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**Course Outline**

**I. Course Description**

- Introduction to Biomolecules in Biochemistry
- Structures and Functions of Biomolecules
- Focus on Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids
- Basic Aspects of Enzymes
- Specialized Biochemistry of Connective Tissue and Muscle

**II. Course Objectives**

1. **Biomolecules Knowledge:**
- Name, identify, and describe basic structures of important biomolecules.
- Describe the classification of various biomolecules with examples.
- Draw and identify structures of common biomolecules and relate them to biological functions.
- State biochemical functions of various biomolecules in cells and organisms.

2. **Enzyme Understanding:**
- Describe the classification and properties of enzymes.
- Understand enzyme catalysis and kinetics.
- Explain mechanisms of enzyme inhibition.

3. **Vitamins and Coenzymes:**

- Describe water-soluble vitamins and coenzymes.
- Explain their roles in enzyme catalysis.

4. **Nucleic Acids:**
- Describe DNA and RNA structure.
- Explain gene expression processes.

5. **Connective Tissue and Muscle:**

- Discuss the structure-function relationship of connective tissues and muscle.
**III. Expected Outcomes**

1. **Knowledge Competency:**
- Acquire knowledge of major biomolecules and enzymes.
- Demonstrate understanding of metabolites and their availability.

2. **Molecular Understanding:**
- Explain normal human structure and functions at a molecular level.

**IV. Course Contents**

**A. Carbohydrates:**
- Classification and nomenclature of sugars.
- Monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.
- Chemical reactions of sugars (reducing properties and optical activities).

**B. Proteins:**
- Constituents of proteins.
- Structure of amino acids and chemical properties.
- Amino acid classification.
- Chemical reactions of amino acids and peptide bond formation.
- Levels of protein organization (primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures).
- 3-D conformational structures of proteins (e.g., myoglobin and hemoglobin).
- Protein folding and denaturation.
- Biological functions of proteins (globular, conjugated, fibrous, etc.).

**C. Lipids:**
- Definition of lipids.
- Classification of lipid compounds.
- Functions of lipids.
- Fatty acids, nomenclature, and structure.
- Triacylglycerols, phospholipids, shingolipids, and plasmalogens.
- Lipoproteins and steroid compounds.
**D. Nucleic Acids:**
- Structure of DNA and RNA.
- Different forms of DNA molecules.
- Level of organization of DNA molecules.
- Nucleosomes and histones.
- Types of bases in DNA/RNA.
- Examples of purine and pyrimidine bases.

**E. Genes and Gene Expression:**

- The gene and its control.
- The genetic code.
- DNA and RNA functions.
- Replication of genes.
- Chromosomes and genome.

**F. Porphyrins:**
- Structure and functions of porphyrins.
- Examples of porphyrin-containing compounds (cytochromes, hemoglobin).

**G. Enzymes:**
- Nomenclature, classification, and general characteristics.
- Enzyme kinetics and inhibition (competitive, non-competitive, uncompetitive).
- Michaelis-Menten equation and substrate concentration effects.
- Factors affecting enzyme reaction rates.
- Regulation of enzyme activity.
- Mechanisms of enzyme catalysis (acid-base, covalent, metal ion).
- Examples: lysozyme, ribonuclease A, carboxypeptidase A, chymotrypsin.

**H. Connective Tissue and Muscle:**

- Types of connective tissue, fibers, cells, distribution, and linkage to cells.
- Collagen (types, structure, synthesis, strength).
- Elastin (structure, function, differences).
- Proteoglycans (GAGs) and muscle and movement.

This comprehensive outline covers the major topics and learning objectives of the course on
biomolecules in biochemistry, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, enzymes,
and specialized biochemistry related to connective tissue and muscle.

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