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Bullying is a complex social issue that involves the repetitive, intentional and

harmful behavior towards another individual or group. It can take vanous

forms such as physical, verbal, or relational aggression, and can occur in

different settings like schools, workplaces, or online platforms Bullying can

have serious and long-lasting effects on the victims, including emotional,

psychological, and even physical harm. It is important for everyone to

understand the impact of bullying and work together to prevent and address

this issue to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.

To start, Bullying is a massive issue that everyone faces in life specially in

school where its effects are well known and in times often tragic, though our

focus is its effects on the Academic Performance of Grade 12 students in

Santa Cruz Integrated National High School,

To be able to fight bullying and figure out how it effects the Academic

Performance will be vital for our search for knowledge and to hopefully

answer or solve the issue of bullying.

As we want to be able to help make the School a safe environment for

learning and to make sure students work efficiently in class and without the

problem of bullying in their minds as they push towards their goals for the


To be able to mend those issues and somewhat give an idea on how the

problem can possibly be tackled is what anyone would want to be able to do

and act upon and soforth.

It has always been a problem that caused many to either lose themselves or

act in a way where in the end they may cause harm to others due to their

experience in being bullied so they’ve resolved to do what has been done to

them by bullying more people which repeats the same process over and over


This problem has lasted for way too long and to this day it continues nonstop

and ongoing so it would be the best of everyone’s interest to be able to mend

this issue as I am sure that there are people who are afflicted by this

ongoing situation everyday someone gets bullied or harassed and they are

left alone to deal with issue themselves and in the end possibly not getting

any help and this problem just keeps on getting worst by the end of all of it.

And bullying is not only a physical attack but mental or psychological too but

most importantly it affects the victims of the cause emotionally which is a deep



Bullying is the act of belittling, degrading and offending people that are

deemed lesser or undeserving of what they own through physical, mental, and

emotional means usually in a harmful manner for of course it would not be

bullying if it were not causing any harm to the victim, this issue had been

going on for a long amount of time and has not been solved yet, even with the

warnings, anti bullying guidelines and other attempts at curbing or preventing

the act of bullying it is still pretty prominent in our society today and specially

towards children, teens and adolescent students inside schools, universities

and many educational institutions often causing unrest and disorder that leads

to even worse problems. The attempts at solving it still isn’t enough to find an
end to this problem and it was our decision to find out more about this issue

and find more ways to solve this issue and to create a safe and healthy

environment for the students of this school, Santa Cruz Integrated National

High School and to make sure there will not be any unwanted incidents that’ll

harm future students

Bullying is a serious problem that affects many students in schools and online.

Bullying can have negative consequences for the physical, mental, and social

well- being of the victims, the perpetrators, and the bystanders. Therefore, it is

important to understand the nature, causes, and effects of bullying, as well as

the ways to prevent and intervene in bullying situations.

Bullying is defined as "physical or verbal aggression that is repeated over a

period and, in contrast to meanness, involves an imbalance of power" 1.

Bullying can take different forms, such as physical (e.g., hitting, kicking,

pushing), verbal (e.g. name-calling, teasing, threatening), social (e.g.

spreading rumors, excluding, isolating), or cyberbullying (e.g. sending hurtful

messages, posting harmful images or videos)

Bullying has also been known to have caused many terrible things like

suicide, the lost of self confidence and the lost of self worth caused by bullying

caused people to take their own lives due to the harassment they've been

showered with and even if there are those who protect, love and still care

about them some would not be able to see it for all that is in their mind is the

pain they've experienced and the thought of finally being free of it, even if it

doesn't lead to the taking of one's life bullying still has long term negative

effects on the way someone acts weather it be a low self confidence or the
fear of socializing with other people and its why this is such an important issue

to be dealt with and the significance of it to us as a student is just as large.


The Study was conducted to assess The Effect of Bullying to the Mental

Health of Grade 12 ICT Students in Santa Cruz Integrated National High

School. It was conducted during the first Semester of School Year 2023-2024

The study focuses on the Effects of Bullying and its relation to the academic

performance of the selected Students, However The Study exclude the effects

of Bullying to their Academic Performance


This study will contribute to the existing Literature on Bullying by providing

new data and insights on Grade 12 ICT senior high school students in Santa

Cruz Integrated National High School. It will also examine the trends and

changes in bullying and mental health problems among adolescent over time

and across different socio economic and school related variables. Further

more, this study will benefit society by raising awareness and knowledge

about bullying and its impact on individuals and communities. It will also

provide evidence based recommendations and guidelines for policy makers,

educators, Parents, and Students on how to create a safe and positive school

environment where everyone can learn and grow without Fear or Harm.

Students- bullying is commonplace between students, a common

occurrence in class as to where one gets made fun of or abused

Parents- the guardians of the students and the ones who are the most

concerned whenever bullying in class occurs

Teachers- the main guardian in school and its their job to make sure bullying

does not occur or is stopped immediately if it does occur in class

School administrator- the ones who have the job to make sure the school

stays a safe and kind environment and the ones to punish those who try to

bully other students

Researchers Researchers may utilize the results of the investigation to

further research how bullying affects the academic performance of students,

which will help them develop educational policies that are both

comprehensive and successful.

Future Researchers. This study can provide insight on how bullying affects

the academic performance of senior high school students and point up

potential areas for further investigation for researchers.

This research will investigate effect of Bullying to the academic performance

grade 12 ICT students of Santa Cruz Integrated National High School. With a

Focus on understanding if the impact of ICT Literacy if it good or bad.

Table 1. What is the mean level of bullying in terms of

1.1 Physical Bullying

1.2 Verbal Bullying

1.3 Cyberbullying

1.4 Psychological Bullying

Table 2. What is the mean level of academic performance in terms of

2.1 attendance

2.2 grades
3. There a significant impact between bullying and academic performance of

the grade 12 ICT students.

The impact of Bullying on the academic performance

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Types of Bullying Academic Performance

1.1 Physical Bullying

2.1 Attendance

1.2 Verbal Bullying 2.2 Grades

1.3 Cyber Bullying

1.4 Psychological bullying

Definition of Terms

Adolescent-the age between childhood and adulthood

Belittling-making fun of others and treat them like a lesser person.

Guidelines – rules or the regulations used to guide people on what to do.

Imbalance-unbalanced or unequal

Mimicking to act like or to be like someone.

Occurrence – event or happenings in a certain time or place

Phenomena – an event or occurrence

Prevalent – more likely or something that has a high chance of happening

Significant-something Great or huge in terms of intensity

Undeserving – not deserve or not deserving of the action done to them.

-the age between childhood and adulthood

Belittling-making fun of others and treat them like a lesser person.

Guidelines – rules or the regulations used to guide people on what to do.

Imbalance-unbalanced or unequal

Mimicking- to act like or to be like someone.

Occurrence – event or happenings in a certain time or place

Phenomena – an event or occurrence

Prevalent – more likely or something that has a high chance of happening

Significant-something Great or huge in terms of intensity

Undeserving – not deserve or not deserving of the action done to them.




Attendance is the act of being present at or attending a class, an event or a

meeting. It depends upon the classroom, whether the attendance would be

both physical and virtual. In schools, students must maintain their attendance

against a set standard. The concept of students appearing in the classroom to

attend the lecture is called class attendance. Class Teachers count all the

students by their name and record the information in a register or digital


There are various methods of taking attendance like biometric systems using

student identification cards or fingerprints, physical presence is recorded in

registers or software tools. During online classes, the teacher marks online

attendance to ensure the presence of all the students.

As per school policy, the attendance of students affects their grades.

Sometimes, students’ absenteeism from school has various reasons. Some of

these reasons can be a bad company, personal issues, health issues, family

problems, bullying, etc. Keeping a tab on absenteeism helps to identify the

reasons behind a student’s absence from school. When recognized, teachers

can work in that direction to improve a student’s situation.

A student has to cite reasons to their teachers for not being present in school.

They must not be absent from school for an extended period without providing

any prior information. Besides a classroom, students’ presence is also noted

in other school events like sports, art class, lab class, etc. If a student is
regularly absent from school for a particular reason, they are guided to enroll

in counseling. Parent-teacher meetings also help to convey the issues

students face for being regularly absent. Academic achievement is also linked

to the same.


School bullying and cyberbullying (speciall represent the most common forms

of victimization during childhood and adolescence in many countries across

the globe. Although they can be studied as distinct phenomena with their own

defining characteristics, there is evidence to suggest that they are related and

often co-occur. The present research aimed to estimate the rates of school

bullying and cyberbullying, studied their evolution by age, and analyzed any

possible overlap between the two. An empirical study was carried out with a

large sample of children and adolescents in Galicia, Spain (N2083), where 10-

17 year olds were presented with The European Bullying Intervention Project

Questionnaire and European Cyberbullying Intervention Project.

Questionnaire School bullying was found to be more prevalent than

cyberbullying, with 25.1% involved as victims and 14.3% as bully-victims while

the cyberbullying rates were 9.4% for victims and 5.8% for bully-victims

Perpetration rates were similar for school and cyberbullying (4.4% and 4.3%

respectively) The overlap between both phenomena adds to the evidence for

a whole-community approach to tackling all types of bullying and victimization

experiences, as opposed to each in silo. The clear age differences in bullying

behaviors also suggest the appropriateness of tailoring anti-bullying programs

to target specific age groups.


Physical bullying: Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, tripping,

pinching and pushing or damaging property. Physical bullying causes both

short term and long term damage.

Verbal bullying: Verbal bulling includes name calling, insults, teasing,

intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal abuse. While verbal

bullying can start off harmless, it can escalate to levels which start affecting

the individual target.

Psychological Bullying: Psychological Bullying, sometimes referred to as

covert bullying, is often harder to recognize and can be carried out behind the

bullied person’s back. It is designed to harm someone’s social reputation

and/or cause humiliation.

Psychological bullying can include: Lying and spreading rumors Negative

facial or physical gestures, menacing or contemptuous looks Playing nasty

jokes to embarrass and humiliate Mimicking unkindly Encouraging others to

social exclude someone Damaging someone’s social reputation or social


Cyber bullying: The Cyber Bullying Research Centre defines cyber bullying

as: Intentional and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers,

phones, and other electronic devices. Cyber bullying can be overt or covert

bullying behaviors using digital technologies including hardware such as

computers and smartphones, and software such as social media, instant

messaging, texts, websites and other online platforms. Cyber bullying can

happen at any time. It can be in public or in private and sometimes only

known to the target and the person bullying. And for ICT students this’ll be an

important chapter of their studies to deal with specially with the growing reach

of media through the internet where trolls, cyberexploiters, and such start to

grow in numbers.

Cyber bullying can include: Abusive or hurtful texts, emails or posts, images

or videos Deliberately excluding others online Nasty gossip or rumors

Imitating others online or using their log-in.



Research design- The study used a survey research design strategy to

address the research question stated in the study

Locale of the study- The study will be conducted in Santa Cruz Integrated

National High School that is located at Oogong Santa Cruz Laguna. The

respondent that will be involved in this research will consist only of Grade 12

ICT senior high school students

Population- The respondent will be involved in this research will only consist

to selected 27 senior high students from grade 12 ICT Students of Santa Cruz

Integrated National High School.

Sampling Technique- In Order select the participants is this study, this study

used purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling is a technique in

which researcher selects a sample based on the participants intent. The

researchers believed that by using judgement and observation, they can

obtain a purposive sample. The Effects of Bullying in the Academic

performance of Grade 12 ICT students in Santa Cruz Integrated National High

School was investigated using closed-ended and open-ended survey


Data Gathering Procedure- In this study, the researcher formulate a

research questionnaire for the respondents using Surveys. Then after

formulating the questions, it will send printed questionnaires for the

Respondents to formally start answering the questions given by the

researcher. Since, it is a close- ended and open-ended questions the

participants have the freedom to respond. Then after they finish answering it

will complete all is the responses and determine The Effects of bullying in the

academic performance of senior high school students.

Research Instrument
- The survey questionnaire includes of questions that

will respond to the problem statement. The researcher conducted an open-

ended and close-ended questions to survey the selected respondents. As a

result, there survey will be done entirely online. The questions of this will

focus on the effects of bullying in the academic performance of Grade 12 ICT

students of Santa Cruz Integrated National Highschool

Theoretical Framework

Bullying has been a problem faced by my People and is found everywhere in

life including education, one of the most vital aspects of preventing bullying is

to stop the

Unneeded harassment endured by many students who are unable to fight for’

themselves and just let the bullying continue so to solve this issue is to help

the undependable with their issues with bullying. And bullying has been found

to have a significant impact on the academic performance of students,

especially in higher education. This section provides a theoretical framework

for understanding the impact of bullying on academic performance Social

Cognitive Theory js the theoretical framework that explains the interaction

between behavior, individual factors and the

Environment. According to SCT individuals learn by observing others, as they

model behavior or adopt and modify their behavior according to their

environment furthermore individual’s self efficacy also plays a crucial role in

their learning process.

Social cognitive theory can be used to explained aggressive bullying

behaviors, for example youth who are exposed to domestic violence in the

home are more likely to bully others than those who aren’t exposed to

domestic violence and the same goes with children who socialize with

aggressive peers: they are more likely to show aggressive behaviors toward

others than those who do not socialize with aggressive peers. It is apparent

frat students who bully others is a result of what they see or what is being

done to them. They are hurting and the root is unresolved emotional issues

from witnessing violence in their homes or from their peers or both.

References Age’s Differences at

Bullying’s acts in School Age Bullying Prevalence

and the Effect of Age and Gender

Chapter 4


This chapter presents, analyses, and interprets the data gathered from

twenty-seven (27) Grade 12 ICT Students from Santa Cruz Integrated

National High School, who were selected by purposive sampling technique.

Every question can be rated using the Likert Scale with the corresponding

verbal interpretation for the resolution of the problem on evaluating the level

of effectivity of "The effects of Bullying to a Grade 12 ICT students’ Academic


The data are presented in tables with verbal interpretations, and percentage

variability through mean and standard deviation formulas, respectively, and

subjected to hypothesis that there is no significant difference by using

Regression Test as the formula for analysis and interpretation of the results
based on the problem.

Table 3. The Effect of Bullying to a grade 12 ICT Student’s Academic

Performance in terms of physical bullying as evaluated by Grade 12

Information and Technology Students in Santa Cruz Integrated National High


Questions Mean SD Verbal


1. I believe bullying negatively 3.1851 1.3597 Neither

impacts the school environment

2. I feel safe in the current school 3.3333 1.0741 Agree


3. I am aware of physical bullying 3.1481 1.2311 Neither

in my school

4. I believe research plays a 3.2595 1.1959 Neither

crucial role in preventing bullying

5 there is enough awareness on 3.2962 0.9928 Neither

physical bullying in School

Weighted Mean 3.2444 1.1707 Neither

Rating Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4 20 - 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.40-4.19 Agree

3 2.60 - 3.30 Neither

2 1.80-2.59 Disagree

1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree

Table 3 presents the effects of Bullying on the academic Performance of

Grade 12 ICT Students in terms of physical bullying. As show in the table,

question no. 1 got a mean score of 3.1851 with standard deviation of 1.3597

and an interpretation of "Neither" Question no. 2 got a mean score of 3.333

with standard deviation of 1.0741 and an interpretation of "Agree" Question

no. 3 got a mean score of 3.1481 with standard deviation of 1.2311 and an

interpretation of "Neither." Question no. 4 got a mean score of

3.2595 with standard deviation of 1.1959 and an interpretation of "Neither."

Question no. 5 got a mean score of 3.2962 with standard deviation of 0.9928

and an interpretation of "Neither."

Table 4. The Effect of Bullying to a grade 12 ICT Student’s Academic

Performance in terms of mental bullying as evaluated by Grade 12

Information and Technology Students in Santa Cruz Integrated National High


Questions Mean SD Verbal


6. I am confident in my ability to 3.1851 1.1447 Neither

identify mental bullying

7. Mental Bullying has long lasting 3.4814 1.2821 Agree

effects on the Individual

8. Schools should be Strict 3.2962 1.3534 Neither

against mental Bullying

9. There are resource to support 3.3333 1 Agree

Mental Bullying Victims

10. Society Undermines the 3.2222 1.1547 Neither

impact of mental bullying

Weighted Mean 3.3037 1.1870 Agree

Rating Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4 20 - 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.40-4.19 Agree

3 2.60 - 3.30 Neither

2 1.80-2.59 Disagree

1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree

Table 4 presents the effects of Bullying on the academic Performance of

Grade 12 ICT Students in terms of mental bullying. As show in the table,

question no. 6 got a mean score of 3.1851 with standard deviation of 1.1447

and an interpretation of "Neither" Question no. 7 got a mean score of 3.4814

with standard deviation of 1.2821 and an interpretation of "Agree" Question

no. 8 got a mean score of 3.2962 with standard deviation of 1.3534 and an

interpretation of "Neither." Question no. 9 got a mean score of 3.3333 with

standard deviation of 1 and an interpretation of "Agree." Question no. 10 got a

mean score of 3.3037 with standard deviation of 0.9928 and an interpretation

of "Agree."

Table 5. The Effect of Bullying to a grade 12 ICT Student’s Academic

Performance in terms of Cyber Bullying as evaluated by Grade 12 Information

and Technology Students in Santa Cruz Integrated National High School

Questions Mean SD Verbal


Online Sites should be more 3.1481 1.2619 Neither

Active against Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying has many 3.1481 1.3503 Neither

negative effects on an individual
Parents should be more active 3.4444 1.3681 Agree
against Cyberbullying

I often experience 3.3333 1.2089 Agree


Cyberbullies should be 3.7037 1.0308 Agree

punished for their misdeeds

Weighted Mean 3.3555 1.244 Agree

Rating Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4 20 - 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.40-4.19 Agree

3 2.60 - 3.30 Neither

2 1.80-2.59 Disagree

1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree

Table 5 presents the effects of Bullying on the academic Performance of

Grade 12 ICT Students in terms of Cyberbullying. As show in the table,

question no. 11 got a mean score of 3.1481 with standard deviation of 1.2619

and an interpretation of "Neither" Question no. 12 got a mean score of 3.1481

with standard deviation of 1.3503 and an interpretation of "Agree" Question

no. 13 got a mean score of 3.4444 with standard deviation of 1.3681 and an

interpretation of "Agree." Question no. 14 got a mean score of 3.3333 with

standard deviation of 1.2089 and an interpretation of "Agree." Question no. 15

got a mean score of 3.7037 with standard deviation of 1.0308 and an

interpretation of "Agree"

Table 6. The Effect of Bullying to a grade 12 ICT Student’s Academic

Performance in terms of Social Bullying as evaluated by Grade 12 Information

and Technology Students in Santa Cruz Integrated National High School

Questions Mean SD Verbal


I feel anxiety from the people 2.8148 1.2101 Neither

around me

I feel uncomfortable about 3.5185 0.9352 Agree

the people who I think are bullies

I have Problems with 3.0370 1.1259 Neither

Socializing with my peers

I have problems trusting 3.3333 1.0377 Agree

people who are mean to me

I feel uncomfortable when 3.7037 0.9666 Agree

bullies approach me
Weighted Mean 3.28146 1.0551 Neither

Rating Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4 20 - 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.40-4.19 Agree

3 2.60 - 3.30 Neither

2 1.80-2.59 Disagree

1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree

Table 6 presents the effects of Bullying on the academic Performance of

Grade 12 ICT Students in terms of Social Bullying. As show in the table,

question no. 16 got a mean score of 2.8148 with standard deviation of 1.2101

and an interpretation of "Neither" Question no. 17 got a mean score of 3.5185

with standard deviation of 0.9352 and an interpretation of "Agree" Question

no. 18 got a mean score of 3.0370 with standard deviation of 1.1259 and an

interpretation of "Neither." Question no. 19 got a mean score of 3.3333 with

standard deviation of 1.0377 and an interpretation of "Agree." Question no. 20

got a mean score of 3.7037 with standard deviation of 0.9666 and an

interpretation of "Agree"
Table 7. The Effect of Bullying to a grade 12 ICT Student’s Academic

Performance in terms of Attendance as evaluated by Grade 12 Information

and Technology Students in Santa Cruz Integrated National High School

Questions Mean SD Verbal


Bullying is a reason why 2.5185 1.220 Disagree

people are late for school 6

Bullying is a reason why 2.8888 0.933 Neither

people are early for school 7

Bullying is the reason why 3.4814 1.014 Agree

students are often absent 1

Bullying is the reason why 3.1481 0.944 Neither

students often skip classes 8

Low attendance is a reason 2.8158 1.2311 Neither

why students have low grades

Weighted Mean 2.9705 1.068 Neither

Rating Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4 20 - 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.40-4.19 Agree

3 2.60 - 3.30 Neither

2 1.80-2.59 Disagree

1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree

Table 7 presents the effects of Bullying on the academic Performance of

Grade 12 ICT Students in terms Attendance. As show in the table, question

no. 21 got a mean score of 2.5185 with standard deviation of 1.2206 and an

interpretation of "Disagree" Question no. 22 got a mean score of 2.8888 with

standard deviation of 0.9337 and an interpretation of "Neither" Question no.

23 got a mean score of 3.4818 with standard deviation of 1.0141 and an

interpretation of "Agree." Question no. 24 got a mean score of 3.1481 with

standard deviation of 0.9488 and an interpretation of “Neither." Question no.

25 got a mean score of 2.851 with standard deviation of 1.2311 and an

interpretation of "Neither”

Table 8. The Effect of Bullying to a grade 12 ICT Student’s Academic

Performance in terms of Grades as evaluated by Grade 12 Information and

Technology Students in Santa Cruz Integrated National High School

Questions Mean SD Verbal


Bullying is a reason why 3.5185 1.4242 Agree

people are late for school

Bullying is a reason why 3.1481 1.3785 Neither

people are early for school

Bullying is the reason why 3.2222 1.0860 Neither

students are often absent

Bullying is the reason why 3.5555 1.1208 Agree

students often skip classes

Low attendance is a reason 3 1.1435 Neither

why students have low grades

Weighted Mean 3.2888 1.2306 Neither

Rating Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4 20 - 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.40-4.19 Agree

3 2.60 - 3.30 Neither

2 1.80-2.59 Disagree

1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree

Table 8 presents the effects of Bullying on the academic Performance of

Grade 12 ICT Students in terms Grades. As show in the table, question no. 26

got a mean score of 3.5185 with standard deviation of 1.4242 and an

interpretation of "Agree" Question no. 27 got a mean score of 3.1481 with

standard deviation of 1.3785 and an interpretation of "Neither" Question no.

28 got a mean score of 3.2222 with standard deviation of 1.0860 and an

interpretation of "Neither." Question no. 29 got a mean score of 3.5555 with

standard deviation of 1.1208 and an interpretation of “Agree." Question no. 30

got a mean score of 3 with standard deviation of 1.1435 and an interpretation

of "Neither”

Chapter 5


This chapter contains the summary, findings, and recommendations in the

present study entitled “The effects of Bullying to Grade 12 ICT Students in

Santa Cruz Integrated National High School.”


The study aimed to assess The effects of Bullying to a Student’s Academic

Performance set different factors to consider, the researcher creates

questionnaires to be evaluated by the respondents in terms of Physical

Bullying, Mental Bullying, Cyberbullying, Social Bullying, Attendance and


There were thirty (27) respondents of the study composing of Grade 12 ICT

Students’ of 12-B. Gates at Santa Cruz Integrated National High School in

Santa Cruz, Laguna.

The primary data gathering instrument used in this study is a self-made

questionnaire and the gathered data were statistically treated using weighted

mean, and standard deviation


Based on the data gathered the following have been found out.

The current effect of Bullying to a Grade 12 ICT students’ academic

performance is possible to Identify.
The level of effects of Bullying to a Student’s academic performance
was as follows

2.1) In terms of Physical Bullying it has a total mean of

3.2444 with standard deviation of 1.707 and interpreted as “Neither.”

2.2) In terms of Mental Bullying it has a total mean of 3.3037 with standard

deviation of 1.1870 and interpreted as “Agree.”

2.3) In terms of Cyberbullying it has a total mean Of

3.3555 with standard deviation Of 1.244 and interpreted as “Agree.”

2.4) In terms of Social Bullying has a total mean Of 3.2814 with standard

deviation of 1.0551 and interpreted as “Neither.”

2.5) In terms of Attendance it has a total mean of 2.9705 with standard

deviation of 1.0688 and interpreted as “Neither.”

2.6) In terms of Grades it has a total mean of 3.2888 With standard

deviation of 1.2306 and interpreted as “Neither.”


Based on the above findings presented, the researcher concluded that:

The study of the effects Of Bullying to the academic performance of
students will take more time and expenses to evaluate the


The questionnaire used was effective in gathering the data.


The effects of Bullying to a Student’s academic performance has noticeable

effects as rated by twenty seven (27) Grade 12 Information Communications

Technology Students from Santa Cruz Integrated National High School, in

Santa Cruz, Laguna.

There is Significant Effect in the effects of Bullying to the academic

performance of Grade 12 Information Communications Technology

Students as assessed by the ICT students from Santa Cruz Integrated

National High School, in Santa Cruz, Laguna.


Based on the above findings and conclusions, the researcher is hereby


Proper manipulation of time in construction of questionnaire.

Do pre-survey or observation.
Widen the boundary of assessing the effect of Bullying to a Student’s
Academic Performance

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