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Peripheral Arterial Disease

Joseph L. Mills Sr., Zachary S. Pallister

Epidemiology and Demographics Endovascular Versus Open Surgical Therapy
Patient Presentations and Natural History Endovascular Therapy
Pathophysiology and Anatomy Open Surgical Therapy
Evaluation of the Patient With Peripheral Artery Disease Surveillance
Medical Management Endovascular Therapy Surveillance
Key Management Concepts: WIfI, GLASS, TAP and PLAN Open Surgical Bypass Graft Surveillance
Assessment of Outcomes

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is the most common condition management is underutilized and often not maximized, and there
requiring treatment by vascular surgeons and vascular specialists. are wide regional differences and disparities in the application of
Over the last decade, the global prevalence of PAD has continued revascularization procedures and strategies.
to rise, and it is a major contributor to rising healthcare resource
consumption.1,2 An estimated 8 to 12 million individuals in EPIDEMIOLOGY AND DEMOGRAPHICS
the United States are afflicted with PAD, and at least 202 million
people suffer from PAD across the globe.3 A recent metaanalysis of Aging is a major risk factor for the development of PAD. Lower
more than 34 studies showed a 23.5% increase in the prevalence extremity PAD most commonly presents in patients more than 50
of PAD during the first decade of the twenty-first century.4 The years of age and increases markedly with each decade beginning
primary drivers of this dramatic rise in PAD prevalence are the at 60 years of age. The prevalence of PAD has been estimated at
underlying increases in the major risk factors for the development 14.5% in patients more than 69 years of age and as high as 20%
of PAD around the world. These risk factors include population in patients 80 years of age and older.3 Cigarette smoking and its
aging (i.e., increased longevity); the global epidemic of diabetes, intensity is also strongly associated with PAD with one study es-
hypertension, and obesity; and the persistence of tobacco smoking timating its population attributable fraction at 44%.6 In the last
in many parts of the world (Fig. 63.1). An increased PAD prev- 20 years, it has become evident that diabetes has become one of
alence has been noted in both high- and low-income countries the most prominent risk factors for the development of PAD.7
(Fig. 63.2), although the rise has been more dramatic in low- and There is an ongoing global epidemic of diabetes and currently over
middle-income countries (28.7% increase) than in high-income 383 million people are affected; this number is expected to almost
countries (13.1% increase).3 double in the next 15 to 20 years. Diabetes is strongly associated
The economic impact of PAD has been growing in parallel with PAD; population-based studies have reported odds ratios of
with its increased prevalence, especially in the United States and in 1.9 to 4 (Fig. 63.1).3 Patients with diabetes are more likely to de-
many industrialized countries. In 2001, PAD-related treatments velop a foot ulcer and to present with chronic limb-threatening
comprised approximately 13% of all Medicare Part A and B ex- ischemia (CLTI). Hypertension and hyperlipidemia are the other
penditures and contributed to an estimated economic burden of major risk factors associated with the development of PAD.!
over $4.3 billion. By 2004, according to a detailed analysis of the
Reduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health (REACH) PATIENT PRESENTATIONS AND NATURAL HISTORY
Registry, the total estimated costs of vascular-related hospitaliza-
tions in the United States was $21 billion.3,5 The main contribu- Patients may have detectable PAD and yet be completely asymp-
tor to these costs was revascularization procedures, particularly tomatic; this situation is not uncommon in the aging popula-
rises in the use of endovascular therapy (EVT). tion as other factors may limit activity levels while PAD lurks in
The chapter which follows will review the pathophysiology, the background. Individuals may also present with atypical leg
anatomy, patient presentations, natural history, diagnosis, and symptoms that result from other conditions such as lumbar spine
management of lower extremity PAD. While there have been disease, neuropathy, degenerative joint disease, and myopathy.
many advances in therapy over the last decade, there is still a Typical symptoms of PAD include vasculogenic claudication and
striking relative lack of high-level evidence for many of the treat- CLTI. The latter category includes ischemic rest pain, ischemic
ments in common use. The condition is underdiagnosed, medical ulcer, and gangrene.

1768 SECTION XII Vascular

Renal insufficiency

Black race



Risk factors Hypertension




Male gender

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Odds ratio

FIG. 63.1 The approximate odds ratios (ORs) for risk factors associated with the development of peripheral
arterial disease (PAD). (Adapted from Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, et al. Inter-Society Consensus for the
Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease (TASC II). J Vasc Surg. 2007;45 Suppl S:S5–67.)

History of CVD

CRP (per 1 mg/dL)

High HDL cholesterol

High cholesterol

Smoking (past)

Smoking (current)



BMI (per 1 kg/m2)

Male sex OR (LMIC)

Age (per 10 yrs) OR (Global)

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

FIG. 63.2 Odds ratios (ORs) for peripheral artery disease (PAD) in high-income countries (HICs) and low- and
middle-income countries (LMICs). (From Criqui MH, Aboyans V. Epidemiology of peripheral artery disease. Circ
Res. 2015; 116:1509–1526.) BMI, Body mass index; CRP, C-reactive protein; CVD, cardiovascular disease; HDL,
high-density lipoprotein.

Symptoms typical of vasculogenic claudication are character- in onset, can take a long time for recovery, may arise from stand-
ized by cramping or aching discomfort in the buttock, thigh, or ing alone (without walking), and are often relieved by changes in
calf muscles that is induced by walking and relieved by rest. The spine position (such as spine flexion or sitting down). These two
location of muscular symptoms often correlates with the anatomic conditions may coexist, and a good history and physical examina-
site of disease, such that aortoiliac disease produces buttock and tion will often help the clinician differentiate them.
thigh claudication, while femoropopliteal occlusive disease results Complementing the history, qualitative components of a physi-
in calf claudication. Such complaints are usually reproducible in cal examination form the cornerstone of PAD diagnosis. These
onset but may arise sooner by walking at a faster pace or uphill. components include pulse examination (brachial, radial, femoral,
Vasculogenic claudication typically resolves with a short period of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis), observation for lack
rest (which reduces the muscular metabolic requirement), and in of distal hair growth on the involved extremity and dry skin which
contrast to neurogenic claudication, is neither variable in onset may result from apocrine gland dysfunction. The measurement of
nor does it require a change in position for symptom resolution. ankle-brachial index (ABI) forms the objective, quantitative basis of
Symptoms related to nerve root compression are often variable PAD assessment. An ABI of less than 0.9 has a sensitivity of 79%
CHAPTER 63 Peripheral Arterial Disease 1769

to 95% and a specificity exceeding 95% to establish the diagnosis the coronary and peripheral arteries. These arteries are thicker
of PAD in patients in whom it is suspected.2,3 In some individuals, relative to their diameters than the elastic arteries, with reduced
particularly those with diabetes or the aged, medial calcinosis will re- sheets of elastin and characteristically well-defined longitudinal
sult in falsely elevated ABIs. Because the toe arteries are often spared and circular smooth muscle layers. Contraction and relaxation of
calcification, a toe-brachial index may be measured to quantitate the muscular arteries alter the amount of blood flow delivered de-
PAD in individuals found to have noncompressible ankle arteries. pending on local requirements (e.g., increased peripheral arterial
A toe-brachial index less than or equal to 0.7 is abnormal and indi- flow is induced by exercise). Arterioles are the vessels of blood
cates hemodynamically significant PAD.3 If the diagnosis of PAD is delivery to the capillary bed. Arterioles are characterized by con-
still in doubt, particularly when compelling symptoms are present centric rings of smooth muscle whose contraction and dilation
in the setting of palpable pulses, an ABI test with exercise can be control blood flow into the capillary bed; they are generally less
helpful. This test and other useful studies will be subsequently dis- than 300 microns in diameter.
cussed in more detail under “Evaluation of the Patient with PAD.” Arteries consist of three layers: the endothelium, media, and
Ischemic rest pain has long been recognized as a classic symptom adventitia (with vasa vasorum). These layers vary in composition
of advanced PAD and is one manifestation of CLTI. It is more com- and thickness depending on location and health/disease state. The
mon in smokers than patients with diabetes mellitus, likely masked endothelium is considered an organ. As such, it has autocrine,
in the latter by peripheral sensory neuropathy related to underlying paracrine, and endocrine functions that regulate blood flow and
diabetes. It occurs in the forefoot and is typically described as hav- thrombogenicity. The endothelium is remarkable in that it synthe-
ing its onset with leg elevation or recumbency (i.e., when going to sizes multiple compounds that regulate vascular tone and provide
bed at night) and is relieved by dependency (i.e., dangling the foot vascular homeostasis. Dysfunction of the endothelium is the earli-
off the bed at night). The increase in pedal blood pressure related to est hallmark of vessel injury (Ross hypothesis of atherosclerosis)
gravity is sufficient to relieve the pain. Affected patients lack pedal and it can be detected before histologic changes associated with
pulses and usually suffer from distal hair loss in the affected extrem- atherosclerosis are evident. The injury response is currently thought
ity. Pallor on elevation and dependent rubor are common physical to be similar in many ways to a chronic inflammatory response.
findings. The diagnosis is confirmed by one or more of several he- After initial epithelial dysfunction, changes in the arterial wall per-
modynamic parameters, including an ABI less than 0.4, an ankle meability occur and in response to a multitude of growth factors,
systolic pressure less than 50 mm Hg, a systolic toe pressure less than stimulatory factors, and interactions between smooth muscle cells
30 mm Hg, a transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen (TcPO2) (SMCs), monocytes, lymphocytes and platelets, a fibroprolifera-
less than 30 mm Hg, and flat or minimally pulsatile pulse volume tive response takes place that results in plaque deposition. There
recording waveforms in the forefoot.8 It is simple and important are three stages of plaque, with the earliest stage termed the fatty
to objectively confirm the diagnosis with hemodynamic testing, as streak. Fatty streaks are focal, yellow, usually linear streaks that can
other conditions such as diabetic neuropathy, night cramps, degen- be seen on the luminal surface of arteries and are evident in most
erative joint disease, and gout may be confused with rest pain. individuals after three years of age. These streaks are microscopi-
Tissue loss (lower leg or foot ulcer) and gangrene can be obvi- cally macrophages (foam cells) full of lipid that accumulate in the
ous manifestations of CLTI. The strict definition of CLTI-related intima. They often occur at branch points. Atherosclerotic plaque
tissue loss requires that it be present for at least two weeks (to ex- also tends to develop at branch points. The intermediate stage is a
clude minor traumatic lesions that heal spontaneously) and that it fibrofatty lesion characterized by increased deposition of layers of
be accompanied by objective evidence of PAD of sufficient sever- matrix around layered macrophages, T lymphocytes, and SMCs.
ity to impede wound healing. This topic will be addressed in more The most advanced stage is the complicated or fibrous plaque.
detail below when the wound, ischemia, and foot infection (WIfI) Such plaques have begun to compromise the arterial lumen and
classification9 of CLTI is reviewed as one of the key management protrude into it. On their surface is a fibrous cap beneath which
concepts recently recommended by the Global Guidelines Com- lie dense layers of connective tissue and SMCs with a core con-
mittee on CLTI.8! taining lipid and necrotic debris. Rupture of the cap characterizes
an unstable plaque, which exposes the vessel lumen to lipid and
cellular debris, leading to the thrombotic complications associated
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY with atherosclerotic plaque (Fig. 63.3).
This chapter focuses on PAD due to atherosclerotic occlusive dis- Atherosclerotic disease is a chronic, degenerative, inflamma-
ease. Other uncommon arteriopathies and vasculitides that may tory process to which the body attempts to adapt to maintain both
produce peripheral ischemia are beyond its scope. These non- the structure and underlying function of the arterial circulation.
atherosclerotic conditions include giant cell arteritis, Takayasu Although systemic in nature, atherosclerosis tends to develop at
arteritis, polyarteritis nodosa, Wegener granulomatosis, thrombo- specific, anatomic locations within the arterial tree. Adaptive re-
angiitis obliterans (Buerger disease), Behcet disease, pseudoxan- sponses include compensatory changes in wall thickness and lu-
thoma elasticum, iliac artery endofibrosis, popliteal entrapment minal diameter, which are thought to result from changes in shear
syndrome, and cystic adventitial disease. stress. Glagov and associates were among the first to note that as
Arteries are generally grouped into three types: elastic, muscu- atherosclerotic plaques enlarge, the lumen enlarges to compensate
lar, and arterioles. The elastic arteries are the aorta and the pulmo- and maintain similar flow rates.10 This process has been shown to
nary arteries. They need to be elastic because they receive blood occur in the coronary, carotid, and superficial femoral arteries as
directly from the heart and are relatively thin compared to their well as the aorta. Such compensatory enlargement may serve to
diameters. With each contraction of the heart, blood is forcibly prevent flow-limiting luminal stenosis until the plaque area reaches
ejected into the elastic arteries, whose walls must stretch to ac- approximately 40% of the cross-sectional area of the affected lu-
commodate this systolic force. During diastole, their elastic walls men. While coronary, carotid, and aortoiliac lesions tend to occur
recoil, thus continuing to propel blood forward while the heart at branch points, obstructive superficial femoral artery plaque tends
refills. The muscular arteries are distributive in nature and include to develop in the distal portion of the vessel, which is generally
1770 SECTION XII Vascular

Leukocyte infrapopliteal occlusive disease. The pedal arteries are often spared,
adhesion with more than 85% of patients having a patent pedal vessel,12
Endothelial although severe pedal occlusive disease seems to be increasing in
adhesion frequency, especially among patients with end-stage renal disease.
For reasons that remain yet unexplained, the anterior tibial and
posterior tibial arteries are most frequently involved, with rela-
tive sparing of the peroneal artery. These patterns of disease are
important to recognize as they have significant implications for
management (Fig. 63.4).!
A detailed history and thorough physical examination should be
performed in every patient suspected of having PAD. It should in-
Fibrous cap clude elucidation of pertinent symptoms and the degree of disabil-
formation ity associated with them; past medical history (particularly prior
surgical operations or revascularization procedures); assessment of
all major cardiovascular risk factors (smoking, diabetes, hyperten-
sion, hyperlipidemia, obesity, and sedentary lifestyle); palpation
Macrophage of all accessible peripheral pulses (carotid, brachial, radial, ulnar,
accumulation femoral popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsal pedal); auscultation
of the neck, abdomen and groin for bruits; auscultation of the
Formation of
heart and lungs; and palpation of the abdomen, femoral, and pop-
necrotic core
liteal regions for aneurysm. The extremities should be inspected
FIG. 63.3 Initiation and progression of atherosclerotic plaque. Cardio- for temperature changes, color (elevation pallor or dependent ru-
vascular risk factors, hemodynamic forces, toxins, and infectious agents
bor), signs of muscle atrophy, distal hair loss, and ulcers of the
interact with the vessel at the level of the endothelium to produce injury,
resulting in decreased nitric oxide production and increased permeability.
leg and foot, especially examining all surfaces of the foot and be-
Once injured, the endothelium increases the expression of leukocyte ad- tween the toes in patients with diabetes. An adequate extremity
hesion molecules such as vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, intracellular examination requires removal of the socks and shoes bilaterally,
adhesion molecule-1, and P- and E-selectin, which increases the adher- even if there are only complaints in one limb. The shoes them-
ence of macrophages and other leukocytes. Permeability of the endothe- selves should also be closely examined for signs of uneven wear
lium also increases and permits entry of leukocytes and lipoproteins into and foreign bodies within them or stuck in the soles (nails, tacks,
the subendothelial space. Chemokines and cytokines such as monocyte screws, etc.). Patients with diabetic neuropathy will not feel these
chemotactic protein-1 and interleukin-8 further enhance the recruitment items. All patients with foot ulcers should be tested for neuropa-
of leukocytes and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) into the subendothelial thy to detect loss of protective sensation (the Semmes-Weinstein
space. Lipoproteins retained in the subendothelial space are biochemi-
monofilament test is the simplest) and probe-to-bone test should
cally modified such that they can be taken up by macrophages and SMCs
to form foam cells. Foam cells at the central-most position of the develop-
be performed in any patient with a foot ulcer.7!
ing atheroma become necrotic and form the central lipid core, whereas
the shoulder regions contain SMCs, macrophages, and other leukocytes. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT
Platelet-derived growth factor and transforming growth factor-β stimulate
SMC migration and collagen formation in the subendothelial space, as PAD is a localized manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis. PAD
well as formation of the fibrous cap. (From Owens CD, Ho KJ. Athero- is associated with high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
sclerosis. In: Sidawy AN, Perler BA, eds. Rutherford’s vascular surgery from myocardial infarction and stroke. These risks are particularly
and endovascular therapy. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:44–53.) high among CLTI patients. Major risk factors for the develop-
ment of PAD include age, sex, hypertension, hyperlipidemia,
diabetes mellitus, smoking status, and sedentary lifestyle. Major
straight, with few branches. This predilection for PAD to occur in cardiovascular risk factors should be evaluated in all patients with
the superficial femoral artery at the adductor hiatus has been attrib- PAD. Medical management of patients with PAD includes modi-
uted to the anatomic compression by the adductor tendons, which fication of these medical comorbidities when feasible to reduce
limits compensatory arterial dilation to growing plaque. lower cardiac morbidity and mortality. The Society for Vascular
In general, patients with claudication will be found to have Surgery Global Vascular Guidelines were used as a framework on
single level disease, frequently involving either the aortoiliac seg- which the following recommendations were based.3,8
ment or the femoropopliteal segment, with relative sparing of the Antithrombotic therapy is strongly recommended for all patients
distal extremity arteries. These patterns of disease are common in with PAD to reduce major adverse cardiac events (MACEs), defined
cigarette smokers. Patients with CLTI more often have multilevel as a composite of nonfatal stroke, nonfatal myocardial infarction,
disease. Patients with PAD associated with diabetes tend to have and cardiovascular death. The mainstay of this therapy is low-dose as-
patterns of more distal occlusive disease and more frequently have pirin. Recent data suggests that further benefit might result from the
involvement of the deep femoral (profunda) artery and the in- use of alternative antiplatelets agents such as clopidogrel or ticlopi-
frapopliteal arteries.11 CLTI patients often have femoropopliteal dine. The benefit achieved in these patients is a lowering of MACEs.
artery stenosis or occlusion along with tibial occlusive disease, A metaanalysis performed comparing single-agent antithrombotic
but especially in diabetes, they may be found to have isolated use in PAD patients suggested that clopidogrel monotherapy was
CHAPTER 63 Peripheral Arterial Disease 1771

Age Male Diabetes Hypertension Hyper- Current

gender mellitus cholesterolemia smoking




FIG. 63.4 Association of risk factors with the level of atherosclerotic target lesions. The red overlay on the ana-
tomic cartoon illustrates the association of risk factor with patterns of atherosclerotic disease. (From Diehm N,
Shang A, Silvestro A, et al. Association of cardiovascular risk factors with pattern of lower limb atherosclerosis
in 2659 patients undergoing angioplasty. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2006;31:59–63.)

most effective for lowering MACEs. Currently, there is no clear ben- contributes to PAD disease progression. Patients should be asked
efit for dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) or systemic anticoagula- about the status of their tobacco use at every visit. Clinical sup-
tion in patients with PAD to lower MACEs, though there are several port, adjunctive medications, and counseling should be offered to
ongoing clinical trials to evaluate this issue further. all active smokers with PAD.
Lipid-lowering therapy is essential in patients with PAD and Exercise has been shown to have clear benefits for patients with
has been demonstrated to decrease MACEs. Additionally, there PAD and intermittent claudication and should be the attempted
appears to be a direct antiinflammatory effect in PAD patients, prior to revascularization in these patients. This is especially true
which has been postulated to lead to atherosclerotic plaque stabil- for patients with stable symptoms that are not lifestyle limiting.
ity and reduce vascular events. It has been well established that Specifically, patients should be referred for a supervised exercise
high-intensity statin therapy decreases MACEs in patients with therapy program with an exercise physiologist if possible. There is
PAD. Specifically, this includes high intensity rosuvastatin (20–40 greater established benefit for supervised compared to nonsuper-
mg/day) or simvastatin (40–80 mg/day). vised programs, but home-based plans have also shown benefit.
Control of hypertension has been shown to decrease MACEs Exercise has been shown to improve walking distances in claudi-
in patients with PAD. Data suggests that targeting systolic blood cants by increasing calf blood flow, improving endothelial func-
pressure (SBP) less than 140 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure tion, reducing local inflammation, and inducing angiogenesis.
(DBP) less than 90 mm achieves optimal reduction in MACEs in The general recommendations are for these patients to perform
patients with PAD. Specific categories of antihypertensives have a minimum of 45 to 60 minutes of exercise, 3 times per week for
not clearly been demonstrated to be optimal in PAD patients, 12 weeks, typically walking on a treadmill. The exercise should be
with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, calcium sufficiently intense to elicit claudication. No specific randomized
channel blockers, beta blockers, and diuretics all being effective controlled trial has been used to evaluate this benefit in CLTI pa-
to lower MACEs. tient symptoms, although the benefit from reduced MACEs asso-
Diabetes mellitus is a significant risk factor and contributor ciated with cardiac rehabilitation regimens has been demonstrated.!
to the development of atherosclerosis and PAD. The extent and
severity of disease correlates with blood glucose control. Therefore, KEY MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS: WIfI, GLASS, TAP
glycemic control should be a focus of care in patients with PAD. AND PLAN
The specific goal is for patients is to maintain a Hemoglobin A1c
level of less than 7%. There has been a noted advantage for using Perhaps the most significant recent change in the diagnosis and
metformin as the primary hypoglycemic agent for patients with management of PAD relates to concepts concerning CLTI. These
Type II diabetes and CLTI. Adjunctive medications as well as in- changes were driven in large part by the global epidemic of diabe-
sulin should be considered to achieve this A1c target. tes. Diabetes currently affects nearly 400 million people around
Tobacco abuse is a frequent comorbid condition for patients the world and its prevalence is increasing in virtually every country
with PAD and specifically those with CLTI. The extent of ciga- for which data are available. Due to neuropathy and PAD, about
rette smoking has been shown to correlate with PAD severity. To- one in four patients with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer during
bacco abuse leads to higher MACEs in patients with PAD and also their lifetime; 80% of diabetes-related amputations are preceded
1772 SECTION XII Vascular

TABLE 63.1 SVS WIfI clinical limb stage based on estimated risk of amputation at one year.

W-0 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 4
W-1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 4 3 3 4 4

W-2 2 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
W-3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
fI-0 fI-1 fI-2 fI-3 fI-0 fI-1 fI-2 fI-3 fI-0 fI-1 fI-2 fI-3 fI-0 fI-1 fI-2 fI-3

Key:fI, foot infection; W, wound.

Clinical Stage 1 or very low risk

Clinical Stage 2 or low risk

Clinical Stage 3 or moderate risk

Clinical Stage 4 or high risk

Clinical Stage 5 = unsalvageable limb

Adapted from Mills JL, Sr., Conte MS, Armstrong DG, et al. The Society for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity Threatened Limb Classification
System: Risk stratification based on wound, ischemia, and foot infection (WIfI). J Vasc Surg. 2014;59:220–234 e221–222.
IDSA, Infectious Diseases Society of America; PAD, peripheral artery disease; PEDIS, perfusion, extent/size, depth/tissue loss, infection,
sensation; WIfI, wound, ischemia, and foot infection.
a.Increase in wound class increases risk of amputation (based on WIfI, PEDIS, University of Texas, and other wound classifications systems).
b.PAD and infection are synergistic (Eurodiale); infected wound + Pad increases likelihood revascularization will be needed to heal wound.
c.Infection 3 category (systemic/metabolic instability): moderate to high-risk of amputation regardless of other factors (validated IDSA infection

by a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU).7,9 A significant fraction (49%– diabetes and is based on three major factors: wound, ischemia, and
66%) of people with DFUs have detectable underlying PAD.9,13 foot infection (WIfI).9 Since its publication in 2014, the WIfI con-
Even in many, modern, complex healthcare systems, patients with cept has achieved broad acceptance and has been adopted and rec-
DFU are not routinely evaluated for PAD and the opportunity for ommended by many societies across the globe including, among
diagnosis and revascularization is missed. All too often, DFUs are others, the Society for Vascular Surgery, the European Society of
managed with wound care alone or even amputation (both major Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, the European Society of Car-
and minor) without any evaluation for correctable PAD, despite diology, the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
the well-known association of PAD with delayed wound healing (IWGDF), the American Podiatric Medical Association, and the
and amputation in such patients.13 It became apparent that the very recently published Global Vascular Guidelines Committee.8
dated concept of “critical limb ischemia”14 first proposed in 1982, WIfI is a limb staging system. The underlying principle of
as well as the most common classification systems used for decades WIfI is that the limb must be staged at presentation, prior to
by vascular surgeons (Fontaine15 and Rutherford16), failed to ad- planning treatment, and in that way, it is analogous to the tumor,
dress numerous issues related to management of DFU. In fact, node, metastasis (TNM) system for cancer staging. Each of the
the authors of the original consensus statement on critical limb three factors is graded on an objective scale from 0 to 4, a pro-
ischemia specifically stated that patients with diabetes were to be cess which therefore yields 64 potential combinations of WIfI.
excluded from the definition as wounds in such patients were often By Delphi consensus, these combinations were grouped into one
complicated by neuropathy and infection, and the perfusion re- of four clinical stages (I–IV), each associated with progressively
quirements to achieve healing in patients with diabetes were likely increasing risk of amputation at one year (Tables 63.1 and 63.2).
greater than in patients with foot ulcers and gangrene occurring Although initially based on a consensus approach, when subse-
in the setting of pure chronic ischemia from PAD seen in ciga- quently applied in clinical practice, WIfI has been shown to have
rette smokers without diabetes.14 The hemodynamic parameters considerable prognostic value in predicting amputation risk. A re-
for “critical” limb ischemia proposed in the existing classifications cent metaanalysis17 of 12 studies comprising 2669 patients with
were likely too rigid, and both the Fontaine and Rutherford sys- CLTI demonstrated that the likelihood of amputation at 1 year
tems lacked sufficient detail about wound characteristics and failed increased progressively with increasing WIfI stage, 0%, 8% (95%
to consider the presence and severity of infection. Both of these confidence interval [CI] 3%–21%), 11% (95% CI 6%–18%)
factors influence care and outcomes of care, especially in patients and 38% (95% CI 21%–58%), for WIfI stages I–IV, respectively.
with DFU. With these considerations in mind, the Society for Other analyses have yielded similar findings.18 WIfI may also be
Vascular Surgery created and published a new classification system used to predict the likelihood of benefit of revascularization, al-
intended to stratify amputation risk and impact clinical manage- though the data supporting this particular utility of WIfI are less
ment. This classification is applicable to patients with and without robust.19,20
TABLE 63.2 Society for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity Threatened Limb (SVS WIfI)
classification system.
I. Wound
II. Ischemia
III. Foot Infection
W I fI score
W: Wound/clinical category
SVS grades for rest pain and wounds/tissue loss (ulcers and gangrene):
0 (ischemic rest pain, ischemia grade 3; no ulcer), 1 (mild), 2 (moderate), 3 (severe).
0 No ulcer No gangrene
Clinical description: ischemic rest pain (requires typical symptoms + ischemia grade 3); no wound.
1 Small, shallow ulcer(s) on distal leg or foot; no exposed bone, unless limited to distal No gangrene
Clinical description: minor tissue loss. Salvageable with simple digital amputation (1 or 2 digits) or skin coverage.
2 Deeper ulcer with exposed bone, joint, or tendon; generally not involving the heel; Gangrenous changes limited to digits
shallow heel ulcer, without calcaneal involvement
Clinical description: major tissue loss salvageable with multiple (≥3) digital amputations or standard TMA ± skin coverage.
3 Extensive, deep ulcer involving forefoot and/or midfoot; deep, full thickness heel ulcer Extensive gangrene involving forefoot and/or midfoot; full thickness
± calcaneal involvement heel necrosis ± calcaneal involvement
Clinical description: extensive tissue loss salvageable only with a complex foot reconstruction or nontraditional TMA (Chopart or Lisfranc); flap coverage or complex
wound management needed for large soft tissue defect.
TMA, Transmetatarsal amputation.
I: Ischemia
Hemodynamics/perfusion: Measure TP or TcPO2 if ABI incompressible (>1.3)
SVS grades 0 (none), 1 (mild), 2 (moderate), and 3 (severe).
0 ≥0.80 >100 mm Hg ≥60 mm Hg
1 0.6–0.79 70–100 mm Hg 40–59 mm Hg
2 0.4–0.59 50–70 mm Hg 30–39 mm Hg
3 ≤0.39 <50 mm Hg <30 mm Hg
ABI, Ankle-brachial index; PVR, pulse volume recording; SPP, skin perfusion pressure; TP, toe pressure; TcPO2, transcutaneous oximetry.
Patients with diabetes should have TP measurements. If arterial calcification precludes reliable ABI or TP measurements, ischemia should be documented by TcPO2,
SPP, or PVR. If TP and ABI measurements result in different grades, TP will be the primary determinant of ischemia grade.
Flat or minimally pulsatile forefoot PVR = grade 3.
fI: foot Infection:
SVS grades 0 (none), 1 (mild), 2 (moderate), and 3 (severe: limb and/or life-threatening)
SVS adaptation of Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) perfusion, extent/size, depth/tissue
loss, infection, sensation (PEDIS) classifications of diabetic foot infection.
No symptoms or signs of infection 0 Uninfected
Infection present, as defined by the presence of at least two of the following items:
• Local swelling or induration
• Erythema >0.5 to ≤2 cm around the ulcer
• Local tenderness or pain
• Local warmth
• Purulent discharge (thick, opaque to white, or sanguineous secretion)
Local infection involving only the skin and the subcutaneous tissue (without involvement of deeper tissues and without 1 Mild
systemic signs as described below).
Exclude other causes of an inflammatory response of the skin (e.g., trauma, gout, acute Charcot neuroosteoarthropathy,
fracture, thrombosis, venous stasis)
Local infection (as described above) with erythema >2 cm, or involving structures deeper than skin and subcutaneous tissues 2 Moderate
(e.g., abscess, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, fasciitis), and No systemic inflammatory response signs (as described below)
Local infection (as described above) with the signs of SIRS, as manifested by two or more of the following: 3 Severe*
• Temperature >38°C or <36°C
• Heart rate >90 beats/min
• Respiratory rate >20 breaths/min or PaCO2 <32 mm Hg
• White blood cell count >12,000 or <4000 cu/mm or 10% immature (band) forms

From Lipsky BA, Berendt AR, Cornia PB, et al. 2012 Infectious Diseases Society of America clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and
treatment of diabetic foot infections. Clin Infect Dis. 2012;54:e132–173.
PACO2, Partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
*Ischemia may complicate and increase the severity of any infection. Systemic infection may sometimes manifest with other clinical findings, such
as hypotension, confusion, vomiting, or evidence of metabolic disturbances, such as acidosis, severe hyperglycemia, new-onset azotemia.
1774 SECTION XII Vascular

The limb itself, however, is only one issue to be considered in (anticipated periprocedural mortality <5% and estimated 2-year sur-
the treatment of patients with CLTI. Patient risk factors, life ex- vival >50%) and high-risk groups (anticipated periprocedural mortal-
pectancy, and the underlying vascular anatomy in patients felt to ity ≥5% and estimated 2-year survival ≤50%). One of the reasons for
benefit from revascularization also constitute integral components this adjustment was because the BASIL trial had shown that EVT for
of the decision-making process. The Global Vascular Guidelines severe limb ischemia patients had similar outcomes compared to open
on CLTI were recently published in an effort to initiate evidence- surgical bypass for patients living less than two years from their ini-
based guidelines for the diagnosis, evaluation, and management tial revascularization attempt, whereas patients living longer than two
of such patients. The guidelines include an expanded and more years appeared to benefit from bypass surgery.24,25 Other factors have
modern definition of CLTI, are based upon a three-step process also been examined including functional status and frailty,26–33 but
that includes limb staging with WIfI, and introduce three other the data in CLTI patients in predicting perioperative and long-term
new concepts: patient, limb, anatomy (PLAN), target artery path survival is not yet well defined. The final component of PLAN, after
(TAP), and Global Limb Anatomic Staging System (GLASS).8 assessing individual patient risk and WIfI limb stage, is to evaluate
These guidelines are succinctly summarized below as they repre- the arterial anatomy in those patients in need of revascularization and
sent an important advance in CLTI care. who would be candidates for revascularization. These three pieces are
The Global Vascular Guideline begins by establishing impor- then considered to formulate a revascularization strategy (Fig. 63.5).
tant definitions and nomenclature. The Global Vascular Guide- To define the arterial anatomy, many groups start with duplex
lines suggest abandoning the outdated term “critical limb isch- imaging because it can be done in the office, is relatively inexpensive,
emia”14 as it fails to encompass the complete spectrum of patients and requires neither an intravenous catheter nor contrast administra-
in modern day practice who are evaluated and treated to prevent tion. Computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance
limb amputation. Instead, the term CLTI is now proposed so as to angiography can be considered, especially when inflow disease (aor-
include a much broader spectrum of patients with varying degrees toiliac disease) is suspected. Most commonly, patients are evaluated
of ischemia sufficient to contribute to the development of foot with catheter-based digital subtraction angiography because it is the
and leg ulcers, delay healing, and increase amputation risk. CLTI most direct method and offers the best views of the foot (Fig. 63.6).
includes only patients with chronic atherosclerotic disease and is Studies which do not include the foot in CLTI patients are inad-
not intended to be applied to patients with acute thrombotic or equate.7,8 Contrast can be diluted in patients with kidney disease
embolic leg ischemia, trauma, pure venous disease, or nonathero- and CO2 arteriography offers excellent views of the proximal vessels
sclerotic conditions such as the vasculitides and Buerger disease. down the popliteal level and is therefore often used to limit contrast
The target population therefore includes any adult with CLTI, de- in patients with significant baseline renal impairment.
fined as a patient with objectively documented PAD and any of Any inflow disease, if present, must be corrected, most commonly
the following clinical presentations: ischemic rest pain with con- with angioplasty with or without stenting. The entire affected limb is
firmatory hemodynamic measurements; DFU or any lower limb evaluated angiographically and classified using the GLASS. GLASS
ulcer present for at least two weeks; and gangrene involving any classifies the limb disease burden from the groin to the foot, with
part of the lower limb or foot. CLTI is thus a more inclusive and the underlying assumption that inflow disease is not present or has
well-defined term that can be more appropriately applied to the already been corrected. GLASS was designed to address inconsisten-
spectrum of patients presenting with limb threat than the dated cies and the overall lack of utility of the older, TransAtlantic Inter-
or imprecise terms, critical limb ischemia or severe limb ischemia. Society Consensus (TASC) I and II anatomic classification systems,
Given a patient presenting with any of the above manifesta- which were lesion and arterial segment based and did not correlate
tions of CLTI, the next step is to stage the limb with the WIfI with expected patency rates and outcomes of therapy.8 There are sev-
classification system, which provides an evidence-based estimation eral underlying key assumptions and principles defined by GLASS.
of the degree of limb threat and helps focus limb salvage efforts. The first is that in-line flow to the ankle and the foot is a primary
PLAN includes a focus on the patient and his/her estimated risk goal of therapy, and to accomplish that, one must select a TAP. The
for intervention, in particular estimates of short- and long-term mor- TAP is selected by the operator and is a continuous route of in-
tality. In contrast to patients with CLTI, patients with claudication line flow from groin to foot. Assessment of patency is limb based,
are generally at lower risk, with a predicted 75% to 80% 5-year life not lesion or segment based. The femoropopliteal and infrapopliteal
expectancy and a 5-year risk of amputation of only 5%.3 Interven- segments are each graded in severity on a scale from 0 to 4 based
tions should only be undertaken in claudicants after failure of exercise on length and other important characteristics of the stenosis or oc-
and medical therapy, when anatomic factors are favorable for inter- clusion, such as whether or not the origin of the vessel is involved
vention, and prolonged patency and symptom relief is likely. In con- and whether or not significant calcification is present (Figs. 63.7 and
trast, CLTI patients overall have a 50% 5-year mortality,21 but also a 63.8). Pedal anatomy is used as a modifier/descriptor (Fig. 63.9).
much higher amputation risk, based primarily on the limb stage at CLTI is most often a multilevel disease, so GLASS combines the
presentation. Simons and associates22 suggested that CLTI patients grades of the infrainguinal segments to create an arterial anatomic
could be grouped into three risk groups for mortality based on a stage, analogous to the way in which the WIfI system is used to
combination of factors including age older than 80 years, oxygen- stage the limb itself. Stages range in progressive severity from I to III,
dependent chronic obstructive lung disease, stage 5 chronic kidney based on consensus estimates of the estimated technical failure rates
disease, and bedbound status. Using a predictive model based on and 1-year limb-based patency (Table 63.3). The system is geared to-
these factors from a large cohort of over 38,000 patients derived from ward an endovascular approach but should allow meaningful com-
the Vascular Quality Initiative, patients were defined as low-risk (30- parison with open bypass surgery for comparable WIfI limb stage
day survival >97% and 2-year survival >70%), medium-risk (30-day and GLASS arterial anatomic stages. Although based on current
survival 95%–97% or 2-year survival 50%–70%), or high-risk (30- best evidence and expert consensus, the GLASS classification has
day survival <95% or 2-year survival <50%).22 These data and those not yet been validated. However, neither were the TASC systems it
from the BASIL trial23 were considered in the Global Guidelines and is intended to replace and GLASS makes more clinical sense because
it was recommended that CLTI patients be grouped into average the entire limb is staged from an arterial anatomic standpoint and it
CHAPTER 63 Peripheral Arterial Disease 1775

Clinical suspicion of
Rest pain – tissue loss

Complete physical No Search for alternative

exam suggestive of

ABI >1.40 or
Measure ankle
Normal ABI discordant ankle
pressure, ABI, and
(0.90 – 1.40) pressure, ABI, and/or
doppler waveforms
doppler waveforms

Abnormal ABI <0.90

Yes Measure toe pressure,

Tissue loss or
TBI, and doppler


Search for alternate Stage limb severity

cause of rest pain (WlfI)

Obtain vascular
imaging if patient is a
candidate for

FIG. 63.5 Flow diagram for the investigation of patients presenting with suspected chronic limb-threatening
ischemia (CLTI). (From Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, et al. Global vascular guidelines on the management
of chronic limb-threatening ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 2019;69:3S–125S e140.) ABI, Ankle-brachial index; PAD,
peripheral artery disease; TBI, toe-brachial index; WIfI, wound, ischemia, and foot infection.

considers that more than one level of disease may have to be treated multicenter trial comparing angioplasty to open surgery therapy is
to obtain in-line flow to heal the foot (Fig. 63.10). Going forward, it the BASIL Study from the United Kingdom.24,25 While this trial
is anticipated that the combination of patient risk, WIfI limb stage, demonstrated no significant differences between the open bypass
and GLASS anatomic stage can be put together to predict the ben- first group versus the balloon angioplasty group at six months, a
efit of revascularization and the best means of accomplishing it (i.e., trend toward improved amputation-free survival was noted at two
EVT vs. bypass, see Figs. 63.11 and 63.12)! years in the group initially undergoing open surgical bypass.
Anatomic considerations previously deemed to necessitate
ENDOVASCULAR VERSUS OPEN SURGICAL open surgical therapy have become less stringent in parallel with
these endovascular advancements. The now dated TASC 2007
THERAPY guidelines suggest that bypass is still preferable in TASC D (long
The emergence of EVT for the treatment of PAD has created the segment, extensive) aortoiliac and femoropopliteal lesions. Ad-
dilemma of which revascularization option to select for any given ditionally, extensive literature suggests that patients with limited
patient. Once the determination has been made that an indica- tibial runoff should be considered for open revascularization to
tion for revascularization exists, vascular surgeons are charged avoid further damage to the remaining runoff vessels.34 It is im-
with determining the appropriate avenue of intervention. EVT portant to note that despite these recommendations, all lesions
has advanced to such an extent that it is often the first option are considered by some to be appropriate for either open or EVT
selected for patients undergoing infrainguinal revascularization in based solely on anatomic considerations.
contemporary practice. The underlying indication is important to consider at the time
A paucity of Level 1 data exists to direct the decision-making of operative planning. Expected long-term patency rates should be
for choosing endovascular versus open surgical intervention. In considered prior to selecting a treatment plan. Patients with clau-
fact, the sole completed randomized, controlled, prospective, dication or ischemic rest pain treated with EVT will often have
1776 SECTION XII Vascular

Image arterial

Duplex ultrasound

(not recommended (depending on
for detailed Diagnostic catheter availability and
infrapopliteal angiography expertise)

No No Adequate imaging of
Detailed foot MRA
Adequate imaging tibial and foot
(if available)

No Adequate imaging of
Yes tibial and foot vessels Yes

Define preferred
target arterial

FIG. 63.6 Suggested algorithm for anatomic imaging in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI)
who are candidates for revascularization. In some cases, it may be appropriate to proceed directly to angiograph-
ic imaging (computed tomography angiography [CTA], magnetic resonance angiography [MRA], or catheter)
rather than to duplex ultrasound (DUS) imaging. (From Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, et al. Global vascular
guidelines on the management of chronic limb-threatening ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 2019;69:3S–125S e140.)

recurrence of symptoms when the intervention fails. Conversely, high rate of subsequent open bypass and those treated first with
patients with tissue loss can often heal their wounds or amputation open bypass frequently required subsequent endovascular inter-
incisions in the period of EVT patency and may not require further vention to maintain patency. This finding suggests that the two
intervention if the index wound(s) have healed, despite recurrence forms of intervention are complementary and reinforces the need
of the underlying arterial lesions. Restenosis is extremely common to have both options available when treating patients with PAD.35
after EVT, especially for complex and more calcified lesions. Pa- Of note, due to the lack of level 1 data to guide this decision-
tients with CLTI often have long segment and multilevel disease making process, two additional randomized controlled trials are
which has inferior patency rates after endovascular intervention.35 currently ongoing. The BASIL 2 trial (United Kingdom) and the
Medical comorbidities should also be considered when BEST-CLI (primarily United States and Canada) trial seek to fur-
determining the type of intervention. EVT can often be per- ther inform surgeons and patients determining appropriate treat-
formed under local anesthesia with monitored conscious seda- ment courses.
tion (avoiding general anesthesia), with minimal blood loss and
reduced physiologic stress to the patient. These considerations Endovascular Therapy
may lead to the selection of an EVT approach in patients with EVT has exploded due to rapid evolution of devices and techniques
severe medical comorbidities, including advanced coronary ar- over the last two decades such that it has now become the first op-
tery disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, tion for intervention in many patients with clinical manifestations
some patients with severe medical comorbidities can be medical- of PAD. While initially limited to focal lesions in larger diameter
ly optimized and may then tolerate open intervention. Finally, as vessels, it currently is used even to treat long segment lesions in the
demonstrated in the BASIL trial, one must consider patient life tibial and pedal vessels. Historically, this same evolution of treat-
expectancy. A significant benefit for open surgical bypass over ment from proximal to distal vessel occurred with open surgical
angioplasty was not evident until two years following interven- therapy. Although in many cases EVT patency rates remain inferior
tion. Therefore, angioplasty should be strongly considered as the to those of open surgical bypass, with appropriate patient and le-
primary therapy for patients with shorter life expectancies to sion selection and with the use of advanced, meticulous techniques,
avoid prolonged hospitalization or morbidity, as these consid- favorable patient-centered outcomes can be achieved.
erations likely outweigh issues of patency and durability of the
revascularization. General Considerations
The BASIL trial also demonstrated a very high level of treat- There are certain aspects of technique applicable to all forms of
ment crossover. Specifically, patients undergoing EVT first had a EVT and these include gaining arterial access and sheath, catheter,
CHAPTER 63 Peripheral Arterial Disease 1777

0 • Mild or no significant (<50%) disease

1 • Total length SFA

disease <1/3 (<10 cm) CFA DFA
• May include single focal
CTO (<5 cm) as long as SFA
not flush occlusion
• Popliteal artery with mild
or no significant disease

2 • Total length SFA

disease 1/3-2/3
(10-20 cm)
• May include CTO
totaling <1/3 (10 cm)
but not flush occlusion
• Focal popliteal artery
stenosis <2 cm, not
involving trifurcation

3 • Total length SFA CFA

disease >2/3 (>20 cm) DFA
• May include any flush SFA
occlusion <20 cm or
non-flush CTO 10-20 cm
• Short popliteal stenosis
2-5 cm, not involving Pop

4 • Total length SFA CFA

occlusion >20 cm DFA
• Popliteal disease
>5 cm or extending
into trifurcation
• Any popliteal CTO

FIG. 63.7 Femoropopliteal (FP) disease grading in Global Limb Anatomic Staging System (GLASS). Trifurca-
tion is defined as the termination of the popliteal artery at the confluence of the anterior tibial (AT) artery and
tibioperoneal trunk. (From Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, et al. Global vascular guidelines on the management
of chronic limb-threatening ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 2019;69:3S–125S e140.) CFA, Common femoral artery; CTO,
chronic total occlusion; DFA, deep femoral artery; Pop, popliteal; SFA, superficial femoral artery.

and wire selection. Choice and technique of arterial access are of general, retrograde common femoral artery access is most com-
fundamental importance to the success of endovascular thera- monly used for aortic and common iliac artery interventions, with
pies and careful attention to access reduces complications. Access up and over retrograde common femoral artery access for contra-
should be obtained in every case using a combination of anatomic lateral external iliac and superficial femoral/above-knee popliteal
landmarks (based on palpable bony or fluoroscopic landmarks), interventions. Antegrade common or proximal superficial femoral
pulse palpation (if present), and ultrasound guidance. Most op- artery accesses are preferred by many when treating infrageniculate
erators routinely employ ultrasound guidance to optimize ves- disease, and because of the characteristics of proximal and distal
sel access and subsequent access site closure. The most common caps for longer or calcified occlusive lesions, retrograde access of a
complications of EVT are related to the access site; they can be tibial or pedal vessel is often used either alone or in combination
minimized by careful site selection and meticulous technique. In with antegrade access in treating more complex CLTI cases. All
1778 SECTION XII Vascular

0 • Mild or no significant disease in the primary target artery path

1 • Focal stenosis of
tibial artery <3 cm

Focal stenosis


2 • Stenosis involving
1/3 total vessel length
• May include focal
CTO (<3 cm)
• Not including TP trunk
or tibial vessel origin Stenosis
of 1/3 total Focal CTO <3 cm
Posterior Anterior
tibial tibial
target target

3 • Disease up to
2/3 vessel length
• CTO up to 1/3 length
(may include tibial vessel
origin but not tibio-
CTO up to
peroneal trunk)
1/3 vessel
Disease length
up to 2/3
Anterior length Anterior
tibial tibial
target target

4 • Diffuse stenosis
>2/3 total vessel length
• CTO >1/3 vessel length
(may include vessel CTO of
origin) TP trunk
• Any CTO of tibioperoneal
trunk if AT is not the Diffuse
target artery stenosis CTO
Anterior >2/3 of Posterior >1/3
tibial vessel tibial of vessel
artery length artery length
target target

FIG. 63.8 Infrapopliteal (IP) disease grading in Global Limb Anatomic Staging System (GLASS). (From Conte
MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, et al. Global vascular guidelines on the management of chronic limb-threatening isch-
emia. J Vasc Surg. 2019;69:3S–125S e140.) AT, Anterior tibial; CTO, chronic total occlusion; TP, tibioperoneal.
CHAPTER 63 Peripheral Arterial Disease 1779

Inframalleolar/pedal descriptor

P0 Target artery crosses ankle into foot, with intact pedal arch

P1 Target artery crosses ankle into foot; absent or severely diseased pedal arch

P2 No target artery crossing ankle into foot

P0 P1 P2
FIG. 63.9 Inframalleolar (IM)/pedal disease descriptor in Global Limb Anatomic Staging System (GLASS). Rep-
resentative angiograms of P0 (left), P1 (middle), and P2 (right) patterns of disease. (From Conte MS, Bradbury
AW, Kolh P, et al. Global vascular guidelines on the management of chronic limb-threatening ischemia. J Vasc
Surg. 2019;69:3S–125S e140.)

TABLE 63.3 Assignment of Global Limb Anatomic Staging System (GLASS) stage.
FP Grade 1 I I II II III
0 1 2 3 4
IP Grade
From Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, et al. Global vascular guidelines on the management of chronic limb-threatening ischemia. J Vasc Surg.
2019;69:3S–125S e140.
After selection of the target arterial path (TAP), the segmental femoropopliteal (FP) and infrapopliteal (IP) grades are determined from high-quality
angiographic images. Using the table, the combination of FP and IP grades is assigned to GLASS stages I to III, which correlate with technical
complexity (low, intermediate, and high) of revascularization.NA, Not applicable.

of these approaches are facilitated by a thorough understanding the goal is to maintain the wire in the true lumen of the artery,
of bony, skin, and fluoroscopic landmarks as well as facility with cross the lesion, and then treat it with either angioplasty, atherec-
ultrasound guidance. After access is obtained, diagnostic angiog- tomy, or primary stenting depending upon the type and length
raphy is usually performed to confirm lesions suspected on preop- of the lesion. If difficulty crossing a particular lesion occurs, the
erative assessment. Once the lesion(s) are identified, they must be use of additional catheters for support, which can be telescoped
crossed with a suitable wire to allow treatment. through a long access sheath, may help, as well as using a stiffer or
Wires come in a variety of lengths, diameters, weights and rela- heavier wire. More recently, several devices have become available
tive stiffnesses. Wires 0.035 inch in diameter are used for most to facilitate crossing of difficult/resistant lesions and true lumen
aortoiliac and femoral interventions, while 0.014 and 0.018 are reentry, including plaque microdissection (Frontrunner XP CTO
most often used for tibial interventions (and renal and carotid Catheter; Cordis, Bridgewater, NJ), fast and bidirectional cath-
arteries). Wire tips vary but are generally floppier than the rest eter spinning (CrossBoss CTO Catheter; BridgePoint Medical,
of the wire and may be preshaped or be shaped by the operator Plymouth, MN), and catheter tip deflection capability with spi-
depending on preference. Some wires are hydrophilic and must be ral wedges to facilitate advancement (Wildcat Catheter; Avinger,
kept moistened/wet or they will become sticky and not function Redwood City, CA).36
properly. A torque device may be attached to the wire to make A useful alternative to difficult transluminal lesion cross-
it more steerable. For nearly all stenoses, and many occlusions, ing is intentional subintimal angioplasty, a technique initially
1780 SECTION XII Vascular

angioplasty or stent deployment. Balloons come in a wide vari-

ety of lengths and sizes and may be compliant or noncompliant.
Patient with CLTl, candidate for
revascularization There are also scoring and cutting balloons, which are used to
treat fibrotic and resistant lesions such as those due to intimal
hyperplasia. Cutting balloons have three or four microtomes ori-
ented longitudinally around the balloon that create controlled
Obtain high-quality cuts in the fibrotic lesion and then allow standard angioplasty
angiographic imaging including
ankle and foot
with a larger balloon to enlarge the stenotic lumen. There are
also drug-coated balloons available analogous to the coronary
circulation but their use has become controversial due to con-
cerns about potential increased mortality risk when used in the
Define the target artery path periphery.38
In general, angioplasty results with respect to primary patency
are better in larger, more proximal arteries and for shorter lesions.
However, the rapid evolution of smaller profile systems with lon-
Grade the femoropoliteal (FP) ger balloons has facilitated the treatment of disease in the smaller
segment (Fig. 5.2) arteries, including tibial and even pedal arteries. Although not
comparable to the results of open bypass with vein conduit, distal
lower extremity angioplasty results are improving and with careful
Grade the infrapopliteal (IP) patient selection, patency of distal angioplasty may be sufficient to
segment (Fig. 5.3) heal wounds and prevent amputation. Recently compiled results
for infrapopliteal angioplasty are presented in Table 63.4. Endo-
vascular techniques have improved such that even long segment
disease in CLTI patients can successfully be treated endoluminally,
Look up the overall GLASS an important option to have available for higher risk patients or
stage (Table 5.3)
those with no suitable autogenous conduit (Fig. 63.13).
Stents are reserved by some for residual stenosis, dissection
or other complications of plain balloon angioplasty. However,
Define the preferred for iliac lesions, data would suggest that primary stenting is su-
revascularization strategy by perior to angioplasty (percutaneous transluminal angioplasty)
integrating patient risk, limb alone (Table 63.5) with primary patency rates at four years bet-
severity (Wlfl) and anatomy
(GLASS) according to the
ter in both in claudicants (77% stenting vs. 68% percutaneous
PLAN concept (Section 6) transluminal angioplasty) and those presenting with CLTI (67%
vs. 55%).39 Stents may be balloon expandable or self-expanding,
covered or uncovered, drug-coated, or bare. Balloon expandable
FIG. 63.10 Flow chart illustrating application of Global Limb Anatomic stents are often used when precise deployment and landing are
Staging System (GLASS) to stage infrainguinal disease pattern in chronic
limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI). (From Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh
critical. Covered stents may be used for a variety of indications,
P, et al. Global vascular guidelines on the management of chronic limb- such as to treat embolic lesions or to prevent or treat vessel rup-
threatening ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 2019;69:3S–125S e140.) FP, Femo- ture (e.g., “pave and crack” technique for iliac lesions). Stenting
ropopliteal; IP, infrapopliteal; PLAN, patient risk estimation, limb staging, in the femoral-popliteal segment is widely used. Stent selection is
anatomic pattern of disease; TAP, target arterial path; WIfI, wound, isch- beyond the scope of this book, but good discussions are available
emia, and foot infection. elsewhere.36,39
Atherectomy devices (orbital and laser) are widely used, but
high-level data supporting their use compared to numerous alter-
described 30 years ago by Bolia and colleagues.37 A wire, typical- natives are still lacking. One possible advantage is that debulking
ly with a short J-shaped tip is formed and directed via the cath- the lesion may allow treatment with angioplasty alone, avoiding
eter against the arterial wall just proximal to the occlusion and the expense and potential long-term sequelae of long-term stent
used to initiate a subintimal dissection plane. The wire formed implantation.
in this fashion is then intentionally advanced in this subintimal The results of EVT depend on a multitude of factors, es-
plane until the lesion is crossed, and then attempts are made to pecially the following: procedure indication (claudication vs.
reenter the true lumen with catheter support. True lumen reen- CLTI); lesion length; vessel calcification; poor runoff status;
try is confirmed by return of blood through the catheter and easy and specific comorbidities such as diabetes and end-stage renal
advancement of the wire without resistance. If there is minimal disease.36,39 Despite current limitations, EVT is widely used;
disease in the reentry zone, this step is not difficult and often short-term results have improved over the last decade and EVT
occurs spontaneously. If true lumen reentry is difficult, there are would currently appear to be the better choice in older, higher
reentry devices available or, in complex cases, one may combine risk patients with shorter life expectancies who would not ben-
with retrograde access.36 efit from the long-term patency afforded by bypass surgery and
Once the culprit arterial lesion has been successfully crossed, would be at increased risk for open surgery. Application of the
balloon angioplasty can be performed. Balloon angioplasty frac- WIfI, PLAN and GLASS approach to therapy of CLTI should
tures the plaque and may cause focal dissection, so appropriate help define the role of EVT versus bypass in the future, as well
sizing is important. Many operators use IVUS (intravascular ul- as the awaited publication of trial results from BEST-CLI and
trasound) to size balloons and stents and to assess results after BASIL 2 and 3.!
CHAPTER 63 Peripheral Arterial Disease 1781

Patient with CLTl

Low limb risk

(Wlfl stage 1)
Wound care,
Stage severity of limb
surveillance for
threat (Wlfl)

Intermediate or higher
limb threat (WlfI stage ≥2)
Primary amputation

No Candidate for
limb salvage?

Palliation/wound care Yes

Estimate procedural
risk/2-yr survival

No option for
Consider need for No or unclear need


Anatomic staging of disease


High-risk patient Standard-risk patient

Perform endovascular Determine vein

intervention if possible conduit status
(e.g., ultrasound mapping)

Revascularize using
preferred strategy
(endo or open)

FIG. 63.11 The patient, limb, anatomy (PLAN) framework of clinical decision-making in chronic limb-threaten-
ing ischemia (CLTI); infrainguinal disease. Refer to Fig. 63.12 for preferred revascularization strategy in standard-
risk patients with available vein conduit, based on limb stage at presentation and anatomic complexity. Ap-
proaches for patients lacking suitable vein are reviewed in the text. (From Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, et al.
Global vascular guidelines on the management of chronic limb-threatening ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 2019;69:3S–
125S e140.) GLASS, Global Limb Anatomic Staging System; WIfI, Wound, ischemia, and foot infection.

Open Surgical Therapy Aortofemoral bypass most often utilizes prosthetic bifurcated con-
Despite the rapid evolution and utilization of EVT in the treat- duits to bypass from the aorta to the common femoral, profunda
ment of patients with lower extremity PAD, open surgical therapy femoris, or superficial femoral arteries. Infrainguinal bypass is de-
is still a viable and often preferable option for these patients. The fined as any major arterial reconstruction using a bypass conduit,
hallmark of open lower extremity revascularization remains arte- either autogenous or prosthetic, that originates below the inguinal
rial bypass, including aortofemoral bypass and infrainguinal by- ligament.
pass. There are extraanatomic reconstructions available to bypass
to the lower extremity in the presence of aortoiliac occlusive dis- Indications
ease, including axillofemoral bypass, femoral-femoral bypass, and The two primary indications for infrainguinal bypass are claudi-
thoracofemoral bypass. However, a discussion of these is beyond cation and CLTI. Nonoperative management is appropriate, and
the scope of this chapter, as these procedures are typically only initially preferable, for most patients presenting with claudication.
performed to address complications of previous aortofemoral re- However, following an exercise program, smoking cessation, and
vascularization or other endovascular aortoiliac reconstructions. optimization of medical therapy, patients significantly disabled by
1782 SECTION XII Vascular

previous unsuccessful endovascular intervention. CT angiography

Anatomic complexity
Open bypass
III can be considered for assessment of inflow disease, although its
(GLASS stage)
Endovascular use in the lower extremity vessels, especially in the CLTI cohort,
No revascularization
is limited by the frequency of small, long segment calcified vessels
in patients with CLTI.40 Magnetic resonance angiography and du-
I plex ultrasonography can also be successfully used for preoperative
planning.41,42 Particularly with angiography, the operator can de-
1 2 3 4 termine the appropriate vessel from which to originate the bypass
Limb severity (Wlfl stage) and determine the optimal outflow target vessel. When properly
FIG. 63.12 Preferred initial revascularization strategy for infrainguinal performed, the vast majority of patients with an indication for
disease in average-risk patients with suitable autologous vein conduit revascularization have an adequate target artery.43 Target artery se-
available for bypass. Revascularization is considered rarely indicated in lection requires views of the foot (a minimum of anteroposterior
limbs at low risk (wound, ischemia, and foot infection [WIfI] stage 1).
and lateral) in patients presenting with CLTI. The lateral foot view
Anatomic stage (y-axis) is determined by the Global Limb Anatomic Stag-
ing System (GLASS); limb risk (x-axis) is determined by WIfI staging. The
is extremely important (Fig. 63.14).
dark gray shading indicates scenarios with least consensus (assumptions Assessment of the inflow must be performed prior to perform-
inflow disease either is not significant or is corrected; absence of severe ing a bypass. In patients with a normal palpable ipsilateral femoral
pedal disease (i.e., no GLASS P2 modifier). (From Conte MS, Bradbury pulse and triphasic common femoral Doppler arterial waveforms,
AW, Kolh P, et al. Global vascular guidelines on the management of chron- intervention on the inflow is unlikely to be required. In patients
ic limb-threatening ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 2019;69:3S–125S e140.) without a palpable femoral pulse or an abnormal femoral Dop-
pler waveform (especially when bilateral), additional preoperative
claudication should be considered for operative treatment. This imaging should be considered. If disease exists in the ipsilateral
includes patients unable to perform their primary occupation or aortoiliac segment or common femoral artery, these should be
who cannot carry out the activities of daily living. The primary treated either concurrently or prior to performing the infraingui-
indication for performing infrainguinal bypass in selected clau- nal bypass. Both endovascular and open surgical options exist to
dicants is to improve quality of life, not to prevent limb loss. The optimize inflow, including aortofemoral bypass, iliac balloon an-
risk of limb loss with claudication is quite low (<1%/yr), with gioplasty with or without stenting, and common femoral endar-
major amputation occurring in only 5% during a 3- to 5-year terectomy with or without profundaplasty. Once completed, the
period.3 In contrast, the majority of patients with CLTI (rest pain, bypass will have optimal inflow to support graft patency.
ischemic ulcer, gangrene) require intervention to decrease the risk Similarly, detailed assessment must be performed to identify
of limb loss or significant clinical deterioration. As previously the most suitable distal target artery. We are proponents of con-
mentioned, the Society for Vascular Surgery Lower Extremity ventional digital subtraction arteriography to identify the ideal
Guidelines Committee created a consensus stratification system distal target. This can be performed prior to the operation or
for threatened limbs based on the WIfI objective grading system.9 at the time of the operation. Interventions can be performed
This system stratifies the limb in patients with CLTI with respect to improve the distal target artery as well, though this is rarely
to amputation risk into four clinical stages and has been validated needed, as a relatively spared segment of artery is almost always
to predict 1-year major limb amputation risk. This system addi- available. The general principle in selecting a distal target ves-
tionally identifies patients who would benefit from revasculariza- sel is to choose the most proximal vessel distal to hemodynami-
tion to decrease their risk of major amputation. Patients meet- cally significant disease that has continuous runoff to the foot
ing these two indications should be considered for open bypass if through at least one tibial vessel. Patients with claudication typi-
functional, of suitable risk, and if adequate vein conduit is present. cally require a popliteal distal target. CLTI patients often require
Prior to intervention, it is imperative to assess the medical a more distal target to a tibial, peroneal, dorsalis pedis or plantar
comorbidities of potential open surgical candidates. There is a artery (Fig. 63.15).
high rate of concordant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Conduit selection is perhaps the most critical factor under-
diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency, and coronary artery disease. lying successful infrainguinal bypass. Autologous vein conduits
The patients should have optimized control of blood pressure, include ipsilateral and contralateral great saphenous vein (GSV),
diabetes, congestive heart failure, and angina prior to interven- short saphenous vein (SSV), femoral vein, arm (basilic and ce-
tion. Postponement of intervention should only routinely occur phalic) vein, endarterectomized superficial femoral artery, cryo-
for patients with unstable angina, recent myocardial infarction or preserved vein, and radial artery. Preoperative imaging, typically
uncontrolled congestive heart failure.! with duplex ultrasound, is adequate to determine the presence,
caliber, and quality of adequate autologous veins. Prosthetic
Preoperative Planning conduits include Dacron, heparin-bonded Dacron, human um-
A successful bypass has several prerequisites to support long-term bilical vein, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) with and without
patency. Adequate inflow and outflow must exist. Additionally, covalently bonded heparin, and expanded PTFE bonded with
the conduit used must be optimized to ensure long-term patency. heparin.
In the case of lower extremity revascularization in patients with Autologous vein outperforms all other conduits for infraingui-
CLTI, it is also important to determine the best outflow target nal bypass, including above knee popliteal bypasses. A single seg-
vessel to provide “in-line flow” to the foot. ment of autologous vein is superior to spliced segments. GSV and
As with all surgical bypasses, it is imperative to obtain adequate SSV are superior to arm veins. Autologous vein should be used
preoperative imaging to evaluate for each of these criteria. The tra- for infrainguinal bypass whenever feasible. Prosthetic conduits for
ditional route to obtain this necessary anatomic information is by infrainguinal bypass should only be considered when autologous
performing standard angiography of the lower extremity. This will conduits are truly not available. Dacron has recently been shown
often be available at the time of planning if the patient underwent to outperform expanded PTFE in above knee popliteal bypasses.44
CHAPTER 63 Peripheral Arterial Disease 1783

TABLE 63.4 Results of infrapopliteal angioplasty, stenting, and atherectomy.

Giles and colleagues 2008 176 100% NR 7% 53%, 1 year 84%, 3 years
51%, 2 years
Conrad and colleagues 2009 155 86% NR 5% 71%, 2 years 86%, 3.3 years
62%, 3.3 years
Sadek and colleagues (single vs. 2009 89 77% NR 9% 34%, 1 year 67% 1.5 years
multilevel PTA)
Single level Single level
58%, 1 year 63%, 1.5 years
Multilevel Multilevel
Peregrin and colleagues 2010 1445 100% NR 11% NR 76%, 1 year
Schmidt and colleagues 2010 62 100% 18.3 cm 5% 50%, 3 months 100%, 15 months

Subintimal Angioplasty
Ingle and colleagues 2002 70 91% NR 14% NR 94%, 3 years
Vraux and Bertoncello 2006 50 100% 78% 18% 46%, 1 year 87%, 1 year
>10 cm
42%, 2 years 87%, 2 years
Tartari and colleagues (SFA only in 2007 109 100% 59% 17% NR 87%, 1 year
27 limbs) ≥10 cm 85%, 2 years

Cutting-Balloon Angioplasty
Engelike and colleagues 2002 16 31% NR 6% 67%, 1 year 93%, 10 months
Ansel and colleagues 2004 73 71% 2.7 cm 0% NR 89%, 1 year
Vikram and colleagues 2007 11 NR NR 18% 50%, 1 year NR

Drug-Coated Balloona
Tepe and colleagues 2008 48 15% 7.5 cm 2% all cases 80%, 6 months 96%, 6 months

Feiring and colleagues 2004 92 68% NR 7% NR 87%, 1 year
Bosiers and colleagues 2006 300 100% NR NR 76%, 1 year 99%, 1 year
Donas and colleagues 2009 34 100% 6.5 cm stenosis; 3% 91%, 10 months 100%, 10 months
7.5 cm occlusion
Randon and colleagues 2010 16 100% 38% 13% 56%, 1 year 92%, 1 year
≥10 cm

Drug-Eluting Stent
Scheinert and colleagues 2006 30 63% NR 0% 100%, 6 months 100%, 9 months
Fering and colleagues 2010 130 100% NR 9% NR 88%, 3 years
Karnabatidis and colleagues 2011 51 100% 7.7 cm 0% 30%, 3 years NR
Rastan and colleagues 2011 82 51% 3.0 cm 0% 81%, 1 year 98%, 1 year

Zeller and colleagues 2007 36 53% 4.6 cm 2% 67%, 1 year 100%, 2 years
60%, 2 years
Safian and colleagues 2009 124 32% 3.0 cm 2.5% NR 100%, 6 months
From Montero-Baker M, Mills JL. Endovascular repair of infrapopliteal arterial occlusive disease. In: Moore WS, Lawrence PF, Oderich GS, eds.
Moore’s Vascular and endovascular surgery: A comprehensive review. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:460–468.
CLI, Critical limb ischemia; NR, not reported; PTA, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; SFA, superficial femoral artery.

Our group generally does not perform infrainguinal bypass with Aortofemoral Bypass Techniques
prosthetic conduit solely for the indication of claudication, since Aortofemoral bypass should be considered when hemodynamically
graft failure frequently converts a patient with stable claudication significant aortic and iliac stenosis leads to the aforementioned indi-
to one with acute limb-threatening ischemia, and may thus actu- cations. The typical reconstruction performed is an aortobifemoral
ally increase amputation risk.! bypass with the outflow target either the common femoral arteries
1784 SECTION XII Vascular


FIG. 63.13 A 77-year-old high-risk patient with diabetes and great toe gangrene. (A) Critical limb ischemia with
ankle-brachial index (ABI) of 0.39. (B) Three-vessel long-segment (>25 cm) tibial artery occlusions with (C) distal
anterior tibial artery reconstitution. (D) Subintimal angioplasty of long-segment occlusion. (E) Anterior tibial artery
after long-segment subintimal angioplasty with ABI improved to 0.81. Toe amputation healed and the vessel
remains patent 6 months after intervention. (From Montero-Baker M, Mills JL. Endovascular repair of infrapopli-
teal arterial occlusive disease. In: Moore WS, Lawrence PF, Oderich GS, ed. Moore’s Vascular and endovascular
surgery: A comprehensive review. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:460–468.)

or the profunda femoris arteries bilaterally. With respect to the sur- when the indication is infection of a previously placed prosthetic
gical reconstruction of aortoiliac occlusive disease, the optimal in- conduit, in which case, after excision of the infected prosthetic, the
flow site is almost always just inferior to the renal arteries. Prosthetic choice of replacement conduit may be the femoral vein(s) to create
conduits (Dacron or expanded PTFE) are generally used except a neo-aortoiliac system (NAIS) or cryopreserved arteries and veins.
CHAPTER 63 Peripheral Arterial Disease 1785

TABLE 63.5 Review of outcomes in interventional treatment of aortoiliac occlusive disease.

Parsons et al 1998 45 PTA 74 (5 year)
Klein 2006 279 Primary stenting versus selective stenting 83 (5 year)
Bosch and Hunink 1997 1300 Claudication vs. CLI Selective stenting versus primary stenting 70 (5 year)
(metaanalysis) 1997 1300 Primary stenting 77 (4 year)
67 (4 year)
Murphy (metaanalysis) 1998 2058 Primary stenting 73 (5 year)
Schurmann et al 2002 110 93% claudication Primary stenting 66 (5 year)
Galaria and Davies 2005 276 TASC A and B Primary stenting 71 (10 year)
Leville et al 2006 92 TASC C and D Primary stenting 76 (3 year)
Rzucidlo et al 2005 34 TASC B, C, and D Stent grafting 80 (5 year)
Chang et al 2008 171 TASC B, C, and D Stent graft 41%, bare metal sent 59% 60 (5 year)
Mwipatayi 2011 40 TASC C and D Stent graft 95 (18 month)
24 Bare metal sent 50 (18 month)
Psacharopulo 2015 11 TASC D Stent graft 91 (2 year)

From Powell RJ, Rzucidlo EM. Aortoiliac disease: Endovascular treatment. In: Sidawy AN, Perler BA, eds. Rutherford’s vascular surgery and
endovascular therapy. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:1423–1437.
CLI, Critical limb ischemia; PTA, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; TASC, TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus.

hemodynamically superior. There are certain settings, however, in

which an end-to-side proximal anastomosis may be considered or
even be mandatory. These circumstances include the presence of a
large, patent inferior mesenteric artery and in anatomic situations
in which an end-to-end aortic anastomosis would eliminate flow,
even retrograde, to the hypogastric arteries. For example, if the com-
mon iliac and external iliac arteries are both occluded on one side,
and the common iliac and internal iliac arteries are patent on the
contralateral side with contralateral external iliac artery occlusion,
creation of a proximal aortic end-to-side anastomosis would pre-
serve perfusion to one hypogastric artery. In contrast, an end-to-end
aortic anastomosis would eliminate pulsatile flow to the pelvis, in-
creasing the risk of colonic and pelvic ischemia (including buttock
necrosis or so called “trash can,” a disastrous complication). If the
surgeon elects to perform the proximal anastomosis end-to-end in
the former circumstance, the inferior mesenteric artery should be
reimplanted into the body of the aortofemoral graft (Fig. 63.16).
When faced with anatomy such as that described in the second cir-
cumstance, the distal limb on the ipsilateral side is brought down to
the common femoral artery while the contralateral limb is sewn to
the distal common iliac artery or proximal patent hypogastric artery
An additional graft limb is then sewn to the hood of the contralat-
eral limb and brought down to that common femoral artery (Fig.
63.17). This approach preserves hypogastric flow and simplifies the
pelvic anastomoses, as the deeper anastomosis to the iliac artery is
performed first, and the more superficial anastomosis to the limb
that will be extended to the common femoral artery is relatively
FIG. 63.14 Lateral foot view obtained by distal selective superficial easily performed.
femoral arterial catheter injection identifies excellent collaterals from the Clamp application and release are important maneuvers. The
distal peroneal artery to both the dorsal pedal and posterior tibial circula-
clamp should be applied to a normal arterial segment whenever
tions. (From Mills JL. Infrainguinal disease: Surgical treatment. In: Sidawy
AN, Perler BA, ed. Rutherford’s vascular surgery and endovascular thera-
possible. This can be assured by thorough preoperative prepara-
py. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:1438–1462.) tion and review of all pertinent images (duplex ultrasound, CT
or conventional angiography, depending on which are available).
Rifampin-bonded Dacron grafts are also occasionally used, both for Intraoperative arterial palpation with a right angle behind the ar-
primary reconstructions, as well as in the replacement of infected tery can also be used to identify significant posterior plaque. If
grafts in the setting of low virulence organisms. The preferred proxi- clamp application to normal or near normal artery is not possible,
mal aortic anastomosis by many vascular surgeons is end-to-end, particularly when posterior plaque is present, one should consider
as it is thus easier to cover/protect the prosthetic from the adjacent a clamp that compresses the artery from front to back rather than
duodenum and although unproven, it has been felt by some to be from side to side. If anastomosis to a very diseased vessel is needed,
1786 SECTION XII Vascular

FIG. 63.15 Detailed diagnostic arteriography with fixed imaging, proper timing, and appropriate catheter
placement almost always identifies suitable target arteries. Each of the patients depicted had popliteal artery
occlusion and extensive trifurcation and long-segment tibial disease, but diagnostic studies identified suitable
target arteries in the foot. (A) Completion arteriogram after inframalleolar posterior tibial bypass in a patient
with diabetes and forefoot gangrene. Despite a small-caliber outflow vessel, the bypass remains patent, and
the ischemic foot ulcers healed and have not recurred at two years. (B) Completion arteriogram after bypass
to a diseased dorsal pedal artery. Despite poor outflow and diseased arch and pedal vessels, the graft remains
patent at one year. This patient with diabetes healed and ambulates with a transmetatarsal amputation. (From
Mills JL. Infrainguinal disease: Surgical treatment. In: Sidawy AN, Perler BA, ed. Rutherford’s vascular surgery
and endovascular therapy. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:1438–1462.)

one can consider proximal balloon control rather than ill-advised

clamping of a diseased segment. Following creation of an arteriot-
omy of appropriate length, and matching that to the graftotomy,
the needle is generally directed from outside the graft to inside the
graft and from inside the artery to out when performing arterial
anastomoses, especially in the presence of arterial wall thicken-
ing from occlusive disease. These clamping and sewing techniques
reduce the chance of lifting up native arterial intima and creating
an intimal flap. This sewing technique also encourages eversion
of the graft and native artery, making the anastomosis creation
simpler and faster. If the artery is thickened and resists eversion,
medial and lateral mid-arteriotomy stay sutures can be used to fa-
cilitate the anastomosis and reduce the need for repeatedly grasp-
ing a diseased artery with forceps. A properly created end-to-side
anastomosis is everted and has a small cobra-head appearance (Fig.
Aortofemoral bypass is an operation of considerable physiolog-
ic magnitude and is associated with several major complications.
Immediate complications include hemorrhage, intestinal isch-
emia, buttock and pelvic necrosis, acute renal failure, myocardial
infarction, pulmonary complications, and death. Late complica-
tions include limb thrombosis, aortoenteric fistula, graft infection,
and anastomotic pseudoaneurysm.!

Infrainguinal Bypass Techniques

There are multiple variations available for performing infrain-
FIG. 63.16 Inferior mesenteric artery reimplantation into body of bifur- guinal bypass, including reversed vein, nonreversed vein, in-situ
cated aortic graft sewn end-to-end proximally. vein, spliced veins, and prosthetic bypass. When available, in-situ
CHAPTER 63 Peripheral Arterial Disease 1787

when previous common femoral artery procedures have been

performed, as this artery can be exposed from a lateral approach,
thereby avoiding dense scarring from previous operative site in the
femoral triangle. Additionally, when an adjunctive inflow proce-
dure has been performed, the bypass can originate from the hood
of the proximal bypass, from an arterial patch, or even from the
native artery beneath the inflow graft-artery anastomosis. Bypass
graft origins distal to the common femoral artery are especially use-
ful in reoperative cases and when available vein length is limited.
Distal origin grafts do not compromise long-term graft patency
when vein conduit is utilized and if there are no hemodynamically
significant lesions proximal to the graft origin. A metaanalysis of
popliteal origin grafts, which are especially applicable to patients
with CLTI and diabetes, reported nearly 80% 2-year patency with
this configuration.8
Completion studies following bypass should be considered
to avoid potentially early graft thrombosis or hemorrhage and
subsequent “take back” operations. Options include distal pulse
palpation and Doppler flow assessment with and without graft
compression, completion arteriography, intraoperative duplex
scanning and angioscopy. Not all bypasses require completion im-
aging and unfortunately clear consensus on when to use these ad-
juncts currently does not exist. However, one should note that the
best opportunity to salvage a potential problem is at the time of
the original operation. We therefore remain advocates of comple-
tion angiography, especially in an era when open surgical bypass
FIG. 63.17 Inferior mesenteric artery reimplantation into aortic graft
operations are being performed with diminishing frequency.
body, right limb sewn to sole patent hypogastric artery with jump graft Complications. Major complications following infrainguinal
to the right common femoral artery to preserve pelvic and colonic flow. bypass include wound problems, graft occlusion, graft infection,
bleeding, and death. The PREVENT III trial demonstrated the fol-
lowing complication rates associated with infrainguinal vein bypass
GSV can be used by mobilizing the proximal GSV to the in- procedures: death (2.7%), myocardial infraction (4.7%), major
flow artery, performing valve lysis and subsequently mobilizing amputation (1.8%), graft occlusion (5.2%), major wound compli-
the distal segment of the GSV and anastomosing it to the target cation (4.8%), and graft hemorrhage (0.4%).26 Late complications
artery. This technique has the advantage of avoiding full length include lymphedema, infection, graft aneurysm, and graft stenosis
GSV harvesting and matches vein conduit vein to native artery or occlusion. Early graft occlusion is typically associated with tech-
diameter for both the inflow artery and the target vessel. Nonre- nical or judgment error and should be remedied as soon as possible.
versed vein bypass also allows for easier matching of vein to artery If an underlying cause for graft failure is not identified, long-term
diameters. However, using the nonreversed vein requires full vein patency is poor. Intermediate and late graft occlusion occurs due to
harvesting, tunneling of the graft and valve lysis. Reversing the a number of underlying causes, including intimal hyperplasia (with
vein avoids the need for valve lysis but does require full harvest a peak incidence in the first 18 postoperative months), anastomot-
and potentially creates the issue of vein bypass to artery size mis- ic aneurysm, and recurrent atherosclerotic disease. These should
match. Despite the theoretical size mismatch with reversed vein, generally only be treated for high-grade restenosis or whenever the
no data suggest that reversed vein conduits are inferior to tech- patient has return of symptoms or a nonhealing wound. For vein
niques requiring valve lysis, and reversing the vein obviates prob- grafts, structured serial duplex graft surveillance has been shown to
lems with incomplete valve lysis and allows significant latitude reduce intermediate and late bypass graft occlusion.!
in tunnelling the bypass. All grafts can be tunnelled either ana-
tomically along the vessel which is being bypassed or subcutane- SURVEILLANCE
ously. Subcutaneous bypasses require a longer vein conduit than
anatomic bypasses but are often very useful in reoperative cases Surveillance is a fundamental aspect of longitudinal PAD manage-
to avoid scarring from previous operations. Many of these issues ment and is an important component of providing comprehen-
are avoided with the use of prosthetic bypass, especially harvest sive care to maximize patient outcomes. The mode and frequency
time, conduit length issues, and dealing with vein valves. Avoid- of surveillance depend on the patient, the specific intervention,
ing vein harvest also decreases the operative time and decreases and the anticipated time frame and modes of failure of the inter-
the incisional lengths, potentially avoiding morbidity. However, vention performed. Structured follow-up is intended to identify
the inferior patency rates and increased risk of infection asso- threatened interventions prior to actual failure and to guide ap-
ciated with prosthetic bypasses greatly outweigh these potential propriate and timely reintervention. Concurrent clinical evalua-
benefits for most patients. tion is paramount to add adjunctive information with respect to
Inflow for infrainguinal bypasses can arise from the common recurrent symptoms and wound status. The Society for Vascular
femoral artery, the profunda femoris artery, the superficial femoral Surgery published a guideline in 2018 regarding surveillance fol-
artery and the popliteal artery, and less commonly, even a tibial lowing lower extremity arterial procedures, which will serve as a
artery. The profunda femoris artery is often an excellent option reference for our recommendations.45
1788 SECTION XII Vascular

Endovascular Therapy Surveillance

There has not been an established interval or optimal algorithm
for following lower extremity endovascular interventions. How-
ever, it is clear that longitudinal follow-up to ensure adequate
medical management of comorbid conditions is essential and
may improve patency as well as amputation-free survival after
endovascular intervention.46 Follow-up requires full history and
physical examination to assess new medical conditions, wounds,
symptoms, and measurement of ankle-brachial indices. Addition-
ally, a baseline duplex ultrasound surveillance (DUS) within the
first month after EVT is recommended. Following EVT, arterial
restenosis frequently occurs through several mechanisms includ-
ing neointimal hyperplasia, constrictive arterial remodeling, and
recurrent atherosclerotic disease. Routine imaging with DUS or
contrast imaging beyond the first month following the procedure A
has not produced clear benefit with respect to limb salvage. Part of
the reason for this lack of benefit is difficulty establishing velocity
thresholds and criteria predictive of progression that are sufficient-
ly accurate to recommend reintervention following angioplasty,
atherectomy, and stenting. Further imaging and subsequent rein-
tervention are generally only required if the patient has developed
recurrent symptoms or has failed to heal existing wounds. The
Society for Vascular Surgery guideline suggests continued clinical
follow up at 3 months and then subsequently at 6-month inter-
vals. However, routine DUS is currently not recommended be-
yond 1 month in the absence of recurrent symptoms or without
the presence of nonhealing or recurrent wounds. For patients with
recurrent symptoms or unresolved CLTI, duplex imaging may
help identify an area of restenosis (peak systolic velocity [PSV]
greater than 300 cm/sec, velocity ratio [Vr] greater than 3.5).45
Such restenosis merit reintervention in patients with unresolved B
or recurrent symptoms and in very selected patients who are as- FIG. 63.18 Duplex surveillance identified a critical vein graft stenosis in
ymptomatic after catheter-based intervention.! the proximal aspect of a femoropopliteal vein graft. (A) Marked spectral
broadening and pronounced elevation of both the peak systolic and end-
Open Surgical Bypass Graft Surveillance diastolic velocities are diagnostic of a high-grade vein graft stenosis. (B) A
As opposed to the unestablished surveillance recommendations focal, severe proximal graft stenosis (arrow) was confirmed by arteriog-
after lower extremity EVT, open surgical therapy has clearer raphy and treated with a short interposition vein graft harvested from the
guidelines for clinical and imaging surveillance. These surveil- upper extremity. (From Mills JL. Infrainguinal disease: Surgical treatment.
lance mechanisms include clinical monitoring, ABI assessment, In: Sidawy AN, Perler BA, ed. Rutherford’s vascular surgery and endovas-
cular therapy. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:1438–1462.)
and DUS. A general guideline following open surgical revascular-
ization includes early postoperative assessment within 4 weeks of
intervention and then at 3-, 6, and 12-month intervals following the culprit lesion to prevent graft thrombosis (Fig. 63.18). Pri-
the operation. Thereafter, surveillance can be continued every 6 to mary patency is the term applied to a bypass graft when patency
12 months.45,47 DUS criteria have been established to define re- is maintained over a specified time interval without reintervention
current stenosis and vein bypass graft-threatening stenoses. These on the graft itself or its anastomoses. Successful reintervention on
criteria are based on duplex-derived PSV and Vr at the site of the a patent, but restenotic graft, is termed assisted-primary patency.
stenosis. Resurrection of an occluded bypass results in loss of primary pa-
Surveillance has been especially well established for autologous tency, but if successful, is termed secondary patency. The purpose
vein grafts, for which identification and treatment of restenosis has of vein graft surveillance is to prevent loss of primary patency, as
clear benefit to prolonging graft patency and avoiding thrombosis reintervention for “failed (occluded) vein grafts is not as durable
of valuable vein conduit.45,47–50 DUS has added utility over ABI as reintervention for patent, but “failing” grafts. Vein graft surveil-
assessment alone. A full evaluation of the bypass is performed, lance is generally recommended every 3 to 6 months for the first
including the native inflow and outflow, proximal and distal anas- 2 years, and then annually thereafter. The most common cause
tomoses, and at multiple intervals along the entire length of the of vein graft failure (75%–80%) in the first 3 to 8 postoperative
graft. Criteria have been established based on PSV, Vr, low flow months is an intrinsic vein graft stenosis due to intimal hyperpla-
velocity, and changes in ABI to stratify the risk of thrombosis of sia. Such lesions are readily detectable and can be monitored for
infrainguinal vein grafts. Grafts are at high risk for thrombosis progression by serial duplex surveillance. After 18 to 24 months,
when any of the following are identified: PSV greater than 300 the de-novo vein graft stenosis rate falls off markedly, so in the
cm/s and/or the Vr greater than 3.5 at the site of a stenosis; global- absence of recurrent symptoms, annual surveillance is sufficient.50
ly low peak systolic graft flow velocity less than 45 cm/s; or a drop Following prosthetic lower extremity bypass, surveillance does
in ABI greater than 0.15.49,50 Any of these findings should prompt not clearly predict graft failure, and specific DUS criteria have
consideration for diagnostic angiography and reintervention on not been established to accurately identify threatened prosthetic
CHAPTER 63 Peripheral Arterial Disease 1789

grafts. Early baseline ABI should be established and repeated at 6 palliation, it does not cure and rarely yields what would be
and 12 months. Subsequently, clinical evaluation and ABI assess- viewed by most patients and objective surgeons as ideal pa-
ment should occur at yearly intervals or with changes in patient tient-centered, functional outcomes.
clinical condition. If the ABIs are suprasystolic due to medial cal-
cinosis, as is common in patients with CLTI, diabetes or renal SELECTED REFERENCES:
failure, toe systolic pressure, and waveforms can be very useful to
monitor hemodynamics.! Bradbury AW, Adam DJ, Bell J, et al. Bypass versus angioplasty
in severe ischaemia of the leg (BASIL) trial: Analysis of ampu-
tation free and overall survival by treatment received. J Vasc
Longitudinal assessment of vascular interventions, particularly
those performed for lower extremity PAD, have long focused Remains the only randomized prospective trial of angio-
on endpoints such as patency (primary, assisted primary, and plasty versus bypass for severe limb ischemia. Patients
secondary), hemodynamic success (based on ABI or toe pres- surviving more than two years are likely to benefit from
sure), limb salvage (lack of major amputation), and mortality. bypass first.
However, quality evidence to support indications and type of re-
vascularization is generally of poor quality and quite weak when
compared to that available for pharmacologic risk reduction and Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, et al. Global vascular guide-
interventions for coronary artery disease and stroke. Many de- lines on the management of chronic limb-threatening isch-
vice trials have used anatomic or surrogate markers such as the emia. J Vasc Surg. 2019;69; 3S–125S e140.
presence or absence of restenosis, target lesion revascularization,
and target vessel revascularization to define treatment success. Multidisciplinary, global collaborative effort to redefine diagno-
None of these markers, however, are highly meaningful limb or sis, management, and treatment of chronic limb-threatening
patient outcome measurements. In an effort to address this issue, ischemia (CLTI). Important new concepts include wound, isch-
suggested objective performance goals were published in 2009 emia, and foot infection (WIfI) threatened limb classification,
for evaluating catheter-based treatment of CLTI and to per- patient, limb, and anatomy (PLAN), target artery path (TAP) and
mit suitable comparison with surgical bypass.51 This document Global Limb Anatomic Staging System (GLASS)). While the
suggested the following endpoints as safety and efficacy mea- concepts need to be validated, these systems will finally allow
sures: major adverse limb event; MACE; major limb (proximal comparison of alternative methods of treatments for compara-
to ankle) amputation; amputation-free survival; and DEATH. bly risk stratified patients, limbs, and anatomic lesions.
Reinterventions were grouped into major and minor categories.
Major reinterventions include the creation of a new bypass graft,
graft thrombectomy or thrombolysis for graft occlusion, or a Fowkes FG, Rudan D, Rudan I, et al. Comparison of global
major surgical revision such as a jump or interposition graft. Mi- estimates of prevalence and risk factors for peripheral artery
nor reinterventions include primarily simpler reinterventions for disease in 2000 and 2010. A systematic review and analysis.
patent reconstructions with restenosis, both endovascular (an- Lancet. 2013;382:1329–1340.
gioplasty, atherectomy, or stenting) and minor open procedures
such as focal patch angioplasty. The objective performance goals Important systematic review on prevalence and risk factors
set targets for EVT for CLTI based on the datasets from three for the development of peripheral artery disease.
large trials, which had a surgical control group.
Important patient outcomes of revascularization for CLTI Mills JL Sr, Conte MS, Armstrong DG, et al. The Society for
include freedom from death, relief of ischemic pain, complete vascular surgery lower extremity threatened limb classifica-
healing of any index wounds, freedom from major amputa- tion system: risk stratification based on wound, ischemia,
tion, relative freedom from reinterventions, resumption or and foot infection (WIfI). J Vasc Surg. 2014;59:220–234
maintenance of ambulation; and independent living status. e221– e222.
Numerous studies have shown more sanguine results of lower
extremity bypass when all of the latter endpoints are evaluated Key change in perspective to classify threatened limb at
in the CLTI subpopulation. As one example, a study from the baseline based on the combination of three factors (wound,
Oregon group evaluated 112 consecutive patients 5 to 7 years ischemia, and foot infection) that correlate with likelihood of
after infrainguinal bypass. While only 26% of these patients healing, risk of amputation, and potential benefit of revascu-
lost their limb during this extended follow-up period, the larization.
authors reported that less than 20% of patients had an ide-
al outcome as defined by the presence of all of the following Prompers L, Schaper N, Apelqvist J, et al. Prediction of out-
criteria: patent graft, healed wound, no need for reoperation, come in individuals with diabetic foot ulcers: focus on the
continued ambulation, and independent living status.27 This differences between individuals with and without periph-
report and other studies clearly demonstrate that longitudi- eral arterial disease. The EURODIALE Study. Diabetologia.
nal follow-up and care are clearly necessary for PAD patients, 2008;51:747–755.
particularly those with CLTI, and that ongoing efforts are
required to maintain limb salvage and preserve ambulatory Important data on frequent association of diabetic foot ul-
and functional status.31-33 From this longitudinal perspective, cer (DFU) and peripheral artery disease (PAD), and critical
while timely and appropriate revascularization for CLTI can impact of PAD + infection on risk of amputation in patients
undoubtedly offer clinically important and often prolonged with DFU.

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