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Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[400100] Disclosure of general information about company

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Name of company LIMITED
Corporate identity number U51909KA2011PTC060489
Permanent account number of entity AABCF8078M
Vaishnavi Summit, Ground
Floor, 7th Main, 80
Feet Road, 3rd Block,
Address of registered office of company Koramangala Industrial

Layout, Bangalore Karnataka 560034 India

Commercial and
Type of industry Industrial
Registration date 19/09/2011
Category/sub-category of company Private Company Limited
Whether company is listed company No
Date of board meeting when final accounts were approved 25/04/2016
Period covered by financial statements 01-04-2015 To 31-03-2016 01-04-2014 To 31-03-2015
Date of start of reporting period 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
Date of end of reporting period 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Nature of report standalone consolidated Standalone
Content of report Financial Statements
Description of presentation currency INR
Level of rounding used in financial statements Millions
Type of cash flow statement Indirect Method
Whether company is maintaining books of account and other
relevant books and papers in electronic form

Disclosure of principal product or services [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Sale of Traded
Types of principal product or services [Axis]
Disclosure of general information about company [Abstract]
Disclosure of principal product or services [Abstract]
Disclosure of principal product or services [LineItems]
Product or service category (ITC 4 digit) code 9962
Description of product or service category Retail trade services
Turnover of product or service category 128,180.07
Highest turnover contributing product or service (ITC 8 digit) code 99624000
Other nonstore retail
Description of product or service trade services
Turnover of highest contributing product or service 128,180.07
FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[400400] Disclosures - Directors report

Details of directors signing board report [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Directors signing board report [Axis] Column 1 Column 2
01/04/2015 01/04/2015
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2016
Details of signatories of board report [Abstract]
Details of directors signing board report [LineItems]
Name of director signing board report [Abstract]
First name of director RAJIV MUKUND
Last name of director SAWHNEY SARAF
Designation of director Additional Director Director
Director identification number of director 01815226 07255898
Date of signing board report 25/04/2016 25/04/2016

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR

Textual information (1)
Disclosure in board of directors report explanatory [TextBlock] [See below]
As mentioned in Directors
Description of state of companies affair reprort
Disclosure relating to amounts if any which is proposed to carry to any As mentioned in directors
reserves report
As mentioned in
Disclosures relating to amount recommended to be paid as dividend Directors' Report
As mentioned in annexure
Details regarding energy conservation C to the Boards' Report
As mentioned in annexure
Details regarding technology absorption C to the Boards' Report
As mentioned in annexure
Details regarding foreign exchange earnings and outgo C to the Boards' Report
As mentioned in
Disclosures in director’s responsibility statement Directors' Report
Details of material changes and commitment occurred during period As mentioned in
affecting financial position of company Directors' Report

As mentioned
Particulars of loans guarantee investment under section 186 [TextBlock] in Directors' Report

As mentioned
Particulars of contracts/arrangements with related parties under section
in Directors' Report
188(1) [TextBlock]

Whether there are contracts/arrangements/transactions not at arm's

length basis
Whether there are material contracts/arrangements/transactions at
arm's length basis
Date of board of directors' meeting in which board's report referred
to under section 134 was approved

As mentioned
Disclosure of extract of annual return as provided under section 92(3) in Annexure F to the
[TextBlock] Directors' Report

Disclosure of statement on declaration given by independent directors Not applicable

under section 149(6) [TextBlock] to the Company
Disclosure for companies covered under section 178(1) on
Not Applicable
directors appointment and remuneration including other matters to the Company
provided under section 178(3) [TextBlock]

As mentioned
Disclosure of statement on development and implementation of risk
in Directors' Report
management policy [TextBlock]

Details on policy development and implementation by company on As mentioned

corporate social responsibility initiatives taken during year in Directors' Report

Disclosure as per rule 8(5) of companies accounts rules 2014 [TextBlock]

As mentioned
Disclosure of financial summary or highlights [TextBlock] in Directors Reprot

Textual information (2)

Disclosure of change in nature of business [TextBlock] [See below]

As mentioned
Details of directors or key managerial personnels who were
in Directors Reprot
appointed or have resigned during year [TextBlock]

Disclosure of companies which have become or ceased to be its

Textual information (3)
subsidiaries, joint ventures or associate companies during [See below]
year [TextBlock]

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Y o u r
Company did not accept any
public/fixed deposits
Details relating to deposits covered under chapter v of companies act and, as such, no amount of
[TextBlock] principal or interest was
outstanding as of the
Balance Sheet

As mentioned
Details of deposits which are not in compliance with requirements
in Directors Report
of chapter v of act [TextBlock]

Details of significant and material orders passed by As mentioned

regulators or courts or tribunals impacting going concern in Directors Report
status and company’s operations in future [TextBlock]

As mentioned
Details regarding adequacy of internal financial controls with
in Directors Report
reference to financial statements [TextBlock]

Disclosure of appointment and remuneration of managerial personnels Not Applicable

[TextBlock] for the year
Number of meetings of board [pure] 0

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (1)

Disclosure in board of directors report explanatory [Text Block]


To the Members of Flipkart India Private Limited

Your Directors are pleased to present the Fifth Annual Report of your Company together with the Audited Financial Statements and Independent
Auditors’ Report of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2016.


(Amount in Rs /Millions)

Particulars Standalone

31.03.2016 31.03.2015

131,774.52 92,265.58
Net Total Income

Less : Operating and Admin. Expenses 136,617.27 100,041.13

Profit/ (Loss) before depreciation and Taxes (4842.75) (7775.55)

500.64 394.41
Less : depreciation and amortization

Less: Finance Cost 102.28

(5,445.67) (8,266.95)
Profit/(Loss) before taxes (PBT)

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Less : Taxes (including deferred tax and fringe benefit Tax) 0 0

(5,445.67) (8,266.95)
Profit/(Loss) after taxes (PAT)

Other Comprehensive Income 2

(5,443.67) (8,282.41)
Net profit/(Loss) carried to Balance Sheet

Results of operations and state of affairs of the Company

During the financial year ended March 31, 2016, the total revenue of your Company was Rs. 131,774.52 Millionsas against the total revenue
for the previous year which was Rs. 92,265.58 Millions.

The revenue of your company has been increased by Rs. 39,508.94 Million than the financial year 2014-15. Though there are losses in the year,
there is a significant increase in the revenue from operations and your Directors see huge potential in the overall market. Wholesale Cash & Carry
business is a long term play and your Company shall be able to turn profitable with scale.


Your Directors do not recommend any dividend for the financial year ended March 31, 2016 in view of the losses incurred.


Your Company had balance of Rs. 63,539.68 Million in Securities Premium Account and negative value of other reserves of Rs. 13.46 Million as
on March 31, 2016. The retained earnings, after adjusting the current year’s loss of Rs. 5,445.67 were deficit Rs. 21,631.70 Million.

Business operations of the company

Your company is engaged in business of wholesale cash and carry trading of all types of tangible and intangible goods and products including all
types of publications, electronics, electrical goods, personal products, healthcare products, home and business products, entertainment products,
software’s, toys, etc., on B2B basis over the internet or otherwise.

There is no change in the nature of business of the Company during the financial year.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Subsidiary Company information and performance report

Flipkart (Shenzhen) Trading Co. Ltd., a Company sponsored by your Company was approved by Shenzhen People’s Government with approval
certificate of SWZYSWZZZi (2014) No.0375 on 21st October 2014 and registered with Market Supervision Administration of Shenzhen
Municipality on 14th November 2014 and obtained the Enterprise Legal Person Business License with registration No.440306503491493. Its
registered capital (authorized share capital) is Renminbi (RMB) 400,000.

Your Company had not infused any capital into this subsidiary and hence the numbers reported in financial statements for the year under review –
standalone and consolidated – are the same.

There were no significant financial transactions in Flipkart (Shenzhen) Trading Co. Ltd as on the date of closure of financial statements of the
subsidiary company. The cash on hand was RMB 5,000.

Your Company has decided to shut down this Chinese subsidiary since the business that the subsidiary planned to undertake was found to be
unviable in the present circumstances. The formalities for winding up the subsidiary has been initiated and is expected to get completed soon.

Public/fixed deposits

Your Company did not accept any public/fixed deposits and, as such, no amount of principal or interest was outstanding as of the Balance Sheet

Particulars of loans, guarantees or investments

Loans, guarantee and investments covered under section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 are given in Annexure A to this Report.

Particulars of contracts or arrangements made with related parties

Your Company has not entered into any contracts or arrangements with related parties under section 188 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Material changes and commitments

There have been no material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of the Company, which have occurred between the end of
the financial year and the date of the report.

Information on Directors

As on the date of this report, Mr Mukund Saraf and Mr Rajiv Sawhney were on the Company’s Board.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

a) Mr Rajnish Singh Baweja and Mr Mukund Saraf were appointed as Additional Directors of the Company on June 11, 2015 and September
2, 2015 respectively.

b) Mr Vaibhav Gupta and Mr Rajnish Singh Baweja resigned from the directorship of the Company on June 11, 2015 and September 2, 2015

c) Mr Rajiv Sawhney was appointed as an additional director of the Company on April 11, 2016.

d) Mr Mekin Maheshwari resigned from the directorship of the Company with effect from April 11, 2016.

The regularization of appointment of Mr Rajiv Sawhney as the director of the Company is proposed at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the

The Company did not have any Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) during the financial year.

Number of Board Meetings

During the financial year 2015-16, the Board of Directors met 8 (Eight) times viz. on April 06, 2015, April 23, 2015, June 10, 2015, June 11,
2015, September 02, 2015, November 03, 2015, January 21, 2016 and February 12, 2016. The intervening gap between any two meetings was
within the period prescribed by the Companies Act, 2013.

In addition to these meetings, your Directors had regular interaction with management in their stewardship role.

Number of meetings attended by each Director of the Company during the financial year:

Name of the Director Designation No. of Board meetings held No. of Board meetings attended

Mekin Maheshwari Director 8 8

Vaibhav Gupta Director 4* 4

Rajnish Singh Baweja Director 1 ** 1

Mukund Saraf Director 3 *# 3

* There were 4 meetings held in financial year 2015-16 by the Board during the directorship of Vaibhav Gupta.

** There was 1 meeting held in financial year 2015-16 by the Board during the directorship of Rajnish Singh Baweja.

*# There were 3 meetings held in financial year 2015-16 by the Board during the directorship of Mukund Saraf.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Implementation of Risk Management Policy

Your Company has developed and adopted a Risk Management Policy. This policy identifies all perceived risks which might impact the
operations and on a more serious level also threaten the existence of the Company. Risks are assessed department wise such as financial risks,
information technology related risks, legal, risks, accounting fraud etc.

Your Company is taking appropriate measures to achieve prudent balance between risk and reward in both ongoing and new business activities.

Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Policy

The Company has in place Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy in line with the requirements of the Sexual Harassment of Women at
Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal), Act, 2013. Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) as provided in the said Act is set up to
redress complaints received regarding sexual harassment. All employees (permanent, contractual, temporary, trainee or any other category of
employees) are covered under this policy.

The details of the complaints received during the year and status of the same is given below:

a) Number of complaints of sexual harassment received during the year 2

b) Number of complaints disposed- off during the year 2

The Company had terminated services of the employees against whom complaints were preferred, after following the due process of law.

Internal Financial Control

Your Company has adequate internal financial control systems which ensure that it is in compliance with operating systems, accounting
procedures and policies.

Your Directors have ensured that such internal financial controls were found to be adequate in all material respects and operating effectively.
Such internal financial controls were found to be adequate in all material respects and operating effectively.

Statutory Auditors

The appointment of M/s SR Batliboi & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants, Bangalore, (FRN 101049W), as the statutory auditors of the
Company, was ratified for the financial year 2015-16 at the last Annual General Meeting. They were appointed as auditors for a period of five
years commencing from the financial year 2014-15.

The Company has received a confirmation letter from the Auditors that their appointment, if made, would be within the prescribed limits under
section 141 of the Companies Act, 2013 and that they are not disqualified for appointment.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

The ratification of the appointment of M/s SR Batliboi &Associates for the financial year 2016-17 is proposed for approval of members at
ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company.\

Auditor’s Report

The Report given by the Auditors on the financial statements of the Company is part of the Annual Report. There has been no qualification,
reservation, adverse remark or disclaimer given by the Auditors in their Report.

Particulars of Employees

The particulars of employees as required under Section 197 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies (Appointment and
Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 is enclosed hereto in Annexure-B.

Conservation of energy, research and development, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings and outgo

The particulars as prescribed under sub-section (3)(m) of Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies (Accounts) Rules,
2014 are enclosed as Annexure C to this Report.

Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”)

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 135 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013, CSR Committee of the Board of directors was formed
and the Board has approved the CSR Policy as recommended by the CSR Committee.

However, the Company has not spent 2% of average net profits of three immediately preceding financial years as required under the Act, as the
Company has incurred losses during the three preceding financial years.

Further, the Company has provided the requisite details in the Annexure – D and is attached with this report.

Vigil Mechanism

Your Company has adopted a vigil mechanism (whistle blower policy) applicable to Directors / employees of the Company, partners / customers /
vendors / agencies / staff dealing with the Company. The same is also provided in Annexure E to the Board’s Report.

Extract of Annual Return

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

As required under the provisions of Section 134(3) (a) of the Companies Act, 2013, the extract of Annual Return in the prescribed format is given
as Annexure F to this Report

Significant and material orders passed by the regulators or courts

There were no significant material orders passed before the Regulators/Courts which would impact the going concern status of the Company and
its future operations.

Directors’ Responsibility Statement

Your Directors confirm that:

· in the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed and that no material departures have
been made from the same;

· they have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
prudent, so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and of the profits of the Company
for that period;

· they have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013, for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;

· they have prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis;

· they have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and such systems are adequate and
operating effectively.


Your Directors thank the Company’s customers, vendors, dealers, agents, consultants and the sponsors for their continued support during the year.

Your Directors look forward to continued support from all its partners, customers, vendors, consultants and partners in the years to come.

Your Directors also wish to place on record their deep appreciation to employees at all levels for their hard work, solidarity, cooperation and
support, as they are instrumental in your Company scaling new heights, year after year.

For Flipkart India Private Limited

Mukund Saraf Rajiv Sawhney

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

DIN: 07255898 DIN: 01815226

Address: Flat No F509, Red Wood Block, Address: C 313, DDA Flat, Saket, New Delhi, 110017

Raheja Residncy, Kormangala 3rd Block,

Bangalore, 560034, Karnataka

Place: Bengaluru, India

Date: 25/04/2016

Annexure A


Annexure to the Board’s Report

Particulars of Loans, Guarantees or Investments

(Amount in Rs /Millions)

Particulars Amount

1) ICDs to InstaKart Services Private Limited – Rs. 3,330

Loans given
2) ICDs to Myntra Designs Private Limited – Rs. 2,850

Guarantees given NIL

Investments made NIL

Loan, Guarantee and Investments made during the Financial Year 2015-16

(Amount in Rs /Millions)

Purpose for which the loans, guarantee

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Name of Entity Relation Amount Particulars of loan, guarantee and and investments are proposed to be
investments utilized

Loan in the form of Inter-Corporate

InstaKart Fellow Deposit for a period of 1 year at 12.50%
Rs. For meeting the general corporate
Services subsidiary per annum
3,330 expenses / capex requirement
Private Limited Company

Loan in the form of Inter-Corporate

Fellow Rs. Deposit for a period of 1 year at 12.50%
Myntra Designs For meeting the general corporate
subsidiary 2,850 per annum
Private Limited expenses / capex requirement

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Flipkart India Private Limited

Mukund Saraf Rajiv Sawhney

DIN: 07255898 DIN: 01815226

Address: Flat No F509, Red Wood Block, Address: C 313, DDA Flat, Saket, New Delhi, 110017

Raheja Residncy, Kormangala 3rd Block,

Bangalore, 560034, Karnataka

Place: Bengaluru, India

Date: 25/04/2016

Annexure B

Annexure to Board's Report

Information as per Rule 5(2) of Chapter XIII, the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Date of
Experience Commen Previous
Employee Name Designation Age employment and
Qualification eration
(in years) cement of designation
received (Rs).

Master of
(M.B.A.), Vega Cargo &
ANAND R DIRECTOR 30 9 25-Oct-10 6,837,300.00
Logistics, Logistics Pvt Ltd
Materials, and
Supply Chain

MBA, Corporate
VICE CareerNet
AMITESH JHA Planning, 38 14 22-Nov-10 14,688,390.00
PRESIDENT Consulting

MANISH KUMAR ** Graduate 34 10 01-Oct-14 9,697,310.00 Amazon


Graduate 32 7 25-Jan-11 14,055,984.00 Not Applicable

PRODUCT 35 13 07-Oct-11 6,145,697.00 MindTree
EKKA and Marketing

NISHANT GUPTA DIRECTOR International 34 11 04-Jul-11 6,418,065.00 Bajaj Auto Ltd

Master of
SMRITHI Administration
DIRECTOR 31 10 20-Sep-11 1,294,313.00 ITC Limited

KIRAN KARTHIK P PGDM, Marketing 29 7 31-Oct-11 6,251,587.00 Consumer

PGDM, General
ARUN PALIWAL DIRECTOR 32 10 21-Nov-11 6,450,300.00 Business

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

SANDEEP The Moblie Store

DIRECTOR MBA, Marketing 33 11 07-May-12 7,696,006.00

PGDM, Marketing 37 14 02-May-12 11,504,569.00 ITC Limited

NITIN KOCHHAR ** MBA, Marketing 35 10 01-Jun-14 1,229,857.00 ITC Limited

Marketing and
SENIOR Merchandise Planet Retail
MOHIT SETH 36 12 11-Jun-12 10,275,357.00
DIRECTOR Management, Pvt. Ltd.

DHARMENDRA Pantaloon Retail

DIRECTOR MBA,Economics 42 19 16-Jul-12 6,036,028.00
MEHTA India Ltd.

NIPUN MEHRA ** 35 12 01-Apr-15 3,348,899.00 Consulting
DIRECTOR Management

SENIOR MBA, Marketing

ROHIT SHARMA 39 13 05-Oct-12 7,556,788.00 Hewlett-Packard
DIRECTOR and Finance

Master of
DIRECTOR Administration 34 13 05-Nov-12 6,933,665.00 Dell
(MBA), Strategy &

VICE MBA, Finance Maxrange Retail
INDERMOHAN 39 15 07-Jan-13 10,183,287.00
PRESIDENT and Systems Pvt Ltd.

AYYAPPAN R DIRECTOR Marketing, 32 11 01-Jan-14 6,791,627.00 I.T.C

Metro Cash and

DIRECTOR 38 14 03-Jun-13 7,270,048.00 Carry India Pvt
THOMAS (Marketing)

Master of

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

SENIOR Business
NANDITA SINHA DIRECTOR Administration 36 12 05-Aug-13 6,817,927.00
(MBA), Marketing
and Strategy

PGDBM Procter and

SHARON PAIS DIRECTOR 33 10 19-Aug-13 6,341,868.00
(Marketing) Gamble

VARUN SHARMA PG Diploma in Procter and

DIRECTOR 32 9 05-Sep-13 679,706.00
** Management Gamble

49 23 17-Feb-14 6,501,375.00 Corporation

DIRECTOR Diploma in Hotel

STATION and Institution 46 20 07-Apr-14 2,363,900.00
** and Cargo

SENIOR Reliance Retail

AMIT BANSAL BE (Mechanical) 39 15 10-Apr-14 9,390,370.00

HCL Infosystems
SANJEEV SURI DIRECTOR INFOSYSTEMS 48 24 28-Apr-14 5,796,521.00

HP Global
SENIOR General
NISCHAL GUPTA 43 20 12-Jun-14 7,111,137.00 e-Business
DIRECTOR Management
Operation Pvt ltd

Master of
LAKSHMI Operations Miebach
DIRECTOR 36 10 07-Jul-14 5,706,395.00
NARAYANAN K.R Research and Consulting

Post Graduate
Diploma in
(Sales & 38 16 04-Aug-14 8,658,143.00
GUPTA DIRECTOR Unilever Limited
Marketing) from
Indian Institute of
Bangalore (IIMB)

Post Graduate

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Diploma in
Management Accenture
GAURAV GUPTA ** DIRECTOR (Marketing and 38 17 04-Aug-14 5,612,799.00 Services Private
Finance) from Limited
Xavier Labour
Relations Institute

Post Graduate
Diploma in Sure Freight
DILIP KR SHARMA DIRECTOR Marketing 44 21 18-Aug-14 6,777,379.00 Express Private
Management from Limited

Graduate Diploma
in Materials
Management from
RAJESH NAIR DIRECTOR ndian Institute of 43 20 09-Oct-14 6,920,883.00
Bangalore (IIMM)

Bachelor of
Engineering in
Electronics from
Dr. J J Magdum
UMESH KUMAR DIRECTOR College of 41 20 09-Oct-14 5,978,239.00 Amazon
Shivaji University,

Post Graduate
Programme in
Management from
VICE Management Calvin Klein,
RISHI VASUDEV 43 18 10-Nov-14 19,986,425.00
PRESIDENT Development India

Post Graduate
Diploma in
SANTANU (Marketing &
DIRECTOR 40 16 20-Nov-14 4,256,309.00 ITC Limited
DEBROY ** Finance) from
Indian Institute of

Post Graduate
Diploma in
Management from
PARESH HURIA 42 18 24-Nov-14 9,285,699.00 Iffco UAE

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Indian Institute of

Master of
Administration in Miebach
DIRECTOR Marketing 50 28 11-Dec-14 6,371,375.00 Consulting India
Management from Private Limited
University of

Booz and
JAGJEET HARODE MBA 33 10 08-Dec-14 6,793,790.00 Company Private


36 11 02-Jan-15 6,655,824.00 Arvind Limited

Post Graduate
Diploma in
Management from Indus League (a
PANCHALI SENIOR Institute of division of Future
46 24 12-Jan-15 9,953,844.00
UPADHAYA DIRECTOR Management Lifestyle Fashion
Development and Limited)
Research (IMDR),

Bachelor of
P.V RAM Cisco Systems
(Civil) from R V
CHANDRA DIRECTOR 56 32 15-Jan-15 6,661,795.00 India Private
College of
MURTHY Limited

Master of
SENIOR from Indian
DIRECTOR - Institute of 42 21 19-Feb-15 10,709,561.00 Intuit India
ANALYTICS Management,
Lucknow in
Marketing &

Master of
38 15 16-Mar-15 10,497,970.00 PwC (India)

MBA from Faculty

VICE Hindustan
ADARSH K of Management 37 15 19-Mar-15 16,406,975.00
PRESIDENT Unilever Limited
Studies, Delhi

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Master in
Administration Loyalty Solutions
from Institute of 48 23 30-Mar-15 8,299,225.00 & Research
Management Private Limited

The Boston
ASSOCIATE Consulting
RAVI KRISHNAN PGPM 30 7 22-Jun-15 5,580,686.00
DIRECTOR Group(India)
Private Limited

Master in
SR. Business
KSHITIJ MOHAN PRINCIPAL – Administration Mattel Toys India
35 14 11-May-15 1,074,568.00
SHRIVASTAVA ** BRAND from Asian Private Limited
PARTNER Institute of

McDonalds India
(Operations) from
S.P Jain Institute 47 26 11-May-15 7,996,053.00
of Management &
Private Limited)
Research in 1994

Master of Science
Management) Toyota Kirloskar
V. RAMESH program from 54 32 30-May-15 10,349,330.00 Motors Private
Birla Institute of Limited
Technology and
Science, Pilani


42 17 03-Aug-15 5,965,071.00
KRISHNA DIRECTOR (Marketing) Gamble

SANDEEP Standard
SENIOR MBA from London
CHANDRAKANT 37 16 16-Nov-15 5,344,268.00 Chartered Bank,
DIRECTOR Business School
PATIL London, UK


1. Gross remuneration comprises Salary, Allowances, Leave Travel Allowances, Company's contribution to Provident Fund, Superannuation
Fund & Gratuity Fund, monetary value of other perquisites on the basis of Income Tax Act, 1961 and Rules made thereunder.

2. All appointments are contractual.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

3. ** - indicates left during the year.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Flipkart India Private Limited

Mukund Saraf Rajiv Sawhney

DIN: 07255898 DIN: 01815226

Address: Flat No F509, Red Wood Block, Address: C 313, DDA Flat, Saket, New Delhi, 110017

Raheja Residncy, Kormangala 3rd Block,

Bangalore, 560034, Karnataka

Place: Bengaluru, India

Date: 25/04/2016

Annexure C

Annexure to the Board’s Report

Conservation of energy, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings and outgo

[Particulars pursuant to Rule 8(3) of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014)

(A) Conservation of Energy

The Company’s operations involve low energy consumption since the Company is not engaged in
manufacturing activities. The operations of your Company are not energy-intensive. However, significant

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

measures are taken to reduce energy consumption by using energy-efficient computers and by the purchase
the steps taken of energy efficient equipment. Your Company constantly evaluates new technologies and invests to make its
or impact on infrastructure more energy efficient.
conservation of

Currently your Company uses CFL fittings and electronic ballasts to reduce the power consumption of
fluorescent tubes. Air conditioners with energy efficient screw compressors for central air conditioning and air
conditioners with split air conditioning for localized areas are used.

the steps taken

by the company
for utilising
The Company is making efforts to install solar panels and use it as alternate source of lighting and electricity.
sources of

the capital
investment on
The Company has not made any significant investment in Capital investment on energy conservation

(B) Technology absorption

As technologies change rapidly, your Company recognizes the need to invest in new emerging
(i) the efforts made technologies to leverage them for improving productivity, quality and reach to new customers. It
towards technology absorption is essential to have a technology infrastructure that is at par with the best in the world. Your
Company thus follows a practice of upgrading computing equipment on an ongoing basis.

(ii) the benefits derived

like product improvement, cost
reduction, product Not Applicable
development or import

(iii) in case of imported

technology (imported during
the last three years reckoned
from the beginning of the
financial year):

(a) the details of technology


(b) the year of import: Not Applicable

(c) whether the technology

been fully absorbed:

(d) if not fully absorbed,

areas where absorption has
not taken place, and the

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

reasons thereof:

(iv) expenditure incurred on

Not Applicable
Research and Development.

(C) Foreign Exchange earned in terms of actual inflows during the year and the Foreign Exchange outgo during the year in terms of actual

(Amount in Rs. Millions)

Year ended Year ended

31st March 2016 31st March 2015

Earnings Rs 0.51 Rs 2.92

Expenditure Rs 8,878 Rs 31322.03

Net foreign exchange earnings Rs (8877.49) Rs.(31319.11)

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Flipkart India Private Limited

Mukund Saraf Rajiv Sawhney

DIN: 07255898 DIN: 01815226

Address: Flat No F509, Red Wood Block, Address: C 313, DDA Flat, Saket, New Delhi, 110017

Raheja Residncy, Kormangala 3rd Block,

Bangalore, 560034, Karnataka

Place: Bengaluru, India

Date: 25/04/2016

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Annexure D

Annual Report on CSR Activities (forming part of the Board’s Report)

Brief outline of the Company’s CSR policy, including overview of projects or programs Provided in the Board’s Report
1 proposed to be undertaken and a reference to the web-link to the CSR policy and under the section – Corporate Social
projects or programs Responsibility

The Composition of the CSR

Committee as on March 31, 2016:

i)Mukund Saraf – Chairman

2 Composition of the CSR Committee

ii)Mekin Maheshwari – Member


3 Average Net Profit of the Company for the last three financial years NA

4 Prescribed CSR Expenditure (two per cent of the amount as in item 3 above) NA

Details of CSR spent during the financial year:

(a) Total amount to be spent for the financial year;

5 NA
(b) Amount unspent, if any;

(c) Manner in which the amount spent during the financial year is detailed below

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Amount spent
on the
projects or
Projects of programs programs
Amount outlay
Cumulative spent:
CSR Sector in (budget)
Project or which the (1) Local area or other project or Sub-heads:
S.No. upto the Direct or
activity project is program wise
reporting through
identified covered (2) Specify the State (1) Direct
period implementing

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

and district where expenditure agency

projects or programs was on projects or
undertaken programs.

(2) Overheads


For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Flipkart India Private Limited

Mukund Saraf Rajiv Sawhney

DIN: 07255898 DIN: 01815226

Address: Flat No F509, Red Wood Block, Address: C 313, DDA Flat, Saket, New Delhi, 110017

Raheja Residncy, Kormangala 3rd Block,

Bangalore, 560034, Karnataka

Place: Bengaluru, India

Date: 25/04/2016

Annexure F



As on financial year ended on 31.03.2016

Pursuant to Section 92 (3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 12(1) of the

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Company (Management & Administration) Rules, 2014


CIN U51909KA2011PTC060489

Registration Date 19th September 2011

Name of the Company Flipkart India Private Limited

4. Private Company Limited by Shares /

Category/Sub-category of the Company
Indian Non-Government Company

Vaishnavi Summit, Ground Floor, 7th Main, 80 Feet Road, 3rd Block,
Koramangala Industrial Layout, Bangalore 560034, Karnataka
Address of the Registered office & contact
details Tel No.:+91 80 67302000; Fax No.:+91 44 42280155


Whether listed company No

Name, Address & contact details of the

Registrar & Transfer Agent, if any.
Not Applicable
(only for electronic connectivity)

I. PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY (All the business activities contributing 10 % or more of the total turnover
of the company shall be stated)

S. Name and Description of main % to total turnover

NIC Code of the Product/service
No. products / services of the company

46411, 46413, 46419, 46491, 46494, 46498, 46499, 46529, 6201,

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

1 Sale of traded goods 6202, 6311, 63999, 14109, 143, 152, 329 98.77

III. Particulars of holding / subsidiary and associate companies

Holding / % of
Name and Address of the Company CIN / GLN Subsidiary / shares Applicable Section
Associate held

Flipkart Limited, Singapore

Section 2(46) of
1 201129903N* 99.99 the Companies
80, Raffles Place # 32-01, UOB Plaza, Singapore Company
Act, 2013

Flipkart (Shenzhen) Trading Co. Ltd,

Room 8J, 8th Floor, Block C, NEO Subsidiary

Section 2(87) of
Building,No.6009 Shennan Middle Road, Futiasn Company
2 440306503491493** 100% the Companies
Act, 2013
Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China –

* - Singapore registration number

** - China registration number

I. SHARE HOLDING PATTERN (Equity Share Capital Breakup as percentage of Total Equity)

(i) Category-wise Share Holding

No. of No. of %
Shares held [As on 1st Shares Change
Category of [As on
at the April held at the during
Shareholders 31-March-2016]
beginning -2015] end of the the
of the year year year

% of % of
Demat Physical Total Total Demat Physical Total Total
Shares Shares

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

A. Promoters

(1) Indian

a) Individual/
- - - - - - - - -

b) Central
- - - - - - - - -

c) State
- - - - - - - - -

d) Bodies
- - - - - - - - -

e) Banks / FI - - - - - - - - -

f) Any other - - - - - - - - -


(2) Foreign

a) NRIs -
- - - - - - - - -

b) Other –
- - - - - - - - -

c) Bodies
5,405,638 NIL 5,405,638 99.9999 5,405,638 NIL 5,405,638 99.9999 NIL

d) Banks / FI - - - - - - - - -

e) Any other - - - - - - - - -

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Sub total
5,405,638 NIL 5,405,638 99.9999 5,405,638 NIL 5,405,638 99.9999 NIL

5,405,638 NIL 5,405,638 99.9999 5,405,638 NIL 5,405,638 99.9999 NIL
of Promoter
(A) =

B. Public Shareholding

1. Institutions

a) Mutual Funds - - - - - - - - -

b) Banks / FI - - - - - - - - -

c) Central Govt - - - - - - - - -

d) State Govt(s) - - - - - - - - -

e) Venture Capital Funds - - - - - - - - -

f) Insurance Companies - - - - - - - - -

g) FIIs - - - - - - - - -

h) Foreign Venture Capital Funds - - - - - - - - -

i) Others (specify) - - - - - - - - -


2. Non-Institutions

a) Bodies Corp. - - - - - - - - -

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

i) Indian - - - - - - - - -

ii) Overseas 1 NIL 1 0.0001 1 NIL 1 0.0001 NIL

b) Individuals - - - - - - - - -

i) Individual shareholders holding

- - - - - - - - -
nominal share capital upto Rs. 1 lakh

ii) Individual shareholders holding

nominal share capital in excess of Rs 1 - - - - - - - - -

c) Others (specify) - - - - - - - - -

Sub-total (B)(2):- 1 NIL 1 0.0001 1 NIL 1 0.0001 NIL

Total Public Shareholding

1 NIL 1 0.0001 1 NIL 1 0.0001 NIL

C. Shares held by Custodian for GDRs & - - - - - - - - -


Grand Total (A+B+C) 5,405,639 NIL 5,405,639 100 5,405,639 NIL 5,405,639 100 NIL

(ii) Shareholding of Promoter:

Shareholder’s Shareholding at the beginning Shareholding at the end % change in shareholding

Name of the year of the year during the year

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

No. of Shares

% of total Shares of the company

%of Shares Pledged / encumbered to total shares

No. of Shares

% of total Shares of the company

%of Shares Pledged / encumbered to total shares

Flipkart Limited, Singapore








(iii) Change in Promoters’ Shareholding (please specify, if there is no change): N o Change

(iv) Shareholding Pattern of top ten Shareholders: (Other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of GDRs and ADRs):

Shareholding Cumulative
at the of the Shareholding
S.No. For Each of the Top 10 Shareholders year

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

beginning year during the

% of
% of total total
No. of No. of
shares of the shares
shares shares
of the

1 At the beginning of the year 1 0.0001 1 0.0001

Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Shareholding during

2 the year specifying the reasons for increase / decrease (e.g. - - - -
allotment / transfer / bonus / sweat equity etc):

At the end of the year - - - -


(v) Shareholding of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel:

Shareholding Cumulative
of the
S.No. Shareholding of each Directors and each Key Managerial Personnel at the Shareholding Year
beginning during the

% of
% of total total
No. of No. of
shares of the shares
shares shares
of the

1 At the beginning of the year - - - -

Date wise Increase / Decrease in Promoters Shareholding during the

2 year specifying the reasons for increase /decrease (e.g. allotment / - - - -
transfer / bonus/ sweat equity etc.):

3 At the end of the year - - - -

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016


Indebtedness of the Company including interest outstanding/accrued but not due for payment.

(Amounts in Rs. million.)

Secured Loans excluding Unsecured Total

deposits Loans Indebtedness

Indebtedness at the beginning of the financial


i) Principal Amount - - -

ii) Interest due but not paid - - -

iii) Interest accrued but not due - - -

Total (i+ii+iii) - - -

Change in Indebtedness during the financial


3187.94 6621.76
Addition* 3433.82 -

Reduction* 0 2260.00 - 2260.00

Net Change 3433.82 927.94 0.00 4361.76

Indebtedness at the end of the financial year

927.94 4361.76
i) Principal Amount 3433.82 -

ii) Interest due but not paid 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

iii) Interest accrued but not due 1.03 0.28 - 1.31

Total (i+ii+iii) 3434.85 928.22 0.00 4363.07


A. Remuneration to Managing Director, Whole-time Directors and/or Manager:

No Remuneration was paid to any of the above category of Managerial Personnel.

B. Remuneration to other directors

S.No. Particulars of Remuneration Name of Directors Total Amount

- - - -

1 Independent Directors - - - - -

Fee for attending board committee meetings - - - - -

Commission - - - - -

Others, please specify - - - - -

Total (1) - - - - -

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Particulars of Remuneration Name of Total

S.No. Directors Amount

Other Non-Executive

Fee for attending Board / Committee

- - - - - -

Commission - - - - - -

Others, please specify - - - - - -

Total (2) - - - - - -

Total (B)=(1+2) - - - - - -

Total Managerial
- - - - -

Overall Ceiling as per the Act - - - - -


Particulars of Key Managerial

Remuneration Personnel


1 Gross salary

(a) Salary as per provisions contained in section 17(1) of the

- - - -
Income-tax Act, 1961

(b) Value of perquisites u/s 17(2) Income-tax Act, 1961 - - - -

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

(c) Profits in lieu of salary under section 17(3) Income-tax Act,

- - - -

2 Stock Option - - - -

3 Sweat Equity - - - -

4 Commission - - - -

- as % of profit - - - -

others, specify… - - - -

Others, please
5 - - - -

Total - - - -


There were no penalties or punishment or compounding of offences during the year

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Flipkart India Private Limited

Mukund Saraf Rajiv Sawhney

DIN: 07255898 DIN: 01815226

Address: Flat No F509, Red Wood Block, Address: C 313, DDA Flat, Saket, New Delhi, 110017

Raheja Residncy, Kormangala 3rd Block,

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Bangalore, 560034, Karnataka

Place: Bengaluru, India

Date: 25/04/2016

Annexure E



Flipkart India Private Limited(“Flipkart”) is committed to providing a secure and fearless working environment while maintaining confidentiality
and safeguarding whistle-blowers against retaliation.

Flipkart India Private Limited Code of Conduct requires all employees to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in conduct of
their duties and responsibilities. As employees and representatives of the company, they must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling their
responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

This policy referred to as “Whistleblower policy” is an extension of Flipkart India Private Limited Code of Conduct, and in specific - the section
“Administering the Code” . The process referred to as “ Whistleblowing mechanism ” governs reporting and investigation of allegations of
suspected improper activities.


The purpose of the Whistleblower Policy is to:

a) Enable a person (employee or an external stakeholder) who observes an unethical practice (whether or not a violation of law), to approach
Flipkart's Ethics Committee to make a “protected disclosure” about identified concerns about unethical behaviour, actual or suspected fraud or
any violation of Flipkart’s Code of Conduct or questionable accounting or auditing matters without any fear of retaliation;

b) Provide an opportunity for the whistleblower to be heard without necessarily informing their supervisors and anonymously, if they choose
to do so;

c) Build and strengthen a culture of transparency and trust in the organization.


a) Who is a Whistle-blower?

Any individual who has and reports insider knowledge of illegal activities occurring in an organization. Whistleblowers can be Directors,
employees, customers, suppliers, affiliates, contractors, clients or any individual who becomes aware of illegal activities taking place in a business
either through witnessing the behaviour or being told about it.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

b) Whistleblowing : The act of disclosure by the Whistleblower.

c) Protected disclosure : “Protected Disclosure” means any communication made in good faith that discloses or demonstrates information that
may evidence unethical or improper activity

d) Code : Refers to the Code of Conduct of Flipkart

e) Reportable matters : Reportable matters means any information pertaining to questionable accounting or auditing practices, and / or any
other company matters involving abuse of authority, breach of Code of Conduct, incidents of fraud, bribery, corruption, employee misconduct,
illegality, health & safety, environmental issues, wastage / misappropriation of company funds / assets or any other unethical conduct.


Any person may report allegations of suspected unethical activities in person, via e-mail or through a phone call. Knowledge or suspicion of
unethical activities may originate from employees, vendors, sellers, customers, internal or external auditors, law enforcement/regulatory agencies
or other third parties.

Reports of allegations of suspected unethical activities are encouraged to be made in writing so as to assure a clear understanding of the issues.
Such reports should be factual rather than speculative and must contain as much specific information as possible to allow for proper assessment of
the nature, extent and urgency of preliminary investigative procedures.

Whenever there is a concern about any unethical activity, malpractice, impropriety, abuse or wrongdoing the same can be disclosed through one
of the following ways:

a. Phone : An individual may call 1-800-11-FLIP ( Ethics Hotline ) to register his / her complaint.

b. E-mail: Any individual through email to , complete with related evidence can send his/her observation of facts.

c. Ethics Committee: Any person may reach out to a member of the Ethics Committee or send any e-mail to to register a

The Ethics Hotline and the e-mail address are managed by an impartial and independent third party.

The information on suspected wrongful conduct should be such information which the Whistleblower in good faith, believes, evidences any of the

a. Violation of any law or regulations, including but not limited to corruption, bribery, theft, fraud, coercion and wilful omission.

b. Pass back of Commission/ benefit or conflict of interest.

c. Procurement frauds

d. Mismanagement, Gross wastage or misappropriation of company funds/assets.

e. Manipulation of Company data/records.

f. Stealing cash/company assets; leaking confidential or proprietary information.

g. Unofficial use of Company’s assets.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

h. Activities violating Company policies including Code of Ethics and Flipkart values.

i. A substantial and specific danger to public health and safety

j. An abuse of authority

k. An act of discrimination or sexual harassment

l. Fraudulent financial reporting

While it will be ensured that genuine Whistle Blowers are accorded complete protection from any kind of unfair treatment, any abuse of this
protection will warrant disciplinary action for any proven mala fide, frivolous or malicious disclosure. For the same reason, after a thorough
investigation, the following shall be excluded from the purview of the “Whistleblower policy” viz.:

i. Frivolous/Bogus complaints

ii. Business and financial decisions taken by the Company that do not involve wrongdoing or illegality

iii. Career related or other personal grievances


All e-mails received at the e-mail ID will be acknowledged within 2 working dates of receipt.

Upon receipt of a complaint, a preliminary assessment would be made to ensure the complaint is within the purview of this policy. If the
complaint is to be addressed through any other process, appropriate information shall be passed on to the complainant wherever possible (i.e.
where contact details of Whistleblower are available).

Once, the complaint is confirmed to be within the purview of this policy, it would be taken up by the Ethics Committee. Support from third party
may be obtained as per needs of the case. Flipkart may also take reasonable and necessary measures to prevent any further violations which may
have resulted in a complaint being made. In some situations, Flipkart may be under a legal obligation to refer matters to appropriate external
regulatory authorities.

The investigation is conducted by following the laws of the land and principles of natural justice.


Flipkart is committed to providing all employees and external stakeholders a secure and fearless working environment while maintaining
confidentiality and safeguarding whistleblowers against retaliation.

The person making the complaint as well as the people to whom the complaint has been disclosed or who will be investigating or deciding on the
investigation, will not be made public.

It is our policy that no retaliation will occur, in any form, for reporting concerns in good faith. Corrective and/or disciplinary action will be taken
against anyone who retaliates directly or indirectly against anyone who reports a known or suspected violation of company policies.

While it will be ensured that genuine Whistleblowers are accorded complete protection from any kind of unfair treatment, any abuse of this
protection will warrant disciplinary action for any proven mala fide, frivolous or malicious disclosure. However, no action will be taken against
the whistleblower if the complaint was made in good faith however it was not confirmed by subsequent investigation.

If at any time, the Whistleblower perceives or apprehends that he is being unfairly victimized or harassed due to his act of whistle blowing, he
shall have the right to approach the Committee or any member of the Executive Council, who will review the Whistleblower’s complaint and take

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

appropriate action, as applicable, to ensure that the Whistleblower is not so subjected to any unfair practices on account of his alleged


Complaints received will be reviewed by the Ethics Committee to determine the best course of action to be undertaken.


The Investigation will be conducted under the authorization of the Ethics Committee by appointing a team of investigators (internal or external),
at its discretion. The investigating team should complete the investigation and submit a report within 45 (forty five) days or such extended time as
may be granted by the Ethics Committee. Decision on the report will be taken by the Ethics Committee within 15 (Fifteen) days from the date of
the report.


All such matters reported under this Policy along with results of investigation relating thereto shall be retained by the Company for a period of 7
(seven) years or as required under regulatory requirements, if any.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Flipkart India Private Limited

Mukund Saraf Rajiv Sawhney

DIN: 07255898 DIN: 01815226

Address: Flat No F509, Red Wood Block, Address: C 313, DDA Flat, Saket, New Delhi, 110017

Raheja Residncy, Kormangala 3rd Block,

Bangalore, 560034, Karnataka

Place: Bengaluru, India

Date: 25/04/2016

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (2)

Disclosure of change in nature of business [Text Block]

Your company is engaged in business of wholesale cash and carry trading of all types of tangible and intangible goods and products including all
types of publications, electronics, electrical goods, personal products, healthcare products, home and business products, entertainment products,
software’s, toys, etc., on B2B basis over the internet or otherwise.

There is no change in the nature of business of the Company during the financial year.

Textual information (3)

Disclosure of companies which have become or ceased to be its subsidiaries, joint ventures or associate companies
during year [Text Block]
Subsidiary Company information and performance report

Flipkart (Shenzhen) Trading Co. Ltd., a Company sponsored by your Company was approved by Shenzhen People’s Government with approval
certificate of SWZYSWZZZi (2014) No.0375 on 21st October 2014 and registered with Market Supervision Administration of Shenzhen
Municipality on 14th November 2014 and obtained the Enterprise Legal Person Business License with registration No.440306503491493. Its
registered capital (authorized share capital) is Renminbi (RMB) 400,000.

Your Company had not infused any capital into this subsidiary and hence the numbers reported in financial statements for the year under review –
standalone and consolidated – are the same.

There were no significant financial transactions in Flipkart (Shenzhen) Trading Co. Ltd as on the date of closure of financial statements of the
subsidiary company. The cash on hand was RMB 5,000.

Your Company has decided to shut down this Chinese subsidiary since the business that the subsidiary planned to undertake was found to be
unviable in the present circumstances. The formalities for winding up the subsidiary has been initiated and is expected to get completed soon.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[400200] Disclosures - Auditors report

Details regarding auditors [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Auditors [Axis] Column 1
Details regarding auditors [Abstract]
Details regarding auditors [LineItems]
Category of auditor Auditors firm
Name of audit firm ASSOCIATES LLP
Name of auditor signing report Kaustav Ghose
Firms registration number of audit firm 101049W
Membership number of auditor 057828
12 Floor, Canberra
Block, UB City No.
Address of auditors 24,Vittal Mallya
Road Bengaluru -
560 001
Permanent account number of auditor or auditor's firm ACHFS9118A
SRN of form ADT-1 S32281297
Date of signing audit report by auditors 25/04/2016
Date of signing of balance sheet by auditors 25/04/2016

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of auditor's qualification(s), reservation(s) or adverse remark(s) in auditors' report [Table] ..(1)
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Auditor's Clause not
Auditor's qualification(s), reservation(s) or adverse remark(s) in auditors' report [Axis] favourable remark applicable
[Member] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2015
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2016
Disclosure of auditor's qualification(s), reservation(s) or adverse remark(s) in
auditors' report [Abstract]
Disclosure of auditor's qualification(s), reservation(s) or adverse remark(s) in
auditors' report [LineItems]
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to fixed assets (4) [See below]
(a) The Company
has maintained
proper records
showing full
Disclosure relating to quantitative details of fixed assets particulars, including
quantitative details
and situation of fixed
Disclosure relating to physical verification and material discrepancies of fixed Textual information
assets (5) [See below]
The management has
conducted physical
verification of
inventory at
reasonable intervals
Disclosure in auditors report relating to inventories during the year and
no material
discrepancies were
noticed on such
physical verification.
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to loans (6) [See below]
Disclosure about loans granted to parties covered under section 189 of companies Textual information
act (7) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure regarding receipt of loans granted (8) [See below]
There is no amount
of loans granted to
companies, firms or
other parties listed in
the register
Disclosure regarding terms of recovery of loans granted maintained under
section 189 of the
Companies Act,
2013 which are
outstanding for more
than ninety days.
Disclosure in auditors report relating to compliance with Section 185 and 186 of Textual information
Companies Act, 2013 (9) [See below]
The Company has
not accepted any
Disclosure in auditors report relating to deposits accepted deposits from the
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to maintenance of cost records (10) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to statutory dues [TextBlock] (11) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to default in repayment of financial dues (12) [See below]
Disclosure in auditors report relating to public offer and term loans used for Textual information
purpose for which those were raised (13) [See below]
Disclosure in auditors report relating to fraud by the company or on the Textual information
company by its officers or its employees reported during period (14) [See below]
As mentioned in the
Disclosure in auditors report relating to managerial remuneration Audit Reoirt

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

In our opinion, the

Company is not a
nidhi company.
Therefore, the
provisions of clause
Disclosure in auditors report relating to Nidhi Company 3(xii) of the order
are not applicable to
the Company and
hence not
commented upon.
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to transactions with related parties (15) [See below]
Disclosure in auditors report relating to preferential allotment or private Textual information
placement of shares or convertible debentures (16) [See below]
Disclosure in auditors report relating to non-cash transactions with directors Textual information
or persons connected with him (17) [See below]
According to the
information and
explanations given
to us, the provisions
Disclosure in auditors report relating to registration under section 45-IA of
of section 45-IA of
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 the Reserve Bank of
India Act, 1934 are
not applicable to the

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR

Textual information (18)
Disclosure in auditor’s report explanatory [TextBlock] [See below]
Whether companies auditors report order is applicable on company Yes
Whether auditors' report has been qualified or has any reservations or
contains adverse remarks

Textual information (4)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to fixed assets

(i) (a) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets. (b) All
fixed assets have not been physically verified by the management during the year but there is a regular programme of verification which, in our
opinion, is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets. No material discrepancies were noticed on such
verification. (c) The Company does not hold any immovable property and, accordingly, the requirements under clause 3(i)(c) of the Order are not
applicable to the Company.

Textual information (5)

Disclosure relating to physical verification and material discrepancies of fixed assets

All fixed assets have not been physically verified by the management during the year but there is a regular programme of verification which, in
our opinion, is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets. No material discrepancies were noticed on such

Textual information (6)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to loans

(a) The Company has granted loans to two companies covered in the register maintained under section 189 of the Companies Act, 2013. In our
opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the terms and conditions of the grants and loans not prejudicial to the
company's interest. (b) The Company has granted loans that are re-payable on demand, to companies covered in the register maintained under
section 189 of the Companies Act, 2013. The loans granted are re-payable on demand. We are informed that the company has not demanded
repayment of any such loan during the year, and thus, there has been no default on the part of the parties to whom the money has been lent. The
payment of interest has been regular. (c) There is no amount of loans granted to companies, firms or other parties listed in the register maintained
under section 189 of the Companies Act, 2013 which are outstanding for more than ninety days.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (7)

Disclosure about loans granted to parties covered under section 189 of companies act
The Company has granted loans to two companies covered in the register maintained under section 189 of the Companies Act, 2013. In our
opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the terms and conditions of the grants and loans not prejudicial to the
company's interest.

Textual information (8)

Disclosure regarding receipt of loans granted

The Company has granted loans that are re-payable on demand, to companies covered in the register maintained under section 189 of the
Companies Act, 2013. The loans granted are re-payable on demand. We are informed that the company has not demanded repayment of any such
loan during the year, and thus, there has been no default on the part of the parties to whom the money has been lent. The payment of interest has
been regular.

Textual information (9)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to compliance with Section 185 and 186 of Companies Act, 2013
In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, provisions of section 185 and 186 of the Companies Act 2013 in
respect of loans to directors including entities in which they are interested and in respect of loans and advances given, investments made and,
guarantees, and securities given have been complied with by the company.

Textual information (10)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to maintenance of cost records

To the best of our knowledge and as explained, the Central Government has not specified the maintenance of cost records under Section 148(1) of
the Companies Act, 2013, for the products/services of the Company.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (11)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to statutory dues [Text Block]

The Company is regular in depositing with appropriate authorities undisputed statutory dues including provident fund,
employees’ state insurance, income-tax, sales-tax, wealth-tax, service tax, customs duty, excise duty, value added
(vii) (a) tax, cess and other material statutory dues applicable to it.

According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed amounts payable in respect of provident
fund, employees’ state insurance, income-tax, , service tax, sales-tax, duty of custom, duty of excise, value added
tax, cess and other material statutory dues were outstanding, at the year end, for a period of more than six months
from the date they became payable.

According to the records of the Company, the dues outstanding of income-tax, sales-tax, , service tax, duty of custom,
duty of excise , value added tax and cess on account of any dispute, are as follows:

Amount paid
Name of the Nature Amount Period to which
under protest Forum where dispute is pending
statute of dues (Rs.) the amount relates

Value Deputy Commissioner of

TNVAT Act, 78.80 FY 2011-12 to
Added 15.76 million Commercial Taxes (Appeals),
2006 million 2013-14
Tax Chennai

Delhi VAT Act, 694.14 FY 2012-13 to Additional Commissioner, Appeals,
Added 10.00 million
2004 million 2013-14 DVAT, Delhi

Maharashtra 10.84 Joint Commissioner of VAT
Added - FY 2011-2012
VAT Act, 2002 million (Appeals), Mumbai

The Customs Customs 4.89 Commissioner of Customs (Import);

4.89 million FY 2014-15
Act, 1962 duty million Mumbai

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (12)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to default in repayment of financial dues

Based on our audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and according to
information and explanations given by the management, we are of the opinion that the Company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to a
financial institution, bank or debenture holders or government.

Textual information (13)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to public offer and term loans used for purpose for which those were raised
Based on our audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and according to the
information and explanations given by the management, the Company has not raised any money way of initial public offer / further public offer /
debt instruments) and term loans hence, reporting under clause (ix) is not applicable to the Company and hence not commented upon.

Textual information (14)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to fraud by the company or on the company by its officers or its employees
reported during period
Based upon the audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and according to the
information and explanations given by the management, we report that no fraud by the company or on the company by the officers and employees
of the Company has been noticed or reported during the year.

Textual information (15)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to transactions with related parties

Based on our audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and according to the
information and explanations given by the management, transactions with the related parties are in compliance with section 177 and 188 of
Companies Act, 2013 where applicable and the details have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements, as required by the applicable
accounting standards.

Textual information (16)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to preferential allotment or private placement of shares or convertible
According to the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the balance sheet, the company has not made any
preferential allotment or private placement of shares or fully or partly convertible debentures during the year under review and hence not
commented upon.

Textual information (17)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to non-cash transactions with directors or persons connected with him
Based on our audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and according to the
information and explanations given by the management, the Company has not entered into any non-cash transactions with directors or persons
connected with him.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (18)

Disclosure in auditor’s report explanatory [Text Block]


To the Members of Flipkart India Private Limited

Report on the Standalone Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying standalone financial statements of Flipkart India Private Limited (“the Company”), which comprise the
Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2016, the Statement of Profit and Loss,Cash Flow Statement and Statement of Changes in Equity for the year then
ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

Management’s Responsibility for the Standalone Financial Statements

The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the matters stated in Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) with respect to
the preparation of these standalone financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position, financial performance and cash
flows of the Company in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards notified under the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015
and Companies (Indian Accounting Standard) (Amendment) Rules, 2016 (collectively referred as “Accounting Standards”). This responsibility
also include s maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of the
Company and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making
judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial control
that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation
of the financial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opin ion on these standalone financial statements based on our audit. We have taken into account the provisions
of the Act, the accounting and auditing standards and matters which are required to be included in the audit report under the provisions of the Act
and the Rules made thereunder. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing, issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India, as specified under Section 143(10) of the Act. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures
selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due
to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal financial control relevant to the Company’s preparation of the
financial statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also
includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accoun ting estimates made by the Company’s
Directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the standalone
financial statements.


In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the standalone financial statements give the
information required by the Act in the manner so required and give a true and fair view, in conformity with the accounting standards, of the state
of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2016, its loss, its cash flows and changes in equity for the year ended on that date.

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

1. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s report) Order, 2016 (“the Order”) issued by the Central Government of India in terms of
sub-section (11) of section 143 of the Act, we give in the Annexure 1, a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Order.

2. As required by section 143 (3) of the Act, we report that:

(a) We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the
purpose of our audit;

(b) In our opinion proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as it appears from our examination of
those books;

(c) The Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Statement and Statement of Changes in Equity dealt with by this Report are
in agreement with the books of account;

(d) In our opinion, the aforesaid standalone financial statements comply with the Accounting St andards;

(e) On the basis of written representations received from the directors as on March 31, 2016, and taken on record by the Board of Directors,
none of the directors is disqualified as on March 31, 2016, from being appointed as a director in terms of section 164 (2) of the Act;

(f) With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls over financial reporting of the Company and the operating effectiveness of
such controls, refer to our separate Report in Annexure A to this report; and

(g) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors)
Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us:

i. The Company has no pending litigations which would impact its financial position;

ii. The Company did not have any long-term contracts including derivative contracts for which there were any material foreseeable losses;

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016


iii. There were no amounts which were required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the Company.

For S.R. Batliboi & Associates LLP

Chartered Accountants

ICAI Firm Registration Number: 101049W

per Kaustav Ghose


Membership Number: 057828

Place of Signature: Bangalore

Date : 25/04/2016



Report on the Internal Financial Controls under Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”)

To the Members of Flipkart India Private Limited

We have audited the internal financial controls over financial reporting of Flipkart India Private Limited(“the Compa ny”) as of March 31, 2016
in conjunction with our audit of the standalone financial statements of the Company for the year ended on that date.

Management’s Responsibility for Internal Financial Controls

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

The Company’s Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal financial controls based on the internal control over
financial reporting criteria established by the Company considering the essential components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on
Audit of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. These responsibilities
include the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls that were operating effectivel y for ensuring the
orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to the Company’s policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention and
detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial
information, as required under the Companies Act, 2013.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's internal financial controls over financial reporting based on our audit. We conducted
our audit in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Finan cial Controls Over Financial Reporting (the “Guidance Note”) and the
Standards on Auditing as specified under section 143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013, to the extent applicable to an audit of internal financial
controls, both applicable to an audit of Internal Financial Controls and, both issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those
Standards and the Guidance Note require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether adequate internal financial controls over financial reporting was established and maintained and if such controls operated
effectively in all material respects.

Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial controls system over financial
reporting and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial controls over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of
internal financial controls over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and
operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the
assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due t o fraud or error.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the internal financial
controls system over financial reporting.

Meaning of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting

A company's internal financial control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of
financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
A company's internal financial control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that:

(1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of
the company;

(2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with
authorisations of management and directors of the company; and

(3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorised acquisition, use, or disposition of the company's assets
that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting

Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial controls over financial reporting, including the possibility of collusion or improper
management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation
of the internal financial controls over financial reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial control over financial
repo rting may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may


In our opinion, the Company has, in all material respects, an adequate internal financial controls system over financial reporting and such internal
financial controls over financial reporting were operating effectively as at March 31, 2016 based on the internal control over financial reporting
criteria established by the Company considering the essential components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal
Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Explanatory paragraph

We also have audited, in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, as specified under
Section 143(10) of the Act, the standalone financial statements of Flipkart India Private Limited, which comprise the Balance Sheet as at March
31, 2016 and the related Statement of Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Statement and Statement of Changes in Equity for the year then ended, and a
summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, and our report dated April 25, 2016 expressed an unqualified
opinion thereon.

For S.R. Batliboi & Associates LLP

Chartered Accountants

ICAI Firm Registration Number: 101049W

per Kaustav Ghose


Membership Number: 057828

Place of Signature: Bang alore

Date : 25/04/2016

Annexure 1

Annexure referred to in clause 1 of Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements paragraph of our report of even date

Re: Flipkart India Private Limited (‘the Company’)

(i) (a) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

(b) All fixed assets have not been physically verified by the management during the year but there is a regular programme of verification
which, in our opinion, is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets. No material discrepancies were noticed
on such verification.

(c) The Company does not hold any immovable property and, accordingly, the requirements under clause 3(i)(c) of the Order are not
applicable to the Company.

(ii) The management has conducted physical verification of inventory at reasonable intervals during the year and no material discrepancies
were noticed on such physical verification.

(iii) (a) The Company has granted loans to two companies covered in the register maintained under section 189 of the Companies Act,
2013. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the terms and conditions of the grants and loans not
prejudicial to the company's interest.

(b) The Company has granted loans that are re-payable on demand, to companies covered in the register maintained under section 189 of
the Companies Act, 2013. The loans granted are re-payable on demand. We are informed that the company has not demanded repayment of any
such loan during the year, and thus, there has been no default on the part of the parties to whom the money has been lent. The payment of interest
has been regular.

(c) There is no amount of loans granted to companies, firms or other parties listed in the register maintained under section 189 of the
Companies Act, 2013 which are outstanding for more than ninety days.

(iv) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, provisions of section 185 and 186 of the Companies Act
2013 in respect of loans to directors including entities in which they are interested and in respect of loans and advances given, investments made
and, guarantees, and securities given have been complied with by the company.

(v) The Company has not accepted any deposits from the public.

(vi) To the best of our knowledge and as explained, the Central Government has not specified the maintenance of cost records under Section
148(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, for the products/services of the Company.

(vii) (a) The Company is regular in depositing with appropriate authorities undisputed statutory dues including provident fund,
employees’ state insurance, income-tax, sales-tax, wealth-tax, service tax, customs duty, excise duty, value added tax, cess and other material
statutory dues applicable to it.

(b) According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed amounts payable in respect of provident fund, employees’
state insurance, income-tax, , service tax, sales-tax, duty of custom, duty of excise, value added tax, cess and other material statutory dues were
outstanding, at the year end, for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable.

(c) According to the records of the Company, the dues outstanding of income-tax, sales-tax, service tax, duty of custom, duty of excise ,
value added tax and cess on account of any dispute, are as follows:

Name of the Nature of Amount Amount paid under Period to which the
Forum where dispute is pending
statute dues (Rs.) protest (Rs.) amount relates

TNVAT Act, 78.80 FY 2011-12 to Deputy Commissioner of Commercial
Added 15.76 million
2006 million 2013-14 Taxes (Appeals), Chennai

Delhi VAT Act, 694.14 FY 2012-13 to Additional Commissioner, Appeals,
Added 10.00 million
2004 million 2013-14 DVAT, Delhi

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Maharashtra 10.84 Joint Commissioner of VAT (Appeals),
Added - FY 2011-2012
VAT Act, 2002 million Mumbai

The Customs Customs 4.89 Commissioner of Customs (Import);

4.89 million FY 2014-15
Act, 1962 duty million Mumbai

(viii) Based on our audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and according to
information and explanations given by the management, we are of the opinion that the Company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to a
financial institution, bank or debenture holders or government.

(ix) Based on our audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and according to
the information and explanations given by the management, the Company has not raised any money way of initial public offer / further public
offer / debt instruments) and term loans hence, reporting under clause (ix) is not applicable to the Company and hence not commented upon.

(x) Based upon the audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and according
to the information and explanations given by the management, we report that no fraud by the company or on the company by the officers and
employees of the Company has been noticed or reported during the year.

(xi) Based on our audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and according to
the information and explanations given by the management, the provisions of section 197 read with Schedule V of the Act is not applicable to the
company and hence reporting under clause 3(xi) are not applicable and hence not commented upon.

(xii) In our opinion, the Company is not a nidhi company. Therefore, the provisions of clause 3(xii) of the order are not applicable to the
Company and hence not commented upon.

(xiii) Based on our audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and according to
the information and explanations given by the management, transactions with the related parties are in compliance with section 177 and 188 of
Companies Act, 2013 where applicable and the details have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements, as required by the applicable
accounting standards.

(xiv) According to the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the balance sheet, the company has not
made any preferential allotment or private placement of shares or fully or partly convertible debentures during the year under review and hence
not commented upon.

(xv) Based on our audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and according to
the information and explanations given by the management, the Company has not entered into any non-cash transactions with directors or persons
connected with him.

(xvi) According to the information and explanations given to us, the provisions of section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 are
not applicable to the Company.

For S.R. Batliboi & Associates LLP

Chartered Accountants

ICAI Firm Registration Number: 101049W

per Kaustav Ghose

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016


Membership Number: 057828

Place of Signature: Bangalore

Date: 25/04/2016

[400500] Disclosures - Secretarial audit report

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Disclosure in secretarial audit report explanatory [TextBlock]
Whether secretarial audit report is applicable on company No

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[100100] Balance sheet

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2014
Balance sheet [Abstract]
Equity and liabilities [Abstract]
Shareholders' funds [Abstract]
Share capital 5.4 5.4 5.405639
Reserves and surplus 41,894.52 47,338.19
Total shareholders' funds 41,899.92 47,343.59
Share application money pending allotment 0 0
Non-current liabilities [Abstract]
Long-term borrowings 0 0
Other long-term liabilities 0 5.42
Long-term provisions 59.37 36.71
Total non-current liabilities 59.37 42.13
Current liabilities [Abstract]
Short-term borrowings 4,361.76 0
Trade payables 14,724.86 16,075.89
Other current liabilities 890.51 604.01
Short-term provisions 119.86 81.64
Total current liabilities 20,096.99 16,761.54
Total equity and liabilities 62,056.28 64,147.26
Assets [Abstract]
Non-current assets [Abstract]
Fixed assets [Abstract]
Tangible assets 1,830.77 1,452.18 705.37
Intangible assets 21.36 22.88 24.78
Tangible assets capital work-in-progress 6.03 77.05
Total fixed assets 1,858.16 1,552.11
Non-current investments 0 0
Long-term loans and advances 77.31 33.56
Other non-current assets 6,817.15 8,892
Total non-current assets 8,752.62 10,477.67
Current assets [Abstract]
Current investments 18,995.11 13,762.27
Inventories 14,202.28 11,653.54
Trade receivables 2,246.38 3,587.05
Cash and bank balances 12,640.25 22,197.52
Short-term loans and advances 2,232.42 111.98
Other current assets 2,987.22 2,357.23
Total current assets 53,303.66 53,669.59
Total assets 62,056.28 64,147.26

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[400300] Disclosures - Signatories of financial statements

Details of directors signing financial statements [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Directors signing financial statements [Axis] Column 1 Column 2
01/04/2015 01/04/2015
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2016
Details of signatories of financial statements [Abstract]
Details of directors signing financial statements [Abstract]
Details of directors signing financial statements [LineItems]
Name of director signing financial statements [Abstract]
First name of director RAJIV MUKUND
Last name of director SAWHNEY SARAF
Designation of director Additional Director Director
Director identification number of director 01815226 07255898
Date of signing of financial statements by director 25/04/2016 25/04/2016

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[100400] Cash flow statement, indirect

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Statement of cash flows [Abstract]
Whether cash flow statement is applicable on company Yes Yes
Cash flows from used in operating activities [Abstract]
Profit before extraordinary items and tax -5,445.67 -8,266.95
Adjustments for reconcile profit (loss) [Abstract]
Adjustments to profit (loss) [Abstract]
Adjustments for depreciation and amortisation expense 500.64 394.41
Adjustments for unrealised foreign exchange losses gains 49 18.99
Other adjustments for which cash effects are investing or
financing cash flow (A) -710.62 (B) -134.01

Other adjustments for non-cash items (C) -352.6 (D) 47.1

Total adjustments to profit (loss) -513.58 326.49
Adjustments for working capital [Abstract]
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in inventories -2,548.74 -7,418.31
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in trade receivables 1,340.62 -2,492

Adjustments for decrease (increase) in other current assets (E) 1,806.39 (F) -9,963.09
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in trade payables -1,365 10,567.49

Adjustments for increase (decrease) in other current liabilities (G) 343.07 (H) 359.88
Adjustments for provisions (I) 62.88 (J) 67.46
Total adjustments for working capital -360.78 -8,878.57
Total adjustments for reconcile profit (loss) -874.36 -8,552.08
Net cash flows from (used in) operations -6,320.03 -16,819.03
Interest paid -89.06 -94.39
Interest received -2,437.51 -1,663.75
Income taxes paid (refund) -9.64 98.35
Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities before extraordinary
-8,658.84 -18,486.74
Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities -8,658.84 -18,486.74
Cash flows from used in investing activities [Abstract]
Other cash receipts from sales of interests in joint ventures (K) 350 (L) 463
Other cash payments to acquire interests in joint ventures 0
(M) 652
Cash receipts from share of profits of partnership firm or
association of persons or limited liability partnerships (N) 330,329.41 (O) 9,696.89
Cash payment for investment in partnership firm or association of
persons or limited liability partnerships (P) 334,505.55 (Q) 22,830
Proceeds from sales of tangible assets 4.45 0.02
Purchase of tangible assets 923.77 1,159.33
Cash payments for future contracts, forward contracts, option
contracts and swap contracts (R) 2,330 (S) 600
Cash receipts from future contracts, forward contracts, option
contracts and swap contracts (T) 200 (U) 600
Interest received 1,753.34 979.62
Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities before extraordinary
-5,122.12 -13,501.8
Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities -5,122.12 -13,501.8
Cash flows from used in financing activities [Abstract]
Proceeds from issuing shares 0 50,007.86

Proceeds from issuing other equity instruments (V) 4,312.76


Proceeds from borrowings 2,260 3,200

Repayments of borrowings 2,260 3,200

Dividends paid (W) 13.14


FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Interest paid 75.92 94.39

Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities before extraordinary
4,223.7 49,913.47
Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities 4,223.7 49,913.47
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before effect of
-9,557.26 17,924.93
exchange rate changes
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents -9,557.26 17,924.93
Cash and cash equivalents cash flow statement at end of period 12,640.25 22,197.52 4,272.59

(A) Net gain on sale of current investments Rs. -711.06 Mn Loss/(gain) on sale of fixed assets Rs. 0.44 Mn
(B) Net gain on sale of current investments Rs. -134.62 Mn Loss/(gain) on sale of fixed assets Rs. 0.61 Mn
(C) Provision for Doubtful and Bad debts and advances Rs. (4.78) Mn + unrealised gain on Investments Rs. (347.82) Mn
(D) Provision for Doubtful and Bad debts and advances Rs. 129.37 Mn + unrealised gain on Investments Rs. (82.27) Mn
(E) (Increase)/decrease in non current loans financial assets -43.75 (Increase)/decrease in non current other financial assets -295.13
(Increase)/decrease in non current other assets 1821.28 (Increase)/decrease in current loans financial assets -7.86 (Increase)/decrease in
current other financial assets -129.24 (Increase)/decrease in other current assets 461.09 Total 1806.39
(F) (Increase)/decrease in non current loans financial assets 30.3 (Increase)/decrease in non current other financial assets -0.01
(Increase)/decrease in non current other assets -8445.9 (Increase)/decrease in current loans financial assets -442.98 (Increase)/decrease in
current other financial assets -7.36 (Increase)/decrease in other current assets -1097.14 Total -9963.09
(G) Increase/(decrease) in other non-current financial liabilities -5.42 Increase/(decrease) in other current financial liabilities -18.27
Increase/(decrease) in other current liabilities 366.76 total 343.07
(H) Increase/(decrease) in other non-current financial liabilities 2.98 Increase/(decrease) in other current financial liabilities 28.63
Increase/(decrease) in other current liabilities 328.27 total 359.88
(I) Increase/(decrease) in non-current provisions 24.66 Increase/(decrease) in current provisions 38.22 62.88
(J) Increase/(decrease) in non-current provisions 22.64 Increase/(decrease) in current provisions 44.82 67.46
(K) Sale proceeds from current investments
(L) Sale proceeds from current investments
(M) Investments in current investments
(N) Redemption of mutual funds
(O) Redemption of mutual funds
(P) Investments in mutual funds
(Q) Investments in mutual funds
(R) Intercorporate loan given
(S) Intercorporate loan given
(T) Intercorporate loan repayment
(U) Intercorporate loan repayment
(V) Proceeds from buyer's credit
(W) Interest on buyers credit

[200100] Notes - Share capital

Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent in company [Table] ..(1)
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of share capital [Axis] Share capital [Member] Equity shares [Member]
Name of shareholder [Axis] Shareholder 1 [Member] Shareholder 1 [Member]
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent in
company [Abstract]
Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent
in company [LineItems]
Number of shares held in company [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent in company [Table] ..(2)
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of share capital [Axis] Equity shares 1 [Member]
Name of shareholder [Axis] Shareholder 1 [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent in company [Abstract]
Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent in company [LineItems]
Type of share Equity Equity
Flipkart Limited, Flipkart Limited,
Name of shareholder Singapore, the Singapore, the holding
holding company company
Country of incorporation or residence of shareholder Singapore Singapore
Number of shares held in company [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638
Percentage of shareholding in company 100.00% 100.00%

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of classes of share capital [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Equity shares
Classes of share capital [Axis] Share capital [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015
to to 31/03/2014 to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016
Disclosure of classes of share capital [Abstract]
Disclosure of classes of share capital [LineItems]
Number of shares authorised [shares] 1,00,00,000 [shares] 1,00,00,000 [shares] 1,00,00,000
Value of shares authorised 10 10 10
Number of shares issued [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639
Value of shares issued 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639
Number of shares subscribed and fully paid [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639
Value of shares subscribed and fully paid 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639
Number of shares subscribed but not fully paid [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Value of shares subscribed but not fully paid 0 0 0
Total number of shares subscribed [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639
Total value of shares subscribed 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639
Value of shares paid-up [Abstract]
Number of shares paid-up [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639
Value of shares called 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639
Calls unpaid [Abstract]
Calls unpaid by directors and officers
Calls unpaid by directors 0 0 0
Calls unpaid by officers 0 0 0
Total calls unpaid by directors and
0 0 0
Calls unpaid by others 0 0 0
Total calls unpaid 0 0 0
Forfeited shares 0 0 0
Forfeited shares reissued 0 0 0
Value of shares paid-up 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639
Reconciliation of number of shares outstanding
Changes in number of shares outstanding
Increase in number of shares outstanding
Number of shares issued in public offering [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of shares issued as bonus shares [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of shares issued as rights [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of shares issued in private
placement arising out of conversion of
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
debentures preference shares during
Number of shares issued in other private
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of shares issued as preferential
allotment arising out of conversion of
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
debentures preference shares during
Number of shares issued as other
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
preferential allotment
Number of shares allotted for
contracts without payment received [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
in cash
Number of shares issued under scheme of
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of other issues of shares [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of shares issued under employee
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
stock option plan
Number of other issue of shares
arising out of conversion of [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Total aggregate number of shares issued

[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
during period
Total increase (decrease) in number of
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
shares outstanding
Number of shares outstanding at end of period [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639
Reconciliation of value of shares outstanding
Changes in share capital [Abstract]
Increase in share capital during period
Amount of public issue during period 0 0 0
Amount of bonus issue during period 0 0 0
Amount of rights issue during period 0 0 0
Amount of private placement issue
arising out of conversion of debentures 0 0 0
preference shares during period
Amount of other private placement issue
0 0 0
during period
Amount of preferential allotment issue
arising out of conversion of debentures 0 0 0
preference shares during period
Amount of other preferential allotment
0 0 0
issue during period
Amount of issue allotted for
contracts without payment 0 0 0
received in cash during period
Amount of issue under scheme of
0 0 0
amalgamation during period
Amount of other issues during period 0 0 0
Amount of employee stock option plan
0 0 0
issued during period
Amount of other issue arising out of
conversion of securities during 0 0 0
Total aggregate amount of increase in
0 0 0
share capital during period
Total increase (decrease) in share capital 0 0 0
Share capital at end of period 5.4 5.4 5.405639 5.405639
Rights preferences and restrictions attaching
0 0 0
to class of share capital
Shares in company held by holding company or
ultimate holding company or by its subsidiaries
or associates [Abstract]
Shares in company held by holding company [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638
Shares in company held by ultimate holding
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Shares in company held by subsidiaries of its
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
holding company
Shares in company held by subsidiaries of its
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
ultimate holding company
Shares in company held by associates of its
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
holding company
Shares in company held by associates of its
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
ultimate holding company
Total shares in company held by holding company
or ultimate holding company or by its [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638
subsidiaries or associates
Shares reserved for issue under options
and contracts or commitments for sale of [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
shares or disinvestment
Amount of shares reserved for issue under options
and contracts or commitments for sale of shares or 0 0 0
Description of terms of shares reserved for issue
under options and contracts or commitments for 0 0 0
sale of shares or disinvestment
Original paid-up value of forfeited shares 0 0 0
Details of application money received for
allotment of securities and due for refund and
interest accrued thereon [Abstract]

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Application money received for allotment of

securities and due for refund and interest
accrued thereon [Abstract]
Application money received for
allotment of securities and due for 0 0 0
refund, principal
Application money received for
allotment of securities and due for 0 0 0
refund, interest accrued
Total application money received for
allotment of securities and due for refund 0 0 0
and interest accrued thereon
Terms and conditions of shares pending allotment 0
Number of shares proposed to be issued [shares] 0
Share premium for shares to be allotted 0 0 0
Description of whether company have
sufficient authorised capital to cover
proposed share capital amount resulting from
Over due period for which application
money is pending prior to allotment of 0
Reason for over due period for which
application money is pending prior to 0
allotment of shares

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of classes of share capital [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of share capital [Axis] Equity shares [Member] Equity shares 1 [Member]
01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to 31/03/2014 to to
31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of classes of share capital [Abstract]
Disclosure of classes of share capital [LineItems]
Type of share Equity Equity
Number of shares authorised [shares] 1,00,00,000 [shares] 1,00,00,000 [shares] 1,00,00,000
Value of shares authorised 10 10 10
Number of shares issued [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639
Value of shares issued 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639
Number of shares subscribed and fully paid [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639
Value of shares subscribed and fully paid 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639
Number of shares subscribed but not fully paid [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Value of shares subscribed but not fully paid 0 0 0
Total number of shares subscribed [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639
Total value of shares subscribed 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639
Value of shares paid-up [Abstract]
Number of shares paid-up [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639
Value of shares called 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639
Calls unpaid [Abstract]
Calls unpaid by directors and officers
Calls unpaid by directors 0 0 0
Calls unpaid by officers 0 0 0
Total calls unpaid by directors and
0 0 0
Calls unpaid by others 0 0 0
Total calls unpaid 0 0 0
Forfeited shares 0 0 0
Forfeited shares reissued 0 0 0
Value of shares paid-up 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639
Par value per share [INR/shares] 1 [INR/shares] 1
Amount per share called in case shares not fully
[INR/shares] 0 [INR/shares] 0
Reconciliation of number of shares outstanding
Changes in number of shares outstanding
Increase in number of shares outstanding
Number of shares issued in public offering [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of shares issued as bonus shares [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of shares issued as rights [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of shares issued in private
placement arising out of conversion of
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
debentures preference shares during
Number of shares issued in other private
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of shares issued as preferential
allotment arising out of conversion of
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
debentures preference shares during
Number of shares issued as other
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
preferential allotment
Number of shares allotted for
contracts without payment received [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
in cash
Number of shares issued under scheme of
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of other issues of shares [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of shares issued under employee
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
stock option plan

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Number of other issue of shares

arising out of conversion of [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Total aggregate number of shares issued
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
during period
Total increase (decrease) in number of
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
shares outstanding
Number of shares outstanding at end of period [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639 [shares] 54,05,639
Reconciliation of value of shares outstanding
Changes in share capital [Abstract]
Increase in share capital during period
Amount of public issue during period 0 0 0
Amount of bonus issue during period 0 0 0
Amount of rights issue during period 0 0 0
Amount of private placement issue
arising out of conversion of debentures 0 0 0
preference shares during period
Amount of other private placement issue
0 0 0
during period
Amount of preferential allotment issue
arising out of conversion of debentures 0 0 0
preference shares during period
Amount of other preferential allotment
0 0 0
issue during period
Amount of issue allotted for
contracts without payment 0 0 0
received in cash during period
Amount of issue under scheme of
0 0 0
amalgamation during period
Amount of other issues during period 0 0 0
Amount of employee stock option plan
0 0 0
issued during period
Amount of other issue arising out of
conversion of securities during 0 0 0
Total aggregate amount of increase in
0 0 0
share capital during period
Total increase (decrease) in share capital 0 0 0
Share capital at end of period 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639 5.405639
Rights preferences and restrictions attaching
0 0 0
to class of share capital
Shares in company held by holding company or
ultimate holding company or by its subsidiaries
or associates [Abstract]
Shares in company held by holding company [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638
Shares in company held by ultimate holding
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Shares in company held by subsidiaries of its
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
holding company
Shares in company held by subsidiaries of its
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
ultimate holding company
Shares in company held by associates of its
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
holding company
Shares in company held by associates of its
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
ultimate holding company
Total shares in company held by holding company
or ultimate holding company or by its [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638 [shares] 54,05,638
subsidiaries or associates
Shares reserved for issue under options
and contracts or commitments for sale of [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
shares or disinvestment
Amount of shares reserved for issue under options
and contracts or commitments for sale of shares or 0 0 0
Description of terms of shares reserved for issue
under options and contracts or commitments for 0 0 0
sale of shares or disinvestment
Original paid-up value of forfeited shares 0 0 0

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Details of application money received for

allotment of securities and due for refund and
interest accrued thereon [Abstract]
Application money received for allotment of
securities and due for refund and interest
accrued thereon [Abstract]
Application money received for
allotment of securities and due for 0 0 0
refund, principal
Application money received for
allotment of securities and due for 0 0 0
refund, interest accrued
Total application money received for
allotment of securities and due for refund 0 0 0
and interest accrued thereon
Terms and conditions of shares pending allotment 0 0
Number of shares proposed to be issued [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Share premium for shares to be allotted 0 0 0
Description of whether company have
sufficient authorised capital to cover
0 0
proposed share capital amount resulting from
Over due period for which application
money is pending prior to allotment of 0 0
Reason for over due period for which
application money is pending prior to 0 0
allotment of shares

Disclosure of classes of share capital [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Equity shares 1
Classes of share capital [Axis]
Disclosure of classes of share capital [Abstract]
Disclosure of classes of share capital [LineItems]
Reconciliation of number of shares outstanding [Abstract]
Number of shares outstanding at end of period [shares] 54,05,639
Reconciliation of value of shares outstanding [Abstract]
Share capital at end of period 5.405639

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR

01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of notes on share capital explanatory [TextBlock]
Whether there are any shareholders holding more than five per cent
Yes Yes
shares in company
Whether money raised from public offering during year No No

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[200200] Notes - Reserves and surplus

Statement of changes in reserves [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Securities premium
Components of reserves [Axis] Reserves [Member]
account [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015
to to 31/03/2014 to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016
Statement of changes in reserves [Abstract]
Statement of changes in reserves [LineItems]
Changes in reserves [Abstract]
Additions to reserves [Abstract]
Profit (loss) for period -5,443.67 -8,282.41 0
Other additions to reserves 2 50,006.06 0
Total additions to reserves -5,441.67 41,723.65 0
Total changes in reserves -5,441.67 41,723.65 0
Reserves at end of period 41,894.52 47,338.19 5,614.54 63,539.68
Description of nature and purpose of other
Other Reserves Other Reserves

Statement of changes in reserves [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Components of reserves [Axis] Securities premium account [Member] Other reserves [Member]
01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to 31/03/2014 to to
31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Statement of changes in reserves [Abstract]
Statement of changes in reserves [LineItems]
Changes in reserves [Abstract]
Additions to reserves [Abstract]
Profit (loss) for period -15.46
Other additions to reserves 50,004.89 2 0
Total additions to reserves 50,004.89 2 -15.46
Total changes in reserves 50,004.89 2 -15.46
Reserves at end of period 63,539.68 13,534.79 -13.46 -15.46
Description of nature and purpose of other
Other Reserves Other Reserves

Statement of changes in reserves [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Other reserves
Components of reserves [Axis] Other reserves, others [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Statement of changes in reserves [Abstract]
Statement of changes in reserves [LineItems]
Changes in reserves [Abstract]
Additions to reserves [Abstract]
Profit (loss) for period -15.46
Other additions to reserves 2 0
Total additions to reserves 2 -15.46
Total changes in reserves 2 -15.46
Reserves at end of period 0 -13.46 -15.46 0
Description of nature and purpose of other
Other reserves Other reserves

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Statement of changes in reserves [Table] ..(4)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Components of reserves [Axis] Surplus [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Statement of changes in reserves [Abstract]
Statement of changes in reserves [LineItems]
Changes in reserves [Abstract]
Additions to reserves [Abstract]
Profit (loss) for period -5,445.67 -8,266.95
Other additions to reserves 1.17
Total additions to reserves -5,445.67 -8,265.78
Total changes in reserves -5,445.67 -8,265.78
Reserves at end of period -21,631.7 -16,186.03 -7,920.25

[200300] Notes - Borrowings

Classification of borrowings [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
Classification of borrowings [Axis] Borrowings [Member]
Subclassification of borrowings [Axis] Secured borrowings [Member] Unsecured borrowings [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Borrowings notes [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [LineItems]
Borrowings 3,433.82 0 927.94 0
Nature of security [Abstract]
Nature of security Investment in mutual funds NA
Details on loans guaranteed [Abstract]
Aggregate amount of loans guaranteed by
0 0 0 0
Aggregate amount of loans guaranteed by
0 0 0 0
Details on defaults on borrowings [Abstract]
Outstanding amount of continuing default
0 0 0 0
Outstanding amount of continuing default
0 0 0 0

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Classification of borrowings [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
Classification of borrowings [Axis] Loans repayable on demand [Member]
Subclassification of borrowings [Axis] Secured borrowings [Member] Unsecured borrowings [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Borrowings notes [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [LineItems]
Borrowings 3,433.82 0 927.94 0
Nature of security [Abstract]
Nature of security Investment in mutual funds NA
Details on loans guaranteed [Abstract]
Aggregate amount of loans guaranteed by
0 0 0 0
Aggregate amount of loans guaranteed by
0 0 0 0
Details on defaults on borrowings [Abstract]
Outstanding amount of continuing default
0 0 0 0
Outstanding amount of continuing default
0 0 0 0

Classification of borrowings [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
Loans repayable on demand from banks Loans repayable on demand from others
Classification of borrowings [Axis]
[Member] [Member]
Subclassification of borrowings [Axis] Secured borrowings [Member] Unsecured borrowings [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Borrowings notes [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [LineItems]
Borrowings 3,433.82 0 927.94 0
Nature of security [Abstract]
Nature of security Investment in mutual funds NA
Details on loans guaranteed [Abstract]
Aggregate amount of loans guaranteed by
0 0 0 0
Aggregate amount of loans guaranteed by
0 0 0 0
Details on defaults on borrowings [Abstract]
Outstanding amount of continuing default
0 0 0 0
Outstanding amount of continuing default
0 0 0 0

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[201000] Notes - Tangible assets

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Company total tangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned and leased assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 875.64 1,138 875.64 1,138
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -492.16 -390.6
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
4.89 0.59 30.12 8.64
Total disposals tangible
4.89 0.59 30.12 8.64
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
378.59 746.81 845.52 1,129.36
Tangible assets at end of period 1,830.77 1,452.18 705.37 2,905.08 2,059.56 930.2

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Company total tangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned and leased assets [Member] Assets held under lease [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and impairment
Carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 689.56 634.32
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 492.16 390.6 -311.22 -170.86
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
25.23 8.05 3.45 0.56
Total disposals tangible
25.23 8.05 3.45 0.56
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
466.93 382.55 374.89 462.9
Tangible assets at end of period 1,074.31 607.38 224.83 1,409.44 1,034.55 571.65

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Company total tangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Assets held under lease [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and impairment
Gross carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 689.56 634.32
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 311.22 170.86
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
4.6 6.96 1.15 6.4
Total disposals tangible
4.6 6.96 1.15 6.4
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
684.96 627.36 310.07 164.46
Tangible assets at end of period 2,001.41 1,316.45 689.09 591.97 281.9 117.44

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(4)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Company total tangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 186.08 503.68 186.08 503.68
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -180.94 -219.74
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
1.44 0.03 25.52 1.68
Total disposals tangible
1.44 0.03 25.52 1.68
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
3.7 283.91 160.56 502
Tangible assets at end of period 421.33 417.63 133.72 903.67 743.11 241.11

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(5)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Company total tangible assets [Member] Plant and equipment [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and impairment
Carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 0 0
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 180.94 219.74 -0.69 -0.69
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
24.08 1.65 0 0
Total disposals tangible
24.08 1.65 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
156.86 218.09 -0.69 -0.69
Tangible assets at end of period 482.34 325.48 107.39 4.6 5.29 5.98

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(6)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Plant and equipment [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and impairment
Gross carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 0 0
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 0.69 0.69
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
0 0 0.69 0.69
Tangible assets at end of period 6.93 6.93 6.93 2.33 1.64 0.95

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(7)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Other plant and equipment [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 0 0 0 0
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -0.69 -0.69
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
-0.69 -0.69 0 0
Tangible assets at end of period 4.6 5.29 5.98 6.93 6.93 6.93

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(8)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Other plant and equipment [Member] Furniture and fixtures [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and impairment
Carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 40.12 155.86
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 0.69 0.69 -35.44 -132.87
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0.22 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0.22 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
0.69 0.69 4.46 22.99
Tangible assets at end of period 2.33 1.64 0.95 38.85 34.39 11.4

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(9)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Furniture and fixtures [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and impairment
Gross carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 40.12 155.86
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 35.44 132.87
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
21.02 1.23 20.8 1.23
Total disposals tangible
21.02 1.23 20.8 1.23
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
19.1 154.63 14.64 131.64
Tangible assets at end of period 236.86 217.76 63.13 198.01 183.37 51.73

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(10)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Office equipment [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 52.94 153 52.94 153
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -58.6 -37.68
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
1.06 0 4.27 0.38
Total disposals tangible
1.06 0 4.27 0.38
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
-6.72 115.32 48.67 152.62
Tangible assets at end of period 189.38 196.1 80.78 310.39 261.72 109.1

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(11)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Office equipment [Member] Computer equipments [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and impairment
Carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 90.81 168.27
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 58.6 37.68 -80.66 -45.59
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
3.21 0.38 0.14 0.03
Total disposals tangible
3.21 0.38 0.14 0.03
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
55.39 37.3 10.01 122.65
Tangible assets at end of period 121.01 65.62 28.32 168.22 158.21 35.56

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(12)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Computer equipments [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and impairment
Gross carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 90.81 168.27
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 80.66 45.59
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0.21 0.07 0.07 0.04
Total disposals tangible
0.21 0.07 0.07 0.04
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
90.6 168.2 80.59 45.55
Tangible assets at end of period 320.75 230.15 61.95 152.53 71.94 26.39

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(13)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Leasehold improvements [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Assets held under lease [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 689.56 634.32 689.56 634.32
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -311.22 -170.86
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
3.45 0.56 4.6 6.96
Total disposals tangible
3.45 0.56 4.6 6.96
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
374.89 462.9 684.96 627.36
Tangible assets at end of period 1,409.44 1,034.55 571.65 2,001.41 1,316.45 689.09

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(14)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Leasehold improvements [Member] Other tangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Assets held under lease [Member] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and impairment
Carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 2.21 26.55
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 311.22 170.86 -5.55 -2.91
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
1.15 6.4 0.02 0
Total disposals tangible
1.15 6.4 0.02 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
310.07 164.46 -3.36 23.64
Tangible assets at end of period 591.97 281.9 117.44 20.28 23.64 0

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(15)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Other tangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and impairment
Gross carrying amount [Member]
carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 2.21 26.55
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 5.55 2.91
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0.02 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0.02 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
2.19 26.55 5.55 2.91
Tangible assets at end of period 28.74 26.55 0 8.46 2.91 0

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(16)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Other tangible assets, others [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member]
gross carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Electrical Electrical Electrical Electrical
Nature of other tangible assets installations and installations and installations and installations and
equipment equipment equipment equipment
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 2.21 26.55 2.21 26.55
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -5.55 -2.91
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0.02 0 0.02 0
Total disposals tangible
0.02 0 0.02 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
-3.36 23.64 2.19 26.55
Tangible assets at end of period 20.28 23.64 0 28.74 26.55 0

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(17)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Other tangible assets, others [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross carrying amount [Axis] Accumulated depreciation and impairment [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets [LineItems]
Electrical installations and Electrical installations and
Nature of other tangible assets equipment equipment
Reconciliation of changes in tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets [Abstract]
Depreciation tangible assets 5.55 2.91
Impairment loss recognised in profit or loss tangible assets 0 0
Reversal of impairment loss recognised in profit or loss
0 0
tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets [Abstract]
Disposals tangible assets through demergers 0 0
Disposals tangible assets, others 0 0
Total disposals tangible assets 0 0
Other adjustments tangible assets [Abstract]
Other adjustments tangible assets, others 0 0
Total other adjustments tangible assets 0 0
Total changes in tangible assets 5.55 2.91
Tangible assets at end of period 8.46 2.91 0

Disclosure of additional information tangible assets [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Company total tangible assets [Member]
Owned and leased assets
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Assets held under lease [Member] Owned assets [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to to to to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [LineItems]
Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line Straight
Line Straight Line
Depreciation method tangible assets Basis Basis Basis Basis Basis Basis
As mentioned
As mentioned As mentioned As mentioned As mentioned As mentioned
Useful lives or depreciation rates under
under respective under respective under respective under respective under respective
tangible assets respective
column column column column column

Disclosure of additional information tangible assets [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Plant and equipment [Member] Furniture and fixtures [Member] Office equipment [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to to to to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [LineItems]
Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line
Depreciation method tangible assets Basis Basis Basis Basis Basis Basis
Useful lives or depreciation rates
5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years
tangible assets

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of additional information tangible assets [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Leasehold improvements
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Computer equipments [Member] Other tangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Assets held under lease [Member] Owned assets [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to to to to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [LineItems]
Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line
Depreciation method tangible assets Basis Basis Basis Basis Basis Basis
Useful lives or depreciation rates
3-5 yers 3-5 yers 4 years 4 years 5 Years 5 Years
tangible assets

Disclosure of additional information tangible assets [Table] ..(4)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Other tangible assets, others [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of additional information tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of additional information tangible assets [LineItems]
Depreciation method tangible assets Straight Line Basis Straight Line Basis
Useful lives or depreciation rates tangible assets 5 Years 5 Years

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[201100] Notes - Intangible assets

Disclosure of intangible assets [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of intangible assets [Axis] Company total intangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of intangible assets [Axis] Internally generated and other than internally generated intangible assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated amortization and
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member]
impairment and gross carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of intangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of intangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
intangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in intangible assets
Additions to intangible assets
Additions through internal
6.96 1.91 6.96 1.91
Additions other than through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Total additions to
6.96 1.91 6.96 1.91
intangible assets
Amortization intangible assets -8.48 -3.81
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss intangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
intangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0 0
(decrease) intangible assets
Disposals intangible assets
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets through demergers
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
Retirements of intangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments intangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Total changes in intangible
-1.52 -1.9 6.96 1.91
Intangible assets at end of period 21.36 22.88 24.78 38.97 32.01 30.1

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of intangible assets [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of intangible assets [Axis] Company total intangible assets [Member]
Internally generated and other than internally
Sub classes of intangible assets [Axis] Internally generated intangible assets [Member]
generated intangible assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated amortization and Accumulated amortization and impairment
Carrying amount [Member]
impairment and gross carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of intangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of intangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
intangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in intangible assets
Additions to intangible assets
Additions through internal
6.96 1.91
Additions other than through
business combinations 0 0
intangible assets
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
intangible assets
Total additions to
6.96 1.91
intangible assets
Amortization intangible assets 8.48 3.81 -8.48 -3.81
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0 0
loss intangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) intangible assets
Disposals intangible assets
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets through demergers
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
Retirements of intangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments intangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
intangible assets
Other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Total changes in intangible
8.48 3.81 -1.52 -1.9
Intangible assets at end of period 17.61 9.13 5.32 21.36 22.88 24.78

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of intangible assets [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of intangible assets [Axis] Company total intangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of intangible assets [Axis] Internally generated intangible assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated amortization and Accumulated amortization and impairment
Gross carrying amount [Member]
impairment and gross carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of intangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of intangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
intangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in intangible assets
Additions to intangible assets
Additions through internal
6.96 1.91
Additions other than through
business combinations 0 0
intangible assets
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
intangible assets
Total additions to
6.96 1.91
intangible assets
Amortization intangible assets 8.48 3.81
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss intangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
intangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) intangible assets
Disposals intangible assets
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets through demergers
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
Retirements of intangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments intangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
intangible assets
Other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Total changes in intangible
6.96 1.91 8.48 3.81
Intangible assets at end of period 38.97 32.01 30.1 17.61 9.13 5.32

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of intangible assets [Table] ..(4)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of intangible assets [Axis] Computer software [Member]
Sub classes of intangible assets [Axis] Internally generated intangible assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated amortization and
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member]
impairment and gross carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of intangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of intangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
intangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in intangible assets
Additions to intangible assets
Additions through internal
6.96 1.91 6.96 1.91
Additions other than through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Total additions to
6.96 1.91 6.96 1.91
intangible assets
Amortization intangible assets -8.48 -3.81
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss intangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
intangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0 0
(decrease) intangible assets
Disposals intangible assets
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets through demergers
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
Retirements of intangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments intangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Total changes in intangible
-1.52 -1.9 6.96 1.91
Intangible assets at end of period 3.13 4.65 6.55 20.74 13.78 11.87

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of intangible assets [Table] ..(5)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of intangible assets [Axis] Computer software [Member] Other intangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of intangible assets [Axis] Internally generated intangible assets [Member] Internally generated intangible assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated amortization and Accumulated amortization and impairment
Carrying amount [Member]
impairment and gross carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of intangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of intangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
intangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in intangible assets
Additions to intangible assets
Additions through internal
0 0
Additions other than through
business combinations 0 0
intangible assets
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
intangible assets
Total additions to
0 0
intangible assets
Amortization intangible assets 8.48 3.81 0 0
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0 0
loss intangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) intangible assets
Disposals intangible assets
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets through demergers
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
Retirements of intangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments intangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
intangible assets
Other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Total changes in intangible
8.48 3.81 0 0
Intangible assets at end of period 17.61 9.13 5.32 18.23 18.23 18.23

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of intangible assets [Table] ..(6)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of intangible assets [Axis] Other intangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of intangible assets [Axis] Internally generated intangible assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated amortization and Accumulated amortization and impairment
Gross carrying amount [Member]
impairment and gross carrying amount [Axis] [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of intangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of intangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
intangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in intangible assets
Additions to intangible assets
Additions through internal
0 0
Additions other than through
business combinations 0 0
intangible assets
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
intangible assets
Total additions to
0 0
intangible assets
Amortization intangible assets 0 0
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss intangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
intangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) intangible assets
Disposals intangible assets
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets through demergers
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
Retirements of intangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments intangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
intangible assets
Other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Total changes in intangible
0 0 0 0
Intangible assets at end of period 18.23 18.23 18.23 0 0 0

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of intangible assets [Table] ..(7)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of intangible assets [Axis] Other intangible assets, others [Member]
Sub classes of intangible assets [Axis] Internally generated intangible assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated amortization and
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member]
impairment and gross carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014 to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of intangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of intangible assets
Nature of other intangible assets Goodwill Good will Goodwill Good will
Reconciliation of changes in
intangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in intangible assets
Additions to intangible assets
Additions through internal
0 0 0 0
Additions other than through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Total additions to
0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Amortization intangible assets 0 0
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss intangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
intangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0 0
(decrease) intangible assets
Disposals intangible assets
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets through demergers
Disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total disposals intangible
0 0 0 0
Retirements of intangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments intangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
intangible assets
Total changes in intangible
0 0 0 0
Intangible assets at end of period 18.23 18.23 18.23 18.23 18.23 18.23

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of intangible assets [Table] ..(8)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of intangible assets [Axis] Other intangible assets, others [Member]
Sub classes of intangible assets [Axis] Internally generated intangible assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated amortization and impairment and gross carrying amount
Accumulated amortization and impairment [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of intangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of intangible assets [LineItems]
Nature of other intangible assets Goodwill Good will
Reconciliation of changes in intangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in intangible assets [Abstract]
Amortization intangible assets 0 0
Impairment loss recognised in profit or loss intangible assets 0 0
Reversal of impairment loss recognised in profit or loss
0 0
intangible assets
Disposals intangible assets [Abstract]
Disposals intangible assets through demergers 0 0
Disposals intangible assets, others 0 0
Total disposals intangible assets 0 0
Retirements of intangible assets 0 0
Other adjustments intangible assets [Abstract]
Other adjustments intangible assets, others 0 0
Total other adjustments intangible assets 0 0
Total changes in intangible assets 0 0
Intangible assets at end of period 0 0 0

Disclosure of additional information intangible assets [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Company total intangible assets Goodwill on investments joint
Classes of intangible assets [Axis] Goodwill [Member]
[Member] ventures [Member]
Internally generated and other
Internally generated intangible Internally generated intangible
Sub classes of intangible assets [Axis] than internally generated
assets [Member] assets [Member]
intangible assets [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to to to to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of additional information
intangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of additional information
intangible assets [LineItems]
Useful lives or amortization rates Straight Line Straight Line
intangible assets method method
As mentioned As mentioned
Description of amortization method
under the under the NA `NA NA NA
used respective head respective head

Disclosure of additional information intangible assets [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classes of intangible assets [Axis] Computer software [Member]
Internally generated intangible assets
Sub classes of intangible assets [Axis]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of additional information intangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of additional information intangible assets [LineItems]
Straight Line
Useful lives or amortization rates intangible assets method
Straight Line method

Description of amortization method used 1-3 years 1-3 years

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[200500] Notes - Current investments

Details of current investments [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification of current investments [Axis] Column 1 Column 2
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Current investments [Abstract]
Disclosure of details of current investments
Details of current investments [LineItems]
Investments in Investments in mutual Investments in Investments in
Type of current investments mutual funds funds debentures or bonds debentures or bonds
Class of current investments Current investments Current investments Current investments Current investments
Current investments 18,995.11 13,412.27 0 350
Basis of valuation of current investments Fair value hierarchy Fair value hierarchy Fair value hierarchy Fair value hierarchy
Name of body corporate in whom investment has
Mutual Funds Mutual Funds Bonds Bonds
been made

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR

31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of notes on current investments explanatory [TextBlock]
Aggregate amount of quoted current investments 18,995.11 13,412.27
Market value of quoted current investments 0 0
Aggregate amount of unquoted current investments 0 350
Aggregate provision for diminution in value of current investments 0 0

[200600] Notes - Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets

Classification of inventories [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification of inventories [Axis] Company total inventories [Member] Stock-in-trade [Member]
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Inventories notes [Abstract]
Inventories [Abstract]
Classification of inventories [Abstract]
Details of inventories [LineItems]
Inventories 14,202.28 11,653.54 14,202.28 11,653.54
Goods in transit 0 0 0 0
valued at lower of valued at lower of valued at lower of valued at lower of
Mode of valuation cost and net cost and net realizable cost and net cost and net realizable
realizable value value realizable value value

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Loans and advances [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Long-term [Member]
Classification of loans and advances [Axis] Loans and advances [Member] Security deposits [Member]
Classification of assets based on security [Axis] Unsecured considered good [Member] Unsecured considered good [Member]
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Loans and advances notes [Abstract]
Loans and advances [Abstract]
Disclosure of loans and advances [LineItems]
Loans and advances, gross 77.31 33.56 77.31 33.56
Allowance for bad and doubtful loans and
0 0 0 0
Loans and advances 77.31 33.56 77.31 33.56
Details of loans and advances due by
directors, other officers or others
Loans and advances due by directors 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by other officers 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by others 0 0 0 0
Total loans and advances due by
0 0 0 0
directors, other officers or others
Details of loans and advances due by firms
or companies in which any director is
partner or director [Abstract]
Loans and advances due by firms in
0 0 0 0
which any director is partner
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Total loans and advances due
by firms or companies in which
0 0 0 0
any director is partner or

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Loans and advances [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
Classification of loans and advances [Axis] Loans and advances [Member]
Classification of assets based on security [Axis] Unsecured considered good [Member] Doubtful [Member]
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Loans and advances notes [Abstract]
Loans and advances [Abstract]
Disclosure of loans and advances [LineItems]
Loans and advances, gross 2,232.42 111.98 4.64 4.96
Allowance for bad and doubtful loans and
0 0 4.64 4.96
Loans and advances 2,232.42 111.98 0 0
Details of loans and advances due by
directors, other officers or others
Loans and advances due by directors 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by other officers 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by others 0 0 0 0
Total loans and advances due by
0 0 0 0
directors, other officers or others
Details of loans and advances due by firms
or companies in which any director is
partner or director [Abstract]
Loans and advances due by firms in
0 0 0 0
which any director is partner
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Total loans and advances due
by firms or companies in which
0 0 0 0
any director is partner or

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Loans and advances [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
Classification of loans and advances [Axis] Security deposits [Member]
Classification of assets based on security [Axis] Unsecured considered good [Member] Doubtful [Member]
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Loans and advances notes [Abstract]
Loans and advances [Abstract]
Disclosure of loans and advances [LineItems]
Loans and advances, gross 102.42 111.98 4.64 4.96
Allowance for bad and doubtful loans and
0 0 4.64 4.96
Loans and advances 102.42 111.98 0 0
Details of loans and advances due by
directors, other officers or others
Loans and advances due by directors 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by other officers 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by others 0 0 0 0
Total loans and advances due by
0 0 0 0
directors, other officers or others
Details of loans and advances due by firms
or companies in which any director is
partner or director [Abstract]
Loans and advances due by firms in
0 0 0 0
which any director is partner
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Total loans and advances due
by firms or companies in which
0 0 0 0
any director is partner or

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Loans and advances [Table] ..(4)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
Loans and advances to related parties Loans advances given other related
Classification of loans and advances [Axis]
[Member] parties [Member]
Classification of assets based on security [Axis] Unsecured considered good [Member] Unsecured considered good [Member]
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Loans and advances notes [Abstract]
Loans and advances [Abstract]
Disclosure of loans and advances [LineItems]
Loans and advances, gross 2,130 0 2,130 0
Allowance for bad and doubtful loans and
0 0 0 0
Loans and advances 2,130 0 2,130 0
Details of loans and advances due by
directors, other officers or others
Loans and advances due by directors 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by other officers 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by others 0 0 0 0
Total loans and advances due by
0 0 0 0
directors, other officers or others
Details of loans and advances due by firms
or companies in which any director is
partner or director [Abstract]
Loans and advances due by firms in
0 0 0 0
which any director is partner
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Total loans and advances due
by firms or companies in which
0 0 0 0
any director is partner or

Disclosure of breakup of provisions [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification based on time period
Classification based on time period [Axis] Long-term [Member]
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Provisions notes [Abstract]
Disclosure of breakup of provisions [Abstract]
Disclosure of breakup of provisions [LineItems]
Provisions [Abstract]
Provisions for employee benefits
Provision other employee related
179.23 118.35 59.37 36.71
Total provisions for employee benefits 179.23 118.35 59.37 36.71
CSR expenditure provision 0 0 0 0
Total provisions 179.23 118.35 59.37 36.71

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of breakup of provisions [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets [Abstract]
Provisions notes [Abstract]
Disclosure of breakup of provisions [Abstract]
Disclosure of breakup of provisions [LineItems]
Provisions [Abstract]
Provisions for employee benefits [Abstract]
Provision other employee related liabilities 119.86 81.64
Total provisions for employee benefits 119.86 81.64
CSR expenditure provision 0 0
Total provisions 119.86 81.64

Subclassification of trade receivables [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification of assets based on security
Classification of assets based on security [Axis] Unsecured considered good [Member]
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Trade receivables notes [Abstract]
Trade receivables [Abstract]
Subclassification of trade receivables
Subclassification of trade receivables
Breakup of trade receivables [Abstract]
Trade receivables, gross 2,257.29 3,605.11 2,246.38 3,587.05
Allowance for bad and doubtful debts 10.91 18.06 0 0
Total trade receivables 2,246.38 3,587.05 2,246.38 3,587.05
Details of trade receivables due by
directors, other officers or others
Trade receivables due by directors 0 0
Trade receivables due by other officers 0 0
Trade receivables due by others 0 0
Total trade receivables due by
directors, other officers or 0 0
Details of trade receivables due by
firms or companies in which any director
is partner or director [Abstract]
Trade receivables due by firms in
0 0
which any director is partner
Trade receivables due by private
companies in which any director 0 0
is director
Trade receivables due by private
companies in which any director 0 0
is member
Total trade receivables due by firms
or companies in which any director is 0 0
partner or director

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Subclassification of trade receivables [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Classification of assets based on security [Axis] Doubtful [Member]
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets [Abstract]
Trade receivables notes [Abstract]
Trade receivables [Abstract]
Subclassification of trade receivables [Abstract]
Subclassification of trade receivables [LineItems]
Breakup of trade receivables [Abstract]
Trade receivables, gross 10.91 18.06
Allowance for bad and doubtful debts 10.91 18.06
Total trade receivables 0 0
Details of trade receivables due by directors, other officers or others
Trade receivables due by directors 0 0
Trade receivables due by other officers 0 0
Trade receivables due by others 0 0
Total trade receivables due by directors, other officers or others 0 0
Details of trade receivables due by firms or companies in which any
director is partner or director [Abstract]
Trade receivables due by firms in which any director is partner 0 0
Trade receivables due by private companies in which any director is
0 0
Trade receivables due by private companies in which any director is
0 0
Total trade receivables due by firms or companies in which any
0 0
director is partner or director

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR

01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
explanatory [TextBlock]
Trade payables, long-term 0 0
Others long-term, others 0 5.42
Total others, long-term 0 5.42
Total other long-term liabilities 0 5.42
Interest accrued but not due on borrowings 0 0
Interest accrued and due on borrowings 0 0
Interest accrued but not due on public deposits 0 0
Interest accrued and due on public deposits 0 0
Debentures claimed but not paid 0 0
Unpaid dividends 0 0
Application money received for allotment of securities and
0 0
due for refund, principal
Unpaid matured deposits and interest accrued thereon 0 0
Unpaid matured debentures and interest accrued thereon 0 0

Taxes payable other tax (A) 856.32 (B) 489.56

Public deposit payable, current 0 0
Total other payables, current 856.32 489.56
Current liabilities portion of share application money pending
0 0
Other current liabilities, others 34.19 114.45
Total other current liabilities 890.51 604.01
Other non-current assets, others 6,817.15 8,892
Total other non-current assets 6,817.15 8,892
Capital Advances [62.76
Mn - Provision for
Doubtful Rs. 4.32 Mn]
58.44 Mn Restricted Cash Textual information (19)
Nature of other non-current assets, others Rs. 6,561.96 Mn Prepaid [See below]
Expenses Rs. 66.31
Mn Advance Income Tax Rs.
Aggregate amount of trade receivables outstanding for period
0 0
exceeding six months
Fixed deposits with banks 0 0
Other deposits with banks 11,993.5 21,356.13
Other balances with banks 646.75 841.39
Total balance with banks 12,640.25 22,197.52
Cash on hand 0 0
Total cash and cash equivalents 12,640.25 22,197.52 4,272.59
Total cash and bank balances 12,640.25 22,197.52
Total balances held with banks to extent held as
margin money or security against borrowings, 0 0
guarantees or other commitments
Bank deposits with more than twelve months maturity 0 0
Unbilled revenue 130.72 3.97
Interest receivable 1,469.48 490.18

Other current assets, others (C) 1,387.02 (D) 1,863.08

Total other current assets 2,987.22 2,357.23

(A) Payable to statutory authorities
(B) Payable to statutory authorities
(C) Other Current Assets Rs. 13.76 Mn + [Advances to Trade Suppliers Rs. 284.87 Mn - {Doubtful Advances Rs. 159.32 - Provision
Created Rs. 159.32}] + Balances With Statutory Authority Rs. 511.71 Mn + Prepaid Expenses Rs. 32.93 Mn + Others Rs. 543.75 +
{Doubtful Balances Rs. 10.08- Provisions Created Rs. 10.08}] = 1387.02
(D) Other Current Assets Rs.11.27 Mn + [Advances to Trade Suppliers Rs. 299.13 Mn - {Doubtful Advances Rs. 219.48 - Provision
Created Rs. 219.48}] + Advances to Related Parties Rs. 738.78 + Balances With Statutory Authority Rs. 8.22 Mn + Prepaid Expenses
Rs. 66.54 Mn + Others Rs. 739.14 = 1863.08 Mn

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (19)

Nature of other non-current assets, others

Interest Accrued Rs. 295.13 Mn Capital Advances [11.94 Mn - Provision for Doubtful Rs. 4.70 Mn] 7.24 Restricted Cash Rs. 8000.08 Mn
Balances With Govt Authorities Rs. 447.06 Mn Prepaid Expenses Rs. 2.41 Mn Advance Incoome Tax Rs. 140.08

[200700] Notes - Additional disclosures on balance sheet

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of additional balance sheet notes explanatory [TextBlock]
Total contingent liabilities and commitments 0 0
Amount of dividends proposed to be distributed to equity shareholders 0 0
Amount of per share dividend proposed to be distributed to equity
[INR/shares] 0 [INR/shares] 0
Deposits accepted or renewed during period 0 0
Deposits matured and claimed but not paid during period 0 0
Deposits matured and claimed but not paid 0 0
Deposits matured but not claimed 0 0
Interest on deposits accrued and due but not paid 0 0
Share application money received during year 0 0
Share application money paid during year 0 0
Amount of share application money received back during year 0 0
Amount of share application money repaid returned back during year 0 0
Number of person share application money paid during year [pure] 0 [pure] 0
Number of person share application money received during year [pure] 0 [pure] 0
Number of person share application money paid as at end of year [pure] 0 [pure] 0
Number of person share application money received as at end of year [pure] 0 [pure] 0
Whether maintenance of cost records by company has been
mandated under Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, No No
Unclaimed share application refund money 0 0
Unclaimed matured debentures 0 0
Unclaimed matured deposits 0 0
Interest unclaimed amount 0 0
Number of warrants converted into equity shares during period [pure] 0 [pure] 0
Number of warrants converted into preference shares during period [pure] 0 [pure] 0
Number of warrants converted into debentures during period [pure] 0 [pure] 0
Number of warrants issued during period (in foreign currency) [pure] 0 [pure] 0
Number of warrants issued during period (INR) [pure] 0 [pure] 0

[200800] Notes - Disclosure of accounting policies, changes in accounting policies and estimates
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Disclosure of accounting policies, change in accounting policies and Textual information (20)
changes in estimates explanatory [TextBlock] [See below]

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (20)

Disclosure of accounting policies, change in accounting policies and changes in estimates explanatory [Text Block]
1. Corporate information

Flipkart India Private Limited (herein after referred to as "the Company") was incorporated on September 19, 2011 as a private limited Company
under the Companies Act, 1956. The Company is involved in the business of 'Cash and Carry Trading/Wholesale Trading' within the meaning of
Schedule I of the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident Outside India) Regulations, 2000 ("FDI
Policy"). The Company is engaged in wholesale distribution of books, mobiles, media, computers, gaming consoles, home appliances, electronics,
other related accessories and apparels. The Company also provides warehousing and fulfilment services to marketplace vendors.

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

2.1 Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance Indian Accounting Standards, read with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards)
Rules, 2015 and Companies (Indian Accounting Standard) (Amendment) Rules, 2016.

For all periods up to and including the year ended March 31, 2015, the Company prepared its financial statements in accordance with accounting
standards notified under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, read together with Paragraph 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014
(Previous GAAP). These financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2016 are the first the Company has prepared in accordance with IND
AS. (Refer Note: 3)

The preparation of these financial statements resulted in changes to the accounting policies as compared to most recent annual financial
statements prepared under Previous GAAP. Accounting policies have been applied consistently to all periods presented in the financial
statements. They have also been applied in preparing the IND AS opening balance sheet as at April 01, 2014 (“Transition Date”) for the purpose
of transition to IND AS and as required by IND AS 101 on "First time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standard".

The financial statements are presented in Indian Rupees (INR or Rs.) and all values in the tables are reported in millions of Indian rupees (Rupees
in millions ('Mn') except share data, unless otherwise stated.

2.2 Basis of Measurement

"The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost convention and on an accrual basis, except for the following material items
which have been measured at fair value as required by relevant IND AS;

(i) Certain financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value (refer accounting policy regarding financial instruments), and

(ii) The defined benefit asset/(liability) is recognized as the present value of defined benefit obligation less fair value of plan assets."

2.3 Business Combination

Business combinations are accounted for by applying the acquisition method as at the date of acquisition, which is the date on which control is
transferred to the Company. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business combination are measured initially at their fair
values at the acquisition date. When the Company acquires a business, it assess the financial assets and liabilities assumed for appropriate
classification and designation. In accordance with contractual terms, economic circumstances and pertinent conditions as at acquisition date. The
excess of the cost of acquisition over the interest in the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired and attributable to the owners of the
Company is recorded as goodwill. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the aggregate of the consideration transferred, which is measured at
the acquisition date fair value and the amount of a non-controlling interest in the acquire. Transaction costs incurred in connection with a business
acquisition are expensed as and when incurred. If the fair value of the net assets acquired is in excess of the aggregate consideration transferred,
then the gain is recognised in other comprehensive income (OCI) and accumulated in equity as capital reserve.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Any contingent consideration payable is measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Subsequent changes in the fair value of contingent
consideration are recognised in statement of profit and loss. Contingent consideration that is classified as equity is not remeasured and subsequent
settlement is accounted for within equity.

Business combinations involving entities or businesses under common control shall be accounted for using the pooling of interest method.

2.4 Functional and Foreign currency

Functional and presentation currency

Management has determined the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity resides in and operates as the functional
currency. The functional currency of the Company is Indian Rupees (INR). The financial statements have been presented in INR, as it best
represents the operating business performance and underlying transactions.

Transactions and balances

Transactions in foreign currencies are measured in the functional currency of the Company and are recorded on initial recognition in the
functional currency at exchange rates prevailing at the transaction dates. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are
translated at the rate of exchange ruling at the end of the reporting period.

Differences arising on settlement or translation of monetary items are recognised in the statement of profit and loss.

Non-monetary items that are measured in historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates as at the dates of the initial
transactions. Non-monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates at the date when the fair
value was determined. The gain or loss arising on translation of non-monetary items measured at fair value is treated in line with the recognition
of the gain or loss on the change in fair value of the item (i.e., translation differences on items whose fair value gain or loss is recognised in Other
Comprehensive Income (OCI) or statement of profit and loss are also recognised in OCI or statement of profit and loss, respectively).

2.5 Property, plant and equipment

(a) Recognition and measurement

All items of property, plant and equipment are initially measured at cost and subsequently it is measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and
impairment losses, if any. Costs include expenditures directly attributable to acquisition of assets. The cost of an item of property, plant and
equipment is recognised as an asset, if and only if, it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Company
and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. When significant parts of property, plant and equipment are required to be replaced at intervals,
the Company recognises such parts as individual assets with specific useful lives and depreciates them accordingly Any subsequent cost incurred
is recognised in the carrying amount of the plant and equipment as a replacement if the recognition criteria are satisfied. All other repair and
maintenance costs are recognised in statement of profit and loss as incurred.

(b) Depreciation

The Company depreciates property, plant and equipment over the estimated useful life on a straight-line basis from the date the assets are
available for use. Leasehold improvements are amortised over the estimated useful life or the lease period, whichever is lower. Depreciation is not
recorded on capital work-in-progress until construction and installation are complete and the asset is ready for its intended use.

The residual value, estimated useful life and method of depreciation of property, plant and equipment are reviewed at each financial year and
adjusted prospectively, if appropriate. The estimated useful lives of assets are as follows:

Category of assets Estimated useful life

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Computers 3 - 5 years

Furniture and fixtures 5 years

Office equipment 5 years

Electrical Installations and equipment 5 years

Plant and Machinery 5 years

Vehicles 4 years

The Company, based on technical assessment made by technical expert and management estimate, depreciates the certain items of plant and
equipment over estimated useful lives which are different from the useful life prescribed in Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013. The
management believes that these estimated useful lives are realistic and reflect fair approximation of the period over which the assets are likely to
be used.

The carrying values of property, plant and equipment are reviewed for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the
carrying value may not be recoverable.

An item of plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any
gain or loss on de-recognition of the asset is included in the statement of profit and loss in the year the asset is derecognised.

2.6 Goodwill and Intangible assets


Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired in a business
combination. If the fair value of the net assets acquired is in excess of the aggregate consideration transferred, then the gain is recognised in other
comprehensive income (OCI) and accumulated in equity as capital reserve.

Goodwill is tested for impairment at least annually and when events occur or changes in circumstances indicate that the recoverable amount of the
cash generating unit is less than its carrying value. The goodwill impairment test is performed at the level of cash-generating unit or groups of
cash-generating units which represent the lowest level at which goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes.

Where the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit is less than the carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognised in statement of profit
and loss. Impairment losses recognised for goodwill are not reversed in subsequent periods.

Intangible assets

Intangible assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. Intangible assets acquired in business combination are measured
at fair value as at the date of acquisition. Following initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at cost less any accumulated amortization and
impairment losses, if any. Internally generated intangible assets, excluding capitalised development costs, are not capitalised and expenditure is
recognised in the statement of profit and loss when it is incurred.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Subsequent expenditures are capitalized only when they increase the future economic benefits embodied in the specific asset to which they relate.

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives or not yet available for use are not amortised, but instead tested for impairment annually and written
down to recoverable value as required. Intangible assets with finite lives are amortised over the estimated useful life. The amortisation period and
the amortisation method for an intangible asset with a finite useful life are reviewed at least at the end of each reporting period. The amortisation
expense on intangible assets with finite lives is recognised in the statement of profit and loss in the expense category consistent with the nature of
the intangible assets.

Gains or losses arising from de-recognition of an intangible asset are measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and are recognised in statement of profit and loss when the asset is derecognised.

The useful lives of the intangible assets assessed by the management are as follows and these amortized on a straight line basis over the period of
the assets:

Category of assets Estimated useful life

Computer software 1-3 years

2.7 Inventories

"Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realisable value. Inventories are primarily accounted for using first-in first-out basis. Costs
include materials and related purchase costs, including costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.

Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs
necessary to make the sale.

Where necessary, allowance is provided for damaged, obsolete and slow moving items to adjust the carrying value of inventories to the lower of
cost and net realisable value."

2.8 Financial Instruments

A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another

"- financial assets include cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables, unbilled revenues, finance lease receivables, employee and other
advances, investments in equity and debt securities and eligible current and noncurrent assets;

- financial liabilities include long-term and short-term loans and borrowings, bank overdrafts, trade payables, and other eligible current and
non-current liabilities."

Financial assets:

"Initial measurement

Initially, a financial instrument is recognized at its fair value. Transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of financial
instruments are recognized in determining the carrying amount, if it is not classified as at fair value through profit or loss. Subsequently, financial
instruments are measured according to the category in which they are classified."

"Subsequent measurement

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

The subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification as follows:"

a) Financial assets at amortised cost:

"A financial asset is classified as ""financial asset at amortised cost"" (amortised cost) under IND AS 109 if it meets both the following criteria:

(i) The asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold the financial asset in order to collect contractual cash flows, and

(ii) The contractual terms of the financial asset give rise to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount
outstanding on specified date (the ‘SPPI’ contractual cash flow characteristics test)."

b) Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI):

All equity investment in scope of IND AS 109 on "Financial Instrument" are measured at fair value. Equity instruments which are held for trading
and contingent consideration recognised by an acquirer in a business combination to which IND AS 103 on "Business Combination" applies are
classified as fair value through profit or loss. For all other equity instruments, the Company may make irrevocable election to present tin other
comprehensive income subsequent changed in the fair value. The Company makes such election on an instrument-to-instrument basis. The
classification is made on initial recognition and is irrevocable.

If the Company decides to classify an equity instrument through fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCL), then all fair value
changes in the instruments excluding dividends, are recognised in OCI and is never recycled to statement of profit and loss, even on sale of the

c) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) :

"FVTPL is a residual category for financial asset. A financial asset is classified and measured at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) if the
financial asset is:

- A held-for-trading financial asset (a derivative that has not been designated in a hedging relationship, or a financial asset that is held for the
purposes of short term sale or repurchase)

- A debt instrument that does not qualify to be measured at amortised cost (because the interest cash flows do not represent only compensation
for time value and credit risk)

- An equity investment for which the entity has not elected to classify the instrument as at fair value through other comprehensive income

- A financial asset where the Company has elected to measure the asset at FVTPL under the fair value option (FVO)

These are measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in statement of profit and loss."

De-recognition of financial assets

The Company derecognizes a financial asset only when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expires or it transfers the financial
asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to another entity. If the Company neither transfers nor retains
substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership and continues to control the transferred asset, the Company recognizes its retained interest in
the asset and an associated liability for amounts it may have to pay. If the Company retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of
a transferred financial asset, the Company continues to recognize the financial asset and also recognizes a collateralized borrowing for the
proceeds received.

Financial liabilities:

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

"Initial recognition and measurement

Financial liabilities are classified, at initial recognition, as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, loans and borrowings or payables
, as appropriate."

All financial liabilities are recognised initially at fair value and, in the case of loans and borrowings and payables, net of directly attributable
transaction costs.

"Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost

After initial recognition, financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method."

"Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for trading. Gains or losses on liabilities held for trading are
recognized in statement of profit and loss."

"De-recognition of financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are derecognized when these are extinguished, that is when the obligation is discharged, cancelled or has expired."

"Offsetting of financial instruments

Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset with the net amount reported in the balance sheet only if there is a current enforceable legal
right to offset the recognised amounts and intent to settle on a net basis, or to realise the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously."

2.9 Impairment

(a) Financial assets

The Company assesses at each reporting date whether there is any objective evidence that a financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired.
If any such indication exists, the company estimates the amount of impairment loss.

(i) Financial assets at amortized cost

"If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on financial assets carried at amortised cost has incurred, the amount of the loss is
measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the financial
asset’s original effective interest rate. The impairment loss is recognised in statement of profit and loss.

The carrying amount of the asset is reduced through the use of an allowance account and the amount of the loss is recognised in the statement of
profit and loss. If, in a subsequent year, the amount of the estimated impairment loss increases or decreases because of an event occurring after the
impairment was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss is increased or reduced by adjusting the allowance account. If a write-off
is later recovered, the recovery is credited to finance costs in statement of profit and loss."

(ii) Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss

When the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets declines below acquisition cost and there is objective evidence that the asset is impaired,
the cumulative gain/loss that has been recognized in other comprehensive income, a component of equity in other reserve is transferred to the
statement of profit and loss. Reversal of impairment loss on equity investments classified as available-for-sale is not recognized in the statement
of profit and loss. Increase in their fair value after impairment is recognized in statement of profit and loss.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

If, in a subsequent period, the fair value of a debt instrument classified as available-for-sale increases and the increase can be objectively related
to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized in the statement of profit and loss, the impairment loss is reversed in the statement
of profit and loss.

(b) Non - financial assets

"The Company assesses whether there are any indicators of impairment for all non-financial assets at each reporting date. Goodwill and intangible
assets with indefinite economic lives are tested for impairment annually and at other times when such indicators exist. The recoverable amounts
of cash generating units have been determined based on value-in-use calculations.

Other non-financial assets are tested for impairment when there are indicators that the carrying amounts may not be recoverable."

2.10 Cash and cash equivalents

"Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at banks and on hand, demand deposits, and short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily
convertible to known amount of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and cash equivalent, as defined above, net of outstanding
bank overdrafts as they are considered an integral part of the Company’s cash management. "

2.11 Restricted Cash

Cash that is restricted as to withdrawal for use or pledged as security is reported separately under other assets, and is not included in the total cash
and cash equivalents in the statements of cash flows and cash and cash equivalents in the balance sheet. The Company’s restricted cash mainly
represents (a) the secured deposits held in designated bank accounts for issuance of bank acceptance and letter of guarantee; (b) time deposits that
are pledged for short-term loan.

2.12 Provisions

Provisions are recognised when the Company has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that an
outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and the amount of the obligation can be estimated

The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present obligation at the end of the reporting
period, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation. The expense relating to a provision is presented in the statement
of profit and loss net of any reimbursement.

If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are discounted using a current pre-tax rate that reflects, when appropriate, the risks
specific to the liability. When discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognised as a finance cost.

When some or all of the economic benefits required to settle a provision are expected to be recovered from a third party, the receivable is
recognized as an asset, if it is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received and the amount of the receivable can be measured reliably.

2.13 Employee benefits

Defined benefit plan

In accordance with applicable laws in India, the Company provides for gratuity, a defined benefit retirement plan (“the Gratuity Plan”) for every
employee who has completed 5 years or more of service on departure at 15 days salary (last drawn salary) for each completed year of service. The
Gratuity Plan provides for a lump sum payment to eligible employees at retirement, death, incapacitation or termination of employment based on
last drawn salary and tenure of employment with the Company. Liabilities with regard to the Gratuity Plan are determined by actuarial valuation
on the reporting date using projected unit credit method. The gratuity scheme is not funded.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

All actuarial gains and losses are immediately recognised in other comprehensive income, net of taxes, if any, and permanently excluded from
statement of profit and loss.

Defined contribution plan

The Company makes contributions to the Provident Fund scheme, a defined contribution benefit scheme. These contributions are deposited with
Government administered fund and recognised as an expense in the period in which the related service is performed. There is no further
obligation on the Company on this defined contribution plan.

Compensated Absences

Accumulated leave, which is expected to be utilized within the next 12 months, is treated as short-term employee benefit. The Company measures
the expected cost of such absences as the additional amount that it expects to pay as a result of the unused entitlement that has accumulated at the
reporting date.

The Company treats accumulated leave expected to be carried forward beyond twelve months, as long-term employee benefit for measurement
purposes. Such long-term compensated absences are provided for based on the actuarial valuation using the projected unit credit method at the
year-end. Actuarial gains/losses are immediately taken to the statement of profit and loss and are not deferred. The Company presents the entire
leave as a current liability in the balance sheet, since it does not have an unconditional right to defer its settlement for 12 months after the
reporting date.

Employee entitlements to annual leave are recognised as a liability when they accrue to the employees. The estimated liability for leave is
recognised for services rendered by employees up to the end of the reporting period.

Employee share option plans

Flipkart Limited (ultimate holding Company) operates equity compensation plans for the group entities. The Company recognises the cost and
corresponding liability based on the advice received from Flipkart Limited. The cost of these equity-settled share based payment transactions with
employees is measured by reference to the fair value of the options using option pricing model at the date on which the options are granted which
takes into account market conditions and non-vesting conditions.

When the terms of an equity-settled award are modified, the minimum expense recognised is the grant date fair value of the unmodified award,
provided the original terms of the award are met. An additional expense, measured as at the date of modification, is recognised for any
modification that increases the total fair value of the share-based payment transaction, or is otherwise beneficial to the employee. Where an award
is cancelled by the entity or by the counterparty, any remaining element of the fair value of the award is expensed immediately through statement
of profit and loss.

2.14 Leases

At the inception of a lease, the lease arrangement is classified as either a finance lease or an operating lease, based on the substance of the lease

Leases where the lessor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as operating leases. Payments made under the
operating leases are recognised in the statement of profit and loss on a straight lining basis over the lease term.

The determination of whether an arrangement is, or contain a lease is based on the substance of the arrangement at the inception date. The
arrangement is, or contain a lease if, fulfilment of the arrangement is dependent on the use of a specific asset or assets or the arrangement conveys
a right to use of asset or assets, even if that right is not explicitly specified in the arrangement

2.15 Revenue

Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company and the revenue can be reliably
measured, regardless of when the payment is made. Revenue is measured at the fair value of consideration received or receivable, taking into
account contractually defined terms of payments and excluding discounts, rebates, and sales taxes or duty. The following specific recognition
criteria must also be met before revenue is recognised:

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

a) Sale of traded goods

Revenue from sale of goods is recognised upon the transfer of significant risk and rewards of ownership of the goods to the customer. Revenue is
not recognised to the extent where there are significant uncertainties regarding recovery of the consideration due, associated costs or the possible
return of goods. Revenues are net of Sales Tax and Value Added Tax. The Company offers volume discounts to certain customers based on
targeted sales increase. Volume discounts are accrued and recorded as a reduction of net sales.

b) Rendering of services

Income from sale of services

Revenue is recognized as and when services are rendered. The company collects service tax on behalf of the government and, therefore, it is not
an economic benefit flowing to the company. Hence, it is excluded from revenue.

Interest income

Interest income is recognised using the effective interest method. Effective interest is the rate that exactly discounts the estimated future cash
receipts over the expected life of the financial instrument or a shorter period, where appropriate, to the net carrying amount of the financial asset.
Interest income is included in finance income in the statement of profit and loss.

2.16 Finance cost

Finance expenses comprise interest cost on borrowings. Borrowing costs that are not directly attributable to a qualifying asset are recognized in
the statement of profit and loss using the effective interest method.

2.17 Taxes

Income tax comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax expense is recognized in the statement of profit and loss except to the extent it relates
to a business combination, or items directly recognized in equity or in OCI.

Current income tax

Current income tax for the current and prior periods are measured at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to the taxation authorities
based on the taxable income for the period. The tax rates and tax laws used to compute the current tax amount are those that are enacted or
substantively enacted by the reporting date and applicable for the period. The Company offsets current tax assets and current tax liabilities, where
it has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognized amounts and where it intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the asset and
liability simultaneously.

Current income tax relating to items recognised directly in equity is recognised in equity and not in the statement of profit and loss. Management
periodically evaluates positions taken in the tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulations are subject to interpretation,
and it establishes provisions where appropriate.

Deferred tax

Deferred income tax is recognized using the balance sheet approach. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are recognized for deductible and
taxable temporary differences arising between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying amount in financial statements, except when
the deferred income tax arises from the initial recognition of goodwill or an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination
and affects neither accounting nor taxable profits or loss at the time of the transaction. Deferred income tax assets are recognized to the extent it
is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences and the carry forward of unused tax credits and
unused tax losses can be utilized.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets is reviewed at each reporting date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that
sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the deferred income tax asset to be utilized. Deferred income tax assets and
liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, based on tax
rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting period.

Deferred tax relating to items recognised outside statement of profit and loss is recognised outside statement of profit and loss. Deferred tax items
are recognised in correlation to the underlying transaction either in other comprehensive income or directly in equity.

The Company offsets deferred income tax assets and liabilities, where it has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current
tax liabilities, and they relate to taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the same taxable entity, or on different taxable entities where
there is an intention to settle the current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis or their tax assets and liabilities will be realized simultaneously.

2.18 Contingencies

A contingent liability is:

"A possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or
more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company; or A present obligation that arises from past events but is not
recognised because:

(i) It is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; or

(ii) The amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability. "

A contingent asset is a possible asset that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or
non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company.

Contingent liabilities and assets are not recognised on the balance sheet of the Company, except for contingent liabilities assumed in a business
combination that are present obligations arising from past events and which the fair values can be reliably determined.

2.19 Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company by weighted average
number of equity shares outstanding during the period adjusted for treasury shares held, if any. Diluted earnings per share is computed by
dividing the profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company using the weighted-average number of equity shares considered
for deriving basic earnings per share and weighted average number of dilutive equivalent shares outstanding during the period, except where the
results would be anti-dilutive. Dilutive potential shares are deemed converted at the beginning of the period, unless issued at later date.

2.20 Segment Reporting

The Company primarily engages in wholesale trading of books, mobiles, media, computers, gaming consoles, home appliances, electronics, other
related accessories and apparels. The Company does not distinguish revenues, costs and expenses between different businesses in its internal
reporting, and reports costs and expenses by nature as a whole. The Board of Directors reviews the results when making decisions about
allocating resources and assessing performance of the Company as a whole and hence, the Company has only one reportable segment. The
Company operates and manages its business as a single segment mainly through the sale of products through the internet. As the Company's
long-lived assets are all located in India and most of the Company's revenues are derived from India, no geographical information is presented.

2A Recent accounting pronouncements

"The standards issued, but not yet effective up the date of issuance of the Company's financial statements is disclosed below."

"IND AS 115 Revenue from contracts with customers

IND AS 115 was issued in February 2015 and establishes a five-step model to account for revenue arising from contracts with customers. Under

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

IND AS 115 revenue is recognised at an amount that reflects the consideration to which an entity expects to be entitled in exchange for
transferring goods or services to a customer. The new revenue standard will supersede all current revenue recognition requirement under IND AS.
In March 2016, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in India, issued amendments to IND AS 115, deferring the adoption of the standard to
accounting period commencing on or after April 01, 2018. The Company has not yet selected a transition method and is evaluating the impact of
IND AS 115 on the financial statements."

2B Significant accounting estimates and judgements

The preparation of the Company's financial statements in conformity with IND AS requires management to make judgements, estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, and the accompanying disclosures, and the disclosure of
contingent liabilities at the reporting period. Actual results may differ from those estimates.

Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which
the estimates are revised if the revision affects only that period or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both
current and future periods. In particular, information about significant areas of estimation, uncertainty and critical judgments in applying
accounting policies that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the financial statements are included in the following notes:

(a) Useful lives of property, plant and equipment

The cost of property, plant and equipment is depreciated on a straight-line basis over the property, plant and equipment’s estimated economic
useful lives. Management estimates the useful lives of these property, plant and equipment to be within 3 to 5 years. These are common life
expectancies applied in the industry. Changes in the expected level of usage and technological developments could impact the economic useful
lives and the residual values of these assets, therefore, future depreciation charges could be revised. The carrying amount of the Company’s
property, plant and equipment at the end of the reporting period is disclosed in Note 4 to financial statements.

(b) Impairment of intangible assets

The recoverable amounts of the cash generating units which goodwill has been allocated to have been determined based on value in use
calculations. The value in use calculations are based on a discounted cash flow models. The recoverable amount is most sensitive to the discount
rate used for the discounted cash flow model as well as the expected future cash inflows and the growth rate used for extrapolation purposes.

(c) Impairment of non-financial assets

Impairment exists when the carrying value of an asset or cash generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount, which is the higher of its fair value
less costs to sell and its value in use. The fair value less costs to sell calculation is based on available data from binding sales transactions in an
arm’s length transaction of similar assets or observable market prices less incremental costs for disposing the asset. The value in use calculation is
based on a discounted cash flow model. The cash flows are derived from the budget for the next five years and do not include restructuring
activities that the Company is not yet committed to or significant future investments that will enhance the asset’s performance of the cash
generating unit being tested. The recoverable amount is most sensitive to the discount rate used for the discounted cash flow model as well as the
expected future cash inflows and the growth rate used for extrapolation purposes.

(d) Employees benefits plan

The cost of defined benefit pensions and other postretirement plans as well as the present value of the pension obligation are determined using
actuarial valuations. The actuarial valuation involves making various assumptions. These include the determination of the discount rates, expected
rates of return of assets, future salary increase, mortality rates and future pension increases. Due to the complexity of the valuation, the underlying
assumptions, defined benefit obligations are highly sensitive to changes in these assumptions.

(e) Allowance for Inventory obsolescence

Allowance for inventory obsolescence is estimated based on the best available facts and circumstances, including but not limited to, the
inventories’ own physical conditions, their market selling prices, and estimated costs to be incurred for their sales. The allowances are
re-evaluated and adjusted as additional information received affects the amount estimated.

(f) Income Taxes

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

The Company has exposure to income taxes in Indian jurisdiction. Deferred tax assets are recognised for all unused tax losses to the extent that it
is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the losses can be utilised. Significant managements judgment is required to
determine the amount of deferred tax assets that can be recognised, based upon the likely timing and level of future taxable profits together with
future tax planning strategies.

Considering the cumulative tax positions and considering the loss for the year, the Company has not recognised deferred tax assets on the losses.

(f) Business combinations

In our accounting for business combinations, judgment is required in determining whether an intangible asset is identifiable, and should be
recorded separately from goodwill. Additionally, estimating the acquisition date fair values of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities
assumed involves considerable management judgment. These measurements are based on information available at the acquisition date and are
based on expectations and assumptions that have been deemed reasonable by management. Changes in these judgments, estimates, and
assumptions can materially affect the results of operations.

(g) Other estimates

The preparation of financial statements involves estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets, liabilities, disclosure of
contingent liabilities at the date of financial statements and the reported amount of revenues and expenses for the reporting period. Specifically,
the Company estimates the un-collectability of accounts receivable by analysing historical payment patterns, customer concentrations, customer
credit-worthiness and current economic trends. If the financial condition of a customer deteriorates, additional allowances may be required.

3. Transition to IND AS

These financial statements, for the year ended March 31, 2015, are the first the Company has prepared in accordance with IND AS. For periods
up to and including the year ended March 31, 2014, the Company prepared its financial statements in accordance with Indian GAAP, including
accounting standards notified under section 133 of the Companies Act 2013, read together with paragraph 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules,

Accordingly, the Company has prepared financial statements which comply with IND AS applicable for periods ending on or after March 31,
2016, together with the comparative period data as at and for the year ended March 31, 2015, as described in the summary of significant
accounting policies. In preparing these financial statements, the Company's opening balance sheet was prepared as at April 01, 2014, the
Company's date of transition to IND AS. This note explains the principal adjustments made by the company in restating its Indian GAAP
financial statements, including the balance sheet as at April 01, 2014 and the financial statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2015.

Exemptions applied

IND AS 101 allows first-time adopters certain exemptions from the retrospective application of certain requirements under IND AS. The
Company has availed the following exemptions.

a) IND AS 16 - Property, Plant and Equipment - The Company has used the carrying amount of all of the property, plant and equipment and
intangible assets as at the transition date as per the previous GAAP (Indian GAAP) as deemed cost of the property, plant and equipment and
intangibles assets.

b) IND AS 19 - Employee Benefits - The Company has elected to recognise all cumulative actuarial gains and losses subsequent to the date of
transition to IND AS in other comprehensive income.

c) IND AS 103 – Business Combinations - The Company has applied the exemption provided in IND AS 101 on non-application of IND AS 103,
“Business Combinations” to business combinations consummated prior to the date of transition (April 01, 2014). Use of this exemption means
that the previous GAAP carrying amounts of assets and liabilities, that are required to be recognised under IND AS, is their deemed cost at the
date of acquisition. After the date of acquisition, measurement is in accordance with respective IND AS.

d) IND AS 109 - Financial Instruments - As per IND AS 101, the Company has elected to measure the fair value of the financial instruments
through the statement of profit and loss prospectively from the date of transition to IND AS.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

e) IND AS 102 - Share-based Payment - As per IND AS 101, the Company has not been applied the provisions of IND AS 102 to equity
instruments in share-based payment transactions that vested before April 1, 2014.


The estimates at April 01, 2014 and at March 31, 2015 are consistent with those made for the same dates in accordance with Indian GAAP (after
adjustments to reflect any differences in accounting policies) apart from the following items where application of Indian GAAP did not require

FVTOCI – unquoted equity share.

FVTOCI – debt securities

The estimates used by the Company to present these amounts in accordance with Ind AS reflect conditions at 1 April 2014, the date of transition
to IND AS and as of 31 March 2015.

25. Capital Management

The primary objective of the companies capital management is to ensure that it maintains a strong credit rating and healthy capital ratios in order
to support its business and maximise shareholder value.

The Company monitors capital using a gearing ratio, which is net debt divided by total capital plus net debt. The Company includes within net
debt, loans and borrowings, trade and other payables, other liabilities and employee benefit liability. Capital includes equity attributable to the
owners of the Company.

There has been no change in the capital management policy of the Company.

March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015 April 1, 2014

Borrowings 4361.76 0 0

Trade and other payables 14759.05 16195.76 5628.16

Other liabilities 856.32 489.56 161.29

Employee benefit liability 179.23 118.35 50.89

Total Debt 20156.36 16803.67 5840.34

Equity attributable to the equity holders of the Company 41899.92 47343.59 5618.14

Total capital 41899.92 47343.59 5618.14

Capital and debt 62056.28 64147.26 11458.48

Gearing ratio 32.48% 26.20% 50.97%

The Company is primarily equity financed. This is evident form the fact that total debt represents only 32.48% as of March 31, 2016 (March 31,
2015: 26.20%). The change in gearing ratio is primarily on account of external borrowing in the current year.

26. Financial risk management objectives and policies

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

The Company is exposed to financial risks arising from its operations and the use of financial instruments. The key financial risks include credit
risk, liquidity risk, interest risk and foreign currency risk. The board of directors reviews and agrees policies and procedures for the management
of these risks.

The following sections provide details regarding the Company’s exposure to the above-mentioned financial risks and the objectives, policies and
processes for the management of these risks.

There has been no change to the Company’s exposure to these financial risks or the manner in which it manages and measures the risks, except as
disclosed in Note 26 (d) foreign currency risk section.

a) Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk of loss that may arise on outstanding financial instruments should a counterparty default on its obligations. The Company’s
exposure to credit risk arises primarily from trade and other receivables. For other financial assets (including investment securities, cash and
short-term deposits), the Company minimise credit risk by dealing exclusively with high credit rating counterparties.

The Company’s objective is to seek continual revenue growth while minimising losses incurred due to increased credit risk exposure. The
Company trades only with recognised and creditworthy third parties. In addition, receivable balances are monitored on an ongoing basis with the
result that the Company’s exposure to bad debts is not significant.

The Company determines concentrations of credit risk by monitoring the economic and industry profile of its trade receivables on an ongoing
basis. The credit concentration risk profile of the Company includes a customer at the end of the reporting period is as follows:

March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015 April 1, 2014

Financial Assets - trade receivables 2,182.26 3,497.51 1,051.96

% of trade receivables 96% 96% 97%

As at the end of the reporting date, top customer in trade receivables represents 96% of total trade receivables balance

Financial assets that are neither past due nor impaired

Trade and other receivables that are neither past due nor impaired are with creditworthy debtors with good payment record with the Company.
Cash and short-term deposits and investment securities that are neither past due nor impaired are placed with reputable financial institutions or
companies with high credit ratings and no history of default.

March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015 April 1, 2014

0 – 30 days 2700.43 3497.72 1071.49

31 – 60 days 0 0 0

61 – 90 days 0 0 0

over 90 days 0 0 0

Total - neither past due nor impaired 2700.43 3497.72 1071.49

Financial assets that are past due but not impaired

There is no other class of financial assets that is past due but not impaired except for trade receivables as of March 31, 2016 and 2015,
respectively. The company’s credit period generally ranges from 30-40 days. The aging analysis of the receivables has been considered from the
date the invoice falls due. The age wise break up of receivables, net of allowances that are past due, is given below.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015 April 1, 2014

Past due 0 – 30 days 2.56 66.88 0.21

Past due 31 – 60 days 7.8 9.69 7.83

Past due 61 – 90 days 1.53 7.45 7.5

Past due over 90 days 23.75 5.31 4.82

Total - past due but not impaired 35.64 89.33 20.36

b) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in meeting financial obligations due to shortage of funds. The Company’s
exposure to liquidity risk arises primarily from mismatches of the maturities of financial assets and liabilities. The Company’s objective is to
maintain a balance between continuity of funding and flexibility.

The Company assessed the concentration of risk with respect to refinancing its debt and concluded it to be low. Access to sources of funding is
sufficiently available.

Analysis of financial instruments by remaining contractual maturities

The table below summarises the maturity profile of the Company’s and the Company’s financial assets and liabilities at the end of the reporting
period based on contractual undiscounted repayment obligations.

March 31, 2016

One year or less One to five years Over five years Total

Financial assets

Investments 18995.11 0 0 18995.11

Trade receivables 2246.38 0 0 2246.38

Cash and cash equivalents 12640.25 0 0 12640.25

Loans 2232.42 77.31 0 2309.73

Others 1613.96 0 0 1613.96

Total undiscounted financial assets 37728.12 77.31 0 37805.43

Financial liabilities

Trade payables 14724.86 0 0 14724.86

Borrowings 4361.76 0 0 4361.76

Others 34.19 0 0 34.19

Total undiscounted financial liabilities 19120.81 0 0 19120.81

March 31, 2015

One year or less One to five years Over five years Total

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Financial assets

Investments 13762.27 0 0 13762.27

Trade receivables 3587.05 0 0 3587.05

Cash and cash equivalents 22197.52 0 0 22197.52

Loans 111.98 33.56 0 145.54

Others 505.42 295.13 0 800.55

Total undiscounted financial assets 40164.24 328.69 0 40492.93

Financial liabilities

Trade payables 16075.89 0 0 16075.89

Borrowings 0 0 0 0

Others 114.45 5.42 0 119.87

Total undiscounted financial liabilities 16190.34 5.42 0 16195.76

April 01, 2014

One year or less One to five years Over five years Total

Financial assets

Investments 140.8 0 0 140.8

Trade receivables 1091.46 0 0 1091.46

Cash and cash equivalents 4272.59 0 0 4272.59

Loans 0 63.86 0 63.86

Others 109.05 0.01 0 109.06

Total undiscounted financial assets 5613.9 63.87 0 5677.77

Financial liabilities

Trade payables 5586.51 0 0 5586.51

Borrowings 0 0 0 0

Others 39.21 2.44 0 41.65

Total undiscounted financial liabilities 5625.72 2.44 0 5628.16

The table below shows the contractual expiry by maturity of the Company’s and the Company’s contingent liabilities and commitments. The
maximum amount of the financial guarantee contracts are allocated to the earliest possible period in which the guarantee could be called.

March 31, 2016

One year or less One to five years Over five years Total

Bank Guarantee 63.83 0 0 63.83

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

63.83 0 0 63.83

March 31, 2015

One year or less One to five years Over five years Total

Bank Guarantee 63.83 0 0 63.83

63.83 0 0 63.83

April 01, 2014

One year or less One to five years Over five years Total

Bank Guarantee 0.69 0 0 0.69

0.69 0 0 0.69

c) Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of the Company’s financial instruments will fluctuate because of changes in
market interest rates. The Company’s exposure to interest rate risk arises primarily from their loans and borrowings, interest-bearing loans given
to related parties and investments in debt securities. The Company does not hedge its investment in fixed rate debt securities as they have active
secondary or resale markets to ensure liquidity. All of the Company’s financial assets and liabilities at floating rates are contractually re-priced at
intervals of less than 6 months (2015: less than 6 months) from the end of the reporting period. If interest rates were to increase by 100 bps from
March 31, 2016, net additional annual interest expense on the Company’s floating rate borrowing would amount to approximately Rs. 14.42 Mn.

d) Foreign currency risk

The fluctuation in foreign currency exchange rates may have potential impact on the statement of profit or loss and equity, where any transaction
references more than one currency or where assets/liabilities are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the Company.
The Company's primary transactional currency is Indian rupee and the foreign currency transactions are restricted to secured borrowings and
certain trade and other payables.

As at year end, Re. 1 increase / decrease in the exchange rate of Indian rupee with foreign currency would result in approximately Rs. 84.08 Mn
(March 31, 2015: Rs. 60.14 Mn) decrease / increase in the fair value of the Company’s foreign currency.

27. Fair value hierarchy

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at
the measurement date (ie an exit price).

Financial instruments whose carrying amounts approximate fair value

The carrying values of trade and other receivables, other assets, cash and short term deposits, trade and other payables, loans and borrowings and
balances with related parties, based on their notional amounts, reasonably approximate their fair values because these are mostly short term in
nature or are re-priced frequently.

Fair value of financial instruments that are carried at fair value

The following table shows an analysis of financial instruments carried at fair value by level of fair value hierarchy:

March 31, 2016

Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Assets measured at fair value:

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Current investments (mutual fund) 18995.11 18995.11 0 0

March 31, 2015

Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Assets measured at fair value:

Current investments (mutual fund) 13412.27 13412.27 0 0

April 01, 2014

Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Assets measured at fair value:

Current investments (certificate of deposit) 0 0 0 0

Fair value hierarchy

The Company classifies fair value measurement using a fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the
measurements. The fair value hierarchy have the following levels:

Level 1 – Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities,

Level 2 – Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e., as prices) or
indirectly (i.e., derived from prices), and

Level 3 – Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

30. Details of dues to micro and small enterprises as defined under the MSMED Act, 2006

There are dues outstanding for the suppliers who are registered as micro, small or medium enterprises under "The Micro, Small and Medium and
Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (MSMED Act)" as at March 31, 2016 of Rs. NIL (March 31, 2015: Rs. 0.04 Mn). However, the amount of
interest due and payable for the period of delay in making payment (which have been paid but beyond the appointed day during the year) is Rs.
0.01 Mn (March 31, 2015: Rs. 0.02 Mn , March 31, 2014: Nil).

As per our report of even date For and on behalf of Board of Directors of

For S.R. Batliboi & Associates LLP Flipkart India Private Limited

Firm registration number: 101049W

Chartered Accountants

per Kaustav Ghose Mukund Saraf Rajiv Sawhney

Partner Director Director

Membership no.: 57828

Place: Bangalore Place: Bangalore Place: Bangalore

Date: 25/04/2016 Date: 25/04/2016 Date: 25/04/2016

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[201700] Notes - Government grants

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of notes on government grants explanatory [TextBlock]
Capital subsidies or grants received from government authorities 0 0
Revenue subsidies or grants received from government authorities 0 0

[201200] Notes - Employee benefits

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Textual information (21)
Disclosure of employee benefits explanatory [TextBlock] [See below]

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (21)

Disclosure of employee benefits explanatory [Text Block]

28. Gratuity plan

The Company operates a defined benefit gratuity plan for its employees. Under the gratuity plan, every employee who has completed at least five
years of service gets a gratuity on departure at 15 days of last drawn salary for each completed year of service. The plan is not funded by the

The following tables summarize the components of net benefit expense recognized in the statement of profit and loss and the funded status and
amounts recognized in the balance sheet:

March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015

Statement of profit and loss

Current service cost (including risk premiums for fully insured benefits) 23.69 9.02

Net interest on net defined benefit liability/ (asset) 2.81 1.3

Remeasurement (gains)/ losses in other comprehensive income

- Actuarial (gain)/ loss due to liability experience -2.88 0

- Actuarial (gain)/ loss due to liability assumption changes 0.88 15.46

Net benefit expense 24.5 25.78

Balance sheet

Plan asset / ( liability ) 0 0

Present value of defined benefits obligation -59.37 -36.71

Plan asset / ( liability ) -59.37 -36.71

Change in the present value of the defined benefit obligation are as follows:

Opening defined benefit obligation 36.71 14.07

Current service cost 23.69 9.02

Acquisition cost / (credit)* -0.22 -3.14

Net interest on net defined benefit liability/ (asset) -2.81 1.3

Amount recognised in OCI 2 15.46

Defined benefit obligation as at the end of the year 59.37 36.71

*The acquisition cost/(credit) for year ending March 31, 2016 is due to the transfer of liability from/(to) fellow subsidiary Flipkart Internet Private

The principal assumptions used in determining gratuity and leave benefit obligations for the Company's plan are as follows:

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015

Discount rate 0.078 0.078

Expected rate of return on


Salary escalation rate 12% for first three years and 10% thereafter 12% for first three years and 10% thereafter

Indian Assured Lives Mortality (2006-08) Indian Assured Lives Mortality (2006-08)
Mortality rate
(modified) Ult* (modified) Ult*

Withdrawal rate Managers and above -13% Managers and above -13%

Others -17% Others -17%

* As published by IRDA and adopted as Standard Mortality Table as recommended by Institute of Actuaries of India effective April 1, 2013

The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take account of inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant
factors, such as supply and demand in the employment market.

Sensitivity analysis of assumptions used

Discount rate 0.078 0.078

Effect on DBO due to 1% increase in discount rate -4.48 -2.93

Effect on DBO due to 1% decrease in discount rate 5.1 3.128

12% for first three years and 10% 12% for first three years and 10%
Salary escalation rate
thereafter thereafter

Effect on DBO due to 1% increase in salary

4.07 4.282636735
escalation rate

Effect on DBO due to 1% increase in salary

-3.87 -4.072187755
escalation rate

Method Used for Sensitivity analysis :The sensitivity analysis above determine their individual imapct on the Plan's end of year Defined Benefit
Obligation. In reality, the plan is subject to multiple external experience items which may move the defined benefit obligation in similar or
opposite directions, while the plan's sensitivity to such changes can vary over time.

Amount for the current and previous periods are as follows:

March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015

Defined benefit obligation at end of the period -59.37 -36.71

Plan assets at end of the period 0 0

Funded status - surplus/(deficit) -59.37 -36.71

Experience gain/(loss) adjustments on plan liabilities -2.88 -8.06

Experience gain/(loss) adjustments on plan assets 0 0

Actuarial gain/(loss) due to change of assumptions 0.88 -7.4

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

29. Employee Stock option plan

The Company has the following share-based schemes:

a. Employee Stock Incentive Plan:

Selected employees are granted stock options of Flipkart Limited, Singapore, (ultimate holding Company) based upon performance, criticality to
Flipkart business and long-term potential for Flipkart. The options are cashless and generally vest ratably over a period of 4 years, without any
limit on the exercised period.

During the year, Flipkart Limited has cross charged ESOP cost of Rs. 121.61 Mn (March 31, 2015: Rs. 138.22 Mn) to the Company and the same
has been disclosed under employee benefits expense in the statement of profit and loss.

Movement of share options during the financial year

The following table illustrates the movement of the options during the financial year (numbers)

March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015

Outstanding as at the beginning of the year 557,015.00 426,814.00

- Granted 57,190.00 158,714.00

- Forfeited unvested - (22,710.00)

- Exercised (19,288.00) (2,046.00)

- Expired vested (56,949.00) -

Outstanding as at the end of the year 537,968.00 560,772.00

Vested as at the year end 425,009.00 354,665.00

Fair value of share options granted

The fair value of the share options granted under the ESOP is estimated at the grant date using the option pricing model, taking into account the
terms and conditions upon which the share options were granted

The following table lists the inputs to the option pricing models for the year ended

March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015

Dividend yield (% p.a.) - -

Expected volatility (% p.a.) 0.37 0.38

Risk-free interest rate (% p.a.) 0.08 0.09

Expected life of option (years) 5.97 Years 5.85 Years

Weighted average share price USD 34.74 USD 22.76

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[201600] Notes - Related party

Disclosure of relationship and transactions between related parties [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Categories of related parties [Axis] Column 1 Column 2
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of relationship and transactions between
related parties [Abstract]
Disclosure of relationship and transactions between
related parties [LineItems]
Name of related party Flipkart Limited FLIPKART Limited
Country of incorporation or residence of related
CIN of related party U51109KA2012PTC066107 U51109KA2012PTC066107
Description of nature of related party relationship Holding company Holding company Fellow Subsidiary company Fellow Subsidiary company
Description of nature of transactions with related As mentioned in As mentioned in the Intercorporate Loans and As mentioned in the
party the Notes Notes sale of services schedule
Related party transactions [Abstract]
Revenue from rendering of services related
1,511.73 1,114.69
party transactions
Advances given during year related party
(A) 2,260 (B) 3,200
Advances taken during year related party
(C) 2,260 (D) 3,200
Amount written off during period in respect
0 0 0 0
of debts due from related parties
Amount written back during period in respect
0 0 0 0
of debts due to related parties

(A) Intercorporate Loan Repaid Rs. 2,260.00 Mn
(B) intercorporate Loan Repaid During the year
(C) Intercorporate Loan Received Rs. 2,260.00 Mn
(D) Intercorporate Loans Received During the year

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Disclosure of relationship and transactions between related parties [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Categories of related parties [Axis] Column 3 Column 4
01/04/2015 01/04/2014 01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015 31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of relationship and transactions
related parties [Abstract]
Disclosure of relationship and
transactions between
related parties [LineItems]
Country of incorporation or residence
CIN of related party U74900KA2015PTC080778 U74900KA2015PTC080778 U72300KA2007PTC041799 U72300KA2007PTC041799
Description of nature of related party
Fellow Subsidiary company Fellow Subsidiary company Fellow Subsidiary company Fellow Subsidiary company
Description of nature of transactions
As mentioned in the As mentioned in the
with related Intercorporate Loans
Intercorporate Loans
Related party transactions [Abstract]
Advances given during year related
party (A) 3,330 (B) 2,850 (C) 600
Advances taken during year related
party (D) 2,050 (E) 2,000 (F) 600
Outstanding balances for related party
transactions [Abstract]
Amounts receivable related party
(G) 2,130 (H) 850
Amount written off during period in
respect 0 0 0 0
of debts due from related parties
Amount written back during period in
respect 0 0 0 0
of debts due to related parties

(A) Intercorporate Loan given Rs. 3330.00 Mn
(B) Intercorporate Loan given Rs. 2850.00 Mn
(C) Intercorporate Loan Given
(D) Intercorporate Loan Collected Rs. 2050.00 Mn
(E) Intercorporate Loan Collected Rs. 2000.00 Mn
(F) Intercorporate Loan Collected During the year
(G) Intercorporate Loan Outstanding
(H) Intercorporate Loan Receivable Rs. 850.00 Mn
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Textual information (22)
Disclosure of notes on related party explanatory [TextBlock] [See below]
Whether there are any related party transactions during year Yes Yes
Whether company is subsidiary company Yes Yes
Section under which company is subsidiary Section 2(87)(ii) Section 2(87)(ii)

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (22)

Disclosure of notes on related party explanatory [Text Block]

21. Related party disclosures

Names of related parties and related party relationship

a) Related parties where control exists

Holding Company Flipkart Limited, Singapore

Wholly Owned Subsidiary Flipkart (Shenzhen) Trading Co. Ltd, China

b) Related party with whom transactions have

taken place during the year

Holding company Flipkart Limited, Singapore

Fellow subsidiaries Flipkart Internet Private Limited

Flipkart Logistics Services Private Limited, India (formerly Flipkart Payment

Gateway Services Private Limited)

Flipkart Digital Media Private Limited

Myntra Designs Private Limited

Jeeves Consumer Services Private Limited

Flipkart Payment Private Limited, Singapore

Flipkart Logistics Private Limited, Singapore

c) Related party transactions

The following table provides the total amount of transactions that have been entered into with related parties for the relevant financial year:

Relationship Nature of transactions March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015

Ultimate holdimg company Issue of equity shares - 50,007.86

Share application money refunded - 0.04

Loans and advances - 0.07

ESOP cross charge 121.61 138.22

Other liabilities 55.40 141.59

Reimbursements received - 38.28

Fellow Subsidiary Company Intercorporate loan received 2,260.00 3,200.00

Intercorporate loan repaid 2,260.00 3,200.00

Interest on intercorporate loan availed 75.92 92.16

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Intercorporate loan given 4,380.00 600.00

Intercorporate loan collected 2,250.00 600.00

Intercorporate loan outstanding 2,130.00 -

Interest on intercorporate loan given 52.00 5.59

Interest receivable 4.27 -

Reimbursements received - 2.19

Repairs and maintenance - others 41.83 30.97

Expenses incurred on behalf of related party - 83.98

Other non-operating rental income 7.59 19.49

Rent expense - 31.65

Sale of services 1,511.73 1,114.69

Loans and advances - 738.71

Unbilled revenue 97.41 -

Sale of traded goods 2.43 13.29

Other liabilities 36.14 0.16

Purchase of traded goods - installation expense 87.55 0.16

Payable for capital expenditure 1.62 1.62

Subsidiary Company Advances given

Reimbursement for expenses paid - 0.05

Disclosure for significant Related Party Transactions:

Name of the party Nature of transations March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015

Flipkart Internet Private Limited Intercorporate loan received 2,260.00 3,200.00

Fellow subsidiary company Intercorporate loan repaid 2,260.00 3,200.00

Sale of services 1,511.73 1,114.69

Instakart Services Private Limited Intercorporate loan given 3,330.00 -

Fellow subsidiary company Intercorporate loan collected 2,050.00 -

Intercorporate loan outstanding 2,130.00 -

Myntra Designs Private Limited Intercorporate loan given 2,850.00 600.00

Fellow subsidiary company Intercorporate loan collected 2,000.00 600.00

Intercorporate loan outstanding 850.00 -

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[201400] Notes - Leases

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Textual information (23)
Disclosure of leases explanatory [TextBlock] [See below]
Whether any operating lease has been converted to financial lease or
No No

Textual information (23)

Disclosure of leases explanatory [Text Block]

23. Operating lease

The Company has leased office facilities under cancellable and non-cancellable lease agreements and vehicles and equipments under
non-cancellable agreements that are renewed on a periodic basis at the option of either the lessor or the lessee.

The company has received sublease payments amounting to Rs. 7.59 Mn. (March 31, 2015 : Rs. 20.63 Mn.)

Future minimum rentals in respect of non cancellable operating lease are as follows:

March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015 April 1, 2014

Within 1 year 168.03 247.85 95.55

After 1 year but not more than 5 year 232.55 107.19 60.59

Total 400.58 355.04 156.14

[300300] Notes - Earnings per share

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Textual information (24)
Disclosure of earnings per share explanatory [TextBlock] [See below]
Adjustments of numerator to calculate basic earnings per share [Abstract]
Profit (loss) for period -5,443.67 -8,282.41
Adjustments of numerator to calculate diluted earnings per share [Abstract]
Profit (loss) for period -5,443.67 -8,282.41

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (24)

Disclosure of earnings per share explanatory [Text Block]

24. Earnings per share (EPS)

Basic earning per share:

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to equity shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares outstanding during the period, excluding equity shares purchased by the Company, if any

Diluted earning per share:

Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period for assumed
conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares, unless these shares are not anti-dilutive.

The following reflects the profit/(loss) and share data used in computation of basic EPS:

A reconciliation of loss for the year and weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the computation of basic and diluted earnings per
share is stated below:

Loss during the year attributable to owners of the Company March 31, 2016 March 31, 2015

Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (5,445.67) (8,266.95)

Basic and diluted earnings per share 5,405,639 3,879,976

(1,007.41) (2,130.67)

[202800] Notes - Subsidiary information

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Disclosure of subsidiary information explanatory [TextBlock]
Whether company has subsidiary companies No
Whether company has subsidiary companies which are yet to commence
Whether company has subsidiary companies liquidated or sold during year No

[202400] Notes - Investments in associates

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Disclosure of notes on investment in associates explanatory [TextBlock]
Whether company has invested in associates No
Whether company has associates which are yet to commence operations No

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[202500] Notes - Financial reporting of interests in joint ventures

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Disclosure of notes on interests in joint ventures explanatory [TextBlock]
Whether company has invested in joint ventures No
Whether company has joint ventures which are yet to commence operations No
Whether company has joint ventures liquidated or sold during year No

[202100] Notes - Other provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Disclosure of notes on other provisions, contingent liabilities and Textual information (25)
contingent assets explanatory [TextBlock] [See below]

Textual information (25)

Disclosure of notes on other provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets explanatory [Text Block]
22. Contingent liabilities and commitments

March 31, March 31, April 1,

2016 2015 2014

Claims against the company not acknowledged as debt

1.12 - -

Bank guarantee
63.83 63.83 0.69

Estimated amount of contracts (net of advances) remaining to be executed on

capital account and not provided for 530.51 154.34 27.36

595.46 218.17 28.05

[202700] Notes - Cash flow statements

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to 31/03/2014
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Disclosure of cash flow statement explanatory [TextBlock]
Cash and cash equivalents if different from balance sheet [Abstract]
Cash and cash equivalents cash flow statement 12,640.25 22,197.52 4,272.59
Total cash and cash equivalents 12,640.25 22,197.52 4,272.59
Income taxes paid (refund) [Abstract]
Income taxes paid (refund), classified as operating activities -9.64 98.35
Total income taxes paid (refund) -9.64 98.35

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[100200] Statement of profit and loss

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Statement of profit and loss [Abstract]
Disclosure of revenue from operations [Abstract]
Disclosure of revenue from operations for other than finance company
Revenue from sale of products 126,611.04 89,198.83
Revenue from sale of services 1,569.03 1,122.95
Total revenue from operations other than finance company 128,180.07 90,321.78
Total revenue from operations 128,180.07 90,321.78
Other income 3,594.45 1,943.8
Total revenue 131,774.52 92,265.58
Expenses [Abstract]
Cost of materials consumed 0 0
Purchases of stock-in-trade 133,961.27 103,356.81
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and
-2,548.74 -7,418.31
Employee benefit expense 2,454.41 1,864.6
Finance costs 102.28 96.99
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation expense [Abstract]
Depreciation expense 492.16 390.6
Amortisation expense 8.48 3.81
Total depreciation, depletion and amortisation expense 500.64 394.41
CSR expenditure 0 0
Other expenses 2,750.33 2,238.03
Total expenses 137,220.19 100,532.53
Total profit before prior period items, exceptional items, extraordinary
-5,445.67 -8,266.95
items and tax
Total profit before extraordinary items and tax -5,445.67 -8,266.95
Extraordinary items before tax (A) 0 (B) 0
Total profit before tax -5,445.67 -8,266.95
Tax expense [Abstract]
Total tax expense 0 0
Total profit (loss) for period from continuing operations -5,445.67 -8,266.95

Profit (loss) from discontinuing operations before tax (C) 2

(D) -15.46
Tax expense of discontinuing operations 0 0
Total profit (loss) from discontinuing operation after tax 2 -15.46
Total profit (loss) for period before minority interest -5,443.67 -8,282.41
Total profit (loss) for period -5,443.67 -8,282.41
Earnings per equity share [Abstract]
Basic earning per equity share [INR/shares] -1,007.41 [INR/shares] -2,130.67
Diluted earnings per equity share [INR/shares] -1,007.41 [INR/shares] -2,130.67

(A) Other comprehensive income, Items that will not be classified to profit or loss, Defined benifit plan actual gains/(losses)
(B) Other comprehensive income, Items that will not be classified to profit or loss, Defined benifit plan actual gains/(losses)
(C) Defined benifit plan acturial gains/(loss)
(D) Defined benifit plan acturial gains/(loss)

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[300500] Notes - Subclassification and notes on income and expenses

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Subclassification and notes on income and expense explanatory [TextBlock]
Disclosure of revenue from sale of products [Abstract]
Revenue from sale of products [Abstract]
Revenue from sale of products, gross 126,611.04 89,198.83
Total revenue from sale of products 126,611.04 89,198.83
Disclosure of revenue from sale of services [Abstract]
Revenue from sale of services [Abstract]
Revenue from sale of services, gross 1,569.03 1,122.95
Total revenue from sale of services 1,569.03 1,122.95
Disclosure of other income [Abstract]
Interest income [Abstract]
Interest income on current investments [Abstract]
Interest on fixed deposits, current investments 2,377.24 1,658.16
Interest on current intercorporate deposits 52 5.59
Interest on current debt securities 7.1 0
Interest on other current investments 1.17 0
Total interest income on current investments 2,437.51 1,663.75
Total interest income 2,437.51 1,663.75
Dividend income [Abstract]
Total dividend income 0 0
Net gain/loss on sale of investments [Abstract]
Net gain/loss on sale of current investments 711.06 114.62
Total net gain/loss on sale of investments 711.06 114.62
Other non-operating income [Abstract]
Miscellaneous other non-operating income (A) 445.88 (B) 165.43
Total other non-operating income 445.88 165.43
Total other income 3,594.45 1,943.8
Disclosure of finance cost [Abstract]
Interest expense [Abstract]
Interest expense deposits (C) 13.14

Interest expense borrowings 75.92 94.39

Other interest charges 2.85 0
Total interest expense 91.91 94.39

Other borrowing costs (D) 10.37 (E) 2.6

Total finance costs 102.28 96.99
Employee benefit expense [Abstract]
Salaries and wages 2,101.16 1,545.73
Managerial remuneration [Abstract]
Remuneration to directors [Abstract]
Total remuneration to directors 0 0
Total managerial remuneration 0 0
Contribution to provident and other funds [Abstract]
Contribution to provident and other funds for others 42.16 24.07
Total contribution to provident and other funds 42.16 24.07
Gratuity 23.69 9.02
Staff welfare expense 165.79 147.56

Other employee related expenses (F) 121.61 (G) 138.22

Total employee benefit expense 2,454.41 1,864.6
Breakup of other expenses [Abstract]
Consumption of stores and spare parts 0 0
Power and fuel 0 0
Rent 496.71 358.08
Repairs to building 61.04 40.2

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Repairs to machinery (H) 366.11 (I) 198.57

Insurance 0 0
Rates and taxes excluding taxes on income [Abstract]
Other cess taxes 20.32 80.98
Total rates and taxes excluding taxes on income 20.32 80.98
Electricity expenses 102.7 79.97

Telephone postage (J) 51.16 (K) 32.82

Printing stationery 45.04 35.78
Travelling conveyance 215.34 186.74
Legal professional charges 102.73 221.22
Safety security expenses 176.67 127.21
Directors sitting fees 0 0
Provision bad doubtful debts created 0 0
Provision bad doubtful loans advances created 0 0
Net provisions charged [Abstract]
Other provisions created -5.42 22.47
Total net provisions charged -5.42 22.47
Write-off assets [Abstract]
Miscellaneous expenditure written off [Abstract]
Total miscellaneous expenditure written off 0 0
Bad debts written off 0 0
Bad debts advances written off 0.64 106.9
Total write-off assets 0.64 106.9
Loss on disposal of intangible asset 0.44 0.61
Loss on disposal, discard, demolishment and destruction of depreciable
0 0
tangible asset
Contract cost [Abstract]
Other claims contracts 784.64 619.42
Total contract cost 784.64 619.42
Payments to auditor [Abstract]
Payment for audit services 2.3 2.65
Payment for taxation matters 0.35 0.35

Payment for other services (L) 0.11 (M) 0.45

Total payments to auditor 2.76 3.45

Miscellaneous expenses (N) 329.45 (O) 123.61

Total other expenses 2,750.33 2,238.03

(A) Unrealised gain on Current investments Rs. 347.82 Mn + Other non operating income Rs. 98.06 Mn
(B) Unrealised gain on Current investments Rs. 83.16 Mn + Other non operating income Rs. 82.27 Mn
(C) Buyer's credit
(D) Bank charges
(E) Bank charges
(F) Share based payments to employees
(G) Share based payments to employees
(H) Others
(I) Others
(J) Communication costs
(K) Communication costs
(L) Out of pocket expenses
(M) Out of pocket expenses
(N) Exchange fluctuation loss (net) Rs. 200.43 Mn and Miscellaneous expenses Rs. 129.02 Mn
(O) Exchange fluctuation loss (net) Rs. 47.05 Mn and Miscellaneous expenses Rs. 76.56 Mn

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[300600] Notes - Additional information statement of profit and loss

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
01/04/2015 01/04/2014
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2015
Additional information on profit and loss account explanatory [TextBlock]
Changes in other inventories (A) -2,548.74 (B) -7,418.31
Total changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and
-2,548.74 -7,418.31
Total extraordinary items before tax (C) 0 (D) 0
Total extraordinary items 0 0
Total exceptional and extraordinary items 0 0
Revenue other services 1,569.03 1,122.95
Total gross income from services rendered 1,569.03 1,122.95
Expenditure on dividend paid 0 0
Total expenditure in foreign currency 0 0
Total amount of dividend remitted in foreign currency 0 0
Total earnings in foreign currency 0 0
Domestic sale traded goods 126,611.04 89,198.83
Total domestic turnover goods, gross 126,611.04 89,198.83
Total revenue from sale of products 126,611.04 89,198.83
Domestic revenue services 1,569.03 1,122.95
Total revenue from sale of services 1,569.03 1,122.95
Gross value of transaction with related parties as per AS-18 0 0
Bad debts of related parties as per AS-18 0 0

(A) (Increase) in inventories of traded goods
(B) (Increase) in inventories of traded goods
(C) Other comprehensive income, Items that will not be classified to profit or loss, Defined benifit plan actual gains/(losses)
(D) Other comprehensive income, Items that will not be classified to profit or loss, Defined benifit plan actual gains/(losses)

[300100] Notes - Revenue

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Textual information (26)
Disclosure of revenue explanatory [TextBlock] [See below]

Textual information (26)

Disclosure of revenue explanatory [Text Block]

Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company and the revenu e can
be reliably measured, regardless of when the payment is made. Revenue is measured at the fair value of consideration received
or receivable, taking into account contractually defined terms of payments and excluding discounts, rebates, and sales taxes or
duty. The following specific recognition criteria must also be met before revenue is recognised:

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

[300700] Notes - Key managerial personnels and directors remuneration and other information

Disclosure of key managerial personnels and directors and remuneration to key managerial personnels and directors [Table] ..(1)
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Key managerial personnels and directors [Axis] Column 1 Column 2
01/04/2015 01/04/2015
to to
31/03/2016 31/03/2016
Disclosure of key managerial personnels and directors and remuneration to key
managerial personnels and directors [Abstract]
Disclosure of key managerial personnels and directors and remuneration to key
managerial personnels and directors [LineItems]
Name of key managerial personnel or director BAWEJA

Director identification number of key managerial personnel or director 06998849 07255898

Permanent account number of key managerial personnel or director AAKPB6821A AUGPS9853F
Date of birth of key managerial personnel or director 13/09/1968 10/09/1981
Other Non Executive Other Non Executive
Designation of key managerial personnel or director Director Director
Chartered Chartered
Qualification of key managerial personnel or director Accountant Accountant
Shares held by key managerial personnel or director [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Key managerial personnel or director remuneration [Abstract]
Gross salary to key managerial personnel or director [Abstract]
Profits in lieu of salary key managerial personnel or director 0 0
Gross salary to key managerial personnel or director 0 0
Other compensation key managerial personnel or director 0 0
Total key managerial personnel or director remuneration 0 0

[301000] Notes - Corporate social responsibility

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in Millions of INR
Disclosure of corporate social responsibility explanatory [TextBlock]
Whether provisions of corporate social responsibility are applicable on
Whether company has written CSR policy Yes
Textual information (27)
Details CSR policy [TextBlock] [See below]
Average net profit for last three financial years 0
Prescribed CSR expenditure 0
Amount CSR to be spent for financial year 0
Amount unspent CSR 0

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Textual information (27)

Details CSR policy [Text Block]



The objectives that we have set out in the corporate social responsibility policy are to support the company's strategic objectives, in particular, the
impact on society and minimize the negative influence on the environment.

In this regard, the Company has made this policy which encompasses the Company’s philosophy for delineating its responsibility as a Corporate
Citizen and lays down the guidelines and mechanism for undertaking socially useful programmes for welfare &sustainable development of the
community at large and titles as the “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy” which is based as per the Companies Act, 2013 and rules
made there under.

The Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held on September 25, 2014 has constituted the Corporate Social Responsibility (‘CSR’)
Committee. The CSR policy has been formulated and recommended by the CSR Committee and adopted by the Board. The Board may, upon
recommendation of the CSR Committee, amend or modify this CSR Policy as and when necessary.


• Act means Companies Act, 2013, as amended and modified from time to time.

• Areas of Interest means the areas of interest as identified by The Company for implementing CSR goals and shall include the areas as specified
in this CSR Policy and shall include all CSR Activities as defined under the Act and CSR Rules from time to time.

• Board means Board of Directors of the Company.

• Company means Flipkart India Private Limited.

• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means and includes but is not limited to:

1. Projects or programs relating to activities specified in Schedule VII to the Companies Act, 2013; or

2. Projects or programs relating to activities undertaken by the Board of Directors of the Company in pursuance of the recommendation of the
CSR Committee and approved by the Board as per this policy.

• CSR Committee means Corporate Social Responsibility Committee constituted by the Board pursuant to section 135 of the Companies Act,

• CSR Activities shall mean the specific activities listed in the Annexure that various Organizations shall engage in, which shall be funded by the
Company in accordance with the Act and CSR Rules.

• CSR Commitment shall mean at least 2% of the average net profits of The Company made during the three immediately preceding financial
years for conducting its CSR activities in accordance with the Act and CSR Rules.

• CSR Policy means CSR Policy of the Company Flipkart India Private Limited.

• CSR Proposals shall have the meaning as prescribed to the terms of this CSR Policy which shall be in accordance with the Act and CSR Rules.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

• CSR Rules means the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, as amended and modified from time to time.

• Employees mean employees of the Company.

• Funding shall mean the disbursements that are to be made to an organization pursuant to this CSR Policy, with the prior approval of the CSR
Committee and the Board in accordance with the Act and Rules.

• Organizations mean such organizations including NGOs as are permitted to receive funding in accordance with the Act and CSR Rules.

Words and expressions used in this policy and not defined herein but defined under the Companies Act, 2013 shall have the same meanings
respectively assigned to them.


This CSR Policy establishes the scope, CSR goals of the Company and funding approval process. This CSR Policy shall operate as the corporate
responsibility policy of the Company for the purposes of Section 135 of the Act and CSR Rules.


(a) Constitution and composition of the CSR Committee:

The CSR initiatives/activities of the Company will be identified and initiated by the CSR Committee comprising 2 (two) Members of the Board.
Subject to the requirements of the Act, the Board may increase or decrease the size of the CSR Committee by passing a resolution.

The members of the CSR Committee shall elect one of them as the Chairman of the Committee. The CSR Committee shall recommend to the
Board the amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Company on CSR activities and the Board will ensure that the activities as are included in
the CSR Policy are undertaken by the Company subject to and in accordance with the provisions of section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013.

The current members of the CSR Committee shall be the following:

Name Title Role in CSR Committee

Mekin Maheshwari Director Member (Director)

Mukund Saraf Director Chairman (Director)

(b) Invitees to the CSR Committee:

The CSR Committee may, at its discretion, invite employees of the Company from time to time to participate in the meetings of the CSR
Committee and assist the CSR Committee in the implementation of the CSR Policy. Invitees to the CSR Committee meetings shall be entitled to
participate in the deliberations of the CSR Committee but will not be entitled to vote at the meetings of the CSR Committee.

(c) Scope of the CSR Committee:

The CSR Committee has been set up to:-

• Formulate and recommend to the Board CSR Policy which shall indicate the activities to be undertaken by the Company as detailed in the

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Schedule VII to the Act.

• Recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the activities referred to in the CSR Policy

• Monitor the CSR Policy from time to time.

(d) Modalities of execution of the CSR Projects:

The modalities of the execution of the CSR projects or programs and their implementation along with the monitoring process of such projects or
programs as decided by the CSR Committee.

(e) Decisions by the CSR Committee:

• The CSR Committee shall at all times act in a manner that is consistent with the provisions contained in this CSR Policy, the Act and CSR

• The CSR Committee shall endeavor to arrive at all decisions by a consensus of all Members. However, in the event the CSR Committee is
unable to arrive at such consensus, the Chairman of the Committee may make the final decision.

• All decisions of the Committee shall be ratified by the Board.

(f) Meeting of the CSR Committees

• The CSR Committee shall meet as frequently as it determines necessary.

• The CSR Committee shall maintain minutes of each of its meetings.

• The CSR Committee shall review proposed projects and make recommendations to the Board for approval of such projects and allocation of
Funding in accordance with the CSR Committee charter.

• The final decision with regards to the acceptance or rejection of a CSR Proposal shall be with the Board.


The Company shall upon the recommendation of its CSR Committee and with necessary approval of the Board, can undertake any of the
following activities, as part of its corporate social responsibility initiatives, which are defined in Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013;

(a) Areas of Interest:

1. Eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting health care including preventive health care and sanitation and making available
safe drinking water;

2. Promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly,
and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects;

3. Promoting gender equality, empowering women, setting up homes and hostels for women and orphans; setting up old age homes, day care
centers and such other facilities for senior citizens and measures for reducing inequalities faced by socially and economically backward groups;

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

4. Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agro forestry, conservation of
natural resources and

maintaining quality of soil, air and water;

5. Protection of national heritage, art and culture including restoration of buildings and sites of historical importance and works of art; setting
up public libraries;

6. promotion and development of traditional arts and handicrafts;

7. Measures for the benefit of armed forces veterans, war widows and their dependents;

8. Training to promote rural sports, nationally recognized sports, Paralympic sports and Olympic sports;

9. Contribution to the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund or any other fund set up by the Central Government for socio-economic
development and relief and welfare of the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes, minorities and women;

10. contributions or funds provided to technology incubators located within academic institutions which are approved by the Central

11. rural development projects

Provided that, the CSR projects and programs or activities that benefit only the employees of the Company and their relatives shall not be
considered as CSR activities.

Also, the CSR activities undertaken in India only will be taken into consideration, in order to satisfy the requirement of section 135 of the
Companies Act 2013.

(b) The Company may update the above list as per Section 135 and Schedule VII of the Act as amended from time to time.

(c) The Company focuses its philanthropy primarily in geographic regions of India where the Company has a business presence. However, the
Company may contribute to causes in other parts of India, if the CSR Committee is of the opinion that such contribution is appropriate.

(d) The Company will publish the list of specific projects / programs it plans to undertake for any financial year, and the modalities of execution,
including implementation plan will be published in the Board Report.

Identification of CSR Proposals :

The CSR Committee may identify and receive CSR project proposals from an Organization in line with areas of interest as set out therein

CSR proposals received from an organization shall include the following:

(i) information about the Organization and projects that they have undertaken in the past three years;

(ii) Proven track record of the organization for the past 3 (three) years in the area of project activity that it has been nominated for.

(iii) Information of the project and the activities that the Organization proposes to undertake in relation to which Funding is sought from the

(iv) contain detailed budget indicating various heads under which expenditure is proposed to be made and the quantum of such expenditure;

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

(v) The impact of the activities that are proposed to be conducted;

(vi) Any other information that may be material for the Company to make an informed decision on supporting the project. Such information may
include but is not limited to relationships that the Organization (directors, employees, etc.) may have with any Employee of The Company;

(vii) A completed Funding Request Form of the Company.

• Upon receipt of Proposals, the CSR Committee shall conduct appropriate due diligence of the CSR Proposal and the Organization directly or
through external organizations and/ or entities to ensure alignment with this CSR Policy and to ascertain the following:

(i) Relevance of the CSR Proposal to the Areas of Interest.

(ii) Appropriateness of project financials, the budget and timelines.

(iii) Impact on targeted beneficiaries.

(iv) CSR activity permitted under the Act and Rules.

(g) Assessing the CSR Policy:

The Committee shall assess the following criteria before recommending the Project or Program for approval of the Board;

• Has no direct or indirect benefit to the Company or its employees;

• Has no conflicts of interest or self-dealing exist;

• Has no political or religious affiliation;

• Has no activity that is inconsistent with the Company’s non-discrimination policies.

Approval Process:

A. Upon receipt of the CSR proposal, the CSR Committee shall evaluate the same in accordance with this policy.

B. The CSR Committee may take such time as it deems necessary to deliberate and come to a conclusion regarding a CSR Proposal. The CSR
Committee may, approve or decline a CSR Proposal.

C. All Funding to Organizations must be approved in advance by the CSR Committee and the Board and such approval shall be obtained prior
to making any commitment to the Organization in this regard.

D. Subsequent to the approval of the CSR Proposal by the CSR Committee, the CSR Proposal shall be placed before the Board together with
the recommendations of the CSR Committee for its consideration and approval.

The Company will provide Funding only to such projects as may be approved by the Board.

FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Standalone Financial Statements for period 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016

Post Approval Process

Subsequent to the approval of the CSR Proposal by the Board, the Company and the organization shall enter into appropriate documentation
regarding the terms of the funding and the manner in which such funding shall be disbursed by the Company. Such documentation shall be in a
form and substance that is acceptable to the CSR Committee and the Board.


We will strive to implement the aforesaid CSR activities on our own to the extent possible. However, the principle implementer of our CSR
activities would include:

- Contribution to various funds which are aligned with our Vision and Mission e.g. Prime Minister's National Relief Fund

- Any other fund set up by the Central Government for socio-economic development and relief for the welfare of Scheduled Castes, the
Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes, minorities and women.


1. Organizations receiving Funding will be required to provide evaluation information on a periodic basis with details on the status of the
CSR Activities, including details concerning the project deliveries, costs incurred, and in a manner prescribed by The Company.

2. A summary of these reports shall be tabled before the meetings of the CSR Committee.

3. Detailed reports will be available for further perusal of the members of the CSR Committee as required.

4. The Company reserves the right to suspend payments to an organization that delays and or fails to provide, to the Company’s satisfaction,
details concerning the use of the funding.

5. Furthermore, surplus arising out of CSR projects or programs or activities shall not form part of the business profit of the Company.


The Company shall publish its annual report on CSR Activities in its Directors Report in the manner prescribed under the Companies Act 2013
and the CSR Rules.


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