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Mid Term Exam

(Words Unveiled: A Qualitative Inquiry into Writing Challenges Faced by English


Initial Questions

 Could you please describe some of the common challenges that English learners
encounter when it comes to writing in English?
 What do you believe are the primary difficulties they face in this regard?

Intermediate Questions

 In your experience, could you provide an example or two of specific challenges

that English learners have overcome in their writing journey?
 How did they address these challenges, and what strategies or resources proved
helpful in their improvement as writers?

Closing Questions

 To conclude, what advice or tips would you offer to English learners who aspire
to become proficient writers in the language?
 How can educators and institutions better support English learners in their writing
 What steps do you think are crucial for their success in this area?"Where are you
coming from?
 Interviewee: College Student from Laguna University

Mr. Ronnel : Good evening, ma'am. I am studying at the University of Perpetual

Health, Las Piñas. And as part of our course, Advanced Methods of Research 1,
Writing a Qualitative Research, I am conducting a short interview regarding with my
research topic entitled, Words Unveiled: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Writing
Challenges Faced by the English Learners. But before we proceed with the interview
proper, ma'am, can you tell me something about yourself?
Interviewee: Hello, sir. Good evening. I am a student at Laguna University, and I am
currently taking a Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in English. Okay, ma'am.

Mr. Ronnel: So, you are an inspiring English teacher. But now, you are an English
language learner. So, here's the question, ma'am. Number one is, could you please
describe some of the common challenges that the English learners encounter when
it comes to writing in English?

Interviewee: Based on my experience and my experiences with others, I encounter

some of difficulties or common challenges that our English learners encounter or us
English learners encounter when it comes to writing in English. So, some of that is
when we lose focus while writing, especially in writing essays, writing formal letters.

So, we tend to lose focus because of so many factors. And a lot of students or us
students are sometimes uninterested while writing topics that we don't want to write.
And some of the learners, sir, is when they encounter vocabularies that they or we
don't know. So, that's all, sir.

Mr. Ronnel: Alright, ma'am. So, student tends to lose focus and there are some
difficulties in terms of vocabulary. Okay, so ma'am, can you give me more difficulties
regarding with, based on your experience, ma'am, can you give me some difficulties,
more difficulties you encountered in writing in English?

Interviewee: Sir, like difficulty in spelling, sir. And sentence structures, difficulties
using conditional and passive sentences, and also primary issues with proper use of

Mr. Ronnel: Okay, ma'am. So, what do you believe are the primary difficulties they
face in this regard?

Interviewee: So, sir, while writing, so writing can be challenging for us. It is a task for
us students and there are several factors that contribute to that difficulties. So, some
of us encountered one of these primary reasons. So, losing focus while writing is
number one. So, it is a perception that it requires a vast amount of knowledge to
write effectively. So, also this can be intimidating for us, sir, and overwhelming. So,
leading for us to a lack of interest in writing process.

Also, sir, one of the significant challenges that we face when writing in English
is development of their language or language skills. So, I think this includes
issues with vocabulary, as I said earlier, like spelling and sentence structure. So, it
leads to an inadequate vocabulary that also can hinder our ability to express
our ideas and putting our thoughts clearly. So, especially when spelling errors
happen, not only impact the readability of our work, but also affect our overall
impression of our writing. So, I think poor sentence structure, sir, can make
the text confusing and difficult to follow. So, under meaning the effectiveness of
our communication. So, other is when we often struggle with using, of course,
complex grammatical constructs. It is such as conditional and passive sentences.

So, as I said that this structure requires a solid understanding, sir, of grammar rules
and ability to apply correctly in different text, sir, like our context. So, some of us are
not really confident grammatically when writing. This may avoid using these
constructs, which can also limit the range of sophistication of our writing. So, one of
the most common issues then, sir, is when writing the correct use of tenses.

So, as for us English learners and future English teachers, the correct use of tenses
is very important, sir, in expressing and interpreting our, or what we are saying. So,
English has also a wide range of tenses and using them accurately is very crucial for
conveying precise meaning of what we are saying. And inconsistent and incorrect
use of tenses can also lead, sir, to confusion and ambiguity in that text. So, that's it,

Mr. Palasin: Okay, ma'am. So, based on your answer, the difficulties encountered by
the English learners in terms of writing are, first, they tend to lose focus in writing
because it takes a vast knowledge, it's a heavy burden in terms of writing. And then,
you also told that in terms of writing, most of the English writers, they have poor
And I know that when you have poor vocabulary, it is really hard for you to think of
an appropriate word or a correct choice of word in terms of writing. And then, also,
the spelling, and then, especially, the sentence structure on how are you going to
build or how are you going to construct your essay or any form of writing. And also,
there are some difficulties in terms of the tenses of the verb on what is the proper
usage or what is the proper tenses to be used in terms of writing.

Mr. Ronnel: So, ma'am, based on those difficulties, in your own experience, could
you provide me an example of some of these difficulties you encountered or these
challenges in writing a certain text? Or can you give me some examples, a real-life
situation you encountered these difficulties?

Interviewee: Sir, as a student teacher at Don Manuel, pag kita ko pa lang po on my

students, I see struggles in their faces. So, some of them can't understand what I am
saying because it is English. Some of them cannot write or some of them cannot
recognize sounds like sound of a letter. So, they can't really understand what I am

So, siguro po, sir, mga out of 45 students, there are two learners who have
difficulties in understanding, in writing, and in reading English language. And I think,
yun po yung problem na kailangan natin as English teacher someday, for me, na
kailangan ko pong ma-resolve.

Mr. Ronnel: Oh, okay, ma'am. So, you experience that your students in your school,
in your practice school, so they tend to ahh. Ahh. Ahh., there are some unfamiliar
words. Kasi, we know that vocabulary, it plays a vital role, especially in teaching the
language, especially in writing. Because we know that vocabulary, if they have lack
of vocabulary, so there's a limit of understanding na ahhh. our student ay talagang,
parang there are some unfamiliar words that they encountered.

And then, talagang parang, oh, okay, so ano yun? Parang, diba, as a student,
parang iniisip po natin is, it's like, ano yung mga words na sinasabi mo? Parang, it is
really hard for them to understand. Actually, in writing, reading, or any kind of macro
skills, diba, it's really hard if there's a lack of vocabulary.
Mr. Ronnel: Okay, so ma'am, can you please continue of those challenges you

Interviewee: Based on my experience, sir, I see grade students, especially grade

students, grade 7 students struggling in reading Filipino and also English
language.Hirap na po sila in reading Filipino. What more in reading and writing
English language? One of my experience din po is, I see students na they're using
English language like in cell phone text form of spelling. Like, nilalakihan nila yung
letters, initial shortened yung mga letters.

So, tinatanggal nila yung mga a-e-i-o-u in the words or in the sentences. And
millennials po kasi yun na yung expression of using English language and also
Filipino language. So, for them, they can express their thoughts that way, shortening
the spelling of the words. That is very difficult for others to understand because it's
their modern way of communication. And I think that is very not good or as English
teacher or as student teacher, I find it very incompetent for their future.

Mr. Ronnel: Okay, ma'am. So, in terms of writing, due to the influence of the social
media, students, they write in an abbreviated word or there are some instances that
they do not follow the correct structure, the correct usage of punctuations, the
capitalizations. So, I think, ma'am, social media plays a big impact in terms of to our
students' writing.

That's why you encounter that kind of difficulty in terms of formal writing. So, they
tend to create an informal way of, in communicating. So, the same with speaking
and writing. So, they tend to write in a more inappropriate way.So, okay, ma'am.
Sige, please proceed po.

Interviewee: Also, sir, in sentence structure issues. So, some of them cannot really
put their ideas into text or especially in text and in speaking. Hindi nila po
masyadong ma-express correctly because I think lack of words or lack of
vocabularies in Filipino and in English. So, I think some of the students limit their
vocabularies.So, that resulting to a limited use of words. So, limited use of
expressions na pinu-put nila into their speaking and writing skills.
Mr. Ronnel: I think, ma'am, it is based on their lack of vocabulary. Kasi nga, di ba, it's
really hard to write especially in Tagalog or in English if you have this lack of
vocabulary.If you have a lack of vocabulary, it is hard for you to construct words
because you do not know what is the proper correct word you're going to use. So, it
only means that balik ulit tayo kay vocabulary.

So, I think tama, ma'am. Kaya siguro sila nakaka-hihirapan in sentence structure
kasi nga it takes time for them to think.Ano kaya yung English sa ganito? Ano kaya
yung English sa ganon? And then, again, in writing, it is a multitasking way of
creating or putting your thoughts into words. So, I think kaya sila siguro din
nahihirapan in terms of sentence structure. Yun na nga. Vocabulary, number two,
siguro din is spelling. Kasi nga, it's really hard because of the trends in terms of

I experienced some of my students, then ma'am, na alam mo yun, yung para bang
pag nagsusulat sila or nag-spelling sila, shortcut na rin, the way they use or the way
they text or message in social media platforms, naa-adapt nila in terms of writing.

Mr. Ronnel: Ma'am, can you give me some of instances or have you encountered
your classmates or your students as a practice teacher, did you encounter those
kind of students na para bang, parang siya, text na lang yung kanyang spelling in
terms of writing?

Interviewee: Yes, sir. Na-encountered ko po yung mga ganon problems. And one
way to address it is to correct it. So, I give them constructive feedback about yung sa
errors nila in writing and reading sentences na sarili nilang gawa. So, especially in
English, nagsishorten talaga sila ng mga words because siguro din po influence of
modern language.

Yung mga gay lingo, yung mga informal languages na nauuso ngayon sa mga
kabataan, nawawala na po yung sense of reading ng mga formal readings or mga
newsletters, newspapers, mga books, yung mga literary books. And nababasa na
lang nila ito through internet that can be edited ng kahit na sino po.They can freely
edit it through online. So, nawawala na po yung reliability of the text or the
information given by Google. So, yun yung siguro yung naka-acquire nila na minsan
mali. So, unlike in books na maraming process of or maraming dinaanang proseso
to check it. So, especially in grammars and spellings and use of vocabularies.

Mr. Ronnel: Okay. So, I get your point because in posting in social media, so there's
no such thing as critic, there's no proofread. Diba, kung ano yung gusto mo i-post,
you can post it. Unlike sa mga books, if they read in an academic books or an
academic form of writing. So, diba, ang haba ng proseso before ito ma-
publish.That's why ang na-absorb ng ating mga readers ay talagang sinala.

Diba, filtered and then talagang maraming proofreading na pinagdaanan. That's

why ang na-adapt of our learners is tama. Unlike doon sa social media, so kailangan
talaga nila maging critical thinker and a critical analysis in absorbing those posts na
nakikita nila. Kasi nga, we do not know if reliable ba yung source, tama ba yung
construction, tama ba yung spelling nun.

Diba, kasi nga, most of our students nowadays is talagang nakafocus sila sa social
media. Bibihira na ata ngayon yung mga sudyanting nagbabasain books. Diba, most
of them is pag nakakita sila and then it maybe it piques their interest. They tend to
believe na yung kanilang mga nakikita at nababasa.

So, I get your point, ma'am, in terms of the difference of a published academic
writing dun sa mga nakapost sa social media.

So, ma'am, as a practice teacher in Don Manuel, right? So, you said that, number
one, there's a problem regarding with vocabulary. You encountered problems in
terms of their vocabulary, in their spelling, and especially with their sentence
structure. So, based on those problems, based on those challenges you
encountered as a practice teacher,

Mr. Ronnel : What are the things or what are the strategies, techniques that you do
for them to overcome those challenges?

Interviewee: So, sir, let me share the project is it. So, Department of Education has
this. I think, sir, I'm not really knowledgeable about it because I'm not really into that
system. I'm not really knowledgeable about it. But nakita ko po itong Project ISIP.
And the Department of Education po has these projects sa school that helps
teachers to create research about the difficulties that they encounter on their school
po. So, this Filipino teachers and English teachers has this Project Isip and Project
MARE. Project MARE is Project Make Learning, Project Mare or Make Reading

So, nakita ko po that yung mga struggling students, especially yung mga galing po
sa elementary. So, yung mga grade 6 na nagpunta po ng grade 7, they really
struggled po sa pagbabasa and pagsusulat, lalo na po or especially in English

So, the teachers, they make effort, they put their maximum effort po to provide tools
and other instructional materials for the students, for them to be able to read fluently
or siguro po hindi man fluently, pero to read correctly and to write correctly,
especially po sa English kasi yun po yun talagang nahihirapan sila.

So, some of us or some of the students nakakapagsalita po sila in Filipino because

that is our language. So, nahihirapan lang po sila to write creatively and to express
their thoughts formally and putting their thoughts into writing.

Mr. Ronnel: Okay, ma'am. So, I believe that talagang yung reading and writing is
para bang magkakambal na sila based on your explanation, ma'am. In terms of for
them to learn how to write, kailangan maalam sila magbasa. Dahil pag maalam sila
magbasa, maalam sila i-process yung knowledge in terms of analyzing and then
putting yung thoughts into words.

So, yun yung pagsulat. So, you have this, what do you call this? Project Mare. Doon
sa school na pinagtuturuan mo, ma'am, as a practice teacher. So, nagpapabasa
kayo. And in terms of writing, ma'am, can you give me some techniques or strategy
na it helps a lot sa mga estudyante as a practice teacher?Parang ito yung
nakatulong sa kanila, papaano magsulat? Paano maging, di ba sabi mo kanina,
parang nahihirapan sila, they lose focus, tinatamad sila magsulat. So, ano po yung
parang pinagawa or pinagawa sa school ninyo for them to be motivated in terms of

Ms. Christine Jamie: So, in terms of writing, sir, meron ako isang experience na hindi
ko malilimutan. And that's the advice given to me by this certain teacher. So, sabi
niya, in order for your student to express or makuha mo yung authentic na ideas
nila, kailangan magsimula sila sa kung ano yung kanilang napapansin at naiisip.

So, that certain teacher, meron siyang activity na ginawa, and sabi niya, sa students,
close your eyes and put your thoughts into text. And then, mga students, nakapikit
sila in a certain minute, then, inaabsorb nila kung ano yung mga naiisip nila, whether
it's good experiences or good instances or bad instances.

So, and after that certain minute, so yung teacher asked them to write.

And yung mga estudyante, sabi niya, parang yung mga estudyante, dire diretsyo
magsulat because that's really on their mind and on their heart.

So, hindi nila kailangan mag-sugarcoat ng kanilang mga idea because doon
nagsimula po yung thoughts and ideas nila when it comes to writing.

So, nahihirapan yung mga estudyante po to make, write, or to write because

kailangan nila ng idea sa iba.

Napapressure sila na gumamit ng mga iba't ibang thoughts and ideas, techniques,
strategies na ginagamit into writing.

But that certain teacher, she really let her student write their thoughts and put that
thoughts into text. And sabi niya, it is really amazing that yung estudyante na cannot,
what do you call it, cannot really write long. So, nag-result siya ng kaya palang mag-
sulat ng bata ng mahaba basta alam niya yung sinusulat niya.

Mr. Ronnel:Okay, ma'am. So, it's a good and nice strategy. Letting her student to
construct or image construction. And again, yun na nga, nabigyan niya ng solution
yung problem regarding with focus.
So, hinayaan niya muna makapag-focus yung bata and then for them to talagang
maisulat nila, mailahad nila, not just with their thoughts but also with their feelings.
So, they can write freely, putting their thoughts into text. Sabi mo nga po, ma'am. So,
talaga, it's a good strategy.

Ms. Christine Jamie: So, let me share something pa, sir. While you are talking, naisip
po lang din po ito na strategy.

So, one of the teacher that I encountered, she let her student read a story. And then,
at the end of the story, bitin po yung story niya. Parang binitin po yung ending of
what will happen to that character.

And the student, or she let the student write their own interpretation or conclusion of
that certain story. So, hindi lamang po yung ideas, sarili nilang imagination and ideas
yung nakuhan nila. But the ideas of the character, they put themselves into that
character and write freely the conclusion or the ending of that story.

So, parang untitled po ata niya is Bepos Balloon. So, yung teacher po is nagpabili ng
mga balloons and yung mga bata naman po is willingly write their own ending.

Mas namomotivate po sila because parang isinasama nila yung sarili nila into that
story and into that character.

So, inilagay po nila or itinali nila yung messages nila sa balloon. Then, pare-paras
nilang pinalipad yung mga balloons.

And after that, walang nakakaalam po, sir, nung nilagay ng bawat students or

So, the teacher let them speak in front of their classmates. And that's one of brilliant
strategy na ginagawa na ating mga teacher para po ma cope up yung problem po
dun sa reading and writing.

So, in writing po talaga, it is very crucial po talaga for them to let the student write.
Because yung mga vocabularies po, they are not really aware. And then after that
po, the teacher will give feedback about the informal or incorrect text or vocabularies
written on their activities.

Mr. Ronnel: Okay, so, based on your answer, ma'am, so talagang maganda.

Because those activities po, it helps a lot in terms of building and letting your student
to focus regarding with writing.

So, with that, kasi diba, ayun, nakakapag-focus na sila.

But based on your answer ka din kanina, ma'am, diba, sabi mo is, there's a problem
regarding with vocabulary. So, what are the things na ginawa niyo po in terms of
enriching their vocabularies?

Kasi diba, it is one of the factors na talagang kailangan na kailangan ng ating mga
syudyante in terms of writing. Kasi diba, sabi mo nga po is, ang hirap magsulat pag
hindi mo makuha yung tamang word na gusto mong isulat.

Or yung tamang choice of word na ano nga ba ang English dito, ano nga ba yung
tamang word dito. Ano po yung mga strategies din na, or mga ginawa po ninyo in
terms of developing their vocabulary?

Ms. Christine Jamie: So, sir, dumaan po ang COVID. And isa po to sa challenges,
hindi lamang po ng government and health, but also with educational settings.

So, I think, sir, mas bumaba po yung quality of education or quality education during
that phase po where yung mga bata po is nasa loob ng bahay.

We all know that Filipino learners struggle financially. And they also struggled in
learning po, sir. Because wala pong nagbibigay ng support. Walang nagtuturo. So,
some of the learners, they have resources like internet, laptop, books.

So, how about those students that cannot provide for their own education? So, I
think, sir, kaya po siguro one of the factors na nagsustruggle ngayon yung mga
grade 7 students because of the pandemic din, sir.
So, mas nawala po yung focus nila into reading and writing because that's the
fundamental po in learning.I believe, sir, that it is fundamental in education because
reading and writing starts where it all starts, sir.

Mr. Ronnel: Okay. So, ma'am, in terms of the pandemic, it plays a significant role in
terms of building or in terms of their learning process with the quality of education
they got.

But, again, ma'am, in terms of those problems, so yun sabihin natin na hirapan sila.
So, nahirapan sila in terms of yung vocabulary banks na mayroon sila, yung
talagang marami silang alam ng mga different words.

Mr. Ronnel: But ngayon po, ma'am, ano yung mga ginagawa natin to enrich

Ms. Christine Jaymie: Of course, sir. Some of the teachers, nagsisimula talaga sila
sa pinakamababang uri ng pagtuturo nila.

Or kahit hindi po kasama sa MELCS, katulad ng spelling. Like, may mga teacher pa
rin po. Especially, some of the teachers, nagistart sila ng kanilang day, sir. Nakikita
ko lang po ito. Sa pagpapaispelling ng 1 to 5. And then, hahanapin po nila ito sa

So, yun pa rin po, sir. Akaakibat pa rin po ng writing ay reading pa rin po. So, yun po.
Yung strategy na ginagamit is spelling 1 to 5, basic terminologies in English.

Then, pahirap po ng pahirap. The difficulties of spelling. Okay. So, yun na nga,
ma'am. So, I think the best way of teaching and helping our students to have a rich
vocabulary is...Maganda po yung metod na parabang everyday. So, they need to
look for 5 words.

Then, they have a spelling activity. Kasi nga, sabi nga po kanina, so there's
something wrong regarding with spelling. So, yun na. Addressed na po yung
problem regarding with spelling. Kasi nga, they tend to search for those words.

Ano ba yung proper spelling nun? And then, in terms of vocabulary naman, so,
kailangan nila i-search yung meaning ng word na yun. Tama po ba, ma'am? Yes, po.
Meron po silang mga dictionaries or meron po silang mga downloads sa cellphone

If wala po silang dalang physical or yung sarili lang book or dictionary. Okay. So, kasi
nga po, the best way para matuto or madami kang words na makilala is mag-
introduce na mag-introduce po ng mga different vocabularies or mga different words,
mga unfamiliar words sa kanila para talagang maging familiarize sila dun sa mga
different words na hindi nila kilala.At dahil dun, alam nila kung paano nila gagamitin
yung mga words na yun. And then, especially in writing.

Mr. Ronnel: So, regarding naman po kay sentence structure, ano po yung mga
things na ginagawa natin para ma-develop?

Kasi di ba sometimes yung mga bata, when you ask them to write or to answer an
essay question, parang nakikita ko po ngayon,sa akin mga naging estudyante or you
as a practice teacher po, parang minsan ang iikli po ng mga sagot nila.

Ano po yung mga ginagawa natin in terms of developing their writing essays or
writing letters?

Ms. Christine Jamie: So, I think sir, one of the best way that teacher and learner po
na macope of nila in terms of sentence structure, is limit the use of social media, lalo
na po yung mga untrusted websites kung saan nakakakita sila ng mga blogs, yung
mga sarili pong sulat ng mga kunsino-sino, that is not reliable and that is not correct.

Kasi po, as you said earlier sir, yun yung naa-observe nila. So, I think when it comes
to sentence structure, magbasa lang po na magbasa, and magsulat na magsulat,
practice your writing skills and reading skills, maghanap ng mga reliable sources,
yung mga na-fruit-read na or yung mga na-test or na dumaan sa proseso, yung mga
resources, parang reliable din po yung kanilang natututunan and tama po yung
kanilang natututunan.

So, yung social media po talaga, hindi na po yan nawawala sa mga bata. They used
it everyday and every time they see incorrect structure of sentences, or marami po
kasi sa social media, sabi nga po meron, think before you click.
Meron po ganoon statement na parang pag-isipan mo muna kung ano yung iyong
ipopost sa social media and that includes vocabularies, sentence structure, and also
the overall thoughts of the text.

Mr. Ronnel Ayan, so, kasi nga ma'am, just like what you have said, sometimes kasi
diba yung mga nakikita po natin, nanormalize na kasi sya, kasi lagi nila nakita sa
social media. So, kailangan talaga yung exposure po nila in terms of the language,
kasing nga kung ano yung nakikita, so again, based po sa aming pag-aralan dati,
the five macro skills, kung ano po yung nakikita natin. Ayan, so, yun yung na-adapt
natin. So, kaya pag nagsusulat tayo, akala natin, ah, okay, so nung nakita ko, tama
naman sya. Siguro akala niya tama yung ganoon, even though without checking,
tama ba yung structure, tama ba yung spelling nun?

Ayan, so, but how about you ma'am? As an English learner, kasi po, naibigay mo na
po sa amin yung experience mo as a practice teacher, but as an English learner, as
an English teacher, but again, you are also an English learner, you are, ah, you are
also an ESL, diba? Second Language na natin yung English. So, ikaw po ma'am, sa
pagsusulat mo, based po sa sarili mo, ano yung mga ilang bagay na sa tingin mo po
is nahihirapan ka?

Ms. Christine Jamie: Honestly, sir, nahihirapan ako to write because of lack of
fluency or lack of readings na rin po. Yung mga vocabularies na unfamiliar or siguro,
sir, creativity in putting thoughts into text. Because, sir, ang pagsusulat or in writing,
kailangan rin po ng art. So, just like in speaking, in singing, in debating or in any
forms of speaking, so, sa writing, meron din po yung iba't ibang klase ng atake. And I
think yun po yung kulang or lack sa akin, yung creativity of writing. So yung iba pong
kasi maganda yung structure, yun din pong yung kabilang. So yung structure po ng
pagsusulat, nagagawa nila ito beautifully. But some of my, what do you call this,
yung mga luck po po or hindi masyado ako,or hirap, or difficulties, is kung papaano
ko po ito may express, kung papaano ko ito ine-express in Tagalog or in Filipino
Mr. Ronnel: Alright, so thank you ma'am. So to conclude, so what advice or tips
would you offer to these English learners who aspire to become a proficient writer in
the language po ma'am?

Ms. Christine Jamie: Siguro po sir, my advice is to work hard and pag gusto, sir,
mayroon quote, pag gusto may paraan. Or kung pag gusto, laging mayroong
paraan. So find more resources. Magbasa. Magbasa na magbasa. Magsulat ng
magsulat. Then, kumuha tayo ng mga reliable resources. Do not rely on unreliable
sources sa internet. Like yung mga posted lang, basta sa mga social media, ma'am.
Yes, sir. So use the traditional way of teaching and learning, like reading books,
which is more reliable sa atin. And tips pa po is ask for help. Lalo na po sa mga may
alam. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Lalo na po sa mga parents and teachers and
also our classmates po for us to be able to read and write correctly.

Mr. Ronnel: Ah, right, ma'am. Kasi I remember my past English teachers. Alam mo,
ma'am, in terms of vocabulary, in writing, natatandaan ko lang sabi nila, it's like nag-
aalkansya ka daw. Kaya sabi sa'min, it's like aalkansya na everyday magbasa ka na
magbasa. Even though, or every time you encounter unfamiliar words, pag-aralan
mo, ano ba yung word na yun? Sabi daw nila, in terms of writing and reading, yung
curiosity, kailangan na kailangan daw. Kasi nga, once na na-curious ka, di ba, bisan
galing yung nangyayari?

Sabi nga, ipunin mo yan para aalkansya. And then, dumadami ng dumadami. From
a ample vocabulary, mag-e-enrich yan, lalago yan, hanggang sa maging, ano ka na,
maging competent ka na in terms of conversing or having a discourse with
someone. Di ba, talagang iba. To become a good writer, you need to become a good
reader. Tama po ba, ma'am?

Ms. Christine Jamie: Yes, sir. Yung nakita ko din po sa Don Manuel is, nagtuturo sila
from the basic talaga, sir. Yun dapat hindi na nila tinuturo pa nila. So, like,
nagkakaroon sila ng remedial classes sa writing and reading. So, when it comes to
writing, nagsisimula po talaga sila sa mga pagsulat ng basic lang or three letters, or
nagsisimula po sila sa mga sounds. So, nagpa-progress na mo, nagpa-progress po
yung learners everyday.
Mr. Ronnel: Okay, ma'am. So, yun na nga, based on my next question po is, how
can, or what advice that you can give, or how can educators, some educators, and
institution, so what are the support that they can give to support English learners in
their writing and their course?

Ms. Christine Jamie: Actually, sir, there is what you call NLC, or National Learning
Camp. So, in those camps, nangyayari po or happened during the summer, so yung
mga students po or learners na struggle talaga in reading and writing. Yun talagang
mga estudyante na hindi nakakapagsagot ng mga quizzes, and hindi sila
nakakasunod sa mga teachers, or yung mga regular students or classmates nila,
pinipili po to attend that National Learning Camp. And that lasted siguro po mga a
month. They trained. So, iniincorporate po nila yung writing, reading, and playing po.

Because it's a camp. Hindi po siya parang regular na class, but it is more upgraded
type of class that includes games, writing, everyday writing, practicing
reading,speaking, and also po mahalaga, and napansin ko din po, na students who
struggled in speaking, in writing, and in reading, sila po yung mga estudyante na
mag-isa lagi sa classroom. So, sila po yung mga isolated lagi. Walang kausap. So,
on that learning camp,medyo nabibuild po yung confidence nila. Because they are
more knowledgeable. So, pag knowledgeable ka, makikita po yun sa aura ng isang
bata that she or he is confident of what he or she is saying,or what he or she is
writing and speaking po. Okay, so ma'am. So, based po dun sa mga suggestions,
yung NLC, so magandang maganda siyang activity for especially with the learners
having difficulties on achieving or attaining those macro skills.

Kasi talagang, parang ano yun, parang ang input is reading. If you know or if you
learn how to read, you can write. And, talagang it will help the learners para talaga,
alam mo yun, talagang matututo sila exposing them dun sa environment na, again,
parang ganun naman talaga yun eh.

Ms. Christine Jamie: Kung talagang yung environment nila is into reading and
writing, di ba? Ma-adapt nila yung environment na yun. Exposure dun sa mga
materials, mga learning materials, especially in reading and writing, talagang parang
magkakambal na sila. So, it will help our learners talaga to build their writing skills,
the proficiency in writing. I believe, sir, that yung support po coming from the
Department of Education is napakaganda, or binibigay po talaga nila yung best effort
nila to provide support for the learners and the teachers and also to the educational
system of the Philippines or in the Philippines. So, they always provide plans and
they always naglalatag po sila ng different activities that support learners, lalo na po
yung mga struggling learners.

So, meron sa schools na iba't ibang klase ng research and the projects that support
different types of learners when it comes to writing, reading, and speaking.

So, that's the fundamental po kasi of education. So, that's the basics po talaga. Pag
hindi sila natutunan, so, they will struggle po hanggang sila ay makatapos.

And, yun po yung nagiging problema ng ating mga learners na nakakarating sila ng
higher year na nag-struggle po pa rin sila sa speaking, reading, and writing.

So, I think, sir, yung support na nakukuha natin or na i-implement on DepEd is okay
pa rin po or nakukuha naman po nila yung gusto po nilang ma-implement. So, like
creating and providing meaningful activities or school activities na nagpo-provide ng
iba't ibang klase ng trainings and workshop para sa mga students. Lalo na po nag-
establish tayo ng K-12 which focused on pagre-ready po sa mga estudyante to
provide better experiences sa mga learners.

Mr. Ronnel: Yes, ma'am. I agree with you po, ma'am. So, talagang, once again,
maraming maraming salamat po sa iyong time na inilaan. So, medyo napahaba po
yung ating interview. But again, napaka-meaningful po noong ating naging
discussion. I hope talaga ito'y makakahelp po in terms of my regarding with my
research topic po na talagang regarding with writing difficulties, talagang
naghihirapan and ang daming suffering ng ating mga estudyante at ng mga English
learners in terms of writing. So, once again po, ma'am, magandang gabi po. Thank
you po sa iyong oras.

Interviewee: College Student from Union College Laguna

Interviewer: Good evening, ma'am. I am a student from the University of Perpetual Health, Las
Piñas. And as part of my qualitative research, so I am conducting an interview regarding with my
qualitative research entitled Words Unveiled, A Qualitative Inquiry into Writing Challenges
Faced by the English Learner.

So for my questions, ma'am. So number one is, could you please describe some of the common
challenges that you, as an English learner, encountered when it comes to writing in English?

Student: Para sa akin, ang mga challenges lang, pinaka-common na challenges para sa akin, ng
pagsulat ng English ay vocabulary, grammar, at saka paggamit ng mga literary devices.

Interviewer: Ayan, so thank you po, ma'am. So base po sa iyong answer ay, number one po is
vocabulary, the second one po is grammar, and then the third one po is the usage of literary
devices.So, what do you believe are the primary difficulties you face in terms of vocabulary?

(Ulit na lang.) Or ano po yung mga, bakit ka, (hindi ma'am, ganito po), bakit ka po nahihirapan in
terms of vocabulary?

Student: Kasi limited lang yung access sa pagbabasa, hindi naman palaging makakapagbasa ng

Minsan kasi yung mga textbooks dito sa atin, hindi ganun kalalim yung grammars, lalo na pagka
sa mga modules. So kailangan pa ng mga additional knowledge para mas lumawak yung

Ang problema nga is medyo busy din sa ACAD, so hindi magkakaroon ng access sa ibang bagay,
pagbabasa, ganun. Okay, so in terms of vocabulary, so sometimes you encountered unfamiliar

Interviewer: So, ibig sabihin po, dahil nagkakaroon tayo, especially in a, you are a product or you
are, you experience the pandemic, so nagkaroon po tayo ng online class.

So, ang ating mga, the mode of learning po is naka-module.

So, kadalasan po sa ating mga module, so yun na nga, ibinibigay na lang sa atin yung module
and then sometimes you encountered unfamiliar words doon sa ginagamit na mga salita sa
ating module.So, dahil din sa lack of, yung sabi nyo nga po, is yung mga babasahin or mga
nagkakaroon tayo ng struggle in understanding those, for example po, the instruction or kung
ano man.

So, ngayon po ma'am, in terms of grammar, paano niyo po nasabi na nehirapan kayo in terms of

Student: Hindi naman kasi pa, kahit first year lang ako, first year college, almost second year,
kahit pa ulit-ulit kasi na tinuturo sa school yung grammar, hindi mo pa rin mapaperfect yung
paggamit noon.

So, sa tingin ko, ang kailangan is mas madaming beses mo pa siyang magagamit, like saan? Sa
bahay, sa pakikipag-usap, sa friends, para mas mapractice kasi pagka magagamit mo na siya sa
school, hindi mo siya mapaperfect or magagamit ng maayos at mas maganda.

Interviewer: Okay, so thank you po ma'am. So in terms of grammar naman, yung application
talaga, kasi nga kahit pa ulit-ulit siyang tinuturo sa school, pero kung alam niyo, parang hindi
siya nagagamit in daily basis, nagkakaroon tayo ng problema. So, tama nga po yung sabi niyo na
parang dapat gamitin siya as English language learners, hindi naman po tayo talaga native
speaker of the language, kaya talagang nag-struggle tayo in terms of grammar.

So the proper usage po ng mga is and are natin, yan yung ating structure po. In terms of literary
devices naman po ma'am, so paano po, in what ways po you encountered difficulties in writing
po in terms of literary devices?

Student: So paggamit kasi ng literary devices, masyado siyang, sobra siyang importante pag
magagawa ka ng creative writing na magagamit mo sa akad. So pagka hindi mo gama yung
literary devices, hindi ka magkakaroon ng magandang outcome dun sa sinusulat mo.

Hindi ka masasatisfied dun sa works mo kasi hindi mo nagamit ng tama or may parang kulang
kasi importante nga yung literary devices. So pagka hindi mo siya sobrang gamay or lack yung
knowledge mo about dun sa literary devices, hindi magiging maganda yung kakalabasan ng
Interviewer: So thank you po ma'am. So regarding with literary devices naman, kasi nga, once
na you encountered creative writing, so kailangan talaga natin ay in terms of creative writing is
yung lawak in terms of yung mga different literary forms na ginagamit natin especially in writing.

Especially in creative writing, talagang kailangan nga ay malawak yung usage natin ng mga
different literary devices like yung, di ba nagkakaroon tayo ng misinterpretation regarding kay
idioms, regarding kay mga literary devices.Onomatopoeia. Mga onomatopoeia. Ayan. And then
mga simili metaphors na nga nagkakaroon tayo ng misunderstanding. So based po sa sagot mo
ma'am, so tatlo yung factors na nahihirap or challenges na na-encounter mo in writing in

In your own experience po ma'am, could you provide specific examples, two or three examples
na na-encounter mo in your writing journey?

So start po tayo kay Vocabulary. Ano yung instances na nagkaroon ka ng problema in terms of

Student: Hanggang ngayon kasi sa college meron pa rin subject na English, purpose of
communication. So sobrang importante ng Vocabulary.

Kasi pag hindi mo alam yun, hindi ka makapasa sa subject na yan. Magagamit mo siya.

Yon, nagkakaproblema minsan do'n ako. Syempre, yun nga pag susulat ng mga essays, poems,
pag sa mga assignment, tas mababa yung vocabulary mo sa isang, yun nga, sa English, hindi ka
magkakaroon ng mataas na grades. Average lang o kaya below average yung grades na
makukuha mo. Yung nagkakaroon ng problem.

Interviewer: So, ibig sabihin po, ma'am, in terms of vocabulary, tayo po is Tagalog. So, papaano
ka po mag-construct ng mga...Ah, hindi pala, ma'am, kasi yun po ipapasok yun sa grammar.

So, in vocabulary kasi, when we talk about Bukavilary, ito naman po is yung familiarization po
natin or yung meanings of a word. Nakikounter ka po ba ng mga unfamiliar words?
Mm-mm. Mag-mag... Lagi. For example, can you give me some examples na unfamiliar words?
Student: Yung oblivion, naririnig ko siya sa kanta. Yung sa kanta, basta may kanta na, ano,

Basta, yun, may kanta na sabi ko, ano kayang ibig sabihin ng oblivion? So, hindi ko siya, nari ko
naririnig yung kantang yun, tas hindi ko alam ibig sabihin ng oblivion. Sinerts ko sa, ano, sa
Google, yun pala yung ibig sabihin ng oblivion.

Parang pagkalimot, kalimutan, yan. Mm, okay. So, napakaganda example po, ma'am, na
sometimes may mga words tayo na palaging naririnig, pero parang out of curiosity natin, oh
nga, no, parang like ko siya naririnig, pero actually, hindi mo naman alam kung ano talaga yung
meaning niya. It's a good thing na sinerts na tayo sa Google na, ah, okay, yung pala yung
meaning nung word na yun.

Interviewer; Next po, in terms of grammar, ano po yung mga example na na-encounter mo na
nahirapan ka in terms of grammar?

Ganun din sa ACADS din. English kasi yung ginagamit naman sa lahat ng subjects sa, sa ano, sa

So, pagka may, hindi mo alam kung paano magkoconstruct ng sentence. Hindi mo alam kung,
hindi naman hindi alam kung paano magkoconstruct ng sentence.

Student: Siyempre, magdadoughts ka pa rin na, may doubts ka pa rin na parang, tama ba to?
Yung, alam mo yung parang, may isip mo na, bakit parang maganda pakinggan, parang di
maganda pakinggan.

So, isip, magkangaroon ka ng doubts sa sarili mo kung tama ba yung knowledge mo tungkol dun
sa grammar. Okay, so sa word construction po natin, ah, sometimes kasi naku-conscious tayo,

if siya ba ay tama ba na may S, may tama ba na mag-add ako, nakapastense ba siya, tama ba, or
there are times naman na tama ba yung pagkakakonstruct ko ng word, mayroon bang siya
agreement, ayan, di ba yung subject verb agreement natin.
Interviewer: So, in terms of literary devices naman po, ano yung mga instances na nahirapan ka
in writing because of literary devices?

Yung kailangan, sobrang creative nung, may isa kasi output na pinapapasa yung prof namin. Na
kailangan creative yung, creative writing kasi creative essay yung kailangan.

So, hindi ko alam kung paano kung magagamit ng maayos yung literary devices. Kung anong
maganda, minsan nakakaroon yung problema kasi, nauulit, nakakaroon ng redundant dahil sa,

maano ang vocabulary, sa hindi masyadong malawak ng vocabulary. So, hindi ko alam kung
paano kung gagamitin ng maayos yung mga literary devices, kung saan ko ilalagay, kung paano
siya magagamit sa mas magandang paraan, yan naman.

Interviewer: So, ayan, so parang sometimes nagja-jibe yung vocabulary and then sa literary
devices kasi nga, if lack yung ating vocabulary, so nakakaproblema po kayo in terms of its usage
kapag gagamitin na siya in literary devices. So, sige po ma'am, with these challenges, with these

uh, papaano nyo po in-address? Ano yung mga ginawa ninyo na, di ba sometimes pag may
problema tayo, we tend to find solutions. So, ano po yung mga solution na ginawa mo in terms
of your problem with vocabulary?

Student: Magbasa at saka manood ng mga movies na English, tapos o kaya Korean drama pero
may subtitles. So, makikita mo kung paano kinakonstruct yung sentence, paano ginagamit yung,
eh kung ano yung mga words. Tapos pag may mga unfamiliar words kang ma-encounter sa
books na binibasa mo, or dun sa isang movie na narinig mo na sinabi nila sa isang kanta. So,
accessible naman ang Google para malaman yung mga meanings, yung mga words na yun.

Interviewer: So, kasi nga, the good strategy or technique in enriching your vocabulary is to read
and you can watch. Especially po ngayon talaga naman is we live in a 21st century world na kung
saan halos lahat is available na. Unlike dati na di ba mayroon tayong scarcity of mga references,
mga libro, mga babasahin, mga pwede natin panood. Ay talagang ngayon po is ma-enrich mo
naman talaga yung vocabulary kung talaga gugustuhin mo. Regarding naman po kay grammar,
paano mo po dinidevelop ang iyong grammar? Problems regarding with grammar.
Student: Focus sa ano? Sa...Magfocus ka pag grammar kasi. Para sa ganun din, pwede din mo
rin syang makita sa books. Magbasa ka lang ng magbasa, makikita mo kung paano sya

Manood ka lang ng mga movies, makikita mo rin kung paano nila ginamit yung isang words para
makabuo ng isang sentence. Ayan. So, and then last po ma'am is sa literary devices.

Sa literary devices, pagbabasa ng poems, ng mga novels, ganun. Kasi nga, in terms of reading,
kasi nagiging problema natin, depende rin sa binabasa mo. Again, kung talagang makakatulong
o tama yung binabasa mo, sabi nga, naka-adapt natin.

Interviewer: Kasi nga, exposing yourself, ourselves with these materials, talagang madedevelop
yung tatlong bagay na ito.So, mapapamiliarize tayo in terms of your vocabulary, yung structure
natin, pagkakonstruct natin, ma-adapt natin yung ginagawa nila. So, ma-apply natin sa sarili
natin. And then yung last is sa literary devices ay dahil, okay, ganun pala sya gamitin. Ah, ganun
pala yung tamang paggamit sa kanya. So, to conclude ma'am. So, what are some advice that you
can give or what can you offer po sa mga English learners

who aspire to become proficient writers in the language and using English language? So, ano po
yung mga pwede mong i-advise sa kanila in terms of, ah, dapat ganito yung gawin nyo para
maging good writer kayo in English language?

Student: Unang-una, gustuin muna nila yung isang bagay na ginagawa nila. Kasi kung hindi
naman nila gusto, hindi talaga nila matututunan. Yung willingness kasi ng isang tao, makapag-
motivate sa atin para matuto sa isang bagay. So, ang pinakamagandang tips nga yun, yun.
Pagbabasa, panunood, at saka try mo i-gamitin, mag-sulat, ganun. So, talagang i-expose sila or i-
expose mo yung sarili mo. But first, kailangan is yung willingness, may kagustuhan mo talaga.
Kung gusto talaga maging writer, ayan, makapag-sulat ka, ay talagang dapat willing ka at passion
mo siya or parang hindi labag sa loob mo.

Interviewer: And dahil dun, ang isang maganda po na sinabi mo is dapat i-expose mo yung sarili
mo sa pagbabasa, panunood, ng mga exposing yourself dun sa English language or sa mga
English books, mga kwento man, or kung mga ako alam, anong materials na makakatulong sa
iyo in enriching vocabulary, grammar, and literary devices.

And to conclude po this interview, ma'am. So, how can educators and institution better support
English learners in their writing and their voice? So, ano po yung mga bagay na sa tingin nyo
dapat ginagawa ng mga schools or mga institution para may enrich yung writing proficiency po
ng mga bata?

Student: Sa tingin ko, makakatulong yung mga organization, clubs, na magkasusuporta dun sa
mga bata na gusto din talaga.

Yung mga may talent din at saka may mga passions na sumulat.Siguro, seminars na mga ganun.
Exposure din sa ibang bagay, sa ibang... Kasi pagka yung mga bata nagkasama-sama, at may mga
idea sila, nagshare sila ng idea sa isa't isa, pare-pares naman sila ng interest. So, possible na mas
maganda at malawak yung malaman nila.

Interviwer: Regarding po doon, ma'am, sa school niyo po, you are a college student, right
ma'am? So, ano po yung mga orgs na mayroon sa inyo na nakakatulong sa mga aspiring writers
po natin? Sa amin, ang pinakang tungkol lang sa writing doon ay yung journalism.

Student: Meron doon club na nagsusulat ng ganun. So, para sa school, yung mga balita sa

So, yun po is open sa lahat or yung mga interested lang? Open siya sa lahat, saka sa mga
interested din, kasi pinapasulat din ng mga ganun, ng mga news sa mga subjects.

So, yun, kung sino yung sobrang gusto, pwede silang sumali doon sa org na yun or sa club na

Tapos, meron mga seminars na binibigay yung school para mas ma-enhance yung capability at
capacity ng isang bata.Para ma-develop yung writing skills po, especially in journalism.

Interviewer: So, thank you po, ma'am, sa iyong oras. And I hope talagang malaki ang may
tutulong po nito in terms of my research po. Thank you po, ma'am.

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