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Clinical Oral Investigations (2023) 27:4017–4028


Comparison of the performance of various virtual articulator

mounting procedures: a self‑controlled clinical study
Honglei Lin1 · Yu Pan1 · Xia Wei1 · Yinghui Wang2 · Hao Yu2 · Hui Cheng1,2

Received: 29 January 2023 / Accepted: 16 April 2023 / Published online: 29 May 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

Objectives This clinical study aimed to compare the performance of various virtual articulator (VA) mounting procedures
in the participants’ natural head position (NHP).
Materials and methods Fourteen participants with acceptable dentitions and jaw relationships were recruited in this study
registered in the Clinical Trials Registry (#NCT05512455; August 2022). A virtual facebow was designed for virtual mount-
ing and hinge axis measurement. Intraoral scans were obtained, and landmarks were placed on each participant’s face to
register the horizontal plane in NHP. Six virtual mounting procedures were performed for each participant. The average
facebow group (AFG) used an indirect digital procedure by using the average facebow record. The average mounting group
(AMG) aligned virtual arch models to VA’s average occlusal plane. The smartphone facial scan group (SFG) and professional
facial scan group (PFG) used facial scan images with Beyron points and horizontal landmarks, respectively. The cone-beam
computed tomography (CBCT) scan group (CTG) used the condyle medial pole, and horizontal landmarks were applied. The
kinematic facebow group (KFG) served as the control group, and a direct digital procedure was applied using a kinematic
digital facebow and the 3D skull model. Deviations of the reference plane and the hinge axis between the KFG and other
groups were calculated. The inter-observer variability in virtual mounting software operation was then evaluated using the
interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) test.
Results In virtual condylar center deviations, the CTG had the lowest condylar deviations. The AFG showed larger condylar
deviations than PFG, SFG, and CTG. There was no statistically significant difference between the AFG and the AMG and
between the PFG and the SFG. In reference plane deviations, the AMG showed the largest angular deviation (8.23 ± 3.29°),
and the AFG was 3.89 ± 2.25°. The angular deviations of PFG, SFG, and CTG were very small (means of each group < 1.00°),
and there was no significant difference among them. There was no significant difference between the researchers, and the ICC
test showed moderate to excellent reliability for the virtual condylar center and good to excellent reliability for the reference
plane in the operation of the virtual mounting software.
Conclusions CBCT scan provided the lowest hinge axis deviation in virtual mounting compared to average mounting, face-
bow record, and facial scans. The performance of the smartphone facial scanner in virtual mounting was similar to that of
the professional facial scanner. Direct virtual mounting procedures using horizontal landmarks in NHP accurately recorded
the horizontal plane.
Clinical relevance Direct digital procedures can be reliably used for virtual articulator mounting. The use of a smartphone
facial scanner provides a suitable and radiation-free option for clinicians.

Keywords Virtual articulator mounting · Natural head position · Facial scan · Cone-beam computed tomography ·
Kinematic digital facebow

Honglei Lin and Yu Pan contributed equally to this work. With the advent of digital systems, the use of virtual artic-
* Hui Cheng
ulator (VA) is becoming increasingly popular, replacing traditional mechanical articulator (MA) [1]. In a virtual
environment, the VA represents the temporomandibular
Extended author information available on the last page of the article

4018 Clinical Oral Investigations (2023) 27:4017–4028

joints and jaws, onto which virtual maxillary and man- Kinematic digital facebows, the latest technology today,
dibular arch models can be attached to simulate mandib- record the exact mandible movement paths through ultra-
ular movements [2, 3]. Accurate mounting of the arch sound impulses or optical technology [1]. Some CAD soft-
models onto the VA is crucial for the correct simulation ware systems can support the assembly of completely adjust-
of individual jaw relations [4]. Before mounting, a ref- able (CA) VAs by incorporating data from digital facebows.
erence plane must be identified, passing through three This fully digital workflow can introduce patient-specific
arbitrary or anatomical points, including two posterior movements into virtual dental space functionality [26, 27].
landmarks determining a terminal transverse hinge axis In the present study, this workflow was used to identify the
and one anterior landmark indicating the direction of the rotational hinge axis via specific mandible movements in
reference plane. The choice of reference plane is based CAD software.
on the VA of the CAD software and the clinical require- In both 3D facial photographs and CBCT images, the
ments [5]. As a result, various VA mounting procedures, Frankfort horizontal (FH) plane is commonly used as a ref-
including direct or indirect digital workflows, have been erence to transfer the horizontal plane of the patient to the
reported [6, 7]. However, studies comparing the accuracy articulator, with the infraorbital point as the anterior refer-
of virtual mounting procedures are sparse. ence point [28, 29]. However, it has been shown that the
The indirect digital workflow involves traditional FH plane is not always truly horizontal when the patient is
mechanical facebow and articulator mounting procedure, in the natural head position (NHP) [30, 31]. The NHP is a
followed by the transfer of digital data to the VA using a reproducible standardized position of the head in an upright
desktop lab scanner (DLS) [6-8]. However, this procedure posture, with the patient looking at a distant point at eye
is time-consuming and may be inaccurate due to gypsum level, and has been used in virtual mounting [14, 32, 33].
expansion and occlusion registration material deforma- The use of the NHP as the horizontal reference plane was
tion [9, 10]. investigated in the present study.
Many fully digital approaches have been introduced. The The purpose of this clinical study was to compare the
simplest direct digital workflow is average virtual mount- deviations in the hinge axis and the reference plane among
ing, which uses the concepts of the Balkwill angle and the different virtual mounting procedures in NHP. For this pur-
Bonwill triangle. Virtual arch models are aligned to VA’s pose, six procedures were investigated, including average
average occlusal plane. However, a previous study found facebow record, average mounting, smartphone and pro-
that average virtual mounting was less accurate than other fessional facial scans, CBCT scan, and kinematic facebow
procedures [7]. record. The null hypothesis was that no deviations would be
Some researchers have used professional 3D facial scan- found in the position of the hinge axis and the direction of
ners to mount virtual arch models onto a VA by matching the reference plane when using different virtual mounting
cutaneous landmarks in 3D facial photographs [7, 11-15]. procedures.
However, since professional facial scanners are not widely
available in most dental clinics and labs, other researchers
have attempted to replace them with mobile devices such as Materials and methods
tablets and smartphones with 3D sensor cameras [16]. Previ-
ous studies have suggested that smartphone facial scanners Participant selection
can meet the requirements of clinical work but are less accu-
rate than professional facial scanners [17-20]. Nonetheless, The sample size was calculated based on a pilot study with
the accuracy of using a smartphone facial scanner for virtual five participants using G*Power software (G*Power 3.1;
mounting has not been studied yet. Heinrich Heine University of Dusseldorf, Germany). The
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans with sample size was estimated to be 14 participants (5% type I
a large field of view (FOV) have also been used for vir- error, 90% power, and an effect size of 0.77). Fourteen indi-
tual mounting [9, 21, 22]. This technique is not suitable for viduals (7 females, 7 males, aged between 18 and 25 years
simple prosthodontic or orthodontic cases but is useful for old) were selected to participate in the study. This study was
complex interdisciplinary cases [23, 24]. Some studies have registered in the Clinical Trials Registry (#NCT05512455).
chosen Bergstrom’s point as an arbitrary posterior reference All participants provided written informed consent approved
point [5, 9]. However, in 3D bony structures, the terminal by the institutional review board of Fujian Medical Univer-
transverse hinge axis can be located simply by passing sity (Code 2021–38). Inclusion criteria included participants
through the left and right condyle medial poles. Few stud- having a full complement of natural teeth (except for the
ies have used this approach, and its accuracy has not been third molars), class I molar relation, 2–4 mm of overjet, and
investigated [22, 25]. stable occlusion. Exclusion criteria included participants

Clinical Oral Investigations (2023) 27:4017–4028 4019

with temporomandibular disorders, poor neuromuscular The virtual hinge axis was then aligned with the Artex CR,
control, major restorations, gross attritions, and pregnancy. and the Artex CR’s vertical plane, front-facing plane, and
horizontal plane were combined to form a virtual facebow
Design and assemble a virtual facebow (Fig. 1a–c), which was then exported into a standard trian-
gulation language (STL) file. The virtual condyle center on
A virtual facebow with condyle spatial matrix was designed either side was aligned with the spatial matrix (a matrix of
for virtual mounting and the hinge axis measurement. A vir- 20 × 20 × 20 mm formed by markers spaced 1 mm apart) in
tual articulator (Artex CR; Amann Girrbach AG, Austria) Meshmixer (Fig. 1d) [25].
was used to design a corresponding virtual facebow in CAD
software (DentalCAD; exocad GmbH, Germany). The dis- Virtual mounting procedures
tance between the left and right condylar center of Artex
CR was measured to be 110 mm. A cylinder was created in The experimental design of this study is shown in Fig. 2.
CAD software (Meshmixer; Autodesk Inc, USA) represent- Clinical works for all participants were conducted by a sin-
ing the hinge axis (174 mm in length and 1 mm in diameter). gle researcher (Y.P.), while virtual mounting procedures
Two spheres, each with a diameter of 2 mm and a distance were performed by a separate researcher (H.L.) with CAD
of 110 mm, were placed symmetrically 32 mm from each software, reducing operator variation. To obtain virtual
side edge of the cylinder to represent the condyle center. arch models for each participant, maxillary and mandibular

Fig. 1  Designing a virtual facebow for a virtual articulator (a aligning a virtual hinge axis with the virtual articulator; b the vertical plane, front-
facing plane, and horizontal plane of the virtual articulator; c assembling virtual facebow; d creating the condyle spatial matrix)

4020 Clinical Oral Investigations (2023) 27:4017–4028

Fig. 2  Flowchart illustrating direct and indirect digital workflows for virtual mounting

Clinical Oral Investigations (2023) 27:4017–4028 4021

arches were scanned using an optical intraoral scanner the tragus of the ear on a line from the center of the tra-
(TRIOS; 3Shape A/S, Denmark) and exported as polygon gus extending to the outer canthus of the eye) on the facial
file format (PLY) files. Horizontal landmarks were placed skin [15], and a virtual hinge axis was placed through the
on each participant’s face to register the horizontal plane of two located Beyron points to represent the arbitrary hinge
the participants in NHP (Fig. 2). The following steps were axis. (3) Align a virtual facebow with the facial scan images,
performed: (1) Fix a plane mirror to the wall and ensure making the reference plane parallel to the horizontal land-
that it is in the true vertical plane. Then, set up a 3D lev- marks and making the vertical plane through the midline
eling laser (Line laser GLL 3–80 P; Robert Bosch GmbH, of the face. (4) Create SFG and PFG composite models,
Germany) on a tripod. The laser should face the side front respectively, including facial scan, virtual arch models, and
of the participant, to prevent laser exposure to the eyes. (2) virtual facebow. (5) Align the virtual facebow of the com-
Instruct the participant to stand comfortably in front of the posite model with the vertical plane, front-facing plane,
mirror, look straight into their own reflected image, and tilt and horizontal plane of the VA, achieving individual virtual
their head forward and backward with gradually decreas- mounting by facial scans.
ing amplitude. The goal is to find a comfortable position of In the CBCT scan group (CTG), the steps were as follows
natural balance [14, 34]. (3) Make landmarks on the face (Fig. 2): (1) A full-face CBCT scan (i-CAT FLX; DEXIS
with silicon nitride ceramic balls (­ Si3N4, 2 mm in diameter; Dental Imaging Technologies Corporation, USA) with hori-
Boken BKD Bearing GmbH, Germany), which are visible zontal landmarks was performed on each participant. (2) The
on CBCT and facial scan images. CBCT data were digitized to form 3D craniomaxillary and
In the average facebow group (AFG), the following mandibular models using 3D Slice, an open-source software
steps were taken, which correspond to the flowchart shown [35]. (3) Align 3D craniomaxillary and mandibular models
in Fig. 2: (1) Perform an average facebow (Artex Rotofix; with virtual arch models by using the iterative closest point
Amann Girrbach AG, Austria) recording on the subject. (2) algorithm in CAD software. (4) Place a virtual hinge axis
Mount 3D-printed arch models on a fully adjustable articu- through the left and right condyle medial pole to represent
lator (Artex CR; Amann Girrbach AG, Austria) [6, 7, 9]. the hinge axis. (5) Align a virtual facebow with the 3D skull
The 3D-printed models mounted in the articulator were opti- model, making the reference plane parallel to the horizontal
cally scanned using a DLS (Auto Scan-DS-MIX; Shining landmarks and making the vertical plane through the mid-
3D, China). (3) Transfer the data into CAD software, and line of the 3D skull model. Create a CTG composite model
automatically align virtual models with the VA, achieving an including a 3D skull model, virtual arch models, and virtual
indirect digital virtual mounting. (4) Import a virtual face- facebow. (6) As with the facial scan group, align the vir-
bow aligned with the VA, and create an AFG composite tual facebow of the CTG composite model to the VA, thus
model, including virtual facebow and virtual arch models. achieving an individual virtual mounting by CBCT scan.
In the average mounting group (AMG), the following In the kinematic facebow group (KFG), the steps were
steps were taken, which correspond to the flowchart shown as follows (Fig. 2): (1) Train participants to practice small
in Fig. 2: (1) Align the virtual arch models with the Artex opening and closing movements, with a range of move-
CR VA's occlusal plane according to CAD software-guided ment less than 20 mm, and to keep mandibular retraction
markings on the incisal edge of the mandibular central inci- during movement. (2) Record the participant’s opening
sor and the mesiobuccal cusp tips of the mandibular first and closing movement trajectories five times by using the
molars [7], achieving an average mounting. (2) As with the kinematic digital facebow (JMAnalyser + ; Zebris Medical
AFG, create an AMG composite model after importing a GmbH, Germany), and export data as extensible markup
virtual facebow. language (XML) files and jawmotion format files [4]. (3)
Both the smartphone facial scan group (SFG) and the The virtual arch models were automatically mounted onto
professional facial scan group (PFG) followed the same the VA of CAD software after loading the jawmotion file
direct digital workflow, except for the type of facial scan (Fig. 3a). (4) The position of the skull model in the VA
devices used. The steps were as follows (Fig. 2): (1) Capture was observed and judged to be correct by superimposing the
the facial soft tissue contours and horizontal landmarks at 3D skull model with the arch models (Fig. 3b). The follow-
the participant’s intercuspal position by using a facial scan- ing steps were employed to check and correct the position
ner (Bellus3D Dental Pro; Bellus3D GmbH, USA) and a (Fig. 4): (a) the virtual arches were taken as fixed models,
smartphone (iPhone 13 Pro; Apple, Inc., USA) with a 3D and the 3D craniomaxillary and mandibular models were
scan application (Hege 3D scanner; from Apple App Store, located in the VA by superimposing to the upper and lower
developer: Marek Simonik) [4, 17]. A 3D-printed facebow arch, respectively. (b) Two virtual facebows with the spatial
fork was used to superimpose the facial scan images with matrix that had already been positioned with the VA were
intraoral digital scans (Fig. 2) [12]. (2) Mark the bilateral imported, creating two composite models, one including
Beyron points (13 mm anterior to the posterior margin of a craniomaxillary model and virtual facebow, and another

4022 Clinical Oral Investigations (2023) 27:4017–4028

Fig. 3  Automatically mounting the virtual arch models after loading the jawmotion file of KFG (a). A 3D skull model in the virtual articulator (b)

including a mandibular model and virtual facebow. (c) The operation, three researchers (H.L., Y.P., and X.W.) indepen-
digital facebow data (XML file) was loaded in CA VA to dently performed virtual mounting procedures and meas-
simulate individual jaw small opening and closing move- urements on partial data from five participants using CAD
ments. The spatial matrix of the craniomaxillary model was software.
stationary, while the spatial matrix of the mandibular model
was rotating with movements (Fig. 4a). The temporoman- Statistical analysis
dibular joint was pulled by the lateral pterygoid muscle in
the opening movement, so the rotation center of the spatial Statistical analysis was performed by using SPSS software
matrix was judged in the small closing movement. In five (SPSS Statistics v26.0; IBM Corp, USA) at a significance
repeated measurements, during the small closing movement, level of p = 0.05. The data were submitted to the Shap-
when the rotation center overlapped with the center position iro–Wilk test to check for the assumption of normality, the
of the space matrix (Fig. 4b), this measurement was judged distance deviations data were not rejected, and the angle
as the ideal state and this center position would be selected deviations data were rejected. A two-way repeated measures
as the terminal transverse hinge axis position. (d) The refer- analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to determine
ence plane of the virtual facebow was adjusted to be parallel the significant differences in the distance deviations of the
to horizontal landmarks (Fig. 4c). After correcting the posi- virtual condyle center, six virtual mounting procedures were
tion, create a KFG composite model and align it with the within-subjects factors, and the left and right condyle cent-
VA, achieving an individual virtual mounting (Fig. 4d), as ers were between-subjects factors. The Greenhouse–Geisser
the reference to compare with other mounting procedures. correction was used to correct for violations of sphericity in
repeated measures ANOVA. A related-samples Friedman’s
Deviation measurement test (nonparametric test) was performed to determine the sig-
nificant differences in the angle deviations of the reference
Using the KFG composite model as the fixed model, six plane. Post hoc comparisons were undertaken with Bonfer-
composite models of virtual mounting procedures were roni correction. To evaluate inter-observer variability in vir-
superimposed by aligning the virtual arch models (Figs. 2 tual mounting software operation, ANOVA was performed
and 5). The distance deviations of the virtual condyle center among the three researchers, and interclass correlation coef-
and the angle deviations of the reference plane between the ficient (ICC) estimates were used to evaluate the variability.
KFG and other groups were then calculated (Fig. 6). To ICC values and their corresponding 95% confidence inter-
minimize operator variation, all measurements were per- vals (CI) were calculated based on a mean-rating (k = 3),
formed in triplicate by a single researcher (X.W.). To assess absolute-agreement, 2-way random-effects model. Based
the inter-observer variability in virtual mounting software on the 95% CI of the ICC estimate, values less than 0.50,

Clinical Oral Investigations (2023) 27:4017–4028 4023

Fig.4  Steps to check and correct the position of the virtual facebow be parallel to horizontal landmarks and then creating a KFG compos-
(a small opening motion simulation in CA VA; b selecting the hinge ite mode; d aligning the KFG composite model with VA by aligning
axis of rotation without translation as the terminal transverse hinge the vertical plane, front-facing plane, and horizontal plane of the VA)
axis position; c adjusting the reference plane of the virtual facebow to

between 0.50 and 0.75, between 0.75 and 0.90, and greater virtual mounting procedures, as within-subjects factors,
than 0.90 were interpreted as indicating poor, moderate, had a significant effect on the virtual condylar center
good, and excellent reliability, respectively [36]. deviations (p < 0.01). Meanwhile, the left and right con-
dyle centers, as between-subjects factors, had no effect on
the virtual condylar center deviations (p = 0.79). Pairwise
Results comparisons of virtual mounting procedures were adjusted
by using Bonferroni correction (Table 2). The CTG had
Virtual condylar center deviations the lowest condylar deviations, showing significant dif-
ferences compared with other groups (all p < 0.01). The
Virtual condylar center deviations are reported in Table 1. AFG showed larger condylar deviations than PFG, SFG,
The results of two-way repeated measures ANOVA indi- and CTG (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference
cated that no interaction between virtual mounting pro- between the PFG and the SFG (p > 0.99) and between the
cedures and left and right condyles (p = 0.62). However, AFG and the AMG (p = 0.74).

4024 Clinical Oral Investigations (2023) 27:4017–4028

deviations of PFG, SFG, and CTG were very small (means of

each group < 1.00°), and there was no significant difference
among them (all p > 0.99).

Inter‑observer variability in the operation of CAD


Figure 8 shows the results of CAD software operation by

the three researchers. Measurements of the virtual condy-
lar center and reference plane, conducted by the research-
ers using the CAD software, did not reveal any statistically
significant differences (p = 0.82 and p = 0.80, respectively).
The ICC value for the virtual condylar center in virtual
mounting software operation was found to be 0.87 (95%
CI: 0.61–0.96), indicating moderate to excellent reliability.
Fig. 5  Taking the KFG composite model as a fixed model, superim-
posing 6 composite models of virtual mounting procedures by align-
Similarly, the ICC value for the reference plane in virtual
ing the virtual arch models mounting software operation was 0.97 (95% CI: 0.88–0.99),
indicating good to excellent reliability.

Reference plane deviations

Reference plane deviations are shown in Fig. 7. Related-
samples Friedman’s test found that virtual mounting proce- Most dental CAD systems include VA modules since accurately
dures had a significant effect on the reference plane deviation articulating dental arches is critical in designing and manufac-
(p < 0.01). Pairwise comparisons of reference plane deviations turing dental prostheses. In the present study, the hinge axis and
were adjusted by using Bonferroni correction. The AMG the reference plane deviations among different virtual mounting
showed the largest angular deviation (8.23 ± 3.29°) and high procedures in NHP were compared. Based on the results of
variation among participants (from 0.30 to 13.70°), showing the present study, the null hypothesis for no deviations when
significant differences compared with PFG, SFG, and CTG comparing these procedures was rejected as significant differ-
(all p < 0.05). The AFG showed 3.89 ± 2.25° angular devia- ences were observed among the CTG with other groups, while
tion, which was similar to that of the AMG and the SFG (AFG the null hypothesis was not rejected when comparing the AMG
vs. AMG: p > 0.99 and AFG vs. AMG: p = 0.27). The angular with the AFG and the SFG with the PFG.

Fig. 6  Calculate the angle deviations of the reference plane (a) and the distance deviations of the virtual condyle center (b) between the KFG
and other groups. Use the AMG measurements as illustrations

Clinical Oral Investigations (2023) 27:4017–4028 4025

Table 1  Virtual condylar center Procedures Left condylar Right condylar Total F p Partial η2
deviations (mean ± Std, mm)
AFG 10.13 ± 2.81a 10.55 ± 3.26a 10.34 ± 2.99
AMG 8.23 ± 3.29ab 8.56 ± 2.62ab 8.39 ± 2.92
SFG 6.97 ± 2.30 bc 5.89 ± 2.68 bc 6.43 ± 2.51
PFG 6.57 ± 2.44c 5.97 ± 2.27c 6.27 ± 2.33
CTG​ 2.60 ± 1.57 2.92 ± 1.66d 2.76 ± 1.59
Virtual mounting procedures 35.23 < 0.01 0.58
left and right condyles 0.07 0.79 0.00
Virtual mounting proce- 0.51 0.62 0.02
dures × left and right
Different lowercase letters in a column indicate significant differences in virtual mounting procedures
(p < 0.05), with p values listed in Table 2
The Greenhouse–Geisser correction was used to correct for violations of sphericity in repeated meas-
ures ANOVA. There was no interaction between virtual mounting procedures and left and right condyles
(p = 0.62). The differences in left and right condylar centers were not significant (p = 0.79), while the differ-
ences in virtual mounting procedures were significant (p < 0.01)

The KFG was chosen as the control group since it involved because this method relied only on intraoral landmarks for
identifying the rotational hinge axis, which is considered more mounting without a reference plane involved. The reference
precise [26, 27]. However, a study has shown that the combi- plane’s deviation means that the VA’s occlusion plane direc-
nations of rotational and translational movements of the tem- tion deviates from its position in the human body and may
poromandibular joint cannot be separated from pure rotational lead to the incorrect dynamic occlusal simulation of the VA.
movements, which may result in possible misalignment of the The horizontal plane, the Camper’s plane, and the FH
hinge axis [37]. Therefore, repeated measurements were taken plane are commonly used as reference planes for mounting,
five times for each participant, and the kinematic approach the articulator in CAD software, and clinical settings [5, 38].
was checked and corrected to ensure the best results. However, a study found that using the FH plane to mount
The average virtual mounting workflow is based on the an articulator can be too steep in clinical practice [29]. In
concepts of the Balkwill angle and the Bonwill triangle. this study, the horizontal plane was utilized because an Artex
Inoue et al. [7] found that average virtual mounting was adjustable articulator was used, which takes the horizontal
less accurate than the average facebow record and 3D facial plane as the reference. The direct virtual mounting procedures
scans. The present study also found that there was a high (KFG, CTG, SFG, and PFG) using horizontal landmarks in
variation and deviation in the reference plane direction NHP accurately recorded the horizontal plane of the partici-
pants’ NHP with an error of less than 1°. Lam et al. [14]
presented a digital workflow of registering the patient's hori-
Table 2  Pairwise comparisons of virtual mounting procedures zontal plane in NHP using a stereophotogrammetry device
Pairwise comparisons Adjusted p values and found good repeatability, with positional differences of
less than 1°. Although the procedures for registering the hori-
AFG vs. AMG 0.74 zontal plane used in the present study differed from Lam et al.,
AFG vs. SFG < 0.01* all procedures showed good repeatability. Those procedures
AFG vs. PFG < 0.01* represented user-friendly ways to mount the virtual models in
AFG vs. CTG​ < 0.01* a VA by using the horizontal plane as a reference.
AMG vs. SFG 0.15 The CBCT approach located in Bergstrom’s point was
AMG vs. PFG < 0.05* introduced by Lepidi et al. [9], and it resulted in a 3.78-mm-
AMG vs. CTG​ < 0.01* left and 4.23-mm-right condylar deviation in comparison with
SFG vs. PFG > 0.99 the kinematic approach. Although studies have recommended
SFG vs. CTG​ < 0.01* Bergstrom’s point as the most frequent closeness to the terminal
PFG vs. CTG​ < 0.01* transverse hinge axis [5, 39], the method is still complex and
The p values have been adjusted for multiple comparisons using the prone to error because it relies on external auditory meatus
Bonferroni correction and FH plane localization in digital software. The CTG is an
p < 0.05 improved approach that locates the hinge axis to the medial pole

4026 Clinical Oral Investigations (2023) 27:4017–4028

researchers. The ICC values indicated moderate to excellent

reliability for the virtual condylar center and good to excellent
reliability for the reference plane, indicating that the direct
digital procedures are reliable for virtual articulator mounting.
The indirect digital workflow used an average facebow
(AFG), in which the participants’ horizontal plane was formed
by the external auditory meatus and a point 42 mm inferior to
the nasal locator of the facebow. The traditional facebow still
has practicality in modern restorative practice [38]. However,
this indirect workflow is not a fully digital workflow since
it requires a traditional mechanical facebow and articulator
Fig. 7  Reference plane deviations. Values marked with different let- mounting procedure with additional treatment time [1].
ters were significantly different (p < 0.05). Symbols represent the var-
One limitation of this study was the absence of sagittal
iation of the data
and transversal condylar inclination settings for VA. Setting
the condylar inclination of a dental articulator enables the
of the condyle based on the concepts that (1) the medial pole delivery of prostheses without occlusal interferences [42].
of each condyle-disk assembly is braced by bone; and (2) the Although individual sagittal condylar inclination (SCI)
horizontal axis through the medial pole of the condyle is the settings have been studied using CBCT, facial scan, and
rotation center of the mandible [40, 41]. Using it as the virtual intraoral scan, the transverse condylar inclination (TCI)
condyle center may avoid individual and ethnic variations. setting has not been studied [15, 22, 43, 44]. Therefore,
However, according to the ALARA principle [23, 24], future studies are necessary to investigate individual SCI
CBCT scans are not appropriate for simple cases. Therefore, and TCI settings of VA and compare them with kinematic
this study investigated radiation-free methods by using smart- facebow records.
phone and professional facial scanners. Li et al. [17] suggested
that smartphone scanners can meet the requirements of clinical
work. In the present study, the deviation of virtual mounting Conclusion
by the SFG was slightly larger than the PFG, but there was no
statistically significant difference. Facial scan methods located Within the limitation of this study, the following conclusions
the hinge axis at the bilateral Beyron points, which are the next were drawn:
most accurate posterior point of reference after the Bergstrom
point [5, 39]. It is possible that the deviation of soft tissue land- 1. CBCT scans in virtual mounting demonstrated the low-
marks concealed the difference between the two facial scan est hinge axis deviation than average mounting, facebow
methods. 3D facial images could be used for identifying new record, and facial scans.
condylar soft tissue landmarks in further studies. 2. Direct virtual mounting procedures using horizon-
In the present study, the inter-observer variability in vir- tal landmarks in the natural head position accurately
tual mounting software operation was assessed by three recorded the horizontal plane.
3. The use of a smartphone facial scanner in direct virtual
mounting provides a suitable and radiation-free option
for clinical dentists.

Abbreviations AFG: Average facebow group; AMG: Average mount-

ing group; ANOVA: Analysis of variance; CA: Completely adjustable;
CAD: Computer-aided design; CAD/CAM: Computer-aided design and
computer-aided manufacturing; CBCT: Cone-beam computed tomog-
raphy; CI: Confidence interval; CTG​: CBCT scan group; DLS: Desk-
top lab scanner; FH plane: Frankfort horizontal plane; FOV: Field of
view; ICC: Interclass correlation coefficient; KFG: Kinematic face-
bow group; MA: Mechanical articulator; NHP: Natural head posi-
tion; PFG: Professional facial scan group; PLY: Polygon file format;
SCI: Sagittal condylar inclination; SFG: Smartphone facial scan group;
STL: Standard triangulation language; TCI: Transverse condylar incli-
Fig. 8  CAD software operation by three researchers. No statistical nation; VA: Virtual articulator
difference between the researchers in the software operation of the
virtual cylinder center and the reference plane (p = 0.82 and p = 0.80, Acknowledgments Thanks to Prof. Zhijian Hu, Public Health School
respectively) of Fujian Medical University, for his guidance on statistics.

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Authors and Affiliations

Honglei Lin1 · Yu Pan1 · Xia Wei1 · Yinghui Wang2 · Hao Yu2 · Hui Cheng1,2

1 2
Fujian Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases & Fujian Provincial Institute of Stomatology & Research Center of Dental
Engineering Research Center of Oral Biomaterial & Esthetics and Biomechanics, School and Hospital
Stomatological Key Lab of Fujian College and University, of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University, 246 Yangqiao
School and Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian Medical Zhong Road, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian, China
University, 88 Jiaotong Road, Fuzhou 350004, Fujian, China


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