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Kevin Miranda, Alana Kelly, Sabriya Bilal, Sam Foster, Nohemi Garcia, Danelle Bain

Group 6

OGL 355

Team Assignment One: Mission Statement

January 14, 2023

Chosen organization: Arizona Department of Transportation

Current mission statement: We provide highway infrastructure and transportation services.

Current vision statement: To safely connect people and empower our economy.

Critique of mission statement:

We feel that the mission statement of the Arizona Department of Transportation is brief

and simple as mentioned in the videos for Module 1. It outlines their current activities that

channel efforts towards fulfilling vision goals. However, it lacks the feel of the department's

vision and values, feeling more like a generic description than a distinct representation of their

unique identity. While it briefly summarizes their functions, it lacks enough spark that could be

able to make one interested and get deeper meaning on the purpose. Particularly, the fact that the

statement does not say explicitly who they serve misses making the difference. This can be

encompassed by including a line serving all who live, work, and travel throughout the State of

Arizona to better address this gap and even add a more personal touch that their services are to

the people of Arizona. This would only make the statement more engaging and represent the

commitment of the department to its community.

Critique of vision statement:

One good thing is the fact that they have indicated their highest value, safety, which is a

great focus. We do feel it could have been bigger. For example, a more inspiring goal would

have been to create the safest, most convenient, and most accessible roads, and highways, in the

world, as well as transportation services that will be the leader in going forward with technology

and innovative transportation solutions. The present vision statement is at best, too generic

without any specificity. Merging the vision with the mission statement would perhaps make a

more detailed vision statement. Otherwise, there is no excitement or aspirational language in this

vision which would have made a difference if added to the vision. This critique suggests a need

for a more daring and detailed vision that can truly captivate and motivate.

Expand on their mission statement:

Our revised mission statement for the Arizona Department of Transportation would be:

“We commit to the delivery of secure, efficient, and effective means of transportation throughout

Arizona. We commit ourselves to using public resources responsibly to maintain and expand

highway infrastructure. We will provide commuters throughout the region and state

transportation methods supported by safety through periodic equipment safety reviews, remedial

training, in-service classes, and administrative seminars. Ultimately, we are committed to being

the safest and most convenient mode of transportation, serving the people of Arizona – one road

at a time.”
Expand on their vision statement:

The organization might want to incorporate elements emphasizing reliability, especially

under unfavorable circumstances like poor weather, to refine and enrich its vision statement.

While adding value, the current mention of empowering the economy seems somehow disjointed

from the core message and can be omitted for coherence. An improved attempt would be using

words like “safest” or descriptors like “most efficient, accessible, reliable,” etc., to convince a

commitment towards service of excellence. For instance, a vision statement might be: “We are

committed to providing the safest, most efficient, and reliable highway infrastructure and

transportation services to connect and unify the people of Arizona, ensuring even in adverse

weather conditions, seamless travel experiences. Our mission is to provide safe, reliable, and

connected transportation for everyone across the state while keeping community unity as its

prime intent.” This vision reinstates their motto of safety and connectivity but also includes the

vital aspects of reliability and community unity.

Works Cited

“Mission, Vision, and Values.” About Us | Department of Transportation,

Accessed 13 Jan. 2024.

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