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Lecturer: Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong


1. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Ngan – 22007648

2. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan – 22012439
3. Nguyen Thi Quynh Nhi – 22001198
4. Pham Thi Thu Nhi – 22000625
5. Phan Hoang Yen Nhi – 22012124

Ho Chi Minh City, 2023

Hoa Sen University


TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................i
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1
1.1. Background/topic introduction..................................................................................1
1.2. Aims of the report project...........................................................................................1
1.3. Research questions......................................................................................................2
1.4. Significance of the report............................................................................................2
1.5. Organization of the report..........................................................................................2
Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................3
2.1 Definition of customer satisfaction....................................................................................3
2.2 Factors affecting customer satisfaction.............................................................................3
2.2.1. Behaviors......................................................................................................................3
2.2.2 Listening to customers..................................................................................................4
2.2.3 Friendly Web Sites and Electronic Communication....................................................5
2.2.4 Getting feedback............................................................................................................5
2.3 Other articles.......................................................................................................................6
Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................8
3.1. The subjects........................................................................................................................8
3.1.1. Shopee..........................................................................................................................8
3.1.2. Participants..................................................................................................................8
3.2. Instruments........................................................................................................................8
3.3 Procedure............................................................................................................................9
3.4 Quantitative Method...........................................................................................................9
Chapter 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS...........................................................................10
4.1 Findings.............................................................................................................................10
4.2 Discussions.........................................................................................................................15
4.2.1 Which factors influence customer satisfaction with Shopee?....................................15
4.2.2 How do these factors affect customer satisfaction with Shopee?...............................15
Chapter 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................17

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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Chapter 1:

1.1. Background/topic introduction

E-commerce is a viable business model that many companies and retailers are
aiming for in today's digital technology world. E-commerce has become a familiar notion
in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic threat, particularly around 2020, has presented
opportunities as well as obstacles for global and Vietnamese e-commerce development. In
Vietnam, prominent e-commerce sites like Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, Sendo, etc. are among
them. Currently, Shopee (an e-commerce platform) is Southeast Asia's biggest e-commerce
platform as a result of a very clever branding approach. Shopee is used by tens of millions
of people each day for its easy, secure, efficient, and fun online buying experience. It offers
a wide range of products, supported by seamless fulfillment and integrated payments.
Shopee is committed to helping businesses and sellers thrive in e-commerce and is
incredibly specialized for each industry in which it works. The need for daily purchases is
growing, and so is consumer interest in product reviews. Therefore, the amount of customer
satisfaction with purchasing behavior and, more importantly, the experience that Shopee
offers to customers is more important than ever. In light of this, the topic "Factors Affecting
Customer Satisfaction With Shopee" was decided for this report.

To accomplish this, this report concentrates on four crucial elements based on the
chapters in the "Customer Service and Relations Management" course to assess how much
Shopee's customers are satisfied with these elements: (1) behaviors; (2) listening to
customers; (3) friendly web sites and electronic communication; and (4) getting feedback
from customers.

Besides the four previously mentioned ones, this report also identifies other factors
that influence how satisfied customers are with Shopee.

1.2. Aims of the report project

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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Based on previous research achievements on factors affecting customer satisfaction

and the evaluation of individuals and organizations in the experience of Shopee, the report
aims to (1) demonstrate that the above factors affect customer satisfaction with Shopee, and
(2) investigate how these factors influence customer satisfaction with Shopee.

1.3. Research questions

The following inquiries will serve as a guide for the report process in order to
accomplish the aforementioned goals:

1) Which factors influence customer satisfaction with Shopee?

2) How do these factors affect customer satisfaction with Shopee?

1.4. Significance of the report

In order to better understand the elements influencing customers' happiness with

Shopee, this report examines the experiences of consumers who have been using it. This
report also offers some suggestions for Shopee to take into account in order to dramatically
improve customers' shopping experiences.

1.5. Organization of the report

This report is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the background,
objectives, report structure, and significance. Chapter 2 of the next portion is a review of
the literature. It covers definitions of "customer service management" and a theoretical
framework of the key aspects of Shopee that effect customer happiness, researched from
the course book's chapters. The methodology section of Chapter 3 includes a list of the
steps required to complete the report chronologically as well as the pertinent criteria for
data collection. Finding and discussing material in Chapter 4: This part summarizes and
examines the data that has been acquired on the elements that affect Shopee customer
happiness. The final chapter of the report, Conclusion and Recommendations, summarizes
the entire report, acknowledges its limitations, and makes some recommendations for
Shopee and upcoming pertinent studies.

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Chapter 2:

2.1 Definition of customer satisfaction

A successful business has long been seen to depend heavily on its ability to satisfy
its customers. Fornell, Johnson, Anderson, Cha, and Bryant (1996) describe customer
satisfaction as an evaluation of the full buying and using encounter with a product or
service throughout time. According to Hennig-Thurau and Klee (1997), customer
satisfaction with a company's products and services is the most crucial factor influencing its
competitiveness and success. Customers evaluate ongoing performance based on customer
satisfaction (Gustafsson, Johnson, and Roos, 2005). Consumer satisfaction was described
by Kim, Park, and Jeong (2004) as the reaction of the consumer to the level of satisfaction
as well as their evaluation of the degree of satisfaction. According to Deng et al. (2009), the
ability of a service provider to achieve an excellent level of customer satisfaction is
essential for differentiated products and developing long-lasting connections with clients.

2.2 Factors affecting customer satisfaction

2.2.1. Behaviors
Of course, behavior is what people properly do. It is communicated to others both
verbally (using languages or words) and non-verbally (without using words). Without
exchanging words, personalities can still speak clearly and loudly. Two connected
personalities are likely to be encountered by each customer: the personality of the person
providing the service and the general personality of the company. The client experience and
satisfaction are also partially or indirectly impacted by both sorts of activities. For example,
if a business is a fun and pleasurable working place, its employees will make clients feel
comfortable and happy.

Individual employees' actions can send strong messages to clients, which can either
strengthen or weaken relationships. Employees frequently are at a great disadvantage since
they are unaware of how they are coming across. Even just being aware of these factors can

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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enhance customer service, but some employees are virtually unaware of how their actions
affect others. They greatly increase the chance of offending or at the very least failing to
impress clients. Applying action ideas for (1) creating contact with consumers, (2)
establishing rapport, (3) reassuring customers, and (4) presenting professionalism are
individual behaviors that can enhance customer service skills. Applying actionable advice
for employee appearance and grooming, workplace appearance, the quality and frequency
of correspondence with customers, and encouraging consumers to take a specific action
related to the purchase decision are organizational behavior patterns that reveal information
to customers about culture.

2.2.2 Listening to customers

The most common human communication problem and a substantial cause of
consumer dissatisfaction may be a lack of effective listening. Attention is one of the most
valuable gifts a firm can give others. People who commit to becoming active listeners have
never experienced communication like this before. Everyone wants to be understood, heard,
respected and loved. Knowing how to listen to consumers is a terrific way to set themselves
apart from the majority of other firms. Companies will become better speakers if they learn
to be skillful, engaged listener. Companies will also enhance their customer service

Businesses need to keep their "ears on" as customer service representatives on a

frequent basis. When engaging with others, they must practice good listening. When
dealing with customers, listening should be twice or three times as important as talking.
Most clients will be thrilled that a firm value their feedback so much. Taking notes can
demonstrate commitment to listening to and understanding the consumer. Few people
would be offended by such an expression of care. Most sensible people understand the
importance of attentive listening. Businesses should spend more time listening than any
other form of communication. Listening is the most crucial source of information when
working with customers. Listening skills are essential for success in every relationship. Few
people excel at listening, and those who do have a major competitive advantage in the field
of customer service. For strengthening client connections, no tool compares to skillful and
compassionate listening.

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2.2.3 Friendly Web Sites and Electronic Communication

An essential place to shop and find information is now the Internet. Every day,
millions of users access the Internet (or "Web"), hoping it will provide information on
worldwide goods and services. Businesses now have to have an online presence because
consumers demand it. It has gotten to the point where their business is over if they are
online ongoing. Even small, local businesses need websites to guide clients to their

For many client interactions, today's Web-mediated customer service provides a

low-cost option. For Internet-enabled customer care service centers, getting answers to
commonly asked inquiries, verifying the progress of an order, or even studying the
specifics of an invoice are simple activities. The Internet has simplified the process of
establishing and maintaining consumer connections. That is something companies would
anticipate from technology. Successful businesses invest a lot of attention into their
websites, blogs, messaging, live chat, and email systems. Few businesses nowadays can
operate without an online presence. People just expect to be able to connect with businesses
via these channels. Take advantage of the chance to delight clients with great e-service. As
a result, having a user-friendly website is one of the most important aspects of influencing
clients' purchase decisions and increasing customer happiness.

2.2.4 Getting feedback

Listening to and addressing customer grievances is an essential strategy in
cultivating customer satisfaction and loyalty. Feedback, at its core, is vital for any kind of
enhancement. While positive feedback is enjoyable and gratifying it is typically negative
feedback that provides us with the most valuable insights. This principle applies to both
professional and personal lives, as feedback, often in the form of complaints, serves as a
catalyst for improving performance and honing skills in customer service, which require
continuous learning.

Instances of dissatisfaction are inevitable. However, the actions enterprises take to

address the sources of dissatisfaction can significantly impact the creation of customer and
employee loyalty. To effectively deal with dissatisfaction, it is imperative to encourage
even the silently dissatisfied customers to express their concerns by establishing open lines

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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of communication. Open communication thrives when individuals believe that their

opinions hold value and that they will not face repercussions for expressing them. They
may even receive recognition. By engaging in meaningful dialogue and creating a safe
environment for customers to voice their thoughts, companies can earn loyalty. Hence, the
responsibility is to genuinely convey openness to receiving negative and positive feedback,
from there fostering a culture of constructive criticism.

When we accurately identify the aspects that customers complain about or the areas
that require improvement, promptly responding to their concerns and demonstrating a
commitment to finding solutions will significantly contribute to building loyalty.

2.3 Other articles

According to Söderlund (2016), employee proactiveness can indicate employee

presence, which has been demonstrated to increase the favorable affect of customers.
Proactive behavior on the part of the staff is another indicator that they have acknowledged
the customer's presence. Such acknowledgments of one's existence seem to be connected to
the essential human desires of closeness, belongingness, and inclusion (Peplau and
Perlman, 1982; Baumeister and Leary, 1995). Therefore, it is anticipated that recognizing
the consumer will increase his or her favorable impact. Additionally, if additional
assistance is required, employee proactivity can indicate their availability, and availability
is also likely to have a favorable impact. Additionally, availability may allay worries about
waiting times, which Taylor (1994) found to be adversely rated by the majority of

The attentive listening of a frontline employee appears to convey a sense of value

for customers' opinions, thereby fostering trust in the employee (Gruber 2011; Manusov et
al. 2020; Pryor, Malshe, and Paradise 2013; Ramsey and Sohi 1997). Particularly during
the initial service interaction, the employee's listening holds significant importance since
initial impressions have an impact on both current and future connections (Bodie et al.
2012; Weger et al. 2014). It is worth noting that negative initial impressions have more
enduring consequences than positive ones (Lount et al. 2008). Equity theory (Maxham
2001) suggests that customers' perception of an employee's fair recovery from failure

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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positively impacts their satisfaction, making the worker's healing process essential.
Furthermore, even if the staff's attempts don't produce a successful result, the act of
recovery can still enhance customers' appreciation (Mohr and Bitner 1995). Listening,
therefore, represents a deliberate endeavor aimed at enhancing customer service.

The favorable effect of employee listening on customer satisfaction has been

conclusively demonstrated in studies on sales (De Ruyter and Wetzels 2000; Ramsey and
Sohi 1997), service failure and recovery (Dickinger and Bauernfeind 2009; Min et al. 2015;
Ok et al. 2005). Furthermore, Min et al. (2015) revealed that when a service provider
directly addressed clients' worries by quoting them or asking for further details, customer
happiness rose. Customers would not have known if their complaints had been heeded if
they had not received such immediate acknowledgement.

Web design, as one of a site's qualities that encourages the existence of an online
store, graphics or photographs must be made appealing so that shoppers who visit the
webpage will be interested in researching (Lohse & Spiller, 1998). Less attractive or poor
plan components might produce confusion and discourage consumers from making
purchases (Pastrick, 1997), stating that clients consider online purchasing as exciting and
gratifying when the website setup is correct, straightforward, and rapid route. Given the
site's efficiency and orderliness, customers can shop for less time without spending too
much mental effort. Data Quality is the dimension at which data has the characteristics of
the content of the frame and time used by customers (O'Briens 2005: 703).

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Chapter 3:

3.1. The subjects

3.1.1. Shopee
Shopee is a well-known and reputable online retailer with operations across
Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, and many more countries. Before
expanding internationally, the business was first introduced in Singapore in 2015 as a
marketplace where customers could browse, buy, and sell goods. Shopee is a platform with
a regional focus that gives clients a quick, safe, and easy way to shop online with excellent
payment security. This e-commerce company, a subsidiary of Sea Ltd., was founded by
Forrest Li Xiaodong. Shopee entered the Vietnamese e-commerce market in 2018, joining
Lazada, Tiki, and Sendo as one of the top four industry players.

3.1.2. Participants
Ninety-five people who have using Shopee participated in a survey to find out what
aspects of the Shopee will please them and how these aspects affect them. Individual
customers are the subject of this survey, so demographic data like gender, age, occupation,
and income are crucial. They are the ideal group of people to represent Shopee's customers'
true and truthful experiences.

3.2. Instruments

The survey is administered with Google Forms' assistance. Using Google Forms can
achieve all of these survey-related goals. In particular, Google Forms makes it simple to
create questionnaires, distribute them to respondents easily, manage surveys properly,
analyze data with charts and tables, and swiftly draw conclusions from the data.

This questionnaire has 20 questions. It contains five questions regarding the

demographics of the people being surveyed, which allow one to pinpoint who is being
polled in detail. Additionally, there is a broad question about Shopee's customer satisfaction
aspects that allows respondents to select from a variety of responses. This can help find

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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other factors that are equally significant as the four main factors. Specifically, there are 14
important questions pertaining to the four factors listed above. Customers assess these
questions on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how satisfied they are with Shopee.

3.3 Procedure

This report was completed within four weeks. More specifically, the first week was
when this report was generated ideas, unified the themes and brands, and decided on the
key factors that affect client happiness. With a clear and specific division of work, Chapter
2: Literature Review of this report has been completed by reading the papers relating to the
report topic, researching the chapters in the course book, and synthesizing the findings.

Chapter 1: Introduction and Chapter 3: Methodology were completed in the second

week. At the same time, the survey questionnaire was created and distributed to a large
number of participants who are using Shopee.

The survey results were gathered throughout the third week. Chapter 4: Findings
and Discussions and Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations were finished by going
over the survey, assessing the results, and offering Shopee advice.

The final week was used to check the report one last time, paying particular
attention to the summary, typos, paraphrasing, citing, and so on. Then this report was
turned over to our instructor.

3.4 Quantitative Method

This report was researched using a quantitative method. In order to clarify this, by
asking Net Promoter Score questions, respondents can rate the factors listed above on a
scale of 1 to 10, as opposed to the typical scale of 1 to 5. From here, the average value from
the survey data collection procedure is determined by calculating the Net Promoter Score,
and this variable correctly reflects Shopee customers' levels of satisfaction. This makes it
easier for the findings to be more impartial when assessing survey data.

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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Chapter 4:

4.1 Findings

Survey respondents ranged in age from 18 to 22 years old and were mostly
university students in Ho Chi Minh City. Therefore, the average income of the survey
subjects fluctuated below 2 million. Most of the subjects have been using or are using
Shopee with a rate of 97.9%.

In this report, all selected factors are behavior, listening, website, and receiving
feedback. However, in addition to the above factors, the data shows that customer
satisfaction is also influenced by price, product quality and providing information
sufficiently with a high rate of 83.9%, 63.4% and 63.4% respectively.

According to the report results, a significant portion of respondents (38.7%) agree

that Shopee's delivery staff always show a friendly and welcoming attitude toward
customers. Besides, 26.9% of the participants highly appreciated that Shopee always
answered customers' questions. In addition, when it comes to Shopee's interest in the
customer's shopping experience, it is reported that only 26.9% of the satisfaction level.

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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Based on the collected data, the number of customers who are truly satisfied with
Shopee's listening is only 23.7%. Most customers are only supported with the basic and
necessary information, and Shopee does not actually listen to their customer's suggestions.

According to report results, Shopee's application is convenient and easy to use, with
52.7% of users happy. Customers can follow the progress of transferring orders thanks to
the Shopee application's convenience and ease of use (55.9%). The high application
performance allows for faster searching and ordering on the application (43%), increasing
consumer satisfaction.

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

Hoa Sen University

Regarding the factor of receiving feedback, customers recognized the aspect of

Shopee that legitimately solved the problem with the highest rate of 34.4%. Followed by
positive customer feedback with 28%. Finally, support customers when there is a problem
quickly with 23.7%. Although the data is only average, this factor is considered quite good
compared to other factors.

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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4.2 Discussions

4.2.1 Which factors influence customer satisfaction with Shopee?

Customer satisfaction is a crucial factor for a business because it will increase
customer loyalty and make them repeat purchases. The main motive of this report is to
examine what factors will affect customer satisfaction. The results show that all selected
factors, such as behavior, listening, website, and receiving feedback have an impact on
customer satisfaction. However, only a factor has a great influence: the interface element.
The rest are insignificant. In addition to the above factors, the data also shows that other
factors have a large effect on customer satisfaction. The first is the price, the second is the
quality of the product, and the third is Shopee which provides complete information about
the product, in which the price aspect is voted the highest.

4.2.2 How do these factors affect customer satisfaction with Shopee?

The first is Shopee's behavior. Shopee is not really proactive and enthusiastic to
help its customers when they have questions. In addition, they have not paid full attention
to the customer experience when using the service. However, the attitude of the shipper was
evaluated quite well. In general, customers show a moderate level of satisfaction.

The second factor is listening. The data shows that it is quite low. Customers do not
appreciate Shopee's patience and eager listening to their needs. Therefore, Shopee needs to
pay more attention and has effective measures to overcome this situation because listening
skills are essential to success in all relationships, including interactions with consumers.

The third factor is the application interface. The level of customer interest in factors
such as the interface on Shopee's application is beautiful, professional, easy to use,
convenient to track orders, and fast application speed. In particular, the results highlight
customer satisfaction in terms of order tracking convenience. Having a user-friendly
website is one of the most important aspects that influence customer purchasing decisions
and enhance customer satisfaction, and Shopee is doing a great job of this.

The last factor is getting customer feedback. Listening to and resolving customer
grievances is an essential strategy in cultivating customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is vital
to any form of innovation. However, customer feedback on this issue is not high. Their

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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dissatisfaction shows that Shopee does not really put the effort into solving and improving
customer problems. Aspects such as complaint recognition, and prompt and justified
handling are only average.

Finally, due to many shortcomings, the survey shows that Shopee should improve
more and be more aware of maximizing customer satisfaction when customers are willing
to continue using the service only 51.6% and to introduce relatives and friends to Shopee
only 49.4%.

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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Chapter 5:

Based on the above survey data, the report focused on analyzing and making
objective judgments about the quality of Shopee. Next, we will make conclusions and
suggestions to improve customer satisfaction with service quality at the Shopee as follows:

The first factor is Shopee's behavior. Overall, the data shows that although the
attitude of the shipper is quite appreciated, Shopee is still not completely interested in the
customer experience. Mostly still buyers and sellers contact themselves. We suggest that
the Shopee call center should be improved in order to quickly resolve customer queries.
The second factor is listening. Shopee needs to have software on the marketplace to answer
questions or problems of customers to increase consumer satisfaction with the application.
In addition, there are additional support policies to make the exchange/return process on
Shopee easier and more convenient. The third factor is the application interface, and this is
also the most appreciated factor that is considered and appreciated in Shopee. Shopee has
also done a great job in this aspect for customers to trust. In the last factor, the level of
customer satisfaction is only quite average. Shopee needs to actively record customer
complaints in order to improve service quality and customer loyalty. There should be a
team dedicated to solving as well as minimizing customer problems such as fake goods,
fraud, or stolen information.

The most significant and reliable indicator of the level of service quality that
companies strive for is customer happiness. Different standards for service quality are used
in each industry to satisfy the expectations of customers for goods and services. Shopee is a
unique business unit and a bridge between individuals and businesses with product
consumers. Therefore, one of the crucial requirements is to improve Shopee's service
quality. The factors that we mention in this report show that customers' satisfaction with the
quality of service that Shopee is quite good. However, as previously indicated, there are
still several limits. Therefore, Shopee needs to pay close attention to the limiting issues that
we have discussed in order to increase consumer satisfaction with service quality.

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

Hoa Sen University


Hanif, M., Hafeez, S., & Riaz, A. (2010). Factors affecting customer
satisfaction. International research journal of finance and economics, 60(1),

Khadka, K., & Maharjan, S. (2017). Customer satisfaction and customer

loyalty. Centria University of Applied Sciences Pietarsaari, 1(10), 58-64.

Min, K. S., Jung, J. M., & Ryu, K. (2021). Listen to their heart: Why does active
listening enhance customer satisfaction after a service failure?. International
Journal of Hospitality Management, 96, 102956.

Sanyala, S., & Hisamb, M. W. (2019, November). Factors Affecting Customer

Satisfaction with Ecommerce Websites-An Omani Perspective. In 2019
International Conference on Digitization (ICD) (pp. 232-236). IEEE.

Shodiq, A. F., Hidayatullah, S., & Ardianto, Y. T. (2018). Influence of design,

information quality and customer services website on customer
satisfaction. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering
Research, 9(12), 746-750.

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

Hoa Sen University

Survey questionnaire
+ Vietnamese
Câu hỏi khảo sát Câu trả lời
+ Nam
1/ Giới tính + Nữ
+ Khác
+ Dưới 18 tuổi
+ 18-22 tuổi
2/ Độ tuổi?
+ Trên 22 tuổi
+ Khác
Phần 1: Thông
3/ Nghề nghiệp
tin cá nhân
+ Dưới 2 triệu
+ 2-5 triệu
4/ Thu nhập
+ 5-10 triệu
+ Trên 10 triệu
5. Bạn đã và đang sử dụng
+ Có
ứng dụng mua hàng
+ Chưa
Phần 2: Các yếu 1. Khi mua hàng trên + Chất lượng sản phẩm
tố ảnh hưởng đến shopee bạn hài lòng về các + Cung cấp thông tin đầy đủ
sự hài lòng (Hãy yếu tố nào? (có thể chọn + Giá cả
chọn thông tin nhiều đáp án) + Giao diện dễ sử dụng
phù hợp (Có thể + Hỗ trợ nhanh chóng khi có vấn đề
chọn nhiều đáp + Luôn lắng nghe và tôn trọng khách
án)) hàng
+ Thái độ niềm nở, thân thiện
+ Tích cực nhận phản hồi từ khách
+ Tư vấn nhiệt tình

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

Hoa Sen University

+ Khác
1. Shipper luôn thân thiện, niềm nở với khách hàng
2. Shopee luôn giải đáp những thắc mắc của khách hàng nhiệt
3. Shopee thường xuyên hỏi thăm trải nghiệm mua hàng của
khách hàng
4. Shopee luôn kiên nhẫn và lắng nghe nhu cầu của khách
5. Quá trình đổi/trả hàng trên Shopee dễ dàng, thuận tiện
Phần 3: Các yếu
6. Giao diện trên ứng dụng của Shopee đẹp mắt, chuyên
tố ảnh hưởng đến
sự hài lòng của
7. Sử dụng ứng dụng Shopee tiện lợi, dễ sử dụng
khách hàng ở
8. Thuận tiện theo dõi đơn hàng
mức độ nào (1-
9. Tốc độ ứng dụng nhanh
10. Shopee luôn tích cực ghi nhận những khiếu nại của khách
11. Hỗ trợ khách hàng khi có sự cố 1 cách nhanh chóng
12. Giải quyết chính đáng khi khách hàng gặp vấn đề
13. Trong tương lai bạn sẽ tiếp tục sử dụng dịch vụ của Shopee
14. Bạn sẽ sẵn lòng giới thiệu cho người thân và bạn bè về

+ English
Survey question The answer
Part 1: Personal + Male
information 1/ Gender + Female
+ Other
2/ Age + Under 18
+ From 18 to 22
+ Over 22

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

Hoa Sen University

+ Other
3/ Occupation
+ Under 2 million
+ From 2 to 5 million
4/ Income
+ From 5 to 10 million
+ Over 10 million
5. Have you been using or + Yes
are using Shopee? + No
+ Product quality
+ Provide complete information
+ Price
+ Easy-to-use interface
+ Quick support when there is a
Part 2: Factors
affecting 1. What factors are you
+ Always listen and respect
satisfaction (You satisfied with when buying
can choose more on Shopee?
+ Warm and friendly attitude
than one answer)
+ Actively receive feedback from
+ Enthusiastic advice
+ Other

Part 3: Factors 1. Shipper is always friendly and welcoming to customers.

affecting 2. Shopee always answers customers' questions
customer enthusiastically.
satisfaction to
3. Shopee regularly inquires about customers' buying
what extent (1-10)
4. Shopee is always patient and listens to customers' needs.
5. Easy and convenient exchange/return process on Shopee.

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

Hoa Sen University

6. The interface on Shopee's application is beautiful and

7. Using the Shopee app convenient, easy to use
8. Convenient order tracking
9. Fast application speed
10. Shopee always actively acknowledges customer
11. Support customers when there is a problem quickly.
12. Legitimate solution when customers have problems.
13. In the future you will continue to use Shopee's services.
14. You will be happy to recommend to your family and
friends about Shopee.

Survey results
+ Part 1:

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

Hoa Sen University

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

Hoa Sen University

+ Part 3:

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

Hoa Sen University

Factors affecting customer satisfaction about Shopee Trang |

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