills and experience to be
able to meet the requirements of the unit you are appealing against the assessment of.
You can request a form to make an appeal and submit it to your Trainer, the Course
Coordinator, or an Administration Officer. The RTO will examine the appeal and you will be
advised of the outcome within 14 days. Any additional information you wish to provide may
be attached to the form.
What if I believe I am already competent before training?
If you believe you already have the knowledge and skills to be able to demonstrate
competence in this unit, speak with your Trainer, as you may be able to apply for Recognition
of Prior Learning (RPL).

Credit Transfer
Credit transfer is recognition for study you have already completed. To receive Credit
Transfer, you must be enrolled in the relevant program. Credit Transfer can be granted if you
provide the RTO with certified copies of your qualifications, a Statement of Attainment or a
Statement of Results along with Credit Transfer Application Form. (For further information
please visit Credit Transfer Policy.
Task 1. The footing system is supposed to be built for class M site and a full masonry
construction. All the walls are load bearing, and the footing length is 16m. You have been asked to
saturate the sketch by including any technical specifications/annotations. To this end, you must
answer the following questions.

a) What would be the potential footing system/s for such a project other than a stiffened raft

b) Provide a sketch that includes the footing system’s components for the stiffened raft system
for the suggested building.

Task 2. Calculate the required dimensions of a square pad footing with an axil load (P) of 2200
kN. The soil bearing capacity is 180 kN/m2. The footing load is assumed 10% of the axil load.
Task 3. Retaining walls are often found in places where extra support is needed to prevent
the earth from moving downhill. In this case, excavation before putting the retaining wall
can cause cracks in the surrounding properties due to soil settlement and even cause
structural collapse. Your company has been awarded a Design& Build contract for a mid-rise
building project. As a civil technician, you are expected to understand the design and
construction details handed over by the design engineer. A geotechnical report was given to
the design engineer for his/her analysis. The design engineer designed a hybrid retaining
wall system along the boundaries. The highlighted area of the site was determined for a 3-
meter excavation. The site location shows the northern, eastern, and western boundaries
which are 18, 25, and 25 meters, respectively. Consider the followings for the cost:
- The prefabricated concrete: $75.00 per cubic meter
- The reinforcement: $35.00 per kg
- The total formwork activities: $2500.00
The designer suggested two different systems for such retaining wall. Propose the cost-
effective design.

System 1. Screw piles

The system includes 6 meter piles, capping beam, and grout injection. The section area of
the capping beam is 450mm X 550mm and the required reinforcement cage weighs 3 kg per
meter of the cage shown below. The interval of piles on the eastern is 2.5 meters (cl to cl)
and on the northern and western boundaries is 2 meters (cl to cl). Each pile cost $1800.00
and the grout injection requires 20kg fine cement per square meter for the wall. The
contractor quoted $5 per kg including materials to complete the job per square meter of the
boundaries’ faces. The photos below show the end-product and the site location.

System 2. secant pile system

The system includes 6-meter piles with a diameter of 550mm, a capping beam (450mm
height and 550mm width), and the required reinforcement cage weighing 3kg per meter.
The concrete piles are to be constructed next to each other with 300mm intervals,
maximum. The weight of piles’ reinforcement is 4kg per meter.

Task 4. Identify a total of 10 potential risks at the design and construction stages and
assess them using the risk matrix below. Include your answer in the allocated table in the
answer sheet.

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