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400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting Calculation

NCC Power Products Ltd

Customer : 2 x 660 MW NCC Power Project, SPSR Nellore

Order Reference : 3100044120
400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay
Document Description :
Setting Calculation
Drawing Reference : YN1M302135 – CAE
Doc No. : YN1M302135 – ZAE

Reviewed by PAN 400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting
Prepared by Order Ref Rev
3100044120 0

Issued by dept. INPS – PSAC

Document. No.
YN1M302135 – ZAE
Date: 06-Aug-15
400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting Calculation


Note: ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Revision Note .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Equipment Details: .................................................................................................................................. 2
Protection Details: ................................................................................................................................... 3
1. High Impedance Overhang Differential Protection (87OH) / REB650 ................................................ 3
2. Non – Directional Over-current and Earth Fault Protection (51 / 51N) / REF615 ............................... 4
Non – Directional Over– Current Protection:......................................................................................... 4
Non – Directional Earth – Fault Protection: ........................................................................................... 5
3. Breaker Failure Protection (50BF) / REC670 .................................................................................... 6


1. Instrument transformers ratios shall be verified at site, before setting the analog channels during
2. The O/C & E/F settings given here are only provisional. Based on the customer practice and/or the
operating time delay adopted in downstream / upstream relays, the settings should be corrected at site
to ensure proper coordination.
3. Setting is applicable to GT 1 (Bay 402) and GT 2 (Bay 406)

Revision Note

Rev # Revision Note Approver Date

0 First Submission PAN 06-Aug-15

Equipment Details:

Object 420 /√3 / 20 kV 3x260 MVA Generator Transformer

Voltage 420 / √3 kV 20 kV
Capacity 3x260 MVA 3x260 MVA
Line Current 1072.19 A 13000 A
Tap changer OLTC 7.5 % To -12.5 % In step of 1.25 %
Tap : 1 Normal Tap: 7 Tap: 17
% Impedance
16.80 % 16.19 % 15.88 %
Vector Group YNd1

Reviewed by PAN 400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting
Prepared by Order Ref Rev
3100044120 0

Issued by dept. INPS – PSAC

Document. No.
YN1M302135 – ZAE
Date: 06-Aug-15
400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting Calculation

Side Core Details

3000 – 2000 – 1000 – 500 /1 A, CL PS,
Vk 3000 – 2000 – 1000 – 500 V, RCT =
CT Ratio for 50BF Bay BI2 – Core 5
15/10/5/2.5, Imag = 20/30/60/120 mA @
3000 – 2000 – 1000 – 500 /1 A, CL PS,
Vk 3000 – 2000 – 1000 – 500 V, RCT =
Bay BI2 – Core – 4
15/10/5/2.5, Imag = 20/30/60/120 mA @
CT Ratio for 87OH
2000 / 1 A, Cl PS, Vk = 2000 V, Imag = 30
NBCT Core – 1
mA at Vk / 2
3000 – 2000 – 1000 – 500 /1 A, CL PS,
Vk 3000 – 2000 – 1000 – 500 V, RCT =
CT Ratio for 51, 51N Bay CTGT Core – 2
15/10/5/2.5, Imag = 20/30/60/120 mA @

Protection Details:

Sr. No Protection Type ANSI Code IED

1 High Impedance Overhang Differential Protection 87OH REB650
Back – Up Non - Directional Over – Current and Earth –
2 51 / 51N REF615
Fault Protection
3 Breaker Failure Protection 50BF REC670

1. High Impedance Overhang Differential Protection (87OH) / REB650

Maximum through fault current I fHV at Rated Current at Tap 17 / percentage Impedance at Tap
Tap 17 of GT 17
= 1225.36 / 0.1588 A
= 7716.37 A

Max. Fault current through Isc = 7716.37 A

No. of CT's summed m = 2
CT Primary current rating Ip = 2000 A
CT Secondary Current rating In = 1 A
CT Secondary Resistance Rct = 10 Ω
CT Knee point Voltage Vk = 2000 V
CT Leakage current Ie @ Vk/2 = 30 mA
CT sec. wire lead cross section a = 2.5 sqmm
Lead wire DC resistance/km Rl = 8.9 Ω / km @ 75 °C
Lead wire Length (one way) = 200 m
Lead resistance Ri = Rl * l = 8.9 * 0.20 = 1.78 Ω

Reviewed by PAN 400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting
Prepared by Order Ref Rev
3100044120 0

Issued by dept. INPS – PSAC

Document. No.
YN1M302135 – ZAE
Date: 06-Aug-15
400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting Calculation

Max. CT sec current Ik = Isc * In / Ip =7716.37 /2000 3.86 A

Voltage build across Rs & relay Vi = Ik *[(2Ri) + Rct] = 3.86 * [(2*1.78)+ 10] = 52.34 V
Voltage setting Vsi = 1.2 * Vi = 1.2 * 52.34 = 62.81 V
Relay setting current selecting Is (20 mA) = 0.020 A
Stabilizing Resistance
Rs = Vsi / Is = 62.81 / 0.02 = 3140.5 Ω
Stabilizing Resistance Setting Rs = 3150 Ω
Set Voltage Vs = Is * Rs = 63 V
Alarm setting (10 mA) = Va (at 10 mA) ≈ 32 V
Min Knee point voltage req. Vk ≥ 2 * Vs = 2 * 63 = 126 V

The description of parameters for high impedance differential function is shown below.

Parameter Name : Parameter Description

Operation : Operation Off / On
U>Alarm : Alarm voltage level in volts on CT secondary side
tAlarm : Time delay to activate alarm
U>Trip : Operate voltage level in volts on CT secondary side
SeriesResistor : Value of series resistor in Ohms

2. Non – Directional Over-current and Earth Fault Protection (51 / 51N) / REF615

Non – Directional Over– Current Protection:

The directional over – current protection setting is at set at 120 % of maximum load current. As per the
inputs provided, the maximum load current is 1072.19 A, therefore the pick-up is set for 1286.63 A.

An IEC normal inverse characteristic is considered and the reset is instantaneous.

Figure 1: IEC Inverse Characteristics Equation

t operating time in seconds

k settable inverse time factor
I measured current value
I> set current value

Reviewed by PAN 400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting
Prepared by Order Ref Rev
3100044120 0

Issued by dept. INPS – PSAC

Document. No.
YN1M302135 – ZAE
Date: 06-Aug-15
400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting Calculation

α index characterizing the algebraic function = 0.02 for Normal Inverse

β constant characterizing the relay = 0.14 for Normal Inverse

Base current, Ibase = 2000 A

Full load current = 1072.19 A
Pick-up set, 120% of full load current = 1286.63 A
Operating value in primary = 1300 A
Pickup set, in % of Ibase = 1300 / 2000 = 65 %
TMS1 (k), = 0.30

The description of the parameters in the relay for directional over-current protection is as given below

Parameter Name : Parameter Description

Operation : Operation Off / On
Num of start phases : Number of phases required for operate activation
Minimum operate time : Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Reset delay time : Reset delay time
Measurement mode : Selects used measurement mode
Curve parameter A : Parameter A for customer programmable curve
Curve parameter B : Parameter B for customer programmable curve
Curve parameter C : Parameter C for customer programmable curve
Curve parameter D : Parameter D for customer programmable curve
Curve parameter E : Parameter E for customer programmable curve
Start value : Start value
Start value Mult : Multiplier for scaling the start value
Time multiplier : Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Operate delay time : Operate delay time
Operating curve type : Selection of time delay curve type
Type of reset curve : Selection of reset curve type

Non – Directional Earth – Fault Protection:

The directional earth fault protection is set to at 20% of rated load current.

IEC Normal characteristics may to be adopted for the protection with reset being instantaneous.

TMS and pickup is set are only provisional in nature. TMS of 0.3 is selected assuming a trip time of 1.
seconds for a fault of 10 kA. Actual TMS and pick-up to be adopted shall be co-ordinated downstream and
upstream relays
Reviewed by PAN 400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting
Prepared by Order Ref Rev
3100044120 0

Issued by dept. INPS – PSAC

Document. No.
YN1M302135 – ZAE
Date: 06-Aug-15
400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting Calculation

Base current, Ibase = 2000 A

Full load current = 1072.19 A
Pick-up set, 20% of full load current = 214.44 A
Operating value in primary = 220 A
Pickup set, in % of Ibase = 220 / 2000 = 11 % of Ibase
TMS2 (k) = 0.51

The description of the parameters in the relay for directional earth-fault protection (51N) as given below.

Parameter Name : Parameter Description

Operation : Operation Off / On
Minimum operate time : Minimum operate time for IDMT curves
Reset delay time : Reset delay time
Measurement mode : Selects used measurement mode
Curve parameter A : Parameter A for customer programmable curve
Curve parameter B : Parameter B for customer programmable curve
Curve parameter C : Parameter C for customer programmable curve
Curve parameter D : Parameter D for customer programmable curve
Curve parameter E : Parameter E for customer programmable curve
Io signal Sel : Selection for used Io signal
Start value : Start value
Start value Mult : Multiplier for scaling the start value
Time multiplier : Time multiplier in IEC/ANSI IDMT curves
Operate delay time : Operate delay time
Operating curve type : Selection of time delay curve type
Type of reset curve : Selection of reset curve type

3. Breaker Failure Protection (50BF) / REC670

A snap shot showing the sequence of operation for breaker failure protection is provided below. Please
refer to REC670 application manual for detailed explanation

TMS and pickup is set are only provisional in nature. TMS of 0.51 is selected assuming a trip time of 1.1
seconds for a fault of 5340 A. Actual TMS and pick-up to be adopted shall be co-ordinated downstream
and upstream relays
Reviewed by PAN 400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting
Prepared by Order Ref Rev
3100044120 0

Issued by dept. INPS – PSAC

Document. No.
YN1M302135 – ZAE
Date: 06-Aug-15
400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting Calculation

Figure 2: Breaker Failure Protection: Timing Diagram (Informative Only)

The description of the parameters in the relay for the breaker failure protection is as given below.

Parameter Name : Parameter Description

Operation : Operation Off / On
IBase : Base current
FunctionMode : Detection principle for back-up trip
BuTripMode : Back-up trip mode
RetripMode : Operation mode of re-trip logic
IP> : Operate phase current level in % of IBase
I>BlkCont : Current for blocking of CB contact operation in % of IBase
IN> : Operate residual current level in % of IBase
t1 : Time delay of re-trip
t2 : Time delay of back-up trip
t2MPh : Time delay of back-up trip at multi-phase start
t3 : Additional time delay to t2 for a second back-up trip
tCBAlarm : Time delay for CB faulty signal
tPulse : Trip pulse duration

Reviewed by PAN 400kV Generator Transformer Bay Relay Setting
Prepared by Order Ref Rev
3100044120 0

Issued by dept. INPS – PSAC

Document. No.
YN1M302135 – ZAE
Date: 06-Aug-15
1. High Impedance Over - Hang Differential Protection Settings - 87OH - REB650
2. Non - Directional Over - Current Protection Settings - 51 - REF615
2. Non - Directional Earth Fault Protection Settings - 51N - REF615
3. Breaker Failure Protection Settings - 50BF - REC670

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