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Debre Berhan University

College of business and Economic

Department of Marketing Management

Internship Practical Attachment Report Nib International

Bank at Debre Berhan Branch in Debre Berhan Town
Prepared by
: Efrem Terefe (ID: 2808/12)
: Tekle Shoa (ID: 2894/12)
: Yordanos Damtie (ID: 2164/12)
: Fatuma Mohammed (ID: 3699/12)
: Degafenhe Yeshitela (ID: 2748/12)
Company supervisor: Mr.Mesfin A
Debre Berhan, Ethiopia
February, 2023
We Efrem Terefe, Tekle Shoa,Yordanos Damite, Fatuma Mohammed,
Degafenhe Yeshitela, hereby declare that the presented report of
internship Nib International Bank at Debre Brehan Branch is uniquely
prepared by us after the completion of one week work at Nib
International Bank at Debre Brehan Branch.We also confirm that, the
report is only prepared for our academical requirement not for any other
purpose. It might not be used with the interest of opposite party of
Team members ID
Efrem Terefe 2808/12
Tekle Shoa 2894/12
Yordanos Damtie 2164/12
Fatuma Mohammed 3699/12
Degafenhe Yeshitela 2748/12

Department Head: Mr. Mohammed A

Debre Berhan University

This practical attachment was conducted at Nib International Bank in
Debre Berhan Branch. Generally the main objective of this practical
training was to determine how the theoretically learned courses are
applied in the real world and we are able to know to what Extent
theories are implemented in this bank. We practice our full time in Nib
International Bank at Debre Berhan Branch. The report includes
historical background of the organization Structure and its present
existence including its present performance, its objectives, mission,
Vision and values. The explanation for attachment evaluation part is
given in brief way which includes rationales of practical attachment,
significance and applicability of the theories and others in class on the
Practical work environment. Practical attachment is also important for
the student because, it Improve our awareness about practical working
environment: reduce the problems after Graduation increases our future
working interest.

First and for most, we would like to thank almighty God for his
forgiveness, charity and strength he has given to us. Second, we would
very happy to express our heartfelt thanks to Ato Mesfen Amare the
manager of Nib International Bank in Debre Berhan Branch allowing to
us conduct our attachment and supporting us in every aspect. We are
also greatly indebted to those, who are employees of Nib International
Bank Debre Berhan Branch for their cooperation and openness to help
us every aspect. Our deepest thanks go to our dear family, her beyond
price advice and encouragement that give to us strength.


ATM----------------automatic tiller machine

ID---------------------Identification card

IT----------------------Information technology

BODS-----------------Board of directors

CATS-----------------Customer account transaction process

VP---------------------vice president

CPC-------------------central processing center

ATS-------------------Automated transfer system

Abstract ............................................................................................................. iii
Acknowledgment .............................................................................................. iv
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 1
1.1 Back ground of the organization ................................................................ 1
1.2 CARDINAL ISSUES (Mission, Values, vision and objective) .................. 2
1.2.1 Vision of the Bank .................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Mission of the Bank.................................................................................. 2
1.2.3 Values of the Bank ................................................................................... 2
1.2.4 Objective of the bank ............................................................................... 2
1.2.5 Objectives and major responsibility as well as activity of the Bank ..... 2
1.2 Organizational Structure of NIB International Bank .................................... 4
1.3 The Governance and organizational structure of NIB Debre Berhan
District ............................................................................................................... 5
1.4 The extent to which the organization is realizing its visions and missions
and performance of the organization in relation to its objectives. ................. 6
1.5 Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis of the
organization ...................................................................................................... 7
1.5.1 Strength of the organization .................................................................... 7
1.5.2 Weakness of the organization .................................................................. 8
1.5.3 Opportunity of the organization ............................................................. 8
1.5.4 Threat of the organization ....................................................................... 9
1.6 Current problems observed that affect Nib International Bank at Debre
Berhan District .................................................................................................. 9
1.7 Suggested solution (measure) taken to solve or at least minimize
problems .......................................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................ 11
INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES REPORTS ...................................................... 11
2.1 General objective the Internship .............................................................. 11
2.2 Specific objective the Internship .............................................................. 11
2.3. Our responsibilities and major activities ................................................ 11
2.4 Our performance evaluation .................................................................... 12
2.5 Problems encountered on the job and remedial measures ..................... 12
2.6 Problem division or department or suggested solutions ......................... 13
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................ 14
ATTACHMENT EVALUATION .................................................................. 14
3.1. Rational of practical attachment ................................................................. 14
3.2. Significance of practical attachment ....................................................... 14
3.3. Relevance of the organization and my activities .................................... 15
3.4. Applicability of the theories in the class and activities on real world or
practical Working environment ..................................................................... 15
3.5. Major problems that we faced during the attachment .......................... 16
3.6. Suggestion solution and way forward for the attachment ..................... 16
CHAPTER FOUR .......................................................................................... 17
CONCLUSION AND Recommendation........................................................ 17
4.1. Summary and conclusion......................................................................... 17
4.2. Recommendation ..................................................................................... 18
5. Reference ..................................................................................................... 19

1.1 Back ground of the organization
Nib International Bank (NIB) was established on 26 May 1999 under
license no. LBB/007/99 in accordance with the Commercial Code of
Ethiopia and the Proclamation for Licensing and Supervision of Banking
Business Proclamation no. 84/1994 with the paid up Capital of birr 27.6
million and authorized capital of Birr 150 million by 717 Shareholders.
The Bank commenced its operation in 28 October 1999 by 27
employees. It joined the banking industry as the sixth private bank
licensed in the country.

Debre Berhan Branch is one of the new Branch of Nib International

Banks which established in Debre Berhan town. It has been established
in 2004. It is located in Amhara national regional state 130 KM away
from the capital city of Ethiopia Addis Ababa in Northern Shewa town.
Nib International Bank Debre Berhan Branch starts its work with 4
clerical (internal employees) and 8 external employees (non clerical)
but, currently there are 8 clerical employees and 10 non clerical

In general by adopting or accepting different modern products Nib

International bank Debre Berhan Branch is working to achieve its
vision, mission and supporting the desire of economic development in
the country.

1.2 CARDINAL ISSUES (Mission, Values, vision and objective)
1.2.1 Vision of the Bank
To be an icon of service excellence and a leading commercial bank in
1.2.2 Mission of the Bank
 The bank committed to best realize stock holders need through
enhanced financial inter mediation in global and supporting
national development priorities by developing highly motivated,
skilled and disciplined employees as well as the state of the art
 The bank strongly believes that winning the public confidence is
the basis of it is success.
1.2.3 Values of the Bank
 Transparent
 Accessible
 employee satisfaction
 Accountable
 team work and collaboration
 Result Oriented
 Innovative

1.2.4 Objective of the bank

1.2.5 Objectives and major responsibility as well as activity of the
 The main objective of the bank;
 To realize the need of the Nib International Bank its mission,
vision and values through enhanced financial intermediation

 Supporting national development priority by deploying highly
motivated, skilled and disciplined employees. Introducing
modern art of technology.
 Major Responsibilities and activities of the bank
 To satisfy its customers through rendering quality service
 Giving fast service by supporting latest technology like T-24
software,E-Payment,visa card,ATM, Mobile banking ,Internet
banking .
 It also serve by introducing a new product like Lucy saving,
teenager saving, children saving, and Nib kefo saving,Gojo/Guzo
saving account.
 Generally, teaching the society deeply about saving culture, how
they changes and improving the living standard.

1.2 Organizational Structure of NIB International Bank


Senior Executive Team

Management Team


BOD: are group of individuals that has been elected as the

representative of shareholders to formulate corporate important
management policies and make decision on their behalf.

Senior Executive Team: is the highest level of management of the bank

their main responsibility involves making operational decision ,
formulating operational policies, keeping the board educated and
formed along with bringing well documented recommendation and
information to the board.

1.3 The Governance and organizational structure of NIB Debre
Berhan Branch

Branch Manager

Custemer service
Manager Business Manager

Branch Chief cashir ensuring
Operation Manager Internal

Branch Busisness

Branch Manager- Plan manages and coordinates the overall branch

banking activity. Perform regular assessment on all branch related work
practice and propos improvement alternatives. Manage service level
against customer expectation. Keep all branch reserve keys except ATM
and vault under his custody.
Customer Service Manager- assists branch manager and invite new

Responsible for meeting the sales targets of the branch. Coordinate and
support sales team. Maintain necessary sales acquisition data and record
for future reference.
Business Manager:-Perform all business related activities within the
branch. Approve and authorize branch transaction. Prepare and
implement periodic job rotation plan for the staff under his supervision.
Operation Manager:-supervise the operational activities in the branch.
Develop periodic operational plan for the branch back office team.
Maintain and monitor standard operational service delivery time.
Prepare and implement periodic job rotation plan for the staff under his
Manger Branch internal control- checking of book balance and
ensuring error free book of account. Supervise the overall control
activity in the branch. Monitor system access system control in the
Chief cashier- ensuring compliance with daily cash holding limit of
branch and customer service officer.
Branch business officer-They sell the product of the bank to the
customers like Lucy Saving, mobile banking, Nib Kefo saving, internet
banking and they pay and receive money from customers.
1.4 The extent to which the organization is realizing its visions and
missions and performance of the organization in relation to its
The Nib International Bank at Debre Berhan Branch is well organized to
realize its cardinal issues. It improves banking service from time to time
and innovate new technology and products to give satisfaction for

Workers of the organization are accountable to their customer and good
information for every sector Nib International Bank Debre Berhan
Branch achieve its mission and vision through giving the above service
1.5 Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis
of the organization
The Nib International Bank Debre Berhan Branch is Private organization
has its strength and weakness and also has good opportunities and
threats that speed up and retard the bank over all work process

1.5.1 Strength of the organization

 Strong corporation between management and employees
 Have strong financial possession.
 By innovating new technology increase its profitability from
time to time
 Good efficiency and ethical conduct of staffs
 The organization makes good relationship with other local
banks and foreign banks
 It’s give training for its employees to improve their
 The bank has qualified and experienced management who
done the activity of the bank very well.

1.5.2 Weakness of the organization
 Some workers of the bank not give service to the customer
 Weak information and file management of some workers
 Sometimes there is big connection problem that makes
customer angry
 There is some inefficiency material like chair tables and
computers for trailing staffs

1.5.3 Opportunity of the organization

 The Nib International Bank Debre Berhan Branch has large
number of customers.
 The development of infrastructure and investment in the
country play great role for the bank.
 Steady and fast growth of population is good opportunity for
increase bank customer.
 Availability of qualified work force in the market
 Development of information technology

1.5.4 Threat of the organization
If the organization follows the current organizational structure for the
future may face the following challenges.

 Volatility of currency
 Competitors share of the market (entrance of new private banks
in to the market)
 Poor credit culture and know how about banking and its service
within the society
 The formation of many micro finance institutions.
 Some new and revised regulation of the National bank of
Ethiopia or government.
 Economic condition of the country

1.6 Current problems observed that affect Nib International Bank

at Debre Berhan Branch
 High competition from aggressive expansion of private financial
institution and micro finance institutions.
 Wastage of resource like cash counting machine
 Inefficiency of office materials like computers ,furniture and
others when compared to the number of customers
 File management and documentation improperly among some

1.7 Suggested solution (measure) taken to solve or at least minimize
The possible solution I suggested for such problems are the

 It should full fill all the necessary materials which are

technologically improved to facilitate its service
 The organization should have provide a quality service for its
customer to being a good competitor in the market
 The organization appraisal system should be based on efficiency
and effectiveness that means resource consumption way should
be wise and manageable.
 To solve the problem a lack of data about historical back ground
of the organization, I gather some information from head office
websites and try to document with the help of my supervisor.

2.1 General objective the Internship
 Provide the students with actual experience in applying social
work method and en able him/her.
 To acquaint students with actual social work situation in
preparation for professional to social work practice.
 Develop student skill that will enable them to respond
appropriately to need of clients
 Is designed to help and guide a student to develop his/ her skill and
competence independent professional function and carrying out
appropriate responsibilities

2.2 Specific objective the Internship

 Prepare the students for future role as a social work practice
 Enhance the students understanding of the social work profession.
 To afford the students the opportunities to take responsibility for
addressing peoples problems.
 To becomes familiar with real work practice that is to relate
academic theory to concrete reality as found in agency setting.
 To test tools learned in class with practice of real world

2.3. Our responsibilities and major activities

 We have had some responsibilities and activities in organization
during our practical attachment.
 Present on the time
 Working what manager ordered
 We check the name, date and signature of the customer to be filled
properly on the application.
 We opened account for customers by supporting employees
 We support the lobby girl by filling applications to the customer’s
withdrawal and deposit vouchers.
 Protecting the office resource from damage.
 Asking on working activities and any other information about
organization questioned to we
 Consider what we have learned in the class with related to practical
2.4 Our performance evaluation
We have performed our activities on the organization with full
communication with manager and all staff employees. We were try
to work major activities of work in organization like how to
deposit money, withdraw money, how transfer money, how to
check balance of our operation, how to audit etc. How account is
opened for the customers, and we were responsible to keep rule
and regulation of the organization also we were read different
document in the organization and write important information to
organize and properly our report addition to that we were
accountable for going and see any activities in organization with
permission. And also assisting customers to use the bank products
like visa card and Mobile banking
2.5 Problems encountered on the job and remedial measures
The major problems that we faced were the staff members are so
busy so that they don’t give us enough priority in the first day and
not give responsibility confidently. The other problems were we

have not got a chance of doing the activities of the department
This has its own effect on checking our effectiveness for the work.
Due to this reason we work with senior officer and assistant
manager to share experience and to check effectiveness. Another
problem were getting information about the organization. In the
first day there is little information about the organization. They
fear to give all information about the company and accept the

2.6 Problem division or department or suggested solutions

 The major problems that face the department are the
 There is a big internet connection problem or network
problem; especially in the first we started our first day
practical attachment.
 There is inefficiency of some materials like chair, table and so
 Shortage of computers and printer.
 Suggested solutions for the problems
 Asking concerned body to get enough networks that help to
provide proper service for customer.
 To solve the problems of inefficiency of materials by asking
additional budget for the department and purchasing this
materials and make available for the department.
 Asking IT support from the district and the head office.

3.1. Rational of practical attachment
This practical attachment is very help full for student in order to make
well minded in any Work that done in any governmental and non-
governmental organization. This Attachment is guideline which helps
the students to know and understand the theory with a Little effort and
improve their abilities.
This practical attachment also has a great objective for the students and
the major rational of This practical attachment was that to know the
theoretically learned course & gained Knowledge are applied &
implemented in real world environment and to improve education
through practical work.
Another rationale of this practical attachment is students to know the
working environment, how to work & gaining experience from the
peoples in the work environment
3.2. Significance of practical attachment
This practical attachment has a great significance for the students .some
of them are discussed below
 It helps the students to understand how works are implemented
 it helps the students how learned theories are applied in the
working environment
 Helps the students to apply their skill & knowledge on the job what
they have gained from learned theoretically in the class.
 It helps the students to have experience & to know work ethics
 Helps lecturers to identify their students’ ability in practical
working environment.

The purpose of the attachment programs are to supplement practical
professional training and To learn the job training of the student when
we graduate as well as to still us to have the right Of the work attitude
and made the student good worker professionals. So, this practical
attachment when we participate and work through our location has too
much Significance.
3.3. Relevance of the organization and my activities
The organization in which we did our practical attachment in Nib
International Bank at Debre Berhan Branch is relevant for our field of
study. Because, some courses we learned in the class were related to
what we worked in the organization. For instance, we obtain the
knowledge about principle of accounting starting from source Document
up to preparation of financial statement. The organization evaluate our
performance this helps we to be a self-confident employee in the future.
It gives to our opportunity to develop entrepreneurial skills and
3.4. Applicability of the theories in the class and activities on real
world or practical Working environment
Many of theories and principles that we learned in the class are directly
or indirectly related with practical work that we observed. Specifically
among the special course the major one are listed below with area such
In this division most of the activity is performed what we study in
theories like
 Accounting course: how the balance and closing is performed in
each and every day to day and monthly is done.
 Psychology: interacting with other people.
 Civics and ethical education
 Honesty, transparency and punctuality

 Tolerance in diversity
 Responsibility and accountability
 Identify a problem
 Problem solving and decision making
 English course on how to apply techniques of report writing
3.5. Major problems that we faced during the attachment
 First it takes some time to adopt the organization environment.
 Secondly supervisor is very busy so that he cannot give full
orientation to us about the activity in the first two days of our
practical attachment.
 Employees are busy always and it is difficult to ask and learn in
deep their practical work on the computer to our on this
3.6. Suggestion solution and way forward for the attachment
To solve those problems we have tried to create good relationship with
staff members then, they try to give us the every information and
everything that we wanted and they support to solve the stated problem.
The problem of the organization with the university must get Solution
because most of the companies are not willing to accept that apparatus.
Generally, we Suggest or forward the listed solution for success of our
practical attachment to achieve its objectives. The general orientation
should be given to the regulation. There should be documents prepared
to such situation and preparing daily attendance and taking attendance as
Well as making them punctual by giving them responsibly willingly.

4.1. Summary and conclusion
This practical attachment was conducted at Nib International Bank in
Debre Berhan Branch. Generally the main objective of this practical
training was to determine how the theoretically learned courses are
applied in the real world and we are able to know to what Extent
theories are implemented in this bank. We practiced our full time in Nib
International Bank in Debre Berhan Branch .The report includes
historical background of the organization, Structure and its present
existence including its present performance, its objectives, mission,
Vision and values. The explanation for attachment evaluation part is
given in brief way which includes rationales of practical attachment,
significance and applicability of the theories and others in class on the
Practical work environment. Practical attachment is also important for
the student because, it Improve our awareness about practical working
environment: reduce the problems after Graduation increases our future
working interest and etc.
As we have seen the organization has their own problems that affect the
objectives, mission, Vision and goals of Branch has many problems
among them
Lack of full computers, printers, cash counter and so on.
On the other hand, there is also favorable condition in the organization
that helps to achieve its Objectives effectively and efficiently. This is the
In general, Nib International Bank contributes the economic
development in banking Sector, especially developing the culture of
saving in the cognition of society. Create job opportunities for skilled
and unskilled employees and getting foreign exchange. We observed
that How the member in the organization is favorable related to our
study? Because of this and Contribute to the organization as much as
possible and even if there was problem during the Attachment. We take
direct and possible solution for the problem. The organization helps for
Main acquiring knowledge as well as experience for my study.
4.2. Recommendation
 We recommend that universities should create favorable practical
program for students
 Through with different organizations. At present this sector has got
big concentration from the government.
 Considering be these problems. We try to recommend my best
solution as follows:-
 New employees should hire to reduce the load of work in the
 The organization should create awareness inside the society to
increase its customer’s Size and to develop the habit of saving of
the society.
 It’s better if the bank buys new computer to the branch and cash
counting machine to all front makers.
 It must have improve its customer handling system more than what
competitors do and like paying without passbook.
 To attract more qualified workers the appraisal system should be
based on the appraisal Standard & the employee performance.

5. Reference
 From written document in the bank.
 From employee of the bank.
 Manager and vice manager.
 Staff member generally.
 The bank procedure.
 From NIB Website.


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